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Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I agree with the above. TASKETE EIRIN!

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(B) Yes, feed Eirin to her!

Oh what? That's not the vote? Oh fine, ask Eirin for help then.

Still tempted by "(C) Yes, feed Eirin to her!" though...

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's get Eirin to help us.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Letting Murasa and her anchor restrain Yoshika for now, Byakuren went over to Eirin's side. The doctor was still applying the salve onto Shou's back, so she let her finish before asking anything. After a few minutes, Eirin set the tiger youkai's shirt back on and turned her onto her back. "There. She'll be good as new soon."

With Shou treated, Eirin moved on to meet the new task. After taking a brief look at Yoshika, she knew exactly what they were dealing with. "This girl... she's a jiang shi, a kind of vampire or zombie. Her condition can't be restored without some extensive research and testing, but I can alleviate her hunger for a few days. Hold her for a bit, I need to fetch something..." the silver-haired woman gave her analysis before leaving them temporarily for a visit to the medical tent. She returned after a few minutes with a slightly shimmering vial of some clear substance. "This here is a vial of concentrated life essence, should help her along for several days, if not a week without a need to feed." the woman explained about what she was bringing over to them. Once they had gotten Yoshika on her feet, Eirin set upon the task of trying to slip the contents of the vial inside the zombie girl's mouth as Murasa held her without getting hurt in some way. After some careful aiming, she managed to pour the contents in.

But as she was retreating, Yoshika gave a sudden pull at Murasa and moved both of them forward enough so the pair toppled onto Eirin as the doctor wasn't paying attention. After a brief hassle, the mess cleared itself once Yoshika calmed down like she had been struck with a tranquilizing spell. "Should be fine now." Murasa gave her opinion as they got up. But there was a thing she failed to notice at first. After not seeing Eirin get up, she offered a hand to the good doctor. And Eirin did come up, though she was paler and more emotionless-looking than usual. Then, Byakuren noticed a detail on the doctor she wished wasn't there, a small patch of blood on her sleeve. Yoshika had managed to bite her before she succumbed to the soothing effects of the life essence. Now, there was another jiang shi facing them, and in a much more formidable body. Murasa backed away in time to avoid getting pounced on and made to join the fold by this new zombie.

A. Deal with her by your own (and group's) power

B. Shout for outside assistance as well

C. Something utterly herp-a-derp and Aurani-ish?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Throw both of them into the clueless crowd and then enjoy the ride as Gensokyo becomes a zombie outbreak for the following week.
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Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Because maybe someone knows ANTI-ZOMBIE MAGIC


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A! Beat her up, tie her to a chair, and then.... Do stuff!


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I kind of feel like we should have hit our jiangshi companion with the statue of Bishamonten when we had the chance...

Ah well, time to restrain the doctor. Because no outbreak has ever occurred due to an attempt to cure an infected person and/or not immediately informing the surrounding populace about what's going down, right?


Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Not my fault at all.

(A) What Hafni said.

Also, "UNZAN! I choose you!"


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


You'd think that someone as crazy prepared as Eirin would have a way of avoiding stuff like that happening. Oh well. Restrain her first, then try to look for a cure... Or someone who might know a cure. Yukari, perhaps?

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Reisen, potentially. A noob, but still Eirin's apprentice.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"She needs to be restrained! Murasa, give me a little help." Byakuren switched into action quickly as the semi-zombie Eirin was moving towards them in a surprisingly swift manner. Baiting in the doctor by presenting herself as a close target, the mage did a sudden evasion hop at the last moment. This gave Murasa the opening she used to get Eirin hobbled, using the weight of her anchor to keep the inflicted jiang shi down long enough so the former monk could move in and apply a restraint spell on her. The magical bonds snaked all over Eirin's shapely form, soon holding the zombified doctor in a hogtie, complete with a ballgag to prevent her from biting anyone. "How did she even fall fot something like that.... I believed her to be prepared for everything..." Byakuren thought as she looked at Eirin in her current state, letting Murasa take back her anchor as the restraint spell maintained it's hold.

With the danger of further jiang shis being created taken out of the picture, the group switched attention to seeking a possible cure for Eirin. As another bout was ending, Byakuren figured out she'd ask another powerful being. Shiki was there, so she called for the yama. Perhaps surprisingly, the judge actually stood up from her seat of office and appeared next to the mage. But before she could say anything, Byakuren received a rod bonk to the head. "What is it? Can't you see another bout is about to start?!" After receiving the scolding and the strike, the former monk asked her question quickly. "She'll return back to her normal self after enough time has passed, jiang shi never turn their victims into undead permanently. Depending on the person, it will take time from a few hours to a week or two to recover from this curse. Seeing as it's her, I doubt it'll last more than a few hours, a day at best." was Shikieiki's answer. "Just keep her like that and we'll clear this situation out with no further hassle."

