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Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon


Demon Girl
Mar 21, 2012
Reputation score
Hello guys im a big toon pimp palace fan and today when i entered on his site i seen he has a new game coming soon and is name The cheetah back in action idk about you guys but i will love to play it after all i hated kya quest :(
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon



Btw: punctuation, use it next time.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Lol k.

I'm sure everyone here will play it, talk about how much it sucks, make Toonpimp mad or something, and then move on with their lives.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Oh god, trying to read that main post was tiring.
Well could it be possible that you actually post some more info about the game? Instead of just throwing out that he's making a new game without any kind of backstory/Information about the game ?

As far as I've seen people here don't seem to like toon pimp games, I'm guessing it's related to the creator being a bitch or something, remembered there was some arguing/hate about him a while back when i was a lurker.

Now the game is called "The cheetahmen in action 69", other than that I found nothing else of interest about the game, besides that it states it's coming soon.
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Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

TP is an asshole. As for his games, they're kind of hit or miss for me. Some I enjoy quite a bit, but others not so much. I'll be interested to see how this one turns out, but I'm not holding my breath.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

He hasn't put much effort into these since that Cracklevania game. I did like it, and Run Minerva Run though.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Cheetahmen in Action 52 was an old REALLY REALLY REALLY (I cant stress this enough) REALLY Bad NES game. It was overpriced, and had 52 horribly designed games and had glitches out the ass.

Perhaps Foreshadowing?
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Personally I'm one of the guys who generally enjoys all the games he makes. While most of them are only average in quality I do think that some of them are fun to play just to enjoy the challenge (albeit some games are more difficult because of programming bugs than flat-out difficulty). That being said, I won't exactly look forward to the game, but I do have some interest towards it.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Now the game is called "The cheetahmen in action 69", other than that I found nothing else of interest about the game, besides that it states it's coming soon.

Hmm... Why does that sound so familiar?

*Childhood gaming flashback*

Wait! Like the old NES game?!?!?! abandon thread!!! ABANDON THREAD!!!!

That game deserves to be dead and forgotten! *shudder*
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Cheetahmen in Action 52 was an old REALLY REALLY REALLY (I cant stress this enough) REALLY Bad NES game. It was overpriced, and had 52 horribly designed games and had glitches out the ass.

Perhaps Foreshadowing?

Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

I prefer to let
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Perhaps, it's a cunning ploy by Toonpimp. If it's Cheetahmen, he can always claim that bad gameplay and lack of content with an unpolished engine isn't a lack of ability or hard work, but witty satire in reference to the original.

It's the perfect plan for a lazy pothead without personality.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Wow this just became a day of epic nostalgia.

I had no idea that they made a Cheetahmen 2. I could imagine the advertising... "Cheetahmen 2! WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!?!"
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

I remember one of the first flash games I ever played was from Toon pimp, then LOK came out, then stubbed across the slave maker blog and finally ended up here!
And that was the "Chronicles of a Chronic Masterbater". Thank god I explored
Haven't played a Toon Pimp's game in a while. It is funny tho to play them, there not exactly Hot. More funny than anything, play for some laughs.
Toxic I'd prefer the AVGN to do it instead.

Quick question why did TP update Pepe le Rapiste? I just saw they have it at version 3, if they wanted to make new versions to any game they should have done Cracklevania.
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Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

I prefer to let

Not trying to start a nerd-fight, but I don't understand.. The video actually makes the game look good, that's sort've like painting a turd gold, lol.. AVGN did it better because he actually showed why the game sucked so hard.

Anyways.. Regarding TP's games, I respect most of the games he makes solely because he's one of the few hentai game devs that impliments many well-deserved features in almost ALL the games he makes..

Good smooth animation
Somewhat entertaining music
Simple gameplay

Sure, the codes for some of his cheats are immature, and he probably is too, but I pay attention to the games he makes, not the dev himself..

I haven't been to his site in a long while though, but I think I'll go pay it a visit to check on this game when it's out.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Not trying to start a nerd-fight, but I don't understand.. The video actually makes the game look good, that's sort've like painting a turd gold, lol.. AVGN did it better because he actually showed why the game sucked so hard.

That's because Duane and BrandO are amazing at any game they play
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Yeah his games haven't been as good as his first ones. If you stop comparing them to his older games, you might realize they're still decent in comparison to what other people put out.

It would be nice if he worked as hard on em as he used to though.
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

It's because they're not game reviewers, they're musicians. It was just a song
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

Even if TP did a game based on cheetahmen, what would he have to work with? the game itself is practically barren, not to mention i don't believe there were actually any females in the game..... oh god
Re: Toon Pimp has a new game coming soon

TP has a trollish attitude and doesn't give a fuck about furries in general, and usually pisses on them for being overly-dramatic morons most of the time. So naturally I like the guy, and he does have a good head on his shoulders if you have thick skin. But most furries only like people when they're murry purry faggots so he ruffles a lot of feathers.

Essentially he's now a retired game maker who only puts things out if they're commissioned. This is due to him making dozens upon dozens of free games with zero donations, few commissions, and those who played his free games just shat on it for their bugginess. He just got sick of it so he stopped putting out games for free. If you pay him a lot of money, he'll make you a game. Other than that, he moved on and no longer makes games.