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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 49/88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 0/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Unconscious
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Perception (Bakan) : Enemy wins.
Perception (Cory) : Enemy wins.
Perception (Rhep) : Enemy wins.
They had a lucky roll. :|

Attack (???) : Automatic Hits!
Damage: 6 + 11 + 14 = 31 * 2 = 62 damage.
Cory takes 57 damage and is knocked unconscious.
Bakan takes 39 damage, and his armor is at 34/50 TP.

Cory rose to her feet a moment after Bakan had, though she didn't follow him as he moved to intercept Rhep. She stopped as he moved in front of her, facing him squarely despite his superior height, and she showed no reaction as he knelt down beside her in order to eliminate that advantage. The goblin placed both of her hands onto her hips and glared at Bakan as he spoke, and for several moments ignored the hand that he had offered. For a time, Rhep simply stood glaring at him, occasionally examining him up and down, but finally she met his eyes and let out a thoughtful "hrm" and reached out to grip his hand. Despite her size, Rhep had a very strong handshake.

"If you want help Rhep and make up for all you did, first thing that human can do is to help Rhep dig her club out of the rubble. She lost it when big rock fell on Glevik!" After she had spoken, Rhep released Bakan's hand and moved over to the still crumbling rubble that marked where the tower had once stood. Blatantly ignoring her own safety and any objections that Bakan might attempt to raise, Rhep started shifting rocks aside in search of her weapon. "Don't try to dissuade her. When a goblin gets their mind set on something, the only things that can stop them are death and success," Cory said quietly just as she came up beside Bakan.

"Well, c'mon. Might as well help her while we're here, else she'll just be angry at us whenever she finishes and manages to track us down," she continued following a sigh and a short pause, and Cory then walked over to begin helping Rhep with the excavation, likewise not bowing to any of Bakan's attempts to get her to sit out. With the three of them working together, it didn't take long before the goblin suddenly pulled Bakan's hammer from the rubble, holding it for a moment before tossing it aside with some low grumbling. Despite the fact that the tower had collapsed on top of it and that it still had the scars from the Lady's fireblast upon it, the weapon still seemed to be in working condition.

A few minutes more, thankfully including no serious events that might lead to injury, and Rhep pulls her club out of the rubble. "Hah! Rhep knew that she would find her club!" She raised the cudgel high in the air triumphantly and did a few short hops, her vibrant blue hair whipping about her head in the process, and Cory pulled away from the rubble with a tired sigh. "Congrats.... We should probably get going now though," Cory said quietly, glancing around the dark courtyard nervously. Night had fallen while Bakan was in the tower, and it was now nearing midnight. "Aye! We go to town and get drunk to celebrate Rhep finding her club again!" The goblin, despite her earlier complaints, seemed to be genuinely pleased at the moment.

The full moon was high in the sky, and the stars shone brightly around it, providing enough illumination to see by if not to see very well. As such, Bakan only noticed the rock that was floating behind Cory's head a heartbeat before it suddenly swung at her, and the very second that the woman dropped from a sudden blow to the back of her head, Bakan felt something smash harshly against the back of his head as well, causing him to drop to his knees. Seeing stars and with a great deal of pain now clogging his thought processes, Bakan nonetheless heard Rhep say; "Greyskins! What are you doing?"

A low, sibilant but undoubtedly feminine voice spoke from directly behind Bakan; "We are going to bring the ones who slew the Lady back, to face justissss." A rock dropped against the ground, and a half dozen or so pairs of gleaming red eyes suddenly appeared within Bakan's failing vision, half of them surrounding Cory's prone, unmoving form while two more flanked Bakan, and the one standing behind him made an even six. "Why? Mistress is dead, tower is gone. Queen Xeon not care about man that did it, especially when she learn that Mistress violated her orders about not raping the humans! You're wasting your time, and besides, this human not so bad. He help Rhep get her club back!" She lifted the weapon high again, causing the bronze strips around the wooden club to gleam in the moonlight, and the woman behind Bakan gave a displeased hiss.

As his vision cleared, Bakan could see that the red eyed figures were a type of demon known as stalkers, grey skinned humanoids able to shift the color of their skin in order to blend in with their surroundings. Four of the ones he could see were male, but one other than the one doing all of the talking was definitely female, at least judging by the pair of fairly impressive breasts that were on plane display. They clashed somewhat with the razor sharp claws on her hands, and the razor sharp teeth that were also on plain display. "If you don't like it, then you can join them, goblin trash!" Another hiss, but this time Rhep growled in return and raised her club. "You not talk to Rhep like that again, or Rhep will smash ugly greyskins!"

"Have it your way! The traitor and the man are both down, break the goblin and we can be off," the stalker behind Bakan said, though she had made a critical error. He was far from out of the fight after a single hit, and the six demons around him seemed to be largely ignoring him. His hammer lay little more than a few feet away, easily within arms reach, and his headache had cleared enough that he could fight effectively even in the heavy darkness around them. Though dangerous when they had the element of surprise, Bakan knew that stalkers were much weaker in single combat than the demonic soldiers had been, and so long as he was careful he could likely avoid taking even another hit.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan stood, and then nodded to Rhep when she made her request. "Of course. It is a simple request," he stated, before moving next to her, and helping her by clearing the larger boulders. When Cory added her bit in before he began to get to work, he waved his hand at her, "A person's weapon is a very important thing. Though merely an object, it is also an object that you spend a lot of time with, and become familiar with. In time, it eventually seems like a friend who is always silent, and always ready to fight by your side." he stated, before he saw his mentioned weapon being held in the goblin's hands, and being tossed over her shoulder. "Hey!" he cried out, lunging for the weapon and catching it before it hit the ground. Once he caught it, he inspected it once more. It was now dented, and looked in truly poor condition. "I see... You and I share something in common..." he said to the still surviving hammer with a smile.

