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They don't only happen in books[Scenario Complete]

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Claire Idae was sitting comfortably at her desk, it was late, and there were almost no customers, but that didn't stop her from reading these fascinating old books she found in the archives that were locked away due to lack of popularity.

They mainly were about how, 'God' would one day, 'cleanse' our planet. It didn't exactly explain how, but that it was going to happen one day.

It mostly babbled on about prophesies that told of the, 'cleansing'; The Mayan calendar was referenced the most in this subject, most popular for predicting, "The end of the world."

Claire glanced over at a nearby calendar, she moved it because of her bad eyesight.

It's the year 2012.

The irony made her giggle, what a coincidence!

Such an event would be splendid! I'd love to see what these, 'creatures of God' would be like!

Her imagination ran wild, what would these creatures do to cleanse our planet? Kill us? Somehow improve our DNA strain? Or perhaps some cliche from the very much edited Bible, which spoke of a great flood that killed all of those whose hearts were filled with sin?

Hmm... But who would be tantamount to Noah be if a theoretical flood did occur? Or, would there be a Noah at all? If this nonsense actually did happen, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a savior, come to rescue us all.

Typical American cliches.


(Covetous over knowledge adjustment)

She erupted into rage when this happened.

Upon such an amazing find, the power has to go out. Lazy mechanics don't know how to fix anything! I know more about electronical devices than all of them combined! I'll fix it myself, then shove their failure down their throat!

With rage and determination fueling her, she took a flashlight from her desk, and began her decent into the basement of the library...

She went straight towards the stairs, then descended upon them.

She'd never been here before, it was dark, and smelled odd.

(Photographic memory save)

Even though she only glanced at it, she still remembered every detail of this place. She headed straight for the Power Generator room.

Upon opening the door to the Generator room, she glanced all around with her flashlight, then opened the small door on the side of the generator.

(Perception check)

As soon as she looked, she knew what happened, the power just didn't, "Short out," something cut it, with all intents and purposes of cutting the power off.

(Logic check)

Well, it appears that I might be in danger.

She thought to herself.

(Awareness check, saved by Situational Awareness.)

There was no mistaking it, something 'slithered' past that door. And she was having mixed feelings between her aspiration to learn, and her fear of the unknown.

*What do you do?*


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

"Well, great." Claire murmured, keeping her voice down in case another odd noise like she'd just heard cropped up again. Given that something (something slithering?) had cut the wires, she could only imagine what was laying in wait just beyond the door.

Still, she couldn't just sit around here.

Claire looked around the room for a wrench, or a hammer; something that the repairman might have left around considering that the library had always been low on the list of funding, and something was always in need of fixing. That book she'd been reading had left her a little paranoid (and pretty damned frustrated; she'd been in the middle of a sentence, for God's sake!) so the thought of simply walking back out into the damp hall left her skin prickling in fear.

Whether or not she'd find something, she knew she had to leave at some point.

Claire made her way back to the door, wondering if the slithering noise had been someone dragging something. A tarp, perhaps, or a rope?

*Claire searches for something to defend herself with, then heads out of the room again*
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

(Claire searched thoroughly)

Alas, nothing even remotely deadly could be found in the small generator room.

*You can't hear anything outside the door.*

*What do you do?*


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

It had been a long shot anyways. Claire, finding no other alternative (to be trapped in a boiler room just out of reach of a heaven of books was its own special hell), stepped out the door, on high alert for whoever had been dragging (or slithering?!) in the basement. She intended to head back up to the main floor, see if the phones were working, or at least get back to her book. She could take it home and read it there... once she alerted the authorities to the vandal, of course.

*go out the door into the basement, with the intention of heading upstairs*
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

Claire sneaked out of the room, trying to get a glimpse of what was slithering outside...

She didn't see anything.

She proceeded up the stairs, and also took note that she kept the book in her hand the entire time, with the intention of reading it some more.

She returns to the library, and sees a human shape...

(Perception check)

It was a woman, with seemingly long, white hair.

In her studies, only recently did white haired women begin showing up... No other record in history spoke of women with white hair.

Her back was turned to Claire.

*What do you do?*


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

...Aside from those who wore wigs or were old enough to be her grandmother, at least.

Claire stopped at the top of the stairs, recalling where the more frequent mentions of white-haired women had come up as of late.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

All over the world, reports of an unknown DNA strain, causing white hair, had sprung up.

To this day, as far as Claire knew, it just seemed to be a strange mutation.

The girl in white giggled.

???: "You have questions... Ask them..."


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

Walking around to confront the white-haired woman face to face, Claire couldn't help but take the bait.

"Are you the one that snipped the lights? I was in the middle of a good read, you know. If you wanted to make a less dramatic entrance I would probably have allowed you to check something out, even if you did stay long after the library closed, you know."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

"They've come to witness the beginning, the rebirth of paradise"

*Talk, or let her finish.*


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

Curiosity perked -- Claire had just been reading about world endings of the mystical sort, after all, even if this woman sounded like one of those soap-box sorts -- she crossed her arms across her chest and quirked her brows.

*Continue to listen*
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: They don't only happen in books...

