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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine, Grappled by Saris and Maben

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Ye two wiminz grab Bakan and reveal... That they aren't actually Cory and Rhep! Yaaaaay!

And thus would Bakan be dragged upstairs by Cory, leaving Samarta and Inka behind with the man that had called him a douche. His half-demon lover didn't seem any less annoyed now that they were practically alone together, and kept pulling him along with the edges of a deep scowl visible on every part of her face that he could see. He saw the cloaked stranger again as they reached the top of the stairs, visible for only a moment moving over to a door and pulling it open before vanishing inside, but Cory followed them to that same door. Pulling it open as well, she dragged Bakan into the tavern room and released his hand gruffly, and then spinning in place to face him. There was a person-sized lump lying on the bed, snoring contentedly in the manner that he would remember from his diminutive goblin friend, but before Bakan could even move beyond the door it was shut behind him.

Whatever warning bells that might sound off, Bakan didn't even get a second to react, as the figure in the bedding would convulse suddenly before flying out of the covers directly at him. It was no streak of green that impacted with him, but a thin pale body that collided with his chest and didn't even cause him to budge, though the impact did cause his glasses to loosen and very nearly fall off, causing his vision to go blurry as they slid down his nose. "We've gotcha now!" a girlish voice that was oddly familiar to him would say, and after a moment he would feel arms circle around his armored chest from the front, and equally soft arms would suddenly slide under his arms in a deceptively strong pin from behind. "And now...." another familiar voice, one that was equal parts malicious and seductive, would purr softly into his ear, "You can't escape~"

Cory's face would begin to warp slowly, and her body would shift as well, transforming from the woman that he knew into another, one that was also familiar. "So... I really must know~" Alena of the witchcry sisters would ask casually, and then Maben, nude and spindly and rubbing happily against his chest, would finish her sister's sentence; "Did yah miss us?" The sister who's name Bakan hadn't heard yet would chuckle softly, the sound rich but at least slightly frightening, and say; "I suppose he might have... Though I suspect that it is quite likely that he thought the three of us dead after he unleashed the dragon upon the tower, and murdered our mistress~" Maben would start nuzzling into Bakan's chest, while Alena would simply tilt her head inquisitively and allow Bakan a chance to speak.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

It seemed she was a little too angry. Bakan knew Cory should be furious, but the way she was now, it didn't feel like she was angry at all for abandoning her, but for another reason. Why? He wasn't sure. He followed along now with the idea of apologizing her, though he couldn't help but tilt his head at the cloaked figure. He was never one to judge a book by it's cover, unless the book was about a cocky man with a perverted look and possible rapist agenda... Regardless, Bakan wasn't sure what to think of the cloaked figure. Too many ideas came to mind. Perhaps they were a secret agent and thought that Bakan could only help them with their top secret mission? Perhaps they were a black market salesperson, and they wanted to sell or see if Bakan had some illegal goods? Or... Perhaps... They were shy? 'That must be it,' Bakan concluded in his mind. They were simply shy, and it made perfect sense. They wore the cloak to remain unseen, and thus must be why Cory was so angry, because he was acting foolishly while ignorant of Cory's friend's condition. How absolutely rude. Another thing to apologize for.

Blithely, Bakan followed, before going into the room with the door suddenly shutting behind him. And then everything changed. Cory was an imposter, Rhep was never there, and it all came slamming home.

'THERE IS NO FRIGGIN WAY THEY COULD HAVE MADE IT HERE FROM THERION!' He realized. Perhaps, just perhaps, a slight bit too late. It only took being put into this situation to realize it.

Though that shock came and went. Someone collided into his chest and made his glasses slip off a little. Rather than react aggressively, he tilted his head back to bounce his glasses back up along the bridge of his nose so that he could see. Looking down, he saw Maben, and that was when he recognized them. He could have struggled, he might be able to fight his way free, after all, they were pathetically easy to put in a bubble and knock out one by one. Perhaps it was because Bakan didn't think them a threat at all that he didn't treat them as such. As if in no danger at all, he'd react with a sudden smile. "Hey! You guys are okay!" Bakan announced with pleasant surprise. "I was hoping you made it out safe after the tower collapsed and I saw your bindings undone. I was actually running back to set you guys free, but you already did that on your own."

He spoke carelessly, and laughed when Maben asked if he missed them. "Well, we didn't really get to know each other, so... But I am happy to see all three of you are fine, as much as you guys are happy to see that I'm fine! Because you're hugging me!" he chuckled, hugging Maben back.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine, Grappled by Saris and Maben and Alena, oh my!

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

That Bakan was smiling, for some reason, didn't seem to surprise the three succubi as much as it might have. Alena quirked an eyebrow at his proclamation that he'd intended to come and save them but made no argument on the matter, and Maben simply continued to nuzzle into his chest like some kind of bizarre human-shaped kitten while the third sister held his arms back from behind. That prevented him from really hugging Maben as much as he might have liked, as the succubus proved far stronger than she might have appeared before, based on their sole previous encounter. "You know, you're right! We are quite happy to see you again, Bakan Jeru~" Alena said, strutting forward while Maben looked up at his face, her pupils literally shaped like hearts and eager drool running down her chin.