Then, when Rhep found her hammer, Bakan laughed aloud as she made her statement. "I guess that means she doesn't blame me anymore, if she's inviting us for drinks, right?" he asked Cory with a smile, which quickly faded as he saw the right behind Cory. It cracked against the back of her skull, before Bakan immediately tried to ready his hammer, and charge at the illusionary figure that hit her. However, he was quickly struck as well, and he fell forward mid-charge, and lost grip on his hammer.

Left there from being stunned, he desperately tried to regather himself. Making a dash for his hammer, picking it up, and turning to the group of grayskins. "Back off, you disgusting cowards!" Bakan shouted, "I'm your opponent, leave them alone!" he growled, preparing his hammer to swing.

'Old friend, please give me the last of your strength,' he whispered in his mind, feeling an intimate connection with his hammer, moreso than ever before as he knew it was on it's last legs.

Bakan challenges the grayskins(without the perk), and prepares to attack!

Aged Warhammer: 2d8 + 5
Damage: (+32) +10, +3, +19 (Heavy Specialist + Knight + Body)
To-hit: (+53) +38 +12, +3 (Body + Skill with + Knight)

Bakan's Stats:
Speed: 19(15)
Dodge: 32
Armor: 11(23)
Resistance: 19(+10 Against succubus powers)
Perception: 19
Stealth: 11
Grapple: 38
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 41/88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 0/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Unconscious
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Attack (Bakan) : 6 + 53 = 59 vs 45 == Hit.
Damage: 4 + 7 + 32 - 4 = 39 damage. One down!

Attack (Stalkers vs Bakan) : 4 + 31 = 35, 20 + 31 = 51, 10 + 31 = 41, 18 + 31 = 49. Four hits.
Damage: 6 + 5 + 14 - 23 = 2 damage per hit. Each hit also deals 6 damage to his armor, for a total of 24 damage, which leaves his armor at 10/50 TP.

Attack (Stalker vs Rhep) : Miss.

Attack (Rhep) : Hit.
Damage: 1 + 2 + 34 - 4 = 33 damage.

The stalkers spun upon Bakan as he suddenly rose, hammer in hand and apparently unharmed despite their sudden attack. "Deal with him! I'll deal with the goblin!" Their apparent leader turned back toward Rhep, who had begun to hop from foot to foot while waving her club menacingly, while the other five stalkers turned toward Bakan and began to creep towards him, their sharp claws readied. The first got a facefull of Bakan's hammer, and despite the damage on it his weapon seemed just as potent as before. The demonic grey man collapsed in a heap at Bakan's feet, but the rest tore into Bakan's sides and back with their claws, circling him and attacking when he wasn't looking. The wounds were shallow, barely getting past his armor, but the demon's claws shredded through the leather straps holding his breastplate on. A few more hits would probably result in his protective gear sliding off, leaving him vulnerable to the demon's attacks.

Meanwhile, Rhep evaded the claws of the stalker going after her with her odd dance, and responded by hammering her cudgel against the stalker's side. The grey demon dropped to one knee, gasping for breath from the powerful blow, and Rhep raised her club high, no doubt intent on finishing her foe off in a lethal manner unless Bakan got her to show restraint somehow.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan grunted from their attacks, but gave a surprised expression as their claws didn't seem to cause too much harm to him, and instead, noticed his armor was falling off. His offhand immediately went to cover himself and keep his armor on as he let out a cry of shame. "Where the hell are you aiming, you sick bastards!?" he cried out to them, defensively trying to keep himself covered while moving to try and keep from being surrounded, taking a swing whenever he saw the chance.

Bakan fights defensively! Sacrificing 20 to-hit for 20 dodge!

Aged Warhammer: 2d8 + 5
Damage: (+32) +10, +3, +19 (Heavy Specialist + Knight + Body)
To-hit: (+53) +38 +12, +3 (Body + Skill with + Knight)

Bakan's Stats:
Speed: 19(15)
Dodge: 32
Armor: 11(23)
Resistance: 19(+10 Against succubus powers)
Perception: 19
Stealth: 11
Grapple: 38

Bakan fights defensively until they all fall down.

Also, summon Ashloriel if things are looking bleak.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 41/88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 0/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Unconscious
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Round 1
Attack (Bakan) : Bakan, even with 20 points off of his attack, cannot miss.
Damage: For convenience sake, I'll just say he knocks one out per round.

Attack (Stalkers vs Bakan) : All miss.

Attack (Rhep) : Hit.
Damage: Enough.
2 stalkers down, 3 remaining.

Round 2
Attack (Bakan) : Hit.
Damage: Derp

Attack (Stalkers vs Bakan) : Both miss.

Attack (Rhep) : Hit.
Damage: Not enough.

Round 3
Attack (Bakan) : Hit.
Damage: Plenty

Attack (Stalkers vs Bakan) : Both miss.

Attack (Rhep) : Hit.
Damage: Enough

Bakan wins! Gain 4 experience.

The stalkers merely hissed in response to Bakan's question and immediately leaped back on the offensive, forcing him to defend himself from all angles and thus only return with a blow from his hammer against one of them. The one he did strike went down just like the first, however, leaving one less for to worry about. Rhep, meanwhile, casually bashed in the head of the stalker who had done all of the talking up until that point, causing a splatter of blood and brain matter accompanied by a sickening crunch. Turning toward the melee that Bakan was still involved in, the goblin growled under her breath and rushed to join in.

