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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"My brother..." In all the excitement involving faeries and queens and the struggle they all brought the dragoness Alex had nearly forgotten about what she'd learned of Akorvick. "We'll need to talk about him, especially since he's been spotted in Ochre. And considering your history with him, Ria, you may be involved." While it may not have been as dire as the run-in with the Queen of Autumn and her forces the thought of Roko and Akorvick running into each other didn't quite sit well. "But we can deal with that later. Can't keep Benan waiting."

With that it came time to leave Alex paid her seventeen to cover the bill and an additional five as a tip, and following that it was off to retrieve her armor. While the walk itself was uneventful it did take some time, and during it Alex pondered how she would approach the smith. While she somewhat liked the man, that small display of dragonfire helping a great bit in that, it was obvious he wasn't exactly a man of much social grace. In fact he appeared to be someone who simply wished to go about his business and be done with it as soon as possible. Might as well stay simple, then.

Arriving at Benan's Bones the dragon found the man sitting in a corner with a book in his hand and a scowl on his face. She also found that she was the only who decided to venture inside, so it was definitely on her to approach the man. And that's exactly what she did. She stepped forward, her gait shifting slightly until she was walking with the composed confidence of a soldier. That sense remained once she arrived, but as she stood at attention before him she made no effort to announce herself. If he hadn't looked up when she first entered then he was preoccupied with what he was reading. Or he was simply being rude. But either way Alex would wait for his acknowledgement. If he simply lifted his eyes she would bow her head in salute. If he simply spoke while continuing to read she would answer. If he did both then so would she, and the whole time she would treat him with respect. He may be odd, but he was an artisan, and that kind of skill demanded as much.

I've already taken out the cash for the repairs, and with Alex's tip the meal cost her 22 Denarii.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

And wait Alex would, for several long moments as Benan slowly paged through his book. Eventually the man's patience would end, however, and with a sigh he would look up at her and say; "It's finished. Right over there." Gesturing with his book, Alex would be directed to a wrapped parcel in which she would find her armor, fully repaired and carefully arranged. If she touched it, a sense of familiarity would flow through her as the sentient armored began to glow softly. The breastplate was, as far as Alex could tell, good as new, and if she turned back to Benan she would find him looking down at his book once again.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

"Thank you." And just as she intended her head bowed in respect toward the man before she turned toward the parcel. It was unwrapped with care, Alex simply wishing to reveal enough of her armor to lift it in her hands for inspection, and once she did the gentle glow combined with the comforting warmth had the dragoness smiling in satisfaction and greeting. "Welcome back."

With her armor in excellent condition Alex placed it back down and began to wrap it once more, and as she did she spoke up. "Do you wish me to leave the rest of my payment on the counter?" Some people would find it eerie how the dragon was able to pull the remaining ten denarii from her purse in one fluid motion, but nonetheless the coins clinked within her palm as she waited for an answer. If Benan remained silent Alex would take that as a 'Yes', and those coins would be laid down in a cascade that would let anyone see just how much had been placed even at a distance. A moment after she had paid her debt she hoisted the pack and effortlessly carried it over her shoulders. "And I thank you again, both for your work and for your care. I'll most likely need further repairs or work once I return to Therion." Whether he was watching or not she gave him another bow, and at that she left without another word so he could return his peace and quiet.

Now that she had returned to her friend and family Alex took a moment to breathe in and let out a relaxing sigh. "All right, we'll need to return to the Fool to retrieve the rest of my gear, and we'll need to figure out whether we want to stay there again or search for something a little more...discreet... The, um... 'healing'... I received from Lady Albatross was rather vocal, and the innkeeper didn't appreciate all the noise..." The rather nonchalant blush on her cheeks were sign enough of what she was thinking, and considering Aescila's return, Ria's wish, and Angelle's request Alex was fairly certain she would end up being rather vocal tonight.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"That would be fine," Benan replied when Alex asked where to put the second half of her payment for his services, still not looking up from whatever he was reading. He didn't turn up from it as she laid the coins out on the table, and her parting words were responded to with a wave of dismissal and a brief reply; "You know where to find me."

Arriving outside with her armor carried comfortably over her shoulder, the weight offering her no trouble even when it wasn't covering her body like a second skin, she found Aescila discussing something in quiet tones with Angelle. That conversation ended as soon as Alex left the shop, however, and both her Mate and her daughter gave the dragonkin a smile as she returned with her armor. "Oh really?" Aes asked curiously, clearly intrigued by Alex's description and as unwilling as ever to miss out on a chance to tease her. "Maybe you should tell us about that... In detail~" she said suggestively as she took a short step closer, "it might help with teaching Angelle a little bit about the things that she doesn't know, don't you think?"

And then Aes was suddenly behind her, her body pressed against Alex's back with her arms around the unarmored half-dragoness. Warm breath passed over her neck, and a heartbeat later her mate's lips would be felt on the frill of her right ear, giving a soft kiss followed by a brief nibble. "And we might need to stay at the Fool... So I can see how much louder we can be," she whispered, a finger trailing slowly up from Alex's belly button along the central line of her body, along the inner curve of one of her breasts, over her collar, and finally up to her chin where it finally ended contact. Just like that the demoness stepped away, her embrace barely lasting more than five seconds in total but even that simple embrace from her primary lover enough to leave the half-dragon's body charged with sexual energy.

"Not to spoil yer fun or anything, but maybe we ought to keep that sort of stuff out of... Well, public, I guess? The city guard doesn't take so well to what the uptight pricks might term "indecent behavior" or something of that sort, and they might give ye a fine or the like if they catch us at it," Ria said bemusedly, "not that I mind the idea of hearing how the faerie made you howl, mind. Maybe we can discuss it later, hrm? I know of a couple places where we could go where noise wouldn't be an issue for anyone.... And where my bulk or the number of us wouldn't be a problem either. Still, I think Gregor's invitation might still be good if you're hoping for someplace a bit fancier that won't cost any coin. I'd be happy to chip in if you'd rather let him alone though, yah'v certainly spent enough on my account by now!" Angelle, looking as confused s ever, took that opportunity to interject; "I liked the place we stayed at last night! We don't have to stay there again if the innkeeper is going to be difficult about it though."

Whatever Alex's initial thoughts on the matter might be, she had time enough to ponder her options as they proceeded back to the Fool and the Pipe, encountering no significant distractions along the way besides the occasional teasing touch from her Mate. The bar was fairly busy when they arrived, at which point Alex would need to decide where she wanted to spend the next night in Therion. Paying for another night at the Fool and the Pipe, going to see Sir Andrast, asking Ria about the options she'd mentioned, or perhaps finding someplace on their own where the planned bedroom antics might take place without disturbing anyone.

(Can do this next bit via chat if you think Alex would be talking to ye NPCs a lot, might save us a bit of time.)
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Another bout of logs
A part of her knew what was coming the moment it left her mouth, but Alex still managed to let out a surprised gasp that became a silent, stuttering sigh as Aes slid behind the dragon. Any attention to her ear had the warrior nearly relaxing into a pile of content, and it left her wide open for the hand as it slid gracefully up past her navel to end at her chin. The brief but quite loving contact with her breast nearly had her shuddering, and it left quite the pair of excited points poking through her dress. But even if she was relaxed Alex still looked a bit panicked. "B-But... I told him I'd be quiet..." And that was the source of her panic. She'd made a semi-promise to the innkeeper, but through she gave the man her word Aes only had to pull the woman to get her to head back. The promise to her Mate trumped anything she gave to someone else.

Thankfully Ria spoke up to put a slight halt to it, and surprisingly enough she was using the law to do it. But then again she also wanted to hear about that 'healing' session with the faerie noble, and that only kept Alex flustered. But she also suggested some other places where they may all find some peace, and Alex gave each some consideration. "I'm not sure where we should stay, but I would like to visit Sir Gregor to offer my thanks for his help." And there was nothing stopping them from asking about some bedding once they were there. The only question was whether Alex wanted to mention why she would likely need a place large enough to accommodate them all.

Aescila agreed simply, and Ria and Angelle - the latter only somewhat disappointedly - nodded in agreement. The problem then was how to find it, as even Ria, who was most familiar with the city, had no idea where Sir Andrast lived. She could hazard a guess at the district, at least, and if Alex agreed to follow her hesitant lead she would take them to the quarter where the estates of Therion's higher nobles lived, but what she wished to do from there was up to her. They could wander, or she could attempt to ask a random passerby.

Following Ria was fine, especially when it came to getting to the proper district, but a blind search was not. Alex was willing to ask a random passerby. "Excuse me..." Then again it wouldn't be that random. While the more affluent were familiar with each other Alex had learned that they tended to be a bit... scattered... when it came to basic knowledge. So she would pull aside someone who looked like a member of a noble's serving staff. "I'm looking for the residence of Sir Gregor Andrast." There may even be a guard wandering around.

After a few minutes Alex would manage to corner a (slightly intimidated) looking man clad in the garb of a butler, though after a few nervous glances he seemed calm enough. "You're a ways off," he replied, "he lives on the Northern outskirts, near the woods. He likes to hunt, I hear... You'll have to go along Blossom Avenue a ways until you hit the Trevon Pavilion. Then turn left, you'll be following the garden walk until you hit his residence a ways down. There are some city guards there, or at least they were there when last I went by. If they've gone, you'll see a large stone building built like a fortress, it's the mansion just after that one, painted mostly blue and white."

"Very good. I thank you for your help." With that Alex gave her customary nod of the head, and after that they were off. Once they were and had some sense of privacy she spoke up in a more hushed tone. "Do you think we'll have any issue with the guards? I doubt they'll be none too happy to see us, especially considering who he was with when he was injured..."

"They won't be able to do anything but harass us," Aescila supplied confidently, to which Ria added in reply; "They might give us a bit of trouble, but so long as we don't cause any ourselves we should be fine. Just don't let 'em get a rise out of you, Andrast invited us remember." As if to calm Alex, or perhaps simply distract her... Or just out of general perversion, Aescila offered Alex a reassuring smile before giving her rump a sharp smack, the impact causing an audible clap of the same type that she and Lady Albatross had produced the night before in the height of their lust. Angelle again looked confused, but Aescila offered her no explanation and Ria just smirked.

They arrived shortly thereafter at the described building, and thankfully there were no city guards to speak of, merely a doorman dressed in comfortable finery who looked upon the extremely odd collection of women somewhat flatly for a moment after opening the door. "Yes.... May I help you?" he asked shortly, his flat expression remaining.

That smack managed to get a small rise out of the dragon, and as she blushed once more she turned to offer her Mate a less than serious scowl. "Dammit, Aes..."

Once they did arrive and no guards were to be found Alex pulled herself up to a proper stance as she approached the doorman. "Yes. I am Alexandra Alistar, and I've come to pay my respects to Sir Gregor."

"You'll get more later, don't worry!" the demoness said brightly, her eyes sparkling in a way that made Alex understand that her words were a promise.

The butler at Andrast’s home pursed his lips, but after a brief silence he said; “We were told to welcome you. The lord is resting in his chambers, but said to bring you to him if you were to arrive regardless of his state. If you would leave your shoes, coats, and armaments in the coat room, I will take you to him.” The coat room, as it turned out, was a fairly well locked but cozy room, and her companions did as he asked without complaint, including Ria. It wasn’t like any of them really needed weapons anyway.

Unless Alex had raised a complaint about leaving her things behind, she and her companions would be led upstairs and a short distance through the expansive mansion, and along the way Alex would feel the emptiness of the place. Far too few lived in a place that was far too large, it seemed, and they encountered no one along the way save for another servant who offered them nothing more than a brief glance before passing them by. The servant led them to a set of double doors but stopped there, and after unlocking the doors he turned to them and said; “Sir Andrast is within, with his physician.

Alex merely nodded at the need to disarm herself. She hadn't really had any of her gear equipped on herself, and she very much doubted she'd need to have it while she was within Sir Gregor's home. The place was rather large and well kept, though it did seem a bit too empty for her tastes. It made the dragon wonder what kind of social life the knight held if he needed a place this large. But that pondering passed as they arrived at the man's room. When told he was with his physician Alex paused once more. "How long has the physician been here? I wouldn't want to intrude on their work."

"Since he arrived yesterday, though he has come out to eat, rest, and report to us our master's condition. Many hours over the last day," the butler replied calmly, a worried expression briefly appearing on his face before it was hidden behind the mask of stoicism he'd kept up fairly well so far.

"I see... I guess an intrusion will be necessary." At that she gave the butler a nod before turning toward the doors. She considered knocking to announce her presence, but the sound of them unlocking should have said as much, especially for a knight. But she did ease them open to give the men inside time to react, and a moment later she stepped in.

Entering Sir Andrast's bedchamber, Alex found herself within a chamber that was as large and empty as the house itself, giving the distinct sense of too much space that went perpetually unfilled. The large four-poster bed had no curtains on it, and was occupied by a figure that the dragoness would quickly recognize as a somewhat paler Sir Andrast. He was sitting up however, a plain white shirt with the sleeve of his missing arm rolled up, and though he was speaking to another man who was standing up both looked her way as she opened the door. The standing man, clad in a thick leather coat that looked to have been treated somehow, scowled at her and said; "What are you doing here? You aren't part of the staff." He seemed about to continue before Gregor silenced him with a gingerly raised hand, after which the knight said; "Lady Alistar... I trust you are well?"

Again Alex was treated to a space far too large to be considered comfortable. Maybe if she'd been born into such wealth she may have more easily accepted such grandeur, but having lived in close proximity to any number of people she came to prefer the presence of other souls. But she wouldn't hold it against Sir Gregor, and as she spied the man she finally saw just how ashen he looked. The physician that was seeing to him appeared rather defensive, and Alex actually liked that. It showed that Andrast had some people that cared for him, and a moment later the man himself called out to her. "Very much so, Sir Gregor." Following that she started making her way to his bedside and offered her hand in welcome, and whether he took it or not she then turned back toward her family. "I'd like to properly introduce my family. Though you've already met her this lovely girl is Angelle..." A pause was given for them to offer their greetings. "And this beautiful creature is my Mate, Aescila."

As she drew nearer, Alex would discover the reason for the knight's ginger movements. His chest was wrapped in a hardened cast, preventing him from moving much of anything above the waist with any haste, likely due to the crushed collarbone he'd received. Even so, he grasped her hand when it was offered, squeezing with a soft grip that spoke of a temporary weakness rather than inherent one. Aescila and Angelle followed, and both bowed quite formally as they were introduced, the motions made by their wings making the act appear all the more elegant. He greeted Angelle with a nod and a soft sentence; "Hello again young one. I was glad to have learned that you escaped the underground unscathed, and came back to our city after being taken from your mother in good health."

Turning to Aes, he reached out a hand to her that the dark angel grasped in return, shaking his hand just as Alex had. “You were freed then? Good. It would be a dark mark on our city if you were harmed for crimes that you did not commit,” he said softly, and Aescila smiled softly and replied; “I am glad of it myself, and hear you had a part to play in it too!” She hesitated for a moment, but then spoke loud and clear; “If there is anything that I can do, after what you did to help my family and I… You need but to ask. If it lies within my power, you may consider it done.

Her offer caused the crippled knight to purse his lips in thought, but then he shook his head and replied; “What I did was within the scope of my duty. To have done any less than what I did would have besmirched my honor. Magic has done what it can to aid in my healing, now I merely need time and rest, which I don’t believe even you could aid me with.

Aes nodded in acceptance, and then Sir Andrast turned to Alex and said; “Did you bring Dingroria with you?” The oni, who had remained out of sight in the hall, poked a corner of her head around to peek into the room at the mention of her name, just enough to expose one eye, though one of her horns was plainly visible poking out into the room as well, making her attempt at stealth something of a clear failure.

"Indeed I did." Looking back she found the oni trying to keep herself hidden within the hall and failing spectacularly. It actually looked rather cute, especially with Ria merely peeking in with one eye. "I'm not sure why she's suddenly become so shy. If I may be a bit crude..." She waited for the knight's response, and if he allowed it she would continue. "Ria, get your ass in here."

Andrast nodded his assent, and a soft smirk played over his face as Alex shouted at Ria. She walked in after a brief moment of hesitation, and once the oni was with the others present around the fallen warrior’s bedside he flatly said; “You were the one who carried me from the catacombs after… I was attacked?” Shuffling nervously, the oni apparently opted for bluntness by replying; “Yeah. You and the ruddy guardsman who put you on the floor in the first place, one on each shoulder.

Frowning, the knight nodded and allowed the room to fall into a brief silence, during which Ria’s nervous squirming and Angelle’s occasional fidgets were the only distraction present in the room. Eventually, he said; “Then you have my thanks. Were it not for you, both he and I would have surely died down there, eaten by those serpents. As much as I owe Lady Alistar for the breath that I draw, I believe that I owe you more.” The oni was somewhat taken aback by his statement, but after a moment of rubbing the back of her neck the massive woman replied; “Uhhh…. You’re welcome.

Still so shy. But she was blunt, and in a way that was a good thing. It would allow everyone else to be just as blunt, and though it took him a few seconds properly process that Andrast was able to give Ria the thanks she deserved in her part in all this. At seeing the giant's reaction Alex couldn't help but smirk, and after a bit Alex gave the woman a firm slap on the back. "Come on, relax a little. No need to be so nervous."

Ria shot Alex a slightly embarrassed glance, but some of the tension seemed to ease out of her at the dragonkin’s prodding. “What brings you here, if I may be so blunt?” Sir Andrast asked suddenly, his voice merely curious. “Are you simply here to check up on me? I’ve been recovering well enough, or so my physician says.” He gave a nod to the man who had faded into the background, whose disapproving scowl had yet to fade, before adding; “I had heard that you two were injured as well, after the final battle, and that Sir Ankieseth and Archmage Aebard were badly harmed as well.

"Checking up on you was part of that. And you are correct. Most of us were, and though I'm not sure how Sir Ankieseth is doing I believe Aebard fared the worst of us. But one of the witnesses I called during the trial was an angel, and afterwards she gave him a small miracle."

"Really?" Andrast replied curiously, and glanced at Aescila. "What sort of miracle? I had heard his wounds would leave him permanently crippled." It would be impossible for Alex to miss the slivers of hope present in the wounded knight's voice, but he looked on with a good show of stoicism even then.

That small spark of hope had Alex regretting that she mentioned Aebard's recovery. What she was going to reveal would most likely crush it. "You know the power an angel can bless on a blade that allows it to cut through armor as if it were paper? That same can be used to restore a broken body to its prime. It's something that only an experienced angel can manage, and though Aes is strong she's still quite young." At least when it came to being an angel. And in a way Alex was saying that Aes most likely wouldn't be able to manage it without directly saying so. Hopefully Sir Gregor would catch that.

Gentle as she'd delivered it, Alex still had to see the glimmer of hope die in the knight's eyes at her explanation. Aescila saw it too, and Alex would in turn feel the woman's empathetic despair. "Ahhh..... Well, it is good that he was able to recover so. As formal and impersonal as he may have seemed in performing his duties, I have known Aebard for a long time. He is a good man." The knight fell silent, but after a moment of enduring that melancholy quiet Aescila could take no more. "There is something that I can do," she said, and then brought in one of her raven wings. A single glowing feather was plucked from her plumage only to instantly regrow, but the offered feather glowed with a power that the new one did not. "I may have the power to help you recover, but I do not have the skill. I can, however, donate that power to one who DOES have the skills needed," she added as she held out the glowing black feather. It was a princely gift, easily worth a small fortune all on its own, and Alex could already see that Aescila was diminished by giving it away. The physician came forward as Andrast looked both amazed and confused, saying in his nasal voice; "She is correct, my lord! With this, restoring your lost arm will take far less time and effort than it would without it." The knight, flabbergasted, looked to Aescila and smiled genuinely for the first time since they'd arrived, and humbly said; "Thank you, milady."

