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The stars aren't right!(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fort save: 5+1=6 fail

Current stats:
Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 8
The big, fuzzy wolf starts humping Helena like it's going out of fashion, roughly taking the female and sending waves of pleasure through her body for long minutes until filling her with his knot and his cum. The big wolf pants and lies on top of Helena, and she could swear he's grinning at her.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena didn't give much of a fuck about what was fucking her as the drugs she'd literally bathed in continued to warp her brain into a useless, bimbo, airheaded fucktoy.

Humping back hard against fenrir as hard as she could, she came hard, and screamed in her climax as the large wolf fucked her, only to scream out her pleasure again as his thick knot started to grow before the wolf forced his way into her, tying her in an instant and filling her with heat, his cum pumped jet after jet into her hungry demonic insatiable cunny until there was simply nothing left but a full Helena, and her clenching hard around his knotted prick as he laid down on top of her, unable to escape until his knot deflated and confined to the vicelike inner walls of Helena's folds.

Moaning and continuing to roll her hips, Helena only ensured he'd be trapped in her as long as possible, or even convince him to fuck her again with her inner walls constantly clenching and pulling on his cock, her mouth hanging open as she panted with lust, only wanting more pleasure, her intelligence and common sense fading with each passing moment.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fort save: 9+1=6 fail
20+1=21 success! 1/2 saves made to end the effect

Current stats:
Intelligence: 9 Wisdom: 7

The big wolf yawns and rubs itself against Helena's back, waiting for the knot to deflate while Jasmine leaves to do something else.

After about 20 minutes, the knot slips out and Jasmine comes back to take care of Helena. As Fenrir curls up on the floor, Jasmine takes the pillory down and helps Helena on her feet. "Ready for some more fun?"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena just enjoys herself for that twenty minutes, bucking and grinding against the thick flesh filling her flower until Fenrir finally deflates and slides free, cum leaking from her pussy while Jasmine went.... somewhere else.

When she came back, Helena even more far gone and actually feeling slightly dumber then the average american citizen, which was saying quite a bit, she could only moan loadly and nod. More? Yes... Yes I'd love More. Please. she groaned out while the Pillory was removed, rubbing her wrists but standing naked other then the latex covering her entire body and humming softly against her, and her collar, willing to go wherever Jasmine led her for "More Fun"
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Mmm... I've found just the place for you..." Commanding the rope demon, Jasmine ties Helena's wrists to her elbows, attaches the rope to the collar and uses the remainder as a leash. The older succubus flicks her own skirt and starts leading Helena somewhere, stopping only to grab Willow's toy wand as she takes Helena through the hallways down, down and down again, seeing only a few servants who perhaps wisely shy away from the pair of sweet and wicked succubi.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena is quickly bound up and leashed, her arms yanked behind her. Her wrists are tied off tightly to her elbows in a box tie, ensuring they were about as useful as a gigantic bag of dicks, which any engineer will tell you, while impressive, not many uses.

Led on, down and down, Helena's options were follow, and thanks to her current lack of functional braincells, follow. Loving being bound up and led like this, Helena continued to stay tight, hot, and slick for whatever wanted a go, and her condition only continued to deteriorate. She didn't know where she was going, but she wanted to fuck. She wanted to fuck hard and for days. It was the only thing on her mind right now and even that was slipping further away.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Finally after many stairs Jasmine leads Helena into a stable where their arrival is greeted by neighs from several horses. "Azalin actually keeps a few stallions for breeding. You wouldn't expect a guy like him to ride much, huh?" Taking Helena into an empty stall, Jasmine pulls the rope out of the collar and tosses it over a support beam, where it obediently fastens itself, leaving Helena into a rather awkward position with her arms pulled up behind her back. She notices that there's an empty glass jar nearby, and Jasmine rights it and labels it as a tip jar.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Leading Helena down into the stable, Jasmine quickly found her an empty stall and tossed the rope up over a sturdy beam, making sure Helena wouldn't be doing anything about it anytime soon. As the rope wrapped around it, Helena was left with her arms pulled up and bent over, unable to do anything about her posture or position. She quickly found out it was more comfortable to stand with her legs spread.

