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The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

"It's a relief to know that some still preach the faith, at least." Grace responded, when Sister Karen said she'd intended to minster to her. The girl blushed slightly when the nun mentioned that she'd been attracted by her beauty, and stuttered slightly as she replied; "Well... I... Erm.... I find you... Captivating as well.... Sister Karen... But! But I need to tell you... The wings were.... Were not the only mutation that I got from the demons.... People around me... They are... Weakened, more likely to give in to their urges. Tis.... That's why I don't... Usually stay around people."

After she'd explained her own troubled yet also slightly sheltered history, Grace nodded, and said; "Vartath... I have heard of him. Your mother... She must have been an amazing woman. Am I to guess that she's no longer among us?"
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen simply smiles warmly at Grace when she mentioned that she found her attractive as well and spoke her relief that Karen also went out speaking and preaching the faith of the Star God; as well at the mention of the other changes the demons had left on her, " Do not worry,
Grace. I do not hold things that happened to you that were outside and beyond your control against you. And neither would the Star God if we are to believe he is benevolent and forgiving as the scriptures portray him to be; which I do. If we travel together, I shall just have to be cautious and remember my tenants and vows. I'll help you and you'll help me, okay?" she said gently taking hold of the blonde bat winged woman's hand before she spoke again mentioning Vartath and her mother.

"Yes, Vartath was a very stern and rigid instructor, but he was also patient and pointed out my mistakes to me and helped me to improve in marksman and handling of the weapons, as well as training my arm muscles and coordination to better handle an wield their size and mire then one of them at a time." she said recounting her past training and teaching of her mothers guns to her new friend, "And yes.... I am afraid that my mother went to join the Star God, his angels, and the saints about 2-3 years ago. Fortunately she had gotten too old to continue the good work and had to retire before she passed away- and she went peacefully. I have done my best in her absence to carry on her work in the Star Gods name and trying to preach the word and lead the lost to him in and out of Crolia." she finished waiting to see what Grace had to say in turn.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

Grace smiled as Sister Karen grasped her hand, and nodded at her kind words. "I don't know how far we'll be traveling really... But I will remain at your side until this crisis is over, priestess."

Once she had recounted her own tale, Grace nodded once more, this time somberly, and said; "I am sorry for her loss.... But she seems to have passed in peace, at least. That is the best that we can hope for, in this life." She rose, and offered Sister Karen her hand to help her to her feet. "There are many wounded, and there is much work to yet be done, though this battle has been won. Every hand must aid as best they can. Shall we go, and see what might be done?"
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

"Your assistance, no matter how small or great shall be greatly appreciated, Grace. And I am glad to have to have someone who at least point shared my same faith working with me by my side. It will make any travelling we do make more pleasant and safer as well." She said before she offered her her condolences on the passing of her mother, "You only need to be truly sorry for her passing if it was painful or she was lost to the world. She died faithful and redeemed by the Star God's light, and having had lived a rich, meaningful and fufilled life. And her death was peaceful and painless. But thank you all the same." she said as she accepted the womans hand to help her up, "Yes.... I fear many homes, businesses, schools and the like will need much work to get back to good condition for people and families. And there are many wounded people needing care. The healers and doctors will be the most use I fear. I have no training or experience in healing magic. I can offer first aid care, gather food, clothing and offer comfort and prayer, but that is the limit of what I can do for these people. But as I said earlier, I am sure any help, assistance and care to these people will be a great boon." she said heading back out into the chapel where all the wounded victims of the previous attack would be laying and waiting for care; waiting for grace to follow her. Whole she was out there she would look for the one woman she had saved from the behemoth to check up on her as well.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

"Some aid is better than no aid!" Grace replied cheerfully, and the two of them left the small teaching room that Sister Karen had left them in.

The rest of the day passed in a busy blur. Until nightfall and beyond, Grace and Sister Karen worked tirelessly. At first, they helped with menial tasks required in caring for the wounded, fetching things from store rooms and such. Later, they helped clear the halls, and though they found no more monsters, they did find many of the creatures ravaged victims. Finally, they both took watch together along the Academy wall, and though the night passed without incident, it felt more like the calm between storms than any real peace.

