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Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"The spells that seal the room will also preserve his body. And his mortal possessions... are his! If he'd wanted you to have them, he could have left them with your letter. Most of them you couldn't use, anyway. Some could destroy you." The eyes faded back to the grey of stone. "If you nevertheless are sure you must rob his grave... I will not stop you. But expect no further help!"
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Amber cocked her head at the crow statue. She had expected that answer, except with a threat of violence rather than non-cooperation. That bit was a little puzzling. "Do you mean to say that you would otherwise offer additional assistance? I would be very much inclined to accept such and would certainly leave his tomb alone if it makes the difference for you." She mentally shrugged, figuring she would take whatever help she could get.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

The bird turned away. "Well, maybe. To a certain extent. I could give you advice, as long as you stay in here. Yea." He stepped off his perch and glided over Amber's head back into the room with the books. He landed on the open space on the chair, and pecked lightly at a particularly heavy tome. The name wasn't in a language Amber recognized, much what understood. "If you only take one book, take this one. Rare book, that. The right merchant would give a pretty penny for it. The right collector even more. Fundamental interactions of magic and time, that sort of thing."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"I see..." Amber set the mentioned book aside, flipped through a few pages and deciding to take the bird statue at it's word on the tome. As she readied to leave, there was one other thing she thought to ask of the statue. "I don't suppose you know anything you'd like to share on this 'Willes' person? If it wasn't already obvious I plan to visit his hideout next."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"Didn't know the man personally. But he was one of the eight mages that trapped the Sea God. That tells you a lot. And among them he was known for his power. My Master bent space and time to get Elric into his prison. Willy... got his attention. Socked him in the face, magically speaking."

The crow turned its head sideways again. "This is a god we're talking about, remember. The amount of power that went into that strike... it would burn your mind to a cinder just to watch. Bit of a temper, too. And dead set in his ways." It seemed to consider for a moment. "Fortunately for you, I suppose that doesn't translate very well into a lasting legacy. Not that he couldn't replicate the work of a dozen skilled mages in any subject, but delicate traps and wards wasn't exactly his forte."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Hmmm... Amber considered the implications of what the crow said. "So I wouldn't likely have to worry about carefully concealed, intricate traps or mind games, anything at his...lair would be more obvious in it's intent? I suppose I can deal with that." After a glance around the room to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything, Amber readied herself to leave. As an afterthought, she turned back to the crow before she stepped out. "You know, if it's so boring in here, I suppose you could journey with me for a time. It might be preferable to remaining here, if considerably more dangerous."

Concluding her time in the hideout, it was time for Amber to venture back outside in order to continue her journey. She also had her daily check in with the mad doctor to do as well.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

"I could accompany you to the exit, if you like. But I'm not ready to leave my... Master. Not yet. Maybe in a few years I'll be ready." The crow looked momentarily confused.

Whatever Amber decided, she would find the way back out considerably easier than the way in. The traps didn't fire, the doors opened as she approached, and in a few minutes she would find herself swimming comfortably in the sea near the northern reaches of Badaria. It would be quite a swim to the island near what had once been the capital city of the Su-Ku-Ta nation.

The clear stone the Professor had given her was still on her person. A simple light spell cast on it was supposed to allow her to communicate with the old wizard.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Taking the gemstone key and the valuable book, Amber allowed the crow to escort her to the exit. Finally leaving the place behind, she decided to check in with Professor Saban. Casting a simple light spell on the stone, she opened a communication link with the man. "One down. Have you found anything? It looks as though my next destination is the location of the deceased Willes Arper."
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Oh, and take 4 XP for the recovery of the Purple Seal.

The light Amber cast in the stone stayed there, making the thing glow. For about a minute there was no answer, just some grumbling and the sound of rustling paper. Finally the Professor's voice emanated from the stone."Hrm. Willy's dead? And Elan as well, if you truly have one of the Stones. Well. I have no idea where he is. I may have a lead on Abes Abel, but it will require more work. If you see any pirates... especially near the southern reaches of the Desert... ask them if they know where to find any treasure." When he was finished, the stone went dark and silent.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo


Amber's conversation with Saban went...about like she had expected it to go. Returning the stone to its place, she decided to set off in the direction of the target island. However, she wouldn't push herself too hard, after exploring one hideout she knew it would be prudent to rest and would take advantage of such an opportunity if one presented itself to her.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Fortunately the currents were with Amber, and only fluffy white clouds ever darkened the sun. She followed the coast south, swimming for a time with a pod of dolphins, and seeing only distant signs of human and alien activity in the desert. She passed the night safely and uneventfully, and shortly after dawn found the island the map had described.

It rose sharply from the seabed, plumes of foul smelling hot water near the base near newly formed rock. The island was bigger than she might have suspected, and much flatter on the top. From the surface of the water she couldn't see all the way across, though she could see a smoking rise that would seem to be the center of the island.

