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The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
It was good that Denorial was so determined, because when the Sidhe wandered into the Above World, he had gotten rather unlucky... He was a proud, noble, wielder of his own soul, a warrior in his own right! And now, he was a sweaty robed mess, standing amidst towering sand dunes, the high sun pounding down upon him, his hair appearing as another mirage in the heat shimmer of the sand. He'd come up in the Desert of all places...

Well, if his lady had wanted to truly wilt his passions, this was the way to do it, at least physically, thankfully, given his bloodline, he had the blessing of more leeway then most in the unforgiving place, but the Deserts of Anudor were no laughing matter to anyone, and even immortals could find the place to be a crucible without equal in it's own right.

He wasn't EXACTLY sure where he'd popped up in the desert itself either, but he did know this place was called The Expanse by many through whispered word alone, and that cooler lands lay to the north, all he had to do was put one foot in front of the other, and hope nothing that dwelled here ate him, and he would be in a far more comfortable place before too long. All his affection, spurned cruelly by the woman he loved, despite his own will to prove himself to her, in this place, under this sun, surrounded by sand, it was hard not to forget and replace love with Malice, that thin line so easy to cross at times, between love and hate that some said they were one in the same...

If he set the setting sun to his right, he'd be heading north, and in the right direction, but he could prove himself anywhere in truth, it was truly up to him, and the first step to any journey is always the true start of any tale. For this one moment, the fates and the world stood still, breathless as it waited for him to choose. This one crystalline moment standing out in the Tale of Silverhair.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel made a sort of groaning noise under his breath that ended in a whine. This was not what he had wanted. Adventure, fame, a name worthy of his fair lady... but sweat? To be lost with sand in his shoes? This was a tragedy.

North. North would be his best bet for now. Keep the sun to your left, boy he heard his father's wisdom, Follow the right star and you'll never lose your way. He took a deep breath and set forth, one foot in front of the other, determined to turn his tragedy into an Epic.

Then she would have to take him back.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Whether or not silverhair's love would ever accept him back was a question not answered at this time, what was to be decided at this moment was the direction Silverhair would take, and the world froze, until he took his first step to the north, and the salvation of cooler, less hospitable lands. Some say that the footprint left by that single step left a mark upon the soul of the Expanse, a denial that it's harshness could ever bring this man true glory, a call to the fates that nothing short of true victory over his own trials and tribulations would ever give him the satisfaction of holding his love again, not as a consort, but as a conqueror. And Silverhair took a step from ballad to legend, and it's here that our tale truly begins.

Striding to the north, with the knowledge of his forebears to guide him, the sun held in it's position as his guiding star, Silverhair began to long march into the world proper. hours passed under the hot sun, and the very air sought to strangle him as he walked, a glimmer among the shining mercurial surface of the desert. The heat remained a constant through his motions, the sand getting places amidst his robes that brought a strange, burning pain after hours of walking, and the kind of fatigue that only the desert could cause, was beginning to sink in.

It was at this moment, when despair had begun to cling to Silverhair like a mantle, that something made itself known on the horizon, still miles away, but possibly salvation. What looked like, the faint outline, of buildings amidst the unforgiving dunes and swells of a sea, made of sand and glass.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel could barely believe his eyes. A mirage. That's what it had to be, what it could only be. But he turned that way and began his weary trudge in that direction.

Then he stopped.

What am I doing? he wondered. He could fly and here he was walking like some silly landbound creature. The thermals from the desert sands would carry him to this place with little to no effort. With a slightly hysterical laugh he spread his wings and took to the sky. The effort to get airborne would only be outweighed by his determination to get there and the thought of soaring in the cooler skies.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Wait wait wait! He could fly!!? Why was he walking around in the desert! Yea yea! was he slow in the head or something? maybe he's just silly or he's like Timmy over there picking his nose. What Slow? Yea! I am not guys! The children chorused as they huddled around the old man, listening to the story as it was told by the kindly looking beggar that was simply called Sharrinden. Sharrinden was older then any of them remembered, and always nice, he took to wandering around from town to town and sharing stories like this, but this one was always the children's favourite at least here, still, the gruff, long bearded old man clapped his hands loudly to get everyone to settle.Oi Ragamuffins, Grandpappa Sharri is tellin the story so lets mind our manners, and Timmy, love of the gods boy get your finger out of your nose.


Spreading his wings, Finally, and alighting into the air, Denorial rose quickly on the thermals created by the sands below, and for the first time since entering this place, knew the kiss of cooler air, the sudden comfort clearing his head a little as he wafted around lazily for a moment, and hoped none of his kin had witnessed that particular moment, or figured it was in penance before he succumbed to the heat, men were strange when impressing their women, it was true.