Watching as Jasmine found a jar and labeled it "Tips" Helena wriggled and moaned, squirming against the rope and looking for the fun, wondering exactly what Jasmine's plan was. But she knew what a tip jar was...

She could guess... but the stable hand was talking about breeding stallions too. So there was really no telling. Maybe she'd get a sugar cube as a tip.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"Have fun, bitch. You're going to have a long day." Jasmine slaps Helena's ass gently on her way out.

No sooner is Jasmine gone than a grinning stablehand looks into the stall. "Well, well. What have we here?" Smelling like the hay that covers the floor, he swaggers to Helena, starting to quite clumsily grope her. "Haven't had a mare like this here before."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Nuh uh, I'm not a mare. I don't have a bridle. Helena replied immediately, thinking she was being clever when she had cotton fluff for brain. Moaning as she was groped, she ignored the smell. She was covered in rubber and smelled like sex. Who was she to judge.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

"A smart mouth you've got there." the stablehand comments sarcastically and steps out of the stall for a second and comes back with bit and a bridle, which he quickly fits on Helena whether she wants them or not. He then ties the reins to a knob on the wall. "That better?" he grins, holding Helena's head and examining her face.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena raises an eyebrow before wriggling convincingly as the stablehand returns with a bit and bridle, fitting them into place despite any protests. Which really isn't hard considering how a bit and bridle was designed. Tighten a strap here? Tug here... Pop. The bits in.

Stuck there with teh reins tied off, Helena could only whimper around the bar between her teeth as the stablehand used the bridle to turn her head and look at her. She was sure he was considering what to do, but the most she could get out was a very garbled word not worth trying to translate and a groan of defeat. Jasmine had left her trapped and the stablehand had made sure the most coherent word she could get out was Mmmm!

She was stuck and that was all there was to it unless she went on a magic spree, which would be really fucking hard without her hands or her mouth, and shapeshifting was feeling reeeally hard with her brain turning to tapioca. She was just gonna have to deal. She hoped the tips were good.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Snorting, the man lets go of Helena's jaw and moves behind her to resume groping and rubbing her ass. After a couple minutes he finally undoes his pants and without a warning, jams it in with a chuckle. He turns out to be surprisingly well-hung, though still not as big as Fenrir. "Oh yeah, you're tight."
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena, having to put up with the groping because it had completely escaped her that she actually had full mental control of the rope holding her, moaned and bit down on the bit in her mouth every time the stable hand hit a sensitive spot, before finally, he stuffed his dick into her.

Commenting on how tight she was, Helena was convinced that now this was the best time to show him who was.... who was... She didn't fucking know but take that!

she seemed to think to herself as she clenched down as hard as she possibly could, making herself virginal around his cock. Yeah, that would teach him!

Despite being only marginally less intelligent right now then the average person, this odd concotion pulsing through her veins seemed to compound her terminal case of Blonde from heeerrrrrr to full on DERP and she was convinced an extra tight vagina would make him feel bad about fucking her. Which obviously wasn't the case since she was, as Jasmine had put it, a Bitch.

More importantly a bound up bitch in a stable stall with nowhere to go who loved dick.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fort save: 13+1=14 fail
3+1=4 fail! 1/2 saves made to end the effect