With the yama gone back to her assigned duty, the group was left back to their own devices. There was nothing they could do for now, with the exception of keeping an eye on the zombified Eirin to prevent any further misshaps. But Shou was quick to note new difficulties rising. Without Eirin, the clinic was getting restless. Reisen seemed to know a few things about taking care of people, but she lacked the same organizational skills and knowledge that Eirin possessed, and seemed to be in a slight panic.

A. Volunteer to help

B. Find another person to help (comment who if you want)

C. Herp derp other things in mind?


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I don't suppose Rin Satsuki is around in this iteration of Gensokyo...

I was considering recommending Alice, just because I imagine her team of dolls would make a decent nursing staff (and I don't recall any other character really having any impressive healing skills), but that's probably not as helpful as just having Byakuren do it. So, instead, I vote that it's time to roll up some sleeves and get to work.

Edit: ...

What Unknown Squid said, sort of. Lick that ankle. Help out after ankle licking is completed.

C + A!
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Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Form a new superteam of medics by grabbing Koishi, Cirno and Hina. Koishi can be a therapist, Cirno can keep things cool and Hina can prevent misfortune to happen while we conduct SCIENCE! (on everyone's beloved suppository assistant)


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Why am I suddenly getting Madam Hina's misfortune cleansing parlour flashbacks?

It's a rather hilarious doujin, for those who don't know. I think I saw it translated on e-hentai (it's non-h, though).

Anyway. We made this mess, we gotta fix it.


Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(C) Lick Eirin's zombie ankle.

Uh! No no no no... I mean (A)! We should probably help out. Put Nazrin on guard duty just in case someone else tries to lick that ankle.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Helping people is a good thing. We should do it. That and what Usqui said.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Hmmm.. we are kind of responsible for this hassle, so we'll have to help in easing it down to a manageable level. Everyone, let's go and get the clinic going in a suitably good level. Until Eirin comes back to us." Byakuren told the crew, leading them into the tent. Reisen was not sure what to make of it at first, but soon allowed the group to do different things that she assigned to them. Somehow seeing her Master in such a condition made the bunnygirl distracted, but the mage returned her attention back to the situation at hand whenever she was looking at the bondaged doctor for too long. "Her mind and body are strong. That condition won't hold her too long, she's too strong for it to maintain it's grip for long." Byakuren assured the girl, getting her mind completely focused on the task of helping people with their injuries when they returned from the battles happening in the arena.

The rest of the day passed by as the group worked at the clinic. Byakuren got to meet a few familiar faces again as they helped people with their big and small injuries. Marisa visited, having had a furious bout of magical combat with someone called Alice. Meiling came by to have a stab wound looked into. And there were many others as well, with the whole grudge-breaking and difference-settling time going on. The group helped Reisen with her tasks, Nazrin looking over the two jiang shi in the sidelines, since she had the least skill in magic or medical arts. Yoshika had fallen entirely calm and relaxed, no doubt mesmerized by the amount of energy she had received from Eirin's potion earlier.

The group were shutting down the shop for today as another night of feasting would happen, before the end of the tournament ceremonies next day. Byakuren let the others go, opting to sit in as an assistant if something happened and Reisen was needed. But the bunnygirl had worked hard, and soon laid down on one of the patient spots herself, checking herself out for now. Surely she could be woken up if stuff came along.

As the girl began to snore in a barely audible voice, Byakuren saw that Eirin was returning to her normal self. The doctor gave some struggle against her bindings, but seemed too disoriented to be able to release herself yet. The mage went to set her fre, releasing the gag from her mouth first. "That was... careless of me. Thanks... you did good, Byakuren." the silver-haired woman thanked her as soon as possible. But as soon as the mage started to fiddle with the rest of the bindings, Eirin stopped her. "Let me... be here like this. I deserve it for my carelessness. There could have been numerous other infected because of me and my brief distractions. So, please... let me go through the night like this. It's for the better my own consience..." the woman said, not wanting to be released all of a sudden. Letting the doctor have her peace, Byakuren stopped, even setting back the gag into the doctor's waiting mouth as it was requested.

Going back to standing by and seeing if things came up, Byakuren couldn't help but take a few looks at Eirin now and then. The doctor looked so deliciously helpless in her restraints, the magical ropes keeping her body tightly in their embrace. After a few more looks, she began to think about all kinds of things.

A. Let Eirin go through her punishment in peace

B. Add some new fun to the punishment

C. The inevitable Au derp goes here