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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Sorry to be a pest, but does anyone have a current save file to give access to the gallery?
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

The cum/oil scenes happen whenever the characters get knocked out I believe. If you get raped and your pussy is full, you get the scene. It's a major part of the game. I just don't understand why you invest time in it, if it's something you dislike so strongly.

I never understood that one. Is that some sort of popular fetish Or is it just something in Project X? I dont get it when the oil or whatever comes out of their navel. I dont even think human (or animal) bodies can do that @_@
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I never understood that one. Is that some sort of popular fetish Or is it just something in Project X? I dont get it when the oil or whatever comes out of their navel. I dont even think human (or animal) bodies can do that @_@

I dare say that's not the only sexualized activity displayed across this forum that defies human anatomy. Some of the guys and girls behind the game seem to have a bit of a knack for it.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

i Cant access the web it says something about a maliciouswere or something, 3 days ago i visit the web page. Sorry for my bad english.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Sorry, I don't believe there was anything new for a while. Keep off it for a bit and I'm sure if there's a major update, you'll see it somewhere Zeta posts, like HF or something
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

i Cant access the web it says something about a maliciouswere or something, 3 days ago i visit the web page. Sorry for my bad english.

So I wasn't the only one huh? I gave her a message warning her about it, but since that was almost a month ago..
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

yeep. the same as above, says the page is reported as an attack page or something like that. Which is too bad because I'd like to get to this game.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

another got proiect down to bad this one hat mutch potencial.
but dont worie ther wil be other got games (like ero night 2)

and besides the 4.0 verson relase demo of this game is alredy got (i culd up it)
her goes
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Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

another got proiect down to bad this one hat mutch potencial.
but dont worie ther wil be other got games (like ero night 2)

and besides the 4.0 verson relase demo of this game is alredy got (i culd up it)

I could swear there's a hidden message in the typos...

If only i wasn't so lazy.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I told Zeta herself about this. At first it seemed like an isolated incident but if it's happening to others I bet she'll start looking into it

Update: According to Zeta it's because they're getting labeled for copyright infringement from SEGA and, as a result are being blacklisted by google.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

pretty sure the bbcode got somehow exploited and then site got taken over, happens even to bigger sites.

Thats why you always keep stuff updated. :p
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

This is tragic to me.

Indefinitely on hold sounds bad.

Sad to see this happen
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Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Except nobody every said that it was going to be on hold indefinitely, other than that unstrustworthy anon who can't even type right.
The only bad thing that might happen is that the forum gets killed, but the zeta has many more ways to share the game, on top of her old forum still being there in case the new one dies.
Your website dying doesn't prevent you from making progress on the game :)
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Except nobody every said that it was going to be on hold indefinitely, other than that unstrustworthy anon who can't even type right.

Actually Zeta stated on Furaffinity that the game will be put on hold indefinitely.

So, as all you can understand, this is a very serious situation for us, a lot of things was acumulated making a big ball of troubles, and we dont have other choices than for now, close the forum, and put on hold the game indefinitely, I want to give my deep thanks to all the fans and people who supported us in all of these years, and say that the Zeta Team will try to come back to work as soon as we can.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Just post the whole journal guys. Like this.

As all of you know, we are having troubles with the forum, with a 'Malware' warning and the forum down for several days, and we are having more troubles that Im going to explain here:

1.- We DONT have a virus or a Malware, we check the forum files again and again and is not a thing of virus, the problem is... more worse:
Seems that a couple of Companies reported us due the violation of the DMCA, aka Copyright, one of them SEGA itself, the other, the developers of the game Girl Vs Girl, SEGA due the obvious thing, and the others due the fact that someone uploaded a link in our forum to download the game in an illegal way.
The results of all of this, due the DMCA, Google was forced to blacklist this site, marking it as a site that can potentially damage your computer giving false warnings of malware, but this is not true, we dont have a malware, when you see the report of malware, in type of malware you will see 'Unknow', thats because, we arent sharing any virus, but... we are blacklisted like one of your usual download webpages with pirate content.

2.- We are getting very famous, and getting thousands of visits in the forum and download page, this is good, but not at all, in the host we are paying, we consumed just in one week like 70 Teras of bandwidth, and Cirtex, the host with who have the contract, warned us that if we dont reduce the bandwidth consumption, they are going to close our host because we are breaking the TOS of the contract with them, all in all, we cant get our game hosted in a private server, because the people, instead look if the new version is announced or not, seems they just download the game again, and instead helping us coming to our download page, they just made hotlinks to the download link, evitating other people know our site, participate in the forums or just know if a new version comes out or not.

So, as all you can understand, this is a very serious situation for us, a lot of things was acumulated making a big ball of troubles, and we dont have other choices than for now, close the forum, and put on hold the game indefinitely, I want to give my deep thanks to all the fans and people who supported us in all of these years, and say that the Zeta Team will try to come back to work as soon as we can.

Thank you

Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

if i get it right the proiect isn't dead yet or what?
then when will be the next update release?
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

suuuspeeended indeeefinitely
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

TL;DR - Developers of games that got an illegal link to their game posted on the Project X forums and Sega (And yes, I know they are well within their right to protect their copyrights, but first Shining Force LPs and now this? Granted this is worse if you think about it from their perspective but COMEONNOW) all told someone that the Project X people violated the DMCA, so Google flagged their site as an attack page.
Also, their bandwidth is getting destroyed because they're popular, but they can't afford more because nobody goes to their download page to get the game download (until recently I had issues with that page as well as the download so that might have been part of it, though she may be talking in general over the entire project's course).
So they've got various developers and Google against them, as well as no money to upgrade their bandwidth to deal with site traffic.
TL;DR of TL;DR - The game isn't quite dead yet, but all of it's limbs are chopped off, and as such it won't be going anywhere any time soon, even in Valve time.

Slightly off-topic, is it me, or has the Sega team been getting douchier towards fans ever since the Dreamcast failed? I mean yeah I know it's a common feeling that their games are getting shittier as the years go by, but it also feels like they're getting worse and worse in their relationship with fans as well.
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Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

For fuck's sake I definitely missed the "on hold" part.
Sega are a bunch of fucking assholes and they're not getting any money from me anymore. They already acted dumb with the whole shining force LPs disaster, but this is getting fucking sad.
Not to mention illegal, zeta and her team aren't making any money off of their game, and it should be protected under fair use laws, since it's a parody.

tl;dr: Fuck sega.
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