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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

When asked if she would like a full and thorough cleaning courtesy of a demonic angel's tongue Alex only answered with a non-committal sigh before she was free to bask and awaken as she had. The feeling of accomplished content merely spread as her Mate continued to feed, and once that was done Alex looked ready to pass out in harmonious bliss. But her earlier non-response was not a refusal, and this gave Aes the freedom to continue how she saw fit. That started with the slow, long licks along the dragon's chest. Though they had been emptied the earlier attention had left them quite sensitive, and as those lips and tongue continued to glide across those soft swells Alex could only let out another moan as her body rolled under her lover's care. It looked like the warrior was trying to present herself in the best way possible, each motion thrusting whichever piece of Alex's body currently being worshiped toward that glorious tongue, and if Aes felt inclined she could show Ria just how to make Alex's body dance to one little yet highly skilled muscle.

When it came time to flip the dragoness didn't hesitate, and as Aes climbed and cleaned Alex's backside she would find that body lifting slightly under each caress. She would also notice the slight grind that grew as both bodies came closer to spooning each other, and when the angel had settled herself to kiss her dragon Alex simply turned her head to accept it while flushed fully against the woman she loved. Her entire body was now rocking at that same slow pace, Aes being forced to join with Alex's tail wrapped around and binding both women's thighs, and she kept going even as she felt Aes's spade returning to her aching sex. But before Aes could learn whether Alex was still aching from last night or from a far more immediate need a knocking caught everyone's attention. While Aes welcomed the intrusion Alex simply froze, and as the maid walked in she turned her head to find said maid blushing as furiously as herself. Not a word was said in response to the news issued from behind closed doors, and only once Aes gave her teasing offer did Alex turn her embarrassed gaze back toward her Mate. "A... Another time, then..." Good gods, was that the same maid from last night?

Once Alex recovered from yet another bout of embarrassment she picked herself up and redonned the dress she arrived in. As she did she noticed Angelle silently blushing and adding to the collective anxiety gathering within the Andrast home. It was curious, something for Alex to ponder besides the woman who had received an eyeful of naked flesh, and she decided to ask about it. But before she did it was time to leave for the bath, and as they left Alex took her time to linger and address the most likely still blushing maid. "I'd like to apologize for... for that little show... and the bed sheets..." She lingered just enough for the maid's response, and once she had it she hurried forward to speak with her daughter. "So, uh... how are you feeling?" Considering how she acted last night it was a wonder the dragon could seem so flustered.

((We'll start from there, mayhaps.))
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Logs again!
The maid was indeed blushing heavily, her face flushed whenever she was around Alex or anyone in her group. When the dragoness opted to speak to her directly, she again turned a shade of red that was a good approximation of Ria's coloring. "Uhhh.... It's.... It's quite alright.... Ma'am!" she replied, hastily adding on the honorific at the end. "It was.... Not something that we were... That I was expecting," she tried to explain a moment later.

The added honorific actually helped Alex overcome a bit of her own embarrassment simply because it brought up thoughts of her family lording their position over their help. That didn't mean she would do it, but bringing out Alex's inner lady wouldn't hurt. "That's... not something I would have exposed to anyone else so freely. My Mate is just a little... playful..."

"Indeed...." the maid replied, still blushing madly but approaching something at least similar to professional respect in her tone. The reminder of the relationship between them seemingly helped her as much as it did Alex. "Would milady like something? Some water or milk perhaps? It is early for wine, but there is some left over from last night if you would prefer that," she continued in her freshly calmed tone.

The thought of drinking milk after being milked felt somewhat absurd. And drinking wine would probably lead to more of last night, and Alex wanted to enjoy a bath for a change. "Water, please." At that Alex would let the woman go, though she wondered if the maid would ask the same question to the others. She could already hear Aes's answer...

She did indeed ask the others after bowing to Alex's request, and not only Aes (who did so with a wry grin) but Angelle asked for milk, the latter far more innocently but still causing both Ria and her father to descend into fits of giggles. She was given her drink while she took her bath, the baths held in separate rooms and allowing Alex a brief moment of privacy, but afterwards Aes would sneak up on her and whisper into her ear; "Yours was better~" The dark angel would quickly strut back to her own little cell in Andrast's group bathing chambers to dry herself off, which was what Alex had been doing when she'd been so attacked, but thankfully no further teasing was to come unless Alex actively invited it.

Good gods, the answer from Aes was bad enough, but hearing Angelle ask for the same had sent the the angel and the oni into giggles once more. And it made Alex realize one thing. Aes would always giggle each time Angelle ordered her favorite drink. Hearing the girl ask for milk would never be the same.

But there was little else to bother her, and Alex at least managed to enjoy her bath in relative peace and tranquility. She even managed to drag it out a bit and make it more relaxing by adding a touch of her own dragonfire to heat the water, but all that changed once she was done. Aes suddenly popped out of nowhere, and her little admission had Alex quietly jumping out of her skin before turning to find the offender strutting away. There was only one way to answer that, and Alex grumbled it under her breath. "Dammit, Aes..."

One that was over the concern Alex felt for Angelle returned, and as they left to have some breakfast she slid up next to her hybrid daughter. But instead of asking a question this time simply watched the girl. It was best to see if that earlier silence and hesitation was still persisting.

Once cornered by Alex, Angelle seemed to grow more nervous by the second. She didn't seem uncomfortable, per se, but after a time Alex would get the distinct impression that her daughter thought she might have done something wrong, but wasn't entirely sure if she had at all... Or if she could do something to right it. Aes noted this from a slightly greater distance away, but offered Alex the chance to handle it rather than intervene. Ria was busy eating.

After a few moments Angelle would stop her fidgeting and actually look at her mother, her expression questioning while her internal struggle over how to word her concerns took place.

Alex stayed silent as well, but once Angelle took the time to actually acknowledge her mother's stare it felt right to finally say something. "Just go ahead and say it, little one."

"Did.... Uhm...." Angelle hesitated for a moment, "is it... Will... Does it always become so... Weird... After?"

That brought a spot of color back to the dragon's cheeks. "Hm... Do you feel you did something wrong?"

"No... I don't know... I'm just.... Not sure what I should have done after. Or what I'm supposed to do now."

"That's okay... This is something new for you... And nobody can really tell you how to feel once it's done." Truth be told Alex was feeling a little awkward herself, the biggest reason being the woman she was now speaking with, but she was doing her best to simply let it go. If there was more awkwardness later then they could address it once they had some more privacy.

Angelle still seemed troubled, but after a moment she nodded slightly and seemed to accept that. Their full breakfasts were served to order a moment later, Ria having been pigging out on muffins, and over the course of their meal Angelle would seem to settle out of her awkward state... Mostly. Only to Ria did she still show some nervousness, which the oni picked up on and opted to respond to by simply being friendly to Alex's daughter. That got her on the way towards being relaxed again, at least, but it wasn't a finished process by the time they'd finished their meal and were preparing to depart from Sir Andrast's home.

The girl was starting to relax, and that was good, but there was still reason for Alex to be nervous even as they all enjoyed their meal. And once they were done and nearly ready to leave it was time to face that reason. Time to pay their respects to Sir Gregor. Time to learn just how loud they truly were last night.

When her desire was made known, Alex would be led upstairs to Sir Gregor's room, and would find the knight lying on his bed restlessly when she was permitted in. The aging warrior's pale face immediately went blank at Alex's entrance, and in a carefully neutral tone he said; "Ahhh, Lady Alexandra.... Your quarters were suitable I hope?" If his carefully neutral features weren't enough to confirm that she'd been heard last night, the color slowly creeping into his cheeks probably was.

"Y-Yes... Very suitable... as I'm sure you're well aware..." She'd grown progressively quieter as she continued, as well as more red. And after a bit she came closer to speak with him confidentially. "If our, um... 'indiscretion' was a bother please let me know. I'll try to make it up to you if at all possible."

"Uhhh.... Eheh.... Well, you've certainly done enough to, uhhh.... Well, it wasn't really a problem. If you do stay in my home again though, I hope that you won't mind if I put you a bit farther from my own chambers!" He seemed in good humor about it, at least.

"Of course! And we'll probably be returning twice. I need to make a detour to Ochre before returning to my father's lands, and I've also been invited to a wedding a month from now." And why the hell hasn't she told Aes about this yet?

"Very well!" he said, "until next we meet. My home shall remain open to you, of course."

She gave him a smile in response. "We thank you for your hospitality, Sir Gregor. And I look forward to seeing you in much better health." And as a bit of a surprise she leaned in to give him a small kiss on the cheek. It was a rather friendly gesture, something that wasn't usually shared between nobility, but having fought and bled beside the man meant he was more than just some stuffy noble.

Unless there was anything else left to do or say Alex took her leave, and before leaving the mansion proper she asked for a private area to change out of her dress and into her armor. Once that was done she and her family were most likely free to leave. And once they were on their way she turned toward Aes. "So yeah, we've been invited to a wedding. I should have mentioned it earlier. Sorry."

Sir Gregor stiffened briefly in surprise at Alex's somewhat uncouth gesture, but after a moment he smiled warmly and nodded, not seeming to mind it. "Indeed... As do I."

After that she was dismissed, and would be able to change into her freshly repaired armor in a private changing room before confronting Aes with her sudden news. “What?” the dark angel said in surprise, “whose? That man you met at the Fool and the Pipe?

"Yup. He's getting married in a month or so, and we've been invited. Even met the bride-to-be."

"Ahhhhh, okay!" Aes said, smiling once she was over the initial surprise. A coy look came over her face, and the former demoness casually inquired; "Is she hot? And has she made any plans for her bachelorette party yet? The man wasn't too bad either.... What about him? Oh wait, that was his bachelor party that we walked in on, wasn't it?"

"She's pretty." Alex paused a moment to get a look at her lover from the corner of her eyes. "And her bachelorette party never came up. But I did offer to give them a ride down to the Hidden Village if they wanted to head that way for their honeymoon..."

"Good thinking~" Aes replied, and Alex's glance aside would reveal a mischievous smirk on the dark angel's face. By that point they were leaving the higher class quarter of the city and were hitting the main streets, and as that point Aes asked; "So, where to?"

She expected that look, so Alex merely rolled her eyes and went back to watching where she was going. But the follow up question caused her to pause as they hit the main streets. "Ria, I intended to head over to my father's land once we were done here, but that's changed. I'll be heading to Ochre." There was more to say, but she waited for the oni's response.

Ria seemed surprised to be addressed, but quickly recovered and slid an arm behind her head. "Well, uhhh.... I am going in that direction too, but... There was something I want to ask you about before we, uhhh, went our separate ways." She glanced about nervously, and then leaned in so that their conversation would be a little bit less public; "About... Well, the fact that I don't shoot blanks. Are you, uhhhh.... Well, are you going to keep it? A potion would still work at this point, and I wouldn't blame you for it or want to think I was trying to pressure you into anything! I was, uhhh.... Planning on pulling out, to be honest. But, well, you know how that turned out!"

"Well... Angelle was kinda conceived the same way..." And thus does the blush return. "So... unless you really want me to take a potion I'll most likely carry her to term..." And behind that blush was a bit of curiosity. How was Ria going to take this?

Ria didn't seem particularly surprised by Alex's answer, and for a moment she stood still and silent before giving Alex a nod. "I'm... Alright with that. I'm not sure if I'm ready to be a parent or how that's going to work out regarding custody, but if you want to keep it I'm not about to just abandon it. Not to say that you would, mind! You've raised a wonderful girl in Angelle, but.... Well, my parents were pretty much deadbeats, and I don't want to follow in their example."

"Well... You can kinda guess that I didn't have the best family life when I was a child... And Angelle was kinda sudden... but I made that same promise to myself. I wanted to do better for my girl, so I did. As long as you want to do better for her then you will. And there's no need to rush it. We can figure out that other stuff some other time. Maybe even on the road if you feel like coming with us."

"I wouldn't mind.... Coming with you that is," Ria said quickly. "If it is your brother whose been whooping my ass it probably won't help your case with him very much, but we're going in the same direction at the same time and the roads ain't exactly safe these days. 'Sides, you and yours are great company, and it gets cold at night these days too~"

Alex answered that last bit with a somewhat awkward smile. "It's good to see that you and Aes share that much in common!" Sixty miles between those two... "But before we leave I'd like to make one stop, first. You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a druid, would you?"

"Uhhh.... A druid? Not in the city limits, no. The queen supposedly likes to keep some on hand, but you'd be better off asking someone more cultured than I about where you could find them. I do know of one in a little village just a ways East though, she's a regular stop on my way out of town. Potions and whatnot. Is that what you're after?"

"No. Mm... Yes and no. I think I may need to keep a certain potion with me from now on, but living with an angel brings about certain complications..." With that she tapped a horn. "I wasn't born with these. I don't mind them, but I don't want to cause the same thing to happen to other people."

"Ahhh! Well, I can actually mix up potions to keep that at bay if we can get the ingredients for 'em together. I don't need to take 'em myself, it's a bit late for that on my end yah see, but I know the theory. I wouldn't be able to as well as the person I'm talking about could though, and if you're looking for something else I think an actual druid might be your best bet."

"I can take care of it, too, but a druid can do it so much more thoroughly than I can. I'm hoping your friend would be willing to help me out with that."

"Probably. Druids don't like letting that kind of thing spread when they can help it. Is that what we're doing?"

"Hopefully." And with that Alex was ready to get her ass in gear.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

More logs!
And so were her assorted companions. Therion's Eastern gates were soon passing over their heads, and they were off out into the wilder roads, towards Ochre and orc territory. A brief stop was to occur first, however, at the village of Bree just Southeast of the grand city. With the Tower Goldspike still plainly visible in the distance, Alex and co stopped at the small town, and visited the small grove and treehouse that sat at its center. The place was far greener than was seasonable, but not in a way that spoke of unnatural corruption as Alex might have expected from such circumstances, and instead simply displaying the verdancy of plants that could live at this time of year.