Alex remained silent as Aes spoke up, but when she saw that single feather being plucked she gave her angel a look. It was questioning and slightly embarrassed, her way of silently asking whether she was truly okay with this since it looked like she was being guilted into offering her power like that. But Aes went through with it nonetheless, and both the knight and his physician looked ecstatic in their own way at the gift they'd been given.

Alex gave the two some time to absorb this boon before she spoke up. "I believe I should strike while the iron is hot, so to speak. Sir Gregor, you offered me board back in the Arena. I'd like to accept that offer with everyone present. But before that I feel I should warn you. I have some debts to pay, and it may become a little, um..." Cue the blush. "...rowdy..." Would he understand? He probably would. "Is that offer still open?"

"Mmmm? Of course of course.... Yes," he said somewhat absent mindedly, but then did a double take that caused Ria to snicker a little as he processed what Alex had said. "Right... There's a suite that isn't used much that should be... Ah... Sizable enough. It's far enough away from me that you'll have your privacy as well, and I can offer another room..." He trailed off and glanced at Angelle, who looked back innocently without understanding his meaning. "Yes.... Peter! Get the family suite readied! And send some mead up here!" he called suddenly, and the butler demurely called back; "Of course my lord." The man's first few footsteps were heard dimly before vanishing into the echoing cavernous halls of Sir Andrast's halls, and once he was gone the knight looked back to Alex and said; "I trust that you won't mind sharing a drink with me? I must take it sparsely with my medicines, but I'm told that a single glass won't hurt."

She wasn't sure what to make of the offer for the second room, so Alex left that decision up to Aes. She would have asked Angelle, but the girl had that innocent look in her eyes that shot that thought down in an instant. But there was something else with which she could agree. "Of course! I wouldn't turn down a drink with a friend."

"A second room would be lovely," Aescila said lightly at Alex's look, but there was something mischievous about the way she said it that would put the dragoness on edge. Andrast's spirits were quite apparently lifted, and some of his former character returned as they awaited drinks. Unless Alex had any specific questions in mind, he would engage her and the rest in a bit of idle chatter while they waited for the drinks, and once the glasses had been poured and handed out (including one to Angelle if Alex didn't intercede with the servant) he would raise the glass of honeyed alcohol in toast and say; "To my health then, eh?"

Two rooms seemed innocent enough, but there was something in Aescila's response that had Alex wondering just what the former succubus had planned. But Sir Gregor's uplifted mood was infectious, and that slight bit of mock dread simply faded as everyone simply started to chat. When Peter returned with the drinks not a move was taken to bar Angelle from a glass, and Alex raised her own. "To health." At that she took a drink and waited until everyone had put their cups back down. "And to justice being served." Her glass was tipped toward Aes before she drank some more, and if nobody had anything else they wished to toast then she'd finish it at her leisure. And throughout this she kept an eye on Angelle. The girl didn't enjoy the daiquiri earlier, but considering how she devoured the sweet short syrup maybe a honeyed alcohol would sit better with her.

The call was joined by Alex's companions, including Angelle, and after they'd all had a long sip and the dragoness made her second quip Ria quickly responded; "And then some!" The oni adopted a giddy expression, having downed more than half of her glass in that first gulp, though the tiny crystal container looked practically tiny while she held it to be fair. Angelle had drunk as well, and even though she hadn't looked exactly thrilled at the drink she adopted a thoughtful expression and continued to take the occasional experimental sip. Aes, not much of a drinker herself normally, seemed to like the mead just fine, and Alex had found it to be an excellent stock of the drink she had favored since coming to Therion.

And for that time Alex simply enjoyed herself. Considering the past 48 hours it was the first chance she'd had to simply sit with her lover and relax without any obligations to worry about, and she was going to make the most of this moment of peace until someone got sick of it.

No one begrudged Alex her opportunity to unwind. They shared their glasses and Andrast offered seconds, the waiter having left the bottle, and despite a frown from his physician the knight had another half a glass himself. Angelle opted to try another half-glass herself, while Aes opted to pass on more alcohol for the moment. Ria, perhaps unsurprisingly, opted to drink a full three glasses, and by the time her third was done she was a good bit more loose than she had been upon entering the room. It was perhaps a tiny bit odd, seeing the huge woman take to alcohol in so small a quantity so easily.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Another bout, round 2
But Alex didn't have long to ponder things before Andrast's physician finally spoke up again; "Alright, that's enough! I must insist on Sir Andrast being given time to rest!" Sighing in resignation, Andrast nonetheless grinned as he said; "Ahhh well, it seems the party must come to an end. Peter is no doubt lurking just outside and waiting to take you to your rooms, but for now I must bid you all goodnight."

Alex let out a sigh at the physician's insistence, though she couldn't fault the man. He allowed them all to simply enjoy themselves for a bit despite how he was obviously wary of all this activity. "All good things, yes? But I understand." In fact she even turned toward the man that just ruined their fun and offered him a smile. "I thank you for your patience, my good man." And then she turned back toward the knight. "And it's been a pleasure. We'll need to do this once you're back to full health." At that she bowed graciously, and unless there was anything else she left the room so Gregor could get his rest.

"Of course," Sir Andrast said gratefully, nodding in return to her bow. Angelle and Aes repeated their graceful bows from earlier, and Ria managed a fairly stumbly pantomime of that motion before they were ushered out by the physician. "Right this way," Peter the butler said, and then they were led off, "the extra room isn't finished yet, but the suite is." They were stopped before another door into a fairly expansive bedroom, about the size of a full apartment and larger than the small homestead in which they lived back in the Hidden Village.

"Excellent! This will do just fine,” Aescila said brightly after glancing into the massive room and spotting its king sized bed, “if you’ll just show me and my lovely little Angelle to the spare room, we can go and find it later when necessary!” Peter nodded, but she held up his hand to wait and then pounced once more upon Alex. Her gesture appeared outwardly to be little more than a friendly hug, but outside eyes wouldn’t easily see the light fondling against her bottom, or the way in which the tips of her breasts were rubbed against Alex’s. “You,” she purred quietly enough that only Alex would hear, “had better be fully dressed when we get back~” She turned her gaze to Ria and just slightly raised her voice as she added; “And you had better not be! There’s only one piece of equipment that I want to see left on you when I get back… One or maybe two~

After very obviously trailing her eyes down to Ria’s crotch and back up to her face, Aes gave Alex a light parting kiss on the lips and walked off with Angelle and the butler, leaving her alone with a broadly grinning Ria. “So… Shall we go inside and… Check the place out?” the oni asked as she watched Aescila strut off in a manner startlingly similar to the way Alex herself had done much the same when she had promised the oni her reward after rescuing Angelle.

Good lords, why does everything in Therion have to be so big? The size of the room itself was large enough to pack Alex's entire home into it and still leave enough room for a small garden, and that's when it finally hit her. She was starting to get jealous of Gregor's obvious wealth, and as much as she'd tried to drown it with the fond memories of people interacting in more modest settings she couldn't help but wish that her home was a little bigger.

But that was all lost once Aes stepped closer, and though the hug started friendly enough the light groping of the dragon's ass and the rather excited tips of Aes's bust spoke of so much more. Alex blinked at the demand that Alex be clothed, but that turned into mild shock when Aes demanded that Ria herself be nude and sporting only one piece of rather obvious equipment. Or maybe two.

Alex could only turn red in answer, but the kiss that was given to her was returned in kind, and as her angelic family walked off to inspect the spare room she was treated to the identical walk she herself had given Ria when she said she would humble the mountain beast. So that's where I got it from...

Once they were alone Ria asked about the room, and Alex agreed with a nod. "Of course. An inspection would be most welcome." With that she led the way inside, and once that door was closed she took charge and led Ria straight to the bed without a single word. But as she did she started stepping closer and closer, and as they neared Alex wrapped her arm behind the oni's back before carefully spinning the woman in place so they were chest to chest. "I believe we each have our orders, yes?" Her attention turned toward the plate armor that the massive woman wore, and after studying it for a second she began to methodically unfasten the straps that held it in place.

And once it was gone Alex could turn her attention back toward the body she'd been leading. Both of the dragon's hands started sliding up the demon's sides, and as they tickled Ria's ribs they also started pulling her shirt with them. She was slowly exposing the oni's chest, and once that was done those hands fell down to start working on the woman's pants. Those fell with that same slow grace, and once Ria was fully in the nude she was pushed just enough so she fell into the bed on her rump. "She mentioned something else, didn't she?" Alex's eyes fell down to Ria's crotch, and there she waited until the oni was properly equipped.

We do, don’t we?” Ria quipped back, her own arms sliding around Alex in turn. The dragoness would easily be able to feel the excitement thrumming through the oni, both in the soft quivering of her body and in the slightly increased speed of her speech. She would likewise be able to feel the power present in the massive woman’s body, one of the few whom Alex had to tilt her head back to look face to face, and though her bust hung over Alex’s it only took a slight shift in posture to have them more or less even.

Heheh…. Eager! I like it,” she said as Alex started pulling away the straps of her armor, “but first…” One of Ria’s hand reached down and smacked Alex firmly on the ass, before taking a handful of her shapely rump and squeezing it. “I…. Have been dying to do that since I first saw you back in the arena!” she said huskily, and while Alex peeled away her armor she squeezed and kneaded at the flesh of Alex’s rear continuously. Once her plating was slid off, a surprisingly complex construction that Alex would realize had been specially crafted to shift purposefully, likely for when she enacted her growth powers, Ria let out a contented sigh as her top quickly followed it to the floor.

The room was filled immediately with a thick, musky scent that was very nearly masculine once her breasts were bared, and prompted Ria to quip; “You should have heard Benan when I gave him my armor yesterday! You’re probably lucky I had a bath between then and now, he said I smelled like an orc sweatlodge!” Her pants soon followed her shirt, leaving Ria completely in the nude, and once they did the oni happily toppled backwards onto the bed.

Oh, that’s right!” Ria replied with a chuckle following Alex’s reminder, her legs parting slightly as she leaned back onto her outstretched hands, revealing her pink petals as they glistened with arousal. Now fully bare to the world, Alex would see that Ria’s figure was proportionally very similar to her own, the body of an Amazonian warrior goddess with a perfect balance of lean muscle and soft fat to cover it. The difference in overall size between them, however, would mean that Ria’s breasts were nearly as big as Alex’s head, their appealing rosy tips fully erect, and it wouldn’t be long before she found that that wasn’t the only benefit of such a size difference.

Sighing teasingly, Ria tilted herself back with a sigh as something started sprouting from her crotch, a something that would very quickly form into an intimately familiar shape. “So, should I only make one?” she cooed teasingly as the cock finished forming, standing long and proud and appearing as hard as stone, “Or……” A second cock started to form as the first grew even larger, until it was over a foot long and thicker even than the tool that Lady Albatross had sported last night, “would you like two to play with while we wait for your Mate?” The oni tilted her head slowly and bit her lip, her eyes roaming over Alex’s still fully covered body with undisguised hunger as both of her cocks pointed toward her, each looking as if it might be usable as a substitute for the oni’s club.

The smack to the dragon's ass had her letting out a small yelp, but as it was massaged she gave the giant a sly smile. "And you say I'm eager..." The undressing continued, and once the plate fell away and revealed that musky scent Alex gave it some careful thought. "Hm... I may be lucky, but right here, right now, with what's going to happen... It's not bad..." With Alex's body becoming more receptive the more Ria was exposed the more she started noticing the scent, and even if she didn't have that particular mutation the musk she sensed still held a few pheromones to get Alex's inner beast excited.

Once Ria was nude and down Alex was treated to the beast summoning her cock, and just like the rest of her it was huge. But it didn't stop there. A second started to sprout, that one quickly matching its brother while the first started to grow even larger, and soon enough Alex was left wondering just how in the world anyone could comfortably take in that foot long monster. But it wasn't grotesquely large. It was like a challenge, and though it was slightly intimidating Alex was ready to face it.

Too bad it was a shame she needed to remain clothed. "Two is nice, but I believe there's something else I wanted to play with, first." At that Alex eased herself into the bed onto the bed beside Ria, and as she came closer she gave the oni a slight push to topple her onto her back. Alex followed, and once they were both down she let her face hover just before the crimson demon before descending and giving the woman a gentle kiss on the lips. It continued for a few seconds, but after those seconds had passed it grew a little bolder. Alex opened her mouth more, used her tongue to probe against Ria's lips, and if they parted she would then enter and explore the half-demon's mouth. A moment later Alex started to wrap her tongue around Ria's, and while it was nowhere near as thorough as Kimi's skilled muscle it was still quite the feat.

And while Alex distracted Ria with her mouth her hand started its own exploration. It started trailing across Ria's stomach before climbing higher, and after a bit that hand rose to cup and grip the oni's massive chest. A few experimental squeezes were given to get a sense of how sensitive the oni was, and from there she started groping the demon's bust. Her palms lifted and pressed against pliant flesh, her fingers lightly pinching and tweaking the exposed nipple, and once that little bud was fully erect that hand switched to the other breast.

But after a bit that hand started falling away, and Ria would be treated to those fingers dancing across her abs once more before the finally curled and gripped the larger phallus. Alex kept Ria pinned with that kiss, and after getting a good feel for the cock in her hands she started giving it a few strokes. It was a gentle touch, one meant to excite the demon even further, but this time that hand remained where it was. The position she was in would let Alex control her victim with the least amount of fuss, and it should allow her to keep the woman there until Aes finally returned. And when the angel finally did she would have her own space and her oni penis that she could tease right alongside Alex.

And what might that be?” Ria asked curiously, but understanding dawned as she was pushed down onto her back, her two cocks standing high like a pair of spires as Alex climbed beside her and leaned in to kiss the oni. The half demon seemed all too happy to accept that gentle kiss and the urging for more than followed, her own tongue flicking out to meet Alex’s as her mouth opened. Though quickly displaying that she wasn’t a bad kisser herself by any means, Ria hadn’t been trained by Kimizyrex, and so Alex soon found herself able to dominate the kiss completely much to the crimson-skinned woman’s apparent surprise…. But definitely not to her disliking.

The oni began to coo with pleasure while Alex’s tongue wrapped around her own, a squirming dance in which the dragoness was decidedly the leader, but that wasn’t the only battlefield on which Alex claimed victory. Ria arched her back slightly into the light brushing against her abdomen, eager for any touch that she could get, and a coo of delight escaped their kiss as Alex’s hand moved up to one of her mountainous breasts. While perhaps a bit more than a handful even for her, Ria’s breasts were quickly proven to be just as pliant and sensitive as any other woman’s when touched, and had likely spent a while cooped up within her confining armor to add to the pleasures of Alex’s massage if the initial relieved sighs that Alex received for her efforts were to be believed.

Those sighs morphed into pleasured ones soon enough when she moved her attentions to the peak of the oni’s soft mound, the light pinching and rubbing exciting enough. She wasn’t to remain fully idle while Alex explored her massive partner, however, as the dragoness would soon find a hand firmly cupping her rear through her robes once more. Ria’s groping of her pliant bottom quickly adopted a style similar to what Aescila had done to her on the walk from the Sapphire Lodge after the trial, albeit without Aescila’s intimate knowledge of Alex’s body and with a bit more roughness than the original.

When Alex’s hand released the oni’s bust to begin trailing down, she got herself an eager moan once she was about halfway to her twin massive cocks, at which point Ria’s other hand reached across to cup Alex’s breasts through her robe and begin returning the attentions she had applied later. It was readily apparent through their foreplay that Ria was no succubus, but despite her lack of the deftness and adaptability that Alex might have been used to she was unfailingly passionate and invested in every effort to excite her partner.

Alex would be treated to her second excited moan from the oni once her hand reached the woman’s crotch and began its exploration of the larger of her two cocks, the light glide of her fingers against it as she began discovering its curves and grooves and pleasure centers. The massive appendage went from stone to steel under Alex’s initial teasing, her initial strokes allowing her to feel the thick veins that stood out along it pulsating in a way that she knew would be wonderfully tactile against her inner walls. For several moments they laid there, kissing and fondling one another with Alex decidedly the dominant member, a rarity she had only really enjoyed with Abariel given the sexual company that she kept, but after that Ria began indicated through her retreating tongue that she wanted to break the kiss for a moment. Whether or not Alex wanted to let that happen was up to her, but if she acquiesced the oni would lay panting for a second, their horns rubbing against one another, before she looked at Alex with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes and said; “So… Want to be naughty?

The light coos and sighs were soon mirrored by Alex as she herself received some fondling from her partner, and as the oni's massive hand explored her rump her tail lifted and hung high in the air to give Ria easier access. A few moments later the sighs were joined by subdued moans once Ria began to cup and grope the dragon's bust, and the pair simply sat there enjoying each other's pleasure for who knew how long.

But that came to an end when Ria pulled back and asked if Alex was ready to be naughty, and the mischievous gleam as well as the length of iron in her hand made that a tempting offer. "I would... But I have my orders..." And while she sounded disappointed Alex looked anything but. "So how can we be naughty while I'm fully clothed?" A moment of reflection was given, Alex's hand continually stroking that member in the meantime, but after a bit that came to an end.

"Perhaps we could do this?" At that the dragon rose to a kneel, and after a little shifting she had her dress bunched up across her upper thighs. It displayed her intimates grandly, especially since Alex was practically sitting on the oni's face, and when the cloth was allowed to fall it pooled around Alex's knees while still giving Ria a wonderful view. "And I could do this..." While she couldn't see it Ria would most likely feel Alex's upper half falling down, and a moment later that massive prick would find a tongue gliding from base to tip. If that wasn't enough of a hint for Ria to get to work down there then Alex would wait, and the moment the oni did Alex would give a low groan before finally saying, "And you could do that..."

With that said Alex went back to lavishing her attention on Ria's giant dick. Her tongue made a few more passes up and down, the sheer size of it making her take a couple seconds for one full lick, but after a bit she started focusing her efforts on the enormous cap that sat in the air. She ran circles around it, her saliva coating the entire thing and making it glisten, and with each drop that leaked from the tip Alex took a moment to purse her lips and suck it away without swallowing even an inch of Ria's member. But after a bit those lips started to press down a little further, and bit by bit Alex started to bob her head up and down on the monster that nearly filled her mouth with its girth. Good lords, it's huge... There was no way she could swallow the whole thing, but that didn't matter. She would take what she could, and her hand would handle the rest. Of course this still left the other, more manageable penis hanging in the air, but she had two hands, right? There was nothing saying she couldn't put both to use, and in no time at all Ria would feel her twin lengths being stroked while the monster was nearly making the dragon choke. In a good way.

Well, you could…” Ria began, only for Alex to do exactly as she’d apparently been about to instruct her. For a moment she was far too caught up in the display of delectable creamy skin leading up to the even more delectable pink crevice that was very nearly hidden by Alex’s tail, and the view had Ria licking her lips immediately as she surveyed Alex’s nudity. So busy was she in surveying Alex’s flower as it was thrust into her face that Ria was seemingly caught by surprise when Alex’s top half fell down and her tongue coiled out to start paying some attention to the head of the oni’s larger member. “Ohhhh fuck!” she groaned softly, hands falling onto Alex’s hips and quickly pulling that ever tempting rump closer to her face.

