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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Try going a few decades without.* Jasmine replies as the man fucking Helena huffs and puffs like a steam train before cumming inside her.

After a dozen more rounds, the men are finally finished with Helena. One of the kindly enough lowers her to the floor and frees her while the others either go get washed or put on clothes and get back to work.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*Fair enough* Helena answers, doing her best to be a good fuck despite her distractions, and rewarded by being lowered and set free once they were done, 12 more fuckings later.

Standing on wobbly legs, and making a decision that no matter how untalented the lover, 14 of them make for a few good orgasms, Helena stumbles around to the bedroom with the girls, cleaning herself up on the way and getting dressed, if getting dressed meant shifting back into her true self and sitting down, her wings draping over Willow protectively.

*It seems like we won this time Jasmine, well done. We need to get Cindy and Willow presents, that looked unpleasant, fucked senseless or not, they're still human.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow and Cindy are still passed out as Helena moves to cuddle with them.

*Any suggestions? Maybe we could get them nice clothes or something.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Nice clothes for sure, Cindy seems to really like her tools though, she still practices with them despite how close she's getting to being one of us. We could certainly get her something useful she'd actually us. That she would appreciate more then anything. As for Willow? I don't think we could buy anything for Willow, but maybe we could ask our magey friend we're about to unload this priceless desert shit onto about what she would like. Helena answered, feeling honestly a little bad about all this. She hadn't intended for them to get involved. She was glad it had all worked out, but collateral damage she supposed.

Maybe for Cindy that could be it? We could give her that final push to join us? She meditates to gain sorcery, she was so excited and willing to work for the prospect. How happy would she be with being able to call on magic at will? We use it so easily it's like breathing. It's a literal part of us. Do you think that would make her happy? Helena continued, concerned for their friend. Everyone had a purpose for being picked up into this ragtag group, but Cindy... Cindy was original a tag along, someone they'd pulled into what the rogue had hoped would be a better life, and so far they'd delivered, but it would all be for nothing if Cindy didn't gain the power to do whatever she wanted whenever she pleased, as she deserved.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I'm not so sure she'd appreciate being pushed into it. The tools might be a better idea.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

True enough. Well, they're both fine, and Fenrir and the spiders can work babysitters, I don't think any of these guys is that brave, and Fenrir is the size of a pony with teeth. Helena says, finally putting on some proper clothes, her leather pant, and then a simple tunic rather then anything else that her wings might destroy as her clothing was expensive.

Heading up to the deck, Helena sought out her sister, poking her in the shoulder. Still, we got everything, and a bag of coin to boot. And these rings.... no idea about the rings worth, but if anything else they make good trophies. Id say we can relax, but we can't really if these sailors are gonna behave. Good job Jasmine. We'll figure out how to get this shit to the wastes properly later, and by figure out, I mean another trip with the Vistani.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena finds Jasmine leaning against the cabin, looking at the sunset. She absent-mindedly makes a grab at Helena's ass. *We don't need to worry too much until we come to somewhere civilized, anyway. I just charmed them. Speaking of which, we probably need a plan on what we'll do once we DO come across civilization.*
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Blackmail obviously. We tell them the truth, they all assisted in a mutiny and their lives are forfeit if they don't recognize that we have the power to end all their lives in an instant, and that they can all leave and find their captain as soon as we have what we want safely stored away. Would you tempt a pair of women who just proved they could steal your self control and have you betray your loyalty to certain ruin? Helena offered, pushing her ass into Jasmine's hand, leaning her head on her shoulder.

Plus we'll have a vampire and his master for me to deal with. I even made a point of showing off to another passing ship. If he's looking for me, he'll find me soon enough. Words of my invitation to Azalin, rumors of me along our trip here, a demon sailing a ship speaking of mists. If he's as good as he claims, he'll be making himself known to me at least shortly. He knows where I'm going for my collar, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was waiting there to collect me when the deed is done. It was our agreement after all.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*At this rate it's only a matter of time before we'll have demon or witchhunters at our tails.* Jasmine replies, rubbing Helena's ass gently.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Very true Jasmine. I'm personally amazed there haven't been. But in a place like this, how many Hunters do you think have the stones to deal with something like us, rather then the occasional stray lycanthrope? she countered, rolling her ass against Jasmine's hand.

They probably hear the stories and think people are simply seeing ghosts in the mist, or insane.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*There's always someone persistent - or foolish - enough. Not that there's much we can do about that any more.* Jasmine sighs, hugging Helena.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

I'm not worried. Not for myself anyway, I can't tell if this is just random chance or some contrived karmic fuck around. But as long as we stay focused on getting home safely, everything will work out. And just think, since Willow's soul was sent here, we can BOTH guess who sent US here. And when we get back, we can skin the sneaky bitch alive. Helena said, leaning into Jasmine, thinking back to bargains made and consequences.

Or... steal the secret of the spell... wander from world to world, truly see Everything. An immortality like that? Who could ever call such a life wasted. Helena continued softly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

*I don't buy that. She may well have sent Willow's soul here, but there's no way she's good enough to have tricked me - or to have reached across the worlds to get to you. There must be something more to it.* Jasmine asserts confidently as the sailors drop the anchor.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

If you say so. we're going to have words on the soul trickery alone. But as for what could pull me from my world? And you from yours? That is a little more confusing. we'll figure it out I guess. I'm interested in meeting this King who everyone seems terrified of. usually you'd expect to see that fear drop off a little bit, but it's been constant everywhere... Helena answered, speculating a bit as she turned to see why the ship was dropping anchor.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As the sun sets, the sailors prepare the ship for the night as most of the head below the deck, only a pair staying outside for watch.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Well, guess it's bed time? I'll stay up here and keep an eye on things we had a fucking mummy show up last time. I kind of want some time to think and relax. I'll front of the ship thingy, whatever the fuck that's called. Helena says, leaning in to kiss Jasmine on the cheek before striding to the front of the ship thingy and sitting down cross legged.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine pats Helena on the shoulder before heading below the deck as well. As the sun finishes setting, thin mist starts rising from the river, soon covering the ship.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Great, the weird fucking fog again. As if this place wasn't fucked enough. Helena muttered, watching the mist rise, but this time she didn't try to probe it, last time it was just fucking water vapor, not the creepy transdimensional mucus of interplanar tomfuckery.

Closing her eyes, Helena kept an eye on everyone via their emotions instead, not bothering with her eyes in this fog.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The stars come out, bright above the mists. The night seems eerily peaceful. Below, Helena can feel people starting to doze off.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena smiles to herself, the quiet would do her some good, contrary to popular belief, this insanity she surrounded herself with was tiring. Quiet could be awfully nice. Still, this wasn't technically meditating, but it left her plenty of time to think about things, Helena trying to piece together this whole mess that had landed them here.