There was no sign of any tower or habitation. Large boulders lay strewn about the place, and the ground was all strange rocks. Some like black mirrors, some that seemed to float, and other sorts as well. The heat was even more than what one expected this far south, and unless the mermaid was mistaken then the odd glow scattered across the landscape was from magma not yet cooled.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

A volcano... Somehow it seemed fitting, from what Amber had heard about the man this did seem like a place he would set up shop. Sighing, she shifted into human form, slipping on her cheap shoes and walking up on shore. In the absence of some other indicator or place of interest, the smoke rise at the center of the island made as good a place as any to start investigating.

Unless I'm misunderstanding and the whole place is barely cooled magma, in which case PM me and I'll revise Amber's actions so as to not walk on lava.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

The mermaid shifted into her human-looking form, taking her first steps onto the shore. From the water the island had looked like bare rock. And indeed this was the case for most of the surface. But where she had seen glowing light, Amber now saw the source. Pools of magma, or perhaps areas where the surface above an underground stream of the molten rock had caved in. The place would have an otherworldly light at night, and before she was even a dozen yards from shore it became clear that the land below the surface must be riddled with holes, many of them filled with magma. The rocks were warm even at the furthest from the pools, and uncomfortable near them.

Passing near the pools was inevitable, and the mermaid looked into one as she approached. Around the rim, red and black plants grew, hugging the molten rock rather than reaching for the sky. They seemed to be immune to its heat, though Amber had to shy away from actually standing over the black-skinned liquid.

Perception: ???

The island, then, wasn't entirely lifeless. As she realized this, Amber saw something moving, vanishing behind a boulder, between her and the smoking rise. That boulder was a good hundred yards off still, but the landscape was littered with cover without even considering the possibility that some of the tubes might be empty.

Amber: Fine, full energy, unaroused. On land.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

This island, it was so hot even the rock was liquid. She had seen a few undersea vents, and new what magma was, but this was certainly the closest she had ever been before, and if she had a choice in the matter, this was as close as she planned to ever get.

Setting out, she became aware of the numerous pitfalls and hiding places on the island, that and the sight of something ducking away behind a boulder convinced her that in was in her best interest to be extra aware of her surroundings. She didn't know if whatever the creature was was hostile, but she wasn't about to take a chance. She unslung her pike and cast a protection spell on herself as well before continuing on.

Lesser strength (lv 2 body) perception -2EP, +12 perception
Arcane Armor (lv 2 arcane) dodge -2EP, +13 dodge
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Perception: 33+8 = 41 v 49 = 12+37 -> Failure
Attack(Lava Raptor 2): Auto-success!
Damage(Lava Raptor 2): (1,2)+26 = 29 - 7 = 22 * 2 = 44
Amber's robes take 44 TP damage, and are torn to shreds.

The mermaid's path took her, perhaps inevitably towards the boulder. She approached carefully, staying well away from the boulder itself while she passed it. And behind it was a very strange creature.

It stood on two legs, with four clawed feet, including one with a wicked curving claw. It was about as tall as Amber, and covered in black scales. Its eyes glowed red above a mouth that opened to show rows of razor-sharp teeth as it hissed at her. Fortunately she was a powerful mage and at least twenty yards from the beast.

Unfortunately, the first sign she got that it wasn't alone with the searing pain across her back as one of those wicked claws ran a line from her shoulder to the opposite knee. Her armor kept the blow from knocking her out of the fight straight away, but the claw had also managed to cut through enough of it that it promptly fell off, leaving the mermaid naked.

It was nearly impossible to fail to notice the suddenly swelling cock on the nearer of the two foes, as its fire-red eyes seemed to notice her feminine parts.

7/51 HP, 62 PP, 67 SP;7 Speed, 43 Dodge, 33 Perception, 10 Grapple

Lava Raptor 1: 60 feet away, fine.
Lava Raptor 2: melee range, fine.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Things took a very bad turn for the mermaid almost immediately after getting to the boulder, teaching her a very painful lesson about curiosity in the process. After getting a look at one of the island's inhabitants, she was ambushed from behind, a second creature that she hadn't seen slashing her across the back, causing her a great deal of pain and resulting in the destruction of her battle mage's garb.

In pain and naked, she turned to face her nearest attacker, certainly the greater threat. And from the look of its throbbing erection, she had a fairly good idea what was on its mind. Amber knew she was hurt badly, another hit would likely do her in, and she didn't like her odds against two of these lizard things. She immediately began backing away from the lizard, towards the ocean and away from the lizard charging her. Attempting to her mind through the pain, she worked to utilize light magic to bind the lizard that was practically on top of her in place in order to turn the playing field in her favor, readying herself to dodge in case things didn't work out like she'd hoped.