The second round of claws did no more than scrape against the plating of Bakan's armor ineffectually, while his hammer laid another low. Rhep, taking her opportunity, smashed out the knee of the other female stalker, causing her to fall and let out a high pitched whine. A moment later, the last of the stalkers whom Bakan had been fighting was lying on the ground unconscious, while the second female had received similar treatment to the first, having had its head smashed in by Rhep's cudgel. Seeing their enemies beaten, Rhep let out a snort and said; "Stupid greyskins! You no mess wit Rhep's tribe! We crush you!" The goblin moved over to one of the still living stalkers and raised her club high, no doubt intending to finish it off just like the others. Cory, meanwhile, was still unconscious, and Bakan noted a pool of blood slowly spreading from around her face.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan stepped past Rhep, putting a hand to her club, to halt her finishing blow, "We've already won, there's no need for that," he said to her, before letting go of her club, and stepping over to Cory with a quick stride, and kneeling over her, holding his hand over her wound, and concentrating, trying to heal her serious wound. "Damn it..." he cursed as he began to heal her. 'This wasn't supposed to happen. I may be able to heal the wound, but the pain, suffering and any permanent damages she suffered I cannot mend. If I had been a little more careless, then...' he trailed off as he thought to himself, letting out a sigh.

Letting his magic attempt to mend her wounds and rid her of as much pain as he could, Bakan's thoughts idly drifted in the back of his mind. This wasn't the first time when he felt as if he had failed in his task. And by no means was he as strong as he is now during the other attacks from demon and alien alike. 'Why must I feel as if I must stand idly by while everyone suffers? Why can't I be a bastion for them?' he wondered, before looking to the ruined corpse of the female stalker. "And why must those like you throw your lives away?" he asked, faintly hoping her spirit would answer.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 41/88, PP = 38, EP = 47/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 42/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Lightly Injured
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Rhep seemed surprised when Bakan grabbed her club, preventing her from finishing off the stalker at her feet. Rather than argue the point, however, she simply said; "Okay." She strode about the battlefield, collecting things from their fallen foes while Bakan moved over to Cory. His magic seeped into the unconscious woman, healing her wound.... Mostly. There was no way for him to tell if there was anything that his magic couldn't repair, not yet at any rate, but she stirred immediately as the lump on the back of her head shrank.

"Uhhhh....." She groaned and shifted, her crimson eyes fluttering open as she blinked tears out of them, and then Cory slowly moved a hand to the back of her head as she groaned again. "Ugh.... Bakan?" She looked up at him just as he spoke to the dead stalker, who's lidded pale eyes stared sightlessly out upon the ground of the rubble strewn courtyard, and Cory let out a confused grunt before rising up to a kneeling position slowly, nursing the back of her head. "What are you talking about? I'm not...." Cory trailed off as she saw the stalker lying dead on the ground, her head crushed, and a despairing look crossed Cory's face. "Oh."

She glanced at Bakan, and her features became distant for a moment, unreadable like they'd been when she had been leading him to meet the Lady, but then her gaze shifted to Rhep and hardened. She glared at the goblin as she picked the last of the fallen stalkers clean, leaving the ones whom Bakan had knocked out alive as he had asked. Cory let out a sigh and then turned back to Bakan, her gaze softening, "Bakan... You mustn't blame yourself for their deaths. It's tragic and a waste for them to have died like this, but it was their choices that led them to it. They controlled their own fate, not you, even though it's not right how they died. Besides, if you and Rhep had gone easy on them, you might have lost, and then.... It doesn't need to be even thought of, what they might have done to us. Stalkers are notoriously cruel to their captives."

She paused to smile serenely at him, and said with utmost confidence; "I knew you'd protect me...." She opened her mouth to continue, but Rhep suddenly appeared beside them and held out a pouch of coins, offering them to Bakan, "Rhep found these coins on greyskins." She held them out until Bakan took them, and Cory simply nodded for Bakan to do so if he rose and objections.

(Bakan gains 60 denarii.)

After that, there was little for them to do but prepare to depart, but as Cory rose to her feet, either with Bakan's help or on her own, she seemed to be somewhat unsteady on her feet, almost disoriented. "It's nothing, I'll be alright... Just need to get my balance back," she said, but not three seconds after she finished someone, the voice raspy and masculine, laughed aloud; "Heh heh heh.... Hello stranger!" Turning toward the source of the voice, Bakan found a man in a dark coat standing beside the fountain, the weeping angel staring directly at him. A hood covered his head, and the only part of his face that was visible was his face, which was extremely pale and slightly veiny, while his eyes were a pale, sickly yellow. He suddenly pulled open his coat, revealing a wide assortment of baubles, bottles, weapons, and other assorted goods. "What are ya buyin?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan sighs as he looks at the corpses of the women. "I know that, Cory, but that does not mean that I should find this result desirable. The world will continue to be like this until someone does something to change it." he replied with a grim tone, before kneeling over her, tucking his arms under her legs, and behind her back, before picking her up in his arms. "We should find a place to stay for the night, and some place to have that dinner I promised." he said, holding her firmly in his arms after she declared that she knew he would protect her. Once she had said that, Bakan looked away from her with a sullen expression. She had suffered greatly, and yet she still seemed to think highly of him. "If that were true, then you wouldn't have been struck by that rock... If I truly could protect you, then nothing like those creatures could even get near you." he told her flatly, with the same look he had before when he was feeling depressed over the fact that Cory had to help him defeat the Lady. "I know you'll disagree, Cory, but allow me to accept responsibility for my weakness. I'll carry you until we find someplace suitable to rest." he said, though he didn't look stable himself, only able to stand straight without wobbling through his surprising amount of willpower.

Finding Rhep approach him with the coins, Bakan blinked in confusion. He said nothing, simply looking down at her in surprise. But Cory's nod that followed made him accept the coins anyway. "Thank you..." he said with a slow, but respectful tone to the goblin. Why she had gathered money for him, he had little idea. 60 denarii was quite a sum of money. And why she would so easily collect it, and give it to him... Was she thanking him for helping her find her club? No, she did that when she helped him and Cory against those stalkers.