This is the place,” Ria announced, and no sooner had she said that than a woman with pointed ears and nut brown hair opened the small door into the hut carved into the base of the massive oak tree sitting in the center of that grove, far younger in appearance than might have been expected from one who was so obviously skilled at their craft but displaying a wisdom in their features that Alex would have comfortably expected from a member of the sidhe. Clad in a simplistic brown robe, the woman was nonetheless strikingly pretty her sky blue eyes possessed of the ferocity born of a violent past and the willingness to continue that trend should it be necessary. An odd combination for a druid, to be sure.

Dingroria… I see the bruises have healed nicely. Is your arm alright?” the druid inquired softly, to which the oni chuckled and said; “Yup! Thanks Phyrris, you do good work as always!” After a moment of awkward silence during which the strange woman simply stared, the oni supplied; “Phyrris here patches me up after I take a run at getting past your brother and get my monthly lickings. Phyrra, this is Alexandra, Angelle, and Aescilla! Alex is looking for a little help with getting rid of some corruption, and we were wondering if you could lend an assist.

Phyrra’s gaze swept over the trio one at a time, saying something to each but stopping first at Alex. “Dragonblooded, born of a mortal womb. I may give you what you seek, for cheaper than you would hope.

The trip was uneventful but scenic, and the unexpected greenery was certainly eye-catching, but the druid's sudden appearance was what finally got the dragoness to tilt her head in thought. This woman seemed so young, and yet she looked fierce. And quite striking. It all left Alex rather impressed, and she wondered just what this woman had seen in her time.

But that reflection came to an end when Alex was finally addressed, and though it felt odd to be spoken to as a dragon born from a mortal womb it was technically correct. Still felt strange, though. But she was willing to cleanse the dragon's body, and for a price that was cheaper than she thought Alex would expect. "That sounds wonderful, Miss Phyrra." And at that she would wait for the woman to tell her what she would need and what needed to be done.

Alex would be left to ponder the druid’s words a while longer, as instead she went down the list of Alex’s other companions. She started with Angelle, and gave the girl a disapproving stare under which the girl initially wilted but eventually responded to with a glare in return. “Unnatural combination…. Your nature alludes me, and that is discomforting,” the druid said after staring for a moment, “you are a thing that should not be. Watch that you do not give in to your more poisonous instincts.

Turning from a confused and slightly affronted Angelle, she turned her attention to a plainly affronted Aescila and only made her initial reception seem all the more awkward by saying; “Fallen, but first born of Hell before being remade in fire… You I would purge if not for your company and the potential offered by your prior actions. Know that these lands are under my protection and more, and that if you would attempt to harm them that I will kill you without remorse or regret, and purge all trace of your existence afterwards.

Aescila visibly bristled at that naked threat, and Ria looked highly uncomfortable as Alex would feel her Mate’s energies gathering. The elven druid simply stared back impassively as the dark angel said; “Brave words! Brave and impertinent words! I have done nothing to earn such treatment from you, elf, and had no intention of changing that! Or I had, before your rudeness demanded reprisal!” Aes looked furious at that point, but the druid simply looked on impassively in the face of the dark angel’s immense and now uncovered power, a strength that would have made Alex cringe had she not grown used to it over the last two years.

Your anger is meaningless and without base, and your reactions speak of exactly what I have warned you against,” Phyrra replied coolly, “I have given the same promise that the men of Therion give with their swords, only I have made mine plainer that you would understand it more readily. The use of power as you threaten is exactly the sort of harm that I do not wish to come upon my land, and that some poor manners and frankness are sufficient to inspire such an emotional response do not give me hope for you. Stand down or don’t.

The druid’s words did seem to disarm Aescila somewhat, and after a moment her readied power began to fade away. It was slow, but gradually the energies she had gathered were grounded or reabsorbed, and Aes let out a calming sigh before saying; “Fine. But you ought to be more polite!” To that, Phyrra simply replied; “I… Do not have time for politeness.” With that she would return her gaze to Alex, and unless her exchange with Aes and Angelle had soured the dragoness completely to her help she would say; “I would perform the ritual to purge you of corruption for free, dragonborn. I already have the things that are needed. But I would need something from you in return, an investment of time and… Something else.

With Alex left to herself while Phyrra went down the line the warrior simply stood and watched. But as the elf addressed her daughter a dark look came over the dragon's face, and as that critique fell toward Aes that look only turned darker. It was one thing to call Angelle an abomination, but to make an open and unabashed threat against her Mate was another matter entirely. Had Aes not released the valve on her own power Alex would have, the waves of heat washing over everyone and everything and showing that such a lively land was in emminent danger of being reduced to cinders.

She had yet to move as the moment passed, and even though Aes had calmed Alex had not. Her power had yet to gather, that much could be felt, but there was a certain desire that could be felt washing off of her, something that would feel like a dangerously tightened muscle that was barely restrained by a shackle formed of pure will. Thankfully it held as the druid turned toward the dragon, and though Alex was starting to regret ever coming here she simply responded with a few words. "Name it."

"Two hours of your time in addition to what is needed to wash you of your corruption, your presence during a ritual, and your seed." It was clear enough by her flat tone and equally flat expression that Phyrra doubted that Alex would accept her terms, and that she was well aware of Alex's restrained anger, but they were stated regardless.

"My...seed..." That...was such an odd request... It was almost painfully clear that Alex wouldn't accept, but there was still something else that was bothering her. "For what purpose would it be needed?" Who the hell asks for a stranger's seed?

"The ritual that keeps these lands fertile and healthy enough to support so many upon them requires it. The more powerful the provider of the seed, the more powerful the ritual, and dark portents suggest that a greater power than is normal is neccesary this year. I cannot provide it myself, else I wouldn't have asked, and the normal donars are not sufficient for it. The others with you are all possessed of far too much corruption for them to be suitable. If you are unwilling, as I suspect that you are, than I cannot help you with your own problems unless you wish to wait for the next three to four hours, as I would be forced to send outwards for a suitable companion."

A silence came from the dragoness as she closed her eyes, and she seemed submerged in her own world for nearly five minutes. But once she opened them she finally spoke. "Honesty is one thing, but antagonism is something else. The fact that you know so much not only of Therion's threats but of my Mate's actions shows you wanted her to respond as such and knew exactly how to do so. And if you know so much of her then you must also know how I respond to threats to my family. So what purpose did this display serve?"

"To make it clear to your Mate that her lack of discipline beyond the remains of what she took from the angel that she.... Bonded with... Is insufficient outside of the safety of your home and the brief forays she has made beyond it to follow her Insight. If telling her as much would have served, I would have done as much, but I should hardly have to tell you that that approach would be pointless. Displays of powerful magic are destructive well beyond the obvious effects that occur upon their use, particularly the entropic spells that your Mate is most comfortable with." Phyrra's response drew a mildly guilty frown from Aes, but it quickly became a scowl again when the druid continued; "Do not think that such leaves my threat as an idle one, however. If you or any in your party would wreak havok without care for the consequences just because you don't live here, either deliberately or without accident, then you will not survive it. This is not Badaria, where corruption is allowed to spread completely unchecked because none are present who know better than to prevent it. Either by my hands, or by those of one greater than I, you would be killed should you ignore my words. It is simply a matter of fairness that you should be warned of such before a skirmish in which you overused destructive powers out of convenience took the decision out of our hands."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Well, at least Phyrra was being rather straight forward with what she said. And as much as Alex didn't want to accept this offer she couldn't find a proper reason beyond simply not liking the woman. That could have been reason enough, but... well... something about a refusal was bugging her. And since she couldn't quite figure it out she turned her mental voice toward Aes. [How do you feel about this?]

Aes proved to not be intruding on Alex's thoughts for once, and so some indication of what she wanted would be needed to prompt Aes to enable such a silent conversation. It need not be a straightforward sign, and once she made it Aes would prompt her with a mental nudge, allowing Alex to repeat the question. [Well, you know I have no objections on the grounds of fidelity.... But this woman does strike me as a bit of a cunt. It would save us a whole lot of time, effort, and money if you took the deal though, so.... I don't know, whatever you think is best. Whatever ritual this is, it better be gods damned important!]

As said sign Alex simply stared at her lover until she felt that nudge, and once that question was asked a second time she absorbed the answer and silently pondered it for a couple more minutes. It must have been surprising how long Alex was considering this offer, and Phyrra would probably be more surprised at the answer. "I think I shall accept..."

A brief look of surprise passed over Phyrra's face, and the nervous one slowly fell from Ria's face. "Very well. Your companions may rest at the inn while we work. I shall remove your corruption first," she said, returning to the soft voice with which she had greeted them initially. "Come with me when you are ready," she added following a brief pause, and then would turn about and return to her tiny home, leaving Alex to say whatever she wished to her companions before following.

Maybe it was simply the fact that she managed to make the woman falter for a second, but when that surprise hit Phyrra's face Alex felt oddly accomplished. Perhaps this elf wasn't as all seeing as she appeared to be. But that surprise didn't last long, and with that Phyrra returned to her home and bid Alex to follow once she was ready.

The dragon turned back toward her companions, but she didn't seem ready to say much of anything. "I guess I'll be back in a couple of hours..." Unless anyone had something they wished to add she followed the elf into that small home, and once inside she would take a moment to simply look around. "Before we begin I'd like to know something. You seem to know so much about us. Did you glean all that from this first meeting, or did you learn of us from somewhere else?"

"Okay, bye mommy! Be careful around the mean lady!" Angelle called, and Ria grimaced and added; "Yeah.... Good luck!" Aes allowed her goodbye to be mental before she closed the link; [Do be careful. I'd rather not have a good excuse to obliterate that woman.]

The small home, set into a living tree, was clearly not built for someone of Alex’s size. She had to stoop just to get in, but when she stepped into the small dwelling she wouldn’t be able to miss the sense of hominess that came with the place. When she came in, Phyrra was preparing some tea in a kneeling position beside a small stove, and after a moment would say; “Come in, and take a seat please.

The house was simply furnished, and had a small area where maybe four people at once could sit cross legged together. There was a small cot, a small stone stove and fireplace, and a window, and that was more or less it. The elf refused to answer Alex’s questions, or even turn toward her or speak, until the dragoness had obeyed her, and when she did (assuming that Alex hadn’t done something entirely outlandish) Phyrra would turn and offer Alex a cup of broiling tea that smelled extremely nice.

I gleaned as much simply from looking at you,” the druid confirmed quietly and without the pride that many might say such a statement in, “you know well how one can see beyond the physical with the right training. I am merely more adept at it than most, though some of my compatriots are even more skilled than I. That said, I have heard of you before as well, specifically the incident involving two faerie queens that occurred most recently.

Having to stoop down once more was not Alex's idea of a good time, but there was no helping it. Not unless she wanted her horns to end up getting planted in the roof. But the simplicity of this treehouse was easily understood. A druid was one who lived within nature, not as its master. To reside within a tree wouldn't leave much for amenities, and height was definitely not one of them.

The request to take a seat was quite readily accepted, and Alex did so before she asked her question. It took a while to get an answer, the need for tea seemed rather important to the woman, but it eventually came. And to that Alex let out a bit of a huff. "That's already spreading..." She wasn't sure how to feel about this whole incident with Mab and Acrasia, but it wasn't like she had any way of stopping it. Instead she sniffed at her tea and waited for it to cool a bit before she took a sip.

"Not really. Faeries tend to know things like that, and much of my work has me interacting with the fey." The tea smelled excellent, sweet but strong and even slightly spicy, and when it cooled to her liking she would find that its taste matched that estimation.

"I take it you work mostly around the Winter Court."

"Yes." A pause. "Why? Does it matter?"

"Somewhat. Considering what Autumn tried to do to my Mate I'm not exactly in a mood to deal with them."

"Don't take that as a strike against you, necessarily," Phyrra stated calmly, "I know it is... Difficult... To not take such actions personally, but they honestly weren't. You were a cat's-paw, a person at the right place at the right time for them to use for their purposes. It is the way of the Autumn Court, the weakest of the courts, and hardly representative of them as a whole. I wouldn't even call it representative of Acrasia, to be honest, unless we're speaking of her willingness to use others to their detriment in order to achieve her own ends. Regardless, I sincerely doubt that any ill will was meant toward you or your family."

For a couple seconds Alex remained silent. "As long as Acrasia accepted the outcome as Mab suggested... I'm still not quite sure how to feel about her."

"She will," Phyrra replied, sounding sure of herself. "No one crosses Queen Mab." Pausing to take a sip of her tea, Phyrra quietly asked; "Which one? Acrasia, or Mab?"

"Acrasia. When one has seen Mab one knows exactly what they face." With that Alex started drinking her tea more openly, and once it was done she placed her cup down gently.

A slight smile and nod of agreement passed over Phyrra, but Alex would notice the soft shiver that it attempted to mask. "Acrasia is a product of the chaos and violence that is the Autumn Court," Phyrra explained simply, "no queen of Autumn has ever been what one could call stable, not even before the Changing."

Alex couldn't help but give a small grin at the shiver that passed through Phyrra, but once it did the dragon dipped her head and tilted her cup forward in camaraderie to show she meant no disrespect. But the mention of the Changing had an eyebrow climbing her forehead. "I've heard of this Changing, but all I know is that it happened long before history seems to remember."

"Ahhh, that... I actually meant the second one, the failed one. The one that turned the high elves of the jungle into the night elves. I confess that I only know a few details about either of them myself, despite being a student of history."

"Ah." At that Alex let the matter drop. With her drink finished she focused her efforts on clearing whatever anxiety still lingered while waiting for Phyrra to ready herself.

A brief period of silence would fall, and once Phyrra had finished her tea she would let out a sigh and set her cup aside. "Are you prepared?" she asked calmly. And, once Alex confirmed as much, she simply said; "Good. Your corruption has been taken care of." And a glance inwards would reveal that such was the truth. It had been done quietly and with the utmost subtlety, but it had somehow been done already, and without any noticeable effects.