Although now, High above what his mind didn't want to believe was quite true, Silverhair could see that the village he could spot was indeed quite real, though a great deal of the outskirts seemed to be buried in the sand, and he could see movement below. Up high himself, he was also painfully visible to anything that could spy on him, but temporarily out of reach, and it was in this way that he made good time in reaching what would hopefully be an oasis in this unforgiving place.

But there seemed to be some kind of conflict going on below him, the mortals in a dispute over one thing or another as a clear line had been drawn between two distinct groups of people. On one side, the side closest to himself and to the south, were the humans, and a rather sparse assortment of other races, and to the other, and the north, Denorial could see the Sukuta.

The Sukuta were easy to make out because of their varying fur, and catlike features, even amongst the sand if you could see them moving in the open, though Silverhair was rather certain if they wanted to they could blend in very well. And whether he landed to take part in this argument himself, was entirely up to him... Surely he could make a difference himself, they would listen to a creature of his age and stature, it was only wise, and wisdom oversaw all.... Right? Well, there was always hoping, if it came to that. There was also the everpresent question of pleasing his love, did the small gestures measure up equally with the grand? Silverhair did indeed take a moment to ponder, as no one had noticed him quite yet, circling lazily in the less oppressive, cooler air of the skies, though it did seem that the argument could turn violent fairly quickly...

Trying something a little special just for you. A more classical approach that I've been waiting and saving for someone who can appreciate it. Enjoy chibbers ^_^
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Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel sighed, these silly creatures would surely make a mess of themselves if he didn't intervene. If he helped, perhaps he could obtain some more supplies. He folded his wings and settled himself gracefully to the sandy ground right in between the two groups.

He smiled at them, an open friendly gesture, and spread his hands to show that he was currently unarmed. "Please, gentle folk," a little flattery never hurt, "I'm only a traveler but I am in need of water and some other supplies. If I help end your conflict, would you be willing to help me out? Will anyone tell me what happened?"
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

The people looked at the odd, winged, whitehaired individual that had suddenly bombed into their midst with a look of fear and apprehension, some of the Sukuta even leveling guns in his direction before calming down slightly. However, it did seem that Denoriel's sudden appearance had, at least for the moment, quelled any rage that had been building.

At his request for supplies though, the humans all looked a little blankly before their spokesperson, a younger man with sandy blonde haired laughed openly. You and the Cats both it seems! Though they seem far more intent on taking what we simply don't have to offer! There's one well, it's almost dry, and we don't have the manpower to dig another out here. We have water to keep us alive before the caravans come and we can barter our way north, leaving this gods forsaken pit behind. He said, rather loudly, ending his piece with a spread of his arms that seemed both stressed out and completely defeated by the situation.

The Sukuta though seemed more pissed off then before at the statement and were pacing restlessly in the sand while one of their number strode forward to look Denoriel up and down appraisingly. The day gets stranger and stranger. First this town claims no resources, then a winged creature descends from the heavens willing to arbitrate. But what manner of creature are you? And why would someone as powerful as you need a villages well to resupply. Surely your wings could carry you far enough that such a worry would be almost inconsequential. And yet here you are. Alright, we'll play. Hold brothers and sisters, and we'll see what comes of this.

it was almost instantaneous. As the Sukuta were told to wait, and watch, as one they all sat crosslegged in the sand, their weapons held across their laps in a non threatening way while they waited for their apparent leader, the sukuta inspecting Denoriel, to judge the situation. The catman in question, wearing a long cloak that matched the color of the dunes over what looked like light armour, had mottled brown fur and one of his ears seemed to be missing a piece near the top, an old injury most likely. His eyes were a piercing green and his tail never stopped moving, as if curiosity had indeed gotten the better of him for the moment.

It's simple really. This is our land, this village is within our purrview so to speak, and for years we have been able to count on this place for aid. In exchange they've called on us more then once to help them with some of the creatures that have assailed them. it has been a good arrangement, but now they don't seem to find it very advantageous. We do not believe they don't have the resources we need. And we will take them as is our right here. But I wonder, in what way could you help? can you make it rain? create food and gold? dig them a new well if there's truly is dry? They will not let us see it for ourselves of course. He said quietly, purring softly as he continued to move around before finishing his inspection and coming to rest, his eyes alight with mischief and finding Denoriel's intervention quite amusing.

