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Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

((Oh my bad about the data unit.))

Talok merely bolted for the room, wasting no time in taking both weapons, handing one over to Sinnve. The weapon, should she take it, seemed to be simple enough, looking similar enough to an Earth gun for her to guess how it would work. Obviously though, it wasn't likely to fire bullets.

Then they were on their way down the halls, racing to get back, Talok hoping they wouldn't be too late, and that they could actually survive this. With Lyra out, their best chance of a quick resolution without someone getting hurt was all but gone.

To his surprise, the creature seemed to pause for a moment, remaining on guard but not making any further moves. It considered him a moment, before carefully pushing a part of it's armor, what seemed perhaps a button. When it spoke, he got the distinct impression it had either activated a 'boombox' to project it's voice, or perhaps a translator for it to speak back, considering it's facial features weren't the best for human speech.

"Why? Your kind are the reason we exist as we do. The reason we were a dying race. But you made a mistake. You underestimated the will and strength to survive, you didn't take into account we could find a way to become compatible. Didn't think we'd figure out how to continue our species on by adapting to reproduce with other advanced beings. We did though. Yes, we found a way to survive, to stabilize our species. We grew in size, and power. We did so in secret, quietly. And then, when we were sure, when we were ready, we struck the first blow in our counter. You ran like a terrified child, we pursued. We won't give up, it is us, or you who will cease to be. The females of your species ... most provide a proper vessel to continue our race. Some of you ... are too weak to handle the process. Others ... they are strong. Some ... a very few are unique. They have provided us with insight upon your capabilities, your mutations. You dare to act ignorant of what you have done, what you are responsible for. Your four women here ... they may live to bear witness to what you have done. They will become our latest salvation. They are worthy of life. You ... YOU Etherian. You will perish first. Your kind may go by many names, call yourselves different species and try to claim you don't know, but you lie. You lie to yourselves, and to others. You must be punished, you must be destroyed for the sake of all life not in your form, so it may live and not be destroyed by you. Prepare yourself Etherian, you will not walk away from this alive. When I finish with you, your companions will be next, until I have claimed your females for myself. You have ten seconds."

While the beast had been distracted, Ayla had managed to get the memory device free. It was impossible to tell without connecting it to something if it had what they needed on it, but they had the device now.

... And suddenly the jumper was through the gate, and they were on their way. Almost immediately, the sensors detected a surge of energy, which Siphon angled towards. A moment later a large structure, partially buried into the ground became visible.

"Not sure if we did that on approach, or if power just failed, but that's definitely something we ... the ancients built. Ten bucks says that's Janus's lab".

Aya had been at one of the other consoles, looking at it the moment they came into range, and by now eight dots had popped up onto her console, a system Sho might recognize as a life sign detector. The Alverans had something similar. Aya's words though sent a chill down Siphon's spine, and might Sho's as well.

"Detecting eight life readings. One is definitely Nox, I don't recognize the other six. Oh no. No no no. The final life reading, near the Nox life sign. It's Klarnell."

The jumper suddenly lurched on an angle, diving towards part of the facility still above ground. Sho might be able to catch a faint glowing from Siphon's eyes in the reflection off whatever material the 'windshield' was made from. It was clear he was both pissed, and worried.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

"Uh, right, gun. OK." Sinnve murmurs taking the weapon, taking a very brief look to try and figure it out a little, before dashing to keep up with Talok and Ellisia. No amount of "Pilot's Physical Hour" was going to allow her to really keep pace with a spirit knight and a white-alien-dude-she-had-forgoten-the-racial-name-of, but she would damn well try her best, for Ayla. It was far more important that the other two got there quickly as possible anyway.

Ellisia wastes no time either and simply racing down the halls also, though immediately making an important note to Sinnve. <"Sinnve, mind the physical trigger on that weapons grip. It fires when squeezed rather than mentally.">

"Oh shit... Rodger that!" The young pilot calls out in reply as she leaves the storage room behind Talok, adjusting her handling of the weapon a little, having not realised the significance of the small protrusion in the grip at first.
She had been watching the fight via Ayla's gift, and had recognised that Thanus despite all his resilience was lacking in a proper decisive method to control or end this fight. He severely needed Marik's backup, but keeping Lyra in the same room would only be even more of a liability. She could also sense how much this was frustrating Marik.

- - - - -

The lengthy response that the Klarnel actually gave to Thanus' question however, surprised all of the Etherians. The incriminating statements surprised and bewildered further.

During this time Ayla and Marik carrying Lyra, had swiftly backed out of the room to one of the previous chambers.

