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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

(Bakan gains 231 corruption.)

"Hrm? Oh, no! I just think the outfit is cute!" Samarta said with a bright giggle. The naga smiled in response to his concern about her, and reassuringly replied; "I haven't found someone else, no! I just haven't been using much energy lately, so I haven't needed to feed. If you're offering though..." Her expression twisted into a grin as she slithered up onto the bed, "I wouldn't mind joining you for breakfast if you're offering~"

She laughed heartily in response to his question, and Rhep giggled as well and poked her in the belly, have awoken when Bakan hastily grabbed for the sheets. "Snake lady all fat!" she said, and then nuzzled into Samarta's belly while giggling harder, "squishy!" Samarta giggled in turn, rubbing the goblin's head, "where did you find this one? I never got to ask Cory about that, I kind of forgot what with... All the other things we had to discuss."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"I hope you didn't steal it or something..." Bakan said with a bit of a sigh, before being unable to help but blush and be unable to look at Samarta directly for too long. The sexy maid outfit, and sexy things in general, were things he was weak against. He wasn't sure where to place his eyes, though upon her advance towards the bed, Bakan's face found itself directed at her own face. Much like prey to a predator, he trembled a bit. "A-about that... You talked to Cory? What about? I'm sorry if it was a bit bothersome, but... Well I'm not really used to things like sex and romance yet... All this kind of started not that long ago for me." Bakan admitted, revealing that these escapades were rather new, and he wasn't sure if it would eventually slow down and return to the relatively sexless events he was familiar with or if it'd get worse. Who knows, truly? Though, when he thought about it, there were a few members of his company he wouldn't expect to leave even if he settled down. So, one had to suppose that this was his life now.

"You know I'm not opposed to helping you, Samarta... You saved my life, remember? You can... Uh..." Bakan's blush deepened. "You can have whatever you like." he said.

However she responded to that, Bakan would look to Rhep. "Well... How I met Rhep isn't a happy story. In fact... I'm kind of responsible for her. She used to be a guard or something of a sort in a demon's tower. Cory too. Cory betrayed the demoness who owned that tower when she tried to capture me, and helped me kill her. She had a dragon that broke free of her control once she died, and started destroying the tower. I saw Rhep... I grabbed her, and I ran outside. I had dislocated my shoulder from a fall, so I had to ditch my hammer to grab her. But she dug it back up." he explained, normally he'd go into further detail, but he was already scraping the surface of how Rhep's apparent loved one died, that one male goblin. He was sure that'd be an old wound. But in either case, Bakan was responsible for the goblin's well-being since he chose to be as much. He also ruined what she had going in that tower, so there's that responsibility as well.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Samarta looked affronted at his suggestion that she'd stolen the outfit, and thus would slither out of the room without another word, leaving his question about what she had spoken to Cory about unanswered and her later question about Rhep unasked. That at least kept Rhep from having to think on her previous loss, and thus she would be free to start devouring her breakfast ravenously.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

The fact that Samarta developed that expression would gather a confused expression on Bakan's own face. The moment he saw that, he knew that she had the wrong idea. "Samarta!" Bakan called out loudly and firmly, as if he himself was angry, but in truth he was quite distressed. "If you leave like this, I'm not sure if I can mentally take the guilt after all of the shit I have been through. I. Am. Sorry. I don't know who you are besides your name, but I shouldn't have even considered the very person who saved my life would be capable of something so rotten. I shouldn't have assumed Orgrosh fit to the stereotypes of orcs of savagery and lack of a good heart. I could have complimented your dress instead of being in such fucking denial about how I feel! I should have held it together at the giant shorn, and you wouldn't have been raped and hurt so much!" Bakan cried, tears pouring down his eyes as his wings turned black. "You have no fucking idea how much I need you, how much I need all of you! I'm going insane and the only thing keeping me going is the thought that you all care about me! So don't stop caring, please! I'll be more honest with myself, I'll..." if she was still moving at this point, she'd already be far down the hallway and out of earshot.

If Samarta stopped to listen, he'd go on. "I... I say really, really stupid things because I... I can't really be honest with myself. I love how you look in that outfit, I truly do. I... I just feel that if I say that, I'm betraying the people who love me in some way, when I'm not even sure if that's the choice I should be making. You drive me insane with how attractive you are, so much so that the thought of you having sex with anyone but me makes me insanely jealous, as if I'm missing out on something amazing. So that's why I... acted the way I did, when we were with the gruffs... I wasn't sure what to make of how I felt, but that's only because I didn't want to call it lust. Cory is angry at me, and that's while I'm trying my best to deny what I want. I just..." Bakan shook his head. "I've decided I need to come to a decision on the matter. I know how to settle it. Until then, Samarta... I... I don't know in what kind of way, but I love you. I don't want to throw away my vows to Cory, or anything like that. You saved the lives of me and the people I care about. You're amazing, I owe you so much. So the last thing I'd ever want to do is insult you." he declared. "I just... I made a stupid comment because I had no idea where you got the dress from, or why..." he shook his head, groaning and looking pathetic. "You got it for me... Right?" he asked, actually realizing it now. "I'm so sorry that I'm such an idiot, Samarta... I don't expect people to do things for me, specifically for me. I'll do anything you want, just forgive me. I don't want to be hated by you!" he said earnestly, and with nothing but desperate sincerity on his expression.

If Samarta still gave no shits, then Bakan would truly lose his mind, reaching the point where he fully desired to kill himself. The last thing he wanted was to make the one who saved his life feel as if he was ungrateful.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Bakan's loud retort made Samarta stop, startling her, and caused Rhep to jump in surprise. Neither interrupted his dramatic apology, and Samarta looked incredibly shocked as he started sobbing and expressed his need for her and his other companions. It seemed to take her a moment to recover from his confession of love, among other things, but after that moment she gathered herself and slithered back to the bed and patted his head, petting his hair. "Easy! Easy there! It's alright!" she said, trying to reassure him.

"I'm not mad! don't worry! I found the dress and the butler said I could have it! I just thought it was cute and wanted to show it off a bit!" She continued petting his hair, and smiled warmly. "I certainly wouldn't hate you over one little misunderstanding, Bakan! Don't be silly! I care very much about you, I wouldn't start hating you over something like that even if you WERE sincere about thinking that!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

When she returned, it was such a relief that Bakan rested his head against her stomach when she came up to the bed. After the outburst, he looked tired, and exhausted. Which was how he truly felt. He didn't think about it currently, but it was obvious he wasn't in any condition to take on the Nicoleti just yet. Not when one sour look from Samarta is enough to almost make him break. He's truly on sanity's brink, over the oblivion of madness with no signs of return. Petting his hair, he looked content to just let that be that for a time. "It 'is' cute... No, you'd probably look good whatever you wore, actually..." Bakan said after thinking about it for a moment. Which was probably true. Samarta and her exotic beauty didn't need the dresses, the dresses needed Samarta. "I don't really know when it all changed. I traveled alone before I met all of you, but now that I've met you all, the thought of being alone again is the most terrifying thing. And I don't know what's wrong with me lately." he stated.

