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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

Zeta has given us two updates within the period of three days...One she's given us a new gameplay demo of how the new Zeta will play like and function in the actual game
Link Here:

And two the "! escape button hit has been changed and will now be a good old arcade style button mash for your freedom.


The last change mentioned that is if you play two player mode a character that get 'caught' can be saved by a teammate running over and hitting the enemy off of them before the animation starts.

Edit: It seems that the escape feature will be the same but they just changed the icon for when you need to do it.
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Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

... still waiting on those female enemies and arena bosses
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0


Well project x is actually a very good game, the problem is that they update really really slow.

The gameplay is fun and interesting. I'm very surprised they actually put in Tails(a male character), whats more so is the addition of each character having slightly different scenes.

But they've been on stage 1 and 2 for years now. Its about time they add another stage instead of re-doing zeta or adding yet another female char.

I like this game, but its updates are pretty slow. While it is nice to see an actual well-made game,(with the except of fairy fighting and toffi's work) there haven't been many in the past year. But the game has been out forever and should be producing content much faster than it should.
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0


Well project x is actually a very good game, the problem is that they update really really slow.

The gameplay is fun and interesting. I'm very surprised they actually put in Tails(a male character), whats more so is the addition of each character having slightly different scenes.

But they've been on stage 1 and 2 for years now. Its about time they add another stage instead of re-doing zeta or adding yet another female char.

I like this game, but its updates are pretty slow. While it is nice to see an actual well-made game,(with the except of fairy fighting and toffi's work) there haven't been many in the past year. But the game has been out forever and should be producing content much faster than it should.

It's ironic you make this post when they are releasing a major update in October including the new underwater stage, a couple more characters, and a revamped Rouge, Zeta and Zu sprite. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that this is the last day of September and after that it's October. Strange what paying attention to the developer's forum or any of the many threads they post on will tell you. In all seriousness though realize that the developers are doing this game for free, taking in comments and opinions from the fans far more than I have seen for anygame, is being made for Mac and pc, and is being coded by only one person with the rest doing animations and story not to mention it started out as only a two man project that has slowly grown.

Note: Sorry I get tired of people whining about how long an update takes and especially when the update is so soon, combined with my current headcold, I can't help but rage.
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Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

Not to be the dick here, but that same update that's promised now is the one that was already supposed to have come out.

Is he wrong that the same two levels have been out this entire time? No, he's not.
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

Not to be the dick here, but that same update that's promised now is the one that was already supposed to have come out.

Is he wrong that the same two levels have been out this entire time? No, he's not.

No you're right he's not. But the part about you not trying to be a dick is highly debatable due to the last comment. ^^
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

For stating something you admit is fact, I was trying to be a dick?
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

Well if we're still talking about my dick, I'll feed ya something
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

why so serious Toxic... take a breath of fresh air, smell the flowers... just relax
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

Wait, really?

I don't understand.
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

It's okay, Toxic. Fans jump to the defense of Zeta at the drop of a hat, so even the mitigators get their heads ripped off because they aren't all aboard the Zeta-train. The complaints about the lack of updates are valid, anyways, but since pointing that out is liable to make you 'the worst person on the internet evar', it's best to just keep it to yourself and avoid the drama.
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

It's okay, Toxic. Fans jump to the defense of Zeta at the drop of a hat, so even the mitigators get their heads ripped off because they aren't all aboard the Zeta-train. The complaints about the lack of updates are valid, anyways, but since pointing that out is liable to make you 'the worst person on the internet evar', it's best to just keep it to yourself and avoid the drama.

As I've said before I agree about the lack of updates I just found it hilarious he posted a complaint so soon to what is supposed to be a major update to the game. Unfortunately in my cold medicine addled mind I became ragey rather than just laughing quietly as I should have been As far as Toxic is concerned I did not get mad for what he stated but rather the little twist of the knife at the end is what agitated me. While I do not deny that I tend to be a white knight when it comes to the Project X team as a whole I'm not one who protects it blindly. I just have a thing for people whom ake a whining post about something when it's so close to being fixed and has been addressed in many threads around the net >..<
And yes ragey is a word >.>
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

I just have a thing for people whom ake a whining post about something when it's so close to being fixed and has been addressed in many threads around the net >..<
And yes ragey is a word >.>

If pointing out a few factors = whining, then I don't know what to think anymore.

Regardless Zeta and their team, while the content that gets done is very good, does it at a 'at our own pace' timezone. They can, and will go on for weeks, months (almost) a year at a time doing nothing at all on said project, then get some good motervation, get a bit more added, and then stay away from it for god only knows how long.

But the thing to keep in mind here is that they don't owe us anything, and if they want to take the next 10 years to finish this project, unless someone else says 'fuck it' and makes their own, they are more then allowed to do such.

But I think also people need to notice that saying "oh yes, new stuff that you can't have yet or at all~!" and then NOT somehow expecting allot of flack from such is becoming dumb.
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

It's usually around that time that people will become whiney. I have no idea how long we were waiting for the engineer to get an update. It was the last one to get a class update, then came the polycount and he was left out. Then came the second set, and he was the ONLY class that was skipped. Then we waited forever and came the uber update in which all classes got new weapons except for the engineer. Then there was an announcement about some new scientific weapons coming up, so everyone thought, "Finally, something for the engineer," but it went to the soldier. Every upcoming update after that, it was constant complaints about how it BETTER be the Engineer that gets the update.

Some games update very quickly, some don't. Some promise updates and some drop those. I understand that the coming update is supposed to expand the game. This update has been overdue for a while but where in the timeline between the updates it takes place matters? I just argue that people have the right before this update to say that it should be updated as promised because it's specifically what the last one was supposed to be. I understand the need to defend it too, since I'm often the one in Fairy Fighting trying to tell people, "No shit this character only has 1 game over scene, it was added 3 days ago." But there are a matter of degrees. Like I said, some games do, some games don't, but an expectation that is running on years and was dropped was doesn't exactly make it seem like just because something is coming soon, confidence should be inspired.

And that's not at all suggesting that this is a poor game because of it's development. It has become one of my favorite H-games in development, including games that have already been completed. As a matter of fact, I think that Fairy Fighting only edges this one out because of the extreme fetishes, but the amount per update is obviously in Project X's favor. However, I do feel that the planning is being made up as the game is made up, which further complicates this more than it needed to be. Every character that's added means having to rethink how that character goes through every level of the game vs a new level is just how the enemies then will work. There are other examples of how I feel the game is being created mentally as it's being created physically and I will wait with bated breath for each update, but it doesn't mean that the person automatically should expect to be happy. Some of us are pessimists, but it doesn't mean we're wrong. As for my "ending comment," I do apologize it wasn't stated better, I was going to continue a line of questioning in that format, but I was slightly busy and just cut it off early, making it seem like a bullet, rather than a bullet list.
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

We've had a sort've dead-run for a while when it comes to updates and new hentai games.. If you think this thread is bad, just look at funny-games.biz, they've brought us spankin' new hentai games every week, but the last few weeks they've been forced to recycle old games..

We just have to hold our ground and keep our favorites close at hand until the drought passes..

Heh.. Close at hand... Get it?.. Because it's our favorite hentai games, and our hand-.. Eh, nevermind..
Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

Re: Project X - current version demo 3.0

You should threaten to hold your breath until you get your updates.

It should be blatantly apparent that I was being antagonistic. Don't hurt yourself trying to understand those big words now ;)