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The worst mistake you didn't pay for


Demon Girl
Nov 12, 2011
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When you make a mistake, it usually come back to bite you in the butt. But some times, either because you're lucky or because you're really quick witted, you make a mistake and don't pay for it.
Now, what was the worst mistake you made without paying for it?
Even if it's not the worst it's good, as long as it's laugh-worthy.

Mine? I called my girlfriend with my ex-girlfriend's name while we were "cuddling".
The moment I realized what I did I prepared myself for the worst, because she has a really bad temper and the habit of biting (almost bit off a piece of my hand last time we got in a fight). So i was pretty much sure she was about to bite off my nose, but for some miracle she didn't notice, or maybe she didn't hear, and I lived to tell the tale.
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

Left a (completely clean) glass butt plug on my desk while in halls at uni. Female friend who I wasn't expecting comes in, picks it up, and says "Wow, cool sword hilt! What an awesome idea for an ornament!"
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

I was riding in a car with a friend and decided to take off my seatbelt, about 10 seconds later we go into a fish-tail, over the enbankment and end up rolling about 6-7 times. We were going 65 and I had my window all the way open (I easily could have fit through it). Came out of it with only a broken arm, which the insurance company paid an exhorbent amount of money for.

Funny thing is, I'd taken my seatbelt off to show my friend that I had faith in his driving abilites as people had been ragging on him about it. Lesson learned: If you spit in fate's eye enough times, it'll spit back!
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

My girlfriend opening a ryona game on my PC. It was Kurovadis, and she was getting raped by a mantis and a zombie.

"What is this? Ew! This is really weird!"

"What? Oh sick! I don't know how that got there. Sometimes viruses download things like this onto your computer to trick you into clicking on them, and then they install other viruses."

She then got off the computer so I could "run a virus scan" and I promptly encrypted all of my pr0n in a RAR file. I don't know how I kept a straight face and didn't stutter.
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

I dont get it when partners dont understand pornography... I mean what you supposed to do when their not around?
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

Me and Sly frequently swap favorite porn.
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

Ben and I have... differing tastes. XD We don't swap.
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

Well, at least ye can understand each other got that there different tastes now can't ye lass?
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

My girlfriend only really watches porn when with me, but we share similar fetishes.
Re: The worst mistake you didn't pay for

if she turns up here do i have to be subservient to her and curtsey?