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Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

The plea to the man's vanity seemed to work. "All of my studies are aimed at the betterment of mankind! I seek ways to improve the common man, granting him strength, speed, endurance, mental fortitude, and extended life in a way that could one day benefit every single person alive!"

"This is, of course, incredibly difficult, even for one of my prodigious talents. Nevertheless I have had at least some initial success. Natalie here, for example. She volunteered for the human phase of an experiment intended to enhance the subject's physical attributes, and provide armor! And it worked stunningly."

He frowned slightly. "There were some unanticipated complications, however. The ability to use the symbiote as clothing, exerting some measure of control over its form, for example. Next, I -"

Natalie interjected. "Oh, I'm sure most people wouldn't consider that a problem. But there were a few less desirable complications."

The doctor shrugged. "Well, yes, I suppose. It can't be taken off. And it seems to... encourage certain behavior." His assistant raised an eyebrow. "By virtue of, ah, stimulating the wearer. Sexually. And of course moving out of the way when sex is in the offering."

The woman grinned hungrily at Amber as the old man continued talking. Amber might have distracted him, but she had caused another slight issue. "My most recent experiment is an attempt to solve world hunger my creating a perfect food that can be had in large quantities easily."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Victor's work seemed to be well-motivated, even if some of his ambitions were horribly misguided. That or he was just extremely human-centered in his thinking. Either way, it seemed his research could potentially impact life greatly on this world.

And then came the inevitable but... She gave a sympathetic look to Natalie when she heard about what the clothing, the symbiote, did to the wearer. "I am quite sorry to hear...that..." Her sympathy was somewhat interrupted when she noticed Natalie was beginning to display the same behavior she had earlier. It was a bit disconcerting, but now that she knew the reasons behind it, she couldn't help feeling a little sad for the woman. To have lost a good measure of her freedom, and to be forced onto people you didn't even know by your own clothes...tragic, and also rather bizarre. It also forced her to wonder if Natalie behaved the same way towards Victor, or only to outsiders, or if it was solely up to the symbiote and it was capable of taking likings to certain people.

Hearing the next of the doctor's experiments, she managed a brief victory in the battle to not be distracted by the poor woman forced to play for her attentions and arched an eyebrow at Victor. "A noble goal, but if I am to conclude from earlier conversation, you are currently having problems with this research?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Hmm? Oh, uh, yes. Minor difficulties, minor difficulties. I believe I have located a workable substance. It isn't very stable, but I believe I can work around that problem if I can manage to isolate the active ingredients before they stop working. The problem is that this happens... rather quickly, and the substance can only be produced under particular circumstances. I can't do it myself, old man that I am physically."

"I keep telling you I would help."

"I know that you would. You've always volunteered to be the human part of my experiments as soon as you could. But I can't very well measure the effects when the symbiote artificially boosts your health that I could measure." The old man sighed, theatrically. "And unfortunately out here we get so few visitors, and those who do come always shy away from helping humanity, when it comes down to it."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber sighed. It was pretty obvious the wizard was trying to bait her into helping, since apparently Natalie's symbiote made her unsuitable as a test subject.

It seemed like this was probably the best way to leverage some information out of the wizard, so long as it didn't turn her into a whore, prompting another sympathetic glance at Natalie.

"Well...if you so desperately need someone to help you, I suppose I could be so inclined. Provided you tell me what you would require first, and in return you will tell me all you can about Elric, his bindings, what can be done to free him, and anyone else who has information I can use to free him. What say you?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

The wizard considered for a moment, frowning, then suddenly brightened up. "Oh, would you? That would be marvelous!" He stood up, and started pacing back and forth as he spoke. "First, you would have to do a number of tests of physical and mental ability. When was your last meal? Then of course you would have the substance fed to you, a good solid amount. We'll attempt to recover some of the fresh substance so that I can compare it to an older sample, and then you'll be subjected to another round of tests to see how your performance compares. Tell me, if two of the sides of a triangle form a right angle and have lengths three and four, what is the length of the third side?"

The man didn't really give Amber more than about a second after each question before moving on. "And the, in return, I suppose I'll tell you about your God. What is your favorite color? This is important! Anything I happen to know about him. Maybe I'll even do some research, if you do well. Now tell me, can you recall my last name?"

