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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 50/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 64/85, Status = Wounded, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Taken 91 damage, dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

Lifting a limp and floppy Artis over his shoulders, black winged Bakan conjured a wall of power in the hopes that it would stop whatever attack was incoming and hurried for the door. The two flabbergasted guards moved to get out of his way while Rhep and Orgrosh followed after him, and the guard captain moved with a badly wounded Kenneth over her shoulders. "Go! Move! Get out of the house, now!" the woman barked sharply, prompting the two men to follow Bakan and his two companions with all due haste. Mara and the young girl guardswoman appeared at the end of the hall, at the bathroom, but Aria barked the same order at them, and soon everyone was piling down the stairs as the officer kept on shouting her order to evacuate the house.

The guards ahead of them got out first, piling out onto the porch and hurrying past on the street, the squad that'd been on the porch having been rushing inside to see what was going on but all but two hurrying back out again, those two rushing in to get the servants and the other guards out before whatever was coming happened and Bakan's magic wall was tested. Bakan had just leaped off the bottom step when he felt the power that the strange mage had gathered unleashed upon Artis' already devastated home.

An ear shattering roar pierced the air, audible for miles around no doubt but soul shatteringly terrifying when one was so close to the source. A second after the roar the world seemed to shudder as something huge and hungry ripped its way into their world through the portal that the mage had summoned, some unfathomable beast coming forth to sate its hunger upon any souls that it could find. Only a second later it slammed into his wall hard enough to crack the magical barrier, fissures running across its surface, and the impact sent painful tremors up the threads tying it to Bakan's soul. But it held. It held from that initial strike. Against any other blow, that would have been enough, but the horror that had been unleashed was no normal assault. Even if it hadn't appeared in its true form, the raging power would not be denied, and where a normal blast would have been played out it simply attacked again.

Bakan would feel his wall crack, the painful tremors running through his soul growing stronger by the second as it raged against his wall, and he would know that it wouldn't hold for long. But it might hold for long enough. They were already out, but many more people were still in the house, and they would not be spared the attack's wrath if they fell within its range. The longer Bakan held that barrier in the face of that agonizing pain, the more people would be able to trickle out of the house, servants and guards alike. One by one and in small groups, the very last two being the two men from the porch who had gone in to see the rest out, even the men who'd been in the back yard pointlessly firing at the barriers protecting the group on the roof. Whether Bakan withstood the pain long enough for everyone to escape or not, however, eventually the barrier would fall, and a being of pure black fire in the shape of a roaring dragon's head launched itself upon the house and simply annihilated it, obliterating it to the foundation and leaving a crater before the enraged monster of dark flame simply vanished.

Whether he saved the rest or not, Bakan would be dragged bodily across the street with Artis still on his shoulders, the captain urging them forward and into an alley. More guards were there, their faces ashen, but they allowed the group including Bakan, Artis, Rhep, Orgrosh, the captain, Mara, Rebecca, and two other guardsmen who had served under Kenneth to move past them and into the stairwell leading down that they had seemingly been guarding. All too soon they were in a chamber, and then out into a hall, and Aria guided them quickly through a section of tunnels before they hit another chamber where they stopped, and Artis signaled that he wanted to be allowed down onto his back. More city guards were here, and some were conversing nervously with the captain while others examined Kenneth.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

They hustled through the house at a pace Bakan didn't like very much. He was half tempted to blow a hole through the wall, but the ounce of him still in control and guiding himself prevented that course of action, charging forth with Artis in hand and making his way down the stairs in haste. He hit the bottom step, and he'd fall to a knee as the loud sound came and 'it' hit the wall he made with his soul and the pure concentrated rage that fueled it. "NNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!" Bakan roared in pain, briefly remembering Inka in her moment of suffering as he felt the massive impact. The blow brought him out of his blackened craze enough to look to Orgrosh, his eyes clouded as if pitch black clouds were reflecting in his eyes. "Take Artis! Get everyone out! HURRY!" Bakan shouted. He wanted to add that whoever intended to kill Artis wouldn't have their plans end here, but there was no time to speak it. Bakan had to assume they were thinking along those lines, and hopefully so, as it would be embarrassing if the intelligence of the others weren't up to par with his.

Still, Bakan had an objective now, and a determined opponent. He could feel the presence banging against his wall, but it couldn't blast through. It was time to let the monster knew who they were dealing with. Bakan let the rage take over for now. Thankfully he could direct this insane lash of hate at a very appealing target. "INTERLOPER, YOU FACE THE SON OF MATTHIAS, THE GOD SLAYER!" Bakan declared for the monster to hear as he faced the darkness through his black barrier. It was a strange moment of existence that Bakan felt. With that darkness flowing through him, he felt far more vigorous and capable. He actually felt more ready than ever to take on this supernatural monstrosity, and the strange part about it all was that he was actually pushing it back. Was this the power that allowed him to contest against that plant? To stand in the face of a horror such as what pounded against his barrier, it couldn't simply be described as seductive. The ability to get carried away was a thought that dangled in front of him like bait in water. He almost instinctively went for it... Before he reigned himself in.

He was never good at controlling his powers, but now more than ever, he felt in control. And yet, control wasn't entirely his. The memory of the alraune he killed flashed through his mind, and that was all he needed to firmly resist and focus on what needed to be done. The otherworldly monster crashed against his shield again, pushing against it with immense power, contesting what Bakan had to offer. Knowing that Orgrosh and the others were behind him, escorting everyone out, Bakan growled, and gave it all he had, roaring with great vengeance and furious anger.


He screamed at the top of his lungs as a tsunami of pain and wrathful anger clashed against one another, his fury overtaking what pain the otherworldly monster had to offer as he directed his hands forth, a pair of pillars of energy linking from his hands directly to the wall as if he were supporting it with sheer might. His screams came with a bolster of power, the dark being pushed back from it's latest attempt to break through while Bakan slammed it backwards. His wings were burning furiously with black fire as he demanded all his soul could offer, and beyond. No matter the reasons or motives of the dark fury within him, it was in it's interests as well to beat back this creature.

Bakan would hold until someone let him know that everyone was escorted out. By the time everyone was making their way out, Bakan was bleeding out of his nose, mouth, and ears from the intense fight the monster put him up for. Once he was alerted to run, Bakan would note their words before the latest smash from the beast hit so hard that Bakan felt it resound in his core. It was so concentrated and focused that it was like his spine was pinched. It was a tiny sensation, but came with large impact. Such that Bakan felt as if something in him broke. The black fire vanished, and his wings returned to white. Suffering as he was, Bakan was surprised for a moment. 'Did my rage just break?' He wondered, mind clear once more. Bakan quickly realized that if this thing managed to beat whatever amazing power that black stuff was, he was in serious danger without it. "Oh CRAP-DOOOOODGE!!!" Bakan screamed, fleeing from the house as the beast drew back, and delivered the final smash as he fled the house, crashing through his wall and destroying the house in a single swoop.