Ria needed no further prompting from Alex to start lapping away at her like she was fresh ice cream, leaving the dragoness to wait only long enough for her to breathily mutter; “I was going to say ride me, but this definitely works too!” And then she leaned forward and slid her tongue against Alex’s pussy, her first licks skipping any pretense of teasing and starting to slide between her lower lips immediately. Alex would feel as much as hear Ria chuckle at her words, but then the vibrations of her chuckle would be replaced by the more frequent chuckles of her moans as Alex took her mouth to the oni’s length. Her efforts to please Alex in turn would suffer no faltering as she ran her tongue all over the half-demon’s massive shaft, her tongue prodding into the half-dragon’s depths, seeking out the places that made her squirm the hardest and moan the loudest and attacking them until Alex’s reactions began to mute.

By the time she got around to taking the tip into her mouth there was already a droplet of precum that was nearly the equal in volume to an orgasmic squirt from a regular sized person waiting for her, and upon sucking it up Alex would taste Ria’s musk alongside a domineering but not unpleasant saltiness alongside its potent texture, the woman’s cum so thick and sticky that it was almost like jelly in her mouth. It wasn’t the last helping of Ria’s precum that she got to suck down either, a new one appearing every few seconds as she swirled her tongue all around the oni’s vulnerable head. Her shaft began to give the occasional jump, aided and abetted by light bucks of Ria’s hips as she pushed them up into Alex’s mouth encouragingly, and it was about then that the oni’s tongue left her pussy and started to make very similar swirling motions around Alex’s clit.

Only when she took the tip between her lips and started going down would Ria give her jewel a flick from her massive tongue, and the further down her shaft Alex went the more energy the oni put into her attentions to the dragon’s pleasure bundle. Ria’s girth easily stretched Alex’s jaw, a discomfort that threatened to become pain if she got too ambitious, but Kim had taught her a few things about how to handle sizes like this and Alex would find it easy enough to keep that discomfort at bay so that she could enjoy both her attentions on Ria and the oni’s efforts to return her pleasure. Once the half-demon’s larger prick was prodding at the back of Alex’s throat and her hands were working over both of Ria’s shafts at once, the massive warrior woman abandoned her brief attempts at teasing restraint and started lapping away at Alex’s clit relentlessly, trapping it in the embrace of her tongue in a surprising display of agility given her size and writhing all around it.

A few moments later, as she and Ria became increasingly lost in enjoying one another and the oni’s grip on her hips began to tighten with her rising excitement, Alex would hear a voice whispering from the door, but not at her; “Sorry dear… They’re both taken for the night. You’ll have to find your own~” If she glanced up, Alex would see a maid staring at her from the corner of the doorway, which had been opened a crack to permit the human woman’s peeping at them, though now she was busy staring in horror at the source of the voice. Aescila soon replaced the maid, and perhaps to Alex’s surprise Angelle would be visible in front of her father as well a second later, wrapped in the comforting embrace of one arm and one raven wing. Aescila whispered something quietly into Angelle’s ear, something that Alex would be unable to hear or discern by reading her lover’s partially concealed lips, and after observing for a moment Aes looked up at Alex and quirked an inquisitive eyebrow. 'Shall we come in now, or let you finish first?' her Mate mouthed silently, while Ria obviously hadn’t noticed their presence during her efforts to drive Alex to sexual madness. Whether the dragonkin wanted to invite the rest of the party in now or bring about the oni’s first climax all on her own was something that she would need to decide for herself.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Logs, the loggening!
For quite some time Alex simply allowed herself to enjoy this. The taste of Ria's cock, the almost jelly-like pre that leaked from its tips and reminded her of the same musk that hung around the giant woman, the feel of the giant using her tongue to try and drive the dragon wild... In a way Ria succeeded. Alex started shifting her hips once that tongue found her jewel, and as the oni focused her attention there the dragoness started slowly grinding against that muscle so it drove into that button at a stronger pace.

And Ria herself would be rewarded for it. The dragon's moans would be felt vibrating all along her length, or at least as much as could fit in the beast's mouth, but that wasn't the end of it. Another low rumbling could be felt, one that seemed to bubble from Alex's gut before it poured up out of her throat and washed the giant prick at its entrance with a warmth that would only be matched by the intense heat dripping from Alex's sex. It would make the tongue attempting to wrap itself around that length all the more intense, especially when one coil slithered its way across Ria's frenulum and continually ran back and forth in an effort to drive the woman mad.

But the sudden voice had the dragon freezing in an instant, and as she opened her eyes and looked up she turned most likely just as red as the maid that had been watching her. A moment later that red only became even darker once Aes appeared with Angelle in tow, and it was only when the angel mouthed her reply that Alex finally came to her senses.

Unfortunately that meant she let out another small cry of pleasure. Ria had been blissfully unaware of her audience, and all this time she'd kept up her efforts to make the dragon squeal. It was enough to shock the dragon back into the small sexual frenzy she'd been driven to, her hips bucking against that tongue once more as her body demanded the attention, but after a bit the dragon pulled her mouth and tongue away from what Ria would have said was her duty. The oni's cock popped free, the dragon's tongue having dragged across it until it had, and once Alex was free as well she very carefully rose her hips just enough to interrupt her partner. "We have visitors..."

Though she might not have noticed the cause, Ria did seem to recognize that something had Alex distracted from the work of her mouth and hands, as her hips began to thrust upwards, the motions gentle but insistent. Alex’s tongue had obviously pulled her into a state of near-frenzy just like her own, the licks against the spot just beneath the head of her gigantic member in particular causing Ria to moan delightfully against the half-dragon’s love button, and it was clear from her motions that she didn’t want this to end until they had found some form of gratification from it. Pulling away from her managed to clear Ria’s head a little, however, and the oni grunted in displeasure before seemingly realizing what Alex had said; “Huh?

Aes, following Alex’s reaction, grinned maniacally at her before pulling Angelle into the room with her, softly shutting the door behind her. Something was whispered into their daughter’s ear, and then Aes released the stunned girl and approached Alex and the crimson mountain that she had mounted. As was seemingly always the case, Aescila’s clothes simply melted right off of her, revealing the flawless coalition of demonic and divine that lay beneath, and while Angelle awkwardly fumbled out of her own garments the dark angel strode forward and smoothly fell to her knees at the edge of her bed, ending up between Ria’s legs and nearly face to face with Alex. Not touching a single other part of the half-demon, Aes stuck out her tongue and gave the cock that Alex had only been touching with her hands a single long lick from its base all the way to the tip, which she then suckled on for a moment before releasing it with another soft pop.

As much as she tasted the oni’s flesh, Alex could sense that Aes was taking a taste of the other woman’s soul as well, slivers of her fiery essence sucked away to feed her mate’s demonic hunger and inspiring the already powerful moan that her actions produced to be all the louder. Ria’s larger cock jumped in front of Alex’s face, spraying a small rope of her thick cum across the bridge of her nose all the way across her cheek, but as much as it seemed like Ria was going to cum right then and there, the reaching tendril’s of Aes’s soul clamped down on her, shutting down her climax before it could get any farther. Popping her mouth free of the shivering oni’s second shaft to briefly display a small mouthful of her seed – which was promptly swallowed right down – Aescila cooed; “You two would have made excellent demons! You’ve gone and obeyed the letter of my commands to a T, but so grossly violated the spirit of them… I’m going to have to come up with something very creative with which to punish you!

Angelle, in the meantime, had finished stripping out of her clothes, a task that didn’t take particularly long at all, but then stood frozen halfway between the bed and the door looking nervous. “Ahhh… Heheh… Well, you didn’t say we… Nnn… Couldn’t have a little fun while we waited. Maybe you should have been more specific?” Aes simply chuckled at that, and then beckoned Angelle forward, a command that she hesitantly obeyed. “So… How is she? Suitable, do you think?” Aes asked lightly, directing her question obviously to Alex, with whom she was now nearly face to face.

Alex wasn't quite sure what to expect once Aes entered the room, but she wasn't surprised in the least by it. The angel's robe simply melted, the stunning combination of divine beauty and infernal desire causing the dragon to simply sit frozen for a completely different reason, and once Aes had come closer she was given a front row seat to the demonic angel's expert teasing.

And it looked to be more than enough. A flick of the tongue, a pass of her lips, and that added little thrill from having your soul pulled from it had Ria going into full release. A thick strand flew from the larger of the twin cocks, that rope landing perfectly across Alex's nose and cheek, but even as the dragon flinched back in preparation for an even more massive spurt Aes showed her skill once more. Alex felt strands of her lover reaching into the oni, and a moment later that climax was shut down. It left the massive woman shivering, something Alex herself was familiar with from time to time, and her hand came down and stroked Ria's inner thigh in equal parts comfort and tease.

"Like you didn't see this coming~" Alex shot right back at her Mate, and though she looked a little more confident than earlier it was obvious the compliment had the dragon blushing once more. But Alex hadn't let her daughter go unnoticed, and when Aes asked her question Alex gave it some thought. "Well, she's good as what she does, and she's very eager..." A finger came up and gathered that one rope of cum on the dragon's face, and a moment later it disappeared into Alex's mouth with a slight hum before it left completely clean. "And she's quite... unique..."

At that Alex finally rose, her dress falling into place all around her as she stepped out of bed. She shot a questioning glance toward Aes asking if she should remain clothed now that everyone else was nude, and whether she was allowed to or not she approached her daughter until she was an arm's length away. There she held her hand out in welcome, and when Angelle finally took it she gave it a gentle squeeze before guiding the girl closer and leading her over. "I didn't think we'd be doing it this way, but it's time we answered those question you had earlier. Ready?"

Alex, in taking that strand of prematurely spilled cum between her lips, would practically be able to taste the oni’s potency. Born of orcs and demons and possessing the fertility of both, Ria’s cum was thicker and stickier even than her prerelease, and its taste was even headier and filled with her dizzying musk as well. Its flavor was salty, and while it wasn’t the easiest thing to swallow due to its consistency, it was certainly a powerful taste. “I like it,” Aes said conversationally just before she flicked her tongue against Ria’s underside, producing another bit of precum that her agile tongue quickly gathered right up. Swallowing every bit of it down as Alex climbed off of the oni, she gave Alex a knowing look and said; “I’ll be looking forward to examining its taste in detail… And in many different ways~ You’ll be experiencing it with me, of course… I do prefer to be able to converse about delicacies! That can wait though, for now, you ought to comply with the dress code dear!

It took Angelle a moment to return the gesture of welcome that her mother offered to her, reaching out her hand to grasp Alex’s only after hesitating for a moment. Despite her obvious trepidation, Angelle allowed Alex to lead her forward, and hesitantly answered; “Uhm… Yes. I think.

Aes, in the meantime, had continued teasing Ria without them, flicking her tongue back and forth over the oni’s frenulum without mercy. Ria’s fingers had dug deep into the sheets, and she was biting her lip hard enough to draw blood as her entire body quivered. Both of her cocks jumped with every single lick, looking as if they ought to be spurting their release several feet up into the air, but only streams of her gooey pre were coming forth from her massive twin rods. The angel was obviously enjoying herself as she held the oni at her mercy, taking small licks out of the woman’s soul that would allow her to prolong her feeding for hours if she wished.

Alex gave her Love a bit of a wry grin before departing, and just as she'd been told she gathered her dress and pulled it up and off of her body. She was grateful that it hadn't been soiled, and she quickly bundled it and tossed it to a hopefully out-of-the-way corner that would leave it unmolested before continuing on to the young Angelle.

When the dragon's hand had been accepted Alex pulled the girl closer, her own hand wrapping around Angelle's back to offer a bit of comfort, and in seeming no time at all they were both close enough to witness Ria's cock jumping as if it were trying to spread its massive load all across the ceiling. Alex thought of giving Ria some warning to how long this could run, but perhaps it was better to leave that a surprise. Besides, she had something more important in her hands, and at that she led the hybrid down until they were both in line to watch Aescila lavish her attention on those twitching cocks. "You're nervous, yes?" Angelle nodded. "I understand." She let the girl watch some more before leaning in to speak again. "Do you feel anything else?"

"Yes," Angelle said as she knelt beside her parents, but her gaze had settled onto Ria's cocks as she had come closer and was remaining there. Her flush began to spread to places that Alex would recognize as mirroring the flush that had spread across her own body while she had been engaged with the oni. By the time Alex had spoken again that flush had spread across her daughter's breasts and sides, and it took her a moment to reply in a husky squeak; "Yes...."

Alex saw as well as felt that flush spreading, and once the girl gave back that husky squeak of a yes the hand that was still wrapped around Angelle's back started to rub against the girl's waist. "You're feeling warm, yes? A strange little heat that's slowly building right down here..." Surprisingly enough the hand that had reached over to rub at Angelle rose to grasp the hybrid's wrist, and a moment later it led Angelle to place her own hand over her own lower belly. "How does that feel?"

"Yes..." Angelle squeaked again as her hand was guided to her lower belly, which Alex would feel was quite warm. "Right... There... Yes," she stuttered. In that time, Aes opted to take her teasing a step forward by sliding her lips over the oni's tip and taking the first few inches of her throbbing length past them, setting up a rapid bobbing motion that suddenly tapered off to one that was much slower. Before she did so, however, Ria let out a loud, wordless groan of pleasure and dug all the harder into the bed, her body tensing so violently that she might have broken something of the furniture beneath her. Her larger shaft looked as if it were about to burst out of its skin it was so hard, and the line of precum had reached the oni's mound and was starting to slide down along her sides, toward her thighs as it mixed with the remnants of Alex's saliva.

Angelle was taking to this quite well, perhaps a show that even if Necro was hiding all this from the girl's shared consciousness at least her desire to try this wasn't being suppressed. But before things could go further Aes upped the ante in her teasing of the oni, and as Ria practically broke the bed trying to get herself to cum the small river of pre that leaked from the larger phallus's tip had run its course all down that massive length. Alex wasn't about to let this opportunity pass, and she leaned forward and gave that gigantic prick a long lick, one that cleaned it from base to tip in a single pass.

From there she pulled back and simply watched the giant squirm some more, one eye on that body writhing in denial while the other watched Angelle. Alex wanted to know how her daughter had taken to her mother joining in the fun for the brief moment, and she wondered if instinct would finally flare and cause her to act on her own. But just in case it didn't Alex would lean in closer, and after a moment she would give the girl a small whisper. "You can move your hand even lower."

Her brief intervention in halting the river of pre leaking down Ria's larger shaft drew the loudest pleasured moan yet from the oni, the combined quantity of her prerelease more even than the small spurt that had escaped her when Aes had first taken her place between the oni's legs. When she looked back to Angelle following her long lick, she found that her daughter had leaned forward slightly, her mouth poised over one portion of the leaked precum. As Alex watched, the girl's tongue - unnaturally long and serpentine - snaked out to lap up a small amount of the substance and return it to the mystified girl's mouth. After her tongue vanished between Angelle's lips, it quickly appeared once again to take a second dip, Her daughter's fingers had wandered past the heat of her belly all on their own sometime during Alex's lick, but after she gathered up her second mouthful of demon cum Angelle quietly asked; "What.... Are those?"

"Those are what men use to make a baby with a woman. Some people call one a penis. Others call it a cock." And now it was time for Alex to give out her own mischievous smile. "Your father calls it yummy~ It's what men have instead of that part between your legs, and for them touching it can feel like the greatest thing in the world."

Angelle took a moment to absorb the words, Aes only interrupting with a wordless moan of agreement after she was mentioned, before raising a question in a close approximation of her alarmed tone when she had spoke earlier of eating cats; "Wait... Ria's a boy!? And... Do all of them have two?" Aes let out a quiet snort of laughter at that, but Ria was too engrossed in surviving what the naughty angel was doing to her to notice much else.

Alex looked a little flustered at that, thanks in no part to Aes and her snort, but she recovered enough to answer. "No, Ria is definitely a girl. It's just that girls have the power to grow one themselves. The Fae can do it as well as most demons, and your father definitely did a couple years ago. But most of the time they only make one. It's what most men have. And it's usually more than enough."

"But... Can all girls do it?" Angelle asked, still a little flustered. ".... Can I do it!?" She glanced down at herself in confusion, but even when she noticed that her fingers had begun sliding against her own petals she didn't opt to stop them. By that point Alex would be able to smell her own daughter's arousal on her, the young woman's cunny literally dripping much like her own, but she seemingly had the ability to push it away better than most given how well she was concentrating on her awkward questions. "And.. Uhm..." she began, again turning back up to Alex, "how does... You know.... Uhhh..... How do they.... Make babies?" Aes let out another snort of laughter after Angelle had finally delivered her question, but then the demoness released Ria's second length from the embrace of her mouth long enough to say; "Alexandra dear... Perhaps an object lesson is in order? It's about time you fully claimed that towering behemoth anyway. Don't worry, I'll keep her from popping too early."

When asked if all girls could do it Alex was ready to shake her head, but when Angelle wondered if she could to it herself Alex froze. It wasn't something she'd thought of before, but considering all the different aspects to Angelle's make up... "It's not something every girl can do, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could." During this her own eyes had followed Angelle's down to witness the girl rubbing herself, and though she felt awkward for doing so Alex couldn't seem to break herself from staring as well. But the question that followed had Aes snorting once more, and though Alex was red for other reasons she was still red when she was told to give her daughter an object lesson.

Without another word Alex rose, her body and arousal on full display, and after some careful climbing she was kneeling over Ria's prone body, that monster of a cock lined perfectly with the dragon's entrance. "When two people make a baby..." She lowered herself enough to have her netherlips kissing the very head of Ria's cock. "...they place their privates together like..." With that she started slowly descending, her own sex stretching to its limit as she swallowed that monster bit by bit. "Mm~ ...like this~" It took her sometime to take it in, her body having to adjust to something even larger than Albatross, but thankfully her own arousal allowed her to sink until Ria was knocking at the entrance to the dragon's womb. At that point Alex had closed her eyes, but as she very slowly started adjusting her hips to the invader spearing her the look of pleasure on her face would show her daughter just what she felt right then.

Angelle’s introspective look at being told that she might be able to replicate Ria and her father’s feat of growing male parts wasn’t allowed to last long before her other question came forth, but it did last long enough that Alex might be able to note it. Regardless, her expression had shifted to one of nervous wonderment as the half-dragon rose following her mate’s lewd suggestion, the grin on the dark angel’s face broadening noticeably as Alex carefully climbed on top of the oni and positioned herself over the half-demon’s second gigantic cock. Angelle wasn’t the only one watching Alex’s “lesson” quite carefully by that point, but the girl was the one who quietly uttered; “It’s so… Big!” when the foot long thing was pressed against her mother’s petals. There was certainly plenty of lubrication to go around, however, and when her slick petals slid over the leaking head of Ria’s massive tool it was fairly easy going from there.

Roko, her first lover, had seemed fitted to her perfectly in terms of size and shape, a feat that wouldn’t be replicated again until she was given an object lesson in Aescila’s shapeshifting and made to conceive Angelle. Kimi, though not nearly as adept at sculpting her body with her magic, could produce similar results. Albatross had stretched her out last night with something a good bit bigger than what she was used to, however, and that was apparently enough to allow her to take in Ria’s gigantic tool without anything more than slight discomfort. That fact ensured that, as she slowly slid it into her folds, Alex would be able to feel every single tiny portion of the oni’s shaft as it was pulled, centimeter by centimeter, into her folds. Once she was past the head, she dragged out the first intelligible words she had heard from Ria since Aescilla had made her entrance; “Oh by the holy gods!

