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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

It doesn't take long for the spiders to decide on a course of action, and they quickly start webbing Helena. First her legs are webbed to the ceiling with long ropes, then her arms are likewise wrapped tightly and pulled apart, so she hangs mid air, spread-eagled upside down. To finish the work, Flame gags and blindfolds Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Before helena was grabbed and the binding started, helena picked up several words she didn't quite get in the poke language, that was until they started. Already hung with the web, Helena wriggled a little and struggled as her legs were pulled out wide from the ceiling with thick lines, Helena tugging on her legs to test the tension. Yup, stuck.

Soon her arms were webbed and pulled out as well, leaving her spreadeagled upside down. Flame knows Helena better, or is just the more rape inclined one as she stuffs Helena's mouth with silk and wraps up her face, keeping their plaything blind and quiet, leaving Helena squirming in the air, moaning muffledly and already wet. O yeah. She was getting Cindy back for this later.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is left to wait for torturously long minutes as the spiders carefully position themselves. Not a moment too soon she feels the fuzzy, chitinous bodies press against her. First one,then the other ovipositor is carefully lined up and then in two rapid movements the large penetrators fill her, first her honeypot then her anus as the spiders callously disregard Helena's comfort.

With long, penetrating pushes the spiders start fucking Helena in turn, each thrust taking them a little deeper and soon sending a sharp jolt through Helena as her womb is breached. As both ovipositors lay fully inside Helena, stretching even her almost to the point of discomfort, a pair of fuzzy legs reaches around her to toy with her breasts as the spiders change rhythm, starting to thrust into her in unison with rapid strokes. Time is measured in screaming orgasms, but soon the thrusts stop and Helena can feel eggs slowly sliding into her one by one, slowly stretching her even further. Then, the deed done, the spiders pull out. Helena can hear the door open to let the spiders out and when it closes again, she is left wondering how the eggs can come out, with her hanging upside down still.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The spiders, Strike missing her and wanting affection aside, had quickly decided that Helena needed a fucking. And as they climbed onto her and lined up, she prepared herself, the first thrust into her cunt making her cry out into her gag, before the second made her squeal as she was filled. Struggling and whimpering, Helena was in for one hell of a ride as the pair fucked her like they owned her, with no regard for her comfort or her say in the matter as they promptly raped the bound up demon without a care in the world, Helena's universe shrinking to another line of screaming peaks that left her shaking in the webbing.

They continued on for quite awhile, Helena wondering if they had been pent up, Helena fucked through a good many climaxes before she felt the eggs, and the spiders liberally pumped her full, giving her both barrels in a sense as they filled her womb and ass to capacity, leaving her swollen and bound up in the room, before the door opened, and they left her there.

Helena squirmed, wriggling around for quite some time. She could probably escape, somehow, but she didn't want to start burning shit inside the room and she had a feeling as thickly as she'd been wrapped, and in her position, that if she froze the silk, she'd still be unable to get the leverage to break it. Same for Acid, so she waited there, struggling and squirming, unable to make any headway at all, the spiders finally figuring out how to really get her stuck. And that was bind her up hopelessly in a wide open position where she couldn't do much, in a room full of expensive things she wasn't allowed to damage.

How the hell was she gonna lay these eggs upside down?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fortunately for Helena, it is only a few hours later when Jasmine comes to cut her down. Almost immediately, the eggs start shifting in her stomach. "I know how you love being left helpless, but Charlie will probably come soon after sunset. You might want to make yourself presentable by then."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine, to try and avoid her sass, only cut her down, but didn't help her out of the silk around her hands and feet, or you know, her FACE, but sadly they were telepaths. This isn't presentable? I think it's sexy. Helena sends out before starting to lay the eggs, moaning into her gag just to be you know, FUCKING POLITE! She was raping the fuck out of Cindy at some point.

Seriously, she'd fuck the demon straight into Cindy.

Once the eggs were out, Helena burned her hands free and then freed her face and legs, flopping back for a moment before cleaning up and getting redressed. If she still had time, she'd grab her pile of restraints and come out of the room, looking for the object of her sexy vengeance.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena can hear Jasmine laughing as she leaves the room again. One by one the thirty-odd eggs come out and hatch. Jasmine turns out to have been surprisingly good at estimating the time it took for Helena to lay the eggs, for the last rays of the sun are barely above the horizon. Assuming Charlie wakes up immediately and is quick about it, she has maybe fifteen to twenty minutes to tie up Cindy, who seems to be already sleeping.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

20 minutes was more then enough time. Moving in on Cindy like a motherfucking sex ninja, Helena did what she always did against a sleeping opponent, MADE SURE THEY STAYED ASLEEP. WITH MAGIX.

Casting the spell silently, Helena made sure it stuck before moving on, removing her bedding and any clothing quickly before getting started. Collaring her, Helena then slid her hands into mitts, before setting up the pet straps to her elbows and knees, and the leash, the ropedemon waiting for a command if she woke up to give her trouble. She finished everything off with the bit and bridle, as she lacked any real Mouth filling gags, it would have to do. Then? THEN!? Helena turned up the heat not to 11... Oooo no. Helena gave her every bit of Lust she could muster with the fury of a thousand erect dickbutts, more then likely waking her up in the process at this point, her leash already tied off to the bed tightly.