"Hm?" Alex wasn't quite prepared to learn her corruption had already been cleared, but after taking a moment to peer within herself she found it was true. It was quite surprising to find that her work was finished so thoroughly and subtly, and after reviewing everything that had happened Alex still couldn't quite pinpoint how it had been done. The tea was an obvious candidate, but it couldn't have been that alone. "Color me impressed..."

With that done Alex went back to relaxing, and her inner flame was allowed to smolder at her core softly until she felt her spirit relaxing completely. "I thank you, Miss Phyrra. And I believe it's time to lend you my aid. So how do we proceed?"

"It was the tea," she admitted freely, a note of pride slipping into her voice. "Mostly. Now, we go to five points of power to initiate portions of the ritual. You don't really need to do anything for those, but enchanted objects would interfere with the spells, so you'll need to leave them here or with one of your associates." As she said this, Phyrra began to remove items from herself, first a pair of earrings followed by a necklace, then a belt, and finally a ring with a ruby and onyx stone set into it, the two gems interwoven with what could only be magic in order to resemble a spider.

Alex blinked once at the need to remove all her enchanted items. That didn't leave much else for her to carry save for her axes and her armor's padding. But she started removing her armor, anyway, and as she did she actually spoke to it. "I get you back only to part once more..." Once she had everything properly gathered she rose and started heading over to the inn in only the more humble clothes. "I'll leave these with my family. Be back in a moment."

"Fair enough," Phyrra would say, permitting her to depart. Her family and Ria would be waiting at a table, and Aes would take her gear with a look of confusion. Whether or not Alex opted to explain herself, Phyrra would be waiting for her back at her home, now waiting outside of it, and once Alex reappeared the druid would turn and lead Alex out into the woods without a word.

While Alex strolled in utterly relaxed she did notice the look of concern on her lover's face. "She said that enchantments would interfere with the ritual." With that everything was handed over save those axes she had yet to use. But to say she left with nothing else would be a lie. "Do keep a subtle eye on me. I've never felt this naked, and I can still feel a bit of anxiety resting in the pit of my stomach." Once she had an answer she turned and headed back, and with Phyrra heading out into the woods Alex simply followed.

Aes would nod, and then Phyrra would lead. It wasn't far, perhaps ten to fifteen minutes of steady hiking that Phyrra seemed to do with incredible ease, requiring that Alex work a bit in order to keep up. When she arrived at the first site where the elf stopped, no ambush was waiting for her, and a moment later she would say; "If you'll just wait a moment." The elf would carefully craft a circle of gently broken branches gained only from the limbs of a nearby birch tree, and would then sit and pray in it for a period of ten minutes before beginning a slow, monotonous chant. If left to her own devices, they would be there for about five minutes before she rose and left the circle she had created. Only when the elf stepped out of it would Alex be able to sense the growing power evident in that circle, a familiar natural energy that Alex would feel rising around them slowly but surely.

Alex followed quietly, her mind occupying itself with tracing the path they took as well as using her tracking skills to learn what creatures may be hiding just outside her view. It was only once they arrived that her attention fell fully onto the small ritual that was being performed, and once Phyrra was done Alex finally felt a bit of the energy that was slowly filling the area. But they were off once more, and despite how much Alex wanted to study that power she felt keeping pace with her guide was more important.

On through the woods they went, woods that seemed to contain little more dangerous than deer or rabbits so close to town, to the next place. This time the circle was made of of elm branches, and once the ritual was finished those primal energies spread. Where there once was a point, now there was a line, one that Alex could follow easily. To the next sight, another five minute hike, and Phyrra made a circle of maple branches. The next, she had some trouble acquiring what she needed from a heavy oak, and turned to Alex and asked; "If you wish to be of use, I would ask for some help cutting these." A circle of oak branches was needed, and the druid seemed to be on something of a timetable judging by her urgent tone.

As the pattern started growing Alex idly wondered if her mind's eye could sketch the form they were creating, but that stopped in an instant. At Phyrra's request the dragon lept into the tree and looked for branches she could cut with her axe that would serve the druid's purpose. Once that was done she simply vaulted down and waited before it was time to move on.

Phyrra gave the dragoness a grateful nod once she had enough branches, and then completed the oak portion of the ritual before heading off to yet another point. By then, she would be able to picture the hexagon that they were forming easily, both in her mind's eye and by the lines that it formed, the center of it located a short ways North of Bree by her estimation. "We are approaching the last ritual sight. After that we will proceed to the center, where your part will come into play," Phyrra would explain along the way, inviting Alex to ask questions if she so wished.

"What will that entail?" The only real question she had on her mind.

"We will strip, and submit to the magic's whims as I complete the ritual. You will be bound, and we will mate. The energies will confer the necessary organs upon you, and once you have given your seed you have done all that you need to."

"Oh." There would be no mistaking the blush on Alex's face. And it was there for good reason. While she hadn't exactly made this known she had hoped to share that first experience with Aes. But there was also something else on her mind. "Will this create a child?"

"Yes." A pause. "It is a requirement of the ritual. Normally, this would be done with a satyr or a gruff, but..... Well, none around here possess the power needed for what lies ahead. The sidhe cannot be used for it, so I would need to have called upon a favor from a nymph whom I know from the Spring court had it not been for your arrival. Bringing the child to term is a necessary part. It will be well cared for, if such is your concern."

There were a couple seconds where Alex started to fall behind, but she caught up when the question of her concern was voiced. "I... I just have this need to help care for any children I help create..." She wouldn't go into the specifics of it unless Phyrra managed to drag it out of her.

"I do not wish to know," Phyrra said immediately, and more vehemently than she had anything before now. "I have no corruption within me, and assuming that you do not either it will take the full natural course of time to be born. I... Would not prefer it if you took the child entirely, but if you wished to add it is a condition I could not argue. Were it left with me, I would raise it to carry on in my footsteps, unless they wished for something else."

"No!" It came as soon as Phyrra mentioned her being unable to argue against Alex's possible wish to take the child as her own. "I fought to keep someone from stealing my child from me, and I would never do that to anyone else!" The same vehemence that had answered Phyrra's started to fail at this point, and in a much quieter voice Alex continued. "I just don't want to abandon my blood."

For a few moments Phyrra was quiet following Alex's interruption, and rather than deliver the rest of her explanation, she said; "It would not be abandoned. I know the ways of dragons as well as any mortal can, and know of some in this region who might do for it what I could not. Your Mate could bring you here on a whim, and after seeing your home I could do the same and return under my own power."

"I... That would probably be best. I can live with visitation..."

"Very well," Phyrra replied, and then they arrived at the final ritual circle, the one requiring yew. Power had already gathered there, as if anticipating the magics that were to be worked there, and this time the druid took little time to get her circle together. Once it was finished, and she rose again, Alex felt a rush of power so immense that it was beyond her imagining as the circle close, the manipulation of natural energies occurring on such a scale that it was impossible for her to visualize what the effects might be. "We must go to the center now, quickly. It must be completed within the hour, or the preparations will have been wasted."

The sudden rush of the ritual's preparation had Alex letting out a gasp of surprise before stumbling a little as if she'd just been punched. But she recovered, and as she did she wondered how this woman could call on such immense power. It felt immeasurable, and Alex couldn't tell if it was in the same league as the Faerie Queens or not. But there was little time left to worry about this, and Alex stumbled once more before recovering so she could follow properly.

Through the woods, around the town they went, until Alex and Phyrra strode up the curve of a hill. The copse of trees as the top was a nearly perfect circle of pines, but once she stepped into the clearing in their center there was no mistaking the storm of power gathering there. It was no less unfathomable than the immense energies she’d felt gathering in the last clearing, in many ways closer to Mab or the dragon of the void than to something completely natural. Five trees around the glade were plainly marked, not by any physical sign, but by subtle cues evident in the power that marked that place. Every second spent in that glade immersed Alex more in that power, and within only a few moments she would feel herself guided by that immense power.

It was not a controlling influence, not in any direct sense, but it was so potent that what was in truth a suggestion might as well have been a command. Purpose flushed through Alex, as clear as any that she had ever held, and with it came a sense of unfamiliar arousal. That power worked through her, only less subtle than the magic that Phyrra had used to cleanse her of corruption, and suddenly Alex felt something growing within the confines of her pants. The elven druid glanced over her shoulder then, and only a look in the other woman’s eyes was needed to let Alex know that she was feeling the exact same thing, the normally unreadable woman’s feelings now so obvious to the dragoness that she could practically feel them herself.

Now…. We must disrobe,” Phyrra said as she gazed at Alex over her shoulder, just a hint of sultriness present in tone and gaze that would be magnified immensely when her clothing suddenly loosened and fell. Inch by inch of toned flesh came into view, too slow for the beast growing in Alex’s loins but still deliciously appreciable, until the swell of Phyrra’s hips stopped the descent of her robes. A hand fell to her side, and the brief stop was followed by another fall that saw the woman’s robes pooling around her feet. It might have been a good thing that Alex had come without her armor at that point, as the desire that the flowing magics inspired might have inspired her to tear the valuable protective garments off so hastily that finding all of the pieces may have been difficult.

Every portion of Phyrra was on display then, every inch of soft, lightly tanned, and perfectly sculpted elven beauty. Her hips swelled flawlessly to match her shoulders, an hourglass without fault, and with the male member already applied and the powerful magic guiding her it was a nearly irresistible sight.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

That sense of unimaginable strength never truly left Alex even when she finally ran clear of that one focal point, but when she approached and entered that circular copse she nearly collapsed. All that energy she felt earlier was now gathering there, and each second Alex stood within its presence felt like she was being gradually swept into some rush to do... What? Her mind blurred for a moment, her senses simply surrendering as she felt herself being pulled to some grander purpose, and as her senses cleared she found herself being drowned in a wave of arousal that wasn't quite her own. It left her unable to stifle the low moan that rose from her throat, and she was nearly powerless to prevent her own hands from rising and cupping those parts that were starting to smolder with need. Her left palmed a breast, her own thumb shifting slightly to brush over her own excited nipple, and as that small shiver ran up her spine her other hand fell to land on her inner thigh just so it could rub teasing little circles dangerously close to her covered sex.

But that wasn't the end of things. The magic of Phyrra's ritual pulsed through Alex with a purpose, and little by little it caused her crotch to heat until she felt herself straining. Then it finally happened. She felt herself sprouting, an odd warmth spreading through her pants until she felt herself straining to be contained. It left Alex moaning once more, the hand at her crotch shifting to feel her newly acquired manhood until the moment that Phyrra turned her head back. The same arousal that Alex felt was mirrored in the elf's gloriously blue eyes, and though the woman looked more in control of herself Alex could tell that was just a facade.

But it was such a wonderful facade. It captivated the dragoness, and as the elf spoke her sultry "Now…. We must disrobe," Alex could do little more than follow every inch of Phyrra's robe as it fell off of that perfectly sculpted body. The swells of the woman's hips caused the robe's descent to falter, but with a well-practiced touch that cloth was free to fall and pool around the elf's ankles. It left that perfect body on full display, shoulders and hips so well defined that it gave her a perfect hourglass figure that had Alex nearly groaning in pure need.

For a moment or two that was all the dragoness could manage, this forced yet not unwelcome pining for the elf leaving her slightly confused, but the magics that swept through her would not be denied. They stroked the growing need to possess this beauty, to feel this elf squirming in her lap as that body writhed and pulsed around the unbelievable hardness that Alex now bore. It was more than enough to get Alex moving, but just before she could simply rip her own clothes to shreds her mind reeled back and finally managed to reassert itself. That by no means meant that she stopped, but instead of leaving her a wanton engine of sexual destruction the dragon merely strolled forward. Her hands rose to the hem of her shirt, and in one fluid motion she pulled it free and left her upper body exposed to Phyrra's gaze. She stopped once, just long enough to hook the hem of her pants this time, and with an almost ridiculously slow pace Alex pulled them down. Her upper body blocked the view of her length as she bent forward, but once she rose and started stepping forward there was no mistaking just how aroused Alex was. Her manhood was a length of pure steel, not nearly as large as Ria but still quite impressive, and when Alex first noticed its size she wondered whose desire had shaped it the most.

But despite all the hormones that were being force fed through Alex's blood she slowed herself and simply slid herself behind Phyrra. An arm slid around the elf's waist to gently pull her closer, and as she was made to spoon the larger dragon she would no doubt feel the brick that was even then pulsing between the cheeks of her ass. "I almost lost control of the beast within me." Alex nearly whispered into the druid's ear as her hips swayed and forced the two women to rock against each other. "That would have been a shame because I wouldn't have been able to do this~" At that Alex used her free hand to lightly lift Phyrra's chin up just so she could steal a kiss. It was a gentle thing, but there was a passion behind that felt ready to explode, and while Alex distracted her partner with that she started to explore the perfect little body in her grip. The hand that had held that chin slid down and caressed the elf's neck before it gently cupped and kneaded one of her breasts, and the other slid across her stomach only to trail down until it had cupped the woman's sex. There they stayed, both gently touching and teasing while Alex held that kiss as long as she could, and there she stayed until Phyrra finally did something about it. She said earlier that Alex would be bound, so that must happen eventually, but truth be told Alex had another reason for it. Phyrra always had some measure of control, some measure of poise and dignity that spoke well of her elven descent. Alex wanted to see how long that control would hold...
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

A subtle sway of her hips. A widening of her eyes. An inviting bite upon her lower lip that was just barely visible past her shoulder. Phyrra watched the half-dragon's shirt be pulled off and thrown aside, so much useless cloth only likely to get in the way of what was to come. There was still the effort of control in the elven druid, visible in her widening sky-blue orbs as they watched Alexandra's steady approach, but the magic thrumming through that clearing gave Alex perceptions beyond even those she would have had after two years of living with Aescila and Kimizyrex. As she watched the powerful dragon move toward her, untamed desire shone in those shining orbs, their irises spread such that they nearly blocked out the vibrant blue with their deep inky blackness.

