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Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

He shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure. We haven't been in contact since we completed the seals. Probably most are dead, I was the youngest, and I used to get the occasional message from one of the others, but I haven't received one for more than five years."

"Now, the next test is that you go do something else while I analyze these tests and samples. I'll answer more questions tomorrow, if you insist."

Natalie gestured at Amber to follow her. "Come on, I'll show you where you can clean up and... relax. Maybe find you that potion." She smiled and licked her lips.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber nodded. "Very well. Erm...thank you for your hospitality."

She did as directed, following Natalie to go get cleaned up. Though she was a little apprehensive seeing as how Natalie had looked at her up until now. Still, maybe it was a side effect of what had happened earlier, but she also felt surprisingly curious to see what the woman might do.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

This time Amber was lead nearly to the top of the staircase, the only door she hadn't been through yet. Inside was a small room with a few low chairs and a table. There were books and scrolls laying about as well as in proper cases. Three doors lead off of this room, and Natalie led the mermaid to the second.

She opened it, and gestured for her to go through. "I took the liberty of warming it up while you were... occupied." Inside the room was a large tub full of quite hot water. It seemed to be fresh water, and while it was more than big enough for one person, it wasn't really enough to swim around in. There were also several large fluffy towels, and a selection of bathrobes. There were even a number of soaps, lotions, and other bath additives.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Despite her curiosity about what the scrolls and other rooms might contain, Amber needed to get clean.

Following Natalie into the room, she looked at the bathing area rather curiously. She had heard that the shorebound had strange ways when it came to bathing. Well...maybe not strange, but they were very foreign to her. After all, the Merfolk didn't really need to worry about bathing overmuch seeing as they lived in water.

"Umm..." She stepped out of her clothes once again and stepped into the hot water. The vast array of bottles were rather intimidating, it was as though she were in an alchemy lab, though she had no clue as to the reagents in front of her. "...I...do not know what any of these things are..."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Any of-?" Natalie looked startled for a moment. "Huh. When Doctor Saben said you were a mermaid, I thought it was just... well then. I'll show you." Her symbiote shifted to an almost perfectly clear and skintight swimsuit, and she stepped into the water as well, sinking down until only her head was above water. She poured measures of a couple bottles into the water, producing a lightly perfumed smell and a layer of small white bubbles, then grabbed a bar of soap and began washing herself, her 'clothes' shifting out of the way for her to clean when required. "Would you like to try it yourself, or do you want some help?~"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

So his last name was Saben, huh? Oh well...

Amber admired the bubbles and the scent. It all made for a very pleasant environment.

As Natalie's symbiote shifted into a nigh-invisible affair that continuously shifted itself around, covering basically nothing of her body in the meantime, the woman stepped into the water with Amber. Given the woman's urges, she didn't know that this was a good idea, but she really didn't know what she was doing.

She watched the woman use the soap, and took the offered bar to imitate her motions. Unfortunately, she really couldn't seem to get the hang of the soap. She tried rubbing it on herself, but it slid over and off her skin, plopping into the water as she lost hold of it. After that, it became almost impossible for her to keep a hold of it. Looking at Natalie, she tried rubbing it back and forth between her hands to get a lather going, but it was so foreign that she couldn't get it. It just continued to escape her grasp and fall into the water.

Reluctantly, she was forced to turn to Natalie once again for help, aware that 'help' in this situation could turn into something else, especially with the way her symbiote influenced her urges. "Umm...." She sighed and shrugged her shoulders in bafflement. Here she was, a master of the arts of combat, yet unable to comprehend the intricacies of this 'soap.'
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

The other woman didn't hesitate a moment before moving gracefully over to Amber's side of the tub, sitting next to the mermaid on the small shelf that ran the perimeter of the tub. Her hip pressed against Amber's own, not even the woman's symbiote between them. The human easily held the soap that had so eluded Amber, and began applying it to the other woman's body as well as her own. She moved quickly over amber's shoulders, arms, and neck, then seemed to start really taking her time when it came to cleaning the mermaid's breasts.

She continued soaping one-handed, the other hand moving down Amber's side, gently brushing her skin on the way from breast to hip, then moving forward over to her belly button and starting to tiptoe downward. She locked her gaze with the mermaid, a seductive look on her lips, but with one eyebrow raised as if asking a question.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Natalie seemed to know what Amber needed despite the mermaid's own confusion, sliding up against her and taking the soap. As she felt the bare flesh press against her hip, she remembered the explanation she had received earlier regarding the symbiote and its unwillingness to move, except for potential sex. This left her tense and wary as the woman began to easily rub the soap over her body.

However, as Natalie rubbed her down, she began to allow herself to relax. The combination of hot water, bubbles, sweet scent, and soft touch easing the stress from her muscles, allowing her to actually enjoy the feelings despite her reservations.

Amber's breath caught in her throat as the hands moved over her breasts. The slow, sensual rub allowing her to feel sensations she had not felt in years. As the soapy breast massage continued, she managed to resume breathing normally. She didn't fight it when a hand trailed lower.