It was only now that Bakan felt the pain. As if waiting in line, the pain collected together and all rushed in at once, letting him know it was there. His vision went black when that happened. In the alleyway with the other guards, Bakan flopped against the wall of the alley as he groaned in pain, holding his hand to his head only to realize that by doing so, he was painting his face red with blood. Rather than comment on it though, all he could do was groan, using his hand for support as he tried to keep up with the others at a good pace. Though all he wanted right now was to lay down. Thankfully the monster was gone. Bakan didn't feel like he could do that again. Still, why did he feel so tired? So winded? "Why does my chest hurt..." Bakan wheezed, before looking down.

There was so much blood.

"Oh... Well... That's not good." Bakan commented. He wasn't keeping track of how long they'd been walking. He was sort of just going with everyone else. It was when Artis was asking to be let down that Bakan found the nearest place he could flop against and sit. "That's not good at all..." Bakan said, before looking to Kenneth. Bakan crawled forth, before putting his hand over Kenneth, seeming to ignore the others over him as Bakan himself laid down on his front with one hand stretched up to touch Kenneth, blood on the floor from his wound. "Here you go... Buddy..." Bakan wheezed, speaking casually even though he made a line of blood along the ground of wherever they were. Bakan let his healing energies flow forth to Kenneth, and hopefully save his life, if there was still one to save.

(Bakan Uses 17 EP(counting over limit) to heal Kenneth for 90HP at the cost of 4 of his own.)
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 46/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 47/85, Status = Wounded, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

Orgrosh would take Artis on Bakan's command, allowing him to concentrate on his struggle to hold back the assault threatening to claim the house, and though every blow spread the cracks forming on his spiritual wall, Bakan's will held. Against seemingly impossible odds, it held long enough that the last few soldiers from the back yard filed past him, and then the two men from Kenneth's squad who had been making sure everyone else got out first grabbed him under the arms while running for the door, forcibly dragging Bakan out with them. They all got out just in time to watch the house be consumed without being consumed with it, the two men with him repeating his mantra almost verbatim.

That left Bakan hurting in all sorts of unpleasant ways, however, and he promptly flopped against the wall as soon as he'd been given an opportunity to do so in the underground chamber he'd been led to. He was bleeding from the shotgun blasts that had slammed into his chest, his ears, his nose, and even the corners of his eyes, but other than him the only one suffering from any particularly severe wounds was Kenneth, who had been placed on a table and was being looked over by a trio of men who had already cut open his armor. His chest wasn't moving, and when Bakan came forward he distantly heard one of them say something as Bakan crawled up and placed both hands on the wounded man's chest, but his ears were ringing too bad for it to be comprehensible.

For a moment the massive outpouring of power seemed to have no effect, Kenneth's chest unmoving and his eyes blankly staring at Bakan without seeing, but after a few seconds he suddenly blinked and gasped in a breath, his body shuddering as the magic forced life back into his body. The ones who had pronounced the officer dead looked on in amazement, speaking in still muffled voices as his flesh sealed together, forcing out the shrapnel still embedded in his body in the process. He had saved the man's life, in addition to all those he had saved with his wall, and would have a moment to collect himself after the harrowing and sudden assault upon Artis' house. The man himself was nearby, having been set down by Orgrosh, and looked dazed and numb. His two companions were watching over him dutifully, now looking suspiciously at all of the nearby guards. The rude captain was speaking vehemently to another guardsman in officer's colors, who looked back at the enraged woman with a soft scowl.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

With that, Bakan flopped on the floor, weakly putting a hand on himself to make himself stop bleeding, slowly healing himself just enough until he felt comfortable enough that he'd survive for a nap or two. Since no one cared about Bakan in his current condition, he was content to lay on the floor and rest the pain away. If Rhep or Orgrosh came near, he'd offer them healing touches of the appropriate kind to tend to their wounds. Altogether though, Bakan looked incredibly worn out, and felt probably about as bad as he appeared what with all the blood. All he wanted now was to rest while his head throbbed and his breath tried to keep up with everything else.

'That wasn't the Night Stalker. Probably.' Bakan concluded.

(Bakan heals himself or whoever a comfortable amount as he's able.)
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

After giving a measured burst of power that healed his wounds beneath his mildly damaged armor, his body doing the same as Kenneth's and pushing the bullet fragments out of his flesh, Bakan would be ready to take his nap only for the ever annoying guardswoman to come up and slap him on the cheek just as he was about to nod off. "None of that!" she said commandingly, "sorry, but you're too useful to let bleed out on the floor! Come on, get up and get on the table! We'll get that armor off and get the fragments out of you. Hope you like pain. Think you can do for yourself what you did for Sergeant Kenneth? It'd make things easier on you."

By that time she'd already dragged him up by an arm under his shoulder, showing perhaps surprising strength in doing so, and pulled Bakan up until he was leaned against one of the tables in the room, of which there were four. The one he was on had a bunch of cards and denarii scattered across it, but the guardswoman swept it off and pushed him bodily onto it while already trying to undo the straps of his armor. "Oi!" Orgrosh grunted, coming over from Artis who still looked completely stunned and out of it while Mara rubbed at his back comfortingly, "leave him be! He'll be fine without any of your useless help!" The two women started glaring daggers at one another, and the guardswoman replied; "I'm trying to see that your friend here doesn't bleed to death on the floor, thank you very much!"

Orgrosh gave her a flatter glare, and said; "You are obviously to dimwitted too realize it, human, but he has already healed himself. He did it just after he healed your subordinate." Which was true, but the woman had no way of knowing that. Bakan's armor was still bloodied, and she couldn't see the fragments now resting between his flesh and his armor or that the holes they'd left were healed over. Bakan could confirm that, if he so wished, and that might be a good idea before the two women got any angrier with each other.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Lifted, and smacked on the cheek, Bakan began to cry out in shock and terror. "Cory why!? You already kicked me in the balls, leave me alone!" Bakan cried out for mercy, before his consciousness returned to him slowly and he got a look at the woman who struck him. "... You're not Cory." he said with realization, before he was put onto the table and suddenly began to be stripped. It was in this moment that Bakan was experiencing deja vu once more. Rarely was it a man. It was never a man, even though that's a strange thing to complain about given his sexual orientation. Still, it was always a woman getting him naked for one reason or another. He wondered if the pattern he was seeing was just him going crazy, or if there truly was a reason. One might say it was for a good reason, or that it was just his armor. They knew nothing. They knew nothing of the true nature of women he had seen. For most women are extreme perverts, with Janne being the worst. Perhaps she was even their leader, or object of worship as they followed her teachings of evil. Truly, the greatest threat to young men everywhere is that fae man eater.