"Whenever I get angry or distraught, my head starts hurting bad," in addition, his wings went black, but since that happens so often out of his field of view, he doesn't mention it. "I've been feeling like my head's going to split open lately. And when you made that face, I felt like it was going to burst right there... I'm way too fucking emotional about this." he said, analyzing a fault of his. "But... It's because of all of you that I'm still alive and here right now. As someone who needs energy to survive... The only way I can think to repay you is in that kind of way. I don't know, maybe I'm too conventional in my thinking. Janne seems to think that I should just make a harem or something and include her so she can torture me when she wants..." he sighed at that name. Another person he's dishonest with, but that's because he'd rather die than be honest and admit she's ever right. The demon.

Raising his head, Bakan, naked, embraced Samarta, making sure to be gentle enough to not disturb her belly. "I owe you and Inka my life. You're not just 'some snake lady' to me. You're my savior. And I'm..." Bakan looked over himself, sat back down on the bed, and covered himself. "And I'm naked." he said. "Thank you for breakfast, and for... Well, for tolerating me. I know I can be a pain sometimes because I don't think before I act..." he shrugged.

"By the way, you said you talked to Cory? She didn't give you a big lecture or something, right? I'm really sorry on her behalf. Things are very complicated, and it's probably due to my inability to handle situations correctly." Probably indeed, after releasing what sounded like a love confession. "I'll come to a resolution soon though, and it'll involve both extremes of the situation. Cory, and... My living nightmare." Janne.

After having a second chance to think about how to introduce Rhep, he thought about it more clearly. "Oh, and you asked about Rhep. I found her... The same time I found Cory. They worked for the same person before coming with me. I kind of took their jobs away when I killed the demon in charge, so... Wait that makes it sound like I ruined their lives." Bakan realized his explanation sounded a lot like that. He wanted to save people, but ended up causing a lot of damage. Why does being a good person have to involve such a high amount of collateral damage?
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Samarta would continue petting Bakan's hair, letting him speak while resting against a belly bloated by the eggs that his seed had fertilized without interrupting him at any point. "Cory just asked what had happened after she.... Got sent away," she explained, "she was actually pretty calm about things, especially for a... Well, someone in her condition. I've come to understand that humans have issues with that when they're pregnant, and she's at least half human."

She looked to Rhep as Bakan mentioned her, who had nearly finished demolishing her breakfast, and smirked. "I'm sure, from an outside point of view, it might look that way.... But you're not thinking about context. Have you ever asked them what their lives were like before?" she asked, pausing in her hair stroking to rub the back of his head. "You might be surprised at the answer you get."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded. "Even though it's my fault she's pregnant, I do want to say it's half her fault too because she kind of... Challenged me to prove how much I care, in a way. So I..." he cleared his throat, rubbing Samarta's belly with one hand. "I did 'this' to her. I may have done 'this' to another woman as well. After coming back from the tower with Cory and Rhep, I was led by the hand to a place to bathe by a woman who was native to the town. Rather than leave me to bathe, she jumped in with me and... I was a little too surprised to really do anything, and when I tried to encourage her off, she stuck to me with all her might." It'd be a bit embarrassing to call it rape, or admit it was as such. Bakan was stronger than her. If he summoned all his will he could have tossed her off easily. But that was the thing, the difference of willpower was evident. She wanted him far more than he could have refused her.

But, what Samarta said made too much sense. Having someone with a clear and thoughtful mind around did wonders to calm Bakan down, who had issues with thought in general. "You're right, actually... I should ask everyone a great deal of questions, I've just rarely had the time to do so. I've acquired a surprising amount of companions in such a short time." he said, before clearing such an obstacle right now. "Rhep," he said, looking over to his goblin companion as he started to eat his breakfast. "Are you happier with me than you were before?" he inquired, keeping it simple.

Then, after Rhep replied, and he finished his meal, Bakan calmly rose to get dressed. "If you're alright for energy Samarta, I need to go check on Orgrosh and see if she found Sarah. Once that's all cleared up, there's a few things I need to address. The orcs plan to come down south to invade Badaria because of the xenophobic nature. However, they already tried to make peace. If we eliminate the key issues, starting with the Nicoleti family, then we can possibly better the situation enough to make the orcs change their mind and cancel the invasion. Orgrosh will be key in this, so I have to have her return to her people with a good impression. I'm already off to a terrible start in that department. If she returns with news that Badaria is undergoing reform and that relations will improve without need for invasion, that will hopefully solve some issues." Given the issues that the two races naturally have with each other in terms of how their civilization works, it's best if they're introduced to each other as gently as possible.

First, Bakan would check the mansion to see if Orgrosh had returned with Sarah. Upon learning that the situation was hopefully under control and there was no need to worry about the knight in training, Bakan would go to check on Cory, whom he left last night to fuck Rhep until the crazy goblin was satisfied. "Who feels like walking with me? I wouldn't mind a cute goblin, or a cute maid for that matter." he declared, looking between the two and smiling at Samarta while addressing her as a maid.

If Samarta accompanied him, Bakan would chuckle after a moment of walking to find Orgrosh. "Walking with you dressed as a maid makes me feel like I'm someone important. I could just puff out my chest and hold my head high like a king." he says in a non-serious tone, enjoying the fantasy. Once he found Orgrosh, Bakan would go to where Cory slept, and wake her with the most gentle kiss he could manage upon her cheek or mouth, whichever was facing upward. "Good morning, Cory." he'd greet her. "Are you still angry at me even if I kiss you in the morning like this?"
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Didn't pull out eh?" Samarta said dryly, before she quirked an eyebrow at his evasion of admitting how he had been raped in the bath by a simple tavern maid. "Well, you have been traveling around a lot. Why not talk we you walk?" she suggested, before Bakan turned to Rhep as she chewed on her last piece of bacon with an ecstatic grin. "Yes!" she said immediately between nibbles, savoring the delectable meat rather than devouring it like a ravenous beast as she had the rest of her breakfast.

"I'm good! You can go about your business!" Samarta said lightly, gathering up their trays while Bakan rose and got dressed. Rhep would do much the same, though between her legs was something of a mess, much of Bakan's dried seed having caked between her legs. She didn't seem to care about the mess, and clung to Bakan's side until Samarta said; "Rhep, why don't you give me a hand with these? Bakan has some things he needs to do!" The goblin seemed initially hesitant, but then the snake woman said; "I'll get the cook to make you some more bacon!"