His thoughts were distracted as the merchant appeared. And from him, Bakan decided to spend some of his money to purchase some materials to repair his hammer and armor. As well, he thought to get Cory a gift too. Once that was finished and over with, Bakan turned to Rhep. "Thank you, Rhep. Helping me to protect Cory, and even this gift of coin... I do owe you still, even more than before as well..." he said to her, though he trailed off. He wasn't sure if she would prefer to be off, or to request something else. With that in mind, he continued, "Again... I'll help you in any way I can. Surely life won't be easy for you after your loss."

Bakan goes shopping!


Faerie's Blood - 75 denarii
Horror Carapace - 15 denarii
Slime Amber - 45 denarii
Sell Dagger - 25 denarii
Sell 3xDark Hearts - 75 denarii


Weapon: +12 Damage - 2 Hound's Teeth, 6 Monster Fangs

Armor: +6 AV, -1 EV - 2 Demon Bloods, 2 Horror Carapace, 2 Slime Amber


Weapon: +5 attack, +2 damage, +2d10 Electric Damage - 50 denarii, 1 Faerie Blood, 1 Demon Blood


Total Cost:
85 denarii
3 Demon Blood
1 Horror Carapace
2 Hound's Teeth
1 Slime Amber
6 Monster Fangs
1 Dagger
3 Dark Hearts
(Equipment to be renamed once Bakan works on them:)
Aged Warhammer ---> Fanged Warhammer

Breastplate ---> Demon Horror Armor

Rapier ---> Lighting Rapier
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 41/88, PP = 38, EP = 47/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 42/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Lightly Injured
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Cory made no complaint as Bakan swept her off of her feet, instead wrapped her arms around his neck and pressing her head against his shoulder. She even smiled slightly at the reminder of his promise to treat her to dinner, but as he adopted a sullen expression and looked away the demoness frowned slightly. When he asked her not to argue, she sighed and said; "Alright, but after everything that has happened today, I wouldn't mind too much if we saved it for tomorrow night." When Bakan wobbled slightly while holding her, she clutched at him and flinched slightly, "Are you sure? I can walk beside you..." His willpower proved superior to his physical exhaustion, however, and when he dismissed the suggestion she simply accepted the situation rather than argue the point further.

Rhep smirked with pleasure as Bakan accepted the pouch of coins from her, and placed her club over her shoulder as if prepared to follow him. After his dealings with the merchant were completed, the goblin listened to Bakan's words with the same expression and replied; "Human is Rhep's new chieftain! You prove you're strong, you defeat Lady, and whack greyskins with hammer! Even if you do weird things, Rhep follow you until Rhep find someone stronger to be her chieftain. If Cory also in human's tribe, then Rhep will protect Cory too, even if Rhep doesn't really like Cory that much!" She explained it all so simply and frankly, and even though Rhep claimed to dislike her Cory smiled back at the goblin.

Under her breath, Cory whispered; "Just go with it. I'll explain later, in private." There was a bit of emphasis on the words "in private," that might have made Bakan nervous, were it not for the fact that both of them were already badly wounded and exhausted after the day's harrowing events. The goblin did seem ready to follow Bakan, however, and it seemed like it might take some doing to dissuade her of that notion.

Deciding against that notion and having finished his business with the merchant, Bakan carried Cory out of the gateway that he had entered at the beginning of that fateful night, Rhep following closely behind. Bakan spotted no movement in the darkened trees, and Rhep began to sing a marching tune mostly to herself as the three of them traveled on. She was off key and had no rhythm to speak of, but the tune was simple and the words at least made enough sense that Bakan could follow the song;

The day is young and our hearts are strong,
battle calls and the trail does beckon,
but even though the road ahead is long,
we'll just go right on ahead I do reckon!

And thus do we continue upon this path,
fearing not foe nor beast nor nature's wrath!
So go on battlemaster, forge on ahead,
tonight we'll sleep soundly when it's time for bed!

On we'll go until it's time to rest,
but until then we most go along,
and when battle calls we'll give it our very best,
and 'til then we'll just go ahead and sing this song!

The same words quickly repeated, and whether he liked it or not Bakan had the song stuck in his head in no time flat. It seemed like Cory wasn't immune either, as he heard her singing along under her breath shortly after Rhep took up the tune. Thankfully, they encountered no battles that night, and soon enough Bakan carried Cory past the first of the buildings marking the edge of the village that stood at the base of the hill that the now ruined castle stood upon. At this hour of night, Bakan would have expected that most if not all of the houses to be completely dark, but many of the windows that he passed were lit, even if it was dimly. He heard snippets of conversation from within, of families welcoming their lost members home, and tales of a man and woman who had gone to fight the Dark Lady at the top of the Tower of Evil, and had defeated her minions and pet dragon before finally slaying the powerful demoness.

The lights at the inn were fully on, however, and it was there that Bakan took Cory and Rhep. As they neared the door, the woman in his arms quietly said; "You can put me down now, we're safe, and I can walk on my own now." If he complied, something that his burning arms thanked him for immensely, Cory would stand firmly on her feet and lead the way into the inn, and it was only then that Bakan would notice that the demonic horns on her head and her tail were both gone. The place was fairly full despite the late hour, and at the sight of Bakan and Cory, one man shouted; "That's them! That's the pair that saved us from the demons!" Every man and woman in the bar offered a cheer in their honor at once, producing a nearly deafening sound, and the three of them were quickly ushered into the tavern and placed at a table, receiving thanks from dozens of people, some of whom left and came back with even more people. Bakan, Rhep, and Cory each had a full pint of ale placed in front of them, and their rooms were on the house. When asked how many keys they would need, Cory immediately replied instantly; "Two rooms please."