Natalie was grinning, and had turned her attention back to Amber.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"This morning. Five. Blue. Victor is the name you gave me. Unless you gave the sentience in the well your last name in which case it would be Ori." Amber's mind was fairly sharp, and she answered each of the man's questions rapidly though she wasn't sure if the question as to his last name was a trick or not, she answered it just as quickly as the others.

After Victor had described the experiment, Amber decided that it didn't sound too bad. Still, she wasn't about to promise herself into something that could so easily go awry.

"Alright. I believe we can help each other. However there will be conditions to my service. First off, you will need to give me some information that I deem relevant to my cause before each round of experimentation as a sort of down-payment for my help. I will not do tests or experiments if they seem dangerous, or against my best interests, that would of course exempt you from having to tell me anything. You will inform me of the risks associated with the tests, and should I complete these tests, then you will give me the remaining sum of your knowledge, and do the research, as if I participate, I will certainly do my best. Are we in agreement?"

If Victor was agreeable, she would be ready to hear the explanation of what she was to do as soon as he was ready. Of course, Natalie's attention was somewhat unnerving, and she hoped she wasn't making a mistake here...
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Interesting. What is the closest nation? Very well, I accept. Now, your first payment. Listen closely and do not argue. Also follow me." He started walking out of the room and up the stairs.

"My conflict with Elric happened because it became clear that he held a grudge against the... 'shorebound', as you put it. Rather then protect them, he allowed them to die and even maliciously set sea and storm against them. He consorted with the leviathans. He had to be stopped for the greater good of mankind. And I, being a good person and in a position of power, banded together with seven like-minded and similarly powerful fellows to bind the rogue god in a prison capable of holding him eternally."

He opened the next door, the second from the bottom, and went inside. Beyond was a moderately large chamber, furnished with somewhat unlikely equipment. The old man indicated some of it as he spoke. "These tests aren't difficult or dangerous, or even particularly long. Lift each of these weights over your head in turn until you find one which you cannot. Bend down as far as you can and touch your toes if possible. Run from the left wall to the right as quickly as you can. Light each candle in order as quickly as you can, with your hands behind your back. Rate my assistant on a scale of attractiveness from one to ten, ten being the highest. You may ask me a question for what you would like to learn next."

Said assistant had just entered the room, and presented herself for Amber's inspection, twirling around. Now that she knew what to look for, the mermaid could see the dress shifting subtly, changing pattern slightly.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Badaria." As Victor asked, she did not interrupt or argue even as he made his case around claims that seemed obviously foolish to her. She hated to hear someone talk about Elric in such an ignorant manner, but held her tongue that she might save him from his prison.

True to her word, she performed the tests to the best of her ability, not using magic unless specifically directed to. Of course, she was quite flexible, bending over at the hips to easily place her palms flat on the floor with no bend in her knees. When asked to rate Natalie's attractiveness, she arched an eyebrow. What could that possibly have to do with anything? You gave your word... she reminded herself mentally. Forcing aside her hesitation, she openly looked the woman up and down, examining her hair, face, eyes, skin, breasts, hips, ass, legs, taking in the woman's appearance. She shrugged. Not bad...for a shorebound." Amber looked at the symbiotic clothing, noticing the shifting nature of it. She looked the woman in the eyes as she answered. "Eight."

And now for her question. "Where is Elric sealed away?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Natalie looked surprised. "Eight!?"

The doctor, however, didn't obviously react, only moved on to answering her question. "There's an island in the Great Sea. Well, there's a few islands in the great sea, but only one of them holds Elric. Hundreds of miles off shore. Desolate place. Nobody should ever go there, even before we put Elric there. I scry'd it a few times since then. Trapped in perpetual storm, and I even saw a Leviathan or two. Almost like Elric's power was leaking out, but I suspect it's just aftereffects of his attempts to fight back. Anyway, let us move on."

He led her out of the chamber and up the stairs another quarter-turn. This time behind the door was a smaller chamber, with another three doors off of it. He opened the one on the left. Inside was a... odd sort of table. It was approximately human-shaped, with straps where arms, legs, and head would go, along with a few more for good measure. There was a curtain around it, in a 'u' shape, such that Amber couldn't see the room beyond. A closer look at the door would reveal that while there wasn't any obvious lock, there was also no form of handle or latch on the inside. Also on the odd table was a ring of silver metal that quietly hummed with magical energy.