Sister Karen performed three ceremonies that day, at the request of others. The attendance for each was higher than the totals of any full month she remembered. She also issued a great many blessings and prayers, both for the living and for the fallen. Both she and Grace had been inside when the floating monstrosity had been forced from the sky by the power of the mages of the Academy, but both had felt and heard its impact, as well as the cries of jubilation that came with it.

When they were released from their duties, they left together to sleep in the church, among the wounded. Sister Karen had her own chambers attached to the church, and though they had been asked to stay in a group, neither was a student, so it was only a request. "Those pews don't exactly look comfortable....."
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

"You're absolutely right, Grace! Cmon let's go!" Karen replied brightly at Graces words before heading out into the chapel to tend the wounded that had been brought in from their first battle. Karen was a pillar of faith and piety as she and Grace would rush through the chapel and rows of pews attending and ministering to the wounded men and women, warriors, casters and spirit users alike; humans, elves, and other races who served their separate faiths and fought valiantly to protect their homeland. When they were done with that they would see to the halls, Karen was thankful not to run into any more monsters and her heart poured out to the unfortunate victims they found scattered throughout. She would rush looking for soap, water, and cloth to help cleanse the poor ravaged victims bodies and dress their wounds if they had any, before leading them into the chapel with the others. When the tine for the ceremonies would be requested, she would fetch many scrolls and bibles of the Star Gods teachings and would speak and share the word of the Star Gods love, wisdom, protection and forgiveness to all who would listen. Her heart swelled with excitement, love, joy and hope as she would sit with those who requested prayer and blessings, sharing her heart and faith with more then she had seen in many months, however feeling rather sad it would take something like this to happen to open people hearts.

"In the beginning the world was filled with darkness...... Then suddenly a bright glorious filled the void and shone brightly and hotly in the sky. From that light, our world was formed, first molten magma, then rock, followed by sea and flora; and then finally animal and humanoid life formed in the Star Gods image. For many years, His teachings were greatly and widely accepted and taught. But after a time, the world began to fall out of His light. They strayed from His principles and teachings and began forming false idols an worshipping Pagan dieties. This only grew worse and less faithful and pure when the demon gate first appeared and lead the denizens of hell into our world. But He did not forsake us, we left Him and forgot about Him, and He has been patiently and faithfully awaiting for us to return to his grace. Those who die are not buried and forgotten but they join His light. Those who were faithful to Him and served Him in this life became the brightest, hottest and most beautiful stars in the heavens and continue to spread His light to this day. Let us pray.........

Oh Mighty, Blessed, Holy Star God; Source of All Light, Banisher of the Darkness; Send your soothing, cleansing, blessed light upon those gathered here tonight and those who have fallen in the battle previous. Let those who have passed before us join you in the heavens and spread your light to those who remain. Forgive those who have fallen from your way and your favor, and help us fond our way once again back to your Light and shelter. In your truly righteous, holy, and sacred name I pray, Amen."

When they had finished with the ceremonies, prayers and blessings to the wounded in the chapel, Karen grace would head out the Academy walls to stand guard. It would seem as if they had won, at least the day, as no other monsters an appearance as the two stood watch. After a time, they would head back inside, and some time afterwards they would hears mighty crash and feel a great quake in the area followed by the jubilant cries of the denizens as they managed to fight off the tentacles monstrosity that had ravaged their home. Karen would look to Grace and ask, "Do you think that's the end of it? You don't think there are any more of that abomination do you?" Eventually they were released from their duties, even though they were asked to stay in a group Karen would offer up her quarters to any who truly needed it, so when Grace commented on the pews she would respond, "I have a spare cot and futon available for any guests if you would like to house with me, Grace. I wouldn't mind." she kindly offered quarter to her new friend.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

(Just to clarify, the crash came before she went out on watch. She'd be getting back to the chapel well after midnight. I wasn't clear enough on that, and it doesn't really affect anything, just a quick heads up.)

To Sister Karen's question about whether this was over, the winged blond shook her head somberly, though her face was jubilant. Her tone was quiet, barely audible beneath the cheering going on outside, as she said; "I doubt it.... Even if that thing is gone, and all of its minions are dead, there could be more of them. And even if there aren't, there will still be a lot of work to be done in cleaning things up."