They were offered as much food as they could eat as well, and Bakan and Cory both received plenty of looks that could politely be called interested from some of the women present, particularly the fair haired young barkeep. Rhep, though not officially associated as one who had helped defeat the Lady, was treated with respect by the villagers despite the fact that she was a goblin, and she didn't seem to mind that the focus largely wasn't on her in the slightest, given that she downed her mug in one long draw before setting it down and ordering another. Cory took a sip or two from hers, and finally the innkeeper came forward, a portly balding fellow with handlebar mustache and garbed in a dirty apron and simple white clothes beneath. Wearing a friendly smile, he said; "Can I get you folks anything to eat? It's later than usual, but for heroes like you I'd be happy to make an exception, all on the house too!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Something about the air was uplifting. After having fought for their lives, they now stood with the spoils of their victory. Bakan had acquired many great treasures from the lady's tower. The blood from the fae that was taken with no doubt evil purposes, Bakan was upset over, but there was nothing he could do for them now. As he went silent in thought, he offered a silent prayer to the lives lost, and asked that they give him their strength in order to stop further crimes such as those that the Lady committed. Though wounded, Bakan felt a strange sense of strength coursing through him. Raw, and untempered, he felt as if power was swelling within him.

'I've been feeling like I'm very sensitive to magic lately. This sensation was present before, but it feels as if the magic around me, and even the magic that the lady released to attack me is seeping into my body.' he thought to himself, feeling as if the essence within him was truly magical. 'I wonder why I'm so sensitive to magic? I see this becoming a weakness in the future, so I should train myself to better use the arts.' he made a mental statement, and let out a firm nod of confirmation before turning to he ruins of the tower. If there was any such thing as a gate within that he could have used, it was gone now. He hoped that the demons here would have held something, but Bakan was sure that anything that would have been of value would have been in that tower. It was a discouraging thought, to believe that he might have lost such a good chance, but Bakan wouldn't accept the loss as the end.

He was broken out of his thoughts when Rhep suddenly declared him as her chieftain. "Huh?" Bakan gestured in complete surprise, but she only went on to explain his physical prowess in battle. With the suffering Cory went through, he didn't think it all that impressive, although Rhep's words did well to flatter Bakan, as would be seen by the rather silly smile he couldn't fight against revealing. "I don't really understand, but I'll do my best to remain the strongest. You can count on me!" he announced, before nodding to Cory as she said she would explain, the emphasis she put on the privacy of the matter a bit too obviously going through one ear and out of the other, or right over his head, as some would say.

Making their journey, Rhep's marching song didn't disturb Bakan at all. In fact, the way she was singing brought him to laugh, before he was the first to start singing along, with Cory right behind. Both he and Rhep brutalized the song itself by not even singing together with great efficiency. Bakan looked to be in pain, his wound didn't even close up, and yet he was laughing, and singing albeit horribly with Rhep. Once he came upon the town though, their singing died down, especially as he began to hear the conversations inside. "Ah, it seems many people made it back safely. That's good news. I can only hope everyone made it home, as I'm sure anyone missing their family will be grieving after so many returned." Bakan stated, before letting Cory down on her request. They were right in front of the Inn, so he figured she would be resting soon anyway.

Walking into the Inn, however, Bakan was caught by surprise at the man's sudden shouting. The first two words put him on alert, thinking that he was up for a fight, but the words that followed made him lower his guard. The rush of people that followed though made him nervous, and he was quickly swept into their pace. Though, being offered food and ale, Bakan couldn't resist their hospitality, and so he found himself relaxing, and enjoying the thanks of the people. Cory was quick to answer another offer as well, and Bakan smiled from her choice as he followed up with what she said. "It's as she said, one key for the man and one for the ladies," he stated simply, confident that Cory would agree, as he couldn't think of any other reason she would ask for two keys.

The many looks that they would receive from all of the women at first made Bakan flush a bit, but when he saw some of them looking at Cory, he shook his head to rid himself of such thoughts. They were simply as happy as the others to be free, that's all. Bakan ordered some of the most wealthy food that they had, and indicating that he had promised that he would for them, and offered to pay if such a grand request was pushing the limits of their thanks.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 41/88, PP = 38, EP = 47/54, Status = Injured

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 42/55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Lightly Injured
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Cory, at Bakan's words, smirked and handed him one of the keys given to her by the innkeeper, while giving the other to Rhep. "Of course!" Cory replied sweetly, but while wearing an impish smile. Rhep, meanwhile, was happy to bask in their reflected glory as she downed mug after mug of ale, and the innkeeper nodded as Bakan ordered a fine meal for the lot of them. "I'll charge you enough to get by, but not a coin more than that! Four coins should cover the three of you, and I'll bring you the best pheasant you've ever had." Once Bakan had handed over the money, the innkeeper, he quickly left them alone to go to the kitchens, and shortly thereafter came back with a platter containing three plates of rich, fresh food. Each looked like a full course meal, and Cory and Rhep began eating immediately, the latter devouring her food ravenously with her bare hands while the former picked up her silver daintily and ate in an almost courtly manner and savoring every bite.

The attention focused on them gradually lessened as time went on, though Bakan still received the occasional slap on the back, and a few songs were sung by the increasingly drunken crowd around them. By the time they'd finished their meals, which were excellent, the tavern had begun to empty as people went home to be with their families, or sleep off their inebriation, leaving Bakan, Cory, and Rhep as the only three patrons at a table, the rest being centered around the bar. A serving girl came by anyway, to take their plates and ask; "Is there anything else that I can get for you folks?" Rhep, who was fairly drunk by this point, hazily shook her head, and Cory glanced at Bakan and said; "No, nothing more for me, thank you."
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan gladly handed over the four coins, and began to eat his fill. Cory would find Bakan would be eating with manners between Cory's own table manners, and Rhep's. He still used tools to eat, but he simply jabbed his tool into the meat, and took direct bites from the meat, keeping a napkin handy in case things got messy. But during the meal, he gripped his pint of ale, and rose it. "The people of this town are no longer slaves, and we get to eat some damn good food! Cheers!" Bakan said cheerfully, hoping that Cory and Rhep would bounce their pints off of his own, leaning over towards Rhep if he had to make up for her small arms.