The man, through all of this, hadn't spoken, not even to deny any of the allegations coming from the Sukuta, and simply seemed to grow angrier with each passing word. Denoriel was free to think things out, move as he wished, simply destroy both groups, or find another solution since he had so kindly interposed himself between the two groups, though it was probably understandable that if he took too long, then they would simply ignore him and go back to their bickering.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

"I am Denoriel Silverhair, and until recently, the consort of Queen Titania Underhill," he chuckled ruefully, "and I am lost! I foolishly left my lands with little preparation and landed quite some ways back that way," he pointed, "in this desert. I could simply fly on, but there is no need for bloodshed when things can be resolved amicably, I think," Then he frowned, "Sir Chief," it was the only title he could think of, "will you allow me to verify the nature of the man's words? I am a neutral third party after all." Then he turned to the human, "Kind sir, I know you wish for this conflict to be settled as peacefully as possible as well, may I please check your words for truth for this gentleman? I know nothing about either of you, I just do not wish to see harm come to any creature while there might be a way to prevent it."
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Everyone just kind of stared at the man, this... Denoriel, as if he were completely insane for a moment, the amount of raised eyebrows outnumbering the clouds in the sky before the Sukuta spoke. This would be acceptable. He said simply, turning an amused smile towards the man who was even now backing up slowly. What is the matter Shirandin? Afraid of what this man will see? Or is it something else that is haunting you...

The man's face hardened considerably, before glancing Denoriel up and down slowly, appraising him, pondering his worth before simply throwing up his arms and stomping further into the village, motioning for the Sidhe to follow. It wasn't far all things considered, but it was tucked between a pair of buildings, to keep it out of the sun. The man stopped, and leaned against the wall. See our problem for yourself Consort of Titania...

Were Silverhair to look down, he'd see that the well was indeed almost dry, if looking down into black shadows meant that, but then something shifted down below, something was moving in the well, and as if on cue, the man reached over and held up a bound ball of twine and tinder. Striking it alight, he tossed the ball into the well, and now Denoriel could see the real problem. Insects of some kind, like thin, undulating slugs with thick pincers were writhing down at the bottom of the well. There's a reason we're leaving... This place is fouled. If the Sukuta find out, there's no telling what they would do... So NO, we don't want them coming back here...
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Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel recoiled violently from the well. He had not expected this. "I could attempt to cleanse the well for you. I'm not certain how I would be able to do this, but I could try. If it does not work, I think that you should at least tell the leader. Or maybe I should," he mused, ruffling his wing feathers. "Have you tried to get rid of them? What tactics have you used?"

This well needed to be cleansed, if not for himself then for others who may take this route. Maybe there was even something the Sukuta could do to cleanse it.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

I have no idea, I'd rather we just left, if you want to deal with the problem, then by all means. We've tried Fire and Lye, what little magic we know, burying them. It's not just here, in the cellars and under the earth and the sand, they continue to move and grow. We don't know what they are. The man said, before striding away

Denoriel's choice, whatever it was, was up to him, to try and purge this plague that had taken hold in the earth, or to simply get everyone away from it. Perhaps the Sukuta knew what these things were, maybe they'd have some answers. Or maybe they'd do something rash and horrible.

Still, Silverhair could hardly have boasted like he had, and then done nothing...
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel frowned some more. He could attempt to bring one of the loathsome creatures up in the bucket and attempt a number of different things upon it to see if something worked, or he could go back.

Hm. He would attempt to destroy the thing himself and if that did not work he would quietly draw the Sukuta to the side and see if their chief could help him. He rolled up his metaphorical sleeves and got to work.

He swished the rope of the bucket around trying to gather one of the creatures, and if he succeeded he would then haul it up very carefully and use a bit of acid on it, to see if it reacted.

Using Chemical Splash on one creature, the one in the bucket, and using 5EP
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

The attempt to capture one of the creatures in a bucket was both annoying, and successful, and as Silverhair hauled it up to get a better look, the odd larval like insect hissed agitatedly at him, large pincers snapping aggressively. Thankfully it didn't seem very mobile as it was, and as the acid splashed over it's chitonous body, it shrieked, the sound drawing the attention of everyone nearby, before it curled up... and then exploded, showering Denorial in slightly glowing orange bug guts, the shower rather impressive considering the size of the creature.