That instantly changed her mind, letting Bakan go off on his business without Rhep clinging to him, though when he delivered his offer both women ended up following him about anyway once the trays were delivered to the kitchen and Rhep - and possibly Bakan - had acquired additional bacon. Bakan would run into Paul before Orgrosh, who told him that she was in one of the inner courtyards, training, and that Dove and Sarah had left together to go shopping after breakfast. "Heheheheh," Samarta giggled, "and what does that make me? Your servant? Your concubine? Or your sorcerer?" She seemed amused by the idea, if anything, and once outside in the yard he'd been directed to Bakan would find Orgrosh training in a patio area that she had cleared, the furnishings pushed aside to create a clear area of paved stone set on the edge of the gardens.

She was clad only in a loincloth and a loose fitting set of under armor, leaving her muscular arms and legs bare and her curves only barely protected from view. She swung her greatsword in smooth arcs, moving in slow motion with practiced skill and apparently only in the beginning phases of her morning workout. Inka was also nearby, sitting in the garden and swaying back and forth with her eyes closed. Everything seemed fine, and so he could go and visit Cory, who was resting in her room and reading a book in bed.

She turned a grumpy scowl on Bakan as soon as he made his presence known, and both Samarta and Rhep took a small step - or perhaps slither in the former's case - away from him as she closed the book she'd been reading and set it aside while he offered her greeting kiss. "When you've repaid every day of traveling through blasted Crolia thrice over, like this and better, then maybe I'll stop being angry at you!" she said bitterly, but after glaring at him for a few seconds her expression softened, and she let out her anger in the form of a sigh. "So, what mad danger do you intend to throw yourself into today?" she asked lightly, her frown now only light and the earlier anger suppressed.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Fuck yes, Bacon. "Takin', bacon! Hoorah!" Bakan cheered when offered some delicious strips of meat delivered by the gods.

After eating some wonderful pig meat, Bakan would visit Orgrosh and Inka in the courtyard. "Impressive as always, Orgrosh." he greeted her. Then when it came to Inka, he knelt by her and gently checked to see if she reacted to him coming near. If she did, he'd gently greet her. "Hey, just letting you know I haven't forgotten about you. I intend to correct a lot of things now that I have the chance." he said, before rising up to address everyone. "I intend to have a bit of a meeting, mostly in regards to what we discussed prior, Orgrosh. I want everyone to be present so that no one is left out of the loop." he said, before letting it be known that he plans to have this meeting at noon, after everyone's morning routines were finished.

After laying down the plan to have a meeting in the courtyard at noon, it seemed like a nice and sociable enough place. "It's very important. It'll decide where our lives go from here." he declared, which also means that Bakan will have to talk with Cory about 'that' issue. Which also means 'she' will be present. Janne. But who knows how things will go. Cory might refuse and accept Janne's desires entirely, thusly deciding for Bakan about how their lives would go. It was a bit odd to think about harems and polygamy, but before deciding that he'd be fucking every woman in his party, he'd have everyone else decide what their plan is. Their decision could very well mean the opposite.

Once in Cory's room, after delivering her kiss, her conditions were met with him kneeling and bowing his head to her. "I will. Five, or even ten times over. There's not a day that goes by that I don't regret that. I love you, Cory, and that's why what I did hurts so much." he declared. "Not just you, but Rhep as well. I ignorantly made that wish for you to be taken to safety, and ended up putting you in danger instead." he mentioned his regrets.

Then, at her question. "I don't intend to throw myself into any danger today. I do have plans, but for now everyone should rest and take a break. Things have been chaotic and rather than push everyone further I need to talk and become more familiar with the people protecting all of us... However..." he trailed off. "There's a decision I need to make, a conclusion I must reach. I spoke with you about this before... It's not so simple as just being faithful, not when 'she' exists. Either now or later, Cory, I must know if you will contest her. And as I said before... I most certainly tried to stop her before you. I tried refusing her, it didn't work. I tried dominating her, I failed. Janne... has no intention of being removed from my life. She even caught me during my travels with Samarta, and always seems to show up at odd times when the mood strikes her." Bakan informed Cory that the solution wouldn't be so simple as just not summoning her. Janne finds a way, always. She finds a way.

"Rhep seems to love me in her own way. Samarta must feed on souls, and she is the reason I survived on my own, my savior. I have you, and there's Janne. My torment made manifest." he said. "Whatever you want, Cory. I'll do it. If you tell me right now to start on the path of loyalty and devotion only to you, I'll listen. But understand... That there will be consequences for my actions regarding this, as there have certainly been in the past regarding my balls." he referenced to her kick. "Decide whenever you wish, whenever you feel ready. I'll summon Janne to settle the issue for good. Asides from that..."

"I told everyone to gather in the courtyard at noon. Hopefully Sarah will be back by then as well. I've been rather wayward with my actions with all the women in our company, so I'd like to address my final decision on the matter as soon as possible. Either to embrace the idea of... Of a harem," it was so damn awkward saying that without making it sound like he was boasting like a narcissist. "... Or to convince Janne to shove off, who will constantly thwart any ideal to have an earnest relationship with you." It was already bad enough that Ashloriel knew Janne rode him when Bakan was under the illusion that he had a chance with her.

'Oh, Ashloriel... I haven't seen you in a while. I wonder when the distance between your visits will become so great that I never see you again...' Bakan thought with a heavy heart. 'I miss you...' Then, he chuckled. 'That was a really shameful thing to think. I hope Ashloriel didn't hear that! It would suck if there was some other power I had that I'm not fully aware of that would let someone hear me over a long distance.' It really would. Like some kind of Scrying power. Wait, isn't that telling the future? That doesn't make sense that he'd project his thoughts to her via that method. That's absurd. Maybe. Besides, there's no chance the power would even work. He's typically not very good at using spirit powers, often not getting the results he wants.

Regardless of his absent musings of the angel of his dreams, Bakan sighed. "My end goal is to find my brother, make sure he's safe, and then settle down, cease my traveling. Whether that's with you, or with everyone remains to be seen. Either way, there's no way in Hell I will ever put distance between you and me again. That's a promise... Unless you dump me." he said with a distraught expression as he just now accepted that as a possibility.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Commander," Orgrosh said in greeting, pausing in her training to listen to Bakan's request. "Of course. I'll be here," she said, after which he could go and talk to Inka. The corrupted alraune didn't respond at first, but after a moment broke out of her reverie and smiled at him. She looked perplexed at his assertion, but nodded when he told her to be there for a meeting.

After that, he could go to Cory, and his promise and apology made her frown ease... Somewhat. "Good," she said when he said there wouldn't be any danger today, after which she frowned and rolled her eyes as he started talking about Janne. "She is a faerie," Cory said, "short of never leaving this city again, you'll never be where she can't find you if she feels like annoying you."

As for what he said about his other companions, Cory simply said; "Rhep is a goblin. The way she loves isn't even close to the sort of definition you or I might use for it, it's a lot more like what Orgrosh and her ilk think of as love. Samarta is a succubus and naga, I can't even imagine what she'd want to do, but from what little I know of her race she isn't one for fidelity either. As for Janne.... I'm willing to put up with her when she's useful, and for you to pay whatever you owe her. Debts should be paid, and even if I would prefer she leave you alone I understand that her help has resulted in lives saved before."