That bit of thought aside, Bakan had to open up his armor regardless. Then, he rolled a bit to the side, letting the bits of metal roll off of his chest and rattle against the floor. "It's because it's colored like this that it was able to save my life." Bakan declared to the woman who insulted his armor before. Soon he'd have to lay back down though, as he felt dizzy from the intense damage to his psyche that the large black thing did to him before it crushed the house with it's sheer massive size. Double entendre aside, he was truly in need of some rest as well as a large helping of food with plenty of iron and protein in it to recover all that blood that squirted out of him. Speaking of, he had no idea how much blood he lost, other than a lot. Maybe. The healing helps, no doubt, but it isn't an invigorator. To the contrary, it just fixes wounds, saves lives, and leaves you feeling just as shitty as before, minus the intense pain because that problem is taken care of.

"I certainly hope it's over though..." Bakan sighed. "I can't stop some otherworldly monster like that a second time. Especially since I didn't think I could do it the first time. I'd rather not test my limits after this newfound realization." he said honestly.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

"No... No am not," the guardswoman replied bemusedly when Bakan realized that was, in fact, not Cory after revealing how the half demon had chosen to greet him. She made no effort to undo his pants, at least, and once he revealed that he was fine under his armor, confirming what Orgrosh had said and drawing a smug look from the orc, she stepped back and made no further effort to touch him. "It isn't over," she said dourly, wiping the smirk off of Orgrosh's face as she seemed to agree.

"They knew about our precautions, about the wards on the house, so they didn't use magic at first," she continued thoughtfully, "fuck... They even knew right where we were keeping him in the damn house! Someone must have told them.... Who left the room while you were there? Anyone? If they found out about that much of our plans, they might know even more.... Including about this place, our backup hideout in case we needed to evacuate the house. That means.... If they were inside, they're probably with us right now." Her gaze swept across the others in the room, her voice having been kept low as she spoke.

Rhep was dutifully standing next to Artis while Mara tried to comfort him and several guards, some from the house and some not, kept scanning the area nervously. Orgrosh was at hand, scowling but nodding in agreement as she too swept across the figures there. Kenneth was unconscious, lying on a table while the female guardswoman, Rebecca, watched over him nervously and several others who hadn't been in the house did the same. There was no sign of the mage, Audrey, or of Artis nana, both of whom were almost certainly dead, killed in the explosion or in the destruction of the merchant's house. The other guards were milling about, some shellshocked or frightened but others alert. It was a big room, but with a slightly uncomfortably low ceiling, only about seven and a half feet high in total, and from the stone construction and the way the exits seemed to turn into tunnels they were probably underground. The room was lit by oil lamps and lightstones, all scattered about enough that the room had many deep shadows.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan shook his head, putting his battered armor back on. "It doesn't matter who left the room. There were plenty of normal soldiers who heard of our plans to move Artis through the house. I announced that we would be moving him when Artis was on the first floor. One of the soldiers," Bakan gave the description of a soldier who left during Bakan's suggestion of plans, "Even left as I was talking. Though there's no proof that it was him. Literally anyone could be a spy. As far as your criteria goes, it was just the soldier who left down the front hallway of the house, and Mara who went to the bathroom. Artis likely trusts Mara more than the random soldier, so keep that in mind." Bakan instructed her.

"We're just not in a good position to be doing a witch hunt for a spy right now. Are you going to accuse Mara? The soldier? What about everyone in the entire room? Whose even to say there was just one spy?" Bakan shook his head. "You do what you want... Either way, I'm already close to my limit. I can't handle another attack like that, if it wasn't obvious." he declared. "If you want to be safe, send Mara and the soldier away. Unless said soldier is gone. Then that would answer that question. Otherwise, there's no better way to remove the danger from Artis." He sighed. "There's always the possibility in addition, that they knew via psychic powers. If they had that kind of power, they might have had one amongst their ranks with the ability to use divination, like peeking into the future."

With that, Bakan paused. "Give me a moment to think..." he sighed, before getting off of the table and sitting down against the wall in case they needed to put another wounded soldier onto the table. He began to wonder if he should call for aid. But who? He pondered about the possibilities. Does this situation actually call for something like the Sphinx? Tiranna, was her name. Did this situation call for her? Normally the answer would be no, but they just met with some unsightly fellows with incredible powers. Bakan could fend off more people like that. Those who attacked him did not die, as far as he knew. They were likely to attack again. To fight something that awesome... He would need the aid of someone equally powerful. To that, Bakan folded his legs in front of him, and regarded everyone around him.

"Everyone, please listen to me. It's imperative to your safety that you do so." Bakan declared. "I am going to summon the aid of someone who will likely be able to protect us against the powerful enemy we face. However, they are even more dangerous than the ones who destroyed the house. They are ancient, and care as much about mortal lives as we do about a passing breeze. When I call for them, you absolutely must not answer any question they ask. It's best if you actually remain quiet. Do not speak to me, or to them, until the contract is done, or when I say it's okay." he instructed everyone. "So long as you do that, and be absolutely silent, you will be in no danger. The only one who will be in danger is me. Does everyone understand?" he inquired. Once he got nods from everyone in the room, Bakan would close his eyes.

'Tiranna...' Bakan called out with the voice of his soul. His memories, and mental images of what happened during that encounter, he let flow freely to her. Such would be the best way to inform her of why he was calling her. 'I was attacked by an enemy in black, who left me exhausted and broken. We ran away, but the enemy still threatens us. I cannot fight them a second time. Please, Tiranna... Ask me your riddle. If they attack a second time, I'm likely to die anyway. You are the only one I think truly capable enough to handle the black dragon covered in shadow should it be summoned again. I would ask that you protect us from this menace, and make it so they can never harm anyone ever again. I will be deeply indebted to you. Even if I answer correctly... I promise I will try to repay you, in whatever way you desire within my limits as a human being, through sweat and blood.'

With a shiver, Bakan adopted a stoic expression. If Tiranna chooses to accept his call, she would see a man ready to embrace the possibility of failure. He looked ready to face the worst outcome as he put his fists to the ground, and lowered his head should she grant him her presence. A gesture of respect.