Animalistic need surged through both women, naked in Alex's eyes and poorly hidden behind a false barrier of control in Phyrra's, the true nature of her gaze evident in the hunger with which it watched her slide her trousers down, the brief effort to hide the massive length springing out from Alex's mound producing an excited tenseness that the dragoness would be able to feel through the energies rushing through their surroundings, a connection that was impossible for Alex to accurately define but present nonetheless. That excitement only rose when Alex straightened and resumed her approach, a soft shudder of eager tension running across Phyrra's form as her eyes drifted across the hardened rod sticking out of her soon-to-be partner.

No words were spoken as Alex ended her stalk with the very softest pounce, Phyrra letting out a soft gasp and shifting to fit perfectly against Alex's body as she slid up behind her. The feel of that softness against her hardened rod as it slid against the druid's perfectly formed ass was an intoxicating sensation that would stoke the flames of desire, hers and Phyrra's both, and the elf would be a perfectly submissive partner as Alex came to claim her. Her head was already turned, and a shift of her shoulder would allow Alex to lean forward and claim the elf's lips with her own, but not before she offered a short, whispered reply to the half-dragon's admission that she had very nearly lost control; "You will soon."

And then, Phyrra melted against Alex as the dragoness cupped her chin and brought her mouth into a prime position for kissing, her supple and delicate frame pressing against the half-dragon's far stronger but still pleasantly soft one. Her lips were soft, and her tongue rolled out invitingly at the dragon's intrusion, agile and swift but no match for Alex's practiced and supernaturally long lingual muscle. Her back arched, and the elf let out a gasp as her breast was pushed into Alex's groping hand, its hardened pink tip poking against her palm as she palmed that soft lump of flesh. Phyrra wasn't the most well endowed of her partners, her breasts smaller even than Angelle's, but they were still an undeniably pleasurable handful for her to play with while her partner writhed against her. It was difficult to tell, both before when she'd been so reserved and now when so much energy was clogging there, just how powerful Phyrra was in comparison to herself, but in that moment Alex was the one in control. She was stronger, her grip so powerful that if she wished to she could break the supple frame before her.... Or could do so many things more, all of which her body and Phyrra's were both crying out for.

It would have been easy, then, for her to bring the elf to the ground beneath her and sate the arousal that was burning so fiercely within her. Bend her over, or flip her onto her back and rut her face to face, the powerful dragoness could have done however she wished.... And not only could Phyrra not have done a thing to stop her, but that with her well-honed skills Alex could have ensured that she loved every single second of it too. The facade of control of the woman before her was broken in full, the delicate elven druid hers to do with as she wished, and now Alex was the one making the decisions.... Or so it seemed. For a long moment Phyrra hung in her grasp, mewling softly as her tempting writhing chipped away at Alex's control and the magic pulsed with greater and greater intensity... Until, suddenly, the flow around them parted like a river around a stone, and Alex's will was just a little bit less subsumed by the magics flowing around them. This occurred a moment before Phyrra broke their kiss, which came without any further warning than that, and Alex would hear the elf whisper; "Not yet.... Lie down... In the center of the circle."

Phyrra's eyes opened again, revealing that her pupils had shrunk just enough to reveal the clear blue, and if Alex got herself under control the elf would slowly peel herself away. The dragoness would know by instinct where to lay, and when she did so she would know in the same manner that she needed to spread her limbs, her arms and legs both spread apart while her trail was fully extended downwards. Finding a comfortable spot was also surprisingly easy, and despite the chill there was no discomfort to be had there. Once her limbs were properly splayed out, Alex found herself simply unable to move. No invisible force held her, no vines or chains appeared to hold her to the ground, but she couldn't have been more helpless then if she'd tried. Her limbs, though still feeling and functioning, simply would not move at her command, and in that state Phyrra could have pulled a dagger from her discarded robes and plunged into Alex's heart, and there would have been nothing that the mighty warrior could have done about it.

Thankfully, she did not do that, and as Alex lay helpless the nude elf dropped to her knees beside Alex and raised her hands to the sky in a cup-like shape. She began to chant, her words coming forth slowly but melodically as she raised hands and face up to the heavens. The wild energies that swirled around them shivered and suddenly redoubled in intensity, but the currents began to shift to form patterns that were discernible but unintelligible to Alex. On and on she chanted, but after a time the dragoness would be able to recognize the chant as a focus rather than the direct cause of the shift that the monumental magics were taking, a way for Phyrra to concentrate on the working that was manipulating such an impossibly vast amount of energy at once. It was a process requiring unbelievable focus and precision, as wielding so much power at once was a great deal more like guiding it than it was like manipulating it in the manner of more traditional magic, and to err in any single detail could result in catastrophe. It was like leading a blind and easily enraged bull with a carrot and kind words... When one was a small child. With exceptionally brittle bones and an inability to run away. While in a very narrow hallway.

But, amazingly, Phyrra managed the spellwork despite the animalistic needs that were becoming increasingly pronounced, and after a few minutes of being able to do nothing but watch the elven druidess at work the rising tides would suddenly pause. A moment of stillness, impossible in the heart of the eldritch maelstrom, and Phyrra's voice would rise up in words that Alex could actually understand; "Beech and elm. Elm and maple. Maple and oak. Oak and yew. Yew and beech. Survivors. Ancient and tall, hear me! Resist the poisons of man and time, stand tall and strong forevermore! Beneath your bows the world will grow! Grant your lesser kin your strength, that all may live and grow as they did in ages past! As they should now! As they would now! As they will now!"

Every sentence caused the ancient power swirling around them to stir, like some great beast hovering over them, slowly awakening and shifting its attention down to the two tiny specks that they were. Alex was no weakling, and walked regularly in circles of powerful beings, but... In a way, feeling that power at work, moving not only around her but through her, was like being near Mab or Acrasia again in terms of scale, though it would turn out to be closer to the latter on the scale set between the two beings if she wished to get technical. Regardless, when Phyrra uttered her final sentence, repeated with different intent three times, each one suddenly caused a rush of power to burst around them, tiny lights flashing and sounds with no discernible source appearing as a backlash. Just after the last elf spoke her final word, Alex would feel that power tense suddenly and grab her very essence in a grip stronger than any she had ever felt, the dragon's fire seized and held by an intangible but irresistible force as the ritual approached its apex.

The elf climbed on top of her, sliding one leg over to straddle the bound dragoness and leaving that perfectly sculpted ass rubbing against the top of her stone-hard shaft teasingly as she spoke the last few coherent words that Alex would hear or comprehend for the next immeasurable stretch of time; "We offer this up, this gesture of appeasement! Our bodies to act as vessels for your power! Our essences offered up to you as we join in flesh, a union that shall be fruitful with your blessing, and grant the fertility channeled through me and from me out into the land!" As she issued her final chant, Phyrra's hips had slowly risen, her back arching while her rounded bottom slid up along Alex's excited shaft, until just as she said the word "fruitful" the dragoness would feel those cheeks part and her highly sensitive tip press against something soft and moist. A pause followed the druid's final words, and after them came another monotonous chant that last for about four or five seconds.

Another brief pause, and a second moment of serenity followed in the heart of the ever-growing storm of natural forces that the elf above her had called up, and then Alex would feel a thrum of emotion run through her, the bleed over of whatever power Phyrra had called upon was feeling, if such could call it that. The dragon's brain certainly interpreted the signals as feelings, at least, as she felt first acceptance of the elf's offerings, and then a demand to see those promises made good that her mind turned into an overpowering lust unlike any that Alex had ever felt. It was more powerful than anything that Aescila had ever been able to inspire even when she pulled out all the stops. It was stronger than the desire to breed had been the night before when she had conceived Dingroria's child. It was stronger even than her desires to see to Angelle's safety. The desire was not her own, but in those brief moments when that incredible power was woven so thoroughly through the fabric of her very being, it might as well have been.

It was a desire that seemingly nothing could hope to possibly quench, no orgasm no matter how powerful able to grant relief from it, nor any string of them that could hope to give some solace to that insatiable burning need. It was beyond pleasure or pain or even sensation to even touch, and Alex was infected with it so thoroughly that it was impossible to think of anything else. Thankfully, Phyrra was similarly afflicted above her, and the elf... She knew how to deal with this effect.

When the portion of the ritual involving speech and thought ended and the portion involving the fulfillment of basic animalistic need began, the elf's face had screwed up into a look of supreme need to match her own, but for just a few seconds her pussy continued to hover teasingly over the now impossibly hard shaft of the dragon waiting beneath her, tantalizingly close but still much too far away for Alex's liking. That ended suddenly and violently when the elf's hips simply slid down, the motion perfectly smooth and graceful in form despite that it involved almost a foot of rock-hard dragon cock vanishing into about as much velvety elven pussy. Phyrra was soaking wet, to the point that Alex's mound would sport a small dampness of its own during her brief pause upon feeling the half-dragon's tip kissing her cervix, and when she rose up again a few seconds later Alex's magically granted manhood would sport a coating of glistening juices. The feel of that descent was like nothing that Alex had ever felt before, Phyrra's folds wrapped around her shaft like they were made for each other, squeezing tighter and tighter with every new inch of cock that vanished into the elf's body as those pulsating inner walls maintained a flawless mix between comforting softness and pleasurable tightness.

The pause at the bottom was brief, and after she rose up again until only the tip rested within those honey-soaked folds there was only a heartbeat before Phyrra brought herself back down again, impaling herself upon the dragon's turgid rod like a sheath upon a sword. After that first rise, Phyrra couldn't go fast enough, and if Alex wanted to raise any complaint about the sudden furious pace at which the elf started bucking up and down upon her she would need to fight past the nearly overwhelming pleasure that was wracking her in mind, body, and soul. She would feel portions of her core being siphoned off, her dragon's fire drawn out a tiny ember at a time to feed the magics, but she would know both instinctually and from experience that the power she gave was nothing that wouldn't come back in time just like it did when she fed it to Aes or Kimi. Unlike the feeding of a succubus, the portions of her energy being siphoned away was not an exceptionally pleasurable sensation, but neither was it something that would immediately count to cause her distress. No... What would cause the most discomfort from the dragon's subconscious would be the fact that her limbs were still helpless to the task of adding to the pleasures of her and Phyrra's coupling, the sensations far more satisfying in the face of that world-shattering arousal than they had any right to be.

That is, until they weren't locked up anymore, the invisible presence that had paralyzed her limbs gone as quickly and mysteriously as it had come. Whatever she might like to do now, Alex was free to try, and very few things would be off limits to Phyrra. Beyond stopping the ritual or causing harm to the druidess presently pounding herself relentlessly into Alex's lap, nothing would be barred from her in the pursuit of sating herself and seeing the terms of the eldritch ritual completed. What she actually wanted to do with her new-found freedom, however, was something that Alex would have to decide for herself.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

With every little motion the dragon could feel the flame of her desire growing. The feel of that nipple digging into and sliding against her palm, the spreading warmth and moisture she felt as her fingers teased and coaxed the elf's sex, the way that elven butt rubbed its lazy little path slowly up and down Alex's length, it all fed that growing fire and left her struggling to keep what control she still held. Images of herself bending Phyrra over, throwing her to the ground, simply lifting her as they were now so they could finally start coupling as they both needed to that very second... Alex never would have guessed self restraint would be so damned frustrating! But she definitely wasn't the only one feeling this heat. Phyrra was becoming putty in her arms. With every little writhe the elf made Alex could feel the last bit of the druid's control waning. She just needed to push a little harder, just a little more, just enough to hear that soft voice begging for what they needed...

But she was denied. The unnatural desire hanging in the air parted, and both women were given just enough self-control to let them act themselves. Phyrra seemingly pounced on that chance, the kiss the were sharing parted before she deftly unwound herself from Alex's trained fingers and approached the ritual circle. As they did part the dragon let out a part sigh and part growl that very clearly echoed the frustrated bounce her cock made now that it was no longer being touched. But instead of turning and pouncing right then and there Alex did as she was bid and approached the circle. Though her desire at that moment was to simply mount the druid right there the small promise she was given was enough to drive that heat down. She just needed to focus on those words. Not yet....

That promise brought Alex to the circle, and as she lowered herself she barely registered the fact that her body knew exactly how to place itself. And the part that did wasn't all that surprised. Some power beyond her understanding was driving her to mate. Why wouldn't it show her how to lay? It seemed harmless enough, and even when she found she couldn't move her limbs she really didn't care. Even if her mind was clear enough for conscious thought the underlying current that still ran through her body had her attention focused on the only part of her that stood proud even while she couldn't.

Phyrra took to her knees beside the dragon, and a moment later the woman started her chant. The force that surrounded them stirred at those strange words, and an instant later its growing strength nearly forced Alex to buck her hips against nothing in particular. It was a clear sign of just how strongly that spirit had enticed the warrior, when Alex couldn't even lift her hips into the air she let loose a low groan through clenched teeth. But even if the brunt of her focus lay on the spiritual presence that felt like it was stroking her manhood simply to get her even more worked up some bare part of her managed to look over toward Phyrra. Somehow the elf was continuing, her very essence somehow channeling whatever presence was awakening even while Alex could tell the druid's body was thrumming with the same fire and need that had possessed her own. It was an impressive display of skill, one that the dragon was sure she could never managed and left her wondering just how powerful Phyrra truly was...

But that ended once the druid uttered her last word. The explosion of light and sound that followed was nothing compared to the sudden grip that wrapped around Alex's inner fire. Once again she found herself helpless before a power much greater than herself, and for a moment a small sliver of fear managed to rush through her.

But that was simply forgotten when Phyrra finally rose. She repositioned herself, both legs falling around the dragon's waist and leaving her ass to tease at the very bulb that had been teasing her earlier. With her very heart quite literally gripped by an unearthly lust Alex couldn't help but stare at her own cock and the glorious body that was poised above it. Her eyes followed as the elf rose herself slowly, her back arching and accentuating every sensuous curve she held before she lowered herself just enough to kiss Alex's tip. Just enough for Alex to feel the heat from Phyrra's sex washing over her prick before the elf's juices followed. It was a maddening sight. To see one's cock throbbing and resting against the very oasis that could quench its thirst, to be denied even the gentlest of bucks to slide her aching length into the sheath that was more than ready for it, it was a wonder Alex even managed to last this long before she finally let out a long groan that was equal parts frustration and sheer need before her eyes snapped onto Phyrra. Had the dragon been able her voice would have started begging and pleading for even the slightest bit of relief, but with her body consumed by this all-powerful need all she could manage was an almost teary, doe-eyed look that belonged on a puppy that had been hurt for absolutely no reason at all.