Taking up her book again, she continued; "We will see what she has to say when summoned. It can be decided at noon. Technically it's your choice, but I didn't go halfway across the world pregnant with a man's child to be one of his concubines. I've had that offer before, I didn't take it then, and I've no interest in taking it now regardless of my feelings for you!" That was where she seemed to want to leave it, giving only a snort when he seemed distressed at the thought of her dumping him, and adding; "You had better not!" There seemed to be no response to his thoughts regarding Ashloriel.

When noon eventually rolled around, everyone was there. Orgrosh was armored up, while Inka seemed to have not moved. Samarta was back in her regular wraps, the crimson sash looped around her massive breasts but doing nothing to conceal her pregnant belly. Cory, also sporting a noticeable bump, was sitting in a chair while clad in a maternity dress that Bakan hadn't seen before, and Rhep was sitting on the ground cross-legged in the same outfit she'd worn yesterday. Sarah was there as well, wearing a classical conservative pink dress with a bonnet, and after bidding them good day Dove would wander off with Paul unless Bakan requested he stay for some reason. Janne would appear when she called, clad in her usual dress that left her cleavage on full display, and she grinned at him... Before it turned out that she wasn't alone.

Moments after he called his tormentor, two more soft flashes would signal two other arrivals, and Bakan would find two angels standing before him. One was Selenia, the horned angel with gray wings who had seemingly been his hidden caretaker at times, to whom he also owed a debt. The other was Ashloriel, his adopted mother, and while the former woman's smile was eerily similar to Janne's his mother offered him a purely serene look. "You wished to speak to me, my son?" she said softly, "your message made you seem greatly troubled."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan scratched his head a bit when Cory addressed not wanting to be one of his concubines. "That word doesn't really sound all that good," Bakan slightly indicated that he didn't entirely know what concubine meant. "Well... One way or another, Cory, this is just my attempt to come to a solution that I can't reach on my own. I know Rhep loves me in her own way. She's been risking her life for me since day one. That's love if I ever saw it. She's cried when I got mad at her, as if she cares what I think. It really hurt inside when she made that sad face. I felt crazy guilty." he shivered just at the thought of it before he desperately tried to cheer her up. "I just gotta... Deal with all that, you know? And I figured if you were strongly enough against it, I could be faithful. Otherwise... Well you're already halfway alright with Janne, so that's bad." Bakan sighed. It already looked like nothing would change, despite his attempts to find a resolution.

Then came noon. Everyone was there (assuming Rebecca was as well. Yes, Bakan still considers her a person), and Bakan saw Sarah all dolled up. "You look like you had fun." Bakan chuckled, before focusing on the issue. Janne would be called after the fact. "It's an issue that concerns a few of you, but not all of you, that I wish to address." he began. "I'll try not to confuse anyone... When around the time I came of age, I was finding myself under the frequent care of a member of the fey, whom some of you met named Janne. To me, she is an evil tormentor that is hell bent on making a toy out of me. It was a personal problem, until I met with Cory." he directed a hand to the pregnant half-demon. "But despite me telling Janne about the existence of Cory... Well, Janne also kinda knew about you guys when she told me that... Well... She said something very mean." he chuckled slightly, not wanting to say that Cory should get over it, as Janne put it. "The reason I'm bringing up this silly issue is... Well, if I recall correctly, everyone is here for one reason or another because of me, right? I think it's a fine time to start thinking of our near future in each other's company. Make sure you know you're doing what you want to do, you know?" he offered.

"To that end, I'll be announcing a few things... First, I'll be addressing the situation with Janne, which I imagine will pretty much go in favor of one direction versus the other. I've been very hesitant, and reserved towards most of you... Made a lot of mistakes because I didn't know what to do or how to handle it, which caused some of you a lot of complications you didn't deserve. Or just... Didn't have enough faith in you entirely, when I damn well should have." he looked at Orgrosh and Samarta. "I owe you some decisiveness, most importantly. After this, no more wishy-washy Bakan Jeru. I'll have a decision on whether to fully accept you should it come to it or not. It'll make it easier on everyone... And if this seems dumb, well... It's because I grew up thinking I'd only ever have sex with one woman in my entire life. Pardon me if recent events have left me shocked..." he cleared his throat. "Second, once that moment has passed, I'll talk to everyone about my plans for the future. After meeting with Orgrosh, and having her tell me some pretty crazy stuff, I decided that the corruption in Badaria needs taking care of, pronto. I don't mean the actual corruption, that's kind of a thing too, but nowhere near as big of an issue as half of this friggin' world going to war against itself. If what Orgrosh said was true, then it was the xenophobic nature of Badaria that the Crolian orcs North didn't like. So, we'll talk about some ways to fix that in a bit, and whether or not you want to be apart of that... I know you will." he chuckled while looking at Rhep, taking a moment to scratch her head in a way she might appreciate.

"Without further ado..." he declared, before trying to concentrate, summoning Janne, but letting her know that this was optional. He sent her all the information she needed, but stressed the fact that 'This is because you said that thing about Cory! Telling her to get over it and all that! WELL I TOLD HER YOU SAID THAT! She's gonna beat you up! You hear me!? You might boss me around but she isn't gonna take your shi-' and then he noticed Janne appearing and gave a start, his thoughts ceasing entirely as he sheepishly greeted the most evil woman in his life. "H-hey, Janne... and..."

Wait what. Why. No, wait, that's impossible. Improbable? No. Ashloriel. He thought that wasn't possible. He summoned two angels and Janne. How did he even do that. When did he do that!? No, why is the timing so fucking bad! He didn't want to see Ashloriel and say 'oh hi mom! These are all the women who've been fucking me!' That's awful! Bakan had a plan, he had words to say, but all fell into crumbles when she appeared. Bakan began shaking like a dog, his face pale like a terrified boy who had been caught doing something he shouldn't. 'How did I do this to myself!? I'm so humiliated I could just die!' He cried out, but soon realized it was when he was just thinking to himself within the comfort of his own mind. That had to have been it. Wait, doesn't that mean ALL of his thoughts could potentially be broadcasted whenever? To that thought, all Bakan could think of was, 'Balls...'

"Message... Right, message. I..." Bakan was still shaking, as if his surroundings were suddenly the judges standing around the accused. "D-did I send such a thing? Ha, ha-ha-ha... W-whopsie-daisy!" Comedy to lighten the mood and stall for time, he congratulated himself on his brilliance only for a moment. "I'd... I'd never call you for a petty reason, Ashloriel. You're busy all the time, your time would be wasted coddling my mortal issues!" his hands were lifted up, and waving about as he spoke, as if trying to cast a magical spell to make this situation not be so bad. "I'm, really, really sorry! I didn't mean to send you anything! I don't even... I can do that?" Just realized that this meant he could do that. He slightly cursed the fact. He was getting stronger in an area he had no idea how to control, fantastic.