<"Those words need to be heard by The Order. Marik, leave Lyra with me, I can bear her. I am lighting my beacon to contact home. Go assist Thanus, he needs your sting."> Ayla speaks mentally to Marik, who nods dutifully, doing so, and then rushing back to the fight.

- - - - -

Thanus, still facing down the towering creature at the end of it's speech, snorts. "Your accusations are dire, and absurd, creature. Your foul intentions I deny you." He growls back, frowning deeply. He hadn't the knowledge, wisdom or authority to judge the Klarnel's words or what they implied, but right now, his goals were simple. He would remain facing the Klarnel, keeping it's back to it's pod and denying it to cross the room or follow the others. He had not come here to kill or wage war. If it wanted to fight, then it could come to him. If it did, his plan remained as before. Marik would return soon, and then they would have both shield and spear.

- - - - -

Ayla meanwhile, focuses her mind on a new task, regrettably having to sever her link to the knights for the time being to do so. Against a single opponent though, it would not disadvantage them much. Her new focus, was home. Reaching out to call for an answer. She hadn't the power to contact them directly, but she could light herself as a signal for Etheria to contact her. Very strangely, as she did so, she also sang a very faint song, in ancient Etherian. One that conveyed urgency, danger, guidance, and need.

And somewhere out there, beyond physical space, the ancient construct known as E.O.S listened, and began to turn it's gaze.

((It might all sound very fancy and obscure, but in laymans terms, she's calling home because she wants this shit on camera before they miss anything else. It's also an emergency escape route.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

The creature let loose a roar powerful enough for Talok's group to hear it, even as far away as they were. At Thanus's end, it would be almost deafening, possibly making him recoil slightly from the sheer soundwave assault unless he had a means of toning it down somehow.

The creature suddenly had something star shaped in it's hands, something which it threw at him, and his senses would tell him it was a throwing star type weapon. It hadn't reached down to grab it, the weapon had just simply APPEARED in it's hand. It came flying at his face, giving him just barely enough time to dodge it. He could, but it would force him to move aside and take his eyes off the beast for a moment, in which he was sure it would make another move.

((Gotcha. Also, if EOS is capable of detecting it, the beast just pulled a weapon out in a similar fashion to what the Etherian Knights or Siphon does with his pistols, just materialized them from a sub-space pocket by willing it to be there.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Thanus stands fast and grits his teeth to bear the roar, in his typical show of endurance. Marik in the corridor behind actually faring worse, as he has to quickly disable his enhanced hearing for a moment to avoid a nasty headache.

In response to the sudden throwing star, Thanus opted not to dodge, not wanting any form of attack to pass him even if the others seemed to be at a safe distance by now. Instead snapping forward his raised arms a tiny distance and opening his palms in a grabbing motion, as if preparing to brace a tackle. The motion wasn't intended to grab, but to flare his AT field forward a small distance to meet the throwing weapon, with the effect of ricocheting it back with enough force to clear it from his area. Anticipating a follow up attack he made ready for it. Regardless of how much his non aggressive stone wall tactics might frustrate the Klarnell, this was all he needed to do for now. To attempt his own attack would only be an unnecessary risk right now. They were essentially both testing each other's capabilities.

Roughly the time that the shuriken was deflected, would be when Marik returns to the room. Quickly moving to one side of the room he would stay behind the fight for a moment in order to figure out how and when it would be best to assist.

- - - - -

Back in the other room, Ayla's signal had been received, and a channel opened. She reports the things they had learned thus far, and the status of their mission, as well as the uncertain situation currently unfolding. Opening up her recent memory to the operator on the other side.

Far far away, E.O.S meanwhile finalises locking on and shifting it's alignment. The previously hidden lab now in full view, it focuses in and begins a deep scan of the complex. Gradually painting itself a picture of everything there was to the building and it's contents, right down to the trace electrical currents left in dormant lab equipment. It would also happen to notice the residual energy of a recently opened Stargate, and the newly arrived puddle jumper. Ayla however would remain unaware a short while longer whilst command handled things. The amount of information generated by the ancient observatory during this kind of scan being far too much to simply channel to a normal living mind directly.

((It would be able to detect at least the presence of that kind of subspace generally, but it's doing a wider scan at the moment. Getting a record of an important structure that may or may not be around for too long.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

The creature paused for a moment, seeming to not have expected the Etherian to be able to toss aside it's thrown weapon. It let loose a growl when Marik entered, evidently not liking the second knight showing up one bit.