"Now, just strip off your clothes, climb up on that table, and my assistant will secure you in place. We should be done here in, oh, perhaps an hour. Plenty of time to think of a good question, then we can repeat the physical and mental tests and I'll tell you whatever you like."

His assistant was looking at Amber curiously, her symbiote back in its near-armor appearance. The man himself didn't look like he thought this was an unusual request.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber looked at Natalie following her outburst. She couldn't tell whether the woman thought Amber had over or underrated her attractiveness.

The great sea... it was a big place. She would have to get map coordinates. But it also meant that at least two of the leviathans possessed information as well...

Looking at the magical table with a great deal of apprehension, especially at the restraints, Amber piped up, "Before I do, what is this table, what is the experiment that you will run here?" The fact that Natalie's clothing had shifted back to armor putting her more on edge. If it was some sort of sealing table, it would render her virtually helpless.

"I confess I feel a little uneasy with being restrained in such a manner. May I summon an ally of my own, for my own reassurance?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"What? That would entirely defeat the point!"

Natalie took a small amount of pity on the two others mutual lack of understanding. "The point being that we have captured and... made safe... a certain creature. It produces the 'substance' that the Doctor believes could be such a boon to mankind. While its having sex with and attempting to impregnate women."

"Well yes of course, how else would it work! But I assure you that the creature is safe. Well, this one is. The other one is still in its native state, in case it turns out that what we did ruins the properties of the substance. It will not impregnate you, nor even hurt you as long as you stay within the prescribed limits and don't fight back. Hence the restraints. And as soon as we are done I can make it back off."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"I...what...isn't there some way that doesn't involve getting raped? And what is it? At least tell me what it is that is going to be raping me for an hour before you strap me down." She silently swore to herself that if this wizard's information was anything less than useful beyond imagining that she would make a point of killing this wizard in the most painful way she could think of. A whole hour of essentially being raped? Maybe it was a small price to pay to save her people, but she would have rather beaten the information out of the wizard if she could.
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Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Natalie sighed. "An hour is an exaggeration. It only took a few minutes when I tried it. Hardly any fun at all."

The wizard shook a finger, correcting her. "A sample size of one is insufficient to draw that conclusion! We don't know how much variation there is in the time that it takes, and your symbiote interfered anyway!"

Almost as an afterthought. "Oh, and the beast is an especially fine Tentacled Horror, demonic in origin. Or it was, before I got my hands on it. Not sure what to call it now. Hopefully just as much tentacle, considerably less horror. Oh, and while I'm about it..."

He waved a hand in the air, and a map appeared, hovering and geometrically flat. It was a map of the Great Sea, with an 'X' marked slightly off-center. With some thought, Amber recognized it as very near to the place where Charybdis was known to have been trapped. The mermaids avoided the place as the leviathan was certain death for anything in or on the water.

He walked out of the room, leaving the map in the air and the door open a crack. Natalie looked up and down Amber's body happily. "Well... you don't look like you really want to do this. You don't have to. But Victor doesn't have to tell you how to free Elric either. And while you may not enjoy the next few minutes as much as I would... well, imagine what an angry god would do to you. If Elric gets free, I doubt he'll choose to forgive the Doctor. And of course in the mean time he might learn something from this that saves lives. Get on the table when you're ready."

"Oh, and it really doesn't like clothes. Probably because it found some that fight back, recently. If you like what you have, take it off first." The woman grinned, and her dress practically swam about her. It seemed unusually agitated, and there were increasingly obvious signs of arousal in the woman herself.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber blanched as the wizard told her she would be allowing a tentacled horror to fuck her. "A...a demon?" One of the creatures responsible for her people being sent beneath the waves in the first place. In a shell-shocked state, Amber absently noted the destination on the map. That would be problematic, but she had another situation to deal with now. She would love to just walk away now, but she couldn't. She didn't have enough information, not yet.

As Natalie spoke to her, she tried to take her advice, thinking about the vengeance that would be wrought on Victor when Elric was freed. But it didn't really help. She was still about to be horribly defiled for the sake of her kingdom. When Natalie recommended she take off her clothes, she did so. Slipping them off the seaweed and sea shells and climbing up on the table, keenly aware of Natalie's arousal.

