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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Praeligo wraps around Helena's head into a turban.

Willow rubs Helena's belly. I suppose the surprising part is that you're not pregnant all the time." the witch says dryly. "What happened this time? I was kind of distracted and then the wrap demon carried me away."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Aqua, I think the mead left her all wound up or something. I don't know, what I do know is she's not allowed to get that drunk anymore. I THINK I'm carrying a new slime... Good times. Helena explained, kissing Willow's cheek before finally standing up with her mighty turban and helping Willow up.

Cmon, gotta get redressed, which means giving the boys another show on the way. And then figure out what Cindy and Jasmine were doing. Helena said, starting to head back to the cabin, swaying her ass around for whoever liked the view.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Willow stretches out for a bit before following Helena to the cabins. Unfortunately they only see one sailor on the way. It seems to be afternoon, going by the sun, and Cindy and Jasmine are both in the messhall, eating what passes for dinner aboard.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't get her exhibitionism taken care of with her fun, but she does find Jasmine and Cindy, passing them with a grin before going to get dressed in a loose tunic probably from someone else she couldn't remember anymore, and leather pants.

Heading back out, Helena sat down with the others, smiling. So what did you guys get into while me and Willow were busy? O, and Aqua isn't allowed alcohol anymore. She almost burned a hole in the ship, and Aqua... And I think knocked me up... She said, trailing off as she mentioned things a little.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"She did what?" Jasmine asks, seeming surprised. "I just went flying for a bit. Nice weather for that." Cindy, for her part, just shrugs. "Just some practicing. Everyone else seemed busy."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

yea, she came out mumbling about being hungover after all the alcohol she was bathing in, and presumably drinking. And then she slid around me, and then she got really, really hot... And then she fucked me senseless and left me like this... And then she blackened the wood on the floor. I had to dump water on her until she cooled off and put her in a water barrel to rest. Everyone's fine, but we should keep her away from the alcohol for awhile if she's gonna burst into flames every time. Helena explained, pointing to her fuller stomach halfway through.

Shrugging, Helena nodded. Yea, we were indeed busy, the spiders were off looking for food, and getting into trouble, Flame misses you Cindy. I named the wrap demon, though it seems to not care one way or another... really, what else are we gonna do? We're killing time until we reach our destination anyway. Helena continued, passing on the food.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Jasmine bursts into laughter when she hears what happened and continues for several minutes."Oh boy I had no idea drunken slimes were THAT dangerous. I'll have to remember that for the next time."

After calming down she continues. "Well, it's at least a few days until we get there by boat. I don't really have anything in mind, unless you count teasing Aqua. You?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Not a clue, besides, why do I have to think of things, I'm the only pregnant one, bring me ice-cream and a copy of dirty dancing. I mean... what do little slimes even look like? Needy boogers? I have no idea.
Helena answered, shrugging before pondering her abdomen... Was Strike gonna get Jealous?

Flailing around for a moment, Helena just sighed. One way or another we're all stuck on this boat... or.. Nope, not staying on the boat! it's driving me nuts. she said, standing and heading to her room to collect everything she needed, primarily her own meager stash of funds, and all the components they had gathered for her collar, then she'd meet up with everyone at the castle, they had Jasmine, her friends would all be fine, including her horse.... She needed to find a way to make the horse fly... Demon Pegasus, that would be awesome... or terrible.

Regardless, once she had collected what she would need including the derpy turban which she insisted was coming regardless of it's thoughts on the matter, she headed topside, pulled off her shirt, and took off, making a straight shot towards their destination.
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Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena makes good time in her flight and... what direction was she supposed to go to, again? Oh hey, it's getting dark! The sky seems to be getting cloudy, too.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The dark didn't really bother Helena much, her eyesight far improved from what it used to be as a human, but her severe adhd seemed to be a hindrance and she was forced to stay in sight of the river, judging her direction based on how it moved. She was still moving faster then the damned boat.

As Helena had no need to eat or sleep apart from slight discomfort, she saw no reason to stop and land either, considering what lived in the forests around here... and people possibly seeing her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slimebabies in Helena's belly start moving around midnight as Helena comes across a confluence in the river, with the lesser tributary going northeast while the river itself heads southeast.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

With her thoughts firmly on the river, Helena was a little agitated, huffing as she beat her wings to speed her along when it split. There was a lesser split off, and the primary river...

Her thinking along that line however was broken when something shifted in her womb. Cursing, Helena dove, settling on the bank a little ways down the primary river pointed south east, yanking off the remainder of her clothing as she sat there, continuing to feel the shifting inside her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

As Helena lands, she can feel waves of heat emanating from her womb. There doesn't seem to be anyone else nearby, and the moonlight plays on the river, painting it silver. Then the contractions start, and for the next fifteen minutes, there is no room for anything but bliss in Helena's mind as the slime baby slowly flows out of Helena. It has purplish hue, and no features of any kind and it slowly oozes towards the river.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena enjoys her fifteen minutes, before panting as she admired the little creature. it was like a little purple blob... And it was scooting. Scooping it up, Helena shhhh'd and stroked it gently. Where are you goin? Your mom would kill me if you just scooted off on your own. she said, looking it over slowly as she continued to pet it, unsure entirely of what to do but moving towards the river herself, it probably wanted fluids.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The small slime extends a pseudopod, feeling Helena with it as she picks it up. It feels hot to touch and wriggles, trying to get free.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just gently tries to keep it in her arms, before stepping into the cool water, sitting down so the water was up to her chest, bathing the little slimeling while she chuckled at the pseudo-pod. It had NO idea who she was yet. Still, she extended her mind to it, calm and gentle while the cool water washed over it. It was probably reacting like Aqua had, needing to feed and cool. Poor little bastard, not like it had asked to come out of the doomgina, devourer of anything interested.

That thought brought another chuckle to her lips while she pondered the wriggly little thing. Did slimes look after their young? Was this thing half demon? She had no idea, only that slimes came in different colors and temperaments. Maybe it could spit fireballs, that would be cool.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The water cools the small slime down quickly, but it continues trying to wriggle free.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena sighs, There's a good chance you're half Me. You can't leave so stop trying or I'll put you in a jar. Helena said, lifting the little guy out of the water and looking at it again. It would give up eventually... right? Maybe? Did she have a jar big enough...
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The slimebaby pokes Helena's face, then tries to latch onto it. From distance, Helena can hear howling of wolves.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Agreed! Time to leave, wolves are bad. Except the one... he's ma buddy. BUT! You are coming with me to see your mom! so please stop fidgeting. Helena said, though when it tried to grab onto Her, she was inclined to let it as she scooped up her clothing and made a beeline for the ship, backtracking and launching herself into the air. Surely the little fucker wouldn't jump.