The half-demon’s cock was, as she’d surmised earlier, as hard as iron, a fact that was not lost on the excitable nerves along her inner walls. What’s more, those veins along its length were standing out now like they never had before, so much so that Ria’s shaft was effectively ribbed, and those pulsating lines did more than enough to ensure that Alex’s pleasure was close to the extreme side even though she had opted to take it slow. Her daughter and her mate looked on in lustful awe and simple lust respectively as Alex took Ria’s cock into her pussy inch by glorious inch, until most of it had vanished inside of her and the tip of the throbbing thing was pressing against her cervix. Her descent had driven the oni into a frenzy of raw need, Aescila’s denial of her orgasm and the tempting squeeze of Alex’s folds far too much for her to handle, but the pleasures she suffered kept her from doing more than reaching up to deliver a sharp smack to Alex’s backside, a secondary goal to grabbing her there and holding her, even pulling her down somewhat.

And then… Alex felt it. Ria’s cock had been jumping inside of her constantly, a slow stream of warmth and a pleasurable squirming of the demon’s shaft as it slowly stretched her inner walls the only resulting sensation. As the tip of that monstrous length rested for a moment against the doorway to her womb, however, Alex felt one of those jumps accompanied by a spurt of raw liquid fire that pierced that barrier instantly only to be stopped by the roof of Alex’s womb. The oni’s first spurt was the equal in volume to the whole release of the average man, and that the woman’s next moan was one of relief suggested that there was about to be a lot more where that came from… But then Ria let out a gasp of frustration a second later, and the next jump of her shaft was another dry one as her true climax was once again denied.

Sorry…” Aes whispered as she briefly released the oni’s other cock from another bombardment of licks, “she almost got away from me there… It’s starting to get really hard to control her!” Angelle, in the meantime, would briefly lose her mystified look of arousal to adopt another perplexed one, and would ask; “What do you mean? I don’t understand.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The Neverending Logs
Once Alex had finally settled and started to gyrate her hips ever so slightly she let out the faintest of whines. "It... It certainly is..." It was the largest thing she'd ever taken, and with her walls stretched to their limit the rhythmic pulsing of those natural ribs against her delicate flesh was sending little thrills up and down her spine. It was nearly enough to have her own dam breaking, and when Ria chose to smack dat ass Alex could contain neither the slight flinch nor the much more needy whine that spilled into the air.

It was probably what set the oni off. That flinch came with a sudden tightening, the dragon's velvety walls attempting to draw that massive prick even deeper than it could possibly go. It was pure physical instinct, and Alex was rewarded with the very first spurt into her womb for the evening. That in turn set her off, her whine turning into a deep groan while her pussy simply started quivering and pulsing along that iron length. Feeling Alex have a small microgasm was probably Ria's own personal Hell in that moment, and Alex looked like she was faring no better.

The impaled dragoness didn't react to her Mate's apology, nothing past a small moan, but when Angelle wondered what was going on Alex braced herself and started lifting her hips very slowly. "When... When two people are doing this..." Once she managed to gain a little height her hips came rushing back down. It forced the head of the oni's cock to knock against her cervix, but if Alex was feeling any pain it never showed. "It feels... like Heaven~" Another slow rise ended with a sharp fall, and Alex herself looked like she was desperately fighting off her own climax. "And when it's too good... Your body does something special..." A look was given to Aes, one that focused on the angel before it fell to the the smaller cock the angel was teasing. "For a man, they end up doing something like this..." Another slow buck was given, and hopefully Aes would understand that it was her time for show and tell.

The first slow, shuddering draw upwards had Ria letting out another moan, but afterwards the quivering oni simply went silent and held onto Alex’s rear and the bed beneath her for dear life, her eyes opened and gazing at the slowly bucking dragoness but unfocused and misty. Angelle, in the meantime, watched their demonstration with wide eyes that didn’t seem to want to blink for fear of missing something important. The young girl chewed her lip thoughtfully, the hand between her legs moving quickly now while she watched Alex slowly ride their test subject, and Aes looked up at Alex with a grin all the while as she teased Ria just enough to maintain her hold on the oni’s spirit.

Of course, Alex’s indication that it was time to show Angelle the end result of the act she was to witness had her grinning just a little bit wider, and she simply tilted back and shifted the oni’s second cock just a little bit forward. For a few seconds nothing much changed, but then her mate’s hold over Ria was withdrawn, and after a moment of amazement the half-demon let out a howl of pleasure and relief that might have been just loud enough to carry all the way to the Fool and the Pipe. Her first spurt was repeated as before, but then the second volcanic spurt came with such force that Alex might have thought she could have been thrown off of her partner’s spasming shaft were it not for the tight grip that her folds held upon it. The second was far from the last, however, and Alex’s womb was full to capacity by the time the third had been pumped into her, producing a flood of goo pouring out of her sex as it squeezed around Ria’s massive tool. The sheer volume of her release after that was such that, even as some of it was pushed out of her, much more ended up flooding into her already filled depths, causing her belly to begin to bloat just slightly as her innermost chamber was stretched by the oni’s thick, potent seed.

Thankfully, the cock buried in Alex’s pussy wasn’t the only avenue of release for the oni, else she might have been bloated like a balloon. Perhaps unfortunately for her, however, as the pleasure of feeling Ria pouring her all into her quivering flower undoubtedly pushed Alex right into her own blissful orgasm, Aescila’s slight shifting of Ria’s second cock ensured that it was tilted at the perfect angle to deliver its release in Alex’s direction. The first rope nearly hit the ceiling before coming down to land on Alex’s face, and the next six or so ended up similarly placed on the half-dragon’s body, coating her face and chest in the oni’s pearly white jelly. That last two Aes claimed for herself, however, clamping her mouth over the tip suddenly after Angelle had witnessed enough of Ria’s release to get the general idea of how it worked.

Once her climactic cry had died down and her spurting had ended, Ria was left quaking beneath Alex, her grip slowly fading as her muscles weakened. Her twin cocks only wilted a tiny bit, reduced to a more normal hardness rather than the steel-like consistency they’d adopted under Aescila’s and Alex’s joint teasing. The pleasure hell turned to heaven had seemingly been a bit much for her, as she looked to have been reduced to little more than a quivering pile of flesh, her eyes open but unfocused as she laid back on the bed. A groan and a stronger than usual spasm would occasionally escape her, but for now it looked as if Ria was going to need a few minutes to compose herself.

Angelle, in the meantime, was looking on in awe at the cum-coated figure of her mother. The girl was quivering as powerfully as the oni beneath Alex was, and given her empathic nature and the reduced rate at which her fingers were moving it seemed likely that Angelle had just gone through something close to her own first orgasm. She found her voice a few minutes after Alex and Ria had finished their climax and while Aes was toying with her share of the oni’s semen; “Is… Is it always so….” She seemed about to say messy, but instead a brief paused prompted Angelle’s question to conclude with; “Intense?

That first spurt was definitely more than enough to send Alex crashing through her own release, and given how tightly the oni's cock had fit her she may have started even before it hit. Her body had been past primed, every slap of the prick's tip against her cervix a nearly orgasmic thrill that combined with every single inch of her quim's flesh dancing across the steady pulsing of the cock it held. When Ria began to swell even more as she prepared to fire the dragon couldn't help but feel it, and as she fell that last time and nearly impaled her womb she felt herself explode.

It was impossible to tell who came first, but both women were obviously building off of each other as their cries mixed throughout and beyond the suite they were given. Alex's depths had already had their first taste, but that was simply outdone by the sheer quantity of the oni's true release. With every shock and jump of that giant penis that had her flesh shuddering and pulsing in an effort to milk it dry Alex was rewarded with a white hot shock of pleasure that perfectly matched the jelly that was filling her beyond capacity. She could feel it spilling out of her, the oni's cum seeking escape around the tight confines of the dragon's filled sex, but what escaped was no match for the volume that kept filling her, and in relatively no time at all Alex was starting to bloat with the seed that would undoubtedly take root.

But there was more to this than that single coupling, and as Alex leaned her head back in bliss she was soon bombarded by the release from Ria's second dick. Aescila, being the mischievous little minx she always was, decided that most of this bounty rightly belonged to the dragon that inspired it, and with some careful aiming Alex soon found herself being showered in more of that jellied release. It felt like she was being covered in it, something that most likely was happening, and once everything had finally died down and Ria had collapsed onto the bed Alex finally overcame her own little stupor. She could feel herself covered in Ria's thick release, both inside and out, and as her tongue dove out and took in a small mouthful of the bounty that covered her she vaguely remembered Aes herself probably looking just the same back when she'd been showered by that behemoth back during the Arrival.

It took some time for Alex to fully recover, but as she did she heard Angelle ask her question. it took a little longer for her to cobble together her thoughts, but eventually she managed enough to properly respond. "No... Not always... But when you have someone like your father who knows what they're doing then it usually is..."

"Oh... Well, that's good," Angelle said hesitantly, but then looked nervous for a moment and added; "Right?" Aescila, after swallowed down her helping of Ria's cum, chuckled softly and rose up to climb onto the bed. Alex soon had a hand in rising, assuming she wanted it of course, and if she did opt to remove herself from Ria's larger length she would feel a rush of the oni's cream pouring down between her legs, the flood washing away the small streams of the thick substance that had already been there. "Is... Uh.... Did you... Uhm....." Angelle stuttered, before finally blurting out; "Make babies? Is that... How that works?"

"It's very good..." Cum-covered as she was Alex wordlessly accepted Aescila's help in rising off the monster she'd just claimed, and as she did the dam that kept that batter inside her finally broke. A torrent spilled out of the dragon and fell onto both the oni and the bed, and as it did Alex let out a low groan as she was slowly emptied. I'll need to apologize to Sir Gregor for making such a mess... It said nothing of the mess that was made out of her, but at that moment Alex didn't really care. She had a feeling that if left well enough alone Aes wouldn't be able to pass this chance to lick her dragon clean.

But before that could happen Angelle had another question. Alex patted her belly, and though much of it had spilled the small bump from all that filling still remained. "It's hard to tell so soon, but I'm fairly certain we did. This..." A bit of the semen was gathered on Alex's finger, and a moment later it was thrust out for Angelle's inspection. "...carries a man's seed. When it's planted inside a woman it has a chance to make a baby. Some people are more potent than others, and I'm fairly certain that Ria is quite the stud..."

"Oh..." Angelle said again nervously after Alex's explanation, and then glanced at the nearly comatose oni. Aes, in the meantime, guided Alex down to the side of the bed and allowed her to sit down on the side of it, giving the dragoness an easier time of recovering while the angel, predictably, started licking her clean. She used her fingers on the goo coating Alex's face, or at least what Alex herself hadn't gathered up with her tongue, but once the stuff was in her mouth she couldn't help but share. Her mate's cum-filled mouth was soon pressed against her own, her tongue coiling forth and dragging Alex's into her own for a dance in the puddle of cum.

After a moment or so that kiss broke, but it was rejoined as soon as her lover had enough goo to give both of them another helping of the stuff. After the second bout Alex’s face was nearly clean, however, and Aes lowered her attentions gradually, licking the glistening seed from her collar before proceeding downwards. The cum on her chest was slowly cleaned up, but Aescila paid a great deal of attention to her bust along the way, flicking her tongue against pale skin and the hardened tips of her breasts alike before concentrating her efforts solely on the latter. Her hands were not idle in this time either, flitting over Alex’s sides as her belly flattened once again, the churning puddle of potent cream inside of her gradually going still as it drained out onto the side of the bed to pool on the floor. Once it was back to its usual state, she found her mate’s fingers exploring where Ria’s massive tool had been not longer before, not blocking her steady drain but still slowly working to reignite the dragon’s desires.

Will… Uhhh…. Will I… If I….” Angelle began, and that drew Aes from her appreciations of Alex’s body to glance at their daughter. “No,” the dark angel said firmly, startling Angelle somewhat, but then she continued just as firmly; “Not unless you choose to. Not all women can do it, but some people can control whether or not they conceive children, and you are one of them. Remember what we talked about on the way here? That’s what I was teaching you to do.” She glanced back to Alex and smiled again, “Of course, not all women can do it. Your mother, for instance, most likely just conceived your first sister~ And if she hasn’t, we’ll have to see if a second helping will make sure.

Angelle, looking slightly dubious, glanced again at Ria’s smaller shaft and nibbled her lip. “Can… I try?” she asked nervously, and glanced at Alex and Aes. The dark angel in turn glanced at Alex questioningly, and she would quickly understand why without needing to be told given the connection forged between them. Aescila had been raised a demon, and many of the things that her kind got up to would easily make this vaguely incestuous affair seem tame by comparison, but she was well aware that Alex was far more reserved than she. Whether or not Angelle’s involvement proceeded any further was entirely up to the dragoness, at least as far as Aes was concerned, and she too awaited Alex’s decision on the matter.

Being led to the edge of the bed most definitely helped Alex relax, and when Aes went about doing just what the dragoness expected Alex simply accepted it with ease. The lick across her face brought a subdued gasp that quite quickly led to that rather lewd kiss, and the dragon's tongue simply followed its instinct as it snaked forward and began to share in the bounty Aes had shared. A sigh escaped whenever they broke to allow the angel to collect more, and when Aes started working her way lower those sighs became more and more pleasured as the former demon started paying more and more attention to Alex's cum covered chest. And while she was still leaking rather copiously from her nethers the slight shifting Aes would feel from her Mate's hips would show that Alex was far from done for the night.

But Angelle's questions and Aescila's response brought some semblance of reason back to the dragon, and that last question had her mind churning. It was quite obvious that Aes didn't mind in the slightest. Alex had seen the succubus's life in the most intimate of details, and in comparison to the things she'd seen this little fiasco was tame. By far. But there was a sense of reserve on this side of the world, and Alex felt it as Angelle looked ready to try sex for the very first time. There was something inherently wrong with this, in exposing your own daughter to this world of debauchery. There was no telling how depraved things would get from this point on...

"Angelle." At that she gathered her daughter's attention and did her best to hold it. "You're getting old enough to start deciding things on your own. I want you to think this over, and if you really want to then you have my blessing." Despite all the reserve she felt something in Alex felt that this was somehow right, that Angelle had been shown that sex itself was something to be enjoyed by everyone involved. That this was far better than some of the alternative ways Angelle could lose her virginity. If that meant that Alex had to watch then so be it.

Alex’s words, more measured than Aes would have used for certain, had Angelle looking back to the oni speculatively. Aes gave the dragonkin a smile in turn, obviously approving of her decision, but for the moment Angelle sat frozen as she watched Ria recover from her first climax. And, even though she had looked done for the night initially, the oni was beginning to rouse herself after resting for only a few moments. While she did, Aes happily went back to her task of cleaning up her mate, and once her chest was cleaned off Alex found her lover trailing kisses down her stomach. A light push against her ribs would have Alex leaning back if she didn’t resist it, resting on her hands, on her elbows, or perhaps simply lying on her back, and then Aescila’s mischievous grin was between her cum-soaked thighs.

And then Aes went about cleaning Alex there too, her tongue slowly lapping up the substance coating one inner thigh, followed by a brief pass over her mound, and then going away from her still leaking sex down the other thigh. Every flick and drag of her tongue was detectable against Alex’s soft skin, but more tactile than that she felt her mate’s spirit beginning to sink its hooks into her own. A light flick against a particularly sensitive part of her thigh, a kiss just a little lower than her mound, every touch was exciting in its own way and prompted Aes to take her first tiny nibbles out of Alex’s soul, the subtle drain as sexually exciting as it always was. To a normal person, Aescila’s efficiency at cleaning the mass in between Alex’s legs would have been startling at the very least, but it likely wasn’t so to Alex herself given the knowledge she had of her lover’s sexual capabilities.

Soon enough only the inner portions of her ass and her pussy itself weren’t cleaned of cum, and Aes was never one to leave a job half finished. Her tongue flicked against the tight star of Alex’s anus, cleaning it of Ria’s cum efficiently and then remaining to tease it lightly for a moment before proceeding upwards, and then she found her abused sex being cleaned by that agile little muscle. It circled her outer lips first, and then it made slow spirals inward, lapping away at the mixture of Alex’s love honey and the oni cum that was still mixing into it. Her inner walls were not spared from stimulation by a long shot, however, and as she cleaned her Aes would flick her tongue against every one of Alex’s intimately familiar sensitive spots, the demonborn’s lingual muscle long enough to reach even her g-spot given enough time, and Aes most definitely had that time. Once she had reached that rough little patch, Alex would feel her lover’s efforts shift dramatically from cleaning her up to pleasuring her, replacing the remaining aftershocks of Alex’s time with Ria with pleasurable spasms of her own inspiration.

Every burst of pleasure from her slithering tongue was accompanied by the intensifying effect of Aescila’s spirit leeching away from her own, tendrils sliding into her soul to coil tenderly against her core. Through the pleasurable draining of her restored essences, Alex felt the stresses that her soul had been through beginning to ease under her lover’s care, the healing process accelerated and perhaps even amplified despite that Aes was the one taking portions of her spirit now. Such sensations were hardly dominant, however, and if left to her devices Aes would simply continue relentlessly, her technique fairly simplistic and without teasing as she sought to bring Alex to the same peak that Ria had given her only a few minutes prior. And if Alex allowed her that peak, her dark angel would tenderly flick and kiss and lick and sigh until the dragon’s orgasm was played out to its fullest extent, not as intense as the one she’d had from Ria perhaps but still satisfying in its own right.

Ahhh…. That…. I think I might need a drink of water… When we’re done here,” Ria groaned, and then slowly leaned up onto her elbows and glanced at her twin cocks. “Well, they didn’t explode… Probably should be glad of that,” she said, but then leaned up a little bit farther with a look of confusion on her face. The source of it became clear enough as Angelle leaned up and waved at her from between the oni’s own legs, causing her to let out a startled gasp and jump, which in turn caused her hardened shafts to sway about like a pair of trees in a hurricane.

Dragging herself up, she glanced at Alex and Aes as the latter was finishing up her “cleaning” and lapping up the mixture of spent fluids still leaking from Alex’s pussy, a questioning look on her face. “Uhh… Are you… Alright with her being in here?” she asked uncertainly, before glancing at Angelle as the young girl pouted at the oni’s words.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

See? They never end...
The cleaning continued once Alex had given her answer, and though Angelle could be seen mulling over the freedom she'd been given the dragon's focus was instantly drawn back to her Mate. The work on her chest had long been finished, and though Alex quite enjoyed the extra effort Aes had put into it the sudden sensation of the angel's mouth flitting over the warrior's stomach had her gasping all over again. That trail quickly led to the mess between Alex's legs, and in seemingly no time at all the teasing licks and kisses had cleaned most of the mess contained between the dragon's thighs.

But there was more to be found, and Aes started to attacking the small pool that had gathered over her lover's anus. Alex let out a stuttered cry at that, and though her tail made access down there somewhat difficult it quickly pulled to the side. A moment later the dragon's hips started to lift slightly, and in this way Alex laid on her back and presented the angel with the perfect view for the slight quivering her ring made as it was licked over and over.