He enjoyed his meal, his ale, and now was full while a little woozy. He'd normally be able to handle this much ale, but his fatigue made him a bit more vulnerable to it's effects. Leaning back in his chair, he let out a deep sigh, before sitting back up with sheer effort of will instead of passing right out in the chair. "You ladies retire early, I'll clean things up here." he told them, gathering his own dishes, including their's. When whoever normally would clean the bar after the patrons were all gone would likely appear, he simply grinned and said, "It's fine, I've got it," before heading towards the kitchen.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

When Bakan rose his mug of ale in a toast, Cory quickly laid down her silverware and raised her own, while Rhep grabbed her already half empty mug and stood on her chair in order to clank her glass against Bakan's. Both women joined in the toast, and Rhep finished her ale immediately while Cory said; "Here here!" And then merely took a long sip before returning to her meal. She had only downed one mug worth of ale by the time Bakan told them to go to bed early. Rhep, who was heavily inebriated, belched loudly and replied; "Okay. See you in the *hic* morning!" Cory, however, smiled and nodded before rising from her chair, helping the goblin to head over to the stairs. As he sat up in his chair, forcing himself to remain awake, Cory cast a glance over her shoulder at Bakan and said; "Good night, Bakan."

The serving girl arrived a moment later, and was about to take their dishes when Bakan intervened, insisting that he would take care of it. "Oh, that's really not necessary.... Sir!" She tried to stop him, leaning over Bakan and giving him a view of a great deal of cleavage as she did so, but he picked up the dishes before she could and rose to his feet. She back away while blushing slightly, clearly highly flustered, and meekly said; "Sir, that's really not necessary! Please, let me take those for you, don't fret over it, sir!" She followed him toward the kitchen while constantly speaking, trying to get him to let her take them from him but not making any actual grabs.

The door into the inn's kitchen swung both ways, and he easily pushed it open with a foot while carrying the three plates and mugs that he and his party had used to dine. The serving girl finally gave up on getting him to hand over the dishes, and instead said; "The sink's right over there, you can leave them there and we'll clean them later. You can wash up in there too, we've still got running water." She pointed to his left as she spoke, and saw a large, metal sink that was already half filled with dirty dishes. The girl helped him sort them into their appropriate places, and he couldn't help but notice that she was blushing brightly as she worked next to him.

When the dishes were sorted, regardless of whether or not he accepted that he should simply leave them, the serving girl brushed aside a strand of her dirty blond hair and turned toward Bakan. "I'd... I would like to thank you, sir," it was about then that Bakan realized that they were alone together in the kitchen, the owner of the tavern busy tending to the bar. The serving girl leaned against him heavily, her soft breasts pressing against his arm as she continued in a slightly lower voice; "My brother was among those who were taken by the demons. He came back a little while before you arrived, and told us about how you and your friend rescued them. I haven't seen my father smile like that in.... In a very long time." One of her hands snaked around his lower back, trying to pull him in closer so that she could press her chest against his.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Even in a location other than Ashloriel's domain where they stayed together, this wasn't strange to him. He had always taken to washing the dishes when it was over, and often next to Ashloriel's side. Although it was a bit harder than usual now, as he was quite exhausted. However, he was given a fairly free treat from the Inn keeper, and something about that just didn't sit well with Bakan. He doubted he'd be able to sleep well unless he did this first and took a bit of weight off of his shoulders. His eyes were half closed as his mind was filled with thoughts of imagining himself washing dishes with Ashloriel. The female presence next to him didn't quite fit, but it helped nonetheless. He wanted to look to the side to see her standing next to him, but refrained from doing so, knowing that he'd be able to gaze at her when the time was right, and have every excuse to do so.

He continued to wash dishes with the girl next to him well beyond what he intended to. He was mixed between dream and reality as he simply looked at one dish after another, wanting to make sure he didn't miss a spot, all for Ashloriel's sake. He wanted to impress her with how well he cleaned them. He couldn't fall asleep, not yet. Thinking of Ashloriel was enough to keep him going beyond the break point of total exhaustion, and with that drive he cleaned every dish he got his hands on to perfection so that anyone would be proud to eat off of it.

Once they were finished, Bakan swerved on his own feet. He wasn't sure if it was the ale and his exhaustion, or just his exhaustion that made him feel so sluggish, but he didn't have too much time to think of that before the tavern girl was hugging herself to him. She was happy, and someone important to her had returned to her life. Even in his total fatigue, he was very pleased to hear that as he rose his hand, and lightly placed it on her head...