"I don't suppose the doctor would be more interested in in seeing me have sex with you rather than this demonic abomination?" She posed the question rather despondently, knowing she would hardly be so lucky. All things considered, she would much rather give herself to Natalie than the demon, but sadly, the decision was not up to her... "I'm ready..."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Natalie walked around the table, attaching the bindings one by one. "More interested? No. Though I can think of at least one person who would be... and it's not exactly a demon. More like one of their pets." The leather straps weren't exactly uncomfortable, but they were pulled tight and once in place it grew very difficult to move even slightly.

The strange woman climbed up on the table, kneeling between Amber's legs, as she moved to secure the straps on the mermaid's belly. Her hands seemed to rub at the mermaid's stomach more than strictly required. Her dress was doing its transparency thing again, only much more obviously than before. She could see the woman's breasts, held as if by a bra, tipped by rock-hard nipples. She could even, if she moved her head, see the woman's lower lips. The symbiote certainly made no effort to hide anything, and with the inner working exposed Amber could see gentle ripples running through parts of it. It wouldn't be enough to make the woman cum. In fact, it didn't seem to be quite enough to explain how aroused Natalie seemed to be, unless it had been much more intense earlier.

"Of course, if you're feeling up to it later, perhaps a double feature could be arranged..." She pulled another strap tight, then leaned forward to secure the final one over Amber's forehead, her chest just barely brushing the tips of Amber's breasts. Once it was in place, all the mermaid could see was the ceiling.

"Last chance. Once I open the curtains it'll start moving rather quickly."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Curious, Amber asked who it was that would be interested, "Who-oh..." She realized the woman meant herself as she got a look at everything the woman had to offer. Try as she might, the fact that she was about to get fucked by a demon's pet wasn't much comfort either.

Amber gave a nervous laugh at Natalie's offer as she was secured to the table. "Thanks...I think..."

When she was secured, she felt a little regret as the woman slipped off her, though she wasn't sure if she missed the feel of Natalie by virtue of the woman herself, or because she was about to couple with a tentacled horror.

"I don't have a choice. Do it..." She grit her teeth as she prepared herself mentally for what was about to happen.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Pregnancy: ???

Amber heard the curtain draw back, and then the sound of something moving, tapping gently against iron bars, flesh rubbing against flesh. Natalie still seemed to be in the room, between Amber and the beast. She let out an aroused giggle. "Not today, big boy. Try over here..."

A feminine hand appeared over Amber's head, holding a dark tentacle. It guided the tentacle down to Amber's mouth. "Open wide, no point in all this if you don't swallow some cum. Now..."

A moment later, a cool hand brushed the mermaid's inner thigh, and then something much warmer brushed against her sensitive parts. It moved around a little, then she felt it sliding down, pushing gently at her ass. Just when it seemed it would push in, it was suddenly gone. "Naughty, naughty, she didn't sign up for that one..." The tentacle reappeared at her pussy, and this time didn't take its time about pushing in.

It went in smoothly, producing some lubrication from its tip that quickly coated its length. Smooth, deep strokes that quickly aroused Amber's passions no matter how much she might not want it to. The bindings kept her in place, unable to wiggle away or even thrust back, certainly unable to work spells. It hadn't been going long when she felt the two tentacles tense, swelling slightly.

A torrent of cum poured into her. There was no choice but to swallow a good portion of what spilled into her mouth, and she could feel hot sticky fluid spurting out around the tentacle still thrusting between her legs. It didn't stop, and now Amber could feel her own unwelcome orgasm coming on.

There was no delaying it, not with the twin tentacles still pumping away with just as much vigor as when they'd started. She came, tensing around the phallic appendages. And when it was over, they were still going. She was well on her way to a second orgasm when she felt the tensing, the slight expansion, and then the hot flood.

And then suddenly there was pressure on her thigh, and the tentacle down below was gone. The sound of some struggle, a feminine grunt. The tentacle in her mouth was pulled out by Natalie, leaving behind a mouthful of sticky white cum. She disappeared again for a moment, and there was a rustle of cloth. The doctor's assistant appeared again, this time leaning down and giving Amber a brief kiss on the mouth, then she started undoing the straps. The whole thing hadn't taken more than about ten minutes.