Later, when offered a chance to stay with her, Grace smiled, blushing slightly, and nodded. "I am grateful for the offer, sister, and gladly accept."

The other girl followed her to her quarters, a small chamber in a building behind the chapel. All of the others who had quarters here, who were also ministers of the church, had apparently elected to stay in groups elsewhere, so they had the entire building to themselves. Opening her door, Grace followed Sister Karen into her room closely, and made sure that the door was shut behind them. "These aren't so different than the rooms that the students get." Grace commented, as she glanced around the small room.

(You can describe the general looks of the room if you want.)
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen sighed out in disappointment and distress over Gracea aombre respond to her question, "I honestly feared that that was the case Grace, but I assumed it wouldn't hurt anything to hope for the best....." she said sadly before heading back into the chapel to tend to the wounded and her other duties before finishing off for the night. Once grace offered her offer to room with her, Karen happily took a hold of her hand and lead her to the building behind the chapel, a medium sized brick building with a kitchen, restrooms, and several small living/sleeping chambers for the students of the many different faiths. Karen's room was not too much different from the many other rooms, it contained a single twin bed, a spare futon and comforter and sheet for a guess, a dresser and night stand containing a bible. It had some small candleabras for light and a small comfy chair to sit on. It was not extravagant or fancy but was nice and cozy enough for people to relax and study on off time. "I know it's not all that much, Grace, but it is home for me~" she said kindly, " I have a spare futon to sleep on if you would wish to take the bed, or vice versa."
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

"Oh! I meant no offense, sister!" Grace quickly replied, blushing slightly. She gathered herself, her gaze darting about for a moment, before she cleared her throat, and continued; "Well... I wouldn't want to put you out of your own bed.... And I thought that... Well, it does get cold at night, and it does seem to be large enough for two, so might we share your bed, Sister Karen? I would not want to endanger your position here, by an means! I know of your vows, and would not put them at risk! But..." She trailed off, looking at Sister Karen nervously, fidgeting repeatedly and trying at once to smile, and appear serious.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen looked down at her feet in uncertainty at Grace's request, the woman had proven most helpful during all the events of the night, and she seemed to be decent and good natured enough, but she had her faith and her vow to be concerned about. She could not deny the fact that she found the woman to be most charming and fetching. She had been drawn to the blonde winged woman's beauty from the moment she had entered her temple. There was an internal tug of war going within her mind and soul between her faith and her physical yearnings. She was torn between her devotion and her human physical nature. She stood there staring at the floor for several miners before finally responding, "W-well..... You have been a great boon and have proven very helpful and good company since this ordeal has started. So I s-suppose, we c-could Sh-share a b-bed....... BUT, no offense, I think it would be best if she faced the other way from each other, just to be safe." she said nervously as she began to start changing into her evening wear.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

Grace smiled, blushing slightly, and nodded. "Thank you, Sister Karen. I will try to keep myself in control, and I am sure that you will not break your vows." She said, her faith in the truth of that last sentence seemingly absolute. She stepped away from the door and began undoing her clothing, her revealing armor and garments falling away swiftly, revealing a perfectly statuesque figure, with Grace's bat-like wings sticking out form behind her. Lithe muscle and soft curves joined beneath Grace's unnaturally perfect, porcelain skin, that seemed far too flawlessly pure to be natural. She was the picture of what would inspire the sin of lust beneath her clothing, and Sister Karen couldn't tell why, but the tips of her breasts were hardened into delicious little pink points, and a slight glisten came from the light pink flower between her legs. Blushing slightly, Grace quickly said; "I have no night clothes, so I normally sleep wearing nothing, if I can. The only other option is to sleep in my armor, which isn't very comfortable. I hope you won't mind..."

