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The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

Grace laughed at Karen's delicately put question, and replied; "No, Chloe's not corrupted like I am. She's a student here, a healer actually. I'm pretty sure that all of the students have been conscripted into helping by now, and I doubt that she wouldn't try to do as much as she could in a situation like this." They started off toward breakfast after Grace asked a passing monk where exactly they were serving it, and as they did, Grace continued; "Honestly, I don't even expect her to be in our dorm. I just want to go there to get some clean clothes."

They found a crowded courtyard, with over a hundred students either waiting in line to be served at massive tents that had been set up or sitting at tables eating and talking. The conversations were low, tense and hushed, and Sister Karen got quite a few glances as she and Grace passed through the crowd. It wasn't just Grace who was getting stared at either. They both proceeded toward the food steadily, the line moving quickly, and eventually they received plates of whatever they liked. There was surprisingly plenty to choose from, and more than enough for them both to take as much as they wanted. Grace's plate was piled high, and she grinned widely as they headed off to a table to eat their breakfast. "It looks like everyone is pretty tense out here." Grace said quietly, glancing around at the people nearest to them. They were receiving a glance here and there still, but they were becoming fewer and fewer in number as the seconds ticked by.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen laughed softly and timidly upon hearing Graces response to her question and pressed a hand to one of her breasts a little winded like before responding, "Oh, that's good to know. I'm just not wanting anymore surprises like last night or having to worry about upsetting anybody else over it again." she said as she headed out with her friend and getting directions to the meal from the monk, "Oh, I see.... Well, that's okay. I'd have liked to have met her really, but perhaps I can another time. And as I stated before it would be perfectly understandable and fine to go and get you some new clothes before we start work again." she said as they eventually made their way to the breakfast tent.

Karen did not miss the occasional glances from dining monks, priests, and students sitting at the many tables around the area as they went to get their food; neither did she fail to notice the hushed low pitched conversations going on between them. Is there something wrong with Grace? Or something funny about me today? Are they...... Suspicious of us? Do they think we did something....... Indecent, last night? I hope they don't think I broke my vows........ But I do not want to offend or upset Grace again....... she thought as she went about getting her breakfast, she looked slightly incredulous at Graces plate as the blonde woman piled it high and beamed a bright smile. Huh...... Grace sure likes to eat...... But I admire her spirit. she thought to herself as she went and got her serving of oatmeal, cinnamon raisin bread, a bagel, some eggs and a tall glass of cold orange juice. As she went to sit with Grace at their table and eat, she could not help but notice the few occasional looks she still got. As Grace asked her question she couldn't help but to voice her concerns and fears to her new friend, "Grace....... Forgive me for my..... rude question...... But, do you think they think we...... Did something, last night? Or is there........ Something odd about us? We didn't get any looks last night....... It seems as if something has changed since yesterday......." she said softly, quietly and concerned with a worried expression on her face as she awaited the womans answer.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

Grace's mouth was full when she responded to Sister Karen's concerns, and as such her words came out slightly muffled; "It's probably just me. I get a few stares from time to time, about my wings and the way people get around me." She swallowed, but put some more food into her mouth before she started speaking again; "I get odd looks all the time, really. I'm sued to it, but you're around me, so it's possible that they think we did stuff last night." Despite how garbled her speech was with the mouth full of food, Grace still managed to sound contemplative, as if the idea that she was being stared at didn't bother her in the slightest.

No one actually bothered them as they ate their breakfast, Grace making idle chatter (always with her mouth full) about things that didn't seem to matter too much given the circumstances. She also ate a lot more than Sister Karen had, and when she was finished, she sighed, and then said; "So, to my place, and then to find some way to help?"
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

"I see....... I was afraid that was the case. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable, but I am also worried people may get the wrong idea about me. I don't know what I would do if people began spreading false rumors about me and it were to somehow harm my status and mission. I don't blame you though! I know what happened wasn't your fault and must've been terrible for you! But...... I just worry....... you know?" She said to her friend as she continued to stuff food in her face. Grace's appetite and eating habits, as well as her seemingly easy going personality seemed to put her at ease though. It seemed the young woman refused to let anything keep her down or defeat her, and she sincerely admired and respected that, Maybe Grace has the right attitude towards things............? she thought until she heard her friend's next question, "Yes. You shouldn't have to go around in torn bloody clothing all the time. We'll get you some new clothes, then we'll see if we are needed for anything anywhere." she said awaiting for Grace's response and to finish her breakfast before heading to her housing.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

"Ahhh, don't worry about them." Grace replied after Karen made her fears known. "They don't know nothing, and we didn't actually do anything anyway, so who cares what they think. Besides, it could be that they're just gawking at us. With a body like yours, I'd stare too!" She continued, a grin on her face as she finished stuffing her face with food.

