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ACT [Toonpimp] Kunoichi Kaos


Dec 2, 2009
Reputation score
So I know alot of people around here have issues with ToonPimp, but I just thought I'd let everyone know the knew game is out.

EDIT* This game has some major issues already, most annoying imo is that the escape gague dosnt fill.
Well never mind that started to work after the second time I played, But honestly I dont think this game is even worth it at the moment. Well thats for everyone to decide for themselfs though.
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Re: Kunoichi Kaos

well it does say version 1, but still there are pnly 2 enemies and only 4 sex positions. 1 boss fight and nothing to show for winning. The game over screen is sooo much better than winning but even then its nothing to get excited about.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

He's been doin that a lot lately with his games releasing them half done... I think it's because of messages of sumfink
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

...Feh. There's not really much to say positively about this game. Toonpimp's losing it. :/
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

Furry rule #whohasmaderulesforthisanyway :

If the chick is human, it ain't furry :D

And FYI, my avatar is a cat because they are so very wise and one day they will rule the world once more (as soon as they finish their nap).
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

Seems about on par for his usual work. Minus the odd bugs and whatnot. Escape bar didnt reduce but spamming the buttons still seemed to get her released.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

Seems about on par for his usual work. Minus the odd bugs and whatnot. Escape bar didnt reduce but spamming the buttons still seemed to get her released.

His games aren't generally good, but the animation, gameplay, even the sex is pretty awful this time around. :(
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

Any word on if there are any cheats, like a gallery cheat? Or are there none at all, which... well, I don't want to say it'd be a first for TP, since I don't know that much, but it wouldn't be on-par with what he usually does.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

As expected... Toonpimp takes forever to make a "game" then it turns out to be total shit.

The best thing int his game is the music. Artwork, gameplay, positions, sfx all suck major balls.

Toonpimp might start charging people to buy his games... at this rate, no one's going to want to buy anything at all.

Although these are generally unimpressive projects, I look so much more forward to:

Developments for Legend of Krystal

Anything Playshapes

Roninsong's Magic Shop, Ai Subeki, ect.

This is half a notch better than the MNF bullshit.

Somebody get a fan in here... it smells like shit.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

I kind of enjoy it for a start. It seems it is a first where two enemies group up at the same time. Though he did that before, it was only in one obscure adventure game.

It needs work though. And given his attitude about the quality of his games, I certainly hope he doesn't think some people 'aren't good enough' when they donate to him.

Again, it's like Alvin Earthworm. Sorta, besides the quality. He's letting his 'moral standings' screw his fans over. Especially his PAYING fans.

It makes me wonder how much free-ish money he wants.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

So does anyone think he has more than just the one episode finished....or did it really take him all that time for the less than 5 mins of gameplay?
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

What's awesome, is if you hit your Jutsu when fighting the boss, and run up to him and just wail on him, you'll see your 'after-images' still 'attacking' in that area long after the Jutsu has worn off. Graphic bug 4tw.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

So does anyone think he has more than just the one episode finished....or did it really take him all that time for the less than 5 mins of gameplay?

supposedly he works on quite a few different things simultaneously, this game, cracklevania, and other games for other game makers. but yeah this 'episode' is severely lacking and doesn't do much to encourage donations (which is the ONLY thing he talks about).
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

At one point in 2nd level there is this arrow up, but can't find out how to get up.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

It's strange because the cracklevania sequel seems to be pretty well done except for some recycled enemies, but he does have a few new ones too. Maybe if he didn't stretch himself thin, this wouldn't be an issue and no one would call his games crap. I imagine this one is so poor because he had put so much time into CV2 simultaneously, but if that's the case, he should really only be doing one game at a time, especially considering how recycled some things are, coming at with two of the same is ridiculous.
Re: Kunoichi Kaos

You do realize, Cracklevania 2 isn't actually done yet, right?

It's a demo.

While yes, this was a side project I agree that it was very short and rather lacking, but I noticed that it has better platforming mechanics than most of his previous games. There are certainly more graphical bugs and glitches, but for once, everything else flows like in a real game. The animation is good, as usual, but the game is very short and lacking, and ends on a cliffhanger no less.

Still, I would call it a succesfull side project because it has better mechanics.
At the least it shows he's learned how to make platformers.