(Bakan pays 12 EP, attempting to summon the Sphinx Tiranna, requesting she dispatch the enemy that destroyed Artis' house and seeks to hurt him and protect everyone from harm in the process.)
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

"True," Aria replied thoughtfully as Bakan pointed out that many had known that Artis was moved to the second floor, even though his observation obviously troubled the woman. "Trust is not always a healthy thing in circumstances like this," she added, but did nothing to press the matter unless Bakan wanted to start an argument on the subject. "You're right, going around accusing everyone won't solve anything, but something has to be done!" she announced, frustration tinging her voice.

She would settle back and give Bakan a moment to think, and when he reached his conclusion and made his loud announcement everyone in the room looked to him in surprise at first, and then fear. It was obvious that some, including the woman before him, were superstitious about such powers, but while some obviously reached for holy symbols around their necks or weapons at their sides the ever so difficult commander said; "Alright.... Everyone heard the man! Stand back and keep quiet!" That settled the guards, and Artis was pulled away to the side of the room with a wall of men between him and Bakan.

"You'd better be right about this," she said nervously, and then stepped away. Only Orgrosh kept near him as Bakan prepared to summon the sphinx, and even she had given him some distance. Closing his eyes, he would feel a powerful presence respond to his call, would feel its attention focus on him like a great weight settling over his already burdened shoulders, and after he made his request he felt it respond. Only a few seconds later there was a flash, a crackling snap as a tear opened in the air and a creature stepped out from thin air.

When he had met her Tiranna was in her human guise, that of a beautiful woman with bronzed skin and a curvy but muscular physique, her only inhuman features the incredible beauty she possessed and the great wings sprouting from her back. Now, however, she appeared before Bakan in her true form, that of an immense lion with even great eagle-like wings folded against her back. Though the sphinx was a she, she still sported a mane of darker fur that framed her still eerily human face, and as she stood a full six feet at the shoulder she barely fit in the small chamber. Everyone in the room looked upon the strange beast in a mixture of awe and fear, but she ignored all of them except for Bakan, who was still seated cross legged on the ground and now leaned forward with his head bowed.

"Good morning.... Bakan Jeru," she said in a deep but still oddly feminine voice that was undercut with the barely detectable growl of a lion. Tiranna gazed down at him for a moment, and then settled onto the floor much like a cat, lowering its head until she could look up into his eyes, which were as frighteningly human as ever, and continued; "Are you prepared to answer my riddle, and decide your fate?"

Should Bakan answer positively, she would nod and draw in a breath, after which she would begin to speak in a much more solemn voice as Bakan would feel power crackling through the air; "A cloud was my mother, the wind is my father. My brother is the might roar, my sister the lash of the heavens. My son is the cool stream, and my daughter is the fruit of the land. A rainbow is my bed, the earth my final resting place. When I whisper I am a somber blessing, but when I roar and my brother and sister come with me I am the torment of man, and my voice comes from all around. What am I?"

Then she would fall silent, leaving him to think of an answer to her riddle. She would repeat the riddle if asked, in full or in part, but would offer no further hints as to the answer. As requested, everyone else would remain silent, and he would know instantly if he thought of asking for help that to receive any through any means would be to invalidate his request.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan would sigh at her question, lowering his head and looking uncertain. "I don't know if I will be right. I'm putting my fate in a godlike being's hands. But... If the enemy we face is as consistently powerful as what we faced back there, even if I meet a terrible fate here, it will only be just as bad as dying to them." he declared.

( )

And then it happened. Tiranna answered his call. Despite his request, Bakan wondered how it could go wrong. He was instantly filled with regret upon her arrival. He didn't know if he did something wrong. He hoped against all possible bad outcomes that he didn't. Would she warp the meaning of his request and cause a worse catastrophe than the men in black caused? More important... Would he be able to live with the guilt of having caused that? All he could do was hope Tiranna would have mercy. His head was still lowered, his mind shrouded in doubt. But there was no helping it. Even though he performed far beyond the capabilities he thought himself able, he had to call for aid. What would the price be? Could he manage to guide her actions if he begged enough? Swore enough? Offered her everything he could to try and entice her? He was frightened at the consequences he was risking just for a hope that Tiranna would protect them.

Then, Tiranna lowered her gaze, and looked into his eyes. Bakan raised his head to look at her face. He did not recoil. Rather, he looked captivated by her gaze. Despite being in such a form, he still felt as if he were looking at a goddess. As a result, the expression on his face was humbled. He leaned back, his legs folded and his hands on his knees as she spoke to him. First, he nodded. "Good Morning... Tiranna." Bakan said slowly, though he wondered if he shouldn't have said that. Perhaps it was paranoia, but he was of a mind to think every little thing he did could have a huge impact on her attitude. Then, she asked her question... The answer was obvious. In fact, if he refused her right now, she'd no doubt be offended. It felt so rhetorical. He couldn't refuse, it was already too late. There was no choice, just a complimentary response. Still, just speaking and coming to the conclusion that he had to do this, and that the worst of what his enemies would bring were in most cases, worse than what she would bring if he failed. With that in mind, there was nothing to lose. "I am ready to face the worst outcome." Bakan declared with resolution. "My friends mean the world to me. I am ready to die for them. Please ask me your riddle, Tiranna. For their safety, I will answer." he declared, before the magic began crackling through the air. He knew what it meant. There was truly no backing out now. His fate was sealed.

A cloud the mother, and wind the father. Her brother roars, her sister lashes. Her son a cool stream, and her daughter the fruit of the land. A rainbow is her bed, and the earth is her final destination. When she whispers alone, she is a somber blessing, but when together with her brother and sister, she is tormenting... Such was the riddle as Bakan saw it. All that was left now was to figure it out. Thankfully, she left him with solid and logical things to picture in his mind in order to go in the right direction. Was it mercy? He took a moment to wonder how the question was decided, before deciding to pocket the thought. If he lives through this, he must ask her later. Regardless, the first was the cloud. It was her mother. 'What is the significance of that?' Bakan wondered. Did it have meaning? It combined with the wind to be her father. A father and mother make a child together. She is a result of those two together. 'But how did the wind contribute?' Bakan wondered. What does wind do that sows the seed of creation? Bakan had to think about that one.

