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TPD Station Brilliance


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

She laughed delightedly, "I knew I recognized it! My parents used to blare that with a lot of other old Terran music! They tried for years to get me to cut out playing some of the trash I used to listen to." She spun in the chair, grooving to the music she heard in the background, "Stars, you have got to share that with me! All of their files got wiped when we had... the accident. It's how I got this ship, it used to be theirs." Then her eyes widened and she started scrambling for the control panel, "Crapcrapcrap! Hang on, Lemme take the outer shields down!" She'd had that problem before, tried to get towed and the guy couldn't get a grip on the ship, like it was covered in soap. "You should be good now! Sorry about that." she laughed again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven turned to properly address the latest entry, the older woman.

"Yes, it is a long time, at least to your own people. For my species, that is not much time at all. Our people long ago made the decision to remain secluded and not interfere in the natural development of other races. Our history has one instance where we were too eager to seek out other explorers, and we made the mistake of exchanging technology with a species that wasn't ready for it. They annihilated themselves in a matter of a few years as their own greed turned against them. After that, we remained in the shadows as best we could, only dealing with other races in our own galaxy as needed. When we discovered your own, we made the decision to observe, but not intervene in anything. Until now that is. The re-emergence of the Nnyarthall has changed all of that."

((I'm half hoping the Admiral is shocked he knew of that, muhahaha.))
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Fletch allowed himself a cocky little smile. "Not to worry, ma'am. I'm packing enough power to tow a powered Paladin." Well, not that he had ever tried, per se. In theory, it should be possible. As he got into position in front of the ship, Maria could see the dark red ship wagging its wings at her in a friendly greeting... before they started spinning around the central body, picking up more and more speed. Sparks started to crackle between the wings and the central rod, and a blue light started to glow at the tip of it. At the same time, the Mighty Quinn's shields flared up - and slowly extended towards Maria's ship, eventually engulfing both of them. "There we go, save as a coreworlder," Fletch's voice rumbled over the comm. As he started moving, Maria would find her ship being dragged along. "Semi-rigid shielding. You wouldn't wanna know where I got it from."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Popping into normal space with an abnormally small warp signature, the Hell Strafer emerges. A few codes are sent back and forth, and the tiny craft allows itself to glide onwards towards the hanger bays. Inside Kars' whistles at the sheer amount of defence turrets pointed at him, instinctively sizing up every weapon mount and weapon type he can identify. Too many to count really. "You sure this is a good idea boss?" Kars hears in his helmet. "Eh, I checked it out with some others that've been in there. Deal seems genuine."

Despite some frustration at having to allow the docking drones to comparatively ponderously guide the craft in, it wasn't long before the Strafer was securely landed. Disembarking, Kars wasn't too fond of the welcome, already feeling choked by the controlling environment and reminding himself of why he stayed away from the parts of civilisation that could more fairly be called civilisation. Regardless, he heads off with the soldiers to the meeting area, with Ko remaining behind in the co-pilot slot for now.

Stepping into the room, the freespacer would hardly instil the same sense of presence in his entrance as half of the others thus far. "Room for one more?" He would call casually as he strolls forwards, quickly studying the inhabitants of the room. A Pan-Kor, a Terran, a Terran with wheels, and a large thing. Grabbing the top of one of the chairs the small alien would nimbly swing and hoist himself up, choosing to stand upon the chair and lean against the back rather than sit.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"As I just said, madam," the Admiral explained in an almost insultingly polite tone. "We will discuss the details of the mission once everybody is here. We are currently expecting three - two more people," he corrected himself as the Kopak entered the room, giving the small man a polite nod. "Once everybody is here, the briefing will start."
Given that the Nnyarthall had made raids against the border colonies for a few weeks now, it was quite likely that news of their activity had spread. As such, neither the Admiral nor the Garik seemed to be especially fazed by the Ingrali's remark.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"What? Seriously? That... this is amazing! You. You are going to help me with my ship and I will take no objections." She let out a whoop at finally having found someone who could probably keep this hunk of junk flying for the next hundred cycles... at least. "Oh, Maria, you just hit the jackpot!" With another noise of glee she punched the comm again, "Bring me into the station, sir! I have a meeting to get to."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Ingrali nodded approvingly.