That hurt, needy look was what greeted Phyrra when she finally succumbed to the ritual's flow, and it stayed until the elf finally gave in. When she did her body simply slid down and swallowed the dragon's prick in one gracefully smooth motion, and once that body finally came to rest Alex couldn't help but throw her head back and release an emphatic moan of satisfaction. And why wouldn't she? She was wrapped in soft elven flesh, those velvety folds caressing her even as the woman lay still, her own flesh throbbing and pulsing with every beat of her heart within the moist warmth that fit like the worlds most luxurious glove. It was the fulfillment of both women's deepest desire, and all Alex could do was simply rejoice.


But as much as the dragon rejoiced there would be more. Those hips rose, her entire length gripped and pulled by the impossibly soft and impossibly tight folds that refused to release their hold on the cock that brought them such joy, and a heartbeat later they fell to swallow Alex whole. Another cry rose from her lips, one of sheer sexual joy, and when Phyrra started taking it into a rhythm Alex could only melt. The elf could do no wrong at that moment. Everything she did brought the dragon a pleasure she'd never felt from any of her partners and most likely never would again. It didn't matter that her fire was being fed to some impossibly powerful force. It didn't matter that Phyrra was bouncing up and down on Alex's cock far faster than any creature had a right to be. All that mattered was the fire that was burning at her core, the fire that burned at the elf's, and the way the two somehow quenched the other even as they started to grow and demand even


And that was the only problem. She still couldn't move. There was so much they could have been doing, so much that would have felt even better... Even simply moving her hips would have been enough! As great as this felt she wanted to get up, to grab the elf, to hold and twist her until where the druid would feel the dragon grinding against each one of her most sensitive spots, to make that elf scream out for


And that's when it happened. Alex felt whatever force was holding her down simply vanish, but even then she couldn't quite get herself to act on her desires. The sheer ecstasy of feeling Phyrra bouncing on her dick was a heavenly torture in its own right, but there was no denying that need she felt. That desire. That will to make the elf cream again and again in the face of true sexual skill. It got the beast to buck her hips at just the right moment, to cause her prick to impale Phyrra just that much deeper and interrupt the druid's rhythm. It wouldn't be much, just a little shock that would cause the woman to wonder just how deep Alex could truly dive, but it would be enough. The warrior would fold her legs under her, her hips driving higher as if they were trying to force her cock to invade the elf's womb, and as the both rose Alex would finally sit up. Her arms cradled the smaller body, eased it back a bit, forced it to curl before she started thrusting. It wouldn't happen instantly, she wasn't quite as skilled as a succubus, but after a couple more Phyrra would suddenly find her pussy melting as Alex drove her length against and over that sweetest of spots. Now she would face same assault Alex felt last night, the pleasure of her G-spot being stroked before her cervix was given a firm nudge. Both would cause explosions behind the dragon's eyes, and she was certain the elf would feel the same, especially once that furious pace started once


And this was how they would stay, Alex leading Phyrra down the same path to hell she had walked the previous night. There were other positions to try, other ways to get herself to drive deeper, to reach other spots in an effort to get the elf to pass out in total bliss, but Alex simply couldn't stop. She needed release. She needed to feel her partner cry and grip her length like a vice while it finally burst and filled that tiny body to the brim. And she would. There was no stopping what they were building up to now. Alex wouldn't allow it. No force in the world would get her to stop, and once the both of them finally exploded Alex would drive herself as deep as she could to ensure that both women felt their passion combine into one massive climax that would no doubt sire the child they were both determined to create.

But even then Alex's hips wouldn't stop moving. She may never have been able to reach deeper than she was, but her body couldn't help but grind itself against the elf's perfection. That forced her solid length to stir the filled pot that was Phyrra's sex, and after they'd had a bit to catch at least a portion of their breath Alex would lean closer until her mouth hovered right beside the elf's ear. "More...?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

The training that she had endured from Kimi and Aes over the last two years, while it hadn't covered this particular subject from this point of view as thoroughly as it had the other way around, allowed Alex to aim and time her strike perfectly to get the desired reaction out of the elf riding her. Phyrra had been all but silent since the ending of her chant, the impalement of her pussy having been greeted only by a brief gaping expression before she had closed her mouth and eyes and gritted her teeth. Alex's quick push upwards, causing the ridge of her tip to rub over the sensitive patch against the front of her inner walls, made those chocolate eyes snap open and that mouth to open to permit the passage of a quiet gasp of pleasure. Even in that tiny emission of sound Alex would be able to feel the need that thrummed through her partner, a sister to the desires pounding through her own being, and it was clear that that beast was just waiting to be pulled out into the open.

And Alex's actions were sure to do just that! Phyrra leaned backwards when the dragoness suddenly sat up, her back forced to curl by the arms wrapped around the frail elf's lower back, and even if she couldn't do it instantly like Aes might have Alex was able to adjust so that her cock was hitting the elf just right on every descent. Phyrra was still on top and still setting the pace, but Alex could see the vestiges of control that were keeping the druidess from turning into the mindless, sex-crazed animal that the force surrounding both of them was gradually pushing them towards starting to crack. Whatever poise and dignity she might have, the woman riding on top of her was still most definitely a woman, and even if Alex was supplying the male portion for the purposes of this ritual she was still quite able to appreciate the sensations that her shift in position allowed her to inspire as she watched them play out across the normally stoic woman's features.

Every slight shift that brought her length more in line with its intended path, one that had the ridge beneath that bulbous tip brushing across her g-spot while the head itself kissed the elf's cervix whenever their hips met, had that facade breaking bit by bit as Phyrra's eyes and mouth steadily widened. It was steadily becoming clear that the same tactics that worked to spark the half-dragon's to her greatest heights of pleasure worked just as well on her elven partner, and it would be only a few moments of that assault upon her body before it finally shattered completely and Phyrra let out a long, low moan of raw, unbridled need. The shaft with which she had been gifted had seemingly been crafted perfectly to fit into the elf, much like Roko's had when he had first claimed her and like Aes and Kimi had learned to do with a bit of practice, and that fact showed out quickly as Alex's increasingly adept use of it drew a second, louder moan from between her throat, the vibrations of the sound rumbling through their conjoined bodies like a lewd earthquake. It was not to be the last, and within only a few moments Phyrra might as well have been a completely different person.

The steady gaze and constant stoicism were gone, as were her flat tone and simplistic but eloquently verbose manner of speaking. In their place, Alex found a sensual vixen dancing in her lap, one whose eager moans and coos guided her to perform the actions that would being the beautifully writhing figure on top of her to the greatest heights of pleasure possible while ensuring the quivering folds wrapping around her dick gave Alex the very same. Phyrra's moans and the steady shifts in the way she moved while riding Alex soon had her squeezing the dragon's length for all it was worth, the pleasure wracking her mind and the steady rise of her need to cum growing in tandem even as she felt the woman's folds growing tighter and heard her moans growing louder by the second. Not only their sexes, but their whole bodies were engaged in that pulsing grind, taught stomachs that would both soon decidedly not be so and toned thighs tensing to produce the motions that brought them together, the elf's modest chest brushing over Alex's slightly larger one, leaving small droplets of the half-dragon's white milk on the already pale skin as their peaks rubbed together.

Closer and closer they brought one another to their heights, the growing tension between them as palpable a force as the vast magics that thrummed through the air, the sorceries wrought by the druid on top of Alex seemingly so powerful and complex that they might very well have possessed some manner of sentience of their own, and thus making it seem all the more like they were being watched during their coupling. Whether such a thought entered the dragon's mind or not, it would soon enough be washed away along with every other concern when she felt the final approach of her orgasm commence. Phyrra was right there with her, her body straining and shivering as her moans rose to a fevered pitch, and when Alex would feel those folds spasm and contract around her cock the dragoness would be unable to hold back the oncoming flood even if she'd wanted to. Wave after wave of virile draconic sperm was drunk by the demanding clamps of the folds that had inspired them, quickly filling Phyrra's inner passage with even more intense liquid heat that only served to add to the intense bursts of pleasure that wracked across their conjoined forms. Alex would be seeing stars and nothing else for a few brief, ecstatic moments as her orgasm washed over her and left her sunk into a sea of familiar bliss.

But it wasn't enough. They came down a few moments later, their bodies still shuddering in the aftershocks of their mutual climax. Phyrra's frail arms had settled around the back of Alex's neck for stability but hadn't been a noticeable presence until then, when every tactile sense was enhanced. The continued sensations of Phyrra's sex quivering around her length were becoming almost too powerful, particularly over the highly sensitive head, but it would begin to recede in intensity just before Alex would move in to deliver her whispered question. The dragoness would receive two answers, first from Phyrra and then another more subtle one from the presence that had brought them to such heights. "Yes!" the elven woman cried, her tone heavy and deep with passion unlike any that Alex had heard from her before, "yes! More! I want... More!" That second answer came in tandem with the repetition of the elf's reply, and it was one delivered not in words but in understanding. The ropes of seed that Alex had spewed into the other woman's body, while potent, had not yet succeeded at siring the child that would mark the completion of the ritual. A second dose would thus be needed, and a third or even fourth after it if that wasn't enough, and neither would be released from the grip of the impossibly powerful magics until they had succeeded at that goal.

Whether or not Phyrra knew it too, the elf would prove as eager as could be in ensuring that that child was produced, and began to writhe anew in Alex's lap... Until the dragoness chose to move her. And when she did, pulling the elf off and flipping her onto her back, she would find that Phyrra was almost amazingly flexible. She would contort into whatever position that Alex desired, one as simple as putting her ass in the air and waiting to be reamed or as difficult as the pose in which she was ultimately put, with her knees beside her head and her body curled in on itself as her hips waited in the air for the half-dragon to lay claim to her folds with her mighty rod once more. It was then that Alex found a second profound realization, as she watched Phyrra's eager gaze follow every tiny motion of her cum-slick shaft.

She was in control. However powerful Phyrra might have been outside of this glade, Alex was fully and truly dominant, leaving her helpless to resist the dragon's whims in any capacity. She was stronger, even without her enchanted weapons and armor, and here that was what mattered. The elven beauty was all hers to enjoy as she pleased, and no magic would rise to stop her from taking whatever pleasures she wished with that body so long as she made sure that the woman conceived her child. Phyrra was her concubine, the mighty conquered prey, and her helpless fuck-toy all in one, and it was practically impossible that she didn't know as much to boot. That and the passionate desire laid as naked as her flawless body before the dragoness could only mean that she not only admitted such, but that she actively enjoyed it as much as Alex might have had the situation been reversed and had Aes been the one conquering her, and it would take only a moment of teasing to all but confirm that given that such would prompt the elf to begin to beg for more. "Please.... More.... I want.... More...." she crooned, her breasts heaving as she sucked in air to feed the exertion of the otherworldly sex in which she was engaged, and when Alex indulged her again she would find Phyrra's folds even more excited before as they gripped around the dragon's cock, her eyes widening as they watched every inch vanish into her body (unless Alex ensured that such was impossible somehow) until finally those chocolate orbs rolled up into the back of her head completely and then fluttered shut once the tip of the dragon's length nudged the end of her passage once more. It was still covered in her sperm, but the elf both needed and obviously wanted a second dose. Whatever route Alex would take to give it to her, Phyrra was putty in the warrior's hands now, and almost no position that she could imagine putting her in would prove impossible for the spectacularly flexible and constantly eager elf. All that she needed to do was pick one and go at it.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

That initial plea was all Alex needed, and a small smirk graced her lips even while the spirit added its desire for MORE. A moment later Phyrra found herself being lowered to the ground, and as she was placed within the very ritual circle she created Alex let her hands wander for a couple of seconds. Her palms brushed over the elf's stomach and sides, their path even threatening to run a little higher and cup the druid's petite chest. But a moment later they turned, and the druid's inner thighs were treated to the strong but still soft touch of the dragon warrior's fingers.

Alex simply caressed the woman and allowed her to experience the light brush that barely teased at her petals, but when Phyrra once more cried for more Alex answered that call. Her hands spread those thighs further, just enough to let her get a sturdy grip, and once she had it she gently lifted. Phyrra's hips couldn't help but rise into the air, and as her lips spread and exposed the mix of fluids that filled her sex Alex swore she could see actual steam rising into the cooler forest air. For a moment the dragoness was simply mesmerized by the sheer want she saw both on the elf's face and from the elf's body, but once that moment passed she simply kept on pressing. Some instinct within her was telling her to test Phyrra's body, to learn just how much give she had before she finally gave the both of them want they needed at that moment, and once those knees nearly came up against the elf's head Alex was pleasantly surprised. This kind of flexibility could lead to so many possibilities...

But at that moment it was enough. The dragon couldn't hold back the need to impale herself any further, and as she held Phyrra in that curled position she rose and aligned herself until her cock was resting at the quivering tunnel that was practically gushing with excitement. And then she entered. She wasn't sure how this could have been any better than before, but once those pulsing lips started swallowing her length Alex couldn't hold back the sharp bark of arousal rose through her throat. It was enough to cause her to pause, something Phyrra herself couldn't stand any longer as she pleaded for MORE! And Alex found she couldn't wait, either. She let herself sink further in, every inch feeling like her dick was simply melting into the quivering depths of the elven beauty, and once she struck Phyrra's core and watched the woman nearly cum right then and there Alex found herself groaning as she tried to keep herself from losing what control she could manage.

