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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Charlie leads Helena through the town, she notices that large portions of the town seem to be sized for something smaller than humans. Though she sees several night watchmen on patrol, they seem to almost instinctively avoid Charlie. He leads her to a nondescript looking building short ways from the watch-house, and after Charlie shows him something, a hard-eyed halfling who seems to be in a state of perpetual suspicion lets them inside. "You can stay here for the day or you can wander, just as long as you're ready to travel again by nightfall. We'll need to make good time if we want to stay in Nartok tomorrow."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I can keep any pace you set without much trouble if that's all the faster you can fly, no offense. Helena said simply, moving into the building with Charlie since hell, free room and board. She'd continue with her plans to meditate the day away. She'd had a week worth of solid feeding, braindead or not.

She'd delve deep in her room, trancing quickly and diving into her own soul, into it's very depths, casting about for the one she'd taken, this world's soul. She wanted to see what was different.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena's room turns out to be sparse, little more than a cell with a relatively comfortable bed, a chair and a writing table for furnishings, and a few candles should she feel the need for light.

As she sits on the bed, her meditation easily brings her into trance and shortly she is able to cast her mind's eye inside, looking for what she took from another. Were she working in flesh, she would be covered in sweat, and the strain is certainly getting to her by the time she catches a first glimpse of something that feels... alien. It is a part of her, but it isn't of her. Then the glimpse disappears from view, and she is off to hunt again. It's hard to tell time, here, but this time it doesn't take her nearly as long to find it.

The sun is shining brightly as he runs after the girl. At age 9, he is already a good runner, but he isn't really trying to catch her, they're both just running and laughing and enjoying the summer day. Suddenly a clear voice - his mother's - calls out: "Max! It's time to get washed before lunch."

With a startle, Helena is back sitting in a dark room in her own body as the vision fades, leaving her remembering the touch of wind on her face and the laughter of her - no, his - sister in her ears.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is a bit shaken both by the strain and what she'd eventually found, clearly a snippet from the soul... Max's life. So he was definitely in there, and at her disposal, in more ways then she had realized. What could she do with this if she could learn to freely peruse a victim's memories... The implications were astounding... If she could get her hands on the right souls... That thought alone would have sent her diving back in if she wasn't mentally exhausted from the effort, and instead she called it a small victory for now, and slept, hard, waiting for her companion to wake her so they could continue. Her mind needed the rest, if not her body this time... And it had made her hungry. She idly wondered if Charlie's dick still worked as she passed out.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A knock on the door wakes Helena up. "You need anything in there?" a rough voice - not Charlie's - asks. "Sunset is in 5 minutes."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

A good Fuck, but you don't smell like my type. Sorry. Helena answers automatically when she wakes, stretching and rubbing her head. Standing, she sighed and stretched again. Time for more travel. She had no idea how far they had to travel, but they'd eat up the distance in the air before too long she was sure. This was the easy part, all they had to do was Get there. Step 1. Finish step 1.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Ten minutes later, Charlie comes to get Helena and soon the pair is on their way again. Though Charlie grumbles a bit about having to fly, as soon as they're out of sight from the town, he transforms into a huge bat again, leading Helena towards south. The air is feeling colder tonight, but at least it isn't raining.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena as always is basically immune to the weather, not even really sensing much of a difference. but Charlie was bitching about having to fly again so rather then do this for too much longer, she sent him a question. Can you transform into something small enough for me to carry? And just give me directions? You can avoid flying and we can make better time. she asked him, wondering if he'd be alright with that since flying like this felt lazy. Even her normal cruising speed was faster then this.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Charlie doesn't answer, merely keeps pushing towards the south. Past the lake a forest stretches out below them, though Helena occasionally catches glimpses of a river to the west. As they are passing near a hill covered with trees that tower over the rest of the forest, a huge, shadowy figure swoops out of the tallest tree.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena immediately reels back, flaring her wings wide and rising hard before speeding into the air watching the figure, wondering what they'd found and ready to fight or run.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The giant owl lazily flaps its wings, easily gaining height as it studies Helena with its enormous eyes. It appears to dismiss Charlie as nothing unusual, and the vampire in turn stubbornly keeps clawing his way towards south.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena studies the owl in return, hands lighting up with electricity. Fuck off Hooter. I have places to be.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The owl hoots in return, continuing to gain height as it studies her, approaching slower now. Its wingspan must be almost 30 feet, and it would surely not go down easily.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena snorts and approaches just as slowly, circling the owl and not backing down, not wanting to look like a meal and more like an equal or something not worth the trouble.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The owl hoots again as it moves to meet Helena, only turning away at the last moment, its soft feathers brushing against her. It seems more curious, now, than hostile.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena reaches out with a hand and brushes in return, letting it inspect her, she could catch up with Charlie easily enough. Maybe Charlie could ride the owl...

If it came close enough to touch again, she'd try to charm it.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The owl stays nearby for several miles. Though it doesn't try to touch Helena again, she would have ample opportunity to do so if she so wishes, as it doesn't back away significantly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena edges closer calmly before reaching out to stroke the owl's wing, trying to bring it under her control. Owls were smart, it wouldn't be super difficult to train if she could.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Will save: ?+?=20 success

The charming attempt fails, and the owl does not allow Helena to touch it again. After a while, likely once it has seen her out of its territory, it parts ways, heading back to the hill it came from.

Perhaps an hour before dawn, another town comes to view and once again, Charlie lands just out of sight.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sads as the owl resists her outright and doesn't let her get that close again, catching up with Charlie and landing with him once they hit another village before dawn. She followed him to wherever he had a place of safety for the day this time so she knew how to find it before tagging Jasmine. Hey Jasmine? Suddenly remembered.... Where is Indigo? she asked the succubus as she headed out into the surrounding area instead of the village, no one would be awake enough for a meal.