It made for quite the enticing target, but it was nothing compared to the nearly weeping sex that leaked the heady mix of Ria's release and Alex's arousal. It definitely needed some attention, and once it had it the dragon let out a low whine that had her legs rising to rest on the angel's shoulders. With each spike of pleasure that ran through Alex's core she felt a sliver of her essence being shaved and consumed by the lover of her life, and by now she was so addicted to that feeling that it didn't matter if that tongue was nowhere near as pleasurable as Ria's monstrous cock. Alex could do little more than let out a quiet howl, her body already priming itself for the release that Aes was working toward, and as those sensations grew ever stronger those legs hooked behind the angel's head and gently pressed against Aescila's back in an effort to drive that tongue even deeper.

During this Ria had recovered some, her twin masts standing at attention even after nearly cumming her brains out, and as the woman recovered Alex turned in her direction just in time to see the half-demon jump at finding the hybrid angel between her legs. The question that followed was proper enough, but before Alex could answer Aes found that perfect spot and forced the dragon to writhe as her back bent and her hands gripped the angel's hair. Once that initial shock passed Alex was free to answer, and though her focus was now on the beauty between her legs her answer was quick and concise. "Angelle, answer the woman."

At that Alex let herself drown in the pleasures Aes was giving her. Her back arched off the bed at odd times, her hands ran through the angel's hair in encouragement before gripping a handful to keep herself grounded, and her hips simply rolled in sync with each motion of that tongue that continued to roll around in her sex. Throughout this Alex could be heard delivering little coos and gasps of pleasure, each one becoming longer and deeper the closer the beast came to her release, and Aes wouldn't be surprised in the least to find how quickly her love was being brought to that threshold. It was enough that Alex had to place her hands above her own head, her arms themselves acting as a support to keep her from rolling whenever her back bent off the bed, and as she neared her climax her fists opened and closed as if she were looking for something to help keep her under control.

But there was no stopping what was coming, and in one final burst Alex howled in release. She nearly came off the bed, her entire body practically thrusting her pussy into her lover's mouth, and in a way the dragon was trying to drown her lover in the flood that now tasted of Alex and Alex alone. She wasn't sure how long she kept herself there, but eventually her body would give out and collapse onto the bed. Her hips refused to give in as they continued to roll throughout her orgasm, but eventually even that came to an end. It left Alex recovering for the second time tonight, and as she did her eyes simply drifted all around her. She didn't seem to focus on anything in particular, though she did glance over toward the door to the suite to see if they were being spied on once more, and after that she drifted back over toward her daughter to see how she was doing.

Alex’s concise instructions to her daughter seemingly caught Angelle by surprise, but she quickly shoved off her nervousness and turned to the now equally nervous Ria. “Well,” she said flatly, “I’m supposed to be learning stuff! And… Well, that looked really good, and I think I still need to repay you. You know… For saving me and all.” A small note of seduction had crept into Angelle’s voice near the end, amateur at best but nonetheless noticeable, and Ria glanced nervously at Alex and Aes. No help came from those two, however, as by that point neither had any kind of mind to pay them any attention whatsoever, and thus the oni turned back to Angelle as they young girl rose to her feet.

Well… I guess your parents sort of okayed it,” she began as she sat up, allowing her to meet Angelle’s gaze a little bit more evenly, though she did go from being lower to being higher instead. “Look… This is probably a lot more awkward for me than for you, but you know what? You’re into it, and I need something to do while those two are occupied. I can see you’ve, ahhhh, got yourself warmed up, but why don’t you lie down and let me show you what it’s supposed to feel like first hand?

Still nervous herself, Angelle nonetheless agreed, and soon enough their daughter and the massive oni had switched places while also moving a few feet to the side for the sake of Angelle’s comfort, and the oni adopted a position similar to the one that Aescila was in while Angelle was pushed backwards onto the bed, her wings spread out behind her. “Will… Will it hurt?” she asked nervously, and Ria said; “For most girls it hurts the first time, but I’m not gonna be putting you through that… Not yet, at any rate. I’ve got something else in mind first!

The oni lowered her horned head between Angelle’s legs, and when Alex came to following the orgasm that Aes had driven her to she found her daughter writhing just as she had been mere moments before under the very same sort of attention, albeit from a very different source. The girl hadn’t learned to output her pleasures yet, her only noises being short gasps, but if the slow gyration of her hips and lower back were any indication it was clear enough that Ria was showing her a good time. Her mouth was agape, her breath coming in short bursts and being expelled in quiet gasps as if she were hyperventilating, and her face was twisted into a look of blind ecstasy that Alex would recognize far too intimately. Her daughter’s tail, so much like her own, was wrapped around the back of Ria’s neck as the gigantic oni carefully bent over to get her mouth in line with Angelle’s maidenhood.

Alex’s glance toward the door revealed that it was, blessedly, still closed against any would-be peeping toms, but given the noises they were making it was doubtful that anyone wouldn’t be able to guess what was going on in the large bedroom. Aes, in the meantime, had finished pushing Alex gently through her aftershocks and, following one last lewd kiss to her petals, pulled away from the half-dragon’s freshly cleaned flower. “She should be fine,” the ex-demon said with quiet surety, “her demon blood means she’ll be able to stretch without feeling much more discomfort than you, even though it’s her first time. Still, I think she might be better served to take the smaller one… Which leaves one that’s going to be unoccupied once those two get going~” A suggestive glimmer had appeared both in Aescila’s eye and in her tone, and she added; “I’ll be coaching Angelle through making sure that we don’t end up as grandparents after tonight. Think you’d like to have that monster for more than a few thrusts this time, or do you want to wait until I can join you and just tease her until then?

At first Alex thought her own breath was panting as she rode through her aftershocks, but as her senses returned she soon realized that wasn't her breath alone. The glance to Angelle confirmed it, and finding her daughter in much the same position had Alex looking on in surprise as the girl was writhing almost exactly as she had just moments earlier. It was a surprise to see that the both of them had taken nearly the same position, back on the bed, hips grinding against an expert tongue, face locked in blind ecstasy... It had Alex's sex starting to flutter as it relived the pleasures it had just been through. She almost swore she could feel each pulse that raced through the hybrid's system as the oni used that fat tongue of hers to shower the girl in loving attention... And... And...

And Alex wanted to kiss her.

That sudden realization was more of a shock than anything else. She didn't know where it came from, or why that thought was even being entertained in her head, but try as she might to ignore it it just wouldn't be denied. She wanted to crawl closer, to carefully ease her hand into Angelle's, to share her presence with her daughter, welcome her grip with a gentle squeeze, slide her body closer so Angelle could feel the gentle strength of her mother's body before the dragon leaned in and opened her mouth to the inexperienced girl. Their lips would meet, a small squeak of surprise coming from them both before Alex gently coached her daughter into a lover's embrace. Their mouth's would work up to accepting each other, and once they did Alex would guide her serpentine tongue to Angelle's, mother coaxing daughter to mirror her as those nimble little muscles wound around each other. And all the while Alex's free hand would rise to her daughter's body, her fingers gliding over softer flesh until they found the swell of a breast. That hand would give the girl a light squeeze, a gentle prod to get Angelle to moan out her pleasure into Alex's mouth...

Alex mentally slapped herself, but it did nothing for the unease that mixed with her arousal and left her feeling slightly guilty even as her petals were starting to leak anew. At first it left Alex wondering if Aes realized what had been running through her Mate's mind, but that question was lost once the angel asked her own. She seemed all too eager to see Alex riding that monster, but the real problem came with the choice that followed. Alex could wait and let Angelle and Ria enjoy themselves while both she and Aes went about teasing Ria until the demon was ready to fuck the both of them, or Alex could join in. Once Ria rose to claim Angelle's maidenhood that monster cock would be untouched. Alex would put it to use, that beast impaling her once more while Angelle was tasked with taking the smaller of the pair of penii, though it was by no means a tiny little thing. If Alex took that second option that taboo fantasy she just had would be within her reach.

She knew she shouldn't indulge it. Opening yourself up to your own daughter like that welcomed all sorts of trouble, especially seeing that this was Angelle's first time. And if she didn't stop there then what else would she do? What if Angelle came to her in the dead of night and started playing with her body? Would Alex allow it? Would she encourage it? Would she spread her legs and allow the hybrid to plow the very channel through which she was born? That was a line that couldn't be crossed, and if Alex wanted to ensure at least that bit of decency then there was only one answer she could give.

But... "I... I think I want to join her..." Despite all the shame and guilt that was in her voice Alex couldn't keep herself from grasping this one chance to indulge her dark side.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Alex's answer brought a knowing grin to the face of her Mate, and after giving a soft chuckle Alex would find Aes climbing up to straddle her, raven wings slowly sliding around her as she embraced Alex. Their cheeks pressed together affectionately and their chests doing the same in a far more intimate manner as they surveyed the scene of their daughter writhing in ecstasy under Ria's dedicated attentions, Alex would hear Aescila whisper such that only she would hear; "I knew that you would~" She slowly turned her head, drawing Alex's to do the same and causing their mouth to meet in the middle, giving the half-dragon a taste of the assortment of juices leftover on her lover's tongue. The backdrop noise of Angelle's soft gasps, rising steadily higher with every passing moment, and the feel of her ecstatic motions through the barrier of the bedding on which they sat were there as Aescila kissed her deeply, the former demon's tongue coiling around her own and leaving it wrapped in that soft but domineering embrace, pulling it this way and that in a familiar dance that Alex could never grow tired of.

{It's alright you know... Having those thoughts,} she heard her lover's voice call out into her mind, the dark angel's influence not spreading beyond that light touch against her thoughts. {It never has to go beyond this room unless you want it to... The first thing I intend to teach Angelle is control... And if you want, you may teach her propriety... Or intimacy.... Or both. You taught me the latter, and you can do the same for her. And if you do.... She'll have an introduction to it better than either of us did, which is the whole point of parenting, right?} Her lover's amusement at her frank rationalization was readily apparent, but it was as earnest as anything that Aescila ever said, and Alex was left with the option of responding in kind over the mental link. In the meantime, she would feel Aescila's body slowly but alluringly writhing against her own, every part of them seemingly in contact with a piece of the other at some point or another, but most noticeable by far in her sexually charged state would be the way her Mate's breasts rolled against her own, and the things done by her tail.

Aes had originally been slightly more endowed than Alex, but after remaining an angel for a time her preferred form had shifted until their chests were almost exactly the same size. Their minor reduction had not made them any less appealing, however, and as she felt the hardened tips of Aescila's breasts rolling slowly over her own like a pair of miniature fingers she would find again that she had lost none of her sexual skills to her life-changing transformation. It wasn't even by way of her shapeshifting powers that she was causing such stimulation, but purely via the gyrations she made in Alex's lap. Her spade-tipped tail, a fairly classic tool of succubi, was something that Alex's dark angel sported on and off these days, and she hadn't had it when they had walked into the bedroom. Its presence was felt unmistakably as it slid across her freshly cleaned inner thigh, however, and soon enough it had slid between the half-dragon's legs to find her slit, and more specifically the jewel that sat just outside of it. Aes could do a lot of very interesting things with her unbelievably agile tail, and causing the tip to shrink and fold around her clit was only one of them, but it had certainly proved to be one of her most effective tricks in turning Alex into a mewling pile of quivering flesh before, particularly when she enacted the spell that sent powerful vibrations running through it... Which she did immediately, never letting up on the barrage of stimulation that allowed her to take those teasing and incredibly distracting licks at the dragon's fiery soul.

While their tongues danced and they were practically joined in body, mind and spirit, Alex and Aescila would bear witness to their daughter's first orgasm by way of Dingroria's tongue after another few short moments. Angelle's squirming had been energetic so far, but a different sort of tension thrummed through her a few moments later, and after a particularly energetic period of writhing she suddenly went still. Aes opted to break the kiss about then and turned her head to watch, and if Alex did the same she would see Angelle with her back arched such that she was barely touching the bed and her mouth open in a silent scream, her eyes wide but unseeing as her fists clenched desperately at the bedding beneath her. Ria's grin was visible from the that angle even as her mouth remained level with Angelle's flower, the upward turn of her cheeks clear evidence of a very pleased expression as she drove Angelle steadily down the home stretch leading up to her first climax and then over it, at which point her attentions continued long enough to keep the hybrid overwhelmed with pleasure for as long as she could. Spasms of passion wracked their daughter's form before their very eyes for going on half a minute, and when they finally ended Angelle collapsed and gasped in a breath of air as if she was suffocating. Her whole body seemed to have been flushed with arousal, her skin rosy from her cheeks all the way down to her calves, and including her still twitching stomach and thighs as well as her criminally ignored chest.

Ria slowly reared back, her face briefly damp with Angelle's juices before her tongue flicked out to clean herself up, and as Angelle recovered she glanced briefly at Alex and Aes before sliding forward. Her twin shafts had gone back to their steely hardness once again, and the smaller of the two was slowly maneuvered towards their daughter's virgin petals. Their first touch against them caused a new shiver to run through her body, and Alex could see every muscle in the girl's body tense. Ria saw it too, and the oni paused and smoothed her hands up Angelle's sides affectionately as she reassuringly cooed; "Don't be nervous, little one~ I ain't gonna hurtcha." Her words were slightly slurred, and it was obvious that whatever sexual exhaustion she might have had after filling Alex to the brim was long gone, but she held herself back still and shot a helpless glance towards them as Angelle continued to tense. Aes was quick to answer that call, slowly sliding off from on top of Alex and making an extremely lewd crawl towards Angelle and Ria, giving Alex the sight of the muscles of her Mate's round but toned rear pushing her forward in the most lewd manner possible as a consolation for no longer having the ex-demon's body pressing against her own.

Her Mate quickly leaned in, giving Alex an even nicer view of the swells and curvature of her bottom and the glistening pinkness of her pussy if the dragoness hadn't moved, and whispered something too quiet for Alex to hear even over Angelle's desperate panting. The girl's eyes slowly opened once again to look up at Aes, and after a few more whispered words Angelle visibly relaxed, prompting Ria to shoot the dark angel a thankful look. Unless Alex was doing something to distract her, Aes would move to a kneeling position and allow Angelle to rest her head on her knees, and with their daughter relaxed and biting her lip with nervous lust Ria began to move once again. The head of her smaller (but still tremendous) shaft slid up and down against the young hybrid's formerly untouched petals, and slowly but surely she began to ease inwards. "Just relax, just like I told you!" Aes said quickly as Angelle tensed up again and adopted a pained look, and the firmness in her voice got the girl to obey without question as Ria continued moving forward.

And then, not long after, Alex would hear her daughter's first pleasured moan as Ria got as far into the hybrid's sex as she could go, her sudden stop likely caused by her length brushing against Angelle's cervix, which she seemed to enjoy just as much as Alex did. Resting for a few moments while biting her lip to fight back the pleasure, allowing Angelle's formerly virgin flower to get used to being filled by something so huge, but after only a few seconds was made to let out a surprised and pleasured gasp when Angelle began to writhe against her. At first it seemed as if Angelle might be trying to get her to pull out, but when the needy moans began escaping from her daughter's mouth it was clear enough what the young hybrid wanted. Grinning, Ria let out a chuckle and began to thrust, slowly at first but quickly picking up her pace until Angelle's squirming was slowed and replaced by a consistent wave-like motion on the bed that was perfectly in time with the oni's thrusts.

Ria's moans of gasps of pleasure soon joined Angelle's, and after a few moments Alex would see another droplet of precum appear on the tip of her second cock as it swung back and forth from their thrusts. Aes glanced at Alex then, regardless of what she was doing, and raised an inquisitive eyebrow. If the dragoness wanted to claim that massive tool once again and show her daughter a few things about intimacy, now was probably the time to do it.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Her lover moved closer, and Alex welcomed her, but there was something off as the dragon wound her arms around her angel's waist. She was slow and hesitant... downright awkward considering how open she had seemed no more than a minute earlier. And it was all because she was distracted. That impulse still running through her mind was causing her sensibilities to scream back at her, and both human and dragon railed against whatever dark portion of Alex's soul was allowed to breed such shameful thoughts.

But Aes understood, maybe even more than Alex would have guessed. The angel's voice echoed through her mind. It accepted that desire to embrace her daughter sexually, and though it didn't outright justify this incestuous impulse it was given a purpose. It would let Alex connect with Angelle on a far deeper level. It would let the dragon teach her daughter intimacy, to show her firsthand what such a connection truly meant between two people beyond the simple passion that even then had the hybrid writhing in bliss, to teach her how to embrace another soul on a truly meaningful level even while she herself was exposed. And in possibly the deepest part of the dragon's heart she realized that this ensured that Angelle wouldn't be hurt like she herself had been all those years ago.

All of this led to that hesitation simply melting in her lover's embrace, and though Alex was free to answer she chose to say nothing. Instead her legs slid and curled around the angel's knees. Her tail soon followed, the end wrapping around their paired thighs as if it were desperate to hold the women together, and this kiss they shared only deepened. Alex's tongue had been somewhat complacent in allowing itself to be ensnared, but now it strove to twine itself with its partner until neither one could easily escape. And then it went to war. Alex tugged on the muscle invading her mouth, urged it to go deeper, and as Aes obliged a light brush on the dragon's thigh forced her to release a needy little whine right down Aescila's throat. She knew what was coming, it was one of Aes's favorite little tricks that Alex herself had come to love, and as that shrunken spade teased its way between Alex's swollen petals it quickly found its mark. That needy whine became a full out moan once the dragon's clit had been claimed, and with it Alex's hips simply bucked up and against her lover as if she had been impaled right then.

With both women now fully melting into each other's embrace Alex was soon grinding her body against her angel, and their rocking could no doubt be felt pulsing rhythmically against the bed. But those weren't the only pulses to be had, and even if Alex was heavily distracted by her Mate she could still feel Angelle twisting herself into knots at Ria's insistence. The hybrid was certainly enjoying herself, and as the two couples descended into sexual bliss Alex simply let herself be lost in the moment. But after a bit Angelle seemed to come to a stop. It peaked Alex's curiosity even while she was heavily distracted by the perfectly sculpted ass in her groping hands, and Aes must have felt the same since their kiss came to an end. Their tongues disengaged, and as the angel turned toward the girl she fathered Alex joined her and soon found her daughter rising off the bed. The clenched fists and silent scream that followed could only mean one thing, and Alex found herself fascinated by the girl's first true orgasm. She watched as Angelle hung suspended off the bed, Ria showing her skill in keeping her partner engaged in her climax for nearly half a minute, and when the girl finally collapsed Alex felt herself gasping harshly when Aes's tail gave her clit a particularly strong flick. It left Alex panting in tune with her daughter, and she wondered just how similar their bodies were.

It took a bit for Ria to straighten herself out, and as she did Alex spied those twin rods standing strong once again. A moment later the smaller of those twins brushed against Angelle's virgin sex, and in the next moment the girl became rigid. Ria picked up on that and held back, but the oni's reassurance didn't do anything for the tensed girl. It caused a bit of concern to rush through Alex, but before she could do anything Aes was up and crawling forward. The sight of that ass swaying with each crawl was hypnotizing, but not enough to keep Alex from shifting closer herself. That changed when Aes leaned down to whisper into the hybrid's ear, and with the angel's lips parted to show their glistening treasure the dragon stopped to consider how best to plunder that booty.

But the moment passed, and as Angelle relaxed Alex simply sat where she was and watched. Ria resumed her advance, and as the first few inches of that large cock entered the girl she started to tense once more. It was obvious why, and while Aes urged the girl to relax Alex reached out and gave her daughter's hand a comforting squeeze. Angelle relaxed once more, and bit by bit Ria kept pressing forward until Angelle was stretched and filled to the brim. A moment later the girl let out her first moan, and with it popping out just as the oni reached her limit Alex knew that her daughter loved having her deepest bumped just as she herself did.