It also really didn't help that Cory and Ashloriel were in the same vicinity together. While that may be the least of his troubles... Ashloriel is the one who would win a love contest between the two. Oh gods don't let either of them hear that. He wasn't sure about what to do now, he couldn't just talk about the issue he mentioned a second ago, not in front of Ashloriel. So, while thinking of something to say, there came a silence in the air that someone would no doubt fill.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"The only one who can get Janne to leave you alone is you," Cory declared coldly, "you have to tell her that you don't want to see her anymore. You have to explain to her that she's bad for you, that you have new priorities in life... Or you can keep letting her manipulate you, twist you around her finger. There's nothing more that I can do about it either way."

Once everyone, including Rebecca, was assembled for the meeting that Bakan had called, including Rebecca, Sarah would blush slightly and offer a curtsy at his comment before he moved on to bigger issues. When he started with the matter of Janne Orgrosh frowned slightly, but otherwise there was no immediate reaction. No one disagreed with his notion that they were all there because of him. As he announced that he would make a decision, Orgrosh again frowned slightly, seemingly impatient for him to get to the point, but didn't interrupt him. She seemed less impatient by far when he got on to his second point, taking more interest like the others, but then he would notice Cory frowning as well.

Once Janne and her two tag-alongs were summoned, his shocked response to Ashloriel's presence seemed to surprise the angel, though she retained her composure and merely looked perplexed as he started stumbling over his words. "Well, it seems that you can... And I can tell that you are troubled my son! Tell me, what ails you? Is one of your friends in distress?" she said insistently, while Selenia smirked at him knowingly from one side of his adoptive mother, and Janne... Janne did something significantly more distracting.

Just out of Ashloriel's line of sight, the lewd faerie pulled out a long, white lollipop with a decidedly phallic shape. She promptly ran her tongue along its length while looking Bakan directly in the eyes, a gesture she repeated twice more before casually taking the conveniently shaped candy into her mouth... All of it. She bobbed on it, her cheeks sucked inwards, and while her efforts to distract Bakan earned a few rolls of the eyes from his other companions and a scowl from Cory, no one else would interrupt her. After sucking on it for a few moments she withdrew it silently from between her lips, letting a small portion of dissolved candy ooze from her lips, down her chin, and onto her massive cleavage. She gathered it up with two fingers and sucked them clean before starting her lewd bobbing once again, grinning around the false cock that she was sucking on, while Ashloriel continued staring at him expectantly without apparently noticing the nymph's efforts to distract him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Well, If Cory was convincing Bakan that it was all on him, then he was right fucked wasn't he? Right in the down under.

And then began Ashloriel's questionnaire while Janne did her thing in the back. After hanging his head a bit, Bakan looked up with a face of sudden determination, before approaching Ashloriel with intent, before wrapping her in his arms, hugging her in a gentle embrace. "No... You're only here because of a selfish thought of mine, a wish to see the one who raised me." Bakan declared. He wasn't sure when his love for her went from that of a son to that of a man's love, but it only felt more bitter sweet as time went on. "I'm fine now, mother." He said, looking at her with a smile. "Just got super homesick while you've been away, protecting this world. I just got... a little selfish." He said with a bit of shame, though Bakan's wings had turned visibly pink by this point. A few members amongst them would have seen them turn pink before, namely Orgrosh and Janne, and Rhep as well. Perhaps revealing to them that it was no simple love he had for this angel.

He then let Ashloriel go unless she did something else. Then, he recalled something he wanted to know about. "Oh, I nearly forgot. Ashloriel... I've been developing strange powers that I cannot understand. I've grown these wings, which seem to reveal what I'm thinking to some degree." They were white now, indicating a normal state of mind without much emotional influence. "My powers... Seem to be mimicking that of an angel's... So, I was wondering... If, by chance, they mimicked an angel in full... Then there's something I need to do before something bad happens." he declared. "I shall be honest... Occasionally, these wings threaten to turn black. Often when I am... Particularly angry. So if there's any way to prevent this... It'd be learning how to become an archangel." he declared. "I realize that this condition I have makes me a fake angel at best, but... What are your thoughts?" he inquired. Since she was here he might as well tell her what he wanted to. Everything except the fact that he really, really loves her.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

Ashloriel unquestioningly returned Bakan's hug while his companions exchanged looks, Janne dropping her act and rolling her eyes at least. Her arms wrapped around him, holding him to her strongly as she felt her hair tickling the side of his face, and she quietly said; "It is quite alright Bakan... We're all selfish sometimes, and there's nothing wrong with wanting to see your family from time to time."

When he asked about the issue with his wings, Ashloriel would frown thoughtfully and say; "I've not heard of a mutation causing what you speak of, but I suppose it's possible... You have the talent to use your spirit, so what abilities you develop could allow you to do anything. Some mortals have abilities like our own, so perhaps your soul has tried to imitate ours? I cannot say now, not without examining you in depth, but I would not be surprised.

"As for your... Other concern... One cannot just become an archangel," she said, seemingly troubled by having to answer his suggestion, "it isn't about... Knowing certain things, or doing certain things. It isn't something that I, nor anyone else, could tell you how to do. Not being a true angel yourself... I wouldn't even know if you follow the same rules anyway. However, as a mortal, and given what you've told me about how your wings respond to your mood, it is likely that what you become is within only your power. You must choose your fate, Bakan, but I will help you however I can. Unfortunately, for now I may only offer my support, and my faith in you."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"I'd like to be examined, if you wouldn't mind. But just in case, I'd be careful about... Whatever's happening to me. That time, when I fought the giant shorn, I somehow managed to break the alraune's vines and... Kill her. I don't know how I did it, but I know I couldn't duplicate that act right now if I tried. And just yesterday... A dragon of shadow emerged from some otherworldly dimension, and tried to kill me and those with me. It came out again... And somehow I held back a dragon, of all things!" he declared, but it hardly sounded like boasting. More like he was a bit terrified of the fact that he could do that when he knew he shouldn't be capable. "Whatever you can do, I'd appreciated it if you could shed some light on the situation. Whatever it is, I feel like it gets stronger the more I enable it. As Selenia warned me... The path where I embrace whatever this is, is a dark one."

"Also... Uh... Oh, to hell with it. I didn't want you to hear about this, Ashloriel, but... It's a rather embarrassing truth." he said, having to let the cat out of the bag at some point. "I'm... In a relationship with multiple women, from multiple different societies, with multiple different ideas on what 'love' is... And it's been... An interesting experience." he said, before looking around. "The last thing I want to do, is make any one of them feel insignificant. For one reason or another, I owe each individual woman here one debt or another. Most of them I owe my life to for their acts in my favor. I'd do anything for their sake... Sometimes I take it too far, but," Bakan glanced at Orgrosh at that. "I came to a realization... I needed to have a serious, and honest discussion with everyone. No fooling around. No fretting. I care about all of you equally. I'd die for each of you, some of you know that." he said to everyone. "But, then comes the matter of more intimate relations... Cory," he directed at the pregnant demon. "Told me she loved me. Never have I ever had to deal with such a thing in my life, so it's been... A trip, to say the least. I've done my best to awkwardly try to return her feelings, however... I don't know what to do. Any interaction I have with another woman makes me feel guilty, or uncertain. I do not want to treat her like I don't care, or that she doesn't matter. Nor do I wish to treat anyone else that way."