When she was able to sit up, Amber saw a pair of wooden jugs on the floor. Natalie picked one up, and carried it over to the door, where she passed it to someone outside. It sounded like there was a good deal of liquid in it. The woman picked up the other, and sniffed at its opening. Which looked... vulgar. Pink, with odd folds around a slit that looked rather like what lay between Amber's own legs, even down to the creampie. A voice from outside the room called out. "Remember to swallow as much as you can!"

"Get your clothes back on, he'll want to re-test you immediately. Then I'll show you to someplace you can clean up."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber gulped nervously as she heard the monster being let out. She tried to think about something else, anything else, but couldn't.

Once the monster started to slide in and out of her holes, she kept trying to picture it was someone else, some past lover, a beautiful woman doing these things to her, but as she tried to take her mind to some happy memory with another, she realized the reason she couldn't was because there weren't any happier times, there were no memories of lovers. Having had sex only a bare handful of times, and finding no fond, lasting connection with her partners, she remembered instead all of the time she had spent training. Dedicating her life to her people at the expense of her own happiness. Somewhere in her mind as she was choking down the monster's sperm and getting her pussy filled by it, it occurred to her that such was likely her fate, to end up alone with nothing except the comfort of how she had done everything she could for her people.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she strained at her bindings, the violation continuing, the orgasm doing nothing to help her sadness as she realized it was a foul creature, an enemy of her people bringing her to such pleasurable heights.

When it was finally over, Amber absently let the woman kiss her, not totally cold to it, but her own participation was halfhearted and distracted.

She was about to spit out the cum reflexively, but the wizard reminded her of the experiment. Holding her breath, she choked down what was in her mouth, coughing horrendously afterwards, though mostly from the psychological stress of it all.

"Thank you..." She nodded quietly to Natalie. "Umm...what is in those...containers? And is there any chance I could get a contraception potion after these experiments are over?" She looked at her cum-soaked pussy. Not that she didn't trust the doctor to make it infertile...but she didn't trust the doctor to make it infertile.

She put her clothes back on and walked back to the testing room, still in a shell-shocked state. Her next question was ready for the asking before she went about being retested. "What exactly did you all do to seal away Elric?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Well, more of the 'substance'. The former horror has more than just the two tentacles, and when it finishes with one it finishes with... well, not quite all, but several. Waste not want not."

Natalie glanced at Amber's cum-soaked pussy as well, eliciting a pleased hum. "If it makes you feel better I suppose it could be arranged."

Back in the testing chamber, the Doctor was getting impatient. "I will answer while you repeat the tests. How many times did you touch your toes last time? Magic, of course. The exact spells are too complex to detail without actually doing them again, and I can't do them all myself. We each did something different, as befit our talent." The wizard grew distant, as if remembering the moment. "Numer put together the plan, and kept us all on track and within the bounds we had set out, magically speaking. Illys built and maintained the circle we would use as the trap, while Abes Abel was in charge of preventing Elric's counterstroke from landing. Yaler kept us hidden, and arranged the bait we used to get Elric into the trap. Then Willy Arper struck at Elric directly while Elan Finare sprung the trap. Aliorm transformed the trap into something that would survive the death of the universe. And I was the Magnifier, enhancing the abilities of everyone else from superhuman to near-demigod levels, and managed the Well we used for emergency energy. Say 'sally sells sea shells by the sea shore' as quickly as you can."

"The prison is completely impregnable. It can not be damaged physically or magically, from inside or out. It is not really a part of this world anymore, and it is alive by any reasonable definition. At the last, we each placed our seal upon it, such that only the eight of us working together could ever have a chance of undoing our work. What is my favorite color?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Ah...now the shape of the tops made sense.

She answered his questions as she repeated the tests. "None, I only placed my palms flat to the floor." She demonstrated again, inadvertently giving Natalie a nice view before moving on and continuing the tasks, listening all the while.

"Sallysellsseashellsbytheseashore." Too easy.

She finished repeating the test, and when asked for the wizards favorite color, she handily responded. "Indigo. Where can I find these other wizards?"