The two departed for the doors, Grace in the lead. They found the place to be empty, the students having been kept together rather than allowed to return to their rooms. The corrupted girl led her through the lifeless halls, and finally stopped in front of a closed undecorated door marked; '214.' Stepping toward it, Grace quietly said; "This is our room." Her words echoed through the empty stone chambers despite her low tones, and she pushed it open and stepped inside. "I'll just be a minute." She said, and left the door open a crack. It would be a simple matter for Karen to peak inside, or even to follow the other girl inside if she so desired.

However, a second or two after Grace had left, Karen heard a noise from down the hall. The crying of metal hinges moving, perhaps, or maybe a rodent squeaking as it scurried about. It could only take a few moments to investigate on her own, if she wanted to, but she could also easily wait for Grace or simply not investigate the sound at all.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

"Ahhh, don't worry about them." Grace replied after Karen made her fears known. "They don't know nothing, and we didn't actually do anything anyway, so who cares what they think. Besides, it could be that they're just gawking at us. With a body like yours, I'd stare too!"

"Ah...... Heeheehee..... I guess you're right. I mean we didn't do anything last night. But as messenger of the gospel i have to keep up an image to maintain and — Grace!" She cut herself off as she finally caught the last part of Grace's response, holding her hands up to her breasts a little shocked, "You mustn't be so flirtatious......" she said meekly before they left the table and headed to Graces room. "It looks like the superiors want all the students to stay together rather then go back to their rooms......" she said offhandedly as she nervously heard their quite voices echo through the halls and room. As Grace opened the door and stepped through Karen would stand outside the door politely and quietly wait for Grace to finish dressing. However she would stand up abruptly, alarmed by the sudden strange sound, before cracking the door open a little bit tocry out quietly to get her friends attention, "Grace! Did you hear that!?"
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Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Grappled

Perception: Failure.
Attacks: Automatic Hit.
Grace has been grappled.

Grace glanced back at Karen as she opened the door a crack, her body completely naked as she glanced over her shoulder, half bent in a seductive pose as she was tugging a narrow black thong up toward her hips. "Hear what?" She asked innocently, though she was being earnest. Before Karen could respond, however, a hand suddenly clamped over her mouth, and she was dragged away from the door. A clawed hand wrapped around her belly while the other remained over her mouth, shimmering skin barely visible as she was forcefully pulled away from the door. Before her eyes, the door began to open slowly, shimmering shapes that Karen could barely see slowly proceeding into the room toward Grace, who ha turned back and continued dressing. The corrupted girl was still wearing nothing but a thong, however, and would be utterly helpless against their phantom attackers unless Grace could do something.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen was a little shocked and embarrassed to see the corrupted woman pretty much completely naked and exposing so much to her but shortly afte she much more pressing and important things to worry about as an unseen handily would materialize around her mouth and belly and drag her away from the door, "Uuuumph!" she muffled out as she saw three more shimmering shilouettes heading towards the near naked woman, in a moment of total panic and urgency she focused all of her piouity and righteous fury into her thoughts and channel them into a raging inferno that would spread througout the area frying all of the abominations gathered there. Although the resulting flames would surely alert her, not to mention the cries of pain from the monsters, if the fire would cause the one holding her to release her she would cry out as loud as she could, "GRAAAAAAAAACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", alerting her friend of tue forthcoming ambush.

((Use Holy Fire, X=20, on all the hunters.))
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Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 38/48, PP = 36, EP = 31/61, Status = Injured

Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 * 20 = 60 - 8 = 52 damage
Exactly their health D:<
Gain 6 experience.

Karen's own body burned with the flames that she had conjured, and the explosion wrapped herself and all of the half-hidden creatures in white fire. Her skin did not blister or burn at the touch of the cleansing flames, but she felt the monster holding her shuddering, and the scent of its burning flesh filled her nostrils as it continued to hold its hand over her mouth.

The flames lasted for only a moment, and when they cleared, Karen found Grace staring at her in utter confusion, just before the dead bodies of their would be attackers appeared, their flesh charred and flaking off. They were vaguely humanoid in shape, and Sister Karen could barely make out any of their features through the severe burns. Their arms were too long, and ended in huge, sharp claws, and their faces, or at least what was left of them, weren't even slightly human.