Once Sister Karen had changed into her evening wear, whatever that happened to be, Grace climbed into her bed slowly, allowing the nun to get a fairly impressive view of the other woman's perfectly sculpted body from behind, which only caused the yearning in her body to grow stronger. She laid in Sister Karen's bed, her back to her host, and then turned her head toward her, raising an eyebrow and waiting for Sister Karen to lay down beside her.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

"Of course not!" Karen replied to Grac'es statement, "You are good woman, a good person, virtuous warrior and my friend! I would never contemplate the notion of taking advantage of you." She said firmly and convicted as she noticed Grace beginning to remove her clothing, her face growing flush and red she would quickly turn and look away from the blonde woman, "Uhrm, I-if you n-need any n-night clothes, I, I s-should have a sp-spare evening gown a-around here s-somewhere. Y-you d-don't have to sleep n-n-naked if y-you don't....... d-don't wish to....." She offered her new friend, her breath growing heavy and hot, clutching her breast and heart area, her heart pounding quickly and her body beginning to perspire. She could not prevent herself completely from turning her head over her shoulders to sneak a peek at the voluptuous blonde bat winged woman. She would await the woman's response before slowly crawling into her bed being sure to turn her body to opposite direction of Grace's to avoid being tempted by the woman's sinfully beautiful body and silky smooth skin, her face flush, heart racing, body perspiring, and expression troubled by the thoughts that the woman and the situation had brought into her mind.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

Grace shook her head at the offer of a night gown, and replied; "I've gone so long without one, it would only keep me awake. Thank you for the offer though, sister!"

Grace remained still as Karen got into bed, and faced the other way. even as the heat within her body caused by the other woman's proximity continued to grow, however, Grace kept her word, sleeping away from Karen even though they were in the same bed. The tension in Karen mounted, but Grace remained still for a long while, until Sister Karen heard her breathing slow.

Believing that Grace had fallen asleep, Sister Karen began to drift off as well, the sinful wants of her body still present, but slightly easier to ignore at least. That is, until she felt Grace shift slightly, turning over and pressing her chest against Karen's back. Warm breath brushed against Sister Karen's ear, and caused her to inhale sharply in surprise. Her arousal doubled in seconds after that heavy breath, and with every breath against her ear and neck, it only increased. Grace's arm wrapped around her stomach, until one of her hands cupped the underside of one of Karen's full breasts, squeezing it lightly. Grace's breathing was still soft, and Karen couldn't tell whether she was awake, or asleep, but the itch was getting worse and worse by the second. It would take a monumental effort of will to ignore it, but doing so would result in her getting little to no sleep that night.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

"Don't mention it, Grace. It's the very least I can do." Karen answered softly before settling herself into her bed and turning away from the woman. She meditated and concentrated, shutting out her physical desires as began to slowly drift peacefully to sleep. She slept soundly and peacefully for a few hours, until she felt her friend shift around in her sleep pressing her large plush breasts up against her back, the sensation sending jolts and tingles of electricity throughout her body, and causing her groin to itch and moisten more with every second passing. She tried to ignore it until Grace breathed hotly into her ear casuing her to gasp deeply, A-Haaah....... she moaned inwardly, which only served to make the situation worse as she deeply inhaled Grace's pheromones, further stirring up the feelings of lust and desire in her core. But none the less, she still continued to fidget around in her bed, squirming slightly as she struggled against the bombardment of sensuality that she was faced with until she felt Grace slip her arm around her waist and gently cup her full generous boob, Oh~ Please..... d-don't touch me th-there~~~ AH! Oooh~ she keeps br-breathing in my e-ear.... and my n-neck...... Haaaaah~~ as the pleasure continues to spread through out her and the desire continues to increase she feels she needs to do something to alleviate the building pressure and burning itch in her loins and begins to scratch her pussy, slipping her fingers through her garments, under her panties and begins fingering her purple fuzzed peach. "Ooooh........" She involuntarily moans out softly as she continues playing with her self before stifling it as to not awake Grace and alert her friend to her sin. She continues playing with herself, pinching and twisting her clit, rubbing her fingers up and down her folds, going deeper and thoroughly massaging her woman hood, the pleasure beginning to build and before she realizes it she also begins to minister to her other breast that Grace wasn't holding. It wouldn't take long for her own actions and ministrations to her vagina would bring her to her peak of pleasure and she would climax though, "OOOoooooooOOOOH!~~" she cried out before realizing what she had done....... Oh, great Star God! Please, forgive me! I have sinned and gone against my tenets! If Grace had not yet woken up from that, she would try and carefully slip out from under the woman and sneak off to the chapel to pray to the Star God for forgiveness properly before finally laying down on a pew and trying, however fruitlessly, to fall back asleep until morning came.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

Sister Karen's ability to detect things around her was greatly diminished as her idle hands began working to sate the urges Grace had inspired in her body. They only fell further as her shameful actions brought her closer and closer to her climax, but just as Karen was getting close to her peak, Grace moved, her hand gliding down to gently wrap around the one that Karen had fingering herself, while her other hand moved up to squeeze one of her breasts through her night clothes. Her breath like fire against the nun's ear and neck, Grace's voice was a low, sultry whisper as she said; "Let me help you with that...."

