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Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You say you've created a LG-ish follower. I'm not sure that you have, considering she calls into question almost everything that happens differently in Barovia as it compares to Falknovia, and has consistently called into question Esvele's leadership.

Culture shock, yes. I too call into question Esveles leadership. I designed Sylvia to fall in line with a leader, even tried to give Esvele a nudge towards it and she blew it by.. not leading but brushing off. It can't be that a character can only work with those that follow her without question.

Your character may be "a follower" but she's a follower of Drakov and a philosophy that is getting the group in trouble, she's not a follower with regards to the group. She's not Agreeable.

And the idea is to have her move away from that twisted worldview in rp, but the supposed leader of the group has done nothing to do that or at least make her more agreeable, rather, polarized her. Is there something here I'm not seeing in what I quoted above? Sylvia tried to approach Esvele, yes in her own way, with her own set of views of the world, but each character is going to have that. Esvele shut her down and thus robbed me of any attempt to further connect via roleplay, it was Vita that actually tried to form connections, which Esvele smashed by rather than measuring Sylvias harsh reaction to the witches and suspicion after the odd cabinet was thrown open, completely opposing her, siding against her and accusing her as murderer etc, an accusal that the easily influenced Vita has now picked up.

Frankly, I was expecting the naturally hostile and suspicious Esvele to -go along- with suspicions and bond over this thing, not to do the opposite.

But I don't think it's fair to come back into the group with a character that challenges their natural direction as part of something ingrained in your character.

Right, if thats how you ultimately see Sylvia I'll just retire her so you can focus on dming the story of the two and Rovana seperately.
I think Sylvias IC actions should stand as they are. Even if you see fault on both sides, Sylvias reaction doesn't seem something unreasonable to confront Esvele with.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Given where the two characters are, no it's not unreasonable as a reaction (albeit it's a bit long and doesn't allow for a word in edgewise, which negates the chance for Blarg to affect the direction of the conversation from an RP standpoint).

What disappoints me is that we're feeling the need to to use the 'nuclear option' rather than naturally seeking a middle ground.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Given that Esvele saw what she saw, grabbed Ireena, ran from where the witches are to us, assuming nothing stopping her and without the athletics check I might add, and got all she had to say out as well, without an 'arriving and looking around' cut off, I think a larger reaction post is not unfair from me. Feeling bad for Vita though, yeah.

I'm not feeling a need for a nuclear option, you're the one that brought up the splitting for a second time and made clear splitting would be bye bye Sylvia. I'd rather keep playing her, however, call it an ultimatum if you want, but I think for that first Esvele needs to work on her reaction to others, either be hostile, or give commands, not both. Sylvia could have even worked with that, but Esvele also betrayed her on the street. You can make an argument that thats not evil, benefits of the many and Sylvia might have acted questionable, but you cannot argue that that is something that'd build trust from my character. Esvele has to make ammends for at least that before I can see Sylvia coming to meet her halfway, unless a Deus Ex Machina happens to make her compliant with the nun.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

We'll play forward to see if this comes to a natural conclusion or, as my preference would be, for the three PCs to find ways to work together.

I can add NPCs to the group to balance out numbers, but it's not prefereable.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion


I'm sorry I didn't play my character how you intended me to and apologize for all the party tension I have thusly created????
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion


I'm sorry I didn't play my character how you intended me to and apologize for all the party tension I have thusly created????

Hmmm. Not sure if that is the phrase Pervy is going for.

Given that Esvele saw what she saw, grabbed Ireena, ran from where the witches are to us, assuming nothing stopping her and without the athletics check I might add, and got all she had to say out as well, without an 'arriving and looking around' cut off, I think a larger reaction post is not unfair from me. Feeling bad for Vita though, yeah.

Why feeling sad for Vita? Honestly, Esvele barging in saved me some words with Vita. After all, Sylvia Gish Galloped (figuratively or literally, either or works for me in my mind) across Vita leaving the tiefling struggling to even figure out where to start addressing all of her word.

