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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"It would probably be hard to get back here as well." Cindy steps away from the ledge and sits down. "It's nice watching that, though. After the desert, I don't even mind getting wet."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Me either, it's nice and cool, and I bet we could find a way to get that to flow up and into the desert, make a kind of oasis. Helena said aloud, thinking in that vein as she flopped against the cavern wall and relaxed, letting the water mist over her.

Safely away from the edge of the cliff, Helena just sighed in a very content way. So Cindy, we have this huge mine, all this stuff to look at and think about. Anything you want to do? Or want built?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"How would we do that? If we throw up a damn, there's a good chance that all we get is the mine flooded." Cindy replies, watching Helena's light form rainbows in the mists. "I think I'd like a fancy crossbow. I've always wanted to try one of those things."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Then we will find a way to make it so! Helena said cheerfully, before turning her attention to the River. And we'd do it with Pipelines. Don't need the whole river, just enough, but the difference could be incredible. Or it could undermine the base of the pyramids and temples around here and sink them into the ground... Hrm... ok, not the best idea hahaha. And if you want a crossbow, we're gonna need more money to buy more mundane crap for the constructs to use, or find them a better way. Helena said, thinking over it. If you see or hear about anything that just makes what these guys need, let me know, because we're catching one and bringing it here for them to use. And then we need to actually find the dwarves. And I swear I saw a cannon on one earlier... I should go ask about that. Helena added, still curious about that.

Should we go ask what they'd want in return for your crossbow? Helena exclaimed, bouncing up and floating little rainbow candles of flame ahead of them.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"A cannon? That I'd like to see. I suppose we could have them build us things we could sell for profit? Though finding the dwarves is pretty important, I guess. Hey, think we could get a load of wood to here from the core? If the vistani help us, it shouldn't be too hard." Cindy says, running her fingers through her now-wet hair.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

That's actually a great idea! We'd just need to find a way to pay them for the trouble, I don't think it's something they'd relish doing unless it benefited them in some way. Although if you want to try and negotiate that one with mine and Jasmine's help, mainly Jasmine's, then Hell yes, I say give it a shot. You know I'm not really the much of the business woman. I'm better at conniving bitch. Helena said, letting her own hair just stay wet and not caring, enjoying the feeling.

Walking back into the mine proper, Helena headed back to the dome with Cindy, thinking for some insane reason, that the overseer there kind of enjoyed her company, maybe just as a break in the monotony. Hello again~! And I think you need a name. You strike me as a Magnus. what do you think Cindy? Magnus? Helena said cheerfully, smiling at the overseer.

Well, go ahead, tell the man what you'd like! O! And Magnus! What's that cannon under your arm? i'm curious again.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Names are unimportant," the newly christened Magnus replies, continuing the assembly. "It is a netshooter meant for self defence, I suspect, though it rarely becomes necessary."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, You're still Magnus. And we're looking into a way to get you wood from the Core using a caravan, but my friend Cindy here was interested in a crossbow and we were wondering about that as well. Also... I kinda want one of the net launchers Helena said, already wondering how much trouble she could get in trouble with it. The look on Jasmine's face was going to be awesome.

O Right, Crossbow, Cindy? What exactly did you want? Helena said, inviting Cindy to continue.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Both a crossbow and a netlauncher can be arranged shortly. Getting suitable wood would be much appreciated, no matter the source."

Cindy shrugs. "One of those fancy repeating ones would be nice."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiled and bounced around like she was in santa's workshop. And there we go! You have a scary weapon coming, And I have something hilarious to annoy you all with. Although I'm sure we'll find an actual use for it at some point. Until then, we'll just enjoy the look on Jasmine and Willow's faces. Come on, you know that's going to be hysterical. Helena said giggling madly.

Personally though, I'm thinking meditation for a bit, a meal, and then something to kill the time with, so I'm headed topside to relax and watch the sunset. You in? Helena asked, bouncing away and out of the mine, and the pyramid completely, to flop down near the horses, and sit cross legged, not really meditating, but staring at the sky.

How are things going on your end Jasmine?
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy follows Helena outside eagerly enough, and by the time they reach the entrance of the pyramid, both of them are wet only with their own sweat. As Helena starts her meditation, she notices Cindy slipping back into the pyramid with a torch.