Sneering it commented, "So, an Alcharent field? You've advanced to that stage since we took this lab. I knew we should have wiped you out ten thousand years ago. Very well, no holding back, you are worthy of a true fight."

It hit something on it's wrist, seeming to phase out for a moment, before phasing back in. Another growl escaped it's lips, as this obviously wasn't what it had in mind, and both men might have the impression it had attempted to cloak itself. Snarling, it withdrew two more devices, ones that radiated unwelcoming energy. Pushing a small button on them, they were revealed to be another star type weapon, although these screamed at the two men not to let impact their fields. Actually, it wasn't the devices that screamed it to them, but rather what sounded like a voice in their minds speaking to them, a voice they couldn't identify. The voice was soft and feminine, but with a dangerously alarmed tone to her voice.

"Don't let those touch your fields."

Then, the weapons were in flight, coming at them almost as fast as the last one had come towards Thanus.

((I'm operating on the idea that the AT fields operate in similar conjunction to a deflective shield, and can be extended outward some. If that's about right, then what I have in mind should they impact should work, if not then I may have to re-think things. This guy is about at his limit of things he is able to do, so after this it's pretty much going to be a straight up charge and finally opening itself up to attacks. Also, if EOS is capable of it, and I assume it is, about the time Thanus and Marik hear that voice it should detect what it eventually will be able to recognize as an Ascended Being over the area that just arrived. Heh, also Elissia and Sinnve would have heard that roar.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

"Great. You broke it," Sho snarks to him as he mentions the power in the facility failing. As he banks the jumper, she grabs for whatever she can hold on to, despite being strapped in. "Christ! Siphon!" Granted, on some level, she knows he needs to do this. Doesn't mean she likes it. Once they've landed, then she'll process what Aya's stated. "Okay, so shoot anything I don't recognize. Right."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Siphon didn't say a word in reply, just focused on getting the jumper docked at the outer arm of the facility. Next he stared at the map overlay that had come up, probably memorizing the layout. Aya appeared to do the same, probably figuring they'd be playing catch-up with him the whole time.

Finally, Siphon spoke, and when he did there was no trace of emotion in his voice.

"You'll need multiple shots Sho. And don't let that thing anywhere near you. Let's go, now."

The door was half open by the time he rolled out of the jumper, already taking off with the two women close behind. He really wanted to go in guns blazing, but without the benefit of having a portable scanner with Klarnell biology or Etherian biology on hand, they'd never be able to tell who was what and where. He would be damned if he was going to let that thing get past them, circle around and pick off one of the women from behind them and take her as it's prize.

Aya for her part gently grabbed Sho's shoulder and quickly spoke before they ran off to keep him in sight.

"More of his memories must be coming back because he seems to be certain of his statement. I don't doubt it, but I can't confirm because I know very little about that weapon of yours, only that which Nirrti knew and she didn't use them at all. Keep close, I'll try to help if it's needed, but it'll hurt like a bitch. Be worth the pain right now to avoid being ... taken by those things. Let's go, I already lost him once because of these bastards, I'm not willing to have it happen again while I'm still alive."

Between her comment of being taken, and having lost Siphon before, there was a visible shudder from Aya.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Alcharent field? Perhaps just an alternative name? But if so it must surely be confused somewhere if it thought the technique was a remotely recent development. It wasn't a primary concern right now regardless.

In no time, another thrown attack was incoming, but it wasn't just repeating the same ineffective attack to fail again. This would be different somehow, and the strange warning voice that spoke to them seemed to confirm it. It seemed that he'd be forced to give up some ground now if he was going to have the space to evade this. Arching and leaping backwards he suppresses his AT field and corkscrews with surprising agility for his size, as the throwing weapon skims along inches from his body. Finally using the armour on his forearm to let it scrape along and deflect away at a shallow angle.

Marik likewise reacts in a instant, instead drawing a short sword from the air and slashing aside the incoming projectile in one rapid motion. Anticipating that the Klarnell would likely be intending to follow up against Thanus on this attack, Marik fluidly continues his motion round to finish pointing his other arm towards the alien. An Aser pistol having already summoned into his other hand at some point along the line, he fires a shot straight for the creatures eyes. A brilliant beam of white tinted and edged with blue shooting forward faster than a bullet.