..I'd rather keep playing her, however, call it an ultimatum if you want, but I think for that first Esvele needs to work on her reaction to others, either be hostile, or give commands, not both. Sylvia could have even worked with that, but Esvele also betrayed her on the street. You can make an argument that thats not evil, benefits of the many and Sylvia might have acted questionable, but you cannot argue that that is something that'd build trust from my character. Esvele has to make ammends for at least that before I can see Sylvia coming to meet her halfway, unless a Deus Ex Machina happens to make her compliant with the nun.

Sylvia is Soldier - She remembers grudges. Esvele shouted an words giving every indication that the people in front were to not be trusted by her actions and to not let them get aboard. Esvele comes off as a survivor that doesn't want to hear sad stories and be forced to care while Sylvia comes off as a slight narcissist that WANTS people to talk to her and give her rationalizations that excuse her behavior that she did during her raging berserk mode that ended up culling her 'friends.' - My Point of View on Characters.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Why feeling sad for Vita?

Poor thing is all distressed. I intend to have Sylvia apologize to her briefly before heading out... well, depending on Esveles response.

give her rationalizations that excuse her behavior that she did during her raging berserk mode that ended up culling her 'friends.'

At first I thought Vita was repeating what she heard, but the phrasing was odd before too, should have clarified.
I actually have no idea why you think Sylvia culled anyone, she never attacked her squadmates and certainly didn't say so, perhaps a misunderstanding?
Sylvia can barely remember what happened, acting on instinct, but in my head she simply fled from them. There might have been some bruising in self defence, but she's too LG to kill people that don't seem obviously evil without dire need, even during her rages, those just worsen her judgement. She considers desertation a horrible crime, ofc and isn't quite sure what more she might have done, so Vitas words still hit home.

Oh oh, now I'm curious what Rovana comes over as, but frankly, she's slowly changing from how she was when Vita first met her either way. :p
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Poor thing is all distressed. I intend to have Sylvia apologize to her briefly before heading out... well, depending on Esveles response.

At first I thought Vita was repeating what she heard, but the phrasing was odd before too, should have clarified.
I actually have no idea why you think Sylvia culled anyone, she never attacked her squadmates and certainly didn't say so, perhaps a misunderstanding?
Sylvia can barely remember what happened, acting on instinct, but in my head she simply fled from them. There might have been some bruising in self defence, but she's too LG to kill people that don't seem obviously evil without dire need, even during her rages, those just worsen her judgement. She considers desertation a horrible crime, ofc and isn't quite sure what more she might have done, so Vitas words still hit home.

Oh oh, now I'm curious what Rovana comes over as, but frankly, she's slowly changing from how she was when Vita first met her either way. :p

"overpowering most of my comrades at the corpse" - Sylvia's phrasing in how she talked to Vita. Vita is dumb so when she heard that she misunderstood :p. To her it sounded like Sylvia beat down her comrades into bloody corpses and then led other comrades of hers to that place using the word corpse as a place.

EDIT: Culling does not necessarily mean killing. It can also mean segregating or removing oneself from the herd. I think it is an apt word but does bring up connotations of killing.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Uhmmm ok.. not sure what Vita being mute has to do with any of that though. Would she not understand Sylvia better if she was silent?

4 years of Latin, they have the same word for working, striving, suffering, producing and being in peril, Laborare, tells you what they thought of a hard days work.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Uhmmm ok.. not sure what Vita being mute has to do with any of that though. Would she not understand Sylvia better if she was silent?

4 years of Latin, they have the same word for working, striving, suffering, producing and being in peril, Laborare, tells you what they thought of a hard days work.

Sylvia yelled alot. Grabbed Vita. Shocked her into silence.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You know, I'm suddenly thinking. Even if they hate her, maybe we won't be very welcome here if we kill our host's mom.

We're too far from anywhere else safe, probably too weak to tangle with hags, and probably have a snowball's chance in hell of talking Sylvia out of trying to fight the whozit. Smells like a TPK to me.

