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Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 29/36

"Why pass up a free meal? Matthias. Farewell." The daemon replies. A second later it vanishes, as though it had never even been there.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

The daemon's sudden disappearance takes Elea by surprise, and she spins around the room for a second, searching for him. Finally, she shakes her head and lets out a sigh. Although she had been trying to hide it, the daemon's presence had set the elf on edge. Daemons feed on spiritual energy, and high elves were known to have more than other mortals. Still, the daemon's assistance could come in handy, and Elea was happy to have been offerd it. "Matthias," she says softly, with a grin.

With the daemon gone and the smell of death filling the room, Elea left the room, keeping her eyes open, and a hand on her sword. The daemon had killed something in the hall, something that had come from upstairs. There may be more demons in this place...
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 29/36

As she leaves the room, she sees the corpse of a gray skinned demon not unlike the two she had shot outside. Glancing upstairs, there doesn't seem to be anything moving.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

With nothing but corpses in sight, Elea decides that the building is unlikely to hold much of interest for her. Heading back out into the street, she turns in the direction of the docks, intent on exploring the area as she had first decided.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Things don't seem to have changed outside, and Elea sets out as before toward the docks. She eventually gets to the area around the docks, sneaking from hiding place to hiding place, without seeing much of anything. When she reaches the docks, however, she finds a very odd sight. A half dozen small, yellow skinned, humanoid corpses with multiple slashes and puncture wounds. The corpses were kobolds, Fey foot soldiers, but she couldn't identify what had killed them.

There are several buildings nearby, mostly large houses but along the river there seem to be quite a few warehouses.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea looks over the corpses with a kind of morbid curiosity. Kobolds may be small, but they were ferocious fighters, especially in packs. For so many to have died without taking a single enemy with them is shocking to the ranger. 'I should investigate,' she thinks to herself, 'Cautiously.' Deciding that the warehouses might be easier to search, and keeping in mind what happened last time she entered on of the human houses, Elea sets out for the nearest warehouses, drawing her bow and keeping as stealthy as possible.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Stealth: Success.

Elea stalks into one of the warehouses. The large wooden building is filled with boxes.

Perception: Success.

The elf hears voices from somewhere inside the building, but cannot make out what they are saying exactly. If she proceeds further in, she might be able to learn something.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea's eyes narrow at the sound of the voices. 'Can demons talk? she wondered. 'I suppose if they can use magic and open portals, language shouldn't be difficult. With that thought in mind, she decides to keep herself concealed, and move in further to investigate.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36

Stealth: Success

Elea silently stalks through the rows of boxes, getting progressively closer to the source of the voices. Eventually she finds a pair of boxes far enough apart for her to peak through and see the source of the voices. She doesn't understand their language, but she can identify the speakers.

Four figures are in the room, only two of them standing while the others kneel. One of the ones standing is bulkier than the other, and Elea can see that he or she is covered in black plate armor. Oddly, the armored one seems to defer to the smaller, a thin, pale woman wearing a white shift. The woman seems to be yelling at the armored one and the two kneeling people, whom Elea can see are likewise armored.

The two argue for a few minutes, the woman saying much more than the armored person, and eventually the armored one bows and takes a step back. Immediately the other two armored ones spring to their feet, and the trio exits through a nearby doorway. The woman now stands alone in the room.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

The exchange between the figures intrigues the ranger. Obviously the woman was the knights' superior, although Elea's experience with knights had shown her that these military types usually only deferred to other military men or lords, and this woman appeared to be neither. Of course, Elea only had experience with the Badarian military, and the knights and the woman could be from another land, come to help drive back the demon infestation.

The idea of possible allies against the demon threat thrilled the ranger, though her previous experience with humans in this town tempered her excitement. Deciding on caution as the proper attitude in the situation, Elea spent a moment focusing her energies on strengthening her body, once again imagining herself stronger and faster. As she felt the power flowing through her, the elf draws her sword and prepares to speak to the woman.

(use Blessing 3)
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 31/36, Blessing 3

Elea feels the strength of her spirit flowing through her once more. She silently draws her sword from her sheath, and takes the path around the boxes. She is near the open area which the woman is still standing in, her arms folded over her chest.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Padding silently out from among the boxes, Elea approaches the woman from behind. When she is nearly an arm's length from the woman, Elea holds out her sword toward her. A casual onlooker might mistake the elf for an assassin, and with good reason. Stealthily killing a person with both the bow and sword was a tactic well known to the ranger from her days combating the Badarians. Elea had no such intentions at this time though, and as she came to a stop, the sword did as well, hanging over the woman's shoulder, just to the side of her neck. As soon as the woman notices the cold steel hovering a hair's breadth away, Elea speaks up. "It is good to see friendly faces in a dangerous place such as this. But are you friendly?" she asks. "Or are you a pawn of the demons as others have become?"
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 29/36, Blessing 3

(Probably should have made what you were looking at more obvious, in hindsight.)