The talkative succubus joined Maben in the hug, leaving Bakan surrounded by three women, all of whom were touching him already, and some of them in a mildly suggestive manner depending on one's sense of propriety. Maben was even naked! "We did miss you!" the smallest of the three said mischievously, just as her hands started going a bit South of Bakan's waste, until the settled over his crotch and started casually undoing his pants. "We have had a long journey~" the third sister whispered coyly into his ear, and even as she started undoing the straps of his armor Alena would add; "And we are all quite hungry! It's an Acheronian custom to feed succubi who you were worried about, and you'd be doing us a great big favor!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

At feeling Saris' resistance from behind, Bakan looked back and a bit of complaint in his expression. "What's the big deal?" he asked. "I'm not going to run away or fight you." His complaints came out first from confusion, but it would open doors in Bakan's rather slow mind to perhaps figuring out the truth behind why he was being held. He met a hitch however, as he became fascinated with Maben's eyes. "Hearts...? That's..." Then, one door led to another, conclusion was reaching Bakan's consciousness, and went completely in the wrong direction. "That's so cool! How do you do that?" he asked with childish interest. Though, then came the three of them. With three surrounding him, and getting so close, Bakan felt his heart skip a beat. Sweat began to pour down his face, and his heartbeat quickened. None of this was from arousal, rather, Bakan began to feel a sense of fear. The time with the alraune had an impact on him, and with the trio around him, it reminded him of it, and there was nothing good about that time to be reminded of. It displayed the true fact that women were capable of just as much evil as men, even with 'that' part of their bodies. While obvious to some in this world, it was not obvious to him.

Bakan's face was suddenly serious, despite Maben's hands being allowed to feel a growing erection quickly sprouting in her hands upon her touch. His enlarged cock eager to plunge into whichever of the three were ready to receive it. Even with such arousal, Bakan didn't seem to find that the top concern at that moment. He spoke, and was rather solid in his tone. Serious, but not threatening. "I will be honest... I wanted to help you, and I still do... I wish I never had to hurt anyone to solve my own problems... But when it comes especially to those who would endanger my friends, I simply can't show mercy... So..." Bakan adjusted one hand to grab Saris' own, and the other settling on Alena's head. "Please don't be like the person that the Lady of that Tower was. If it's energy you need, I will gladly give it. You don't need to restrain me for that, as I know it's simply what you require. I won't hate you for it. All that I ask is that you don't take it any further than that. If you do, and you do something to my mind, and lead myself and others into further suffering, then there may be other forces close to me who will come and no matter what happens... Some of you may die, if not all."

With his hand on Alena's head, he looked over to her with a gentle expression, pleading. "I don't want to see you guys suffer, that's all." He announced with honesty. "Plus, I'm thankful..." He smiled at Alena especially. "Even if you were fake... I'm really happy you spoke to me as Cory. It felt great getting all those tears out. I really needed to talk to Cory... Even though this was just practice for when I apologize to her for real." He chuckled. Then, he'd let out a sigh. By that point, no doubt his cock was fully exposed and he probably had no armor either. He looked to the bed, and after feeling rather weightless after the armor was off, it looked mighty comfy. "Can we go to the bed?" he asked.

If he was freed from Saris, he'd simply flop onto his back and not really contest the trio that much, but if she was still holding him, he'd get irritated. "I don't wanna stand here the entire time in an arm lock! It's really uncomfortable!" he'd complain if Saris still didn't give lax on her hold and allow him onto the bed. "Honestly, what the hell do you think I'm going to do? Samarta and Inka might kill you, getting the wrong idea if I asked them for help, and I don't want to hurt you myself! Give me a break..."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan would be too busy admiring the young (looking) demon's strange pupils to notice, but as he mentioned them Alena would give a dark grimace for a brief instant, losing entirely her flowery demeanor. She reacquired it quickly enough though, and continued her flirting unabated until Bakan proclaimed that he intended to be honest with them, at which point she ceased in the removal of his armor and looked up at him with a soft frown. His words only seemed to distress the succubus more, leaving Alena visibly taken aback, though Maben didn't seem to even be listening as she finished undoing his pants and pulled them down, allowing his erection to spring free. Alena was briefly distracted by that, her gaze flitting down and her eyes widening slightly at the size of Bakan's cock, but Maben's fingers were quick to wrap around it and start a quick and steady stroking motion.

Pleasure started to dull his senses, her strokes far more skilled and providing far more stimulation than Bakan might have expected, and every spike of sensation allowed the tiny succubus to drain a portion of his soul, her feeding draining the strength from his muscles as well. After his request and his reasoning, Alena let out a sigh and grabbed his hand, pulling it away from her head and setting it aside. "Saris, just let him go," she said, her tone making her seem more tired than anything else. The other sister, apparently Saris, scowled so hard that Bakan could feel it behind him and quickly snapped in reply; "Why? He's still our enemy! We should drain him dry and leave him for his friends to find!" Sighing again, Alena glanced at Bakan apologetically and took a step away before looking back to her sister and shaking her head. "It isn't worth it. We're hardly starved as it is, and he wasn't intending to kill us if he saw us again like we thought. He isn't smart enough to lie to us now. Besides, hurting him won't help Maben anyway, so we might as well just let him go and move on."

Though she was still scowling, Saris only held Bakan for a moment longer before giving an annoyed grunt and letting him go, also taking a step back and leaving Bakan embraced only be Maben. "Dammit Alena... We spent so much time and effort on this, and now we have nothing to show for it!" Maben, in the meantime, dropped down to her knees at Bakan's feet and gave his manhood a long, lewd lick. "So good..." she mumbled dumbly, before giving another lick and then sucking on the tip for a moment, prompting her to drain even more of his energy. "Ahhhh~ Gimme! Your soul... I want to suck all of it out~" she cooed, and then took his member into her mouth and started to suck slowly, producing a great deal of pleasure and allowing her to start making good on her desires, sucking out his essence.

