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The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 14/56 EP = 77/77
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 273 CL 2

Loa grinned, showing sharpened teeth "Right then! You heard the woman, girls! Show Pira a good time!" Pira was shaking her head and was about to say something when Azure grabbed her head and gave her a deep, long kiss. Emerald, meanwhile, began to undress her. When Pira's cock was uncovered, Azure moved her hand to stroke it while Emerald led them both to the bath. Loa nodded and said "Alright, Makeda, I know what your kind likes so lets start things off well!" She went to a wall and pulled from a niche a clay bottle and a few cups. She pulled out a strange wooden platform and invited Makeda into the baths. She placed the platform in the water and the bottle and cups on top of it. She filled both cups and took one for herself. "This stuff is strong. Most people can't take more than a cup."
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda groped and squeezed Pira's ass as she was herded into the bath by the elven twins. She disrobed, letting her bikini fall to the floor as Loa brought out the clay bottle and cups. She stepped into the bath, going deep enough for the water to reach halfway up to her impressive bosoms, letting out a heavy sigh "AAAAAAAH!~ This is heaven on these sore,tired muscles. Women always complain about or make fun of my breasts, but they're hell on my back! Sometimes, I feel like I would give my tits to less developed chick to let her see what it's like." She said as would allow herself to relax before she noticed Loa and the platform, the bottle and cups floating atop of it. "I like to think I'm pretty resilient. I'll take a cup to start, and see how things develop from there." She said as she picked a cup off the tray and offered it up to Loa to fill, before sipping on it slowly.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 14/56 EP = 77/77
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 313 CL 2

Pira gasped on the other side of the pool. She only got a few breaths in before Azure resumed the kiss. Loa cracked her neck, enjoying the bath water. "They know what they are doing, she's not going to get hurt." Meanwhile, Emerald was stick something up Pira's ass, some kind of suppository. After a few minutes, she began prodding Pira's ass. The drug had made Pira's holes much looser, allowing the elf to get more than one finger in. Pira squirmed and then her muscles tensed. A string of sperm squirted from her dick while a trickle of urine ran down her legs.

The alcohol was as strong as Loa had said. Maybe Makeda had tasted better but this stuff was powerful. Even after one cup, she felt a little light headed. The steam didn't help. Loa downed her cup, shook her head a little, and poured another for both of them. She downed another cup, a flush beginning to spread through her body. "This stuff is specially made. Sorry but I can't tell you the recipe."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Just relax, Pira. We're here to enjoy ourselves. I think a lil playtime with the elves is more than a fair price for a room and bath this nice. It's probably a lot nice than our current room in the inn." She called out to Pira as she heard the woman gasp and the enema the elves were administering to her. "A loosening up would do Pira a world of good." Makeda mused as she felt the potency of the alcohol gettin to her. "Everyone's got their secrets they can't spoil.... No big deal." Makeda would down her second cup, before a mischievous wicked smile would spread across her face, along with a deep blush. She would stand up setting herself up on the edge before picking up another cup and spreading the contents on her impressive cock, "Do you feel like palyin' a game, Loa? Let's do body shots. First one is on my cock, than I'll do you whether you like? Sound good to you?"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 14/56 EP = 77/77
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 353 CL 2

Eventually Pira fell limp, floating on the water as the elves began to massage her body. Every time she looked like she was about to rise up again, one of the elves would give her a long kiss and Pira would subside once again. The other was cleaning Pira using the elf's breasts and thighs, making Pira cum once more.