Stealth: Failure

Elea stealthily approaches the woman from behind, getting a good look at her as she silently pads over to her. The woman has long black hair reaching down to her lower back, and as she approaches her Elea realizes that the woman stands over a foot taller than she. Her white shift leaves little to the imagination, and Elea can see rippling muscle beneath the womans curves, the two seemingly blending together perfectly.

When she is only a few steps away, the woman suddenly starts, and abruptly disappears. Elea pauses in surprise, and starts herself when she hears the womans voice behind her say; "Well..... What have we here?"
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea spins around at the sound of the woman's voice, taking a step back and holding her sword between the two of them. Although she had noticed the woman's diaphanous gown, she was still taken aback by the woman's apparent lack of shame. Eyes darting over the woman's form, the elf' eyes wander over her, taking in both the muscles and the curves at the same time. Quickly bringing her eyes back up to the woman's face, Elea says, "I am a ranger, come to destroy the evil that infects this land." She shifts nervously, fingers clenching the hilt of her blade. The woman's speed was incredible, and likely not human, though she wasn't quite ready to label the woman a demon just yet. Suspicion plastered all over her face, Elea asks, "And what are you? You move like nothing I've seen before."
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 27/36, Blessing 3

The woman smiles, leaning back on her heals so that her chest juts forward. "Evil in this land? What evil? Unless you count the handful of psychopaths walking around slaughtering people, I've yet to encounter any evil since I've arrived here."

She takes slow step forward, her hips swaying; "All I see this delicious little elf standing all alone in front of me...."
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Elea shifts back as the woman approaches. Its less aggressive, but the way the woman is acting is too much like the human from before for the elf to remain comfortable. While there had been no hostile action yet, Elea remains on edge from the woman's attitude. "Stay back," she says, a tone of authority in her voice. "If you don't see evil in this place, you're either blind, or already corrupted by it." Elea raises her sword again, pointing it at the woman's chest. "This is your last chance, tell me who you are and what you want from this place, or I'll be forced to assume the worst."
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 25/36, Blessing 3

The woman gives a rich and throaty laugh as she takes another step toward the elf ranger. I am hardly blind, young one. And certainly not corrupted. Must I spell it out for you? My name is Liniad, and I am what you have come to this place to fight, young elfling. But fear not, I will do you no harm. At least, not any harm that you won't very much enjoy receiving." She says, her voice becoming a low purr as she finishes, and her tongue flicking across her lips.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eye's narrowing at the woman's laugh, Elea grimly tightens her grip on her sword as the woman admits her true nature. "True unabashed evil, then. Very well," she says quickly surging forward, her blade thrusting forward at the woman's chest. An attack like that would kill a mortal instantly, but Elea fears it it will not be enough to slay a demon such as this.

(sword pierce attack)
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 25/36, Blessing 3, Grappled

(Or enough to hit a demon such as this.)

To-hit: 6 + 36 + 3 = 45 vs 60 = miss.

The demoness barely moves to avoid Eleas thrust, her clothes falling easily to the floor as she sidesteps the blow. The woman reaches with supernatural speed.

Grapple: 11 + 40 = 51 vs 36 + 3 = 39 == Enemy Wins.

And grasps hold of her wrist, pulling the elf into a her body. The woman is incredibly strong, easily holding the struggling elf.
Re: Twisted Lands (xivvix)

(Oh wow, I can't even hit her even with a 20, if I'm reading it correctly)

Astonished at the woman's speed, Elea gasps as she is pulled against the demon's body. She struggles briefly, pushing against the strangely strong woman, before realizing just how strong she is. Calming down quickly, she allows the energy strengthening her body fade away, aware that it won't be of help against this opponent. She breathes in and out deeply for a second, looking at the woman and feeling her curvy but still muscled body press against her armor. Finally, the elf closes her eyes and tries to concentrate, imagining a series of chains snaking up from the ground around the demon to hold in place, long enough for the elf to escape.

(drop blessing, cast Binding 6)