Alena looked down at her sister sadly, unperturbed by the lewd sight of the tiny demoness sucking on Bakan's cock, and said; "She hasn't been right in the head since that day... I think that hit on the head you gave her broke something. She got hit by a rock on the way out too, Saris had to carry her while the dragon was smashing everything. We barely got out of there alive, and when we saw you outside with Rhep and Cory, fighting those scouts.... We knew we couldn't help them, but we were very angry at you." She looked up at Bakan's face and pursed her lips, while Saris quipped; "Still are angry at you, if you want to be really accurate." The tallest of the three demons had folded her arms over her chest, her being the bustiest of the three resulting in a pleasant view of her cleavage if Bakan opted to turn around to address her for some reason, which came in contrast to the scowl still present on her face. "We were going to keep you as a sex slave to feed on while we tried to figure out a way to help Maben," she explained coldly, "Now I guess you're free to go, once you get Maben off of your dick." Alena sighed again, and added; "I am sorry for all this. The deception, and the threats.... You should go. We might not need it right now, but we are succubi, and if you don't put that away then we might join Maben in feeding on you. If we do that, you likely wouldn't be able to walk for a while, and your friends might get the wrong impression and come looking for you."

Maben, in the meantime, was still on her knees, steadily sucking on his dick. The pleasure caused by her actions was growing by the second, the sensation rising toward ecstasy rapidly unless Bakan fought against it. The little succubus wasn't even as strong as Saris though, and even with the weakness brought on by his rising pleasure and the energy that she was sucking out of him it would be easy enough for Bakan to push the girl off for whatever purpose he might like.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

While Bakan visibly tensed when Maben began working her hands over his length, he maintained some composure, resisting the pleasure for a moment to speak, and think clearly. Bakan felt most on Saris' side of the conversation. Maben was hurt a lot thanks to him, and seemed to suffer some permanent damage. It wasn't something he intended to do, and yet it was still as a result of him. It was easy to take what Alena said and simply leave them, but this felt like something Bakan could actually accomplish. It wasn't a giant plant that he stood no chance against, nor three alraune he was hopeless against. It was Maben, and it seemed that she was living with a wound that he left her. Of course he felt guilty, and the fact that Maben seemed so innocent didn't help that tugging in his chest. "No." Bakan responded to Alena flatly. As Maben began sucking on his length, he shivered a bit, but still tried to maintain his composure enough to speak while one hand went to cradle Maben's head. It was an apologetic gesture, and didn't try to force her off. "You guys are without a home after that tower was destroyed, right? And what happened to Maben is my fault." he announced, stopping for a moment to try and suppress his lust growing quickly, his cock twitching in her mouth. Then, he turned to Saris. "Let me help you. I promise, I'll do what I can to make it up to you." he announced to the angered demon with a stoic tone and expression.

For a moment, he lost his concentration, and Maben was allowed full access to his senses of pleasure and his energy. Even as he got it under control again, he was already reaching his peak from being inside her soft mouth. "So... Is it alright if we become friends?" Bakan asked with an expression of ignorant innocence on his face. "Because that's what friends do, they help each other..." he rationalized, before tensing up, his whole body freezing as his hand was restrained from pushing Maben down, instead gently encouraging her head forward as he began to climax inside of her mouth while making a suppressed groan. After he finished, he let out a sigh, before looking to the other two. "So they don't get the wrong idea and think I'm in trouble, can you bring Samarta and Inka up here? They should know what's going on... And they need to get away from that man as soon as possible..." Bakan grumbled slightly, his mind full of visions of that man doing all manner of cruel and lewd things to them.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

(Bakan gains 50 corruption.)

Alena seemed taken aback by Bakan's flat refusal to simply let them go off now that they'd realized that he wasn't a threat, and she simply stared flatly at him as he admitted his guilt for Maben's condition even as the scrawny succubus sucked him off. The sensations caused by her lips, tongue, and hands were incredibly distracting, the pleasures enhanced and his will weakened by the sensation of energy sucked out of him, but he managed to remain controlled enough to come off as earnest when he turned to address Saris with his offer for help. The tall demoness didn't seem particularly convinced by his earnestness however, and she flatly replied; "You can't help us. You're the one that caused the problem in the first place, and all that men are capable of is breaking things. If you actually tried to help, you'd probably just make things worse."

His request that they become friends didn't seem to have much effect on either Saris or Alena, delivered as it was just as Maben was capitalizing on his moment of weakness to bring Bakan up to the edge of orgasm, her spiritual tendrils slaking the demons supernatural hunger as they slid deeper into his soul and drained out more and more of his spirit energy. "You are a very strange man," Alena stated, her voice just as flat as Saris's had been, but then Bakan could hold his climax back from Maben's skillful and passionate sucking no more. The succubus instinctively pushed herself deeper onto his length when his orgasm was just beginning, and as he began to spew his baby batter down Maben's throat he felt it tighten and start to spasm, the blond giving an eager moan as she drank down his semen. Bakan's essence was sucked out twice as quickly as well, wave after wave of his spirit being sucked out through his rapidly jumping cock right alongside his seed, while those spiritual tendrils found and coiled around the core of his soul and began to tug.

It was an innately terrifying feeling, the succubus trying to tear his soul from his body, but thankfully she hadn't drained him enough to succeed.... Yet. After he'd finished cumming, Bakan was left feeling weak and exhausted, but not yet helpless. Maben pulled off for a moment, displaying a mouthful of his liquid gift in an undeniably lewd manner as she played with it in her mouth for a moment before swallowing the last of his cum down. "More~" she cooed softly, her heart-shaped pupils glowing with energy that Bakan would recognize as his own, already being converted by her soul into power that would sustain her. "Let me suck out more~" she purred a few moments later, after he'd delivered his request to the three succubi to bring his friends upstairs, and then Maben clamped her mouth back onto his member before he could stop her and began to bob onto it rapidly. More of his energy started flooding out as she sucked out the dregs of his first orgasm, coming out even faster than before and another threatening to follow it far more quickly, but then Alena came forth and gently nudged her sister off of Bakan's cock before any damage could be done to his soul.