Wait, what about the siblings? If the clouds and wind make what she is, then they make her brother and sister as well. Her brother roars. 'Clouds, and roaring... Thunder?' Bakan concluded. It sounded right. The sound was the thunder, and calling it a mighty roar was accurate. What of her sister? 'The wrath of the heavens... I can think of a few things, but it's always elemental. Coming from a god or goddess, all I can think of is pure flame, or lightning. Lightning makes the most sense here, coming from a cloud. So, if the brother and sister are the thunder and lightning respectively...' Bakan realized that it was the weather. 'The father still doesn't make sense though. I feel like that's the key here that I'm missing. If I can figure out the father, I can figure out who she is since all the other pieces are in place.'

While thinking on that, Bakan was silent as he thought to himself. 'So, thunder and lightning... And she comes in a combination with those two... So naturally, the answer has to be something that is a result of terrible weather, but also somehow less dangerous at times...' Bakan thought, deliberating intensely on it. Many in the room likely already realized what the answer was. Some wanted to scream at him, no doubt. But Bakan is different than the rest of them. He is not your average every day man. He is very, very bad at solving logical puzzles. Yet despite that, it felt like the answer to this puzzle was not out of his reach. Did the Sphinx know that? Or perhaps it was truly an easy riddle on purpose as he had thought earlier? In the latter case, he had to answer correctly, because that would mean she wants him to answer correctly for reasons he can't understand. Best not to let her down.

Bakan thought of various things, tsunamis, tornadoes, whirlpools... But none made as much sense as this one.

With a deep breath, he spoke clearly, so as not to be misinterpreted. "Rain."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

"Mmmmm," Tiranna gave a throaty, thoughtful noise after Bakan had finally delivered his answer, her head tilting to the side. "Correct~" she continued in a delighted tone, "your prey is mine to hunt, Bakan Jeru.... I will see it done, and be on my way! Do call on me again if you find another interesting morsel for me~"

And then the sphinx was simply gone. There was no flash, no burst of flame or light, no loud crack or even a tiny pop to signal her disappearance, she was simply there one instant and then gone the next. The sudden loss of her oppressive presence let everyone in the room draw in a breath, however, and after the collective gasp was over and done with Kenneth awoke with a start and a deep gasp.

The man practically hurled himself up onto his elbows only to tumble off of the table, falling with a thump and an audible exhalation of breath followed by a long coughing fit. The captain was beside him in an instant, sitting him up so that he could hack up bloody phlegm, the leftovers of the injuries he'd taken. "What.... The fuck.... Happened!?" he gasped between coughs, but in the meantime Orgrosh looked to Bakan. "What.... Did you just do? What was that?" she asked, fear and awe in the orc warrior's voice.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan gasped when he realized she was leaving. "W-wait! What about the part of protecting us! You can't protect us if you're not here!" he exclaimed. But if his voice didn't reach her, Bakan would simply let out a sigh of disbelief. He was sure he at least got the protecting part right.

Then Kenneth was having a fit, wondering the hell happened in his absence. "You died, Kenny." Bakan answered him flatly. "You died. And then I made you not dead. You're alive now..." Bakan said, still confused at the sphinx's actions. He wasn't sure if those in black would strike again. If they did... Well, Tiranna wasn't here. It was all a waste.

And then Orgrosh over him, questioning him. Rather than answer, his eyes shifted around the room. "Rhep." he called out the goblin's name. "Come here, Rhep. You're hurt too." he said. If the goblin came, or if he had to go find her and pick her up, he'd embrace her, letting his healing magic flow into her, and grabbed Orgrosh as well, wrapping them both in a tight hug. "Thank you for surviving. If anything dispelled the black in those wings, it was the sight of you two alive." Partially true perhaps. He wasn't sure why his wings suddenly turned off the black, and the rage subsided. He blamed it on the wonderful feeling he got from seeing them alive though. Turning his head one way then another, Bakan gave Rhep a kiss, and then Orgrosh a kiss on the cheek each. "Thank you." he thanked them again.

Once they managed to get Bakan to stop being sentimental, he'd answer Orgrosh's question. "That was a sphinx, Tiranna. I met her in the fae glades and beseeched her to allow me to call upon her. I'm not very good at summoning, so I need to have a very good connection with the person I want to summon. So typically I need to meet them first. Helps a lot if I know their name and face." he explained, before chuckling a bit and rubbing the back of his head. "I was kinda worried she'd rape me like everyone else! Heh. Women have been doing that a lot to me lately..." Bakan said, sounding a little demoralized from all the violation that occurred to him in his recent life. He wasn't sure what to make of it either. But he'd never admit it. Ever. He would never, ever admit the one dark secret that he hides even from himself. He denies himself even thinking about it. Never, ever admit... He secretly likes it. Janne would torture him to tears if she knew how truly hard he came with the cause being that he was getting smothered between her breasts while pinned beneath her.

Then, Bakan got an idea for the backburner, to be put to use later. There is one who might be able to defeat Janne. Bakan grinned... Cory. The one who might just be the mirror opposite of Janne so long as you ignore the part where they both took advantage of him sexually. Janne will want him to be shared, and Cory will not. He might be able to kill two birds with one stone that way. Janne gets defeated, and Cory helps solidify his faithful path. It sounded a bit worthless, now that he thought about it, to rely on Cory to help him along the path. But... There's just no other way to go about it currently. Cory wants things to go her way, and all Bakan can think of is to direct her to the source of the problem. The true evil. And if she loses... Well, guess I'll have that harem thing. Bakan decided. It wasn't a totally bad idea, to be honest. The memory of fucking both Rhep and Cory at the same time was... Not unpleasant.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

Bakan's outcry came too late, and was lost into the empty air where Tiranna had been only moments ago. His response to Kenny only made the man seemed more confused, and he tried to push himself up to get to his feet only to flop back down, stuck on the ground until the captain beside him helped him up to sit on the table he'd been lying on. "What do you mean I died!?" he said in a raised voice, "you can't just.... Bring somebody that's dead back to life! That's impossible!"

By that point Bakan had turned to Rhep and Orgrosh, and they both returned his hug with claps on the back, even if Orgrosh had seemed hesitant to accept his embrace for a moment. Rhep redirected his second kiss onto her lips, and she wormed her tongue against his trying to gain entry for a much lewder embrace than he'd intended, and whatever the outcome of that would give hi ma mischievous look and a squeeze on his butt before letting him get to Orgrosh, who seemed somewhat confused when he kissed her on the cheeks and didn't return that particular gesture.

"A... Sphinx? I've never even heard of those.... But they are of the fae? Then it should be alright... Hopefully," Orgrosh replied uncertainly after he'd answered her question. "Well.... Uhhh..... It's probably a good thing that she didn't do.... That." It seemed that he had hid his secret love of sex well enough that Orgrosh hadn't picked up on it, and had accepted his relief at not being raped by the powerful sphinx well.