Loa grinned "Sure, that's sounds good. You've got a fine member there and I can't wait to taste it." Once Makeda got ready, Loa would slowly and methodically work the cock into her mouth and down her throat. The inside of Loa throbbed, tightening, wrapping Makeda's cock. Then, before Makeda came, Loa pulled off and licked her lips. "That's a nice one." She cupped her breasts and poured the alcohol in them, keeping it from flowing out. "Your turn."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda groaned as Loa worked her mouth around, and up and down her long ridged member, "OOOoooh!~" The throbbing, squeezing wrapping around he dick was maddening to Makeda, causing her dick to throb and swell, pulsating like a beating heart as veins began to stand prominently on the flesh, she almost broke down and pleaded as Loa pulled out before she came, it took a great force of will to keep from coming before a wanted to. As Loa poured more of the alcohol into her impressive busts Makesa licked her lips and grinned, "O-okay... But only if you p-promise to let me cum in your pussy." She would slowly descend onto Loa's breasts, lapping up the alcohol cupped in between them, before going in deeper and taking larger gulps from the fleshy cups. Afterwards, she would lick up the residue liquor from her body, taking the opportunity to clamp her fangs on her stiff nipples, and suckling on them or a few moments before drawing back. "Would you care, if I-I came i-inside of you, Loa?"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 14/56 EP = 77/77
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 489 CL 2

By this time, the elves had placed Pira on a kind of cushion that floated on the water. A finger was in Pira's mouth, which she sucked absentmindedly. The elves were currently concentrating on her nipples, alternatively sucking them or nibbling on them. Loa nodded towards Pira's dazed form as she enjoyed Makeda's service. "As long as we make it a threesome, I'm all for that. I want to try cumming in that ass. Azure and Emerald are great but I was looking forward to a new hole to try out." She stroked her clit which swelled until it was a little smaller than Makeda's gigantic member.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Mmmm........ That's fine by me.... You two" she gestured towards Emmie and Azure, "Float Pira out over this way please? And turn her over on her belly, you might also want to find something gag her with or for her to bite down on." She said as she eyes Loa's engorged clit, "That's quite a talent. Can your clit really cum like a dick? I'd be interested in seeing that." She said as Pira was floated over to the duo and flipped on her stomach. She gently cupped Pira's face in her hand before giving her a kiss, "Now Pira, Loa here is goin to go in that sweet lil ass of yours. She wants to cum in it as well. As the host and one providing these luxurious comodations for, you're going to indulge her. No lip. Now. Buck that right sweet ass of yours up into the air, and spread those an open your anus as wide as you can~" she said before sliding over back behind Loa and gently spreading her ass cheeks, exposing her sweet flower. "My that's a sweet, luscious, juicy looking cunt.... I'm goin to enjoy this...." She said as she would slowly enter Loa's peach.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 14/56 EP = 77/77 Corruption 30
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 609 CL 2

Pira managed a feebly "What? But- no-" There was no energy behind those words, though, and she was easily maneuvered. As soon as she sunk to the base, she came. "It looks like Azure and Emerald have done their jobs." Pira's mouth was gaping open and her eyes were almost rolling up. Then Loa moved to allow Makeda to gain purchase. As good as Loa's mouth was, her pussy was much, much better. Makeda, like Pira, immediately came and Loa sucked her dry and was ready for more. Every time she pushed into Pira and moved back, she swallowed Makeda's cock whole. It felt like a finger ran up her dick every time, teasing her to another orgasm. Pira was like a rag doll and it only took a few thrusts each time to make her cum again. She was mumbling incoherently, only shrieking once Azure began to suck her cock. Now Loa stopped, allowing Makeda to take charge of the rhythm.

Pira begins to moan and her skin begins changing. It grows dark, then blue. Her horns also became more pronounced and pointed outward. She was beginning to take on the appearance of a subspecies of oni known as the 'blue oni'. At the moment she was too out of it to notice.
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Aaaah!~ You're pussy is fantastic Loa! It's so incredibly tight, it's like a cock pumper attached to my dick! I'm glad you don't have vagina dentata, otherwise your pussy could literally eat my cock up whole! I can't keep from coming every time that I go inside! It's too much!" She cried out as she would continue to piston in and out of Loa's tight, squeezing, suction cup pussy. Once Loa allowed Makeda to control the rhythm, she would shove her dick up her pussy as fast and hard as she could first, then slowly pull out before pistoning in and out a few times before thrusting in back in full force again. She would do this for a few minutes before, pumping at a moderately fast speed for several minutes, before pumping slowly, while turning her cock in a clockwise movement for a bit before thrusting in and out at top speed. She would continue this process for several minutes before she would eventually use herself up, collapsing on top of Loa making an impressive sandwich of female and futa meat. "That was amazing, Loa. You certainly know how to treat your guests and friends well. I'll have to keep this place in mind once I manage to get Archeron." She said, kissing, biting, and licking Loa's shoulders, neck and back.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 14/56 EP = 77/77 Corruption 63
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Makeda's rough actions went through Loa and into Pira. She moaned loudly with every full thrust. Finally she dropped into the water where she was carried away by the elves. They pulled out a plunger and used it to wash Loa's cum out of Pira's ass, a procedure which left Pira quivering in ecstasy.