"Makes sense to catch everyone up to speed all at once rather than multiple briefings. Less time wasted, more efficient. If only all meetings were like this, more things would be accomplished in a shorter time frame."

He sat down now, easing into a chair that was probably a bit small for him, half shrugging. Considering things for a long moment, he randomly fired out "so, Admiral, tell me, what exactly do your systems use for a power supply these days?"
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Admiral blinked a few times. "By and large, our ships are equipped with shielded cold fusion reactors of various sizes. Why do you ask?"


Fletch paused for a moment. As the ship had been set to autopilot and was approached by the guiding drones already, there was no harm in leaning back and pondering. "What, she too? What're the odds?" A bark from behind him reassured him. What OTHER reason would she have to come here, basically strolling into a highly secured military base? "You're not here for that "The Directorate wants YOU" deal, are you? You..." His grumbling voice petered out once more. How to put this in a casual way? "You don't sound the shooting type." Please don't be the shooting type, he mentally added. His co-pilot slowly made his way back to the front while he talked, plopping down beside him and releasing a throaty huff.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The laugh that he startled out of her was full of mirth. "I'm glad that I don't sound like the shooting type to you. Do you see any weapons on this ship, darlin'? I'm about as far away as you can get from 'shooting type.'" she grinned even though he couldn't see her, "I'm a Doctor. I patch up the shooting types." She fingered the seam on her left arm where the cybernetics attached, "You'll never see me picking up a weapon. I understand the need for them, but I just can't do it."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

At this the Ingrali seemed to frown slightly.

"Mostly curiosity. Partly because our species has decided under the circumstances here and back home that it is time to establish some kind of alliance with a race that has enough technology of their own, but seems ready for an alliance with an older race. I was ordered to make an attempt at establishing a vital artery outside our own galaxy, and I believe your current alliance is ... best suited for that. Still, as you may have guessed, our people are very ... rigid in their willingness to share much of what we have learned. However, all understand that if we are to establish an alliance, we must take the first steps and be willing to share something of ours, something small and harmless enough until more permanent trust has been established, and admittedly, until the others are convinced you won't simply annihilate yourselves."

The Ingrali hesitated for a long moment, before posing another set of questions.

"What would you say if I told you there were a much more efficient means of power generation, one that didn't require your cold fusion, no nuclear power as you might call it, but rather a means of generating much cleaner, more powerful energy? What would you say if I also told you that we are willing to share that technology with your people as a sign of good faith and as a first step?"


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Two more, hmm? " Caitlin answered the Admiral quietly, glancing about the room again as she reached out to the snack table again, having taken up a spot jut to the side of it, to be out of the way.

She continued to tap away at her datapad while the others conversed, every so often glancing at one person or another, giving the impression that she had half an ear on many of the conversations. She really perked up as the Ingrali started speaking of energy sources, setting her work down for a moment as she listened. "What kind of power source would that be, exactly?" She asked after Draven had made his offer, rolling a bit closer to include herself.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Ingrali stepped turned slightly to allow the her in before replying.

"Micro-contained artificial singularities similar in energy output to a black hole. Essentially, zero point energy extraction. We also have the ability to harness energy directly from space and sub-space should the need arise, however that is infinitely trickier to properly contain."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"The second method is not too different from the concept behind my own design." Caitlin replied, giving the Ingrali her undivided attention. "I don't get anywhere near the output you seem to be suggesting, however. I would love to take a look over your schematics, if such were possible."
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Before their discussion got any further, the Admiral interjected. "Ma'am, as I am sure you're aware, the creation and use of artificial black holes is OUTLAWED within Alliance space and that of its partner races." He turned his full attention towards the Ingrali. "Given that your race has apparently mastered their control, I will forgive you for bringing these objects into our territory. However," and he raised a finger. "If you pass that black hole technology along, you WILL be put to trial under our laws."