"So... You mind telling me what you just unleashed in Cheydin?" the ever annoying captain piped up, stepping away from Kenneth now that he seemed stable enough and instead approaching Bakan. "If that.... Thing... Does more damage to the city, even if it does deal with... Whoever just unleashed that dark magic, you'll be held accountable! You'd better know what you're doing!" she said, but then suddenly Artis cleared his voice.

"I'd... I'd like to know what's going on now," the shellshocked nobleman said, "I'd like to know who... Or what just destroyed my house. And all of my property. And probably killed all of my servants.... And my aunt." Turning from Bakan, the captain suddenly adopted a softer tone as she said; "Arty... Just... We've got it handled, alright? You're going to be fine!" She sounded more like she was trying to convince herself than him, but was at least making an effort to comfort the nobleman even if he didn't seem to be buying it.

"No you don't," he snapped at her, "how many people just got killed because your information was wrong? How many, Aria!?" The words seemed to bite the woman deep, but she gathered herself and kept her patience far better than she ever had when speaking to Bakan as she replied; "Don't you think that I know how badly we've screwed up here? We acted on the information we had, we reinforced the warding on the house... We were fed bad intel, and people died because of it, yes! But we got you out! We..."

She seemed about to say more, but Artis snapped at her again; "No thanks to you!" That silenced her immediately, and despite her gruff exterior the woman adopted a hurt look for a moment. Artis glared coldly at her for a moment before looking at Bakan, his eyes empty, and saying in a deadened tone; "You're the only one who has done anything remotely competent so far, so... What do you think we should do next?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"You'd be surprised, friend. No matter what you want to believe, you're alive now despite being shot in the chest with a shotgun almost point blank. Something to boast about next time you go to a bar, maybe." Bakan chuckled tiredly.

Then, when he went to kiss Rhep, suddenly he was attacked by her, her tongue easily fighting it's way into his mouth and making Bakan almost squeak in shock as his face went red. He would look not too different than a damsel under attack, and sound no different either as he tensed up. Bakan still wondered how Cory and Rhep got along. If Rhep was acting this way still... Either they didn't have a conversation about it, or... They came to a conclusion. In either case, Rhep's lips would be parting from his own, a thin wire of saliva still connecting their tongues before breaking off. Bakan just shrugged, and noted Orgrosh's confusion. He figured he'd start off on what he intended to do with her, and help educate her about his world, while seeking to learn about her own. "When it's not sexual... Skinship like this just means that the other person cares about you a lot. It's an act of trust and bonding, and someone who does that is showing you that they like you enough to touch you. In my case, it's because I'm genuinely thankful that you survived, an act of appreciation." he said, letting it be known that the kiss was non-sexual, and entirely an act of familiar companionship.

Then, an argument broke out between Artis and his most trusted guard. The result of which left Bakan sighing and scratching his cheek. Feeling the prick of stunted facial hair, he was reminded that he needed a shave. "I've already done what I could think to do by summoning Tiranna. She took it upon herself to find the ones responsible for this, and end them. Past that, the most we can do is try to move to a more defensible position. Where is this backup location? And by the way, who gave you that faulty information?" Bakan inquired.
Last edited:
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Guard 1: Fine
Guard 2: Fine
Artis: taken 16 damage.

Kenny couldn't seem to muster any response to Bakan's reply to his incredulity, and so left him to shift his attention to the two green women he'd come into this venture with. Orgrosh's confusion seemed to be cleared up after his explanation, though for a moment it intensified when he used a term she had apparently never heard before. "Oh.... I actually.... Am not very familiar with such gestures in human culture," she said with a slightly shameful blush, "could you.... Teach me more of them later? I think it might be important.... For my mission." Her request was delivered without the blush, suggesting that she might not understand the connotations that might be inferred from her request, but Rhep giggled loudly enough to make her shoot another confused look at the goblin.

When things progressed on to more serious topics, however, Aria would shoot a brief thankful look at him while Artis gazed at him flatly. "Another chamber like this, a vault," Aria replied softly, "it's through tunnels that we checked thoroughly.... Yesterday. With what just happened... We have no way of knowing if the planned route is still safe. I don't think we should take it, and I think I can get us through the catacombs to the safe house."

Artis turned his glare on her after she had gone silent and snapped; "And his other question?" Aria hesitated a moment, but then Kenneth spoke up; "Shit... I'm buying drinks at the next bar... It was an informant in the Crimson Foxes." Artis turned to him with a questioning look, and Aria distastefully explained; "They're a criminal organization... The worst in the city. They run most of the illegal activity in Cheydin and have spread to a few other cities. Drugs, illegal prostitution and slave trading, smuggling... Murder. They came to us with information about the contract on your head, said that someone in the nobility had approached the guild about having you killed, but that the price hadn't been right. That they'd offered someone else more money if they could get it done, including the Nightstalker. We didn't trust everything they said, obviously which was why we had so much security on hand."

She looked to Bakan with a scowl, "there was no way we could have been prepared for what just happened. That wasn't magic that smashed in the wall, that was military grade equipment. Top of the line, and since the invasion the only people with access to that kind of hardware are what's left of the command structure of the military, most of whom have set themselves up as robber barons wherever the nobles can't bring them to heel, or.... The manufacturers." Realization dawned on Artis face, and his angry look turned into a pale one as he dropped his head into his hands and let out a groan. "Lord's mercy... You think... But... The Nicoletti? Really?" Aria nodded gravely, and Artis gave another, louder groan. "I guess they've finished picking apart House Dreslin's holdings," she said, "but.... They aren't assassins, and they certainly don't need the wealth. Why would they commit so much to kill a merchant who doesn't even trade in arms?"

It didn't seem to make sense her, but Artis seemed to be in despair while Mara tried and failed to assuage him. "What are you speaking of?" Orgrosh asked, and Aria replied; "House Nicoletti is a noble house that controls a great deal of weapons manufacturing. Their arms are used across half of Badaria, and since the invasion took away the central government that was restraining them.... They've picked apart anyone weaker than them, which is pretty much everyone. Nobody admits it, but Cheydin's council is terrified enough of them that they won't do anything to cross the Nicoletti. They've destroyed a few other noble houses with smaller holdings, just outright took their lands and killed or exiled the whole houses. House Dreslin was the biggest, they were iron miners. Their head of house barely made it out of the Necropolis, and was running things pretty well.... Before the Nicoletti decided they wanted her family's mines and she fought back. Last I heard, she was hung by her innards from the steeple of her family home. There isn't anyone strong enough to challenge them though, and why would they care about Artis?