"No," she said, just as flatly as he had said a few moments earlier, and Bakan would find himself lifted suddenly from behind, Saris doing so by strength alone and then hurling him over onto the bed. "Your offer is born of kindness, this is clear enough.... But we have no need of it," the speaker for the three witchcry sisters said, following his brief flight and surprisingly soft landing. "We do not require your assistance at this time," Saris stated coldly, and though Maben looked desperate to get back onto his dick Alena held her back and frowned darkly at him as she added; "We will find our own way, as we always have. Whether our paths cross again or not, I do not know, but do not think that we will maintain any good will toward you for your lack of hostility today. Though it was not your intent, you have caused us great harm, and our sister requires constant looking after lest she succeed at what she attempted to do you to just now. We will leave you with that thought. Do not attempt to follow us."

Maben was quickly wrapped in the cloak that Saris had worn to disguise herself, and then three demons turned to leave, Saris holding tightly to the lust-drunk Maben while Alena backed out of the room. Bakan could attempt to follow after Alena had shut the door behind them, his weakness from the climax that Maben had inspired partially fading by that point, but whether or not he wanted to heed the demon's request to let them go was up to him. He could just as easily recover for a few moments before going downstairs, to return to Inka and Samarta and see what lewd deeds the man he had left them in the company of had forced them to do.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was actually shocked that his request to help was refused. His heart beat even faster, and with how fast it was beating due to Maben sucking on his length, it was fluttering quite fast. Bakan had thought it a simple matter, solutions for healing so easily within his grasp, but what the demons saw was just Bakan. They must have seen something truly incompetent indeed for them to reject him like this. He shook his head, but they would hear no complaints from him, at least none that he could give given Maben was now drawing a climax out of him. Frustration mixed with desperation overcame him as Maben drained his soul's energy, and very nearly sucked the rest of him out as well. Just as the color began to fade from his face from feeling his whole essence stolen away, he was lifted and thrown aside (on the bed?). Discarded. He could hardly dwell on how good Maben's mouth felt with so much he wanted to do and say running through his mind. He wanted to beg, 'don't just deny me.' He wanted to plead, 'it's my responsibility.' He wanted pity, 'doing this is one of the worst things you could do to me...!'

Bakan was twisted and warped on the inside by this helpless feeling once again. A promise escaping his grasp, threatening to never be fulfilled. A time for desperation was nearing it's moment. It lacked logic and reason for rising up, but it needed to be there, that's all Bakan knew. He couldn't let this happen. Even if they didn't want it, thought they didn't need it... "I MADE A FUCKING PROMISE!" he suddenly screamed at them, enraged. He tried to stand up in a rush, and ended up tripping on his own weakness, and falling down to a knee. But he lifted his head, and didn't lower his gaze, no matter how heavy he felt. He wouldn't be crushed by that pathetic feeling of being unable to do as your heart desires. At the very least, he wouldn't let his head lower. Saliva ran down the side of his chin, he didn't care to keep it in place. He was desperate. He wanted them to know, this wasn't over. "How could you appear before me, and tell me of my crime, and leave me alone with my guilt!?" He shouted, but by then, they were likely already leaving. He didn't want it to end, he still had more to say. With all his willpower, he rose, and with boots that seemed trapped in concrete, he stepped. It wasn't just the weakness, but all the emotion surging through him left him feeling unbalanced. Heavy, and yet so easy to tip over, a unique feeling of inner conflict. "You think me incompetent!?" he called out. "I don't care what you think! I don't care if you hate me for what I did, by all rights, YOU FUCKING SHOULD!" Bakan declared. "With your blessing or not, I will repay you for my crime! I will find a way to heal Maben, and then we WILL meet again! Fuck you if you don't like it!" Bakan cursed.

And, he'd continue to curse at them. He wasn't even aware that he was in tears. Being turned down made the knife of guilt twist and squirm in his heart, making it bleed. But Bakan took that metaphorical knife and ripped it out from his heart by force. It intensified the pain, but now he felt as if he held power over it. He took in the suffering, and tried to swallow it, contain it within himself. He'd try to use it as a drive to fuel himself, push himself beyond the meager limits that restricted him now. Same as the white his feathers used to be, now they were stained red, as if his own blood had spilled over them. Unlike the temporary glow, they took on a more permanent form. He didn't wish to rely on mortal limits anymore. He imagined two things awaited those who wished to go beyond what their existence was meant for. Either they obtained their goals, or they perished as fools. Either outcome was better than being helpless as he has been. Conviction replaced nervous doubt. Resolution consumed worry. Everything became firm. His emotions were in check. He turned it all into burning rage.

Strength regained, Bakan stood casually. His expression was stone cold. He walked up to the door, and threw it open, before heading down the stairs. He was already expecting the worst, it was just a matter of discovering how close to bad it was. Perhaps that fellow was even too strong for Bakan. He'd die fighting him. Despite that, Bakan was simply ready to do just that. He'd rather burn alive than feel that weakness again. But that's not to say he wasn't prepared for the good either. Everyone and everything that meant something to him always being fine, never touched by illness nor evil, such was a perfect world. It was the belief that he could protect that perfect world that sent him to his knees. It was impossible as he was now. Rather than fail and live to see it all destroyed and ruined, he'd rather die defending it, and would calmly stand guard in front of the gates of his own selfish happiness should times be peaceful.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Bakan's roar caused Alena to pause and spin toward him, surprise and more than a hint of fear on the demon's pretty features, but she calmed considerably when he tried to get off of the bed only to flop down onto the floor. Her face hardened, showing no pity whatsoever for Bakan's distress over their decision to refuse his aid, and though she backed out of the room as he managed to rise and take a few steps forward Alena held her ground in the metaphorical sense. "Incompetent?" she said coldly, her lips twisting up into a cruel smile, "That would be one word I'd certainly use to describe you.... But on the off chance that you actually make good on your promise, I'll make you a deal!"

