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United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

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Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Yeah, I'm ready," Max replies, not sure about any of this but has decided to go regardless of how he may feel.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Let's do this," Sarah added, nodding as she slid up out of her seat.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Alright. John, go ahead and take them both now, then come back for Henry and I. After that, see what you can do about locating ..."

John nodded, cutting her off.

"I've got it Helen. As for you two, this won't hurt any."

John placed a hand on both Sarah and Max's shoulders, and then they vanished.

A moment later, he returned and did the same for Helen, and Henry who had just arrived, vanishing with them as well, leaving Declan by himself.

((Changing to Calgary, stand-by))

As Alec approached the door, he heard a sudden thud, as if someone had hit the floor, and hard. After that, there was no noise, and Melissa didn't call out to say she was alright, which meant something had to have happened to her.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Edith watches the processions from the hallway, then shrugs as she waves briefly to Declan before starting on her way back to the hanger, whistling as she does so and briefly contemplates taking her unit out for a brief flight, but realizes that it was part of her current post to stay on alert, as even a small amount of arcane use could be problematic.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec moves toward the door considerably faster after hearing the thud. He listens at the door for a few seconds before entering (provided he hears nothing suspicious).
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec couldn't hear anything, save very low, but audible sounds of breathing coming from Melissa.

When he entered the room however, he spotted her on the floor, face down, and a small amount of blood on the floor under her. However, he also noticed that from the waist up she was nude, and this in turn showed off some very nasty looking welts. It seemed that someone had beaten her pretty badly, and not too long ago either. He also noticed a few areas on her arms were cut, and still had some blood coming out of them, probably the source of the blood spatters on the floor.

Whatever had happened here, it looked like either she'd lied about asking him here for the reason she told him, or someone else had gotten to her before he arrived. Whatever the case was, she seemed pretty badly beaten up.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec, still cautious, drops down next to Melissa and covers her with his jacket.

"Hey, are you alright? What the hell happened here?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

He took notice right as he spoke that she was out cold, however he still got a reply, just not from her.

"She'll be fine, IF you listen carefully Alec. We've been watching you for some time, you shouldn't have ignored our invitation."

If he turned around he'd spot three people, two of them holding high powered weapons, while one was equipped with something that looked like brass knuckles and a remote device of some kind. In fact, now that he saw the knuckles, he realized they would line up perfectly with the wounds and bruises on Melissa's body.

"Oh, and for the record, she didn't have a choice in calling you here. After all, wouldn't you do what it took to save your own life, or that of your friends and family?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec stands up and backs away.

"What invitation? Who the hell are you guys?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

The man regarded him for a long moment before shrugging.

"Perhaps it's possible you didn't get it after all. Regardless, one can't be too sure these days. We work for an ... organization called the Cabal. You've been invited to be a guest there, possibly even a help in some genetic .. testing. Time is wasting, and my boss is expecting you, and trust me you DON'T want her angry."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"Well I may not be the world's best judge of character, but first impressions tell me you're not the sort of people I'd like to get involved with. But since you've gone to all this trouble, perhaps you could convince me. I've never heard of you and I don't know a thing about genetics, so why me?"

As Alec spoke, he looked for everything flammable on or near the man. Hair, clothes, furniture...

Starting the fire is easy enough. It's putting the damn thing out that's the problem. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"As your aware you have a ... gift I suppose you can call it. Or a curse, however suits you. We're exceptionally interested in those who display these abilities, and I'm sure you can guess how dangerous those can be. It generally tends to help by making them realize from the start, they aren't the boss here. Which is why ..."

He held a small device up.

"Should anything happen to me right here, the second this button gets pushed, your friend here and half this complex dies with her. Yes, that means you too would likely die, unless you can survive being blown up. Now ..."

He was cut off as a tall, bald man suddenly appeared in a flash of red light, taking the device and then teleported next to Alec.

"Now you don't have the upper hand. I'd suggest leaving, before you anger him, or myself further."

In his hand was a small switchblade knife, and for some reason it would seem familiar to Alec.

The men shared looks of 'Oh shit'.

"Damn you Druitt. DAMN You. Kill them!"

By now Alec would note their clothing could catch fire, and under the armor they would roast alive likely.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec couldn't help but grin.

"Seconded. Unless you fancy seeing how tough you are without your button."

Alec begins heating up the air around the men, not enough to ignite anything but enough to make them sweat.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

As the men raised their weapons anyway, the newcomer vanished again, appearing behind two of them, and vanishing WITH them, leaving Alec along with the now most definitely freaked out leader.

Outside, a crunch could be heard as the sound of something slamming into the ground could be heard.
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Alec releases a powerful blast of light into the leader's eyes, blinding him. Immediately, he moves to the man and punches him square in the face, then backs off again before his foe can regain his sight.

"Last chance."

Alec turns up the heat again, easily enough to bathe the man in sweat but still not enough to set anything on fire (though it would certainly feel like that to his opponent).
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

Gasping as he was taken by surprise, the man growled lightly, almost seeming he was going to continue forward with his stupidity, before finally tossing his weapon over his shoulder.

"THIS isn't over. You will regret this, mark my words."

With that he took off.

A moment later, the bald man appeared again, watching the retreating man.

"Hmm ... you intend to let him go, or do you want me to silence the problem?"

As Edith wandered about, she was met by Declan.

"Ah, I've been looking for you. I don't suppose your free at the moment are you?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"You want to go after him, go ahead. I can't do much without burning the building down."

Alec turns and looks at the man properly for the first time.

"So... who exactly are you? And how did you know to come here?"
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

The man shrugged.

"Ah, let him go for now. Maybe it'll strike some common sense into his bosses, but I doubt it. Never hurts to try though. As for who I am, my name is John Druitt. Simplisticly put, I've been following them for a while searching for someone else. When they came up here, I waited until I heard other sounds. However, I had to see inside of here first to know where was safe to teleport. Wouldn't do much good to teleport inside of the wall now would it?"

It was now that he seemed to remember the young woman, moving down to check on her.

"She's alive, although in bad shape thanks to them. She should live, but she's going to have a very nasty body and head ache when she wakes up. Still ... perhaps we should check on her a bit more thoroughly? Those folk rarely can be taken at face value."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

"I'm Alec. Thanks for the help."

"Should we get her an ambulance? If they threatened her into calling me here like they said, she could clarify it."
Re: United Kingdom (All Areas, Including London)

John hesitated for a slight moment.

"If they did do something to her, a regular hospital won't be able to help her. Suffice it to say there are ... venoms that the general public is not aware of, and some of them still have no true cure. I was thinking a place where both of you would be safe, if your willing to come with me there. How much do you know about the old Magnus estate?"
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