"Holy..... What.... Are you alright?" Grace stammered, utter confusion on her face as she surveyed the scene, still basically naked save for the tiny underclothes that covered her crotch. The one that had grabbed Karen released her and collapsed, the scent of its burning flesh still sticking to her body and clothing even though it was no longer holding her.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Some of the invisible monsters that were attacking the monks and others outside the chapel the other night suddenly appeared out of nowhere behind me and held my mouth shut. Three more opened the door once I was restrained and tried to sneak up on you where you couldn't see them. I was just barely able to detect them and and I just had a sudden adrenaline rush and panicked pouring as much as I could into my flames and hoped it would be enough to destroy them. Fortunately it seemed to have been just as much that I needed. I think...... I should be alright. I just need to rest a bit...... I really put myself out there. Do you have a bed or something I could lie down on?" she said just grateful she was able to save herself and her friend from the creatures, not giving Grace's still near naked state and serious thought for the time.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

"Errr... right. yeah, there's a bed in here." Grace replied, followed by a beckon forward. The motion might have been easily misconstrued as a suggestive gesture, though Karen was likely too shaken by the danger she had been in a moment ago. She was quickly led inside and shown to a small raised bed, and then Grace simply went over to finish dressing in fresh clothes. She put her armor back on, which was still covered in blood and mildly torn, though it showed some attempts to patch it where it had been torn.

As Sister Karen recovered, Grace busied herself making further repairs on her armor, glancing at her several times. A few moments later, the headache she had gotten following the expenditure of her power had faded. She felt her sudden exhaustion fade as well, and a short while later Sister Karen felt more or less fully recovered from the sudden attack. The three reptilian bodies were still smoking, and her clothes and hair still reeked of their charred flesh, but not one of them had so much as twitched since they had been killed. "Are you feeling alright? These are like the things we fought yesterday..... But what are they doing here?" Grace finally said, staring at the bodies.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

"Th-thank you, Grace..... I was just..... Frightened, panicked...... The rush of adrenaline...... And the sudden expenditure of my powers...... It was just very draining and taxing on me..... I just need to get myself calmed down and relaxed." she said lying down on te woman's raised bed softly and slowly, regaining her bearings and senses and recovering from the flare up. Karen looked towards Grace but was too busy recovering to think lewdly about her redressing friend. She saw the winged woman replacing her bloody and torn armor from before, and saw her repairing it. Once her body, mind and soul recovered from the ordeal she answered her friends question, "Yes..... I think they are. As for what they are doing here I do not know...... I have a bad feeling, that they..... May perhaps be hiding out in homes and other property in the area. I think we should head back to the breakfast area and inform the religious leaders and others of what we found, and perhaps tell them not to go back to their homes or businesses just yet........" she said despairingly.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

(The Academy is one giant complex.)

"Sounds like a plan. I guess that's why the headmasters wanted everyone in a big group, so that nothing like that could happen. If you're ready, we can get going." Grace replied, and with that the pair of them left her room.

Traveling back to the breakfast area, it was as full as last time, and Karen went to the chapel to find a priest. The first one she found simply shrugged to her, and replied; "It was suspected that the hidden monsters were wandering the corridors. That was why people weren't supposed to go off except in large groups. Besides, what do you think we're going to do about it? There are seven clergy here, including yourself, Sister Karen. This is more something that should be taken up with the administration of the school than something that we can handle on our own." He then turned and went back to his work, cleaning the blood stains from the floor of the chapel.

After taking Sister Karen by her arm and leading her back outside, Grace said; "Well.... That was helpful. So, what now? We could go to the Dean, I guess.... He's overseeing the patrols going on outside. Or maybe try to find some other faculty member."
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

After the priests response to their findings Karen was first frustrated but after giving it a moments thought and hearing Grace's question, Karen simply closed her eyes and nodded in sage judgement; "Hrm. The priest is right, Grace. The heads of the Academy would likely be able to do the most good then just a few clergy. Also they are in charge of the security for the city and the students and citizens after the attacks. The dean would likely be our best bet to alert about the problem." she said as gently took Graces arm in return and they made their way to the deans office.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 61, Status = Fine

(The dean's not in his office. I said in my post that he was outside. <.< )

The pair of them proceeded to the entrance of the Academy, where the patrols into the woods were being organized. They found the dean of the Academy easily enough, as by the time they arrived there the place was practically deserted save for a dozen or so Academy staff members and volunteers from the village. When they approached, he turned wordlessly toward the two of them and waited, his youthful face impatient. The current dean was the youngest that had ever been elected to the head position of the Academy, not even being thirty yet, but his dark eyes and hair, combined with his constantly furrowed brow, made him all the more imposing when combined with his position.

