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Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

The kobold bows, and says; "Thank you again for getting me away from that spider. And good luck to you in your own ventures, whatever they may be." And with that, he turns and leaves, leaving Ashley alone once more.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley watches the kobald leave, making sure the kitchen and her room are tidy while a couple minutes pass. She then leaves the house, locking the door behind her, and moves back towards the town, intending to quietly find some place she might observe the kobald gathering from.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

After locking up, Ashley steps outside, but can find no sign of the kobold. He must have gotten far enough away that he was out of sight, or turned down a different street. She could head back toward the heart of town, back to the docks, the opposite direction along the river, or back across the bridge and over the river.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Hrm... well a huge group of kobalds trying to attack a demonic gate shouldn't be hard to recognize if I see it.

Lacking any reason to suspect a particular direction, Ashley heads down toward the river, but instinctively avoids the low-magic region around the docks.

(the opposite direction along the river)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

Perception: Success.

Ashley heads along the river, moving carefully. It isn't long before she instinctively takes cover and watches as a massive demonic dog takes a step onto the street in front of her. Its black fur and glowing red eyes, along with its five foot height, make it clearly of demonic origin.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Hrm... I wonder if this thing can swim...

Ashely carefully draws her pistol and points it at the mutated beast before drastically rearranging the local reality in order to push a dog into a river.

("gust", level 3 storm spell on the dog)
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 36/40

Stealth: Failure.
Casting: 14 + 20 + 10 + 8 + 3 = 55 vs 20 == Success.
Mind vs Body: 15 + 40 + 3 = 58 vs 4 + 40 = 44 == Ashley wins.
Damage: 4 + 3 + 10 - 4 = 13 x 2 = 26 Damage.

As Ashley prepares to cast her spell, the demonic creature seems to notice something, and turns its head toward her. Its ears suddenly press against its skull as it snarls, and starts bounding toward her. Quickening her casting, Ashley still easily gets her spell off. A gust of wind slams into the dog just as it leaps, taking it into the river. It does seem able to swim, however, as its head immediately returns to the surface after it gets thrown into the rushing water, and since it was thrown so close to the shore, it will only be swimming for a moment. This is more than enough time for Ashley to attack it while it tries to get back on dry land, however.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

(Are we using the new magic-school rule yet? :p)

Ashley levels her pistol and squeezes the trigger, intending to finish this mutated dog in the same way she finished the claw demon yesterday.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 36/40

To-hit: 6 + 22 + 3 = 31 vs 38 - 12 = 26 == Hit.
Damage: 5 + 16 - 4 = 17 damage.

The gun sounds as Ashley fires, and her bullet strikes the demon in the shoulder as it tries to pull itself out of the water. It doesn't die from its wounds, however, and manages to get onto solid enough ground to begin wading to shore.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Quickly, before it can leave the water, Ashley reaches out with her mind, not toward the beast itself but toward the water around it. She pulls the heat away from the beast, attempting to freeze it in place.

("extreme cold", level 3 cold (transmutation...))
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 32/40, Extreme Cold

Casting: 13 + 25 + 3 = 41 vs 22 == Success.
Damage: Epiced.

A wave of cold erupts from around Ashley, freezing the water around the demon solid and freezing the blood in its veins. It dies from the horrible cold and its body being frozen solid, leaving Ashley once more alone. The current where it is isn't strong enough to carry the frozen corpse and its icy prison away immediately, but Ashley knows that it's a bad idea to try and get to the corpse through across the small patch of ice.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley reloads her pistol and continues on at a quick walk before anything shows up to see who's shooting.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

(Gain 4 exp.)

She doesn't encounter anything else as she heads along the river, the town proving thankfully empty of demons around the edges. Suddenly, a troll steps out of a house, its massive fists covered in blood and showing a few wounds already on the mend on its thick hide. It turns toward her, its flat ugly head in a scowl, and grunts; "What? A human? What are you doing here?"
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"Me? Just having a stroll. How about you?"

Ah, trolls. I hate trolls. Or rather, I hate things that don't die when you push them through walls.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

"I'm wondering what a cute little thing like you's doing here, that's what. Don't give me that taking a stroll tripe, this place is full of demons. Just cuz I'm big doesn't mean I'm stupid, human." The troll replies, its voice rough and not at all pleasant on the ears. It doesn't come any closer to her, so at least the ugly brute isn't attacking her, but this encounter is becoming less and less appealing by the second.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley conjures an image of a ball of flame over her hands. (Light level one, minor image)

"Let me rephrase that. I'm taking a stroll and not setting any trolls on fire. Yet."
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40

Casting: Automatic Success.

The trolls flat ugly face twists into a scowl as Ashley conjures an image of a ball of flame and delivers her implied threat. The Fey growls, taking a step toward her, and Ashley thinks that perhaps it would have been a better idea to not threaten the stupid thing, even with fire which was reportedly their weakness.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

"Last chance to stop being so curious and get off with the kind of injury that heals, Fey."

Ashley backs away from the troll, trying to maintain her distance.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashleys Status: HP = 45, P = 55, EP = 40, Grappled


The faces already twisted face becomes a visage of blind rage, Ashleys taunt having sent it into a frenzy. The powerful creature is on top of her before she can react, grabbing at her with its massive hands.

To-hit: 2 + 42 = 44 vs 35 == Hit.

The troll grabs her about the waist, its fingers nearly closing around the thin mage, and he immediately lifts her off the ground. "I'll show you an injury that won't heal human!" It roars, holding Ashley as though it is going to hurl into the river.
Re: Thunder in the Distance (thetwo)

Ashley, suddenly glad she knows how to swim, attempts to force the troll to let go of her with a minor fire spell focused at her hand.

(Level 2 fire, Sparks, on the troll.)

(Also: damn, there goes my plan. >.<)