Her hand began to direct and control Karen's, causing her own fingers to drive even deeper and hit the most sensitive spots inside of her, Grace using Karen's reactions to judge where they were. Any fear she might have had at the sudden touch was quickly quashed by her own orgasm, which caused her body to shake with sinful pleasure. The sensations seemed to last forever, her body spasming in the throes of orgasm, before Sister Karen came down from her climax, her body going still eager for more. "Have you ever done that before? You felt really pent up.... I can show you more, if you want." Grace whispered into Karen's ear seductively, while softly swirling her finger in a circle around one of Karen's nipples.

"How can this be a sin... When it feels so good?"

(You didn't really expect her to sleep through that, did you?)
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen gasped, breathing in deeply as Grace took ahold of her hand she was pleasuring herself with and used her other hand to fondle the breast that she was ministering to herself, "Noooo..... You must not......please....." She whimpered out as Grace breathed hot, sensual breath into her neck and ear and continued manipulating her hand inside her leaking folds and continued massaging her full breast, "Nooo..... Ooooh..... Ouuhhh..... P-please, Grace...... Do n-not..... d-don't m-make me..... Uuuuhhh......" she mewled out as the woman continued to lead her in the pleasuring of her body, bringing her closer and closer to her climax, "Oooh.....N-no.......f-forgive me, my Lord.....I-I'm g-going to......C-CUUUUUMMMMM!~ OOOOooooOOOoouhhh~" She finally cried out in ecstasty as she reached her first climax......"Oooh.....Ho......Ho......Ouh.....Oooooh.....noooo...." She mewled out as she would lay the breathing heavily, a deep crimson blush of shame on her face, "W-what have I done?...... I've violated my tenants.... I have sinned....." She whimpered out sadly, tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. She gasped out even louder as she felt Grace begin tracing circles around one of her nipples, and ask her if she would like to continue. She would spring out of bed, and shoot Grace a glare of indignation, "NO! I CANNOT! SHALL NOT!" She cried out clutching her hands to her breasts defensively, "I........." She she muttered, struggling to find the right words to explain things to Grace, without hurting her friend but still trying to hold onto her own beliefs...... "Grace..... I am sorry...... But I cannot...... share a bed with you any longer..... Please..... do not take offense to it...... But...... the temptation to break my vows...... They are too great when we sleep in that close of a proximity..... I still wish to be your friend...... But...... We simply can no longer sleep in the same bed. I am sorry........ I...... I will take the floor..... Could you please....... hand me the sheet and a pillow? I'm sorry." she said looking down at her feet shamefully, not only for moment of weakness and her sin, but for the fact that she feared she may have hurt her new friend's feelings.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

As Sister Karen sprung out of bed, Grace's porcelain skin paled even further somehow, but she nodded calmly at the other woman's decision to no longer share a bed. "I understand, Sister. Here, I would not push you from your bed. I, being your guest, will take the floor for bringing such feelings upon you. I.... I am sorry that I have discomforted you so! It's just.... Sometimes, I just can't control myself! And the... The aura that the demons left me with... It affects those around me! I haven't found any way to stop it, or turn it off... I'm sorry, Sister Karen. Truly I am!"