She was interrupted by Saris' voice; "Someone's coming upstairs. The idiot's bellowing probably drew some attention." Looking briefly over her shoulder at her sister, Alena replied; "Go out the window down the hall, quickly. I'll catch up! We can meet in the woods, where we found those berries that Maben liked." Saris didn't argue, and Bakan would see her pass behind Alena while the other succubus turned back to Bakan and continued where she'd left off; "As I was saying... If you really do find a way to help Maben... Which, I suspect, you will not.... I'll do as you wish. For now though..." She backed away another step and grinned, but then Bakan would hear a familiar but unwelcome voice shout; "Oi! Who is that? Who are you? You're not the girl he went upstairs with!" Alena, still grinning, would turn and raise a hand toward the speaker.

Bakan would feel the magic gather and release before he could stop the succubus, an invisible bolt of energy streaking out and causing the same voice to grunt in pain just after saying; "Look out!" Alena turned and sprinted off, and as Bakan neared the door he would hear Samarta say in a voice rife with concern; "Oh! Are you alright Darian?" As he stepped out into the hall, Bakan would find Alena already gone, but looking toward the stairs would allow him to see the man who'd confronted him after he'd started shouting at Alena back when he had thought of her as Cory lying on top of Inka, with Samarta stooped low and holding onto him. "Unf... I'm alright! That bolt just surprised me!" the man said, carefully climbing to his feet and helping a blushing Inka do the same. The man seemed not to notice however, as he turned in Bakan's direction but only seemed to notice Bakan after a few seconds.

"Dammit, looks like they got away! I can try and get Sylvia to - woah! Dude! Put some pants on!" His reaction caused Inka and Samarta to notice Bakan as well, the alraune having been gazing down the hall while Samarta looked to the stranger with a great deal of worry. Both looked surprised to see him sans his pants, and Samarta quickly slithered toward him while saying; "Bakan! What happened? We heard you shouting and we came as fast as we could! Why was that woman dressed like your friend, and why were they running away? .... And why aren't you wearing pants?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

So that's how it is... Bakan's expression cooled as Alena took the time to make her deal with him. "I'll say it now." Bakan replied, "When you see me next, and I have the cure for Maben, get some food ready. I'll likely be hungry." he declared far ahead of time what he'd wish her to do. "No vegetables." he added before Alena would slip away. He'd go off and collect his pants, putting them on while the two outside would question and wonder why he was naked from the waist down. He'd also correct the straps on his armor that Alena and Saris had undone, readjusting himself back into fit condition, letting his wings comfortably flutter out of his armor. He'd take a cloth, and wipe his face of the liquids that wet it before holding his hammer steady and walking outside into the hallway again. "One tends to lose their clothing when in the presence of succubi, it seems." Bakan said flatly.

"They were running away from me, after taunting me." Bakan explained. "Nothing bad happened, I've just another personal issue that came up, and another promise to fulfill." With that said, he looked to Inka and Samarta. Both seemed to quickly become rather friendly with this fellow, apparently named Darian. "Our destination hasn't changed. How do you feel, you two? The city where we might meet the real Cory is still ahead of us, though that's not to say that meeting the fake one was a waste of time... It helped in it's own way." he cleared his throat.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

All three of the fairly incredulous trio seemingly understood what had happened in an instant after Bakan's brief response, and the stranger at least seemed glad when Bakan reemerged from the room where he'd encountered the three succubi with his pants on. The more in depth explanation that he delivered after that puzzled Samarta, and the man named Darian only seemed to be completely and utterly lost, but Inka merely nodded in acceptance and turned to start heading downstairs. "Oh! Uhhhh.... Well, Darian here offered to treat us to lunch after the, ahhh, misunderstanding that happened earlier. I told him we would," Samarta began, but then jumped and added; "Oh! Right, you don't know each other.... Bakan, this man is Darian. He and his friends are actually very nice, and I explained to them why you were shouting. Darian, this is Bakan, a very good friend of mine!"

Stepping forward, Darian nodded and held out his hand to Bakan, saying; "Sorry if I wasn't exactly friendly when we first met. You, ahhhh, didn't exactly make a good first impression."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan let out a sigh. He wondered what ill a man who traveled with a bunch of women and possessed a confrontational disposition could do, but the hypocrisy of it and the constant mental accusations without evidence to hold it together was proving to become a headache. Bakan wondered when he'd become so bitter that he didn't trust anyone. The fine line of who to trust and who you cannot was so impossibly vague to him that the thought that even one among thousands had it out for those he cared for was one that drove him to extreme paranoia. It was coupled with the belief that there would be likely nothing he could do to stop it or save them, creating a whole mess of stress. Alena's comment on his incompetence (even though he brought it up) was still digging into his mind something awful while he was thinking about all this. It was so painful to be useless, or even just feel like it.

He extended his hand, letting go of his panic for a moment, and trying to ignore the dread of doing so in the meanwhile. He could only hope being friendly with this person wasn't a stupid idea. Samarta and Inka had more intelligence than he, most likely, and hopefully so. That meant that he could trust in their affiliation with this Darian... Or so he hoped. "As of yet I am still in the worst spirits I've ever been in my life. Today was not a good day for making friends on my side of perspective." And it was true. Anyone who was paying attention would see the slightly dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep, as well as the general moody disposition, unclear whether he was sad, angry, or a mixture of both.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

Though neither of them were privy to Bakan's inner thoughts, Samarta nonetheless looked worried after Bakan's explanation, while Darian adopted a sympathetic look. Shaking Bakan's hand, Darian would prove to have a strong grip, an equal to his own, but after a moment he released Bakan's hand and said; "How about you come back downstairs and sit with us a spell? Lunch is on the way, my treat."