Current stats:
Intelligence: 7 Wisdom: 5

The stablehand lets out a loud gasps as Helena's honeyhole squeezes tighter. "How did you..." he manages to stammer out before pulling almost out of Helena and slamming his cock even deeper into her. He takes Helena hard and fast, moving almost like machine only to cum in less than two minutes and letting out a groan. "Best fuck ever." he comments as he pulls out, leaning over to grab Helena's breasts, squeezing them roughly. As he toys with Helena's orbs, pinching and rubbing and squeezing, she can feel him getting hard again until finally he grabs her by the hips and slams his rod deep inside Helena. With slow, long strokes he starts round two, only his firm grip on her hips keeping Helena from bouncing back and forth as far as the rope allows. Slowly picking up the pace, he manages to last almost fifteen minutes this time before cumming inside Helena again, his powerful orgasm driving the seed into her womb.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena moans through her bit as the stablehand questions the almighty glory of her awesome vagina, before starting to jackhammer into her only to cum a very short time later, leaving Helena pent up, kind of annoyed, and groaning, tugging her head against the tied of reins only to give up as he starts pulling on her tits and teasing her nipples, leaving her panting and shuddering, waiting for him to get back to fucking her. At least that's what she hoped he would do. He was teasing her...

She was not to be disappointed as he grew hard and shoved back into her, Helena arching her back and clenching down for him again, hoping to get a better fuck out of him and not disappointed as he took long, slow, deep strokes into her for a solid quarter of an hour, Helena cumming when he did as he launched his release straight into her core, the bound up demon struggling and writhing against the rope and reins as she cried out passed her gag, before whimpering as it all ended, wanting more, helena pulsing her folds around him hoping to convince him to keep going.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

The stablehand staggers back, breathing heavily as he buttons his pants and tosses a couple silver into the tip jar before leaving. Helena doesn't have to wait long, however, before another stablehand arrives. "Well, well." the man says, walking right up to Helena and grabbing her by the hair. "You look like one of those ladies we always have to deal with. Not such an arrogant bitch now, are you whore?" Giving a hard slap on Helena's ass, he drops his pants and, still holding her by the hair, rams his rod into Helena's cunt harshly.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Helena doesn't have to wait too long for someone else to come by, unable to convince the first one to stay. Gasping as the new arrival grabbed a fistful of her hair and looked her over, she whimpered through her bit and wiggled her ass for him.

Gasping and moaning as he yanked her head back by her hair, making her look forward, she could only struggle as he rammed forward into her, making her knees shake as she tugged against the ropes, probably amusing the hell out of the sadist stable hand as he started to get his own licks in on her tight cunt.

The bit, while not doing much to silence her, certainly made everything she wanted to say unintelligable and made it extremely easy to control her with the reins if anyone wanted, the myriad straps wrapped around her head giving anyone almost perfect control of her.

Shaking and clenching down, Helena tugged against the pulling on her hair with a groan before starting to roll her hips, hoping to give the man what he wanted, which was apparently to punish and abuse her... she had no complaints.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

Fort save: 12+1=13 fail
6+1=7 fail! 1/2 saves made to end the effect

Current stats:
Intelligence: 5 Wisdom: 3

Keeping a tight hold on Helena's hair, the man pounds Helena's pussy while using his other hand to spank her ass. He doesn't last very long either, and soon her cums inside Helena as well. Letting go of her hair, he leans to whisper: "I hope you get pregnant, slut." before pulling out. "I thought you'd be a great fuck. And you've got a great ass, too." He gives her ass several more hard slaps before starting to rub his member against it. "Now you're going to get what you deserve." Pausing for several moments, he lines up his dick and slams it hard into Helena's pucker.
Re: Are the stars right?(Helena/Courage Wolf)

If Helena wasn't gagged, what would have come out of her mouth was a laugh as he only lasted a few minutes along with some very insulting commentary regarding the size of his dick. However, all that came out was a breathy cackle as he finished, before telling her he hoped she'd get pregnant. Again, there were several muffled words, all followed with more giggling.

If she could get pregnant, then whatever she spawned would certainly eat his entire family. Still, when he moved to her ass, she got a little quieter, before moaning loudly as he rammed into her tight asshole.

Whilst normally averse to just anal, she was too far gone to actually care at this point as the poison made sure she had the mental capacity of a horny snail. Shoving her hips back against him, it probably only told the stable hand he was doing something she liked, and that she was likely to laugh at him even harder if he thought about saying anything.

But her current world was the vibrating body covering and the cock in her ass, Helena moaning and rolling her hips, tugging on the rope as she took her 4th fucking, and it had been less then an hour.