She sat there for a second, then two, then ten, a pause meant to allow both women to regain a little of their senses, but once she finally pulled back to thrust in once more she found herself pushing herself forward with enough strength to drive some of the breath from Phyrra's lungs. A moment later she did it again. After a third time she found a rhythm she liked, and as she did her best to drive Phyrra into the earth she marveled at how the elf was simply wallowing in the pleasure forced onto her. Even if the spirit that possessed them was driving them to give in to their more primal lusts the sense of satisfaction that was pouring out of the druid appeared to go beyond that. She seemed to thrive on being controlled, on being manhandled, on being driven through someone else's desire until it became her own. For a moment it nearly puzzled the dragon with how familiar it felt, but once she struck the elf's cervix and heard her crying in complete ecstasy it suddenly struck her.

I'm... I'm fucking myself...

And it was a complete and utter truth. When it came to how she acted before others Alex preferred to show off a sense of poise and dignity that let every else know that she demanded the respect she was due. But whenever Aes came a calling that front simply melted. All it would take was a bit of teasing, a whispered promise, a slight touch that sent a jolt of excitement running up the dragon's spine, and before she knew it Alex was reduced to nothing more than putty within her angel's hands. It was something she couldn't control, something she didn't want to control. It was as integral to her spirit as anything else, a part of her nature she came to recognize and even respect, and that was why she saw the very same within the body trying to squirm beneath her.

The elf loved being sexually dominated. It was as plain to Alex as the back of her hand, and with this in mind she knew exactly how to proceed. The slightly hurried rhythm she established earlier was slowed, but in exchange she allowed herself to pull back farther and drive in even stronger. Nearly standing as she was it let her bring both her weight and her strength into pounding Phyrra's depths, and though she could go much faster she chose to hold back. She didn't want to break the elf, and anything further would be unnecessary. Phyrra had a strong, powerful body looming over her, and it was driving a length of steel down into her deepest depths where it knocked against her cervix before pushing back to knock once more. She could do nothing to stop what was happening to her, and she could do nothing to speed it up. She had absolutely no control in how she was being fucked, no way to break the domination over her own body, and any second now she wouldn't be able to hold back her-

"HAAAH~" It came all at once. Alex could feel Phyrra preparing to cum her little brains out, and Alex was going to ride through it while she kept her rhythm going to prolong that orgasm until she dragged every ounce of pleasure out of that tight little body, but the moment she felt the elf's walls begin to spasm and contract around her Alex realized she couldn't last. Some other voice invaded her mind, an overbearing presence that demanded NOW and forced her to give in to the burst of white that was then starting to explode behind her eyes. She found herself pouring another batch of her batter directly into the elf's womb, her hips managing a few rolls before they locked into place and held her prick as deep as it could go while it exploded into pure bliss, and only once the worst of it had passed did that voice finally die down.

For a few moments Alex was allowed to bask in her unintended climax, her length still throbbing as it laid buried within Phyrra, but as it still lay straight and strong that voice returned and brought with it one word: MORE. Alex couldn't believe that after cumming that much she still hadn't impregnated the elf, but even then she found her hips starting to roll once more. It brought yet another flash across her eyes, her body so sensitive that she felt like she was cringing as the head of her cock started to stir and stimulate the elf once more, but she found herself pushing through it until the sensitivity finally passed. Instead all she felt was the wonderfully tight warmth wrapped all around her dick, the slight shudder of those folds as they welcomed her into their nearly vice-like embrace, and the now overflowing mix of fluids that let her slide in and out so easily despite the grip that urged her to stay buried.

Soon enough Alex found herself working back up to that same rhythm that pounded Phyrra into the ground once more. She could feel the elf writhing slightly within her grip, the druid's body trying to contort itself into impossible shapes to try and bring even more pleasure, but even then the girl wouldn't last for long. Alex could already feel those folds starting to spasm once mo-

"FFFUUUUUCK!" That was all she could scream before she found herself exploding once more, her frustration being swallowed by pure ecstasy as her consciousness was once more invaded by that droning need to cum NOW. When it had finally passed her cock felt like it was throbbing in overuse, a part of her body demanding she stop before she hurt herself, but it that was all lost once she heard that faint whisper for MORE. Her hips started shifting once more, that throbbing turning into painful spikes of far too much pleasure than even her will could handle, and all she could do was grit her teeth and try to ride through those overwhelming pulses until she finally recovered.

Thankfully that didn't take long, and once Alex felt more like herself she gathered what little remained of her willpower to utter one word, "Wait." It was as much a command to Phyrra as it was a plea to whatever force was driving them forward. Another effort let her regain some control over her over-sexed body, and a moment later she simply dropped the elf. Phyrra's back simply flopped to the earth, that sudden move causing Alex to gasp as those ever-gripping folds practically sucked on her until her cock finally popped free and sprung into the air. All at once the dragon was hit by the cool air that surrounded them, and it drove an almost overwhelming need to bury herself within Phyrra's pussy once more.

Alex couldn't fight that impulse, so she simply didn't. Her knees buckled and left her kneeling between Phyrra's spread legs, and they were spread even further to give her even greater access. With one deft thrust Alex was hilted once more, that need finally fulfilled, and soon enough she would start rutting the elf like some wild animal. But before that started she guided the elf's legs around her waist, and whether Phyrra locked her feet together or not Alex would only give her one warning. "Hold on." The dragoness didn't even wait to find a rhythm. She simply started thrusting as fast as she could, the furious and almost frantic pace she was setting forcing her to let out a feral scream of nearly orgasmic delight. Despite the copious amount of fluids that filled Phyrra's folds Alex could feel every inch of those depths quivering in delight as she rammed herself against the elf's cervix. That only brought the druid's walls to clench even tighter, and that brought yet another scream as Alex felt the head of her cock massaging every bit of the elf's walls.

With her hips rushing back and forth at a pace she never dreamed she could manage Alex knew she wouldn't be able to hold out for long. She could feel herself tightening as her body approached yet another climax, but instead of trying to fight it she simply let it rush through her. She felt herself erupt once more, the reservoir that was Phyrra's womb being filled once more while Alex couldn't keep her hips from giving the occasional thrust, and just as she thought she found Phyrra being forced into her own only a few moments later. Alex could practically hear that spectral voice ordering the elf to cum NOW, but before it had a chance to demand even MORE she forced herself to start pumping once again.

The storm that was her latest orgasm exploded painfully. Her body wasn't used to forcing so much pleasure through something so new, but it was starting to learn. Her recovery came quickly, those agonizing bursts dialing down until her senses could handle them once more, and when she could she instantly started rutting the elf again. Her hips became a near blur, the pleasure already starting to build on itself as Alex approached another peak, but Phyrra reached hers far faster. Those depths quivered and spasmed once again, and even as they urged Alex toward her own release that voice told her to come NOW. She had no choice in the matter, and an instant later her body was spurting even more of her sperm into the elf's womb while her hips punctuated each burst with a small push that was sure to leave every drop filling the druid's already overflowing core.

And just like she did a few seconds earlier Alex started pumping before she could be told. Her recovery came even faster, her body craved each release, and with each one that followed she felt herself adjusting until those brief bouts of intense pain melted into nothing more than pure, unadulterated pleasure. At that point Alex could keep pumping to her heart's content, or to her overseer's content at the very least, and with every climax that followed both the elf and the dragon would share in each other's pleasure before they started rushing to yet another. Soon enough Alex's mind simply shut down as it was bombarded by ecstasy that seemingly knew no end. Her body took over at that point, its desire being directed by another as it kept fucking the willing elf until the two had finally conceived the child that was demanded of them, and there would be no stopping until that voice had finally been satisfied and left them to act on their own. Only then would Alex finally collapse, and she would be left heaving atop Phyrra until she'd finally recovered from this damned sexual marathon they had run.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

While that initial push and the concluding kiss of the tip of Alexandra's against the elf's cervix might have very nearly brought Phyrra to orgasm, the pause that followed would threaten to do the very same to the dragoness once her partner managed to recover. Phyrra's widened chocolate eyes opened once again, her pupils so heavily dilated that they were now nearly all black, and the animalistic need evident in them now was as perfect a reflection of what Alex might have felt had she been in her position. What little portion of elven dignity and poise Phyrra might have had was long gone now, wiped away in the face of the overwhelming lust with which they'd been afflicted, and in its place was a more natural state. Alex knew of the origin of the elves as members of the fey, specifically of the high faeries, the sidhe, and at their most primal the fey were all creatures of a wild nature. That wild nature most definitely included sex, she had been around enough of them to have confirmed that, and at her core it seemed that Phyrra was of a similar sort despite her almost entirely submissive position. Even where she was, her legs stretched taught and her knees against her chest while the dragoness held her down in a grip that could not have been slipped from, the elf softly dug her fingers into the earth of the ritual circle and, with only that tiny bit of leverage to work with, began to slowly gyrate her hips up and down against the thick draconic rod impaling her.

It was barely more than an inch of Alex's shaft that was moving in and out of her tight folds from her motions, but that tiny shifting was accompanied by a rhythmic, pulsing suction by the elf's inner walls that, had Alex stopped to revel in it rather than start some thrusting of her own, would have milked the next load from her cock with frightening speed. Those motions ended just as soon as Alex began to move herself, however, and once the dragoness began to piston the shoe was on the other foot, so to speak, and Phyrra was left clinging to the earth beneath her and moaning, no longer able or willing to mask the sounds of her pleasure as she had before. Every knock of the dragon's tip against her inner gate sent a tightening pulse running through the elf's already quivering folds, and that Alex was thrusting with enough force to knock the breath from Phyrra's lungs only meant that her moans had a desperate, breathless quality to them that made her helplessness before the stronger woman's ferocity all the more apparent.

And, when the dragoness recognized that fact, seeing a portion of her own tastes in the woman squirming beneath her and slowed her thrusts to set up a more deliberate pace that allowed her to pound the elf with even greater force, it was hard to tell how she might have produced a stronger reaction from the druidess. Completely helpless now, she could do nothing but rest her chin between her breasts and watch with wide eyes and mouth agape as Alex's throbbing, iron-hard cock slowly pumped in and out of her, every meeting of their bodies producing a wet smack and a small squirt of Phyrra's love honey that grew progressively more voluminous. Every single backwards pull would allow Alex to feel her partner's folds tightening, practically sucking on her and begging to be filled with that massive tool again, and every single push inwards was met by a tiny buck on Phyrra's part, the only action that she was capable of at that point, and through those tiny movements from the helpless elf Alex would feel the woman's desire for her to go faster, to lay claim to her like a wild beast before sowing her seed into that waiting womb. It would be easy to resist that desire, however, and if she did Alex would find that it drove Phyrra to complete insanity within only a few moments.

She watched every ascent and descent with a mixture of hunger and lust and need, her body shaking and a tiny breathless exhalation coming from her mouth every time Alex slammed down into her, only to quiver as the dragoness slowly withdrew only to slam right back in. The squirts of her love honey came when Alex's tip kissed her cervix, ensuring that every descent had enough lubrication to it to be completely uninhibited despite her clenching tightness, and as the seconds ticked by it would become clear that Alex had put the elf into a sort of pleasure hell, each thrust putting her on the verge of an orgasm that only needed the next powerful thrust to come just a little bit quicker than Alex was going. The dragoness would feel that pressure, that animalistic need, building and building within the woman beneath her as if it were her own, Phyrra's body slowly but steadily tightening as the knot of looming climax swelled.

Her desire to see it through when she finally did bring the elf to her peak was not to be, however, as the invisible force that roiled around them, watching their every move with an unnatural, voyeuristic sense of joy that was at the same time both completely alien and completely appreciable, suddenly took hold and demanded that she find the same peak to which she had brought Phyrra. Whether it was because she had deliberately given the elf what she desired or simply waited her out until the pressure couldn't possibly do anything other than explode, when Phyrra came Alex wasn't far behind, and the rhythmic pulsing of her partner's inner walls ensured that Alex gave up every drop to her thirsty womb, gravity and that encouraging milking drawing it all deep into the druid's fertile inner chamber. By all rights Phyrra should have conceived right then and there, the inundation of Alex's sperm filling her womb which, because of the magic of the ritual, couldn't be anything but fecund at the time.

Even then, however, it wasn't enough, and when the force guiding them demanded more a few seconds later there was no answer possible but to obey. The over-sensitivity was not something suffered only by Alex, the initial thrusts following their most recent mutual climax causing her to squirm in discomfort every time the dragon's rod brushed across her g-spot, but just as with Alex herself that sensitivity was quick to pass and make way for more pleasure. Phyrra's squirming soon turned to encourage rather than discourage Alex's most recent batch of thrusts, and once again the elf began to watch with a look of lustful awe as the dragon's turgid rod pumped in and out of her squeezing, clenching folds, a small moan passing from her lips every time that massive tool slammed down into her. Soon enough that pumping brought the elf to orgasm, and just like the time before Alex was made to cum with her, adding yet another dose of semen into the lithe elf's already overflowing womb.

And again, that she hadn't yet impregnated the elf caused the power surging around them to demand more, but this time Alex refused. Not completely, for that would have been all but impossible, but for a moment, and though she could feel a sense of tension rising in the air Alex managed to control herself enough so that she could pull out of the elf's tight, sucking folds. Phyrra gave a low moan of complaint, her sex wanting, needing to be filled again as badly as the chill air made her want to bury her length into the warm confines of that tight elven pussy, but she wasn't made to wait for long. The shift in position gave them just long enough to recover a tiny bit of their sense and stamina, and when guided to Phyrra wrapped her legs around the dragon's waist and locked her feet behind the dragon's rear. The wild rut that followed brought out the elf's moaning once again, and her hands came up to grasp Alex's shoulders and hold on for dear life as every powerful thrust from the dragoness on top of her caused her body to shake.

Just as it had with her, when Alex came first the magic around them brought Phyrra to her own climax, but once again the voice in the back of her mind demanded more even after another helping of baby batter had painted the elf's inner walls white. This time Alex had beaten that voice to the punch, however, by already starting to thrust once again. Phyrra's legs clenched tighter to her back, and her hands lowered to the dragon warrior's back, nails digging into the skin of Alex's back in a painless but nonetheless tactile embrace. The greater discomfort came when Alex was made to cum again once again with her partner, both of them increasingly uncomfortable but Alex suffering more for it. Even then it was not to end, the energies swirling around them only stoking their lust to greater and greater heights despite the protests of their tiring bodies, bringing them to continue coupling again and again.