Tassadar: The girl takes Bakan by his hand and leads him to the pantry.
Mamono Force: "Is something the matter?" Bakan asks with worry.
Tassadar: She takes him into the pantry, closes the door behind her, and removes her dress, letting it fall to the floor.
Mamono Force: Insta boner and shock
Tassadar: XD
Mamono Force: "W-wait, such things... You should only do them with the one you truly l-love, you know?"
Tassadar: "Oh... I see.... I'm not pretty enough for you..."
Mamono Force: "That's not true at all! You're very beautiful, and I'm just saying that... Such a thing that you have shouldn't be tarnished on someone you hardly know..."
Tassadar: "Oh... I suppose you're right, but... I just wanted to thank you, for all you've done for us."
Mamono Force: Bakan smiled while looking to the side since her body was becoming too stimulating for him, as was evident by the tent in his clothes which he covered with folded hands. "Heh, I'm not without my fortunes from the tower... Really, all that I'd ask is that you spend time with your beloved who've returned."
Tassadar: "Oh, I don't have a boyfriend. I don't think I'd have had the courage to try this if I did!" She replied, covering her breasts and sex with her arms awkwardly, the blush on her face gradually spreading down as the cold of the room caused her discomfort.
Mamono Force: "I-I meant your beloved family, of course..." he said nervously, before stepping over, and picking up her clothes and handing them to her. "Thank you for tending to me and my friends. I would appriciate it if you continued to do so if you truly wish to thank us somehow. The feeling of your thanks is pleasant enough to put my heart at rest."
Tassadar: Taking her dress and briefly exposing her full, round, perfectly formed breasts once more, she offered Bakan a hesitant smile before getting dressed again. "Okay. You and your friends will have free baths tomorrow, you'll just have to tell me or someone else who's working that you want them."
Mamono Force: Once his heart was no longer pounding in his chest from the excitement she arose from him, Bakan put a hand on her shoulder in thanks, "Thank you... You're really wonderful..." he said sluggishly, before his world spun, and he felt gravity take him....
Mamono Force: *thud*
Tassadar: "Oh god, are you okay!?" She said, while climbing over him and trying to make sure that he was alright. Her dress, having not been on all the way yet, fell down and caused her breasts to spill out, but she didn't seem to notice as she was solely concerned with his well being.
Mamono Force: After everything he went through, staying up to help with the dishes pushed him over his limit in the time that had passed. Drunk, and exhausted, the excitement from the erotic display gave him the energy his body obviously thought was for possible sex, but once it faded, every last ounce of energy left his body. He was soundly sleeping on the floor.
Tassadar: "Oh gods...."
Tassadar: Doing up her dress properly, she ran out the door and went to get the innkeeper, who came back in a moment later and eyed Bakan appraisingly. "Must be a lightweight. I'll give him a minute or two, and then get some water on him so that he can get up to his room," he said, and then scowled at the maid. "What was he doing in there?"
Tassadar: "Uhhh......." She didn't manage to reply before he gave a snort of laughter and turned to walk away.
Tassadar: A few minutes later, he came back and poured a bucket of water onto Bakan's head, forcefully awakening him from his exhausted slumber. "Oi! You've got a soft bed to sleep in, you don't need to be sleeping in my pantry!"
Mamono Force: Laying on his side, and splashed with water, Bakan merely rolled over on the floor with a grumble. "Damn rain..." he said with irritation before falling right back asleep.
Tassadar: "Oi! Don't roll away from me!" He climbed over Bakan and started slapping him across the face, trying to awaken him once more.
Mamono Force: Slapped over and over again, the inn keeper would feel Bakan's rough cheeks almost seem like they were absorbing the shock from his slaps as he barely left red marks. "I'm so tired... I overworked myself again, Ashloriel... I'm sorry..." he mumbled, still barely conscious.
Tassadar: "Hey, wake up! The building's on fire! Your friends are in danger!"
Mamono Force: Bakan bolted upright, straight to his feet, "Cory!!! Rhep!!!" he shouted, eyes wide open as he jumped, shoving the Innkeeper aside.
Tassadar: "Ahhh, that worked then!" The innkeeper said, and then was shoved aside as Bakan found the place most definitely not on fire. "Relax! I was just tryin to get you awake son!"
Mamono Force: Bakan's head throbbed with fatigue as the adrenaline faded, before he turned to the innkeeper with an exhausted glare. "Don't ever joke about that ever again..." he said with a dark aura, before sitting against the wall, "Right here's fine..." he said, closing his eyes again.
Tassadar: "Oi! Go upstairs!"
Mamono Force: Bakan snores, having immediately fell right asleep.
Mamono Force: (If I were the inkeeper, I'd just drag him up)
Tassadar: and then, the innkeeper dragged him upstairs, and opened the door, only to find Cory lying on her side on Bakan's bed, completely naked, and with her demonic features on full display.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

Bakan was already practically unconscious by the time he'd reached the top of the stairs, and his very last sight before losing all perception of what was happening around him was the feel of something warm dripping onto his shoulder, and the sight of Cory smoothly climbing off of the bed and wrapping a blanket around herself to cover her nudity.

When Bakan awoke the next day, daylight was already streaming in from the windows. He was lying on his side, and it took him about a second to realize that all of his clothing was missing, even his boxers and his glasses. His front was pressed against something warm and soft, and his arms were wrapped around a woman lying next to him. Cory was still sound asleep next to him, her head resting on one of his arms while his other arm was curled beneath her breasts, and Bakan was at a loss as to how he had assumed this position. She seemed to be nude as well, and his senses were filled with her scent as she laid so near to him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was so happy to find himself sleeping in a bed when he began awake. His body was tired, and his wounds were on the fast path to recovery. He dreamed of the entire day's events as if time was catching up with him. The card game, the dreaded time chained in a bedroom, the men captured, the time he was surrounded by female demons with ill intentions he never thought to see in any woman, the navigation through the maze, the dragon, the Lady, and then the mental image of Cory bleeding on the ground...

"I'm sorry..." Bakan whispered, although he wasn't sure if anyone was even there to hear him. A part of him wished his words reached her though. "I really... Only can do things I regret later..."

Out of instinct, his arms tightened their grip, until he felt something nearly of his own size squish against him, and a very soft something at that. "Soft...?" he wondered in a whisper as Cory's breasts pancaked against his chest from his embrace, even in his dreams holding the desire to protect and shield those who deserve their happy life, and be rid of all the nonsense in the world. But upon noticing he was holding onto a person, and a naked person at that, his eyes opened wide. His vision was blurry, but his face immediately locked into a neutral expression as he stared straight ahead, burning a hole in the wall.

"... I don't know for sure who is in this bed with me, as both my eyes and memory are a blur, but I want you to answer me truthfully when I ask..."