- - - - -

Meanwhile Ayla received her response from Etheria. An operative in the headquarters known as Spire speaking to her whilst co-ordinating the data they were getting from E.O.S. <"Ayla, message received. E.O.S is on overwatch. We're detecting the signature of an ascended being having just manifested over your area, as well as an incoming small space craft arriving via the gate. Moderate to strong anima signatures on board. Spire standing by.">

<"An ascended...?"> Ayla begins not having expected such a thing. <"Affirmative. The small craft is a 'Puddle Jumper' and likely friendly. Please keep me updated."> She answers, preparing to re-establish her mental link with the team. Now that the connection to home had been established, it no longer required all of her attention. Having this many things to focus on however, was still very taxing on her whilst outside of a proper supporting chamber such as the pilots chamber in the Al-Sora.

- - - - -

Ellisia continues to run through the rooms and corridors of the facility with Talok, deftly vaulting over obstacles and lab furniture when possible. She should likely be arriving shortly.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

"Figured," is all she says to Siphon's remarks, encompassing both of them. She had no intention of letting them anywhere near her and, well, given what she'd heard, she figured that more than one zat shot was likely going to be necessary. Of course, more than one zat shot could also be fatal, but, well, if he were telling her to use it, then it was clear Siphon was in 'take no prisoners' mode.

"Even if they're not, he knows enough about the things to want to rip them apart with his bare hands. What worries me is that this is the only Klarnell we've got and our only lead on them. If we kill it, there's a good chance we'll lose any intel we might be able to get out of it. Not that I'm thinking it'll talk, but..." She trails off, shaking her head. "Let's just try and keep up with him and find the others. Ellisia's lot and Talok are around here somewhere and if they don't know what they're dealing with, we're looking at a bad scene." There's a pause. "The Etherian's look human, like me. Talok's a wraith. So don't fry him." She honestly couldn't remember if Aya had met the others or not, but better to not take chances in this instance. That, and if she didn't know about Talok, well, best she did now.

Footsteps pounding, she'll hurry after Siphon, obviously no match for his speed, settling instead to keep an eye on Aya. The two of them, particularly Aya, would be of greater interest to the Klarnell anyway. Better to discourage any up-close and personal behavior from the get-go.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Aya nodded, not quite sure what a Wraith was, but she knew what a Klarnell was, so that would be what she shot if she had to. However, Sho's talk of taking a prisoner made her speak.

"I wouldn't try to take one alive. We tried that at one of our outposts to find out what happened to Siphon late in the war. Somehow it got something past us, and it created an explosion that took out the entire place. Ever since then, we've made sure they are dead. Guess they get suicidal and want to take people with them if they get captured."

The follow up did come, but not exactly how the knights might be expecting. Even as the projectiles were dealt with, a small jolt passing through them as the things seemed to discharge a less than effective energy field of their own, the beast had already started towards them, jumping into the air and spoiling what would have been a head shot. Instead the beam hit somewhere around it's mid section, though this was enough to make it drop to the ground early, fist hitting the ground with enough force to punch a hole through to an unseen secondary level below them. It stood, furious, taking a single step forward as the Knights would likely be readjusting their aim ...

... And then a blast of blue energy came flying out, striking it around the neck area, stumbling it backwards, even as a hiss that sounded like a thousand snakes filled the room. They didn't even need to look to know where it had come from, for Talok was the only thing that could make a sound like that. Talok and his group had arrived, somehow passing by Ayla and not noticing her.

Talok for his part finished the hiss, then spoke only a few words.

"Damn, you're even uglier than me."

That seemed to piss the creature off, and it stood again, facing the entire group.

Siphon came around one of the corners and skidded to a stop. He'd found Ayla and Lyra there, the former seeming ... out of it, while the other was definitely out cold. Carefully he moved towards them, gently speaking.

"Ayla, you alright?"

His weapon was drawn, and he moved carefully, not sure if this was some Klarnell trick his mind didn't recognize, or if something more was going on. Sho and Aya were only a few dozen yards behind him and would catch up in a moment, and he wasn't about to lead them into an ambush if he could help it.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Ayla looked over the Siphon's entrance right away. She might look a little weary in the face, but was still plenty alert enough to respond normally. "Ah Siphon, it was you. It's ok. I'm fine. But the others are fighting a Klarnell in the larger room through that door." She answers indicating a direction. "Lyra attempted to mentally link with the Klarnell before it awoke, and fainted, but she is unharmed."

As she finished speaking, she looks away from him and expectantly towards one of the side doors, where Ellisia and Talok had just came and passed through from. The door opening to reveal Sinnve, coming out with the look of someone who'd just done a fair run at their best speed. Walking over whilst starting to catch her breath, she would glance to Siphon, and then to the passage way that she knew the others had continued down, and then back again. "Ayla..." she says, sounding glad to be together again. "And, Mr Siphon?" sounding a little short for breath, and just standing there for a minute clutching the recovered ancient energy weapon. "I'm not going in there. I'd only get in their way. I'm not sure if I should have this thing..."