Fletch sighed in relief. Thank the stars. "I'm not a big fan of guns, either." Not anymore, at least. "Though the Quinn does have some to scare away pirates and all the other scum." The drones arrived, sending out a signal to request temporary control over the auto-pilot, which is granted with the press of a button. "I'm actually here for the same reason. Figure they'd need somebody to work on their ships. Seeing your darling little piece a' scrap," he said with a chuckle, "makes me think that was the right move. I'll see what I can do for you." He went quiet for a moment, his hand absent-mindedly drumming along to the music on his control board. If they're hiring people like her and me, maybe this won't be so bad - Oh crap, I forgot to introduce myself. His hand hovered over the comm button for a moment. Introducing himself now seemed awkward... but still less so than doing it in the flesh once they landed. "The name is Fletch, by the way... Technically Jonas Fletcher, but nobody calls me that."
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Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Well, Technically Jonas Fletcher," she said in a teasing tone, "I can see why if that's what your parents inflicted on you as a primary name. Maria Stocking at your service, though if you call me Doctor Stocking I'll probably have to violate my non-violence oath. Just... call me Maria. Or Doc, if you insist on using my title. Then she paused, "Though you can call me whatever you want if you can fix The Shining Star." She leaned back in her chair, grateful for someone that wasn't her cook to finally talk to. Not that he was terrible, but months of only him for company got lonely and boring very fast.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Ingrali blinked in legitimate surprise as his head snapped faster than should have been anatomically possible.

"When did that go into effect? And I did say similar, but they are not black holes, however, I have every intention of respecting your own laws provided I am made aware of them. Perhaps it would be best we exchange what is and isn't outlawed in your territories so something like this doesn't happen again. Am I to guess that sub-space and space energy harnessing would also be outlawed here then?"

The Ingrali seemed slightly annoyed, but it appeared directed at himself, something confirmed a moment later.

"I took great pains to research what laws I could find, evidently not well enough. That MUST be rectified, immediately. You've surprised me there, something that does not happen often, and to be blunt, something we don't like are surprises like that where we are ... I believe your saying is, with our pants down?"

((COMPLETELY forgot about that. Teaches me to post when I'm half asleep.))
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Kars remained quiet for most of the exchange, simply waiting for these supposed others to arrive. He does raise a hairless eyebrow at all this strange talk of power sources, black holes and such though. Where was this tourist he couldn't identify suposed to have come from anyway, asking questions like that and talking about what sounded like sci-fi tech to Kars.

Looking to the Ingrali with a casual hand gesture, "You know I've always been a bit fuzzy on the law myself. Any way I could get a few of these black holes myself?" He comments, letting it hang just a second before looking back to the Admiral, "I'm kidding..."

A black hole bomb wouldn't be his style anyway. Nothing left to loot.
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Admiral nodded and reached into his desk to pull out an empty data pad. With a few swipes of his hand, he pulled the current list of forbidden tech onto it and handed it over. "This here contains a list of the technology that we suspect is dangerous or has proven itself to be such." He gives the shortest of glares towards Kars at his comment. "You will not find subspace energy harnessing on it. Quite frankly, the idea hasn't even occurred to us." His tone was almost apologetic, as if he feared having gone too far in reprimanding Draven.


"Can I call you Stockings? Kidding," Fletch quickly added, shaking his head about himself and mouthing "What the fuck" to his mirror image. The drones finished guiding the two ships into the hangar and set them down gently. With a grunt, the large Terran got up out of the pilot seat and headed towards the door, his co-pilot hot on his heels. Before exiting though, Fletch grabbed a bracer from a shelf near the door and put it on. "Ready to meet our client, pal?" His co-pilot jumped up and barked excitedly, as Hrrshak are wont to do. As soon as the door opened, the large black runner dashed out into the hangar, metal jaw gleaming in its bright lights, only to be blocked off by a shield wall in front of him before he got too far. "Easy there! Don't want you to be run over," Fletch chided as he slowly made his way down the stairs.
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven took the pad, carefully looking things over, letting loose a low whistle.

"I'm glad my ship was modified to the laws I did know about, I can see several things on here that would have posed problems potentially with my old ship. Thank you, I will be sure to pass this along to the rest of my people so in the event any of our other ships need to come here, systems that might be in violation can be removed prior to the journey. It would seem though perhaps something can be salvaged from the initial offer though, if you like I can arrange for the schematics on the sub-space gatherer to be transmitted wherever you like."


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria merely snorted in response before donning a warmer vest over the tank top she was wearing. Her arms never got cold anymore, but her torso? Yeah. She pressed her palm to the pad next to the exit hatch and sauntered down the steps, looking for her savior.