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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Long story short the plant boss's one hit kill move spat out the character's bones, then people complained way too much to where Zeta changed it entirely.

That is, if memory is serving right? :confused:

Well that and the jumping segment changed 4-5 times because of people complaining about it.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

The plant boss used to swallow you up, and sometimes killed you in one hit before spitting out bones. They removed it because apparently comedic deaths involving being devoured are much more disturbing and fucked up than turning vaginas inside out, or stretching them out in order to perform a reverse-birth.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

I wondered what happened to the bonespit in v3. Just thought the chance of occurance dropped. And the 'platforming' jump area is still semi-suicidal, depending on who you are using at the time.

In Off-topic news, someone reading this thread Neg Rep'd me for my current avatar. I actually managed to offend a "good Christian" on these boards who is a registered user and looking for porn. Gotta love the hypocrisy. Would rant further, but there are better sub-forums on the site in which to do so.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Yeah well, the characters were never supposed to DIE.

I for one was really against it, but was willing to overlook it. If I didn't get hit I wouldn't die that way.

But that move was so hard to avoid. So I bitched about it.

Thankfully they changed it and now you have the mouth rape mini-animation.

I hope they don't incorporate death into the game again, unless it's zombies or ghosts that can rape you or something.

It honestly made me sad, and turn off the game, and go right to the forums and complain about it.

Plus that jumping zone was bullshit.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Here's a curious question. Does anyone have the REALLY old version? The ones that had the bug where you could escape rapes even in the midst of one? :D
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Did the one I posted work?

I have to find 1.0

I know I saved all versions of Project X.

But why would you want that one?
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Did the one I posted work?

I have to find 1.0

I know I saved all versions of Project X.

But why would you want that one?

It's the only version I'm missing, and since I'm a gigantic loser, I'm going to collect all the versions. XD

Also, you should ZIP the folder before you upload it to mediafire. Otherwise it forces us to download each file separately. Not a huge deal, but still a pain.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Okay, I'll zip it when/if I find it.

I am going to play some Skyrim. Then sleep. Then play more Skyrim, then look for it, then upload it.

I'm sure it's somewhere around here.

And you're welcome cm, enjoy.


Nevermind, I found it. This should work.

And I found 1.5 too if anyone wants that.

1.0 and 1.5

Enjoy, gotta kill me some dragons now.
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Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Thanks man. :)
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Who are you to declare that? It's Zeta's game.

I think he said that because it was kind of a shock compared to the rest of the game.
Everything beforehand, the worst that happened was getting raped and pregnant. Then suddenly you get to a boss that actually KILLS the character?
When I first saw it I was a little "Wtf" myself, and wasn't sad to see it removed.

It was rather cheap anyway, if you failed to break out of it, you instantly died.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Such a shock that a giant, carnivorous plant would try to eat people. If they no longer eat people but just rape them and spit them out, then what are the teeth for? The boss no longer makes sense.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

QQ moar coyote, it's gone and has been for quite some time.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Such a shock that a giant, carnivorous plant would try to eat people. If they no longer eat people but just rape them and spit them out, then what are the teeth for? The boss no longer makes sense.

This is also a game where robots have been infected with a love potion and are now out to rape you, which also makes no sense. Your argument is invalid.
Edit: My point is, the game's plot and mechanics make no sense when compared to real life. A giant carnivorous plant NOT eating someone may make no sense, but in the context of the game (The context being that the potion makes animals, robots, and pretty much everything else want to rape a bunch of sonic characters) it makes perfect sense.
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Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

You make a good point, although I'm of the opinion that Zeta chose a carnivorous plant for a reason. I will say that the boss, even in version 2.0, did have rape attacks too (the vines), and the plant does have a motive to stop you, because you're trying to prevent the plant from raping its captive. The plant is already in the act of raping, and you're trying to spoil its fun.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

You make a good point, although I'm of the opinion that Zeta chose a carnivorous plant for a reason. I will say that the boss, even in version 2.0, did have rape attacks too (the vines), and the plant does have a motive to stop you, because you're trying to prevent the plant from raping its captive. The plant is already in the act of raping, and you're trying to spoil its fun.

She's trying to fit in as many fetishes as possible so that the game can please as many people as possible. An admirable goal, but still risky. The reason the hard vore was removed was because there was a significant amount of backlash from fans of the game.

If she'd gone for soft vore (The character is swallowed, but nothing is seen and then you respawn) it probably wouldn't have gotten the same amount of negative feedback, but because he literally spat out bones (Or in the case of Zeta, a pile of circuits) there was no way to imagine that scenario except "Oh my god the plant just tore all the flesh off the character and swallowed it". Since this isn't something Zeta normally does, most of her fans didn't enjoy it.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

I wondered what happened to the bonespit in v3. Just thought the chance of occurance dropped. And the 'platforming' jump area is still semi-suicidal, depending on who you are using at the time.

In Off-topic news, someone reading this thread Neg Rep'd me for my current avatar. I actually managed to offend a "good Christian" on these boards who is a registered user and looking for porn. Gotta love the hypocrisy. Would rant further, but there are better sub-forums on the site in which to do so.

I didn't even realise that was Jesus without having to zoom all the way it.

Besides didn't he marry a whore?
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

She's trying to fit in as many fetishes as possible so that the game can please as many people as possible. An admirable goal, but still risky.

Just look at the backlash Fairy Fighting has received regarding characters added over time. I have mixed feelings about that game due to my aversion to watersports and scat, which feature heavily on several enemies.

If she'd gone for soft vore (The character is swallowed, but nothing is seen and then you respawn) it probably wouldn't have gotten the same amount of negative feedback, but because he literally spat out bones (Or in the case of Zeta, a pile of circuits) there was no way to imagine that scenario except "Oh my god the plant just tore all the flesh off the character and swallowed it". Since this isn't something Zeta normally does, most of her fans didn't enjoy it.

A "sunflower" popping up with the character's face in the center might have kept the humor. Yeah, the bonespit was a hard departure from the fairly light-hearted remainder of the game.
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Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

If the plant would have swallowed the character, and even if you saw a bulge in the stem, or even the character struggling within the plant, I would have been okay with that. It was just a bit too dark for me I guess. Maybe I was wrong, maybe Zeta should have kept the deaths in the game.

But she didn't, fans let their voices be heard, and she CHOSE to change that.

So coyoteman, who am I to declare that?

Just a fan. Just a fan who gave his opinion and the creator of the game changed her mind about the content in it.

If the plant doesnt make sense to you now, keep playing 2.0. Because horny robots and cumming out of your belly button makes sense too.