Not one to refuse free food, Bakan traveled downstairs, Samarta staying by his side with her face still set in a worried expression. Inka was already seated with Darian's entourage, and upon spotting them she waved them over. Bakan was seated next to Inka on a bench, who herself was seated beside a pretty girl with black hair, while Samarta coiled her tail into a seat next to Bakan and sat beside a woman with horns and dressed in dark clothes, with thick black scales just barely visible on the back of her neck. Across from Samarta sat Darian, and on his left side was the pretty girl next to Inka, while on his right was a woman with light purple skin dressed in clothes that made her look like a huntress from a fable. Finally, between her and the woman in black and across from Inka, was a woman with two small wings, both angelic and one black while the other was pure white, and long hair that was white on one side and black on the other. Indeed, even her eyes were different, one red and the other a pale blue, with stars in their pupils, and when she glanced at him he saw that her lips followed the same color scheme, though the ones on her pale side were red rather than white, and the brief smile that she shot him as he sat down was equal parts frightening and friendly.

"Welp, might as well get introductions out of the way!" Darian said lightly, and then gestured to his left and said; "This is Sylvia, my sister." The dark haired girl raised a hand and waved sheepishly, saying; "Hello!" Next, he gestured to his left, towards the night elven huntress, who nodded and introduced herself; "Greetings, I am called Ariel. It is a pleasure to meet you!" Next came the woman who was split in color down the middle, who's voice made the same contrast between friendly and frightening as her voice as she said; "Hello.... My name is Bielaxis, but you may call me Bi! Everyone does~" Samarta seemed somewhat unsettled by her, but then Darian gestured towards the woman in black sitting beside the naga and said; "And that there's little Cali!" Her expression unchanging from a hollow empty stare, the horned woman spoke in a rasping voice; "Calivex. The pleasure is likely all yours.... For now."

It was Inka's turn to be put off, while Samarta merely looked at Calivex sceptically for a moment before their food arrived, cups of water and a plate of a variety of sandwiches. "Eat up, I've already ordered seconds! I tend to eat quite a bit myself normally," Darian said as everyone reached for a bite to eat, and after shrugging and glancing at Bakan Samarta did as well.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan kept that mopey face, and planned to keep it all day as he dwelled on bad thoughts. And then, 'my treat' ran through Bakan's ears. Saliva was running down Bakan's chin immediately as he responded with that depressed expression nowhere to be seen. "I'll make this exception," Bakan announced, actually moving faster than the rest to get to the table, his sudden desire only growing when he finally got to the table. While there were faces that were scary indeed, his perhaps was the most frightening. Bakan adopted the face of a savage beast eager to feast. The fact that he was grinning too was perhaps creepy as well. "Hi Sylvia! Hi Ariel! Hi Bilinear! Hi Little Cali!" he greeted them all, messing up Bielaxis' name because he immediately had trouble pronouncing it. And then the food came. "Hi Food!" Bakan announced, taking all the meat he could reach as he began to eat rapidly as if someone had him on a timer, or perhaps he thought the food was going to get away if he didn't eat it fast. Unless disturbed, Bakan would consume enough servings to satisfy ten men before he would become satisfied.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

The impromptu reply that Bakan offered to their introductions, before attacking the offered food like a ravenous animal, was treated with something of a mixed reaction. The dark-garbed woman seated beside him scowled and then seemingly decided to start ignoring him, while the night elf and the girl with dark hair looked at him with strained glances before looking back to Darian, who simply seemed amused like Bielaxis' did. Samarta and Inka both appeared incredibly embarrassed, but put up with him for lack of any better options at the time, and thus did the rest of lunch pass in silence. Darian had to order thirds, an idea that seemed to annoy Sylvia and Ariel, before Bakan was satisfied with stuffing his face.

Once he was, Darian said; "Damn, you really can eat, can't ya?" He seemed more amused than anything else, but then opted to ask a question in a slightly indirect fashion; "Glad to see you're finally full, I was almost afraid I'd have to throw down coin for a fourth order! Now... If you don't mind my prying a bit, I can't help but recall you mentioning that you'd had something of a rough time of late. We make it our business to help folk that end up in need of it, and if there's anything we could do, I'm sure we'd all be happy to help." Only Calivex seemed to disagree with that notion, a derisive half-frown and half-sneer appearing on her face, but she raised no argument to his concerns.

Inka looked to Bakan hopefully, while Samarta seemed to be wary. Whether he wanted to discuss his personal problems with this stranger, however, was up to him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

It was one of the most wonderful and filling meals he had. The food he ate almost seemed to fill the gap he had in his chest, which brought great comfort indeed. Eating his third serving of food, Bakan would clean his lips with a napkin, before letting out a soft sigh of satisfaction. "I've been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize how hungry I was!" Bakan announced with a smile. "I apologize for raising such concerns. When I was young, I was spoiled by my mother and brother's cooking that I never learned how to cook on my own. Whenever I get the chance to eat something better than the horrors that come out of my cooking pot, I can't help myself." he chuckled, before noting what Darian said about him being fool. "Oh, I've still got room left. I didn't want to abuse the offer, is all." he chuckled, before taking another deep breath. He could feel the negative aura from Little Cali. His wings had long lost their red color, as when he was eating, they were a bright green, returning to their original white colors once he was finished. As he'd glance at Cali, his wings would flash a deep blue for a moment before he'd look back to Darian.

Bakan offered a slight smile to Darian when he seemed to show interest in what seemed to be bothering him. If Inka and Samarta were paying attention to Bakan, they'd notice something wasn't right about that smile. After the way he acted, it would be a switch from how he felt about everything that happened. Bakan didn't answer right away, which would cause the situation to become quiet for a spell. Bakan leaned forward during this silent, and put his elbows on the table before folding his hands together and using them to support his head, his nose and lips hidden behind his hands to all but those sitting next to him. After a moment longer, Bakan glanced up at Darian, as his wings slowly shifted to the color of blood. "The issue with your request... Is that the problem is inside of me." Bakan announced. "My friends and I were to fight a massive and terrible beast, and it was during this time that the forces I faced were of such power that I feared for my friends' safety. I selfishly sent them away and tried to take on a force that one would easily request an army for. I didn't think about how idiotic it was to try that all on my own, not for a moment. The only thing going through my head was the safety of those I cared for. The obvious conclusion was my defeat, and capture... I was rescued by Inka and Samarta, but something happened to me while I was in captivity... In my desperation, I strained my body and mind, I called out with every ounce of willpower I had... I wanted power."