Loa purred from Makeda attention and let the oni do what she wished, rubbing Makeda's cock with her ass but not putting it back in. She moved Makeda into a sitting position. "Heading for Acheron? Good luck. It's been somewhat dangerous around there. All kinds of younglings looking for a way to make themselves look more impressive. You'd make a great trophy so watch yourself. Maybe I'll even see you there. I own a similar establishment there and sometimes I visit." She pressed another drink into Makeda's hand and that was the last thing Makeda remembered before she woke up, just before dawn, in the inn. Pira was on the ground, looking much like a young, scrawny oni. Makeda noted with amusement that she had had her clothes replaced with a tigerskin much like Makeda's, though Pira's was a one-piece.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"That would be nice. I may look you up once I get there. Thanks for the advice, and the wonderful service. Take care of yourself, Loa." That was the last thing Makeda remembered before she passed out into blissful sleep for the night. When she woke up, she found herself back in her bed at the inn, Pira was lying in the floor, her skin had turned to deep blue hue, which brought a smirk to Makeda's face "Heh. Hard to hate us when you're one of us isn't it?" she said to her self, having to mentally compliment Loa's taste, noticing the tiger bikini on Pira. A nice set of horns on her. I wonder what other wonderful transforms lie in wait for my lil pet? she thought to herself, as she went to draw and heat the water for her bath. She would also get some smelling salts from the slavers stash, before dragging Pira's sleeping form into the bathroom. She step into the hot water, before leaning over and rubbing the salts underneath Pira's nose to wake her up. "Come on in Pira, we need to get good and cleaned up for our big day at the mill today~" she sang out to her slave.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77 Corruption 63
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Pira woke up slowly, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Then she rubbed them again. She looked at her hands, then at the rest of her body, grabbed at the bikini, and gave one of the most soulless cries Makeda had ever heard. And then she fainted. A minute later, the innkeeper rushed in with a lumber axe, only to pause. He looked at Makeda, then at Pira and said "What's wrong with her? She sounds like she just died." He held up the axe to her mouth, to make sure it misted. He breathed a sigh of relief when it did.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda just held her hand up at the inn keeper, "We just had a little fun at the hot springs with Loa and her girls, and I guess she couldn't take the end results. She's just overwhelmed. She'll get over it.... eventually.... hopefully. Either way, it's nothing to concern yourself over. We were just about to wash up before heading out to the mill for our first real job. Thank you, have a nice day~" he waved playfully and dismissively towards the inn keeper.

Once the inn keeper had departed, Makeda would take a cup, fill it up with water- and proceed to dump over Pira's face. "Wakey wakey, girl! We gotta job to get done today, and I intend to get cleaned up for it! And you better not make me late. Now strip out of your bikini and get your cute, tight, little blue ass into the tub so we can wash up!" She ordered. Once Pira was in the tub, se would lay on her belly up against the wall, an order Pira to wash her from top to bottom. Once the blue oni was finished, Makeda would proceed to do the same with goin over every nook and cranny, paying special attention to her new horns. When they got out she would dry herself thoroughly before doing the same thing to Pira; going over her cock, small breasts, armpits, ass cheeks, anus, pussy, legs and every single toe. Then she would smack Pira's ass with the towel, and throw her bikini in her face, "Get dressed, Pira. We need to be prompt when arriving the mill. Chop chop!" She said in a mocking manner, smacking and groping Pira's ass on the way out.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77 Corruption 63
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

The innkeeper raised his eyebrows. "You went with Loa? It's a wonder you don't have a new tail or something." He shook his head. "People say it's worth it but I like my chairs and pants as they are. Make sure the little miss here doesn't disturb my guests a second time."

