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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

How about we close this thread? Seems it went way off topic. If the game is halted indefinitely (I don't even know if it really is), there's not really anything left to discuss.
As far as I know it's not.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

we dont have other choices than for now, close the forum, and put on hold the game indefinitely
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Yeah, sure.

The game is put on hold every build.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Comparing SEGA with EA (Or Microsoft for that matter) just make me despise SEGA even more, since EA is doing all the bullshit stuff because it's still a major power in gaming industry. SEGA keeps on pulling bullshit move one after another after its fall of grace like all the mistake they made before which screwed developer and gamers never happened. It's like Fapcom continue to release Disk Lock Content after they all bomb... wait...

It's ironic SEGA was short for Service Game when they forgot what SERVICE meant in the first place.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I searched all over google for this news. It just doesn't make sense. Google has nothing on Sega's involvement with Project X.

I am starting to question the sega thing. I will have to read sources.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Yu can't find anything because there is nothing going on, it's an indirect thing, sega sends a complaint to google and google does it's thing, the problem is only that the forum is in danger because of terms of service and stuff.

Nothing major, just a big annoyance.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

It's kinda like I mentioned before, I'd raise the question if Sega was actually the ones who sent the claim or not. It wouldn't be the first time when someone posing as a major company made a fake legal claim. I'm kinda doubtful if it's Sega sending threats of legal action or a fake claiming to be Sega.

If Zeta could get a lawyer in good standing to look at the lawsuit and verify that it's a real cease-and-decist order, it'd clear up a lot of questions we might have. I wasn't even there when it happened so everything I'm hearing about this has been through a filter of some sort.

Also, lawyers are perverts too. With something as big as Project X, I wouldn't be suprised if a lawyer played the game and might be willing to look into things for Zeta. :D

In fact, when the person making Renamon for Slavemaker got a C&DO, someone there who was a lawyer took a look at the claim and determined that it was a fake.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

I'm not sure I understand this google "blacklisting", because I can still search Project X main website just fine by just using google.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Same here, Google brings it up straight away, as the 3rd result.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

One of the closest involved people said on their emergency forum that a cease and desist order wasn't even involved. Google just listed the forum once as a dangerous site by sega. Or "sega".

This raises the question. Are things really that bad? Sega can give C&DO's if they REALLY feel threatened by a free game with characters that are commonplace on the internet as it is.

I say this is gotten more dramatic than it should be and I feel PX is in no danger. Just a big scare.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

It's kind of funny, nobody really cares all that much about this game until this problem starts up, lol. I always thought it was pretty sub par for the amount of time it's been worked on. Seems like most the people who are into it are so because of the Sonic characters. I'm sure some people like it for the weird fetishes as well, but I think that's a minority.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

well any game devolbing takes too long and anyway you can't expect people to be excited active on it all the time.
special if there is no status update for months(or even longer)
and sometimes till the side got hacked or one of the defolbers breaking the project up or die, happens many times.

i say shit hapens but the life goes on.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013


god damn.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

People love drama, we're all a bit drama queens on the internet. :rolleyes:
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Correct that doesn't mean it's gone. In fact from everything I've heard from Zeta, and read in the forums, they're simply waiting for the heat to blow over.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Correct that doesn't mean it's gone. In fact from everything I've heard from Zeta, and read in the forums, they're simply waiting for the heat to blow over.
My point just being: "As far as I know it's not. [halted indefinitely]"
"put on hold the game indefinitely"
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

they put it back up, different address.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Good to see they're back. No new update from the looks of things but I don't care.

Hopefully they won't get into any legal trouble this time. Hopefully they looked into it so they don't get into any legal trouble as well.
Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

To be honest, I think calling pornographic fan projects "parody" and thus fair use is a pretty flimsy argument for a lot of these kinds of works.

The thing is, they are hardly a form of comedy, ridicule, or even something deriving any sort of message from the original work. It's not parody. "Fair use" is just a convenient excuse people like to use. Amy in a porn game isn't a parody of Amy, it's just Amy in a porn game. And whether it's for profit or not, they don't own the rights to use someone else's intellectual property.

Of course, that doesn't mean that fans can't create fan projects, but just that they just shouldn't be surprised if it's taken down. Unless I name a character "Blonic Fuckchog" I have no ground to stand on in a legal dispute.

The reason fan works are for the most part ignored is because companies either don't see it as harmful, or because ideally they see it as beneficial. However that doesn't suddenly mean that they have no right to take down something that they think may be harmful to their image or business.

Edit: Also, keep in mind that it's usually legal departments that do take downs and go after fan works. It's something that marketing and legal divisions of companies tend to disagree on, since marketing departments tend to see the benefits of fan works, but legal departments have to worry about protecting copyright.
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Re: Project X: New update v4.0 released 8th March 2013

Not surre if it has been mentioned earlier, but SEGA L.D. also took down the Streets Of Rage Remake, though they did it too late.
It's probably some angry guy from SEGA that likes to take down things.