"That saying... Be careful what you wish for... Well, it's meant for idiots, and it's the sad truth that I seem to be an impossible idiot..." Bakan chuckled shamefully. "I don't know where it came from... But it's composed of nothing but hatred and rage. For the split second that it happened, that overpowering feeling felt... It felt so sickeningly good. I felt like I could destroy anything. It felt like whatever happened was just what I was waiting for. I was so thrilled, that I killed an alraune who had surrendered..." Bakan's wings turned into a shade of blue. "She was brought back into the world of the living, but I hadn't been able to trick myself into thinking that the deed was undone." Bakan brought his hands down, and leaned back in his chair, folding his hands into his lap and taking such a refined pose that someone who didn't know better wouldn't think him the man who was stuffing his face so savagely a moment ago. "Now I fear protecting my friends from myself, not to mention whatever evil lurks beyond the scope of both my power and perception."

With a heavy sigh, he nodded. "I've already contemplated suicide, though I'd be lying if I said it was entirely for the sake of protecting them from whatever I did back then. I've felt like I've been at my limit for days, and yet still pushed to somehow go further. I've been a burden on everyone." Bakan stated sadly.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"It's quite alright," Darian said to Bakan's apology, and Ariel added; "You aren't the only one who has gone hungry, and we are not at a lord's table. Make no apologies, they are unnecessary." Samarta, Inka, Sylvia, and Bi all nodded agreeably, and even Cali simply rolled her eyes at his apology about being so ravenous.

The shift of Bakan's wings to blood red drew the attention of the black-robed woman seated next to him, and she watched them while the others all watched Bakan, their reactions varied. Sylvia looked intrigued when he spoke of the problem lying within himself, amazed when he spoke of his own mistake in sending Cory and Rhep away and of Samarta and Inka's rescue, sympathy when he spoke of how he had broken under his torments and wished for power, surprised fright when he spoke of killing the captive alraune, and sympathy again as he made clear his feelings and mentioned contemplating suicide. Bielaxis followed much the same pattern as Sylvia, save that she appeared numbed by his admission to contemplating suicide, and seemed unable to meet Bakan's gaze afterwards. Following the same order, Samarta and Inka looked concerned when he mentioned his rage at the abuse of the alraune, and that plus shocked when he mentioned his suicidal thoughts, the naga having not gleaned that from the contact between their souls.

Darian and Ariel's reactions were startlingly similar until the end, remaining largely impassive save for a few key moments, both of their expressions tightening at the mention of his capture, then growing just a tiny bit disapproving when when he spoke of giving in to his rage and killing the alraune, and returning to that with a bit more emphasis when he spoke of his suicidal thoughts. The only difference was at the end, where the elf remained contemplatively disapproving while Darian adopted an understanding look and was the first to speak; "Rough time of it may have been a bit of an understatement.... I hate to say that I've been near to where you're at before, friend. It sounds like you're passed the worst of that trouble, and if you want a bit of advice, I'd tell yah to take it easier for a while. Let your journey take a little bit longer than you have to, see the sights, enjoy yourself. You've got some quality friends here, if they saw you through a time that rough, and even though I might not know you all that well, it never pleases me to see a soul hurting what doesn't have to.

"Every man's got a monster in 'im somewhere, some bigger than others, but every man's got the strength to conquer that beast in 'em too. You do too. The only question is wanting to enough to make it happen." He hell silent, and glanced aside at Ariel, who had been looking at him in surprise ever since he'd mentioned being in similar straits, while Sylvia looked at him with a sympathetic look similar to the one she'd given Bakan, though her gaze soon returned to Bakan with that same look.

"Your wings," Calivex said suddenly, "Why do they change color? I've never observed that phenomenon before. You don't smell like you have the right blood to be a shapeshifter, and your soul lacks the taint of an incubus. You're no true angel, that much is obvious, so that means that they're a mutation." The woman seemed curious, but insistently so, and she had switched her cold gaze from Bakan's wings to his face as she sought an answer from him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Ariel and Darian responded with general kindness. Bakan hadn't really expected to be treated to such reactions after how they initially hit it off. Though, perhaps they were just naturally kind? Bakan hadn't expected that either. The night elf looked mysterious and somewhat 'above' the matters of a human like him, and the horned woman dressed in a rather dark attire made him feel like he was being treated like trash on the road. Perhaps the negative interpretations he got from them clouded how the others were looking at him? Well... No, not really. When he was hungrily satisfying his desire for food, they certainly weren't thrilled about being treated to the sight. Though perhaps it was just a face they were putting on. That made the most sense to him, because when someone sees something they don't like, it doesn't make too much sense to become ugly yourself via your attitude. Even if they thought that way, they were still being polite regardless. Bakan didn't see any other option than to reward their attitude with his own attempt at being polite and respectful. So, he smiled and scratched his nose in his attempt to try and react. In reality it made him feel flustered and confused, so he wasn't sure what to do. Perhaps adding to Cali's inquisitive disposition, their dismissal of his apologies caused Bakan's wings to turn blue for a moment, a wave of dark blue flowing from the base to the feathers, but only in the form of a ripple. They seemed to stabilize back to their white color after the sensation of embarrassment passed.