As Natalie looked into Amber's eyes, seemingly asking permission before delving lower, towards her most intimate area, she felt pressure constrict her chest once again, a long forgotten nervousness and anticipation. She should say no, she could figure out the soap and do it herself. This woman was being manipulated by a symbiote, it wouldn't be right to take advantage of her, especially not while her people were in dire straights.

Remembering the times she had passed up chances for intimacy in the past, that she could strengthen her combat arts instead, she slowly nodded her head in the affirmative, willing Natalie to go lower on her. Especially after today's earlier events, she needed some fond memory to look back on. She needed a memory that she could simply enjoy.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Delicate fingers continued downward at an even slower pace then before, gently rubbing at the skin above Amber's entrance. Natalie switched her other hand to Amber's other breast, leaning forward to start planting kisses on the mermaid's neck. Her fingers continued downward, finding Amber's clit, while her other hand stopped making any sort of pretext of cleanliness and started pinching and teasing the first one nipple and then the other.

The kisses grew steadily more passionate as Amber was expertly aroused, until she finally planted one on her partner's mouth, at the same time running a finger teasingly up the mermaid's slit, just barely parting her lower lips. She shifted position suddenly and without breaking either the kiss or the continual working of Amber's nether parts, suddenly face to face with the mermaid. Their breasts rubbed together, and Natalie's hips were between Amber's thighs as she gently slipped a finger into the mermaid's by-now-aroused pussy.

The gentle working continued until Amber was on the edge of orgasm. The other woman slowed for a minute, denying Amber release, then suddenly the woman's middle finger was as deep in as it would go, moving up and down rapidly against a particularly sensitive spot and bringing the mermaid to an intense orgasm.

At this point, an examination of Natalie would show that the symbiote had withdrawn in a sort of reverse bikini, leaving her breasts, ass, and pussy exposed, and little else. The doctor's assistant withdrew her finger, and stuck it into her own mouth, making a noise of pleasure as she apparently licked it clean. Amber could feel the heat where the woman's own needy hole was pressed against her thigh."Your turn... I'm feeling especially dirty today~"

Once Amber made some sort of move on the symbiote-wearing woman, something strange happened. A slight release of magic from Natalie, and the water in the tub began moving, streams of water and bubbles issuing with considerable pressure from several spots along the lining, creating an interesting sensation where they struck sensitive flesh. The layer of bubbles on the top of the water grew thicker.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

The teasing was almost unbearable, the pressure of anticipation in her chest as the fingers trailed downwards growing to such that Amber was positive she would implode from the expectation alone. When Natalie finally began to caress her clit, she sighed happily, each stroke relieving some of the pressure in her chest. As the assistant began kissing her flesh and teasing her nipples as well, Amber couldn't help sagging against the woman, glad her initial impression had been correct. This was so much better than the tentacled horror that she had had to let fuck her earlier.

In a very nice feat of coordination and flexibility, Natalie shifted around and into Amber's lap. This kiss maintained and a finger still in her pussy, Amber wrapped her arms around the woman, holding her in the kiss as she was stimulated and breast-pressed until she was finally driven straight off the edge, orgasming around Natalie's finger and into the bath water.

"I...thank you...I was unaware that I needed that. It is indeed your turn, Natalie." Leaning forward, Amber pressed against Natalie, essentially pushing her across the tub and to the other side as that now she was the one straddling the shorebound's waist. As she slowly began to rub a hand over the needy pussy below her, not parting its lips, merely rubbing her palm against its outer surface, she had a question she wanted answered. She broke the kiss and whispered softly. "I have to know...Was eight too high for you, or two low?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"It was..." Natalie let out a moan, and pressed back hard against Amber's hand. "higher than I expected from you, at that time."

She continued wriggling and moaning, allowing Amber to guide what happened, but pushing her to do it faster and harder. She spoke, interrupting occasionally with a moan or sigh. "I haven't met a mermaid before... can you... breathe underwater?" Natalie nodded downward with a wicked grin.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber smiled happily at this. "Well I am glad I was able to pleasantly surprise you then."

She was more than happy to follow the Natalie's prompts, knowing she was out of practice herself. "Your first mermaid? I suppose that is not surprising. I will try to be as good a first mermaid for you as you were a first shorebound for me."

Saying nothing when Natalie asked if she could breath underwater, Amber simply gave a cocky smile, and using her toned abdominal muscles actually rotated as a clock hand would around Natalie, until her legs were astride the human's head, her pussy in the woman's face, and her own face underwater, as was natural for her. She pushed her face into the enticing pussy before her and set herself to work, doing what came naturally to her.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Natalie quivered in delight at Amber's feat of acrobatics, and helped hold the mermaid in place as she sought out her underwater treat. The doctor's assistant was vocal in her pleasure, helping Amber find her most sensitive spots as she explored with her tongue. She also found something interesting to do with her hands, quickly working Amber back to the edge of orgasm, and again slowing down to keep her there.

Only this time it wasn't for a few seconds. She kept up the slow, gentle pressure that wouldn't quite let the mermaid finish until she herself had been brought to orgasm, and she turned out to have considerable stamina for a woman so obviously aroused before they had started. Amber was practically ready to explode when she finally felt her partner tense up with the start of an orgasm, and she practically did seconds later, when Natalie preformed her little trick again.

