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RPG RPG Maker [四畳半都市] うちの牧場は300エーカー! / My Farm is 300 Acres! (RJ206421)


Demon Girl
Oct 29, 2010
Reputation score







This is a dept repayment farming game.
The MC helps out at a farm and tries to pay off the debt by farming and selling products.
There are also 3 dungeons you can explore with monsters to fight.
Being defeated in the dungeon will send you back to town with -10 energy.
Everyday, you have 50 energy points which you can spend doing stuff like farming or fighting monsters.
Every 15 days, debt collectors will come and demand some money. If you refuse to pay or do not have the minimum requirement, you get a game over.

There is a lewdness meter that opens up more possible scenes.

Links are on AS.
I need a walkthrough for this game.
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Is there any GoR when defeated by enemies in dungeon? I always love farming games, especially spiced up with sexy things :D
i almost finished the game but... in the last event you have a duel with the sheriff ( to clear this event you need C.S.A.A and this weapon skill) you get this from the blonde farmer giving her gifts on the dungeons but i cant find the last gift
I dabbled into the game a bit blind for a while. This is what I learned:

-I think the general amount of money that you need to have every 15 days is 30k. When the payment dudes come, you can choose the amount to give them, so you can clear the debt faster, but if you don't have at least 30k it's game over.
-To gain ero, lose the battles in the dungeon (on the main menu, the 3 options are [fight - run - surrender], so you can just spam surrender until you run out of energy). You can talk to the guy in front of the bar for a grope, it has a chance of increasing the ero. Working on the bar (just hit the sign outside during the daytime) increases the ero. Going to the bar at night time and talking to 2 people for gropes will have a chance of increasing ero. Also, walking outside at night and being touched by the 2 figures for gropes.
-On the far right of the city is a hole. You can spend all your energy there by choosing the first option and you'll have a chance of digging up gear. This will also rip the girl's clothes. When her clothes are ripped, you can go to the little bathroom hut in one of the middle fields at night for scenes.
EDIT: If you lose enough times to enemies in the dungeon and you have a high ero (to the point where she doesn't knock off gropers anymore), you might get a scene in the middle of the houses where someone blackmails her with a picture. I don't know how to progress that line. :(

I haven't figured out much else. I guess there's a prompt to fix the bridge in the first dungeon but I don't know who to talk to. :(
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Where using 1.01 Warning dont skip when the garden is declared leading to serious mistakes.

It is no longer possible to play.
Allso from scratch.

already gives 1.04c.
What has been fixed I know if I have loaded it XD.
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. This includes asking for download links to the games, translation links, or asking where to find a game (especially if it is already purchasable). Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
could someone upload full game? :D

Does anyone know what to do to continue in the dungeons once you've cleared all 3 golem bosses? I hope it doesn't require the 3 orbs you get from defeating them because those were worth 50k each and I sold them all.
Does anyone know what to do to continue in the dungeons once you've cleared all 3 golem bosses? I hope it doesn't require the 3 orbs you get from defeating them because those were worth 50k each and I sold them all.
Does anyone know what to do to continue in the dungeons once you've cleared all 3 golem bosses? I hope it doesn't require the 3 orbs you get from defeating them because those were worth 50k each and I sold them all.
if 3rd dungeon lower left door, need 3 high class bacon, to girl who lay down in upper of weapon shop (rare spawn, save before sleep) for get floating shoes, then use item can get master key
could someone upload full game? :D
can find in lower singature
what is regex code ?
RPGMakerMVGame Hook patcher
「 1 」
「 250000 」
「 50 」
「 0 」
On I patched the following together
(「 \d* 」)

but I cant get it working ...
if 3rd dungeon lower left door, need 3 high class bacon, to girl who lay down in upper of weapon shop (rare spawn, save before sleep) for get floating shoes, then use item can get master key
Awesome, thank you!
Unless I missed something, how do you put in gold for the debt? I'm earning gold but i can't seem to increase the initial 25,000 amount you get given
@Draconix : you did; as Trickster said, once collectors come, they give you options: one is to give them only as much as they want, the other - as much as you want (though - obviously - no less than what they want).
@Draconix : you did; as Trickster said, once collectors come, they give you options: one is to give them only as much as they want, the other - as much as you want (though - obviously - no less than what they want).

Hmm alright i think maybe i might've skipped that option somehow because i got a game over on day 15 even though i had at least 31k, i'll just go through the dialogue slowly then this time, thanks.