*We managed to get a few of the pearls consecrated and even got a bit of coin in exchange of the rest. You?*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Oooo, you know us, got into trouble, almost killed ourselves, got some new toys, O! And we found an underground river down here to. Thing is moving!, I mean, if we're incredibly ballsy we could maybe use it to travel a little, or a lot. But there's no telling if there's air down there, or even if it's remotely safe. I think only Aqua could possibly make a return trip up that current. Helena answered Jasmine, turning her gaze to look at Cindy.

Cindy, all I ask is that you be careful, I know it goes without saying, but the mummy in there is dangerous so please tread quietly, and stay away from the boulder. Helena mentally sends over to Cindy as she re-enters the pyramid.

Turning her thoughts back to Jasmine, Helena gave the mental equivalent of a shrug. Cindy also had an idea about asking the Vistani for help in moving a large load of wood from the Core, where it's bound to be a lot cheaper. Or even free if you want to hand me an axe, refining the stuff be damned. And be wary of the Jeweler in town, name of Ahmed. He's a snake.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Speaking of the vistani, I don't think they're going to stay here for much longer. If there's anything else you want, get it done quickly. I'm sure we can get them to help us, though it might cost a bit*

*Don't worry, I'm just looking.* Cindy replies quickly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena nods to herself slowly, thinking. If you got the pearls done, we just need the Rose of Osiris, whatever the fuck that is, and I suspect only your new clergy friends have a clue, because this is a fucking desert, and I doubt it's a flower. Helena replied. We also have a mummy to finish killing. So we should probably see about doing that soon. hell, the Rose may be in one of those chests, that and I hate the bastard. The 2 of us were having problems, but with Willow and Cindy, we shouldn't have too many issues taking the bastard down, and I'm sure the clockworks wouldn't mind moving that boulder just far enough for us to slip through. Go ahead and hurry back, and we can see about putting that bastard down and claiming those chests.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*We'll eat here first and wait for the sunset. Let's hope the Rose is in the pyramid, because the priests don't seem to want to talk about it.*

After perhaps quarter an hour Cindy re-emerges from the pyramid and plops down next to Helena after digging out a waterskin and some jerky and dried fruits from the wagon. "We should've taken more food with us."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just chuckles and sends her agreement to Jasmine. Cindy, reemerging later is met with the same, a lighthearted laugh as Helena just continues to relax. Eh, it's only for one night, and it's not like there's anything wrong with trail food. Besides, Jasmine and Willow are headed back come sunset, we're going to slay us a mummy. Remember those chests I showed you? They're in there. Helena said, a wicked little grin on her face.

Besides, by then your Crossbow should be ready as well, and we can finish up our shit here in this desert, it seems like the Vistani are headed out soon. Helena continued, before flopping back and closing her eyes, singing a light tune to kill a little time.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Cindy yawns and turns her face to the setting sun. Though they have been in the desert only for days, the skinny thief already has a tan on her face and arms, having miraculously avoided sunburn, though Aqua may have helped in that regard.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, singing softly, admired Cindy's tan for a moment, it looked good on her, and she was just so much healthier looking then when they had found her, and brought her with them. It had all worked out marvelously well all things considered.

Yawning herself as her song ended, soon both girls were napping peacefully, Cindy not possessed of Helena's unnatural ability to go without, and Helena just flat out lazy. She'd had her fun, when she woke, it would be time for business anyway, and they had an undead to burn.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The sun sets with surprising speed, and the air quickly begins to cool. In another hour, Jasmine and Willow return stealthily before poking Cindy and Helena awake. "Alright, what's the plan?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena wakes up as lazily as she took her nap, yawning and scratching her belly like a small bear. Standing up and stretching, Helena shrugged. The Plan is Kill it with Fire. I'm open to suggestions though. I mean, short of asking the clockworks if they'll kill it, which I doubt, that's about our only option. That son of a bitch took his chests back with him, so we wont be able to keep them unless he's dead. Helena said, floating a small ball of flame in her hand.

But last time, I think me and Jasmine damn near took him out. All 4 of us shouldn't have too much trouble if we keep our distance. The other option is crush him with that big fucking rock, but that would crush the chests as well which I don't like all that much, as those are the point. Best we can do is keep him busy and nail him with everything we have. Cindy... Don't get close to him, the bastard is hellishly strong. Helena continued, twisting the little flame around before snuffing it out and looking at her friends. Well, time's a wasting, lets get the clockworks to move the rock again. They don't seem to mind it.