The Sukuta, running around the corner looked around, before noting the mess, and scowling at the humans, before their thankfully level headed leader held up his hand once more, and stomped over, agitation clear on his face, his expression alone demanding an explanation, before he looked down into the well, and paled, if that was even possible of the furred humanoid.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel stood dripping in the stuff and nearly vomited, though he was most glad that his mouth hadn't been open when the thing exploded. "Oh, oh my. So that's what will happen..." He turned a dazed look to the Sukuta leader and said, "Well... uhm, yes. This seems to be the problem with the wells. I was trying to clear it up so that there was no need for anyone to get involved. However," he gestured to himself, "as you can see it only half worked. Have you ever seen these before? Do you know how to get rid of them?" He wiped some of the goo from his wings, thinking that he was going to need a nice long bath after this and turned an apologetic expression over to the leader of the humans. "Ugh, this stuff is foul."
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

The Sukuta wandered over to the well, and spit down into it, before turning to regard Denoriel's bug smeared appearance. This isn't a problem that turns up overnight. This is something that was ignored. Had we been informed there was something like this out here, we would have handled it ourself, and took our usual taxes from this village, but now? No, we need to find and burn the hive, these creatures, the Kramatak, are coming from somewhere, probably beneath the sand. We need to find out where they got in, and follow that, there will be a tunnel, there always is. That more people haven't died to this is simply astounding. They feast on flesh if they can get it. But they also seem trapped there in the well, and the larva are young, and strong. I suspect, the entrance we're looking for, is underneath them. So. We need Fire. he said softly, looking as the human left, annoyed beyond words, and clearly worried.

Stranger, I can't rightly ask that you help us with this, but if you do, I'm sure there's a way we can compensate you. If only in not punishing the people here for this grave error. Life in the desert is unforgiving, and normally this kind of mistake would not be taken lightly. But perhaps, if you and I could handle it ourselves, then we could simply bury it, another secret in the sand, and let the humans leave in peace. What do you say? He asked, turning and raising an eyebrow, his ears twitching.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel let out a soft sigh of relief. "Yes. I don't wish to see anyone hurt over this." he smiled a little, "It must be an affectation of my culture, but I believe mistakes happen and as long as they're learned from, punishment need not be given." Then he squared his shoulders and readjusted his wings, "So why wait? Do you want to toast them, or shall I?"
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

The sukuta thought for a moment before sighing and nodding, apparently content to simply let the people leave as long as this particular problem was taken care of, and Silverhair's offer apparently granting the humans clemency for now as he drew his fingers to his lips and gave a shrill whistle, calling the others. Fan out, search the basements, harm no one, you know what we're hunting now, send a runner to warn others in the neighboring villages and oasis, myself and the fey shall handle this ourselves. Go. He said quietly, his fellow sukuta nodding before leaving a pack for their leader, which he shouldered almost immediately, and dashing away to follow their orders.

Reaching in, the cat man pulled a full lantern from the pack, and a torch, before setting about lighting the torch, and pouring the oil into the well, the acrid stench of the strong oil reaching the Sidhe's nose before splattering against the larve, before he simply tossed the torch in, setting them all ablaze.

The smell, and the shrieking hisses of pain and death from the well, and the odd, blue smoke that rose in torrents from the hole in the earth was enough to bring Denoriel to tears even as the sukuta simply weathered it, pulling a cloth over his mouth as he waited for it to die down, and there, true to his thoughts, was a hole at the bottom, surrounded by the smoldering corpses of the insect larva, dug straight up.

We go that way, and we keep going until we find them. And then we kill them. Anything you need wanderer? Or shall we simply snuff out this infestation Now. he asked quietly, grabbing some rope from his belt and tying it off, looking at him.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

"Hah! That was impressive! Nothing else I need other than a bath later." he laughed a little and reached to tie the rope around himself as well, "Shall we?" He flourished at the hole in the ground.

Brain no worky D:
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

We shall He said quietly, before hopping over the edge of the well and sliding down towards the hole, Silverhair waiting a few seconds before following him over the edge.

At the bottom, the smell of burnt insect and oil was even stronger, and there was an obviously humid, and warm wash of air from te entrance. Slipping out of the rope, the feline man simply slid in, muttering curses about the stench and vanishing quickly from sight.

Looking in, Denoriel would see that the entrance curved sharply to the left, and continued to angle downwards, slick with some kind of slime or mucos. It was now or never he supposed.

Sorry about the delay, between the crazy ex, and my daughter being sick, it's been a crazy week.
Re: The Tale of Silverhair (Chibi) GM'ed by Courage Wolf

Denoriel descended at a modest pace, shuddering back from the mucous that covered everything. Swallowing to nerve himself, he followed the Sukuta around and readied himself for whatever may appear. "You know, I never asked your name, it was quite rude of me. Who are you, exactly?"