Finally, once Alex and Phyrra had been made to join in mutual ecstasy for the seventh time that night, it happened. Both would feel the magic surge as the elven druid conceived the half-dragon's child, the completing act of the ritual causing that power to flair around them and then explode outwards even as Alex collapsed forward onto Phyrra's quivering form. Her mouth opened and sealed against Alex's in an impassioned kiss even as the powerful magics at work twisted into patterns of incalculable complexity, and then in a wave that ought to have been felt for miles around it was so intense, it exploded outwards and began to spread across the lands around them.

And then, just like that, it was gone. The throbbing, pained cock with which she'd been gifted slowly shrank back into her body, allowing Phyrra's pussy to begin drooling the cream that it had been filled to the brim with, and though she would continue to kiss Alex for several moments it would be clear that the breadth of their union had passed once she unlocked her legs from around the half-dragon's waist and laid them down on the ground.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

That surge... That final climax led to a spike she could sense, a gathering of power and will and gods knew whatever else composed the presence that watched and guided the two women, and when it finally burst Alex felt as if a bit of herself had been thrust into the center of that explosion only to unravel and thread itself into the very essence of the land that surrounded them. But that little fact was nothing compared to the immense relief Alex felt when that presence finally left her, and as she collapsed against Phyrra's body she let out a small cry before she suddenly found herself kissing the woman she just impregnated. A moment later she found herself joining the elf in this final duel, her body so wound up by that sexual marathon that it was taking quite some time to come down from the unexpected peak she had reached. Her lips readily parted so their tongues could dance, and as they locked against each other in that embrace Alex's hands continued to stroke and caress the body beneath her while she still lay buried within Phyrra's folds.

And for a good few minutes that was all they did. There was no rush to do anything more, and the dragon's touch kept brushing over the elf's legs and sides without any push to engage in an eighth round. Alex knew how wonderful it felt to be pampered when sexually exhausted, and considering how long they'd been coupled a good long rest was well deserved. She even managed to gather a small portion of her own reserves to let her inner fire flare just enough to leave them pleasantly toasty even within the cooler Crolian air, but once those legs finally left her waist Alex finally broke their kiss. Exhausted as they were there was no denying that they each had their responsibilities, and though Alex was willing to linger simply to let them enjoy each other's warmth eventually she would start to stir.

It took some effort for the warrior to return to her feet. Her legs shook uncontrollably, both of them unable or unwilling to support her weight after such an intense workout, and she needed to massage some life into them before they became stable enough to let her stand. When she finally managed she soon learned that taking a few steps seemed nearly impossible, and that wouldn't do. Whatever inner strength she could scrap together was fed to her inner dragon, and a moment later she felt her scales shifting while her muscles tightened and grew stronger. Following that she took a moment to look around and get her bearings, and once that was done she returned to the still recovering elf and knelt down. "Your patron is quite demanding..." A wry little smile crossed her lips, and no matter how Phyrra answered Alex would give a small titter before she went to work massaging some life back into the druid's legs.

Alex would mostly remain quiet as she worked, but once she found signs of progress she finally spoke up. "Despite all that insistence I rather enjoyed myself..." She let that linger for a bit as her hands kept working. "...and I believe I learned a great deal about you..." At that the massage became a tad more suggestive and teasing, and that smile turned into a knowing grin before Alex leaned forward and gently brushed her lips against the elf, but once that was done she went back to her more casual touch. "I do wonder, though, is it always so intense?" She would wait for the answer, and once that was done and she felt ready enough to rise she would give Phyrra a little pat on her thigh. "Think you can walk home?" If not then Alex would just have to see if she could carry the elf.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Though the mysterious force that Phyrra had summoned had taken portions of her spirit during their wild rut, it had only been tiny slivers that had ensured that Alex still had more than enough left to empower herself when she found her leaden limbs all but unwilling to carry her own weight, and what had been taken was quick to restore itself anyway. Phyrra, while she did so, would lie on her back with her eyes tightly closed, her breathing heavy and limbs giving the occasional spasm. Those chocolate orbs would shoot open when she heard the dragon speak, and after a moment a smile would creep onto her face. "Yes" Phyrra replied in a quiet, slightly hoarse voice, "it's not like I ever implied that it would be easy though."

She would let out a sigh and close her eyes again as Alex set about working the exhaustion from her thighs, the massage obviously appreciated. As her fingers worked into the elf's muscles in an effort to get them to relax, Alex would find that Phyrra was perhaps surprisingly quite well defined. She certainly had a greater degree of muscle present than she would expect even from a fairly athletic spellcaster. She seemed quick to recover some of her stamina as well, particularly with the dragon's helping hands, and after a few moments Alex would feel her testing the muscles in her legs experimentally before apparently declaring them fit for service.

A slight blush crept back into Phyrra's cheeks at Alex's proclamation that she had enjoyed the most intense part of the ritual, though she didn't make any effort to deny her own obvious similar feelings. "Indeed..." she replied noncommittally, but the dragon's bold actions that followed caused her cheeks to turn an even deeper shade of pink. Her embarrassment didn't stop her from responding to the brief kiss.

"No... But I usually don't have to call up so much power either, so I wasn't taken by surprise," she replied, and then offered a nod when Alex asked whether or not she could walk home. It actually didn't seem to take much out of the elven druid to get back to her feet, though she then glanced at the nude dragoness and somewhat sheepishly said; "We... Might want to get washed up a little before we get dressed. There's a stream nearby. It will be cold, but I don't believe that that will be a problem for you."

The elf's previous mannerisms, colder and more mysterious, were starting to assert themselves again, albeit slowly. That didn't seem to make Phyrra feel shame around Alex, however, as she bent down in a fairly non-erotic manner to retrieve her garments, which she wrapped around her staff, and then start off while still completely nude just as soon as Alex had collected all of their things. While for once she hadn't been the one being filled to the brim, Alex still had something of a mess on her crotch and thighs, and Phyrra would be going to bathe whether the dragoness joined her or not. The running water of the small stream that the elf led her to would be impossible to heat with magic, as whatever she warmed would simply be carried off by the current, but that wouldn't stop Phyrra from dipping in. The wince that the elf gave was hard to miss, and Alex would find that the water was practically freezing if she dipped in herself, but it wouldn't take long to wash themselves up, which Phyrra would help Alex with and accept help with if the dragoness suggested as much.

Once bathing was done with, the elf would climb back into her robes, again waiting for Alex to dress if such was necessary, before starting back towards the town. The color had faded from her cheeks by that point, and her previously distant persona had mostly returned. She would speak with Alex if the warrior had something to say, but would offer no questions or comments of her own along the way unless sparked to by the half-dragon beside her. The journey back into the druid's town was brief, and they met no one along the way until they arrived in the town proper, where they would pass a few people busying about their daily tasks before getting near to the village square again.

Turning to Alex, the druid would say; "Thank you for your assistance, Alexandra Alistar. I will care well for the gift you have given me," Phyrra would rub a hand against her stomach, where their child was already growing, "and I will send for you when it is near to the time of her birth. The ritual was successful because of you, and more powerful than even I had thought it would be. For now, however.... I think I could use some rest. Good luck on your journeys, wherever they should lead you." She would bow, and accept Alex's goodbyes in turn, and once the exchange was over would return to her tree-born home.

From there, the only logical conclusion would be for Alex to collect her comrades, and if she did she would find Aes, Angelle, and Ria sitting in the corner of the largely empty common room of the town's sole inn. It was a slightly dingy place, lit by candles and by a fireplace that was only embers at this hour, but it was pleasantly warm and the barkeep on duty, despite his grim appearance with his bald head and gristly facial hair, would offer Alex a welcoming smile and a grunted offer to get her something if she so wished. Whatever her answer, Aes would rise upon sighting Alex and smile with evident relief, and would approach to give the warrior a hug in greeting and say; "Hello love! How did it go? I was starting to get worried!"

(Prod me with complaints if this went too far on the assumptions at any point, I just figured it would work out like this anyway.)
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

... Huh... She felt herself being drained. She felt that entity tapping bits of her spirit as it guided her through that intense coupling, and considering how exhausted her body felt Alex figured she and Phyrra had been engaged for quite some time. So it was a genuine surprise when she felt her spirit responding so easily once she called on it. And it was a good surprise. It meant she could sustain her fire in a stronger, more controlled burn, and it proved a godsend in helping both the elf's and her own muscles to relax.

That left the two women rising faster than expected, and when the druid suggested they both wash up the warrior looked over herself. For once she wasn't the one receiving the fucking of her life, and that meant the excess amount of cum drooling from her overwhelmed sex was nowhere to be seen. But she was still a mess, the sheer fact that she'd filled Phyrra seven... Was it seven? ...yes, seven times meant she had plenty of her own semen splashing onto her own crotch. And even if she came as a man that hadn't stopped hew own cunny from drooling its honey straight down her thighs and legs, and that didn't even mention the mess all over her chest. The brush of body against body coupled with her recent lactation left a thin film of milk coating both of the women's chests, and though her enhanced body heat helped it dry that left her covered in nothing more than a white, flaky, filmy mess. "I agree..." That was all she could really saw once she saw how messy she truly was, and with that she gathered everything she had shed and cradled it in a hopefully clean arm.

With that the pair were on their way, and though Phyrra didn't speak much Alex was rather preoccupied. While she never once lost her step as they wandered the dragoness couldn't seem to pull her eyes from her chest. She appeared to be considering her breasts as if they belonged to someone else, and when she actually went to cup herself she found a small bead of milk already forming on the tip of each nipple. She couldn't help but think that these were some stranger's tits, at least in a sense, and though a part of her scoffed at that idea there was no denying how she felt somewhat...heavier... And... Were they bigger? Alex thought they were, but that could just be swelling from the milk, right? Or maybe she just felt like they were bigger... And she was starting to feel full already. Good lords, Aes just drained her this morning. If Ales was already lactating this heavily now how would it be once the child was finally b-

"AHH!" The dragon had been so preoccupied with herself that she failed to realize she had been led straight to the stream and decided to simply wade right in. And she was punished for it. Though her supernatural heritage allowed her to weather some truly frigid weather a current of freezing was was something else entirely. It quickly stole whatever heat Alex had built up within herself and forced her to let out a small shriek before back-pedaling as fast as she possibly could to escape this hellish torment. Once she was finally clear she stared at the water, her glare turning more accusatory by the second, and a few seconds later she simply let herself go. The inner fire at her core flared into brilliant life, her body unchanged while the aura surrounding her became nearly uncomfortably intense. Her pride rose to answer that small challenge from nature, and with it her temperature spiked. At that she went back in, and though the cold still hit her she managed to relax now that the temperature had to fight to overcome her more fiery nature.

With that bit of discomfort finally out of the way Alex bathed herself, her actions quick and to the point to show her distaste for being assaulted as such, but after a bit her gaze shifted over toward Phyrra. The elf most likely couldn't arm herself the same, and though as a druid she most likely wouldn't mind Alex decided to offer her presence to her most recent partner. It would only take a few steps before Phyrra would feel the dragon's heat reaching out to her, and against the nearly frozen stream it would feel like heaven. It may not be the most natural thing in the world, the destructive potential behind Alex's power was right there, but this just showed that overwhelming power couldn't be used for something more constructive.

Once the cleaning was finished and they were dry and ready to return home Alex allowed her aura to flare back down until it finally passed. While it was still cold the air and wind were nowhere near as bothersome as that damned freezing water, and she could simply relax and let her spirit recover on the way back. But though the two had remained mostly quiet for their own reasons Alex finally spoke up. "Phyrra, you mentioned that this ritual was preparation for a threat that would fall on this land. Were you given any clue to what that threat may be? Size, strength, numbers... General direction..." If this was something that threatened the very strength of the forest then it had to be a power a power that could threaten the cities that men built. Therion itself was most likely in danger, and though his lands were still some ways off perhaps even Father may find himself pressured. If even a general warning could help him prepare then any information would be appreciated.

Despite whatever answer they both came to the two would eventually return to town, and from there it was an uneventful jaunt back toward the druid's humble home. A few people were about, living their lives as best they could, and none bothered either of the women as they made their way deeper into the village. Once they had arrived Phyrra offered her thanks for the gift she was given, and should she allow it Alex would bend closer as the elf lightly caressed her own belly. Alex would do the same, and as she did her flame shuddered just enough to send the very gentlest of embers to briefly touch the young life that had recently been conceived. In a sense that act would amount to absolutely nothing, that budding spirit nowhere near capable of even reacting to that small gesture, but somehow Alex felt all the better for giving her daughter that small hello. "I look forward to that call and wish you the best. But before I leave I'd like to settle one last bit of business." At that she leaned closer to whisper a little more privately even though it was most likely a wasted effort. "I find myself traveling with a rather... 'potent' oni, and I'm fairly sure you can guess what that's led to. I'd like to avoid any further surprises..." She didn't outright say it, but Alex was obviously wondering if she could purchase an infertility potion.

Once that was finished and Alex offered her final farewells it was off to the inn to find her family. Stepping inside would bring her to the barkeep first, and though he looked somewhat haphazard his welcome and his grunted offer were met by a smile of her own. "House specialty, if you'd be so kind." That gave him free reign to bring her anything he saw fit, and even if it were the most expensive thing he had Alex was in a good enough mood to accept it. Soon after Aes was rising, and the hug was answered immediately by the dragoness. "It all went well despite that initial brouhaha when we first met. I might even say she's a bit of a kindred spirit, but now's not the time to get into that. That we can share the next time we get a little more 'personal'." It was obvious what she meant by that, and though that probably wouldn't be happening tonight a part of Alex was looking forward to showing Aes just what she had learned.