Grace glanced at Karen hesitantly, waiting for her to speak.
Re: Sister Karen Celeste (TentanariX)

Karen cleared her throat before steeping up to the dean in a slow and deliberate but respectful manner, "Pardon the intrusion, Dean, but my friend and I have encountered a group of the invisible creatures that attacked the Academy the night before. At her dormitory. I think it would be prudent to send some patrols to check homes, student housing, and the likes to prevent unsuspecting denizens from being abducted by the monsters. And also to warn students and other residents to stay around the Chapel and premises until we receive an all clear from patrols or other word arrives." She stated her findings and suggestions to the Academy head in a direct, calm even yet respectful tone of voice.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX)

Sister Karen Celeste: HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 66, Status = Fine

The Dean didn't move a muscle, not even so much as a twitch of his brow as Karen gave her report. He waited a moment before he replied, and his words were crisp and clear, and delivered so swiftly that Karen might not have caught all of them were it not for his tone of voice; "We are well aware that the Academy grounds are not safe. That is why the students and staff have all been kept in one of three places, rather than sent back to their quarters." Then, he simply stared at her, as if waiting for her to say something more.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX)

"Are we meant to be kept at the academy or academy grounds indefinitely? I understand being kept here for the rime being for our safety, but people will become antsy soon, and certainly others will try to go back to Thierry homes or businesses as well. I understand there may not be anywhere enough resources to send out to all homes or business in the city, but perhaps we should we should send some out to major ones like banks, schools, or other important places. People can't stay away forever, Dean; so may I be as bold to suggest sending an armed escort or someone who can keep guard on citizens who get homesick? Or those with important city duties and functions to carry out in planned intervals, or seeing if help can be found and brought back from other parts of Crolia?" she asked respectfully, yet with authority, certainty, and convinction. She knew that it would be wise to keep people from their homes and such as the invaders would likely be waiting there; but also knew they couldn't keep them and the other students cooped up at the academy indefinitely. "If none of those suggestions sound acceptable, then Grace and I will offer our services freely and patrol the streets and buildings of the area. And if it sounds acceptable will go about trying to recruit any spirit wielders, mages and warriors who are still fit to fight and help, to assist in the patrolling and possibly doing favors for citizens in need." she concluded offering a alternative to her previous recommendations for trying to deal with the alien problem as best as possible. She would stop for a few moments to catch her breath, let the Dean have his say, and see if Grace had anything to add.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX)

Sister Karen Celeste: HP = 48, PP = 36, EP = 66, Status = Fine

The Dean continued to stare expressionlessly at Sister Karen as she spoke, and waited a moment longer after she had finished her suggestion, even allowing her to go through her proposed alternative. Grace glanced sidelong at her several times, but remained silent and impassive save for an agreeable nod when she offered their services in making the Academy safe. Finally, he calmly, almost coldly, replied; "Every other city in Crolia has been attacked. Most have not fared well. We will get no help from outside, and allowing the students to return to their dormitories would be trading minor creature comforts for many of their lives. Or worse, their souls. So, they will stay together as they sleep, away from their dorms, for as long as they must before the Academy grounds have been secured."

He paused momentarily, his face still devoid of any expression save the hints of a stern scowl, and then continued, cutting her off if necessary; "The students and staff of the Academy are under my command so long as they wish to remain here, and I have already forbidden all of them from going through the corridors until the more pressing concern, that of the crashed beast in the forest, has been addressed. Once that is taken care of, we may refocus our efforts on clearing the surviving monsters from the Academy itself. If guests or other non-faculty residents wish to aid you, than that is their business. Have I made myself quite clear, Sister Karen Celeste?" He stopped, and leveled a gaze upon her that had such intensity that for a moment Sister Karen thought that he might be about to burn her to dust with his eyes, but no such attack came form the man. Instead, he simply stared at her until she had offered a response.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX)

Sister Karen listened to the man's words, at first with a hint of frustration and disbelief, but after a moment realized he was right. However even if he was in a position of authority she couldn't help but feel his tone came off as condescending and arrogant, but decided better about saying anything until he finished. However, his gaze did nothing to faze her determination or spirit, and she merely returned a level gaze and tone back at the man, repressing her irritation and adrressed him with the same respect as before. "Yes, Dean. Most clear. Is there anything that you would wish for me and Grace to assist in? Or anything we can do to help? If not, we will merely return to assigned station." she said awaiting the man's response.