"A paradise, free of man's sin. Unrestricted by the hatred of a world teeming with unnecessary people. I sacrifice myself, to the blood of criminals..."

The woman proceeded over to the library window, and held her arms in the air, from Claire's perspective, she was holding the moon in her hands.

"Once again, man's sin has become too great, and must be washed away, in order to start anew."

Her arms slowly dropped to her sides.

"A new Garden of Eden will be made, with mankind's taint no longer congesting peace."

She turned to Claire, her expression was no longer just that sly smile, she now looked insane, with a massive grin to top it all off.

"Once all of my sisters awaken, once they remember their true purpose, the world will be remade."

Almost like an arrow, her finger points at Claire.

"The world will be remade, AS MANKIND FACES IT'S JUDGMENT!"

Claire began to feel immense pain within her body, it felt as if she was using her finger and sticking it in an open wound. Claire fell to the ground.

"Learn your true purpose, the one that you were meant to fulfill on birth, the one that cannot be changed. And that purpose is to die, as my sisters bask in the glory of Valhalla, you will suffer worldwide Ragnarok for your sins."

The pain began to make her vision white, her ears ring, and her body convulse. But after a while, it started to go away. And the woman in white was nowhere to be seen.

*What do you do?*


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

At first confused and wary, then outright nervous, Claire wasn't prepared for the agonizing pain that shot through her. Crying out, falling to the ground, she felt her consciousness slipping even as the freak of a white-haired woman finished her tirade -- her crazy tirade!

The speech didn't leave her mind, however. Claire re-awoke, looking around, half wanting to see the stranger if only to boot her out the window she'd been framed in earlier... half hoping she wasn't there. The words had left her feeling outraged and just a little frightened, given they'd been paired with that impossible pain!

Luckily, the woman was nowhere in sight.

First she checked herself over for signs of a wound -- anything physical that might be to blame for that excruciating pain.

Thinking hard, Claire hurried over to the nearest reference desk. She knew that supplies were kept behind each desk on each floor in case of fire, including flashlights and basic first aid supplies. Considering this place was in moonlit darkness, she wanted to have her own source of light. Besides, she needed to put her research into focus, and that meant traversing the stacks. Ragnarok and Valhalla... well, Ragnarok shared the apocalypse theme with the predictions of the Mayans, but that woman couldn't be a Valkyrie out of Valhalla any more than Claire could be. Could she?

She wanted to pull this all together.

*checks self for wounds, goes to the reference desk on this floor to pick up a flashlight (and first aid supplies if she had wounds!)*
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: They don't only happen in books...

(Hehehe, I inform you of any important development on your person, at all times, so that means no nasty wounds. Also, Claire still has the flashlight she obtained from the desk when the power went out.)

(Photographic Memory)

Claire remembers that there was a first aid kit in case of emergencies in the staff room.

Claire heads to the staff room, finds and straps the kit onto her back, then heads back out to where she met the crazy woman.

*What do you do?*


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

((Woops, sorry! ^_^ Thanks for clearing that up!))

Claire thought it best to find a working phone, even if she wanted to duck into the stacks marked 'philosophy' and 'religion' to find more information on all of this. She could do more research when she knew that there was security or even the police on their way, given how odd that encounter had been!

*Claire finds the nearest phone to try to call security, or barring that, the police*
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: They don't only happen in books...

Claire knew that even when the power shorts out, there is still secondary power for 911 calls.

She returns to her desk and dials the number...

It rang, and rang, and rang.

No one answered.

*What does she do?*


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

That... wasn't good. She waited for a few more minutes, frown only growing deeper.

Hanging the phone back in its cradle, Claire wandered back to the bank of windows through which the moon was casting its light.

*Look to see what's happening outside, if it's any indicator!*
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: They don't only happen in books...

Claire looks out the window, only to see what looks like an abandoned city... Nothing's happening outside at all.


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

Nothing out of the ordinary, or lights all cut such as in the library? In either case, she'd hurrying back into the stacks to begin looking for material on Ragnarok and the apocalypse, though if it were the latter, she'd be much more grim about it.

A sinking feeling rose in her stomach to accompany the mild fear.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: They don't only happen in books...

Every light was out, it seemed to be city wide.

The book she had in her hand was the only documentation she had that existed in the library, but she already knew about Ragnarok, how Loki and a few other followers would betray their brothers in favor of the ending of the world. But no records mention Ragnarok making a new world, it only destroys it.


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: They don't only happen in books...

'This is complete bullshit,' she thought to herself, more out of frustration that she couldn't find anything than that not only her library vandalized, wires snipped, the power was out across the city as well. What, had someone snipped every wire in every box, sabotaged every generator feeding power into the city? Was that even possible, or had the library been a fluke?

Well, there was only one thing to do. At least, one thing that Claire felt she should do. Returning to her desk, she flicked her flashlight on as she sat down and cradled the torch between chin and shoulder, flipping through the book's pages for any mention of the cryptic (yet threatening) information that the freak had dropped on her before playing with... whatever that was that had twisted her guts out. If anything was going to tell her anything, the book would give her some interesting insight.

*Skim the book (or appendix, or table of contents) for information relating to the white-haired-woman's ranting... I know, priorities messed up, here. XD*