"I mean, they're staunch traditionalists," Kenneth briefly interrupted with a grunted; "You mean slavers and bigots?" She didn't react to his interruption, "but they've got no reason to care about a small merchant. They already essentially control Cheydin, and he hasn't done anything of importance that might hinder that as far as I can tell, and they haven't worked for or even with anyone else. It doesn't make any sense...." She trailed off with a scowl, and Artis continued to sob weakly while Kenneth forced himself onto unsteady feet. "Well... It's a lead I guess. What if it wasn't them? What if it was somebody else, and this was just a misdirect?" he suggested, but after pondering that for a moment Aria simply shrugged, "we have no way of knowing. Not for sure."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded at Orgrosh, smiling at her sincerely. He didn't interpret her words as lewd at all. Far from it, after their fight before. "I'd be happy to teach you everything I know, Orgrosh. But! On one condition." Bakan demanded from her. "You teach me about you and your culture as well. I meant what I said before. I want to learn more about you, so we can understand each other. So maybe... We can do it right next time." he declared, a small blush on his own cheeks, though that was just recalling the memory, he was more thinking of simply talking with one another.

Though, at the mention of the criminal organization, Bakan sighed, but said nothing. He listened to everyone speak while sitting cross legged against the wall, inviting Rhep to sit in his lap while he rested and concentrated on their words, a deep scowl on his face like one neither Rhep nor Orgrosh would have seen him wear before. Their words sank in, while Bakan's wings gradually turned from white to fiery red. Rage boiled within him. He had never heard of a group of people that needed to die as much as these people did. Memories of the village where he killed those villagers who raped that seamstress flooded back into his mind. Who he was doing this for, and why. Why he was getting angry, and for whose sake? He had already come to the realization before, and he told it to Cory at that time. His rage, his fury, was coming from his own personal desire to kill these people. His purpose, his reasoning, all came from within. He wanted to bring them justice, he wanted to eradicate them as a cancer on this planet. In a way, it was selfish. It was a selfish desire to commit a sin of murder. With this, he came closer to realizing what he truly wanted. His desire to change the world and how it functions.

Make it better. Make it safer. To be so selfish as to claim he wanted to change the world as if he were god and had the right. To get involved with the world he has no reason to be involved with. Matters of mortality that divines like angels might overlook. Bakan didn't know if he was turning into an angel, or whatever was happening to him. All he knew was that for as strong as that dark presence was inside of him, there was a different kind of passion burning within him. He felt this one more agreeable.

Once the speakers around him idled with their confusion about the situation, Bakan had lost his patience. "Enough!" Bakan roared, picking up Rhep and setting her on his shoulder as he stood up, his wings red and shifting in waves as if emulating fire. The color went well with his armor, as an aside. "I've made up my mind. The danger to Artis will not cease until the ones threatening him are dead. They kill without remorse, and vaporize innocent people without care. I'm extremely disappointed that you didn't mention the name of Nicoletti to me earlier, Artis. It's clear what's happening. They are aiming to eradicate people who do not fit into their perfect world. Just like me." Bakan declared. "Artis, you sleep with fae, you support the rights of women. If I were like some Badarians I've met in my life? I would certainly hate you. Their power isn't being threatened, their idea of a perfect little world is, where they rule and decide the way of life for everyone, killing who oppose them." Bakan declared. "I don't know what you're going to do next, Artis. Your life will always be in danger so long as they exist. As for myself?"

Bakan growled. "I'm going to destroy the Nicoletti, and give some god of death a feast of wicked souls as they depart from this mortal world. I will strike down upon them with great vengeance and furious anger." Bakan declared, seeming both furious and composed at the same time. "That is what I'm going to do, Artis." he said, before pointing his hammer at him to get his attention if he didn't have it already. "Do you feel like standing up to the monsters hunting you? The monsters who took your house, and your nana? If not, then think of the best hole you can hide in and I will do my best to escort you there. If so, then tell me of the safest route to Dove's estate, because that's where we're going. Both to seek his protection, and get some answers for the enemy we face. I don't care for their world, so I'm going to destroy it, and replace it with my own. One where you and others can live in peace and coexistence with the other races, and cross over the boundaries that no one fucking wants to out of fear of what they don't understand."

"Badaria will change, and the Nicolotti will be made into a fine example of what I think of the old, xenophobic ways. Rhep, Orgrosh, will you support me in exterminating this cancer?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Artis: Fine

"...Deal," Orgrosh agreed after a moment of thought regarding Bakan's proposal that they teach each other. Being fairly obtuse, he would miss the subtle confusion that lay hidden behind her eyes, but she would let the conversation end there.

Later, when Bakan issued his uproar and lifted a startled Rhep up, forcing her to scrunch up so as to avoid her head smashing into the ceiling, Artis would raise his head briefly to snap; "How was I supposed to know that the Nicoletti are trying to kill me!?" He would hang his head again, groaning, and Aria opened her mouth to repeat that they didn't even know for sure that it was the Nicoletti that had put out the contract on him only to shut it again as Bakan continued on to announce his crusade against the noble house. "What am I supposed to do against them? What can anyone?" Artis said in readily evident despair, "I'm just... One man! And now homeless, and a pauper! I am a merchant, not a warrior, and with my contracts and records destroyed with my home I'm certain to go out of business! Even if they haven't killed me, they've destroyed me all the same!"

He hung his head in despair once again, and seemed intent to stay as such while Aria peered at Bakan speculatively and the rest of the guards exchanged nervous glances with one another. "Sure," Orgrosh said simply when Bakan turned to her and Rhep, leaving it at that and offering no revelation of her intentions. "Kay," Rhep added, doing similarly to the orc knight in not revealing any emotions regarding the idea, though she would grin slightly after agreeing to aid Bakan in his war against the Nicoletti. "You mean the Alvarien estate, right?" Aria asked, "I can get there, yeah. I don't know if it would really be safer from a security standpoint.... But it is a place to hide."

Turning to Kenneth, she said; "Take a party to the second safe house. Be careful, there may be another ambush. We're going to the Alvarien estate to hide Artis there, keep it as secret as possible." Though Bakan had raised his voice, Aria spoke in low tones to conceal their intent, though then she would turn towards Mara and Artis. "Ma'am... You should get out of this as soon as possible. I'll have someone escort you... Wherever you want to go, but I recommend that you get out of town as quickly as you can... Don't use your current name. I would prefer to say that you wouldn't be targeted, but I can't say so for certain." Mara gazed back at the woman, frowning, and then said; "No. I want to stay with Artis... Or, if I can't do that, I want to help." Aria frowned, but before she could conjure a counterargument Mara continued; "You're sending another party to your... Second safe house right? What if there's an ambush and they don't see Artis? Won't they be suspicious? Dove's estate is the first place they'll probably look, and if they do spring something on us... Maybe your men can turn the ambush on them and capture one? I'll wear a disguise to look like Artis."

