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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Meh... I was really expecting a Xmas update like last year.

My suggestion to them would be to rename the game to Project X: Love Potion Forever. Maybe then we would get an update around 2025 and have another hobby besides pinching nurse ass in the old folk's home.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Next update will come out right after Half Life 2: Episode 3.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Hello this is my first post Could you upload the game in mediafire Linck, the lincks main page do not work, and I would like to try.

sorry for my bad English:eek:.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Hello this is my first post Could you upload the game in mediafire Linck, the lincks main page do not work, and I would like to try.

sorry for my bad English:eek:.

No problem, glad to help. You just have to put a "th" after the number you see at the upper right of your post.

So this is your "8th post /eighth post". See? English isn't so hard after all, is it?
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

No problem, glad to help. You just have to put a "th" after the number you see at the upper right of your post.

So this is your "8th post /eighth post". See? English isn't so hard after all, is it?

LOL bam! Right in his face.

Hello this is my first post

No it`s not. It`s pretty dumb to try to play the `first time` card when everyone can clearly see you`re lying just by looking at your number of posts.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

So then in January like they've already stated?

You actually take their word when it comes to releasing updates? And to reiterate they said "probably January" so I say it's safe to assume summer 2013 given by their track record.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

You actually take their word when it comes to releasing updates? And to reiterate they said "probably January" so I say it's safe to assume summer 2013 given by their track record.

And of course what it actually will be is late Fall 2013, the update consisting of some minor bugfixes instead of the full stage. :rolleyes:
Valve time ain't got nothing on Zeta time
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I'm frankly surprised anyone this day and age is foolish enough to think they can make a complex animated hgame with no finanical backing. Hell, the existince of this forum is a testament to that; I have little doubt Line Marvel disappeared once he realized the work involved for something more complex than Demon Girl, and calculated how much he was likely to make off of it. It didn't add up, and probably realized that entire h-game creator thing wasn't really a viable career option back then. There's been so many promising demos of nice looking flash games that just never go anywhere once the devs realize how many working hours it's going to take to finish. Toffi is smart enough to keep his games short (and even then he got burned out for a while), and both Toffi and DirtyC101 were smart enough to use original characters so they can take donations without getting into legal trouble.

Using Sonic is too much of a double edged sword; sure it generates more popularity, but there's no way in hell you can accept even a dime for it or Sega will be knocking on your door in short order. It's unfortunately too late now, as they'd have to redo basically everything to wipe the copyrighted stuff. Quite honestly they probably pulled a Line Marvel rather than announce it's been cancelled or put on 'indefinite hold' or such.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I don't really like waiting, but your post sounds completely off.

They announced using a new engine. If they linemarveled they wouldn't even post.

I think they are just a bit... cocky.

Project X is good but it's not great. The updates have been minimal at best. I feel sick every time I go back and see when I started following. It's like a disease.

They need to be done with it and never do something like it again.

Or finish a game and sell it.

If H is their passion, I rather not fap.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012



Well, the release date of the new version with the Stage 3 will be around this month, I wanted it to launch in Valentines, and the release date will be around that, maybe more, maybe less, but probably will be more xD but I have to advice that the new version will not come with all his features updated, like it happens in older releases with the arena mode, the Evil mode in the next release will be taked out to rework it, and some stage dialogs will be missing, but after this release we will launch another one with all these features and some extras, remember this version will be the last one with all the characters, when we start the development of Stage 4, only Zeta, Rouge, Tails and Zu will be available to play with to accelerate the production of the game and Stages. Take in mind that this next release will run in R-Engine, we make sure to not have bugs, but that not means some of them will appears, so take an eye and report them.

Now the question, Ive seen that some people complains about several rapes that the animation is too long and should be shortened, take in mind that the only way to make them short is cut 'loops' that most involves penetration moves, so, I would like to ask the forum for those Enemies who have long animations to make them short. Thanks.

Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I don't think any rapes are too long. Hopefully they stay the same.

And I hate to harp on "I told you so" but it seems they have to limit the available characters in order to do further stages, which is funny cuz that is EXACTLY what was predicted. Maybe they'll stay that route, take all the other characters out for now as some sort of bonus characters to finish at the end, so the game can progress

Sounds good though, can't wait for this new stage. (I mean that literally, I really can't wait any longer..) <3
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I think they are just a bit... cocky.

Project X is good but it's not great. The updates have been minimal at best. I feel sick every time I go back and see when I started following. It's like a disease.

well... i saw it first on TP forum. i think being cocky and doing no good is kind of symptomatic then.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Still sad to see Amy didn't make the cut. She's my favourite character to play as. :C
I literally never play as Rouge.. Minus checking out the new animations for her in the gallery.
Oh well. Excited! A week or two left and we can finally see the new stage! :D
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I was getting worried Robotnik was going to be a new character when i saw that pic...
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Still sad to see Amy didn't make the cut. She's my favourite character to play as. :C
I literally never play as Rouge.. Minus checking out the new animations for her in the gallery.
Oh well. Excited! A week or two left and we can finally see the new stage! :D

Yeah same here. At least there is Zeta,Zu still but Rouge or Tails. Who plays those lol.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I'm glad Zu made the cut :)


and I play tails...
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

The slutty bat with the great voice acting? You bet your ass I play Rouge.
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

I was getting worried Robotnik was going to be a new character when i saw that pic...

Same. Once I saw the picture I was just saying in my head, "Please no. Plz stahp no"
Re: Project X: New update v3.5 Released 14th May 2012

Yeah same here. At least there is Zeta,Zu still but Rouge or Tails. Who plays those lol.

I play Tails. It's the only character I try hard not to get raped on.