"Now, you all know that I have relationships with other people, you know that I want the best case scenario for everyone. If you'd prefer to have a pure and decent relationship with just one other person, I know how you feel," he chuckled nervously. "That's how I was before all this happened. Then I met Cory, and Rhep... And Orgrosh, and Samarta. All women who... I never really thought could exist. Things happened between us, that much is clear... Sorry Cory." he said with apology. "But... I don't regret any of it. None of you are disgusting people to me. You're all honorable, and kind, and loyal. Amazing people that I'll remember for the rest of my life. The only thing I regret is my own mistakes with you." He said, before giving examples. "Cory, who fell in love with me, is still here despite... So many damned issues I have. If I were her I would have ditched me first notice. But she didn't. She has stayed with me. Protected me, gave me guidance. Same as Rhep," he said, giving Cory an embrace, and then the goblin a more playful and happy embrace. "I'd never give you up." he said, before standing, and looking to Samarta and Inka. "Samarta and Inka saved our lives in the woods, saved mine thrice. Did I deserve it? No, not really. But that's just the kind of people they are. People others should look up to, heroes in their own damned right." he cursed.

And then he looked to Orgrosh. "And Orgrosh... I may have insulted most of all, with my indecision and inconsiderate worry. For just one moment, I did not trust her." he spoke as if it was a grievous crime. And it was. "Janne remembers. It was only after my mistake did I realize it in full. I expected Orgrosh to have left that night. She didn't deserve such insult." Then he turned to her, eyes a bit watery. "But you stayed... You really stayed... I feel like I was given a second chance in more ways than one but..." He stood tall, and made a deep and humble bow to Orgrosh in front of everyone. "From the bottom of my heart, thank you." he said, before rising. "Thank all of you, for your patience and loyalty." he declared.

Thus brought the first phase of this conversation to a close. Next was the discussion. "With that said... My cards are on the table as they say. Please, tell me how each of you feel about it. Hell, if any of us are going to be doing anything lewd after this, I'd prefer if everyone knew it and was fine with it. From this point onward, I will no longer make things difficult. If things turn out that... Fuck it, if there's a unanimous decision for an orgy, I won't dance on my toes. Inversely, if everyone decides it's best such skinship is avoided, I will wholeheartedly respect that decision." And he kind of expected it, to be honest. This was more for him than anything else, but also for the others who wanted to bed with him. "And, just to make it clear... No one here will be 'just a concubine' to me. I will treat 'whatever' decision you make with one-hundred percent respect." He said, before looking to Janne. "And that includes yours, if it somehow ends up winning favor. I know you of all people don't intend on leaving me a faithful man."

"So..." Bakan sighed, feeling tired as he sat down cross legged on the ground. "What does everyone think?" he asked, before glancing at Sarah. "Sorry if this is a little awkward for you. You're not part of this madness of mine." he apologized to Sarah with a bit of a laugh. Good thing too, part of what made Bakan like her so much was that pure side of her. Poor thing was likely so put off by all this.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"Powerful emotion can make people do things they thought were impossible before," Ashloriel reasoned, "even the strongest of foes can be held at bay if one is desperate enough." She gazed at him thoughtfully for a moment before saying; "I will examine you when whatever you have called this meeting for is dealt with. I know not what I might find, but I suspect it might be best to avoid letting your emotions get the best of you. Self control, Bakan... You must remember what I taught you about maintaining your calm."

With that said she would step away, letting him speak of the real reason that he had called Janne here for, and though she might not be in the center of his attention at that point Bakan would notice Selenia smiling as she stood with her hands folded behind her in the background. Ashloriel quirked an eyebrow at his admission but offered no judgement, either in words or in her expression. Nothing that he said seemed to surprise his adoptive mother either, her expression unchanging as he began with how he had started a relationship with Cory. The ghost of a smile flitted across her lips as he admitted to not really knowing what he's doing in such a romantic situation, but it lasted only for a moment.

As for the others, Rhep and Inka only seemed to be half paying attention, the former seeming like she wasn't even understanding what he was talking about and Inka seeming like she was simply off in another world, her eyes unfocused. Thankfully the others were more attentive, Cory's face twitching noticeably when he mentioned the idea of the others wanting the same thing that she wanted, of leaving him to find another man for themselves or somesuch, while Samarta smirked and gave a slightly incredulous roll of her eyes and Orgrosh merely looked surprised that he even suggested it.

The stream of compliments earned a stream of smiles, though those too varied depending on the woman wearing them. Cory's smile was thin and slightly strained, as if she expected a "but" somewhere, and relieved when it didn't happen. Rhep just smiled in a dopey manner. Samarta smiled and blushed, while Inka seemed amused by his accolade for saving him. Orgrosh was far less flustered than the others, giving a slight smile of acceptance for his acknowledgement of his offenses against her. Janne briefly dropped her smile when he mentioned her relation to that, giving him a thoughtful frown, but then grinned as he turned back to Orgrosh who returned his bow with a nod.

Then, he decided to poll his audience, and his suggestion of an orgy drew a group chuckle from everyone save Ashloriel, whose expression flickered briefly into a soft disapproving frown. Janne was the loudest of the group, and giggled on for several seconds after the rest had stopped. When he turned to Sarah, it turned out that she hadn't joined in on the laughter, and was frowning uncomfortably and blushing while maintaining her demure pose. She briefly flashed an embarrassed smile his way when he apologized to her. "It's quite alright," she whispered softly.

Orgrosh was first to answer; "While I don't intend to depart from your company, not while you seek to make something better of your people, I don't believe we would... Work out. You needn't fear me disrupting whatever choice you end up making." Next was Rhep, who simply said; "Rhep not leave chief Bakan! Not unless he send Rhep away! Him have good dick! Get Rhep yummy things!" The goblin's simplistic response finished, Cory rolled her eyes and sighed. "I kind of expected that... But I guess I'll just have to live with it. Like I said before... You need to pick how you want to live your life, Bakan."

Inka simply shrugged heavily, smiling, and didn't seem to have much to convey on the matter. "You know me," Samarta said, "I like to have fun! I need my play, but I can get it elsewhere if need be... I really don't want to cause drama, especially with you guys. You're... The first people other than Inka who've accepted having me around, so if you lot decide I'm not allowed to leave poor Bakan a quivering mess anymore, I'll accept it." Again Ashloriel frowned softly following Samarta's comments, and this time Cory joined her. Sarah hadn't been to join Bakan in bed yet, and Selenia seemed only to be there to entertain herself watching Bakan squirm, so that left... Janne.