Ria paused then to let the girl adjust, but Angelle wouldn't wait that long. She started struggling, the motion itself forcing the oni to let out a pleasured gasp, and when Angelle answered with her needy little moans the giant answered by thrusting. It started slow, another precaution to let the girl adjust, but soon enough the pair of them were rocking against each other. Angelle calmed and immediately started voicing her pleasure. Ria soon joined in, but the sound of her daughter's ecstasy caused the dragon to let out her own gasp. She swore she could feel the girl's pleasure, the way Ria fit her so snugly and seemed to rub at every inch of her channel. Every inch would strike a bundle of nerves that Angelle never even knew existed, and each pleasurable little shiver would be punctuated by the tip of Ria's cock knocking at the entrance to the hybrid's womb. It left the dragon's pussy shivering in sympathy, and Alex simply watched the two go at it for quite some time.

But with two cocks the mountain beast had one swinging freely with every thrust. Alex was drawn to it just as much as she was drawn to her daughter's coupling. The tip itself was nearly hypnotizing as it bobbed from side to side, and a large drop began to gather at its tip as time went on. That was when Aes shot her look toward Alex, and by some miracle she actually managed to catch it. In that moment she realized her hand had been working on her own pussy this entire time, and a spike of embarrassment struck her before she started sitting up. A moment later she crawled forward and laid her hand on Ria's shoulder to whisper in her ear. "Stop for a moment..." Once the oni complied Alex swung herself around until she was hovering over her daughter with a nervous yet aroused blush on her face. She looked ready to say something, but instead of speaking she simply eased herself up and onto the even more massive prick that hung in the air. A groan of pleasure broke out of her as she descended, and it was followed by a grunt once Alex had reached her limit.

For a couple seconds Alex simply sat there with her eyes closed, but when she opened them she stared straight at her daughter. A hand came forward and stroked the girl's head and face, and after a bit of contorting due to her size she leaned down and brought herself face to face with the hybrid. Another stroke followed before Alex finally spoke. "You know I love you, right?" A kiss fell on the girl's forehead following the obvious answer. "Well, there are many types of love, like what I feel for you and what I feel for your father. It's different than what I feel for you, something only Mates can share, but..." Another kiss fell on the girl, but this one met her lips and lingered. It slowly deepened, Alex's mouth opening but by bit until Angelle was doing the same, and as the daughter did the mother slowly brought one of her hands up to Angelle's chest. It slid across the smaller body, and once it cupped a single breast it gave a light squeeze before relaxing. Alex broke the kiss then, and as she did she lingered a moment or two before speaking once more. "But I think that just this time I want to share a bit of that with you..." She paused for a bit, enough to give the girl a chance to answer, but unless Angelle said anything against it Alex would lean down and engage in another kiss. And there she would stay, letting Angelle bask in her presence while Ria was free to screw them both.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Ria acquiesced, but perhaps not in a way that Alex had expected. Turning toward her following the dragon's whisper into her ear, Ria grabbed Alex's head and wordlessly pulled her closer until their lips smashed together. She could still taste hints of her daughter's love honey in the massive woman's mouth as the oni's fat tongue flicked forth to duel with the dragon's more agile lingual muscle, and it would be through body language that Alex would feel Ria gradually slowing her thrusts into Angelle until she had come to a full stop. The reduced pace and eventual halt had Angelle whining with need and writhing, but when Dingroria released Alex's mouth and the young hybrid found her mother climbing on top of her both of those would come to a quick end.

Backing her ass up against that second massive tool was a bit more difficult than it might have been if Angelle hadn't already been impaled by its smaller counterpart, but after some maneuvering Alex felt her channel filled with that gigantic member once more. It wasn't throbbing on the verge of explosion as it had been the first time that Alex had felt it inside of her, but she could still feel the oni's blood pulsing through the massive veins that ran along its length, the pulsating ridges constantly tactile against the half-dragon's sensitive inner walls. The slow push back until that tip was once again rubbing against her cervix brought a gasping moan from the cock's owner, and as Alex turned her attentions to Angelle she would feel it twitching within her in return for the excited quivering of those tightly stretched folds.

With her mother now suddenly on top of her in a most intimate way, Angelle began to look a little nervous and confused again. The size difference between Alex and her young daughter did necessitate some contortions on her part, causing her inner channel to become shorter and tighter as Ria's shaft rested inside of it, but the oni merely shifted to accommodate them and kept herself relatively still. "Yes... I love you too, mommy," Angelle would squeak hoarsely in reply, and that kiss on her forehead had the inexperienced girl starting to relax again. A moment's hesitation on her reply to the "but" hanging at the end of Alex's sentence allowed the dragoness to claim her daughter's first kiss before the hybrid could issue whatever reply she might have had for it, and after a moment of increased tension Angelle melted into that kiss fully as Alex began to deepen it. Her daughter's tongue, soft and thin and wiry, flicked against Alex's reflexively as the dragoness wormed her lingual muscle into her daughter's mouth, and a softer moan escaped into the muffling of their joined mouths.

A thrum of pleasured tension shot through the young hybrid beneath her as Alex remedied Ria's error in ignoring that supple chest, her back arching up into the embrace until they two of them were pressed together in their entirety. Angelle was panting when that first kiss broke, and Alex could feel every excited shiver she made as her breath came in short but deep pants. "Mmm.... Mommy... I..." Those crimson eyes opened again as the girl stuttered, trying and failing to find words for what she was feeling, and after that failure of language she would try again by leaning forward before Alex could kiss her again herself. Soft but inexperienced lips pressed against her own, and despite her lack of practice Alex could feel the passion behind her daughter's attempts at a kiss as her tongue flailing in search of her mother's. It was a different experience altogether from the rough but practiced kiss that Ria had given her a few moments earlier, and from the duel of tongues that she had fought with Aes a few moments before that when the former demoness had been flicking away at her clitoris, and while it was very much haphazard and wild in the same manner that Angelle herself usually was it was also something that Alex would easily be able to help her master to a degree that would be more enjoyable for both parties.

However she would opt to respond to Angelle's kiss, Ria took it the second union of their lips a sign that it was time for her to start moving once again. Pulling back gingerly, the oni slid forward again a second to impale mother and daughter simultaneously on her two massive cocks with a groan of satisfaction, both tools twitching with pent up excitement at the tight quivering squeeze of their respective sheaths. It wasn't nearly as bad as it had been after Aes had had her fun with the oni, but Alex would know from the twitching that the cock buried inside of her against her inner walls that earning her second load of potent spunk from Ria wouldn't take much. She wasn't there yet, however, and Alex would be treated to the firm thrusts that increased in pace and power quite steadily. Every bump and curve and pulsating vein could be felt as the humongous rod worked its way in and out of her depths, but none more potently than the rim of that massive mushroom tip as it pulled down until only it and an inch or so of the shaft were still inside of Alex's clenching folds, and then to push back in until that tip was pressed right up against her cervix. That thick ridge was dragged against every one of her sweet spots with each and every thrust, save for her g-spot which had a particularly thick vein that she had tasted back when they had first started instead.

Angelle began to writhe again as Ria took up her briefly abandoned motions, subjecting her to the very same sensations that Alex was left to enjoy, and her lewd gyrations ensured that each would feel every pleasured moan vibrating through the other as they wound together in sensual bliss. Twin hardened points at the tips of Angelle's breasts rubbed constantly against Alex's skin during those gyrations, two hard points amidst the ocean of appealing softness that was her daughter's body, and her own nipples would suffer similar pleasurable rubs from Angelle's skin as the girl squirmed beneath her in the depths of sexual ecstasy. At some point during their illicit tryst, one of her daughter's clenching hands moved up to respond in kind to the one that Alex had placed over one of her breasts, groping at it in a less practiced mirror of her own motions with no less passion than anything else she had done so far. The farther they sunk into sexual excess, the more Alex would feel attuned to her daughter's pleasures even as she sunk deeply into her own, to the point that her sympathetic sensations would become tactile in and of themselves as they began to unite in more than mere flesh. It wasn't like it was with Aes or other succubi, for Angelle lacked the ability to feed as a succubus would, but the spiritual connection spread until Alex could literally feel what Angelle was feeling, and she what her mother was feeling, in both a physical and an emotional sense.

It was difficult to differentiate at first, but Alex would find herself able to sort through what was her own and what was Angelle's by instinct alone after only a few moments, and could rebuff feeling Angelle's pleasure as well if she so chose. Whether or not she did, however, Alex would feel her daughter tying herself into knots as pressure built up within her body far faster than Alex herself would normally be able to follow. Only a few moments more of Ria's steady thrusting would be enough to bring that knot to a point that it would spring back and violently unwind, and if Alex was still allowing herself to feel what Angelle felt in full she would be swept up in the wake of that sudden orgasm, easily spontaneously setting off her own. An impassioned scream into her mouth would be joined by a sudden wetness against her mound, revealing that Angelle was a squirter, and Angelle's second orgasm would be just as long and powerful as her first whether or not Alex joined her, and doubly so if Alex welcomed that mental connection and transfer of sensations. Alex would be able to feel Angelle's folds spasming around Ria's smaller length just as powerfully as she would feel her own doing the same to that bigger cock, pleasures both phantom and real mixing together until, for a few brief moments, they were one and the same.

"Oooohhhh.... Fffffuck!" Ria groaned as both Alex and Angelle squeezed and quivered around her at the same time, her voice rising such that it could be heard even over the blood pounding through Alex's ears. Her twin shafts throbbed against those pulsating sets of folds, the dual orgasm prompting both of their pussies to milk those shafts temptingly for their cum. Alex found Ria's hand colliding sharply with her upraised rump once more, the sting of the spank doing nothing to mitigate the wild pleasure emanating from her very core and joined by that which was drifting over from Angelle's, but despite the temptations of those two pussies contracting around her twin cocks the oni managed to avoid pumping the two of them full of her hot cream... For the moment. That could be little more than a secondary concern in the face of the complimentary waves of climactic pleasure that rolled through one other, the echo of each pulse of sensation bouncing from one woman to the other and back, causing their mutual climax go on and on for what seemed like hours before it finally faded.

Once those waves of pleasure finally faded, however, Alex and Angelle wouldn't be given an opportunity to recover from their respective climax. Alex would feel the hand that had spanked her grab her by the waist, and the oni's other hand settled onto Angelle's thigh as she aligned herself properly, and then she would be given a taste of what Ria could do when she really let loose. The first thrust pushed hard against Alex's cervix, easily enough to jar her at least a little, but the first was followed by a second and a third within the span of as many rapid heartbeats as Ria started fucking both Angelle and Alex furiously. She quickly measured herself to avoid pounding their deep walls so harshly, reducing the depth of her thrusts, and if Alex was worried that the increased pace might be too much for Angelle she would be able to feel very little discomfort over the spiritual tether, and soon none at all after Ria readjusted herself for shallower thrusts.

Rhythmic pulses of pleasure rose with those furious thrusts, and were it not for the need to keep from trying to bottom out they would undoubtedly be adding a rhythmic clapping to the chorus of lewd cries filling the room. That fact evidently frustrated Ria to some degree, however, and the oni's solution was as simplistic and brutal as could be expected. Her constant taps against their cervixes caused their passages to stretch and lengthen, and after a couple of minutes of steady drilling those taps had given the oni the depth that she needed. By the time their hips were smacking wetly together Alex and Angelle had both had that familiar knot of sexual pressure build up from Ria's rapid thrusts, and both of the oni's cocks were pulsating in a manner that Alex would recognize instantly as sign that she was on the verge of her own climax. The grip on Alex's hip and Angelle's thigh tightened, ensuring that both knew exactly where all of that boiling cum was going to go, and even if Angelle didn't know how that might feel yet Alex certainly would.

It was then that Aescila, having remained passive up until that point, sprung into action. The dark angel shifted out from where she had sat, Angelle no longer needing to lie her head on her knees anyway, and leaned down to whisper into her daughter's ear, and this time Alex would be able to hear what she said; "Angelle... She's getting ready to cum... Now is the time to do what we talked about, alright? You can feel it inside, that hunger... And you need to resist it, alright? Your body will try to get pregnant, but you can control that part of you. Close it down and keep it closed."

Whether Angelle headed Aescila's advise or not was impossible for Alex to determine at that point, as within only a few seconds she would be once more incapable of any sort of conscious thought. Not ten seconds after her Mate had given their daughter her instructions, Ria let out a howl and gave a few more rapid, deep thrusts before pushing both of her cocks into their respective recipients as far as they could go. Her second climax was no less volcanic than her first, and the feeling of that hot goo splashing against their innermost depths pushed Alex and Angelle right over the precipice and into yet another quaking, mind-shattering orgasm that Alex would be treated to a double helping of if she'd allowed the mental link to form between herself and her daughter earlier. That steady milking provided by their spasming inner walls was rewarded in liquid form as Ria pumped wave after wave of her thick, sticky baby batter into both Alex and Angelle at the same time, flooding both of their innermost chambers to capacity and then some despite that this release didn't have quite the volume of the first. Her womb was once again filled up with Ria's seed in short order, and this time the amount that the gigantic half demon released was exactly enough to leave Alex feeling full without allowing any to escape around the tight seal created by the dragon's folds squeezing around Ria's shaft.

Nearly every drop of Ria's second orgasm was sucked right into her; and unlike Angelle, Alex had no control over her own fertility. That second load was kept tucked inside for several moments after it had been poured there, and if there was any doubt before there could be none now; Ria had almost assuredly impregnated Alex with her child. Whether that was any concern to Alex at that point or not, she, her daughter, and Ria would hold there for several moments to bask in their afterglow before the oni slowly pulled her twin rods from the two dragonblooded women, allowing a pair of streams far smaller in quantity than the flood that had left Alex after her first orgasm to flow from their respective flowers. She would feel the connection that Angelle had started gradually receding, leaving her only experiencing her own body's sensations once more, and it would be clear enough with a glance that Angelle was good on one round for the night, her chest heaving and her body covered in sweat. Ria was a bit more durable than that, however, and while she didn't look to be ready for another round just yet, those two huge members weren't getting any smaller. That left poor untouched Aes, who had reared up again as the three had joined in mutual climax and was watching the three of them pant their contentment with a wry smirk.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex's little fantasy was proven wrong. Before she had even come close to embracing Angelle the oni captured the dragon by her head, and a moment later Alex found herself being dragged into a domineering kiss. It caught her completely off guard, and she could only let out a surprised squeak before Ria's tongue was invading her mouth. It left her confused even as the woman was laying claim to her, but after only a second or two at most Alex simply melted. Her tongue writhed with and against its larger partner, and though she could have snared the thing with her much more nimble muscle she held herself back. Alex allowed herself to submit to the oni, and why not? In a few more seconds Ria would be setting the pace. There was no point in trying to take that from her now.

It wasn't the only surprise Alex was given. Angelle had shown the expected hesitation, and she had relaxed as she became more comfortable, but when the girl rushed up and engaged her mother Alex let out a second squeal of surprise. And just like the first Alex simply let herself fall into it. The hybrid's eagerness in their kiss was nearly strong enough for Alex to taste, and if Angelle was this eager and accepting then Alex would do her best to make this moment memorable.

To start things off Alex used her tongue to gently restrain her daughter's. While Angelle was both quite eager and passionate the somewhat haphazard and wild flailing that was her technique left more to be desired. So Alex led by example. She coaxed Angelle to be gentle, first by suppressing her motions then by gliding through her mouth. And once the girl had calmed Alex then slid herself over her daughter, her lingual muscle writhing against and across its inexperienced partner while maintaining a more modest size and shape. And after each pass it curled and pulled back, a small signal that would urge Angelle to follow and perform before it pressed forward once more. Back and forth they went, mother teaching daughter until Angelle had learned to be a little more natural.

But even as she led the girl there was no denying the distraction behind her, and even before Ria finished her first thrust Alex was letting out her own moan to be swallowed by Angelle's throat. Alex could feel every inch of Ria's massive length, every small knot, bump, and vein rubbing against every inch of her stretched and clamping depths, but above all else the flared bell that was the head to Ria's cock was the strongest. Its width caused Alex's walls to stretch just a little more as it passed, and that caused a ring of tightened pleasure to roll through the dragon's sex as nearly every pleasure center was mercilessly attacked. Her most sacred point was the only thing to escape that wrath, but that same thick and bulging vein that had worried Alex the first time Ria had impaled her more than made up for that small oversight. And just like before every brush against her cervix sent a stunning thrill up and down Alex's spine, and soon enough it had Alex singing another song of pleasure directly into her daughter's mouth.

This continued for who knew how long, Alex struggling to maintain her lessons while Ria forced her to writhe and roll against the massive prick that filled her. That caused mother and daughter to brush their bodies together, Alex quite aware of the girl's softness as well as those two excited peaks that dug into her own softer flesh, and after only a few strokes Angelle brought her hand up to treat her mother to the same groping chest massage. That became another part of the lesson, Alex instructing her daughter in proper grope technique through example, and as the pair moaned their pleasures to each other Alex swore she could feel her daughter's excitement mounting with every second. The thrill Angelle must have been feeling as Alex rolled her thumb over the hybrid's nipple felt like her own as Angelle did the same, and as that massive cock plowed through her depths she couldn't keep herself from basking in the sheer ecstasy she felt as the top lip of Ria's head kept scratching at her G-spot every time it passed...

It took a moment to realize just what it was that Alex was feeling, and once she did she was left shocked and wondering how this connection could grow without having one soul feed off another. But as their connection deepened Angelle's pleasure started flooding over Alex's senses, and after only a few seconds Alex simply surrendered to it. That pleasure had been mounting this entire time, and it was reaching its peak far faster than Alex would. It brought the girl to that pre-orgasmic state where every single sensation felt like it was going to push her over the edge, and there was no way Alex could fight that. It was one of her own guilty pleasures, and she simply wallowed in that state until her own body became just as primed as her daughter's.

It didn't take much after that, perhaps one or two thrusts, maybe even a third if Alex found a way to delay that oncoming climax, but the moment it hit the woman howled. With her mouth plastered against Angelle that howl became a throaty moan that could be heard by everyone near, but even if her voice was suppressed her folds were not. They clenched even tighter around the rock hard length that filled them, and once that head bottomed out against her cervix those walls began to pulse. Her fluttering depths massaged Ria incessantly, her body's natural reaction and instinct urging the oni to cum and breed, and as her own climax burned through her it was quickly mirrored. Angelle's was just as powerful, maybe even more so with her inexperience, and Alex felt her daughter matching her howl for howl as the girl let loose a spray of her own release before her depths pulsed in the exact same rhythm as her mother.

For a moment the dragon felt she would simply pass out, the white-hot heat of twin orgasms searing her consciousness until her mind felt like it would simply drown, but the sudden smack against her ass brought a sharp sliver of pain that had the woman yelping then moaning excitedly while her tail whipped out and nearly did the same to the oni. But instead of simply stinging Ria it slapped and held her by the waist, and a moment later it pulled her closer as if it were trying to get her to dive even deeper and plant her seed directly into Alex's womb.

It failed miserably, mother and daughter forced to ride out their mutual pleasure until their climax had passed and left the both of them slightly disappointed, but Ria put an end to that. With a grip on each woman in her care she thrust powerfully, the end of her massive lengths striking their respective limits almost harshly before a second and third thrust quickly followed. It set off a mild wave of discomfort for the dragon, but that was quickly overcome by the almost overwhelming thrill of being struck so deeply and powerfully. She felt those exact same sensations echoing through Angelle, the both of them letting out small grunts until Ria adjusted, and once the oni found her rhythm and depth that discomfort simply faded and left them to suffer the rolling waves of ecstasy that Ria's furious pace had now set.