- - - - -

Ellisia most certainly would have noticed Ayla, having known her position almost the entire time, but likewise she had no need to stop or talk to her, knowing where she was needed most.

Stepping into the room that the fight was taking place in aside Talok, she steps past after he had made his shot and moves swiftly towards the centre of the room, near to where Thanus was now. Thanus stepping to the side a small distance to allow Ellisia to face the creature in his place. As she walks she curls her right arm across her front, and then suddenly swipes it to extend out in the other direction accompanied by a slash of light following her hand. Now holding her signature great sword horizontally in front of her. She glares calmly but intensely at the Klarnell.

"You are outmatched Klarnell. If you truly come from a dying race, you should value your life. But it is your choice if you insist on forfeiting it. We came to this place to learn. Why did you come to this place?" Ellisia addresses the Klarnell.

Between the four of them, and with further backup on the way, the fight was decided. Ellisia was more than ready to demonstrate the difference between her and Thanus style if it chose to step forward. The chance of the Klarnell actually surrendering seemed more than remote.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

The beast faced Elissia, snarling as it spoke.

"Why did we come here? To stop your kind from setting forth the wheels that led to this mess. You did this to us, now you must pay. You think your numbers give you strength, you think it gives you an edge. You are mistaken. I will die here, this much I know, but I will take all of you with me when I do. Our numbers grow each hour, and there is nothing you can do to stop what you have coming to you. This mission may have failed, but it won't matter. You will die by my hand regardless, and this won't have all been for nothing."

As it went into a combative stance, there was a soft humming sound, and something on it's arm began to flash slowly, even as it's pod began to hum with more power once more. Then, predictably, the beast charged her with claws extended, aiming for her lungs.

Siphon growled.

"Damn, so it's got major defenses then, or it was such a hostile, abrasive force that her mind retreated from it to keep her sanity."

He turned to Sinnve, eye raising as he saw the weapon.

"A Lantean weapon, personal type three no less. Damn, Janus was packing."

He carefully took it from her, holding it with his free hand. When the humming started, and got loud enough for them to hear it, he muttered, "I don't like the sound of that."

He took off, just as Sho and Aya would catch up.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Sho stops when she and Aya reach the three women, it up to the other woman whether or not she wants to pause or not. "And there he goes again," she states, hands resting on her thighs for the moment while she catches her breath from sprinting after Siphon. "Situation?" she asks Ayla, likely getting the same run-down as Siphon just had, which makes her frown, especially as that hum starts up. Provided Aya stayed, she looks over at her. "He doesn't know they kamikaze, does he? Scram," she tells the two Etherians. "The Klarnell like to do as much damage as they can before and after they're defeated in combat. Tell your people that we probably want to pull an expeditious retreat from this fight to g.t.f.o. There's a shuttle back the way we came or use whatever one you guys showed up in, but we probably want to get the hell out of here as soon as that thing's dead."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Someone talking about strength in numbers to an Etherian? That was a new one to Ellisia. She wondered again if it was mistaken in some way about their identity, but there would be no talking to this one it seemed. It seemed insistent on going out with a bang for the perceived good of it's kind. Perhaps literally, unfortunately.

With no time to reply, Ellisia was forced into action. Her unsurpassed sheer skill in melee combat being brought to the table now. A sudden surge of energy emanating through her, she steps forward in the blink of an eye, blade flashing through the air far faster than any comparably sized sword should naturally move. A single flash of sparks as the sword parries forcefully against the wrist blades on one arm, followed by a short and shard sickening sound of cleaved flesh and bone as the clawed hand of the other is severed and sent flying across the room, in the same motion bringing the sword back round towards the large creature. And suddenly, it's senses would go dizzy as it feels oddly weightless and unable to will itself to move. Looking down, the Klarnell would vaguely begin to realise that it had been stabbed, deeply, as Ellisia draws the blade out of it's chest and steps back as it dropped to it's knees.

She had aimed her thrust for one of the small more weathered gaps in it's armour, and sunk the blade somewhere into it's core. She had no idea of where its vital organs might lie or whether she hit them, but she was aiming for something else. The one thing a competent spirit knight can always see, and the thing that her blade could cut that a conventional blade could not. It's core life force, or soul, severed from the rest of it's body.