Aria scowled and looked ready to argue, but Kenneth quickly said; "She's got a point. It's worth a shot at least, and once we get to the safe house we can see her to safety there." Sighing, Aria simply nodded, "fine. It's your choice. Sergeant, pick your squad, take at least ten men. We don't know what might be waiting down there. Artis, you're coming with us." She turned to Bakan, "you won't mind following me, I hope? It won't be a short trip, but I do know the way."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

If it was so low that Rhep would smash her head, then Rhep would simply find herself using his forearm as a seat with her back against his chest. Regardless, Bakan looked at Artis directly. "If Dove is truly a friend of yours, then you're not completely ruined. I don't know much about the ways of a merchant, but there is a way to bounce back from anything short of losing your head, and even that has certain fixes of supernatural methods." Bakan explained, his wings turning white again as he regained composure. Looking at Orgrosh, he explained what he thought might sound appealing to her. "By eliminating this group, we might take a step towards a better Badaria. Then, maybe you can return to your people with news that peace can finally be established between the races?" Bakan suggested, hoping that would sound appealing. "There are a lot of misunderstandings to clear up. I understand that now."

He let the other group handle themselves as they wished while he spoke with his own. Once they had things settled, with Bakan admiring the bravery of the girl, he decided to let them do as they pleased. All that mattered is that they make it to Dove to figure things out since the Nicoletti stood as a 'possible' enemy with a 'definite' need for removal. Once Aria turned to him, Bakan nodded firmly. "That's fine. I just hope they've got dinner on, " Bakan declared.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45/45, EP = 34/85, Status = Tired, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 85/97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Lightly Wounded
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant, probably gonna be pissed off when she hears about this
Rhep: HP = 42/99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Wounded

Kenneth: Not dying. (40/10/10 Sniper/HardHitter/3xSkill/Resilient/PainRes)
Aria: Taken 20/95 damage (50/10/20 Resilient/PainResx2/Duel/HardtoHitx2/Sniper/2xSkill/Fencer/LightStrik/Knight)
Artis: Fine

Bakan's reassurance did not succeed at breaking through Artis' despair, but Mara and Aria did at least look at him thankfully for his effort, and who could tell whether they might have planted a seed that might later germinate to break free from the man's despair.

Looking to Orgrosh, she would shrug, "it will take more than the death of one foul "noble" family to dissuade our king from sweeping the filth from these lands. It would certainly be a start though."

The guards moved about for a few minutes before some assembled into a squad around Kenneth and a now disguised Mara, heading off. Bakan's proclamation would cause a number of raised eyebrows to be cast his way, but Orgrosh, Rhep, Commander Aria, and the four other guards who had joined them would make no comment on his odd statement. "This way," the captain said as she led them down a separate passageway from the one that the other group had gone down.

Minutes would stretch in the dark, dank tunnels as they advanced, Aria in the lead with a glowing lamp in one hand and a sword in the other. Bakan could go next if he so wished, but between Aria and Artis would be at least one guard and Rhep, with another guard going in front if Bakan wished to be behind Artis instead. Trailing in back were the rest of the guards, Orgrosh, and possibly Bakan depending on where he wanted to be in line.

The tunnels were extremely narrow and extremely low, necessitating that they walk in single file and that Bakan keep his wings folded. "I'm taking us in a bit of a round trip," she said in a hushed whisper, "but we're only going a little bit out of our way. We are going to have to go through some sewer tunnels though, so cover your faces and don't light any fires." The other guards all had lanterns as well, but they were all of the lightstone variety rather than oil lamps, and they all frowned and holstered their guns to exchange them for billy clubs instead.

All too soon a foul smell wafted to them, and with a wry grin that turned into a grimace of disgust Aria raised her undershirt to cover her nose and mouth. The other guards did similar, or wrapped rags around their heads like Orgrosh, but Rhep didn't seem to care and Artis covered his own face somewhat clumsily. "We won't have to wade through anything," the captain said as the smell got worse and worse, "and hopefully we'll be out of it quickly. Stay close."

A few minutes later they emerged into a chamber that ran in either direction, a channel in the floor both wide and deep enough that the river of fetid water to flow well out of reach of them. Aria seemed to know where they were going, and moved hastily across a bridge and eventually into another section of tunnel. They didn't remain for long in the sewers, thankfully, and after leaving them entered into some more seemingly generic tunnels connecting basements and cellars through passages both open and secret, which Aria moved through with surprising ease and surety. Eventually, however, Bakan began to have a bad feeling as they entered into some older, mustier passageways that stunk not of sewage, but from something frightening in a more primal manner. "You... May not like this part. We're going under a graveyard," Aria announced calmly, and around him Bakan would feel the others tightening their formation as they advanced towards what would likely prove to be tombs.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan stayed in the back, keeping near Orgrosh as he wished to make haste to Dove's place. "It will indeed be a start, Orgrosh." Bakan replied as they got walking. "If the orcs were to come down south, you wouldn't just make enemies with the corrupt people of Badaria, but enemies with everyone. The human beings here wouldn't understand why the orcs were coming down, and probably wouldn't care to ask. If possible, I'd like to turn Badaria into a better place that doesn't need any outside help. I can only do that slowly, and with your help." He declared, before putting his hand on Orgrosh's shoulder as a gesture of camaraderie. "Thank you, Orgrosh. I honestly expected you to leave that day, the thought of you abandoning the group was one that filled me with guilt over my insensitivity. Whatever your reasons are for not leaving, I truly, and honestly appreciate you. So much could have gone far worse in that house if you weren't there, especially while I was just laying on my back, getting shot in the chest like a loser." Bakan grimaced. "You're a better warrior than I am, if results say anything."

Then, came the trip. Bakan used his cape to cover his and Rhep's mouths from the stink, wincing at the pure foulness of it. "Ugh, damn it. We're going to need a bath too." Bakan whined. Though, as Aria passed under a graveyard and announced as much, Bakan rose an eyebrow in confusion. "Why wouldn't I like that? We're not going to be fighting reanimated corpses are we? I guess I won't be so useless against that. I've still got a little energy left in me." Bakan declared.