But instead of the other woman's hands on her legs, helping her get upright, Amber felt a tongue quickly going to work, cleaning off the evidence of her second orgasm in a way that seemed designed to bring about a third...

A short while later the two women lounged in the cooling water. The bubbles were gone, and only a second dose of perfume in the water stopped the whole room smelling of sex. "Ah... wonderful. We really don't get enough visitors, and the doctor... well, I can't say that I don't find him attractive at times, but... well, maybe twenty years ago he would have felt differently. Or maybe not. I've read some of his earlier research notes, and his experiments didn't start inevitable bending towards... well, what you've seen... before Elric. It doesn't matter. Maybe I won't need to set up the guest bedroom after all~"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber worked hard to bring pleasure to Natalie, though her hips were quivering and spasming with sexual frustration and the need for release after only a short treatment from the assistant. Thankfully Natalie was vocal with her own pleasure, helping Amber find the right spots to hit in her canal. As the doctor's assistant mercifully brought about her second orgasm, her hips thrust wildly, smearing a healthy dose of pussy juice across her face. Amber tried to shift back up after this, though when Natalie grabbed her hips and started licking, she was only able to bend her back up, trying to raise out of the water, before the pleasure became too much and she slumped back down, in too much pleasure to resist.

The two women lounged in the water after what Amber decided had been a surprisingly enjoyable experience. She shrugged at what Natalie mentioned of the doctor. "Who can say?" Though when the woman mentioned not setting up a guest bedroom, it took her a moment to catch on. When she did, she had to think for a moment, but eventually a small smile crossed her face. "Is that...an invitation? I have found the beds your kind use somewhat...uncomfortable. Perhaps what they need is the heat of another?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Well, I don't expect you'll be staying terribly long, and a warm bed is more fun then a cold one..."

The woman's bedrooms was off the second door from her sitting room, and was fairly tidy. There were no typical clothes, just a few coats and other overwear hanging in an open closet. They didn't look like they got much use. The bed was large enough for three or four people without much inconvenience. Natalie's outfit had changed to a nightgown of sorts, short and just transparent enough to offer hints of what was below without actually showing it. She got in and under the covers. "With the symbiote I'm always ready if you want to go another round, but I've learned that not everyone has quite the same appetite as myself, so if you'd rather wait until tomorrow..."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber smiled warmly as she climbed into bed with Natalie, still intrigued by the strange, bouncy contraptions. At Natalie's remark about the symbiote, she looked a little sad. "I am sorry you must live with that thing. It must be a burden to not be able to be around people without it forcing you to desire them." Another thought sprung back to her mind, having been temporarily forgotten amidst the...distractions of the bathroom.

"Ummm...I hate to be a bother, but what about that birth control potion?"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Oh yes, I'd forgotten." Natalie rummaged in her nightstand, and pulled out one of several small bottles, handing it to Amber. It didn't look very tasty, but there wasn't that much liquid. It didn't have a label. "And the symbiote can be a little... distracting, at inconvenient times. But I wouldn't get rid of it if I could. I'd be interested in sex even without it, and it does do as the professor intended, enhancing my physical and even mental abilities. Maybe someday I'll ask the professor to try to find a way to remove it... but not anytime soon."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"I see...Well I suppose it's just a personality thing. I don't think I could stand something like that, but we are what we are." She thought for a minute, taking a breath before swallowing the bitter liquid in one gulp. "I...don't want to make a promise I can't keep, but I will say this. If at some point I learn something that could get that thing off of you, I will come come back if it doesn't interfere with my mission and see if I can remove it if you do end up wanting it gone. Just as a way to thank you for your kindness..."

She didn't know for sure, but perhaps the more powerful illusion magics she had yet to learn could fool the creature. Whether or not she realized it, Natalie's spa treatment had really helped her overcome the emotional and mental trauma she had experienced in letting herself be raped by the demon beast. She wanted to at least offer to return the favor.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"I appreciate the thought. I suppose even having the option available could be comforting, but please don't risk yourself to get it. Now unless you have some pressing urge, I think it's time to sleep."

Sleep came quickly to Natalie, and if Amber cared to watch she could see the woman slip quickly into dreams. She arched her back and moaned almost silently once, a smile on her sleeping face as some imagined lover pleasured her. The symbiote, for its part, appeared to be dormant... perhaps sleeping as well.

In the morning, Natalie was gone from the bed. Sounds of plates from the next room would turn out to be a light breakfast. There was a plate for Amber, which Natalie pointed out, adding "The professor is ready to speak to you again, when you're ready."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber smiled and fell asleep shortly after Natalie, amused by the apparently erotic nature of her dreams. She passed into her own dream-state, dreaming of a time when her people would no longer live in constant fear or threat of war.

Waking up the next morning, she investigated the sound of plates, thanking Natalie for breakfast and eating it. When she finished eating, she was ready to find the professor and said as she walked out the door, "Alright, where can I find him?"