Once it was done, she'd lean in and whisper into her ear a little promise. When I get back... Ooooo I assure you, I am going to make you cum so often, and so hard, that you'll never want anything else to please you ever again except me. she breathed, before sitting there and just watching her squirm, using the other straps to bind her ankles to her thighs so she had to shuffle around on her knees when she did move around.

Jasmine. Cindy is your bitch for all of tomorrow, and Willow's. I've left her so horny I don't even think she can form a coherent thought. Have Fun. Interrupting my fucking spider snuggles. she sent to Jasmine, and to Willow for good measure before moving out to the commons and waiting for Charlie.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Though she squirms in her sleep as Helena keeps pouring in the lust, Cindy does not wake and merely rolls to her other side as Helena tries to monologue. As Helena returns to the commons Willow, too, has gone to bed, leaving her alone with Jasmine who has her head in a book again. *I think I might take Cindy out for a walk in the morning.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I think that would be a lovely idea. She's so bound up she has absolutely no say in anything until someone unties her. Literally, that bridle does wonders in making everything sound like garbles and moans. Helena answered, sitting down, now dressed and semi ready to move out with her net launcher as her only weapon slung on her back, her purse, and her favourite kinky turban.

Take care of Strike for me and Fenrir, I think I'll be out and about for awhile. See about getting Cindy a sexy set of horns. Helena said, lounging and waiting, her stash of nets all folded up and ready, her turban filled with determination which filled Helena with determination, and a vampire to wait on.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

After about half an hour, Charlie knocks on the door with a swagger. "Evening, folks. I heard you were getting ready to leave for Dementlieu."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena stands smoothly and nods at Charlie, not bothering to show off, she didn't need to. He knew just how annoying she could be. Nope. Ready, we can get moving and if you can keep pace on the ground or fly with me? We can make fucking phenomenal time. she said, stretching a little and sighing. Demons hunting other Demons. You do know this could get messy right? 1 group already tried to burn me at the stake, it was adorable. she said, raising an eyebrow.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"I prefer riding, but I think I can manage." he replies quietly. "Mind filling me in on what you've found out before we get going? I haven't had dealings with demons before you."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Sure, what we're looking for is a scholar hell bent on escape. He's eccentric but he keeps his habits. And the last place he was obviously was Dementlieu. He prefers comfort but not open status. So he'll be hiding somewhere in the open. Trust me, I'll know if we run smack into his sphere of control. But for now? we need to pay attention to tales about sudden new family members, or some that wont die. From there? that's the shitty part, trying to figure out exactly WHERE he went. Because we can't get Azalin what he wants until we actually find him, or his work. Helena said, keeping what she'd read in her mind as well as the habits she had noticed.

Staying under the radar could be realllly tricky. And whatever you do... Don't fight him. hell, don't even look at him too hard. Or any other demons for that matter. I'm annoying sure, but some of these others in those books say I should stay well the fuck away from them. she continued., moving to the door. If they were flying, she was heading up, not down, back to the balcony where she'd first landed, peeling off her shirt as she went.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Got it. Any plans for if we actually find him?" Charlie replies as the pair arrives at the large platform where Helena first landed.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

We stay very very polite, and strike a deal. Or we run for our lives and return here to let Azalin know. Assuming he's not watching. if I have to I'll stick around and try and track him. we don't fight him, we need what he knows. Helena said, tucking her shirt away, spreading her wings with a happy sigh, and springing into the air. You're gonna have to lead here. I don't know these countries well enough to get to where we're going without getting lost for months. she sent to him, waiting in the air high above the castle.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Nodding, Charlie changes to the shape of a great bat with wingspan that almost rivals Helena's and somewhat awkwardly takes flight, clawing his way through the air towards west, not flying quite as fast as Helena, but fast enough.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena quickly dropped down to his altitude and took wing slightly above and to his left, keeping pace with him easily and heading westward, following wherever Charlie led her. I don't need to eat or sleep much, so I can do work for us while you rest. And our provisions stay light unless we need to hunt. It's another reason I thought of you as a partner in this. she sent before falling silent, ghosting behind him in the air without any issue and soon falling into a soft lull as she enjoyed the feeling of flight.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Charlie doesn't - or perhaps can't - answer, so their flight is silent. They fly through most of the night and land near a small town short distance from two lakes to the south. "We'll stay here for the day. If you need to feed, that can be arranged." Charlie says, as he heads into the town at a brisk walk.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena lands with him, putting her wings away and slipping back into her shirt, leaving her hair windswept and wild. As long as we can avoid a lot of magic, I shouldn't. And I'm not hungry but I can hunt without much trouble if I have to, you rest, I'll stay out of trouble. she said, following Charlie so she'd at least know where he planned on staying.

She'd pay for a cheap room with a locking door once she was on her own, and just... meditate. This was a serious mission and she had time to spend focusing on herself and her own strength. All her usual distractions tossed aside for the moment as she got comfortable and closed her eyes, spending her hours studying her own soul and looking for the one she'd eaten with the drow if she could, to compare.