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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Hah, not at all! I said I was generally curious.. I have accepted that this game won't get off the ground, but I'm not mad about it.. I accepted that ages ago frankly, and what with the faptacular games I already have in my collection, it's no loss at all to me. :p

As the development of hentai games, let alone ANY game goes, it all depends on the developer's personality.. How influenced they are by opinions, and/or how stubborn they are.. But I don't want to write another "essay", toxic might start bleeding again, so I'll just stay quiet for now.
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Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Cool, new updates! Hopefully that means the next stage is almost ready!
... Right?
Probably not T_T

What? They didn't add Toxic's rag to the game?!?! My deepest apologies, after skipping to the last paragraph of sponge's post, which is where he usually gets his shit together and says something mildly on topic I thought for sure that Toxic's rag would be in the game!

Anyway, has anyone else noticed that when someone starts calling another person a bloody vagina, it most certainly applys to them more than the person they're desperately trying to insult?
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Also, the guy above me needs to stop crying.

I'm sorry you're taking my snarky sarcasm the wrong way if that's directed at me.

But in all seriousness I am bummed there is no 3rd stage yet.
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Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

New content is new content, simple as that.

I agree, and yet don't. We've already discussed that continually adding new characters will cause future stage updates to take longer to do. It's nice to see new content added, but I'd rather see a few more stages added before they implement new characters.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I never come in this thread, so I'm surprised there still isn't a 3rd stage. I expected after the months and months since my last DL of this game that they'd have it done since I think it was "announced" at the time and was already anticipated for a while when my version was released. Oh well.

Oh wow I still have the latest version apparently from 5/19, version 3.5. I thought I missed some versions so might have something new to look forward to if I dl'd it, lamesauce. Dunno if I played it though. Wonder if the new characters will be good.
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Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I'm sorry you're taking my snarky sarcasm the wrong way if that's directed at me.

But in all seriousness I am bummed there is no 3rd stage yet.

Did you happen to notice the phrase was inside of quotation marks...

Yeah Fruit, it was supposed to be in the last two or three updates I believe. Now I'm not impatient and I don't ever believe the audience opinion should sway the developer. However, the one thing I can fairly look down upon is missed promises.

I don't believe I'm owed anything, especially by developers who make games for free. Because of that, I can have opinions on how games play, but in the end, what goes into the game, as well as the size and frequency of updates are something that I can be happy or upset about, that's as far as my right goes, because I'm still going to be allowed content for free. But because of that allowance, it should mean that developers should be free to work at their own pace, which also means that things shouldn't be overpromised. If there's one thing I don't think is fair to anyone, it's saying you'll release something, and then not. If all you are is your word, you shouldn't be so ok with breaking it. Cuz at that point, you're not losing fans or followers because of quality, and not even because updates are taking too long, but because you run your own credibility.

And that's the shame, cuz I like these authors and I enjoy the product, and I don't mind how long they might take to do things. I do the same waiting for larger projects like nightmare sphere, unholy sanctuary, and hounds of the blade. But don't tell someone what they will have if they're not going to have it. That's not development, it's the deception.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Not to repeat myself but I'm staying firm on the opinion that this is just something they wanted to show to whet our appetites a bit and that there's actually more in store then we know of. I could be wrong of course but as of right now i'm looking foward to seeing the redesigned sprites of Amy and Blaze and Cream's mother Vanilla being added to the game in the next update. If it happens that I was right and there was more to this then we knew then I'd be very pleasantly surprised.

As for the developement of the game well I think it's that they have only four people continously working on the game so the work they can pass around is limited. I for one think they should look around to try nad find sprite artists that are willing to help them in the long term but with how everything is that is something much easier said than done :/
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Well if they promised something and haven't delivered yet, it's going to be on a lot of peoples minds and make other updates seem less exciting for them. I think it's justified honestly. Broken promises, even for free things, are still broken promises.

Personally I don't find many H games to be worth obsessing over enough to be bothered by inconsistency like that but I do understand why people would be blerged by it. I've played a lot of mmo's with companies the regularly underestimate their content updates by weeks or months or more. I don't know why people don't just overestimate times or not give update spoilers.

Nobody is going to be impressed with you that you managed to update a game at the time you specified even if it was a miracle given the workload, but they sure as hell will be pissed if you don't deliver what you promise. Keep expectations low and you will give people a nice pleasant surprise when you do finish.
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Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012


No Vanilla but like I said Stage three is going to be the next update and the sillouhettes they showed were redesigns and Evil Cream. Not sure why the love potion makes her into a teenager but whatever o.o

Edit: Friend pointed it out. Apparently The sprite was Evil Cream in a armorsuit/on stilts to look like her mother int the sillouhette. Troll bunny is troll
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Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Stage 3 seems to take after the legacy started by jungle girl. Kinda.

Avoid enemies, instead of sidestepping or ducking, just attack them.

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Stage 3 seems to take after the legacy started by jungle girl. Kinda.

Avoid enemies, instead of sidestepping or ducking, just attack them.


Indeed yu shall soon have you're fucking mermaids, or mermaids fucking. As for me seems like Zeta will finally be adding enemies that get the characters pregnant DURING the fight which results in their being more enemies on the screen. She said this will be a mechanic that'll be reoccuring throughout the rest of the game with certain enemies,
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I just know we won't see this in 2012.

Makes me sad.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

.....You know the only character that is Canonically a MILf

Omg, really?
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

It's been estimated for the this weekend but who knows

Yeah I won't get too excited though I'm sure I'll see this thread on the top of these forums when the update does come. Those animations with the enemies look lovely though.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

NoPenNameGirl had stated "But don't worry, dear fans, the answer will come in less than a week (remember, Zeta Team Time), and I bet a lot of people will like it!" when posting the silhouettes earlier.

I guess some people mistook that as meaning the next update will come out in a week or so. It will not.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Yeah I didn't think so.

Talon you fool...

Like I said...

Probably not happening in 2012.