Pira woke up suddenly with the water, sputtering. She became extremely submissive, shaking and letting Makeda do whatever she wanted with her, almost not flinching from the slap. Grash was waiting for them "I see your pet is a little blue." He chuckled at his own, bad joke while one of his workers rolled his eyes. "Alright, let's go men!" Grash had armed himself with gauntlets that looked like they were made out of stone, yet were extremely flexible. Pira lagged behind until Makeda was forced to make her walk first. She didn't say a word, didn't even look up. She barely did anything, causing Makeda to have to order her to eat and drink. And so they went.

After a day, Makeda became aware that they were being followed. More than one thing, probably Fallen from what she had seen. Before she could say anything, Grash fell back to walk alongside her. "I've been watching them. They'll be waiting for us to get tired after a few days. If we rush them now, I think they'll bolt and leave us chasing our own tails. Do you think you have the endurance to march and then fight them after a day of work?"

Perception 19 + 18 vs 8 + 20 SUCCESS MAKEDA
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"I probably could, yes. I'm not terribly sure about Pira. She's a decent fighter but not terribly durable she's good at hiding though....." She looked over at her slave in deep thought for a moment. "Pira. Come over here." She called out to her slave, "Listen, I know I have the strength and endurance to deal with these fallen after doing a days hard labor, but I doubt you would, no offense. So I want you to stay in the tree or shadow or somewhere you can hide once were done, and we deal with the fallen...... If I don't come back.... You can remove the collar. You're free to go, as you won't have to worry about me anymore, okay? That's an order. Don't come after me." She said patting and rubbing her slaves head affectionately. Then she would turn to Grash speaking, "Alright, I can help you take of the Fallen afterwards, but if we make it out I'm going to ask for an extra 50%. I think it's fair, considering, don't you?" She said as they would continue towards the lumber and finish the job.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77 Corruption 63
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Pira whispered something. After being told to repeat it, she said "If you don't come back, I'm going to find every family member you have, everyone who ever knew you, and I'm going to kill them all slowly. I will make all of them regret have crossed paths with you. And then I'm going to hunt down every one of your kind, every child, every elder, every mother, and do the same to them.." Grash raises an eyebrow but shrugs. "No deal. You are already getting paid extra for being able to fight. You don't get paid if you don't put those skills to use."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda laughed out loud at Pira's threat. "HA! Sorry to burst your bubble, but those motherfucking aliens already beat you to the punch! They're all already dead, alien fuck toys, or have been warped into horrible alien rapist abominations.... So, no revenge for you." She spat out drly. "So if I don't come back, you better not waste your only chance of freedom, or you deserve whatever fucking and mutations you get." She said before spitting off into the side of the woods, then she turned to Grash, "Eh. Fair nuff I suppose. And don't worry old timer, you'll get to see I'm capable of much more than the little scruff we had yesterday." She said with a hearty laugh before slapping him on the back.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 20/78 Corruption 73
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Makeda ran through the bushes, following the source of the sound. It was loud enough, though it was extremely quick. Eventually she found a small clearing. Stepping into the clearing, she saw a body. Then she heard a chittering sound. Turning quickly, she saw something grey and slimy launching itself towards her face. She attempted to bat it away but it managed to latch onto her head, blinding her. Something slimy forced its way into her throat and began pumping warm liquid into her. That wasn't the worst part, though. The worst part was that there was more rustling and chittering, getting closer.

Grapple 4 + 46 vs 16 + 36 MAKEDA FAILURE
Makeda takes 20 PP damage
Makeda takes 1 Resistance Damage
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"MMMMPH!" Makeda cried out in fury as the freakish thing latched itself to her face and forced a tentacle down her throat, feeding her it's cum. She would attempt to bite into it with her fangs and cause it some damage and hopefully to release her. If she she succeeded she would throw the beast to the ground before smashing it with her mace. "PIRA! GRASH! LOOK ALIVE! ITS GOT FRIENDS ON THE WAY!" She cried as she get her claws ready in one hand and ready her mace in the other, trying to stay alert and get prepared for the others.

(Full Defense. Iron Body Activated, 5 attack into AV.)