"You owe me," Janne said simply, "you owe me a lot in fact." She swept a gaze around, fixing her eyes on each of them in turn as if challenging them to dispute her. Nobody did, not even Ashloriel who had little context for it or Cory who scowled back, and so she turned back to Bakan. "If you wish to... Discontinue our little deal, that's your choice and I'll accept it, but I will have what I am owed. Tonight. And I will not take other means of payment if you require my help without negotiation at the time. That is simply how it works."

She fixed Bakan with a stare, but it was Cory who sighed first. "I... Guess that's just how it's going to be then." The half demon sighed again, closing her eyes and rubbing her stomach, but then opened them again and gave another sigh. "Fine." She walked up to Bakan and poked him in the nose, but for once a mischievous grin came over her face. "You get your way here... But you'd better not think you're getting any more leeway after this! You'd better not let Janne exhaust you too much, because tomorrow night... You're getting your punishment!" Then she turned, and unless Bakan had something further to say she would strut away, Janne grinning after her. "I like her~ She has spunk! Well... Other than lots and lots of yours, presumably~" Janne said, drawing a collective roll of the eyes from most everyone else. That left Bakan to do as he liked with the rest, most of whom were ready to get back to their own business unless he had something else to bring up to them as a whole, all of them having already agreed with his plan to try and deal with the sour elements in Badaria.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan chuckled visibly, perhaps in the first genuine display of joy and amusement that some of them had seen from him when Orgrosh said they wouldn't work out. "Orgrosh, I'm not asking you to marry me. I'm not asking for some human based, deep commitment. I'm asking if you want to be yourself, as you were when I... Well, when I fucked up. I understand if you don't want to try again, to let me do right what I did wrong. The entirety of this discussion was purely on a sexual sense, not a romantic one. I don't know how things work on your end, Orgrosh. No clue. But I do know one thing. My plan to try and get humans and orcs to get along so a lot of stupidity doesn't happen will only hold water if I myself can do the same. If I can't even show that you and I can get along, then I'm worthless, aren't I?" he inquired. "I know you tried. When I thought about it, you looked so natural all the time in that armor, as if that's all you ever wear. But when you wore that dress... Well, I was a bit too flustered and dense to realize that it was for my sake. I need to make similar sacrifices." he declared.

With that, he extended his hand to her. "I'm willing to do what it takes. I'll listen to whatever you have to say. I'll disregard you no more and maintain an open mind. Will you help me create peace between our races, and establish understanding? If we both learned about each other, I'm sure relations will improve... And that goes for you and I personally as well." he said with a serious tone. And if she took his hand, he'd try to make the most warrior-like gesture he could, pulling her just a bit closer to that their arms were braced against one another and their hands squeezed each other with their faces inches apart. However, flustered was not Bakan. "I want our relationship to be as human and orc as well as social equals. I will not ask you to pretend to be what you're not, because what you are now is awesome enough already." He said, before releasing her hand with a grin.

Then, Bakan nodded at all the others, assuring there's no negative ties on his end, and they're all welcome to stay in his company as long as he'd like. In fact, he'd even say that it'd be nice if they at least lived within a certain distance of each other once this was all over. Bakan would like to have old friends as neighbors, as he'd explain.

Then, came Janne. He walked up to the nymph with newfound courage, looking to Cory as if to draw her support, before regarding the woman. "I know how much you're owed. Owed for feeding me and providing shelter by Ashloriel's request. Owed for saving me, owed for performing my foolish and selfish wishes. You have a to ask from me, and I doubt you'll let me pay it off quickly. And lucky for you, everyone's decision seems to have gone in your favor. However..." He puffed up his chest, taking in air to speak further as he leaned in, his nose almost touching her own as he gave her a confident grin. "I suddenly also have other allies to call upon when I'm in need. I'm surrounded by them in fact. So, if you want to continue to play with me, you'll have to be extra useful!" he said, his heart racing as he actually found himself sort of standing up to Janne and acting as her superior for a change, and hopefully able to pull it off this time instead of that time at the glade. "... And... And you'll also have to be nice to me from now on! No more lewd torture or making fun of me! And...!" He was about to add something, before his eyes wandered a bit. "... I'll try to remember what the third thing was later, but that's it for now!" he said, before folding his arms and nodding at Cory confidently as she left. "You think you have what it takes to impress me? I don't know about that, Janne~" Bakan cooed. "I've got Rhep, Orgrosh, Samarta, and even Sarah's currently in training, soon to become a champion like the others. Right, Sarah?" he said with a nod in her direction. "The bar's pretty high... But if I just so happen to have good enough reason to call you... I just might do so from time to time~" he said in a coy manner, enjoying this feeling, or perhaps illusion if Janne somehow doubles up on him, of being in control. Just eliminating Janne from the equation would be letting her win, and conceding to her. Like this, if she's the one who backs down, then it'll be totally his win.

To make the predator flee, instead of fleeing from the predator, that's the important difference to make this day. And if she doesn't back down... Well, then an important fact would probably come to light in that he'll probably end up calling her often just to help with things. It'd be kind of hard to ask for more of her as is, but she doesn't have to know that. He just wants to see her lose that dominant and oppressive aura she suffocates him with, even if just for a moment. So, he's hoping she'll get bothered, heck she might even just outright leave. The alternative is the nightmare, where she slips in through the tiny crack he left her to work with, and finds him in a situation tantamount to being naked in the shower after dropping the soap. He just hopes the 'wolf' in this case decides the prey isn't worth it... Or else he'll get eaten. Sort of literally.

After that moment passed, Bakan regarded the group for the second part of his speech. "Now, for the second bit I wanted to speak of. As you figured out from what I said before, I'm going to be trying to change Badaria by eliminating the bad seeds. I'm thinking that with Dove's help, leadership over various areas can be replaced with that which is more trustworthy. Artis would be good for that. Give him another job so his life isn't over. He didn't seem like that racist of a fellow either, perfect for our plan." He nodded. "But it will be dangerous. Very dangerous. Any one of you could die, I could die. I want all of you to understand the danger of following me further than this. I want to know that you're following me, knowing that I could very well be leading you to your absolute demise. We may not even be killed. We might be captured, mutilated, tortured if the racists of Badaria get one of us, and probably raped by anything else."

Heavy took a deep sigh. "To follow me now is absolute commitment. You aren't just committing yourself to this grand cause, you're also committing yourself to the source of this desire for change. Me. We may as well become the equivalent of family past that point. Or clansmen as Orgrosh perhaps knows it." He said with a look to her. "No matter what you call it... It's a bond of acceptance, knowing that the people before you are going to bleed with you, suffer with you, and die with you... And die 'for' you. Because we WILL look out for each other." he stressed. "We will leave no one behind. Ever. Not unless they are beyond anything we can do. I don't care if we need to punch a god in the face to do it, I will do it myself and suffer the consequences. Because that's 'my' commitment. I will sacrifice tooth and limb if you, my comrades, need that of me." he declared, before letting the others make their choice. "If you don't want to... If you don't think I am worth it, then I don't blame you. I'm asking to put your lives in jeopardy. That alone is absurd. Rather than think of a reason to refuse me, I want you all to think right now... Of a reason why you 'should' help me. After all, I'm not paramount to the outcome of this attempt at changing Badaria. That's merely my wish. You can easily try to find another way, if that's all you wish for. A more sane way, a slower way... This, right here." he extends his hand forth.