Whether she insisted on taking the less comfortable space, or allowed Grace to sleep on the floor, the two of them would awaken in the morning. Grace was still naked, but kept her back to Sister Karen as she redressed, but smiled warmly once the other woman had dressed and prepared herself as well, and said; "Are you prepared to go? The teachers of the Academy should have come up with a plan by now, to deal with whatever is left of the monsters that invaded this place. I'm sure that you and I could be of help somewhere!"
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen placed her hand tentatively on Graces shoulder, he did not want to embrace her for fear of falling sway to the aura the demons had left her new friend, but she wanted to comfort her and let her know that she understood it wasn't her fault and that she was not overly upset or mad at her. She summoned her nerves before finally stepping forward to her and gently placing her hands on her shoulders and turning the young woman to face her; where her gaze would be met with soft, caring and understanding eyes. "Please understand further, Grace... I am not angry with you, moreso the foul beings who ha brought this trouble upon you. This blight you are afflicted with is no fault of your own, nor do I blame you for what has happened to you and fir that which you have little to no control over. I will help you with the ordeal, and will always be your friend. But I could not..... Be physically intimate with you unless I felt genuine love towards you, the romantic and marital type of love; where I would be certain that you were the one I was destined to spend my life with. And my faith...... has it's rules and beliefs when it comes to same sex relations. I cannot claim to have those types of feelings for you, we have just met; but... should those feelings ever make themselves known..... I shall let you know. But please, feel free to take my bed. You are not a dog or an animal. And take it as a gesture and show that are no harsh feelings, and a token of our friendship."

Having spoken her piece to the blonde winged woman, Karen would take a sheet and pillow and would do her best to settle down to sleep on the floor if she accepted her offer. If she still insisted on taking the floor, then she would at least go looking through the building for a cot, so her new friend would not have to sleep right on the floor for the rest of the night. Once that was settled the two women would try to get some sleep before the next day would come. When morning finally came, Karen would awaken to see Grace up and to some embarrassment and awkwardness, still naked. She would feel her body warm up and face flush, before shaking her head to clear her mid and finish dressing. Once she was done, she would turn to the naked woman over her shoulder and ask concernedly and kindly, "Grace? Do you not have any other clothes of your own? If not, you may borrow some of mine." she said generously to her new friend before finsihung, "I'm ready to head out as soon you are ready to, Grace~" and with that the two women would head out of te quarters and through the chapel to the front entrance to see what the other leaders would have to say.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

Grace simply nodded to sister Karen, acquiescing to her requests and understanding the limitations placed upon her by her beliefs. Not willing to argue longer than was necessary, she laid down, and the two simply went to sleep, Karen taking a cot on the floor while Grace slept in her bed. She could still feel her new friends aura, but it wasn't nearly as strong now that she was farther away, and the distance allowed her to eventually drift off to sleep.


Grace, who had redressed in her slightly torn clothing and armor from the previous day, shrugged and replied; "I have other clothing in my dormitory that I share with my friend Chloe, but I haven't gone there yet. You don't have to give me anything to wear, these will be fine.... Though it would be nice if we could stop by there before we go looking for someone to tell us what to do. It's up to you though, I don't mind dirty clothes. If we end up fighting, I'll just get them dirty again anyway."

Once outside of the chapel, they found the place fairly empty. The triage center had been taken down and moved to the cafeteria, but there were a few other priests busying about, cleaning up what was left. It was one of them that told Grace this, and that the leaders of the Academy were asking all able bodied men and women to help in cleansing the lands surrounding the school of what was left of the invaders. At that point, Sister Karen and Grace had a choice to make. neither had eaten anything yet, so some food might be good, as they had been told that breakfast was being served at another courtyard. Grace still had to get her fresh clothing, though she insisted that such wasn't completely necessary. Finally, they had also been told that the front entrance of the Academy was where the patrols were being organized.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

At Graces digression and comments, Karen would look to her new friend and respond, "Well, I think some breakfast would be a priority, it would be most beneficial for us to get some food to recover our strength and see us through the day after the events of last night. After that, I think it would be alright if we were to run by your dormitory to get you some clean clothes. Also I would very much like to meet your friend, Chloe. Uhm...... Though...... And please forgive me if this is rude...... But does she possess the same......."aura" as you? I would just like to know to try to be prepared is all. After that, I think we should return to see what we can do around the school and city to help get things repaired or back to order as much as possible. Do you think Chloe would be willing to help us with the work any? It would be most helpful to have another pair of hands to assist in the work." she said politely and sincerely, before strapping her pistols back around her waist and heading out the doors to the courtyard for breakfast.