Defensive fighting: -10 attack, +10 dodge
Back up half speed: 3
Casting chains of light: d20+44-10+12(magical accuracy feat)= d20+46
BC: 32-4=28 (penalty for HP halved for martial mage feat) Check of 30
Chains of Light ( lv 4 light Utility) [The character may choose a creature within line of sight of them. That creature is hit by an effect identical to the Binding Spirit Power with an effective value of X equal to 1 + Mind/6. Costs 1 EP upkeep. 6 EP to cast]

See Binding:
The character conjures astral chains to bind a creature, holding them in place and preventing them from moving or fighting.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within line of sight must win a Resistance check equal to 6X or gain the Bound Status. Powers and Spells that could normally be used even with the bound status cannot be used while the creature is bound with this power. All active Powers and Spells on a creature that fails this check are deactivated. The creature bound in this way can attempt a new Resistance check every round in order to escape at the same DC so long as the character pays the upkeep cost.
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Casting(Amber): 28+7 = 35 -> Success!
Attack(Amber): 46+18 = 64 v 44 -> Hit!
Resistance(fire raptor 2): 20+17 = 37 v 48 -> Failure!

Fire Raptor 2 is hit by Binding (DC 48)

The mermaid reacted quickly to the ambush, moving to even the odds a little with a binding spell. With a wave of her hand light congealed around the one that had hit her, freezing it as effectively as if it were encased in stone. It let out a hiss that sounded odd coming through closed jaws.

The other raptor moved with amazing speed over the broken terrain, closing almost the entire gap between them in a few seconds. There would be no hope of beating it back to the water, not with Amber's passing familiarity with legs. The black-and-red lizard was practically on top of her, but it seemed to slow down in an attempt to line up an attack. That would give the naked mage time for one last spell to prevent a blow that would certainly leave her to whatever the beasts wanted to do with her.

7/51 HP, 62 PP, 61/67 SP; Badly injured. 7 Speed, 43 Dodge, 33 Perception, 10 Grapple, holding Chains of Light.

Lava Raptor 1: Melee range, fine.
Lava Raptor 2: Melee range, fine, Bound (DC 48).
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Binding the lizard with the chains of light allowed Amber to regain some of her composure, despite the fact that she was currently completely nude. Calming her mind, she faced the other lizard as it barreled towards her, intent on subduing and doubtlessly raping her. Not flinching as the creature slowed down and lined up for its big hit on her, she leveled an arm, released her arcane armor, and sent forth more chains to subdue to lizard.

Found under Magic section in char. creation:
The character may, when casting a spell, choose to use a special form of Defensive Fighting that allows them to take a penalty to attack and Dodge equal up to 20, and for every 2 points they sacrifice they get a +1 bonus to Base Casting.

Sacrifice 4 points from attack and dodge, +2 to BC

Drop Arcane Armor

Upkeep for perception: 0
Upkeep for Chains of Light (1): 1
Will Upkeep Chains of Light (2) if it hits

Chains of light lv 4 light, BC 30, Check 30 (6 EP)
Resistance check: 48
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Casting(amber): 30+2 = 32 -> Success! (And for the record, a result of 30 vs DC30 counts as success. A BC of 29 is enough to be sure of success.)
Attack(Amber): 44+3 = 47 v 44 -> Hit!
Resistance(fire raptor 1): 20+16 = 36 v 48 -> Failure!

Fire Raptor 1 is hit by Binding (DC 48)

Holding more than three spells was a shaky prospect for the mermaid, so rather than risk losing all her maintained spells she dropped the magical armor. To anyone watching closely, a slight heat-shimmer would seem to fade. Though there were enough real sources of heat around that it would take excellent eyesight to notice.

The fiery beast charging Amber didn't have quite good enough eyesight to notice that it would now be easier to strike its intended prey. A fact that was only made worse when blindingly bright chains of crystallized light sprang into being all around its body. The glowing red eyes shut tightly against the light, and it started making the same pathetic noises as its fellows. Perhaps if it had been less tightly bound the noise would have been a cry for aid from others of its kind, but without opening its jaw there was no way it could be heard more than a few feet away.

A quick glance around didn't show any other wildlife moving, but then there hadn't been any obvious signs a few seconds before the ambush either.

7/51 HP, 62 PP, 54/67 SP; Badly injured. 7 Speed, 30 Dodge, 33 Perception, 10 Grapple, holding Chains of Light x2.

Lava Raptor 1: Melee range, fine, Bound (DC 48).
Lava Raptor 2: Melee range, fine, Bound (DC 48).
Re: Trouble in the Deep (sturm) GMed by thetwo

Success! A grim smile flit across Amber's lips as she snared the beast in additional chains. That smile quickly faded as she once again became aware of the searing pain in her back. She had been able to ignore it in the heat of battle, but now that it was over, seemingly so at least, it was becoming more and more of a bother. Not wanting to use more energy, she hefted her pike and moved to cleanly dispatch the creatures, not wanting to cause them prolonged suffering despite their obviously foul intentions. If she went uninterrupted, she would decapitate the lizard creatures, releasing the chains after their captives' deaths and search them for parts she might be able to sell. Her armor was essentially shredded, and it would cost money to repair or replace after all. Keeping alert, she would attempt to scavenge what she could from her dead opponents before gathering up the remains of her armor and beating a hasty retreat back to the relative safety of the ocean in her mermaid form.