With their pleasure mounting quickly toward yet another climax Alex was far too distracted to notice anything else, but when she suddenly felt Ria's hips slapping against her own Alex let out a quick and surprised moan. So... so deep... She never would have guessed she could ever relax this deeply. She didn't even think it was possible. But somehow her depths had stretched, and Ria was filling her so completely that Alex felt she could watch her own stomach bulge with each thrust if she dared sat up while Ria was fucking her. It was almost absurd how such a massive thing could fit within anyone's body, but when those hips slapped once more that thought was simply abandoned. Those jack hammer thrusts were sending rolling pulses of nearly orgasmic delight through both Alex and Angelle, and as they neared their shared peaks Alex could feel those tools pulsing themselves. It was a sure sign that Ria was ready for her own release, and as the grip on her thigh tightened Alex let out a hungry and needy moan that signaled just how ready she was.

"Angelle... She's getting ready to cum... Now is the time to do what we talked about, alright? You can feel it inside, that hunger... And you need to resist it, alright? Your body will try to get pregnant, but you can control that part of you. Close it down and keep it closed."

Those words were spoken for Angelle, but even so Alex felt that hunger all the same. It rang through her body, a familiar pang of need and desire that longed to feel that release, longed to feel that heat, longed to feel the first rope of cum blasting into her womb only to be followed by more and more until that inner space was filled to the brim. She swore she could already feel that satisfaction growing, the rhythmic swelling of Ria's cocks teasing that hunger and priming it for the meal it would soon be fed. And it wouldn't be long. Ria's howl was signal enough, and after only a few quick thrusts Ria pushed herself as far as she could go. A moment later those cocks finally burst, and with it she broke the kiss she shared with her daughter and let loose her own howl. The beast was finally being fed.

And Alex attacked it. Some part of her had laid hidden, some part that awakened in an instant and roused the dragon within her to fight. It attacked that sense of satisfaction, that instinctual sense of completion at feeling her body breed with another, and it kept that feeling all to itself. The dragon hoarded that fulfillment and sense of purpose to itself, not a trace of it allowed to be shared through the connection with Angelle, and that one rogue piece of Alex breathed a final sigh of relief before it was consumed by the rest. Deep down Alex wasn't ready for Angelle to breed, at least not until Angelle herself felt ready, and she wasn't going to let her own climax distract the girl.

But even though she managed that much Alex couldn't fight her own body let alone her daughter's. The explosion of warmth that hit them both set of a twin climax that caused that caused their depths to clench around the pricks that had stretched them out, and they held on tight even as their walls pulsed in a synchronized beat that had them pulling and sucking Ria's seed directly from the source. And despite how each of them had dealt with their instinctual hunger there was no denying the burst of burning ecstasy as their wombs were filled with liquid heat and then some. It wasn't as voluminous as the first she'd had, but with Ria plugging her so deeply Alex still felt like she just might explode once that plug was removed.

It took a few moments for that to happen, and as Ria removed herself Alex let out a small whine that ended just as the oni popped free. The dragoness was left panting as she collapsed against her daughter, her pussy visibly fluttering as it was abandoned and left to gape wide open after being spread so lewdly, and as everyone began to recover a pair of small streams were allowed to flow from both mother and daughter. Whatever connection they shared pulled back as well, and after only a few seconds Alex could only her own post-coital bliss. But even if she weren't sharing her daughter's senses Alex still recognized the girl's state, and her hand rose to Angelle's stomach and gently rubbed against it while she moved in for yet another kiss. It wasn't the full out lovers' kiss they had shared for most of their coupling, but it was still quite intimate as they basked in their own exhaustion.

Not a word was said to Angelle, the girl looked completely spent after that tryst, but Alex couldn't help but notice her Mate's smirk and Ria's still quite pronounced lengths. "I see someone's insatiable..." There was no doubt that Ria wasn't quite finished, but as her gaze settled on Aes she found herself quite surprised. Despite all the fun everyone was having Aes had yet to have someone touch her. "And we have someone yet to be satisfied..." It was obvious who was going to get their turn next. But did Ria truly know what she was in for? At that thought Alex let out a grin. "Are you going to conquer her all on your own, Love?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Despite the panting breaths still coming forth from her, the oni's eyes opened as her lips spread in a lewd grin, and Alex would feel another sharp smack against her bottom following her quip about the half-demon's insatiability. "You know it~" Turning to Aes in turn, Alex would find her dark angel grinning broadly and rising up to her hands and knees, her eagerness plainly discernible in her body language. "Am I?" she responded to the question with a question of her own, her words delivered innocently just before she smoothly slid forward and pressed Alex into another of those deep, domineering kisses of hers. It was to be a brief one, however, as she broke it a moment later to rest her forehead against the dragon's and say; "I could... But should I? Your poor pussy is so exhausted, and you've been hogging that big one all night~"

Her lips were claimed once again as her Mate paused, but this time Aescila was less domineering and more affectionate, even adoring, and it lasted for a few long moments as Aes basked in Alex's presence. That connection would always feel too brief no matter how long it lasted, however, and all too soon Aes's mouth pulled away so that she could rest her forehead comfortingly against the dragon's once again. "So... Will I be taking that monster on all by myself? Or will I have my knight by my side?" she whispered, trying to deliver her questions in a solemn tone but failing spectacularly, certainly sounding more mirthful than serious.

Whether or not Alex said yes, she would be gently pulled from on top of their daughter by her Mate, Angelle still basking in her extended afterglow and looking about ready to pass out as Ria's seed leaked from her sex. Placed onto her back beside the young hybrid, Alex would be treated to the sight of her contented grin quite easily, and a glance in Ria's direction would reveal her expression as one of eagerness but also of apprehension. She might not know exactly what she would be getting into, but the denial of her orgasm for so long earlier must have tipped her off at least a little regarding what Aescila would be capable of in bed. The position that she was put into was a mirror of the one that she and Angelle had been in only a few moments prior, but this time Alex was on the bottom, her Mata's untouched pussy hovering mere inches above her own gaping, leaking hole.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Despite the exhaustion she felt Alex lifted her ass by an inch or two and let out another squeak once Ria gave it another of her eager smacks. It was a definite shock, one that was starting to feel a little less pleasant now that her arousal had been quenched, but when Alex looked back she wore a rather haughty smirk before her tail rose to show even more of her glorious rear. It was a golden opportunity, one Ria most likely wouldn't pass, but if she went for another slap she would be stopped just as Albatross had been earlier that day. But unlike earlier the dragon's tail would actually grab the oni's wrist, and it would lead that open palm down until it had a handful of soft, muscular flesh in its grip.

But the window for such was narrow. Alex still turned toward her love, and with Aes inching closer all of Alex's attention would then turn toward the approaching kiss. Her body was already preparing for it, her heart starting to beat a little harder and her lips parting as if she'd been trained to receive her angel's attention at any moment. And she didn't have to wait long. Aescila claimed her right to Alex as deftly as she ever did, and Alex submitted. She let Aes take full control, their tongue intertwining in an instant that urged the dragoness to offer a little hum of excitement, and even if that small embrace ended far too soon for her tastes she didn't complain. There simply wasn't any need for it. No matter how much Aes may tease and taunt whoever laid in her grasp Alex had long since learned one thing. Aes always made sure her partner was satisfied.

A break was given, Aes taking the moment to rest her forehead against Alex's as she asked the dragonkin her first question, and Alex wasn't given a chance to answer before her mouth was claimed once more. This second kiss lasted far longer, and where the first had been focused on domination this was all about the intimacy and affection that would always make Alex turn into a pile of willing flesh. That was precisely what Aes had been left with once the true question had been asked, and though Alex wanted nothing more than to simply capture Aescila's tongue once more she held herself back. It was a little ridiculous how the angel was trying to sound so solemn, but despite the smile she wore Alex answered it respectfully. "This body shall always stand at my lady's side."

That was answer enough, and a moment later Alex found herself being rolled off of Angelle only to come to a rest right beside her daughter. The girl looked absolutely exhausted in the best possible way, that grin of contentment showing that she was still enjoying her afterglow even if she was ready to pass out at any second, and after spying this Alex was treated to quite a different look from the oni. Ria was obviously quite excited, Alex didn't even need to see her face to know this, but that look of hesitation and apprehension nearly had the dragon chuckling. She managed to keep that impulse in check, but she couldn't hold back the small smirk as Aes settled herself against her lover's body. Alex could tell they were perfectly lined, Aes's untouched lips a clear contrast to the leaking and gaping maw that was Alex's pussy, and they sat there for a few seconds before Alex felt a slightly mischievous streak pass through her. "Come, Ria..." The dragon's hands circled around the angel's waist only to start sliding across that Hellishly-divine ass. "Don't be shy..." A moment later each cheek was given a gentle squeeze, and with each one Alex intentionally pulled those cheeks apart to give the oni a little peak at the small pud that lay hidden between them. "You shouldn't keep a lady waiting~" But more importantly that slight pressure would cause Aes's netherlips to part, and even if she couldn't see it Alex knew that her Mate's arousal would be practically dripping in anticipation.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

The raising of her tail was a temptation that Ria could hardly ignore, but rather than raise her hand for another smack she played right into Alex's plan and moved in to give her bottom a grope. As such, her wrist was easily caught by the half-dragon's tail, and guided down to the soft roundness that it had been going for anyway. That hardly seemed to bother Ria, however, as she then simply enjoyed the opportunity given to her, the oni's massive hand squeezing and rubbing at the pliant flesh of Alex's shapely rump. "You are just impossible!" she grunted with a grin, to which Aes responded with a chuckle before stealing the brunt of Alex's attention.

The oni's hand came away when Alex was rolled over, but the oni soon had another equally fine ass waving in front of her, with the dragonkin's only a short ways below even if it wasn't in an optimal position to be so admired. Alex's solemn reply a moment before, delivered with a much more genuine manner than Aescila's initial request, brought another chuckle to the ex-demon's lips before she readopted her version of the tone and said; "Your loyal service is admirable, as always~"

Moments later Alex was the one doing the taunting, and despite her trepidation the sight of Aescila's spread cheeks was seemingly too great a temptation for Ria. Tossing her raven hair back, Aes turned her head to look over her shoulder, the tips of her dark locks tickling Alex's face as she gazed back at Ria with the same sultry smirk that she wore so often when she and Alex were in the midst of some lewd endeavor or another. Her hips shifted a tiny by, and Alex would feel her Mate's spread petals rubbing across her own cum-coated ones even as the oni aimed herself at the dark angel's hole. Alex would feel it pressed against those petals, spreading them even as the fattened tip rubbed over her own, and her first thrust actually pushed between them and pressed forward a few inches, to rub against those two taught stomachs, Alex's still a tiny bit distended by the two huge loads that had filled her womb with the liquid fire that still boiled within. That second shaft rubbed wetly against the crack of her ass it proceeded towards her tail, until it stopped with its larger twin as the tip pressed against the tight, cum coated ring of her anus.

"Eheheh.... You missed~" Aes said, a deep giggle rumbling up from her throat, but as she shifted back Ria calmly replied; "Nah, just finding the smaller target first." Her husky grunt no doubt clued Alex in to the fact that the oni had already located that target, and Aes gave another giggle and turned back to face Alex, the hair that had been tickling her face before now falling in a silky curtain beside them to shroud them from the light. The side facing Angelle was left clear, allowing Alex to see the young girl watching her covertly with half-closed eyes if she so much as glanced in her direction, but with Aes now face to face and mere inches away, and with Ria pressing the fat tip of her cock against the half-dragon's tight sphincter, she could easily be forgiven for not putting much of her attention in that direction.

Regardless, she would soon have her Mate's moan of pleasure pouring out into her face as Ria slid forward, Alex able to feel the fat tip of the oni's huge cock sliding into her dark angel's flower through the contact with her own petals, and then that tip would be prodding against the rim of her tight ass once more. Ria's push didn't even slow, the pressure increasing until even Alex's tightness could no longer hold back the iron-hard length, and she felt her other hole's inner walls begin to stretch as that second cock began to slide into her. Lubricated by the mixture of their cum, even the tight clench of her insides was no match for that push, but the intrusion of that shorter, thinner cock provided no discomfort to speak of for Alex. Even as her own insides were filled, Alex would feel her Mate's stomach tense and expand to fit that larger tool inside, the former demon's frame far lighter than her own but her insides stretching around the cock that had stretched Alex like never before like it was nothing at all. Aescila's moan was deep and depicted satisfaction that could not be described in words but that Alex would no doubt appreciate with ease, particularly since she would feel the very same feeling of fulfillment as her ass stretched around Ria's cock.

Slowly but surely Ria pushed forward, burying her twin cocks into Alexandra and Aescila at the same time, and drawing a moan from the two demon-blooded members of their final tryst for the night at the very least, though Alex's voice would be as free as ever to join in. Whether or not she did, once Ria was bottomed out inside of both of them her mouth would be claimed again by that of her Mate, and Aescila would again engage her in a sensual duel between their mouths, though now it would be an even fight as Aes endured the same pleasures that she did. Dingroria was not to be idle long, however, as a hand cupped under Alex's buttocks mirrored the one that did the same to Aes as she hovered over Alex, and within only a few moments the oni would pull back only to thrust forward again, impaling dragoness and dark angel alike.

The pace was slow at first, but not a one of them needed any warming up at that point and it increased swiftly as Ria grew more confident of that. Every thrust into Alex's tight rear prompted her pussy to squeeze, allowing more of the mixture of their earlier couplings to leak down from her flower and run down over the top of Ria's cock as it pulled back, keeping it well lubricated even as Alex's thoroughly used pussy was gradually emptying of the oni's thick, potent cream. If that wasn't enough, Aes would quickly start dribbling onto her as well, droplets of her cream coating the oni's cock to the point that she was literally drooling, and the tension that Alex would feel building in her Mate's body through their intimate positioning would be more than enough to tell the dragonblooded warrior that the ex-demoness had been looking forward to the sensations that she was experiencing, and was anything but disappointed when they finally came to fruition.

Harder and faster she went, the pace rising until Aescila and Alex were bouncing against every thrust, the soft flesh of their rumps rippling with impact even as Ria held onto both and Alex held on to Aescila's. Her ass had grown quite used to being so filled by that point, and if the penetration wasn't enough to please her then the constant pressure against her inner sponge likely would. If even that wasn't enough, however, Alex wouldn't long be disappointed, as her Mate's tail came down around the cock plowing into her own folds and settled that dread spaded tip over her crown jewel once more. Even with their bodies rocking in simultaneous fury at Ria's increasingly wild humping, that soft agile little thing would flit back and forth over that sensitive little nub with perfect timing to leave Alex writhing with rising tension and pleasure. The first burst of magic left her with no choice but to howl, the dams coming close to breaking from the first application of Aescila's dark magics, and with that would come the return of her lover's spiritual tendrils into her soul, feeding deeply on Alex just as she was upon Ria.

It would take great effort on Alex's part to keep from being the first to cum among their little threesome. Her clit under constant attack, her tongue dancing with that of her Mate as their bodies ground together, Alex able to feel Ria's cock pushing its way into Aescila's tight flower even as their fronts rubbed, her own peaks grinding against her lover's; those tendrils diving into her spirit and coiling around her core to draw upon her truest essence.... But most of all, that cock plowing into her ass, a hole that had seen plenty of exploration before but none from Ria up until now, and even then the oni was providing one of the most pleasurable experiences she'd had before then, at least where the penetration of her rear was concerned. It wasn't a rare occurrence with Aes by any means, but Alex had once again reached that point where every moment felt like an orgasm all its own, but that peak she was building to if she managed to resist would feel all the more powerful for her effort of will. Just as she had when Ria had been pounding that larger cock into her pussy, Alex could feel every bump and vein along that shaft, but in an entirely new way as it plunged in and out of her lower hole, and Aes was being treated to the same treatment she'd had not long ago while so close that they might as well have been one.

When that climax came, it was to no one's surprise (likely including Sir Gregor's neighbors given the noise) that it was explosive, and whether she had held herself back or been left shuddering through a series of miniature orgasms along the way Alex would be swept along for the ride when Ria finally started their chain reaction. The oni, while possessed of no doubt impressive stamina and skill in the bedroom, was far out of her weight class with both Alex and Aes, and had either of them wanted to indulge in a more one sided experience they might have been able to keep the oni on a cycle of constant orgasm. Aescila certainly could have given her earlier display when she and Angelle had first entered, but had restrained herself for her own pleasure as much as for Alex's. That was all to come to an end when the oni's rods began their all-too-familiar throbbing, and Alex herself could feel the sudden clamp and spasms that occurred around Ria's cock just before the end. The soft groaning and grunting that had been her input into the lewd chorus filling their borrowed bedchamber became a howl of surprised ecstasy, and when Aes and Alex felt that first burst of heat against their insides neither would be able to avoid indulging in the mutual pleasures offered by feeling cum being poured inside.

The three of them eagerly built off of each other as they came all at once, a fury of lightning rod sensations and fluids being emitted in copious amounts. It was by no means Ria's largest climax, and followed the established pattern by being even less voluminous than the last, but that still made it more than match her size in terms of proportions, and Alex felt her bowels doused with wave after wave of the oni's thick baby batter. Aescila's taught stomach was to press all the harder against Alex's then, as Ria's cream was poured into her tiny womb and left it with no choice but to stretch to accommodate the torrent being pumped into it. She held the same ability as Angelle, to regulate her fertility, and it would be impossible to say that she hadn't known that Ria would be filling her up, but even so... Had Aes not controlled her body and made herself infertile, it would likely be both of them bearing Ria's children. When they were finished she certainly looked pregnant, her belly bloated and jutting against Alex's own much more minor bloat since Ria had fucked most of her cum out, and hadn't replaced it with nearly as much. Her Mate's sparer frame than her own could be the cause of her greater bloat, but given how much less Angelle was leaking than Alex, it might also be that she simply pumped less out of her smaller rod.

Regardless, it would be an amount of time that none of the three could measure before they came down from their mutual high, and when they did it would leave Alex as spent as the events of the previous day, though possibly in a more satisfying way given the purely sexual nature of that exhaustion. Her essence drained, her muscled reduced to jelly, and her holes thoroughly abused in ways that would surely leave her sore in the morning, Alex's most recent orgy was finally complete, and all that was left now was the clean up and the cuddling. Angelle was already on the second part, and it seemed unlikely that she would avoid falling asleep in a puddle of cum today, as Aes was the one in charge now and had no compunctions about doing so unless Alex raised a fuss over it. Ria, looking no less spent than Alex did, was made to drag Alex and Angelle up onto the large bed before collapsing upon it herself, landing on the side opposite Angelle and next to Alex. Aes was soon squirming into the cuddle puddle herself, and once two sets of feathery wings and four people worth of limbs were sorted out nobody had the energy left to do anything but go to sleep. Aes dragged the blankets over them and snuffed the lights with an effort of will, and unless Alex had opted to demand some magical cleaning be done they'd be left to fall asleep one by one in the smell and feel of their own respective leftovers, leaving the task of cleanup to whichever unfortunate soul of Sir Andrast's staff was responsible for such.