"How did you get into my room, and why are we naked?" he stated bluntly, as neutral in tone as he was in expression.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 88, PP = 38, EP = 54, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 55, PP = 39, EP = 28/38, Status = Fine
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

The woman lying next to Bakan let out a light coo in her sleep as he squeezed her tightly, and he felt her nuzzle lightly against his neck. The woman in his arms stirred at his words, but didn't awaken immediately. It was only several moments later that a pair of bright red eyes opened, and looked up at Bakan with a smile that he couldn't see through his fogged vision. "Good morning!" Cory's voice said, sleep still heavy in her voice, but from her tone it was clear that she was happy to see him. When (and if) he repeated his questions, Cory yawned widely and stretched, causing her firm breasts to press against his bare chest, before she replied; "I picked the lock and waited for you to come up, you should have seen the innkeepers face when he saw me! He got blood all over your shirt, but I managed to calm him down once I got you dressed. He even offered to clean your shirt, and once that was off I figured I'd just take off the rest as well."

As she spoke, Bakan felt Cory's hands slowly trailing down his sides, her fingertips just lightly brushing against his skin. They stopped around his hips, where they drew little circles and caused his muscles to tense and relax repeatedly as she added; "I was going to give you another massage, but you were out cold by the time I got you into bed. I could give you one now if you like." The demoness in his arms (unless he'd moved) smiled coyly, though again Bakan's bad eyesight prevented him from seeing it very well, and she playfully concluded; "I wouldn't tie you up this time... Unless you wanted me to!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"You picked the...!?" Bakan began to exclaim upon her explanation, before he drew back from her, looking at what he was assuming was her face. "Cory, for shame! Locks are put in place for very good reasons! And they should only be picked or broken when there's unclaimed treasure on the other side!" he made sure to state the bit about treasure as he lectured her. Searching for his glasses on the table near the bed, he put them back onto his face, before looking at Cory properly. "Sneaking into my bed, nude and making me nude as well before offering to tie me up and massage me like before, your intentions are too clear!!!" he announced. "As a woman, you need to show some modesty!" he scolded her. "I would be a most unfaithful and perverted man if I were to be taken with such advances!" he said, although his lower half was obviously taken with her advances. "Do not mistake me like before, I think of you as a beautiful woman and I would only think of you as nothing more than an animal if I cared so little for your own self-respect. Understand that, Cory!" he exclaimed once more, before seeking out something to wear.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 108, PP = 39, EP = 79, Status = Fine

NPC stats
Cory: HP = 63, PP = 46, EP = 33/43, Status = Fine
Rhep: HP = 69, PP = 33, EP = 34, Status = Fine

When he moved away from her, Bakan could feel Cory do the same, and when he got his glasses on Bakan found the woman frowning at him with a slight pout. "I didn't sneak in... And the part about tying you up was only a joke!" She said, and as he climbed out of bed and gathered up his clothing, which was neatly stacked on a table nearby minus his missing shirt, Cory moved up to a position so that she was sitting on her legs in the bed, the tips of her bare breasts hardening as the cool morning air touched them. His armor had been set neatly on the floor, and his hammer leaned against the wall. As he got up and got dressed, she glanced at his excited member once before looking back up at his eyes.

Cory made no move toward him, simply wearing a frown and watching him dress as she said; "We've already had sex, and after everything that happened yesterday... I just wanted to help you relax. We wouldn't have to have sex again if you didn't want to, but I do, and I'm comfortable enough with you that I didn't think you'd mind a more direct approach. I'm sorry." With that, she rose from the bed and started getting dressed herself, keeping her back to Bakan the entire time after retrieving her own clothing from the pile next to Bakan's. She wasn't moving quickly or rigidly, but neither was she attempting to go about redressing in an alluring manner, though that didn't diminish the appeal of her gentle curves by much. Her leather armor covered those up quickly enough, but she left the leather cap that had protected her head in the tower on the stand.

When she'd finished, she turned back to him, her plait of silky black hair flipping over her shoulder in the process, and said; "I've got some things to see to in town, and the innkeeper still owes you a bath. Why don't you relax here for a little while? Rhep should be up at some point too, though it might be a while considering how much she drank last night."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan didn't dress right away, but did when she did. Her words in response made him go silent with a small pang of guilt in his chest. She was merely joking, and while such things were improper, Bakan wouldn't ask Cory to kill her sense of humor for the sake of becoming proper. He wanted her to become both prideful and happy, so that she can truly live at her fullest and be proud of it, instead of living as a highwayman who had sex with strangers. Upon hearing her apology, he immediately objected. "No... You have nothing to apologize for. It's perfectly natural after what we've done... But I still find problems with how it happened. If I had to choose when we first had such a union together, I would have preferred it when we both desired each other of our own will, and not by the will of some substance. You and I, we're above animals. If I were to lay with you in such a manner, I'd want to lay with Cory. Back then, in the tower... My heart barely considered your name at all. Consumed by lust, you were merely an attractive woman. A thing to satisfy my own desires. And to have treated you as such... I'm the one who still has not apologized properly for that..." Bakan turned around, so that their backs were facing each other again. "So... I'm sorry, Cory... It was never any intention of mine to treat you as merely the means to satisfy my artificial lust... When I kissed you in that maze, I did not think that the person I was kissing was merely a beautiful woman. I thought, 'this is Cory, and this kiss is meant for Cory. Even if her body were different, and her face unrecognizable, this kiss would still belong to Cory.'" he stated with passion in his voice.

"... And, I find it frustrating that for every fault I have, you ignore it and desire to lay with me instead. If all we did was share such intimacies, then there would be nothing between us, Cory. We would literally just be animals following the instinct to breed. I say this not for myself, but for you. I want you to mean more than that... Whether with me, or should you choose another. I want you to mean something special." he told her with equal passion, before looking over to her, the both of them fully dressed in their clothes as he smiled weakly at her.

"I've upset you yet again... Please let me make it up to you, Cory." he offered. "Lend me your rapier. I will do something amazing with it, I promise." he said with a hopeful smile. "And when you return... Perhaps I shall massage you as well?"