"This is just me. I am prepared to go alone, but my objective will not change. I will exterminate the evil roots of racism in Badaria and plant the seed of hope for a better future. I will do this within all my mortal limits."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120/120, PP = 45/45, EP = 85/85, Status = Fine, Armor at 26/50 TP

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: HP = 97, PP = 49, EP = 72, Status = Fine
Sarah: Fine
Cory: Pregnant
Rhep: HP = 99 PP = 43 EP = 44, Status = Pregnant

"I AM myself," Orgrosh replied simply to Bakan's extended explanation, before taking his hand and squeezing it tightly, even painfully, as they shook. She only smiled at the end of his statement, when he proclaimed her awesomeness as she was, and then seemed content to leave things at that.

When he took his confrontation to Janne, the faerie sorceress didn't seem cowed at all. She smiled that dangerous, hungry, snarky little smile of hers and slowly quirked an eyebrow. "Hoo boy... You've got this all thought through, haven't you?" she asked skeptically, to which the reactions ranged from a roll of the eyes from Samarta and Orgrosh, disinterest from Rhep and Inka, disapproving resignation from Cory and Ashloriel, and boundless amusement from Selenia. Sarah seemed to want nothing to do with this conversation, but was too well mannered to excuse herself as Cory had, and she managed to force a smile, nod, and curtsy as Bakan looked to her. "O-of course! I'm training every day, whenever I can under Lady Del-Groblik!" she replied, using Orgrosh's last name.

"Here's a question... Not to insult any of your regular associates of course, I know most of them and consider them lovely people! But... How many of them are trained healers who can do anything better than stitching someone back together and maybe throwing in a bit of healing magic?" Nobody raised their hand, though Inka perked slightly at the talk of healing magic. "How many of them can properly mix a potion? How about antidotes? Poisons? Treatments for disease and natural toxins?" she continued, and again nobody answered even though Orgrosh also seemed about to reply. "Alright... How about sorcery? I'm sure SOME of you know a few magic tricks, but how many can manage more than a few parlor tricks? Nobody? Well, obviously you could call Ashloriel here," she gestured to Bakan's adoptive mother, who seemed to frown and even shrink away slightly, "or one of her ilk... But you know how picky they are about what they come and help with. That leaves more of my kin, and the sidhe... But then you'd be paying the same price to someone else. So!"

She took several steps forward, seemingly growing more menacing with every victorious step, until she stood in front of Bakan and looked up at him, grinning and brushing a strand of auburn hair out of her eyes. "Tonight.... You~" she purred, and pressed a finger into his chest.

Then she stepped away, leaving Bakan to get on to his somewhat more dramatic topic. Everyone listened intently, even Ashloriel and Janne and Selenia who weren't directly involved. Once he extended his hand and made his final statement, Orgrosh was the first to step forward and put her hand on his, doing so without words. Inka was next, similarly, and Samarta shrugged and did so as well, saying; "Well, I'm not going anywhere else... And I think I've spent long enough hiding in a swamp from everything that's wrong with the world." Her words earned a nod from Inka, but then Rhep suddenly jumped in with both hands, "Rhep put in for Cory cuz she definitely in!" Sarah, having stopped several times as she was about to step in to offer her hand, finally approached the growing circle and stood between Bakan and Orgrosh, dantily placing her hand on the pile. "You saved my life... Even my soul, and what you're doing... I know it's right! I want to help!"

That left Janne, Selenia, and Ashloriel standing apart, but none of them seemed outside of it. "Well, I'm not one for getting THAT involved in mortal affairs," the nymph said, "buuuuut you know you can call me when you need me!" She came in and put her hand down, though her other one gave Bakan a playful pinch on the butt. "We cannot become so involved in mortal matters, whether we wish it or not," Selenia said solemnly, and Ashloriel gave a nod and continued in a similar tone; "Our mandate is not to interfere when mortals conflict with each other... Only when things beyond their ken seek to conquer or coerce may we intervene. Still... Know that I am proud of your actions Bakan! I hope that you will succeed, for these lands have too long been crying out in pain and fear." Selenia nodded her agreement and added; "You have done much, Bakan, and will do much more methinks... Know that I will call in your debt to me... Soon. Very soon. But until then, your actions are your own to choose. Good luck."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded at Orgrosh, "I know it. Just letting you know to keep it that way. I brought in your help because I wanted a powerful ally, and you've been nothing but that!" he declared happily. Though when he turned to Janne, and she delivered her simple counter to his words, he would probably look no different than the younger boy he used to be that the three women probably knew. Meek and slightly frustrated was he as her confident steps forward saw Bakan taking steps back. Her finger to his chest, Bakan acted like he was paralyzed when she poked him. He just couldn't stand that smug look on her face. Though he had no words for her, just an upset stare. His face looked like he really wanted to come back at her with something, but decided to just back off instead.

Then, when he extended his hand forth, it seemed he had all of his allies agreeing to this with full knowledge of the dangers. It filled his heart with hope. He'd be relying on them heavily from now on. He'd have to. Though having seen Ashloriel's various reactions putting more and more distance between her and him as she backed away, Bakan glanced at her from the circle his face a rather sad one, before he looked back to the hands gathered onto his own. 'I guess that's just how it is...' Bakan decided with a deep sadness. The odd pain that formed in his chest he tried to suppress, knowing it would show as a flush of blue went in a thick wave over his wings. 'Since I was a child, I always told myself it was never meant to be. That loving Ashloriel was just a dream... Though a part of me always wanted to say I was wrong... Well, I wasn't, it seems... Especially with what has happened to me... Cory, and everyone else... Ashloriel backed away, probably in disgust. What a stupid wish of mine.' He scolded himself. Still, it seemed the pain refused to cease. It honestly felt like something eating him from the inside, as if his suffering was consuming him slowly, ever so slowly. A few feathers fell from his wings, black. Odd, how it felt no different than when he was before the shadow dragon, or the giant shorn. That odd sensation of suffering that led to those supernatural circumstances.

"Thank you, all of you." Bakan said to his friends. "I'm counting on all of you. I'll do my best to not let you down as well."

With that, the meeting reached it's conclusion. Bakan would inform everyone that they were free to go. With that, Bakan stepped up to Cory. There was a bit more distance now. Despite how it pained him to do so, he had to adjust himself to get rid of these fruitless feelings for something he'll never reach. "Is it possible to examine my soul now?" he inquired, not wanting to waste Ashloriel's time further.