"I apologise deeply." Ellisia speaks, actually sounding solemn and sincere, even as her voice comes across echoed and blurred to the Klarnell. She would have much prefered to give it a conventional death in combat, and kill it there and then letting it believe that it's actions hadn't been for nothing. But she couldn't be certain that it's death wouldn't trigger the kamikaze device early now that it was set. So she had been forced to incapacitate it the best way she knew was certain to work. It was gradually dying from the phantom wound she had inflicted on it, but would likely last until until the bomb counted down.

"Everyone out. We're leaving." She orders the rest of the room heading for the door. The other two knights following suit. From what Ellisia understood, they had two potential escape options. Ayla was preparing one of them now. The other was rushing over to them through the entrance to the room. "Siphon. It armed a suicide device. We need to leave." Ellisia fires out rapidly upon meeting the Alveran coming the other way.

- - - - -

Ayla would indeed give Sho the same brief run-down that Siphon had got, having to cut off just a little early as the humming sound is heard, and she regains that very slightly vacant look as she watches through the eyes of the knights what was happening in the other room. With barely a pause between the start of the humming sound, she would announce quietly, "It's dead..."

"Dead enough." Sinnve interjects, looking anxious about the situation in general.

"I'm requesting arrangements for an emergency evac. But how far is your shuttle? The fastest route will suffice"

"Is E.O.S fast enough to lock onto everyone at this short notice? What if the bomb..." Sinnve begins asking Ayla, though muttering to a nervous stop as she lets her older sister focus.

((Two options for escape here. "Beam" out, or get to da chopper.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Siphon skidded to a halt, letting loose something in his own language before racing back with Elissia. They were close enough that he heard Sinnve and Ayla talking about escape routes.

"Jumper is only a minute or two away from here by foot if we run like hell. From the sound of that thing, we have three, maybe four tops. We also don't know that an energy discharge won't set it off early. I'll take Lyra and let's go. Marik, Thanus or Talok, take the rear just in case that damn thing actually is tough enough to pursue. Don't care who does it, but we need eyes in the back of our heads right now so to speak."

He'd pause only long enough to heft the Nox woman into his arms, putting her into what could be described as a firemans carry, before taking off down the hall, hopefully with the others in tow.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

"We'll take the Jumper then as a precaution. The alternative can remain on standby as a contingency." Ayla says getting up from where she had been kneeling, Marik lending her a hand to stand up. "Great. More running." Sinnve protests lightly as she begins moving along in tow with the group. "Pff. You skipped your exercise hour yesterday anyway. Come on now. Show us what those legs can do." Ellisia comments back.

"I shall take rear guard." Thanus volunteers plainly. "Though no amount of physical toughness should allow it to overcome the type of wound it was dealt."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Sho takes in a deep breath and straightens up a little more. "So let's run like hell." She'll turn and book back the other way, glancing back only briefly to make sure everyone is present and accounted for and to make certain the Klarnell isn't chasing them. She trusts it's down for the count, but one never knew about contingencies.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

As they ran, Siphon shot back, "I really hope you're right about that Thanus."

It wouldn't take them long to reach the jumper, the door already open and Siphon in the pilot seat by the time they actually arrived. Lyra had been carefully placed on one of the side seats, and the others would be next to her to ensure she didn't get bounced around. He seemed to be forgoing the pre-flights, and as the last of them got inside he yelled back, "strap in, this could get bumpy."

((I'll give them a chance to settle in before I have them make the great escape.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

With everyone filling into the small Jumper, people quickly find their places and either take a seat or get a good spot a brace into. Thanus stepping in last as the door closes.

"Oh, Sinnve, there are body straps to hold you into your seat... no no, you're sitting on them." Ayla points out to her sister who was looking just a tad confused by her seat.

"Ah... uh... got em. Weird..."
She replys finding the things and figuring out how to click them together readily enough.

"All are aboard Siphon. Good to go." Ellisia confirms for their pilot.


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Varto Six (Surface of Janus's Planet)

Once back to the jumper, Sho makes certain that Lyra's secured. Even if the others were there to give her support, having the straps would keep her safer. That done, she flops into a seat and pulls the buckles around herself as well. With the Etherians crowding into the craft as well, she actually pushes herself a little further back into the seat, shoulders hunched, fingers white-knuckled around the straps, and eyes closed. She was bad in the jumper on a good day, with only pilot and co-pilot. Having this many people crowded into the vehicle on top of that was starting to push it for her.

"Aaaany time we're ready," she got out before staring a few deep breaths.
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