So like, while I didn't want to stop and link up for basically exactly this reason, I didn't want to be a OOC-cunt and just leave you in the dust. So, just to be up and up, I think this sudden encounter we are apparently barreling towards right now sucks, and I am pretty solidly on the side of cowering in the stable all night and just leaving Sylvia to bravely get slaughtered so she can't threaten to axe me and/or just fuckin' decide how the game goes. Like, I mean, I get you like bad ends but I don't, and I would like to avoid one if possible.

I have a post I've been working on, but in light of this revelation I need to rework large chunks of it I guess so as to better bravely advocate our glorious cowardice.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Smells like a TPK to me.
I doubt thats Blues plan for us., if all else fails Vita would have to break her fiend free as he said. That might have repecussions ofc, lewdities ensue.

Even if losing Morgantha would cripple their hag-magic and anger them, it'd just make a good excuse to.. encourage the players.. help create a new hag quickly, lewdities ensue.

Like, I mean, I get you like bad ends but I don't, and I would like to avoid one if possible.

To be clear, I like lewd endings, not really bad ones. Rovanas first ending was more gothic love story with a piratey feel, the second darker, yes, but I feel like Rovana is better off trying and failing and learning than never trying at all, my submissive side liking certain things aside.

That said, I believe letting the hags gather their magic while we hide out rather than stopping them from meeting is a rather poor decision.

Moreover, knowing that Morgantha kills people and presumambly will hurt her not all that evil daughters if she can't get to us NOT trying to stop her now, while we might have a fair chance to would be an evil act, all it takes for evil to thrive is for good to do nothing.

just fuckin' decide how the game goes.

I don't, the DM does, and we, all of us, help along the way.
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Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I'm not a fan of TPK as a DM. At least not true TPK.

Yes, the tension is ramping up in this scene, but hopefully there's enough indication from what's been said by various NPCs to allow for a variety of solutions.

For what it's worth, Ravenloft is meant to make the group fear TPK regularly... so at least something's going right.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

You know, I'm suddenly thinking. Even if they hate her, maybe we won't be very welcome here if we kill our host's mom.

We're too far from anywhere else safe, probably too weak to tangle with hags, and probably have a snowball's chance in hell of talking Sylvia out of trying to fight the whozit. Smells like a TPK to me.

So like, while I didn't want to stop and link up for basically exactly this reason, I didn't want to be a OOC-cunt and just leave you in the dust. So, just to be up and up, I think this sudden encounter we are apparently barreling towards right now sucks, and I am pretty solidly on the side of cowering in the stable all night and just leaving Sylvia to bravely get slaughtered so she can't threaten to axe me and/or just fuckin' decide how the game goes. Like, I mean, I get you like bad ends but I don't, and I would like to avoid one if possible.

I have a post I've been working on, but in light of this revelation I need to rework large chunks of it I guess so as to better bravely advocate our glorious cowardice.

Looking at the IC thread, I think I should wait for Esvele's reaction before moving on.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Oooh Blarg Posted with well intentioned insight from Esvele. I think at least hohoho. Hmmm, any more players posts to respond or @Blue, going to do a post?

Also mists of the north post is up, huehuehue. Time to work on post there.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

I am respond. Who here knows of the story of the witches sense of smell if we were to try hiding out? :p
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

It's nice that there was a response but I'm already into a busy stretch again. I can't make a big response until the weekend.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Dun do the busy stretching! We offer you goo-girl
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

Yay. Did posts. Also @Pervy, that image is incredibly small for some reason.

Hmmm Vita prolly should talk to someone about her trauma, if for no other reason then to just have someone say something about it to her hohoho.

Also @Blue impassioned speech by Ireena is great :D. Vita has stars in her eyes from her words.
Re: Through the Mists: Out of Character Discussion

.. huh it is small. nues.

I haven't read the IC cause if I read it I'll want to respond to it and should give Blarg a chance first.