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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Okay. That was... interesting.
I decided to pick this one up again and see what's been added in the past months.
Except that I kept getting the 3HP error on startup, even though my download was fresh from DLSite,
extracting the .zip with XP's builtin zip function, running the self-extracting .exe, all like you're supposed to.

Eventually, what got it to run: Set my time zone (well, that of my VM) to Tokyo.
My guess is there's some modding or copying protection that makes sure the timestamp on everything is what it should be,
and at least on XP that only works in the right timezone...
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Okay. That was... interesting.
I decided to pick this one up again and see what's been added in the past months.
Except that I kept getting the 3HP error on startup, even though my download was fresh from DLSite,
extracting the .zip with XP's builtin zip function, running the self-extracting .exe, all like you're supposed to.

Eventually, what got it to run: Set my time zone (well, that of my VM) to Tokyo.
My guess is there's some modding or copying protection that makes sure the timestamp on everything is what it should be,
and at least on XP that only works in the right timezone...

I had the same problem, but I only needed to disable Daylight Saving Time without changing my timezone.

Probably there is some sort of algorithm which verifies files by timestamp, but it forgot to take DST into consideration.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

To be exact, the game checks the timestamp on the file game.rgss3a file. However, the time it gets is formatted to local time (rather than using the more sensible seconds-past-epoch which would be immune to this) and hence the game is only able to start up if it's in one of the time zones that the author has chosen to support. It was originally configured with DST in effect, then when DST ceased effect it broke, and was changed to non-DST... so when DST has come back, it's broken again...

Whilst Ramble Rabbit (the authors handle here) can certainly make a nice game, his antimodification scheme (because, to be clear, this is completely ineffectual as DRM) is not so great. Especially considering that if anyone actually wanted to hack the game, all they'd have to do is use his patching scheme to inject code.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

excuse me .. ah I have problem with pink equipment with -1 -2 or else
I can't unequip it . How should I do ?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

excuse me .. ah I have problem with pink equipment with -1 -2 or else
I can't unequip it . How should I do ?

It's a roguelike.

You think not identifying items is the cheaper option?

Well you are cursed.

So you need a scroll of uncurse or get gang banged raped until the equipment disintegrates.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

..I see =_=" thank you very much ser !!
and when i can come back to house ?
I only lv 8 and those monster keep rape me >///<
cause i hate when my equipment lost. damnn >//<
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

..I see =_=" thank you very much ser !!
and when i can come back to house ?
I only lv 8 and those monster keep rape me >///<
cause i hate when my equipment lost. damnn >//<

You have to keep going through the door the lead to safe zone then you can save your things.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

nevermind i read some posts that i need to use a decrypter to fix the 3hp if i have some trouble ill come back here to ask

ok i extracted the rg files and put data and graphics in the game folder and when i launch the game it crashes any idea what went wrong?
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Is there a way to give up or forcefully restart the game without being stuck in an endless gang rape? so that I can keep the chest stuff?

To get the game over you need like over 9000 rapes.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

a full save or walkthrough in english would be highly appreciated :D
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

So I've followed the guides in the earlier posts on how to get rid of the 3hp error by decrypting the files, but after I finish and delete the game.rgss3a file I now get a 1hp error. Does anyone know how to fix that?

Edit: had to uncheck daylight savings time. Works now
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

this game dont have city?
or people i begin the game in field área and where i go have monster
the armor and sword has brokes and where and how i put anoter one
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Tell me how to save the game in a separate slot?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Game is set in Plays and you cant write on other Plays within the Game, but you can
manipulate it in the Folder.

Autoslot is numbered in 1-4 (File: Save1, Save1_s)
Baseslot is numbered in 5-8 (File: Save5, Save5_s)

It will be set in 4 Playthroughs

New Game <1> Autoslot 1 (Save1...) and Baseslot 1 (Save5...)
New Game <2> Autoslot 2 (Save2...) and Baseslot 2 (Save6...)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

this game dont have city?
or people i begin the game in field área and where i go have monster
the armor and sword has brokes and where and how i put anoter one

You can find other weapons and repair scrolls in the dungeons. If your weapon is 0/16 or whatever, then you can only repair it with "full repair scrolls".
If you keep going down in the dungeons you sooner or later get to a cat that sells you new weapons and repair and upgrade semi broken ones. If you go even deeper into the dungeon you meet a dwarfen blacksmith that can even repair completely broken weapons.
Towns.... There isn't much interaction as I see it, but you meet different persons with different abilities towards your status, weapons and armors and can find unique armors in the special townlike areas they are in.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

this game dont have city?
or people i begin the game in field área and where i go have monster
the armor and sword has brokes and where and how i put another one

- you can go to new area by repeat pass a same door every floor. a door name will tell what the area you go and a number is how many doors you must pass to get to the new area. when you go to new area you will be in the safe floor first where you can sell , repair and stock your item (or even buy new item if that floor have merchant npc like cat.) some area will have npc that give items to you.

- to change you equipment press X or D to show a menu and press Q , W to change a page until you found an equipment page.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Game is set in Plays and you cant write on other Plays within the Game, but you can
manipulate it in the Folder.

Autoslot is numbered in 1-4 (File: Save1, Save1_s)
Baseslot is numbered in 5-8 (File: Save5, Save5_s)

It will be set in 4 Playthroughs

New Game <1> Autoslot 1 (Save1...) and Baseslot 1 (Save5...)
New Game <2> Autoslot 2 (Save2...) and Baseslot 2 (Save6...)
А few more questions:
1. Is it possible to increase the max number of inventory slots?
2. Fall in the Vitality depends on something?