Their reactions to his story left him feeling... A bit camera shy, though he didn't know what a camera was. For a moment he wished that they were a bit more like Cali, where his story was only heard with mild interest, or by the person who asked it. Somehow, everyone seemed interested. Bakan wasn't exactly happy that they were listening either, because the looks of pity and disapproval he received felt like a third party's recognition of his failure. Bad decisions, stupid mistakes, and foolish wishes... His time in that jungle felt like it would be his last moments. Or perhaps he simply wished them to be. To say that he was distraught would be an understatement, though Bakan would not want to go into how he truly felt. Despite even saying he wished to commit suicide, there was so much still unsaid. The fact that he already tried to kill himself once and even failed at that was something that really shamed him. So many thoughts of shame and sadness, and anger and confusion. It's rather bad that he was breaking down like this when he had always tried to put himself off as someone so reliable.

What never crossed his mind though was Darian's suggestion. Was taking a vacation from it all really an option? What would he even... Do? Bakan's free time was either spent training or learning carpentry and smithing. He was a worker through and through. The only vacations he took were when he was tired... Though... He would simply sleep and bathe and look at the night sky... There has to be more to it than that, as he was sure he'd get bored quickly. Nervously, he'd sip from his drink, and dwell on it. He was truly at a loss no matter what he thought of. Taking a break just didn't seem possible for so many reasons... Yet he couldn't deny that being rid of the business was something that interested him. He'd look to Samarta and Inka curiously, making it clear what confused him while looking to them for answers. Moreover... He wondered where Samarta and Inka's place was in all this... Then it all struck him at once.

He looked to them with a smile. "I want to build my own sanctuary. I'll make it with tall walls, it'll be like it's separated from the rest of the world. And inside... I'll build houses and shops. I'll make a town... And..." he took Samarta and Inka's hands. "I want all of my friends to live in that town... So, I... I want you to join me." he said to them, before looking to Darian. "You gave me food, so you can come too." Bakan said with a silly grin. It was all coming together so quickly, and Bakan didn't even want to think of how stupid it was. He wasn't sure of the degree of stupid it truly was, because he couldn't really tell. All he knew was that he wanted that to be his vacation. He wanted to build a sanctuary for all who he held dear... And he wanted it to look cool as well. Maybe make some towers with spikes on the top... Two pillars of fire leading into the entrance... Cast some automated magical spell that generates spooky howls whenever someone walked in, and fountains of red water in the town center, and... 'Actually, a normal town works too,' he nodded with decisiveness.

Darian's encouragement reached him as well. "You... You think I can conquer it? I don't know..." Bakan looked to be in a bit of a struggle with believing that. "It doesn't even feel like it's me. It's like this... Miserable, angry, hateful, jealous, envious presence of malice that just wants to see the whole world burn... At least, that's what it felt like being possessed by it. I wouldn't even begin to know how I'd go about controlling it." he said honestly. It was true, too. So far his plan was just to suppress it, because taking control of it sounds about as possible as stealing a cookie from a dragon. He didn't remember clearly, but he was pretty sure he tried that as a child. 'If I'm remembering it correctly, it's a miracle I'm still alive... That dragon did not want to give up that cookie... Maybe it was a dream.' he shrugged.

Cali's sudden inquiry to his wings made Bakan look back at her in shock. His feathers flashed a wave of green while looking confused at her question, linking the green color to that emotion, before it became white again. "... Have they been changing color?" he asked, looking back to them. "They look normal to me... Though... If I had to say... As they were growing out of me, I felt like... They were an extension of who I am... I don't know how to explain it..." he sighed, before they flashed gray for a moment. "Crap, they do change! I mean, I already knew, but... Does it happen often?" he exclaimed in shock, his wings flickering green for a moment. "I think... My wings are an extension of what I'm feeling?" he said, more in the form of a question than anything else, as if Cali would know better. "I always thought I just grew angel wings because my mother's an angel... Though my father is Matthias... So..." He spoke more to himself than anything else while in deep thought, seeking the reason as to why he was so odd. "I don't know..."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 20/85, Status = Weakened

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine

"As decent a goal as any," Darian replied to Bakan's suggestion about building a sanctuary, and then chuckled at his included invitation. "I can't see myself settling down, not any time soon at any rate. Still, it's a noble gesture at the very least. Maybe if things change I'll think on it some, and at the very least I'd like to see such a place. We ain't got enough safe places left in the world." His companions nodded in agreement at the offer, save for Calivex who was still studying his wings, and Inka and Samarta both smiled hopefully at the idea and glanced at one another. Darian then nodded after Bakan questioned his belief in Bakan's ability to conquer the proverbial beast lying within himself, and said; "Course you can! Every man can! That's part of what bein' a man's all about." Adding to the conversation, Sylvia said; "Any man can! Darian did, and he used to be a pretty big jerk!" Darian and his companions chuckled at that, all but Calivex again as she continued to watch the changes in color made by his magical wings.

When she finally spoke up and addressed the subject of her interests, finally noticing the change in color himself, she said; "Ahhh, so you don't know why either! Interesting... How long have you had them?" Looking worried, Samarta interjected; "Yes, they change pretty regularly.... Just since we've been here, they've been a number of different colors. Red, blue, green, gray... When... When the bad thing happened, when you killed that alraune in cold blood, they were black." Waving off Samarta's concerns, Calivex continued; "They aren't natural, and your biological mother was no angel regardless of what you say. Mutations don't often do things like that, but it isn't unheard of. I don't know who this... Matthias... Might be, but they likely have little to do with these as well. They are an inspired mutation, not one born of biology.... So you must have gotten them from somewhere, and judging by the company that you keep and... Personal experience.... I would guess that you've been having a lot of sex."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan heard himself laugh a little at their encouragement. It felt kind of nice that he had the good wishes of those at the table. But then Calivex continued to act fascinated with his wings. He wasn't sure why it was so interesting, considering the nature of which he got them, that she noticed herself. "W-well... Yes..." he blushed, nodding about the sex. "But I'm not sure what else to say about them. I think I know as much as you do about these wings." he admitted honestly. Other than responding to Calivex, Bakan wasn't sure he had more to say.