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Translation Assistant Help


Tentacle God
Oct 23, 2013
Reputation score
Hey everyone, I'm looking for some help involving my translations. This includes partials and full translations I'm currently working on, and projects I'd be working on in the future.

Lately, I've been a bit busy with things in real life I'd rather not go into too much detail about, but basically I can't do as much work as normal and really need someone to help with some of the workload. It's not a paid thing, so you have no obligation to help with projects you have no interest in, nor are you bound to always help me.

The only requirements are:
Must have Discord
Need to be able to legibly speak and write English
Know a small bit of Japanese, don't need to be fluent
Good sense of humor

If you're not sure how to translate games, but meet the criteria above, I can help with that as I have a guide and don't mind helping you out, since you'd be helping me out.

Remember, it's not paid, but you don't have to do anything you don't want to, or do anything for longer than you want to. Hit me up, if you don't mind sparing some free time to help.
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Re: Translation Assistant Help

I might be interested, but I need to finish the full translation I'm working on before I jump into something like this (Ouka RPG). It's my first attempt at a full translation and I need to prove to myself and the community that I can finish it. On the plus side, I don't think it will take too terribly long.

I do have discord already, though, and I have done a few partials and know my way around RPGmaker.
(and we seem to share a common interest in pregnancy content)
Re: Translation Assistant Help

I'm interested. I'm a native English speaker and I've been studying Japanese in my own time for about 1 year now. I plan to do localization/translation in a professional sense but haven't done any yet so this seems like an alright place to get some practice as any.

If you'll have me, feel free to PM me and I can give you my Discord info (I didn't see you on the Hentai Kingdom discord, maybe under another name?)
Re: Translation Assistant Help

@mayaktheunholy - Aight, sounds good.

@thelolcat - I am on Discord, just check the right list for me.