(Alex gains 163 corruption and 6 more exp. She may spend exp now.)
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

It wouldn't take much to get Ria going. Of this Alex was certain, and she was far from disappointed. Her tease combined with Aes's even as the oni lined her shot, and as her love's hair brushed over her face Alex felt that monstrous cock pressing against the angel's divinity. The slip that followed had it brushing against Alex in turn, and as that fat head kept pushing forward it couldn't help but rub a teasing path over her clit before it continued to slide across her stomach. That first unintentional (or maybe not) stroke of her button set Alex off and had her whimpering at the sudden burst of pleasure flashing across her eyes.

But before that first whine had even finished its course Alex let out a higher, louder moan. A quick buck followed, one that had her moaning once more as her pucker kissed and pulsed against the thick tip pressing against it, and as she settled she completely missed what Ria and Aes had said. In a way she couldn't. The sudden probing of her ass had sent a burst of heat up her spine, and as it echoed and returned to the fluttering ring of her anus it forced her to notice so much more. She could feel her thoroughly fucked pussy drooling, her own climax mixing with Ria's much thicker release, and as it oozed out of her she could practically feel it crawling down the base of her cleft only to bathe the dragon's sphincter. She could feel another mix prodding against that ring, and even when the oni pulled back simply to give both dragon and angel a proper thrust Alex could picture that smaller but still quite impressive prick nearly glistening with Angelle and Ria's shared fluids before she felt them guiding and easing that monster smoothly into the dragon's relatively untouched rear. Alex didn't even need to flex to accept it, the mounting pressure easily overcoming what little resistance her anus had until it too started singing when that slick length of iron finally found its home.

With each inch that entered her Alex could only arch her back and whine in bliss before Ria finally filled the two Mate's as deeply as she could, and that single moan turned into a few gasps that were soon swallowed by Aescila's wanting mouth. Alex welcomed her eagerly, the dragon's tongue coiling itself around her angelic lover's until they were practically knotted. A moment was given for both impaled to enjoy themselves before Ria pulled back, and when she re-hilted herself all the warrior could manage was a muffled cry of ecstasy. I'm there again, aren't I? The unasked question ran past her mind even as it was smothered by the rapid little bursts of pleasure that flashed across Alex's eyes. I'm at that point... where everything feels so fucking good~! The ever-increasing pace, the dribbling of Aes's arousal onto Ria's prick, the dribbling of her own adding to the lubrication that allowed the oni to saw in and out of her ass at a nearly furious pace... Good gods, it was like there was a level past wanton need, and Alex didn't see how this could get any better-

"HAAAH~ <3" She couldn't keep herself contained anymore. It was more than enough feeling Aes's tail coiling down to flick at her lover's crown, but when that first burst of magic hit Alex broke away to howl. Or she would had her tongue not lay tangled with her Love's, but even then there was no denying the cry of passion that rang out and joined the other two voices that were crowding this room.

But Aes was far from done. Those small pulses of magical pleasure rushing up and down Alex's spine were enough for the former demon to sink tendrils of her spirit into her Mate, and as they plowed deeper and deeper Alex simply turned into mush. The dragon's soul bucked against those welcome threads, a little push to help them drive as deep as they wished to go, and as they did the her netherlips began to tingle incessantly. Alex felt herself pulsing once more, her velvety depths demanding the same kind of glorious attention her ass received, but after a few more thrusts that tingle started to burst within the warrior's ass. It felt like every single one of her nerves were awakening to the greatest pleasures they had ever known, and with the aphrodisiacs from Aescila's nectar being fucked into Alex's ass bit by bit they quite literally were.

With so much pleasure pumping through her Alex could only hold on for so long. The bursts of white ecstasy that filled her eyes became a steady pulse that burned through her mind and threatened the last bit of consciousness she had. It only took a few more moments for it to break, and once it did there was no longer any holding back. The dam that held back her orgasm simply crumbled in an instant, and Alex came hard. Her pussy clamped and pulsed around a phantom lover it wished was real, and her anal ring danced and tugged on the meaty length it so enjoyed. Her very bowels pulsed in time with her neglected depths, and even as Ria continued to pump herself in and out at a furious pace Alex could feel her rear gripping and stroking nearly every inch of the oni's prick as it throbbed and spewed a little more of its pre-release into the dragon's body.

But even as hard as Alex came some scattered remnant of her mind could feel herself tightening once more. That knot snapped a few seconds later and left that last bit of consciousness floundering under a tidal wave of sexual bliss, but even as it was swept away it felt a third tightening. And then a forth. A fifth. Each microgasm tore at the last shreds of Alex's thoughts until it finally broke, and as she simply whited-out into sheer bliss her body took full control. It writhed beneath its angelic lover, every single motion causing another burst of pleasure that immediately exploded into another mind-numbing climax. It cried in blissful agony around the tongue it sought to smother, each howl and moan an echo to those from the pair of women dragging Alex through this sexual hell. It pulsed and smoldered with the need for more, the dragon's very flame itself reaching out and practically forcing her to burn with this need to breed.

And it still needed more. Alex's body was beyond the point of soul-shattering ecstasy. Her mind, body, and spirit had never been this exposed. Every little sensation she felt was sacrificed to her own inner sexual goddess, and if anyone told her that she was possessed by the very spirit of Naya herself Alex wouldn't argue. At this point she wouldn't even care. Anyone could have walked up and done anything they liked to the dragoness. She only wanted to continue skipping along this impossible plateau she had reached, to continue cumming and cumming until-

Some part of her must have known it was coming. There was no way she could have missed the sudden swelling and throbbing within her. But the sudden explosion of heat that was Ria's final climax still managed to surprise the needy creature that Alex had become, and as the first rope of thick, potent cum filled her insides that last bit of her finally broke. She toppled from the impossible height she had reached, her body crashing through an orgasm the likes of which she had only known when Aes had gone all out in her effort to make Alex cream herself to death, and as her body convulsed the final few remnants of the oni's release were finally thrown from her depths. She was finally free to explode herself, her honey spraying Aes and Ria just as Angelle had done only minutes earlier, and at that point there was no holding back. With every thread poured into her Alex shot another burst in return, and as she was forced to feel herself cum and cum for what must have been hours her eyes fluttered and rolled up toward the back of her head. All she could see was the flood of white pouring into her, the very real fluids that Ria released as well as the sparks of electric pleasure that ran throughout her body and nearly forced her to pass out.

There was no telling how long she lasted through that climax. She didn't even realize that it had ended until she found herself being dragged higher into the bed. Even then her eyes couldn't seem to come to any true focus, but the feel of a warm body on one both sides had her body finally relaxing even while parts of her still shivered as the ghosts of her orgasm still shot through her. She was left exhausted in her entirety, what little focus she gained fading as it came as her body sought to finally rest and relax after such a wonderfully grueling orgy. But the sudden warmth that surrounded her eased her along, and as she did what little she could to embrace all three of the women involved in this little affair the consciousness she just regained started slipping once more.

But before Alex finally passed out for good her eyes managed to focus enough for her to quietly speak before she fell into a completely satisfied sleep. "I'm... gonna need a bath... in the morning..."

Saving experience for now
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Angelle was out cold by the time Alex was suitably cuddled to deliver her statement, but Ria let out a belch of tired laughter, and Aescila let out a soft chuckle and replied; "Indeed... I hope you don't expect that you'll be alone when you do though~" And that was the thought that Alex would have to go to sleep to while situated roughly in the center of the pile of her present orgymates, all of them covered in sweat and various quantities of Ria's semen which was sure to be an incredibly pleasant task to clean up for whoever on Sir Andrast's staff ended up having to do it.

Alex's sleep would be restful, allowing her to recuperate both from the wild night of sex and from the remaining fatigue brought on by the battles that had taken place the day before. Her draconic blood ensured that she was incredibly quick to recover from both fatigue and injury, and that was exactly what happened over the course of her contented sleep. Even so, when Alex awoke she would still feel the aftereffects of the previous night, including both the crust of dried cum covering most of her body from her collar down to her knees and the overall ache of her abused crotch.

Unfortunately, pr perhaps fortunately, that wasn't the only sensation she awoke to. As she fluttered back from the realm of whatever dreams she'd enjoyed following her long bout of sex, Alex would feel a dull ache from one of her breasts.... And a sort of relieving pleasure from the other. Once her eyes flitted open, Alex would find that her Mate had been the first of their number to awaken, and had chosen to occupy the time between then and when everyone else began to rouse by taking part in her very favorite post-sleep pastimes. Namely, making sure that her dragoblooded mate was as aroused as possible when she woke up, and this particular time it was apparently to be accomplished simply by clamping her lips over the tip of one of her breasts and suckling, while the devilish tongue slowly worked circles around the tip that Alex. She could also feel Aescila's fingers slowly trailing over her abdomen beneath the covers and her trail making a similarly slow and delicate trail against one of her thighs, but they were oddly less pronounced than they might have been against the sensation caused by her dark angel's gentle suckling at her breast.

Why she had chosen to take that particular tact would be clear enough if Alex so much as glanced at her other, untouched peak, where she would find a small bead of white fluid waiting for any would-be takers. That no doubt surprising sight would likely be all that the dragoness needed to realize that something had occurred within her body, and a moment after rousing and witnessing the sights and sensations that had come courtesy of her Mate the smoke cloud they had left over her perceptions of her own body would clear. Her stomach hadn't bloated yet, but while it might be more delayed than it had been when she and Aes had conceived Angelle, Alex's instincts confirmed what her intellect had concluded was inevitable the night before. Ria's seed had done as her body had desired when it had filled her fertile depths, the volume and potency of that thick liquid leaving any other outcome all but impossible after it had been left to its work within her overnight; the heated desire to breed had been fulfilled. Alex could feel Ria's child growing inside of her, the developing life not large enough yet to cause her stomach to distend but sure to grow quickly given the mixture of supernatural genes that made up half of its bloodline. Half mortal and half immortal, just like Alex herself, but even those two halves were themselves divided by the unique mixture that they had produced, Alex's own human half mixed with the orc blood running through Ria's veins to make up her mortal identity, while dragon and demon mixed together to create what would surely be a powerful combination in the child's supernatural heritage.

"Good morning~" her Mate cooed, her words and the feeling of her cool breath passing over the sensitive nipple that it had only moments before been suckling on was swift to knock Alex from her thoughts and back into the present, and once she was paying attention again Aes continued; "I just couldn't resist~ I didn't even get to try it last time!" Such was true, she hadn't lactated for more than a week when she'd had Angelle, and even that had been brief enough that it was over by the time she'd given Aes her orgy with Kimi and Abariel, and so light that they'd had to get a wet nurse for her. It was heavier now than it had ever been after her pregnancy with Angelle, and had started far earlier as well, but a degree of unpredictability was always to be expected from carrying young with magic in their blood, so it likely wouldn't suggest that anything was dangerously wrong with her. After speaking, Aes casually lowered her lips back to the briefly untouched nipple on which she had been sucking and began to do so once again, her tongue coiling deftly around it and offering some light tugs of its own. The physical stimulation that her Mate's actions induced was joined a few seconds after she had begun them by a strange sense of relief, occurring at the same time as an odd wetness appeared at her captured tip only to be licked away immediately and quickly replaced by another.

The more of her milk that her dark angel sucked from her, the more Alex felt her other breast cry out for similar attention above and beyond what it might normally have needed under normal amorous circumstances. The soft caresses against her thigh and stomach offered no hope of relief on that front, and Angelle and Ria were still snoozing, her daughter on her side opposite Aes, and the oni now sprawled over half of the large bed behind her Mate while loudly snoring. "I could get used to this~" Aes remarked casually during another brief break, her breath causing the dragon's tip a brief bout of unpleasant cold before it was taken once more into the warmth of her lover's mouth, but the other peak was still left entirely untouched. Aes would cease her efforts if Alex opted to request as much from her, and would climb on top of her to even out her attentions after a teasing pause if Alex asked her to, but such would require her to take the initiative while enduring her Mate's presently simplistic but nonetheless pleasurable attentions. She could certainly do so, given how thoroughly her lusts had been quenched the night before, but at the moment she had no responsibilities to see to beyond getting herself cleaned up and being off from the city towards her next destination, neither of which needed to happen right that second, so she would be well within her rights to simply relax and allow Aes to suckle on her to her heart's content... Or perhaps ask for more if the previous night's satisfaction hadn't carried over to the next day.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex woke slowly, the lack of any memorable dreams showing just how exhausted she had been from last night's sexual marathon, but even so there was no mistaken the pleasant little hum she let loose. It was a distant echo to the same pleasures she'd felt last night, and her body couldn't help but react to the attention it was given. Her back arched slightly, her chest pushing out as if in offering to the mouth that suckled so earnestly. That same arch brought her stomach up to the hand that gently ran across the dragon's abs, and with Aes's tail slithering its slow trail up Alex's thigh there was no stopping the instinctual need to rub both thighs together. It only added to pleasant tingle that was starting to rouse the warrior from her rest, and it would subtly encourage that tail to move just a few inches closer.

"This isn't a bath..." It was the first sign that she was finally awake, but with all the pleasant thrumming her body was doing Alex simply brought a hand up to rest on Aescila's head before her eyes slowly closed and left her half asleep. Those hums would continue, small little subdued moans that were clue enough to how much the dragon was enjoying herself at that moment, but the growing pressure she felt at her untouched breast would not be ignored. It was a curious sensation, one that had Alex slowly bringing her eyes open, and for a moment or two she simply stared at the small bead of milk sitting at her tip without any further thought.

That ended in an instant. While she didn't exactly shoot up straight her mind snapped straight into consciousness, and for a bit she simply pondered her teat in shocked silence. The first thing she realized was that she was pregnant. She knew that much last night, there was no chance Ria's potent seed wouldn't take root considering how much had been poured into the dragoness's body, but now that she had this first sign she noticed another. Beneath Aes's brushing fingers Alex could feel a spark of light starting to develop, and though it was small right now she could feel the life that rested there slowly, gradually growing within her womb. It was enough that Alex actually brought her free hand to her stomach and joined Aes in her slight caress. It almost felt like they were both introducing themselves to that new life...

"Good morning~" The small shiver that Aescila's breath left after rushing over that now free nipple had Alex gasping as she was dragged back into the small bed of pleasure the angel had left her in. "I just couldn't resist~ I didn't even get to try it last time!" As if to prove that point the angel's mouth descended once more and caught the dragon's nipple. Alex could feel Aes's tongue coiling around that bud, the slight little tugs it offered combining with the gentle suction to leave Alex tingling from her peak and humming out another quiet moan. A moment later a sense of relief started to well from her breast, a bead of milk quickly getting snatched from Alex's sensitive tip only to reappear once again as she felt the slight pressure within being released drop by drop. "I could get used to this~"

But even as Aes fed it did nothing for the mounting ache in Alex's other breast, and after a bit she couldn't contain the groan that was steadily working its way out. "Aes... the other one..." That was more than enough to get her Mate to move, and though Aes teased her about it the former demon eventually centered herself over the dragon to give her some more balanced attention. And when that mouth fell onto the previously untouched nipple Alex nearly cried out in relief. She never would have guessed that so much pressure could build within her. Or how wonderful and fulfilling it felt when it was finally relieved. It brought a sigh of content from the dragon, that sigh bleeding into another moan while Aes continued to tease and taunt her without actively trying to drive Alex into release. And Alex was fine with that. Considering all she'd done last night including that blank period that all she could remember was pure and total sexual bliss there was no need to work herself to yet another orgasm. This was more than enough for now.

Or maybe it wasn't. The hand that had been rubbing a lazy little circle over her own stomach suddenly trailed further South, and Aes may very well be surprised to find those fingers gently capturing the tail that continued to worry Alex's thighs. It would probably be even more surprising to feel those fingers bringing it closer to her cleft, and after some slow but deft work Alex began to use Aescila's tail to rub at her aching lips. If Alex was allowed to stay in control it wouldn't go much beyond that, the feel of her fingers and Aes's naughty little spade bringing another type of pleasant relief as they massaged Alex's sore sex. It was relaxing in its own right, and with Aes feeding at her breast Alex was tempted to simply close her eyes and fall back asleep once more. And unless either Angelle or Ria woke enough to draw the dragon's attention Alex would do just that until they had. Then it was time to get up, no matter what.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

There came one response, just when Alex offered the words that initially confirmed that she had roused herself from sleep due to her Mate's actions, and Aescila briefly popped off of her breast to quip; "No.... Do you want it to be?" The words came forth in a purr, and if Alex was too heavily entrenched in her sleepy state to imagine what she might mean, the innocent question that followed in that same lewd purr likely clarified it; "Would you like to feel my tongue all over you, cleaning every single inch?"

However Alex might respond to that offer, Aes would continue suckling at her breast for a while before the pressure in her untouched orb became great enough that Alex asked her to switch, at which point the dark angel would slide over and put a knee between Alex's legs. Though it didn't do so on its own, the demon's tail was easy for Alex to capture and allowed itself to be guided to her sore petals and used to rub against them, Aes giving the dragoness leave to do as she liked... For now. At some point during that time Ria's eyes flitted open, but upon hearing the mewling next to her she merely grinned and shifted to her side in order to watch Aes at work. And what a job she did! By the time Aes was done with her bosom, the pressure in Alex's leaking breasts was gone completely and replaced with a sense of warm contentment. Of course, the former demoness was hardly going to stop there unless Alex had outright refused her earlier offer, and soon enough her Mate's lips and tongue were trailing down over the curves of her Alex's chest. Both breasts were thoroughly cleaned, and then her Mate trailed down, cleaning Alex's stomach in the same manner.... And then on she went unless the dragoness protested, casting the blankets aside and cleaning Alex from her chest all the way down to her feet, turning her over to give the same treatment to her back (and plenty of light nibbling to her rump of course) before moving all the way back up and cleaning her shoulders, neck, and finally pressing the lips that had just so thoroughly cleaned her against Alex's.

Her pussy had received only a little bit of attention on that cleaning route, but if she had displayed a desire for more touching there Alex would feel her Mate's tail sliding against her still-sore petals once again. The soft, full body massage that had occurred had been incredibly relaxing, easing away much of the soreness that Aes seemed intent on reinstilling, but just as the demoness was about to slid that spaded tip into her folds there came a knock at the door. Aes glanced over her shoulder, her own hips resting just above Alex's and the only person still decent due to the covers being the still sleeping Angelle, and called out; "Come in~" A maid simply opened the door at her Mate's prompting, was met with the sight of a trio of nude, inhuman women lying together and staring back at her, and blushed so red that she might have been mistaken for Ria's runt sister before promptly turning around and closing the door again. "Uhhhh... Ss.. Sorry! Uhm.... We've... Prepared baths and breakfast for you all... If, uhm... You'd like to... I mean... If you're awake... And not busy," she stuttered from the barrier of the door, prompting Ria and Aes to chuckle softly and her Mate to turn to Alex and whisper into the dragon's ear; "It looks like I'll have to finish my cleaning some other time.... Unless you'd like to sleep in~"

Unless Alex should opt to spend some more time in bed, they would rise, Aes would rouse Angelle who would blush heavily and be very quiet while dressing, and then they would be off. Their clothes would be cleaned for them while they bathed, each getting their own tub of hot water to enjoy for as long as they liked, which Angelle at the very least would take advantage of for as long as possible. Food would be served after, Sir Andrast still sequestered in his bedroom but the servants saying that he wished to bid them farewell in person before they all left. A hearty breakfast of excellent quality would follow, and once adequately full Alex and company would be able to say goodbye to Andrast and then head off on whatever the dragoness wished to do next.

(Time for chat stuff, methinks. )