After a moment was given to absorb Aes's response Alex would disengage and make her way over toward the other two, and there she would give Angelle her own hug and Ria whatever welcome she desired before turning toward the equipment she left with them all. "So what have you been up to while I've been indisposed?" And while they answered Alex would go about donning her gear once more until she was ready to step out, and if she did have a potion to purchase then she would make sure she had Phyrra's payment ready for her whenever they were all prepared to continue on toward Ochre.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Phyrra glanced back quickly as Alex cried out, but seeing the dragoness fleeing from the cold water that she had walked into without complaint briefly brought a smirk that looked very strange on the serious elf. "What, too cold for you?" she asked in an amused tone, and started cleaning up the mess between her legs while the dragoness ensured that she would be able to stand the cold a little bit better. The elf nonetheless shot her a gracious look despite her apparent resistance to the chill water when Alex stepped closer and provided her with some reflected warmth.

The rest of their bathing passed in silence, and the majority of their journey back to the village did as well. Alex did opt to ask a fairly pertinent question, however, and Phyrra would coolly reply; "No. Whatever might scar the land as I have seen is hidden from me, but that in itself leads me to believe that it is no mundane threat, nor any disaster that might occur from natural processes. A similar feeling occurred in many, myself included, just before the Invasion came, and if anything this threat feels more severe even than that."

Later, when they had arrived, Phyrra's lips would thin as Alex leaned in to whisper her request more privately. "You and Dingroria then?" she said in a tone that, at least in anyone else, might have suggested that she didn't entirely approve. Back in her cold shell, it was somewhat difficult to tell given that that seemed to be closer to the elven druid's normal way of speaking. "I can whip something up in half an hour or so. Are you looking for something to... Alleviate the problem, or just prevent it from happening again?" Once Alex had clarified what she wanted, Phyrra would nod and be into her home to begin work, telling Alex that she could pay for it later.

Once parted from the elf and into the tavern where her family and traveling companion waited, Alex would receive a nod from the barkeep who went off to prepare a drink for her while Aes moved up to wrap her in a hug. "Oh really?" Aes replied slyly, a smirk coming over her face. She licked her lips but then pulled away, evidently recognizing that Alex wasn't exactly in the mood at the moment. "Not much, Ria was just telling us some stories. We've still got plenty of daylight left to travel by, if you want to take off."

A moment later the barkeep would be back holding a large steaming mug filled with a dark brown liquid with a foamy white topping, which he would offer to Alex and say that it cost four coins. Should she opt to taste it, the hot liquid would be detectable alcoholic but also quite sweet, the taste similar to chocolate, a rare delicacy imported originally from Londoria that only grew well in Southern Badaria and portions of the Amazon, making it a particular treat this far North.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Phyrra said:
"No. Whatever might scar the land as I have seen is hidden from me, but that in itself leads me to believe that it is no mundane threat, nor any disaster that might occur from natural processes. A similar feeling occurred in many, myself included, just before the Invasion came, and if anything this threat feels more severe even than that."
Alex really didn't like that answer. It was bad enough hearing that there was no telling where, when, or how this land would be threatened, but it only became worse when the elf mentioned that something similar had been felt once before. The same sense of danger had come before the Invasion, and that left the world mostly crippled in its aftermath. And this new threat felt even worse. If the world were caught unawares once again...

"How many others would you say have felt this same danger?" There had to be others, and they surely must have realized what this sudden sense of anxiety meant after having lived through the tsunami that was the Invasion. "And have either you or your comrades considered warning others of what may be approaching?" It should have been obvious that the sudden Arrival decimated the world simply because everyone was caught unawares. If even a general warning were sent out then maybe people could start preparing to repel whatever force was poised to strike Heloras or Denevrion as a whole. Of course that may have already started. Ria had mentioned that Therion's queen was said to have her own small band of druids at her disposal, and if any of them felt this impending doom then they would have notified at least her. But even then that would only warn Crolia at most. It did nothing for the survivors scattered throughout the other lands. Anudor and the Amazon were practically destroyed at this point, and the collapse of the Lich King's empire has left Badaria struggling to hold itself together let alone expel the alien threat that still remained. If any of those people were to survive then they at least needed some warning. It would allow them to settle down for an all-out defense, and if they couldn't even manage that then it still gave them the option to flee before whatever horror was approaching could overwhelm and wipe them from the face of the world.

Phyyra said:
"I can whip something up in half an hour or so. Are you looking for something to... Alleviate the problem, or just prevent it from happening again?"
"Prevention." Alex would leave it at that. She had no need to explain why she felt she had no right to simply snuff out a developing life simply for convenience's sake, nor would she try to preach that view to others. The only time she would speak in either capacity was if someone stopped and asked for her opinion. Even then she would only answer the one who asked. She'd seen how some people became a little... weird... when discussing pregnancies. There was no need to open up that kind of mess.

Aescila said:
"Not much, Ria was just telling us some stories. We've still got plenty of daylight left to travel by, if you want to take off."
"I'm afraid we'll need to wait for a few minutes. I asked Phyrra for a potion before I left, and she said it would take roughly half an hour to finish." That left the dragoness with some free time on her hands, and she immediately sat down and simply relaxed. Though she had mostly recovered from her marathon session with the nubile elf that still didn't mean that her legs and thighs were no longer sore. As if to prove it she let out a small sigh once she was off her feet, and when the barkeep returned with her drink and she had a chance to try it she let out a low hum that stretched through a few seconds. While she was no stranger to the taste of chocolate it wasn't something that was readily available even back in the Hidden Village, and she found that its sweetness coupled with the alcohol to leave her feeling content throughout her entire body. She gladly payed for it ordered another for each of her companions, and if Angelle or anyone else didn't particularly like theirs then she would gladly accept it for herself.

With that Alex simply unwound for a bit, mostly remaining quiet and listening to Ria continue her stories unless someone asked a question, and when it finally came time to rise the warrior allowed herself to stretch out a bit before climbing to her feet. Following that she immediately set off to finally purchase her potion from the resident druid, and with nothing else keeping her there Alex and her family finally departed Bree to start their trek to the village of Ochre. There were a number of things she wanted to take care of on the way out, from her training with Haedrin to some training with Angelle to help toughen the girl should anything decide to take a shot at them, she just needed to figure out how she would start. When her hand came to her stomach she realized the fae knight would most likely stop once her pregnancy truly started to show. Might as well start with him.

20 Denarii for Infertility Potion
16 Denarii for spiked cocoa (4x 4 Denarii unless someone outright refuses)
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

Alex really didn't like that answer. It was bad enough hearing that there was no telling where, when, or how this land would be threatened, but it only became worse when the elf mentioned that something similar had been felt once before. The same sense of danger had come before the Invasion, and that left the world mostly crippled in its aftermath. And this new threat felt even worse. If the world were caught unawares once again...

"How many others would you say have felt this same danger?" There had to be others, and they surely must have realized what this sudden sense of anxiety meant after having lived through the tsunami that was the Invasion. "And have either you or your comrades considered warning others of what may be approaching?" It should have been obvious that the sudden Arrival decimated the world simply because everyone was caught unawares. If even a general warning were sent out then maybe people could start preparing to repel whatever force was poised to strike Heloras or Denevrion as a whole. Of course that may have already started. Ria had mentioned that Therion's queen was said to have her own small band of druids at her disposal, and if any of them felt this impending doom then they would have notified at least her. But even then that would only warn Crolia at most. It did nothing for the survivors scattered throughout the other lands. Anudor and the Amazon were practically destroyed at this point, and the collapse of the Lich King's empire has left Badaria struggling to hold itself together let alone expel the alien threat that still remained. If any of those people were to survive then they at least needed some warning. It would allow them to settle down for an all-out defense, and if they couldn't even manage that then it still gave them the option to flee before whatever horror was approaching could overwhelm and wipe them from the face of the world.

"I cannot say," Phyrra replied earnestly, but by her tone it seemed that the druidess wasn't as concerned as Alex was. "What would we say? That the apocalypse comes? That doom falls upon us all? And why should anyone listen to those like, when our warnings are based on vague predictions and feelings? Future telling is hardly an art with reliable results, and even the wisest have been wrong before. Or simply misinterpreted the signs. Those who I know would listen are those who have felt the same, and while I have communicated with those in my area it won't likely make much difference. What will fall, will fall, and prepared or not the world will be left to face it." It was in a resigned tone that Phyrra spoke,

"Prevention." Alex would leave it at that. She had no need to explain why she felt she had no right to simply snuff out a developing life simply for convenience's sake, nor would she try to preach that view to others. The only time she would speak in either capacity was if someone stopped and asked for her opinion. Even then she would only answer the one who asked. She'd seen how some people became a little... weird... when discussing pregnancies. There was no need to open up that kind of mess.

A simple nod, with neither condemnation or approval, and Phyrra would be off back to her house, leaving Alex to enter the tavern to find her companions inside....

In the tavern.

"There's no rush," Aes replied lightly at the news that they would be waiting a little while. Taking her drink and asking for four more after she'd sampled it, Alex would soon have Ria, Aes, and Angelle looking curiously at her when a set of three more mugs of the steaming spiked cocoa came to their table. "Tryin tah butter me up, eh?" Ria asked brightly, carefully handling the small (for her hands) mug while Aes sniffed at her experimentally and Angelle took a lick of the cream on the top. The latter finding it to her liking, Angelle was quick to take a sip, which she seemingly liked even more, and then gobbled most of the drink up before she could be stopped. Aes gave Alex a knowing look, and Ria smirked and rolled her eyes as Angelle gave a quick burp and then looked around the table sheepishly.

"Well, while we wait for that to settle in... I was just telling them about how I ended up meeting your brother!" Ria said brightly, a slight flush coming to the oni's cheeks as she also drank the beverage that Alex had bought for her. It was pretty strong stuff, and the only one who seemed completely immune to its effects was Aescila. Angelle, needless to say, was hit pretty hard quite suddenly after a few minutes, and began to giggle excitedly as Ria went through her tale.

"...So, I was given this job, see. To raid some old tomb up there for an artifact, an amulet that belonged to an old necromancer that tried to take over the Academy from within. Ten centuries old type of crap, super dangerous, don't go in or you risk waking his spirit and unleashing an undead apocalypse on the countryside. You probably know how these things can be sometimes! Anyway, I get this map from the scrub who gave me the job, you saw him back in the arena, and it's old enough to be genuine. Tells me where the place is, gives me a layout, traps, what to do to get past 'em, the works.

"So, I come out, end up getting lost because the map is an ancient copy of a copy of a you-get-the-idea, and after two weeks of wandering around in the damn woods I end up in Ochre. Everyone in town knows where the place I'm looking for is, and after I convince them I'm not an orc spy - me, a spy! - they tell me where the tomb is. So I go there, and some giant fuckoff stone tablet that I'd never been told about is sitting there, with a big old skull carved into it. Now, I puzzled over how to open it for a good long while, but finally it started to get dark and I just figured that I might as well smash the damn thing down. No sooner had I raised my ol' wrecking ball than some huge bloke comes roaring down from the sky and lands not twenty feet behind me.

"Now, something like that happens, you don't exactly wave and say hello. Your brother, ahhhh, doesn't have much of a sense of humor, and so when I made a bit of a joke of his dramatic entrance he didn't even bother talking. Just looked at me funny for a minute and then waded in punching. I was caught a bit by surprise, so I didn't get to pull any of my tricks. As you can probably guess, he trounced me. I figured I was about to have my arm pulled out of its socket only to be beated to death with it, but he didn't do that. Dislocated my shoulder, broke a couple of little things, and made me piss red for a week or so, but then he just flew off and told me in this big surly grumpy man voice not to come back. So, naturally, I went back to town, got patched up on what little funds I had left, and tried again the next day.

"Now, this time I was ready for him. Had a bomb planted where I expected he'd land, another on the steps just far enough away that it wouldn't blow me up too, and was ready to pop up to full size and smack him up a bit when he turned up. Sure enough, no sooner had I knocked on the door than I heard him roaring in. He lands, right on the mine, and it blows up. I expect to see him lying on the ground with broken legs - it was only a concussion blast, not meant to kill - but he just walks through like it was nothing. The second one was about as effective, and then we went at it again. I figured I'd stand a better chance when I had a bit of time to prepare and got the first hit on him, but it didn't go any better than last time. He told me that if I tried again, he wouldn't let me live through it, and then flew off. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that, but I guess we'll see when we show up there, won't we?"

The oni, after whatever discussion that story prompted, would give a few more stories about her various adventures until the door of the tavern would open. Phyrra entered, glancing aside at the innkeeper who looked stoically back, and then went over to Alex's table and wordlessly handed the half-dragon a potion. Trading a nod with Ria and waving to Angelle and Aescila, she would say her goodbyes, respond to any questions or concerns that Alex might have, and then be off, and if Alex left right away she would see the elven druid returning to her home once again.

Whenever she opted to be on her journey, those traveling with her would be ready to go, though Angelle was a bit overexcited and took to the air as soon as she'd stepped out of the tavern. Her daughter was, for all her clumsiness in comparison to her parents on the ground, was a master of the skies when she took to her wings. She had actually learned to fly before she'd learned to run, and even though she was fairly intoxicated once she was over the level of the houses and trees she was as graceful as a falcon up among the winds. Aescila, smiling indulgently, would glance at Alex and say; "I'll keep an eye on her until she gets tired." Her mate would give Alex a brief kiss on the lips, more affectionate than suggestive, and then take off after Angelle with similar aerial grace. Ria looked up jealously at the two angels for a moment before giving a shrug, glancing at Alex, and saying; "Shall we then? They'll be getting ahead of us if we can't keep up!"

(When will Alex summon Haedrin? That can probably be done in chat.)
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex didn't react much to the curious looks she was given by everyone else, or at least no more than a raised eyebrow before she took her seat and started drinking her own. She wanted to see how everyone else would take it. Ria was rather predictable, she seemed to relax and accept it just as the rest of her kin did, and though Aes seemed rather unaffected by it the real surprise came from Angelle. The girl had a taste of hers, and that rich sweetness must have been to her liking since she downed most if it in one gulp. Alex couldn't help but grin at that, but after drinking a bit more of her own and started feeling a little light-headed herself she only had one thought. Uh oh... This cocoa was stronger than it looked, and if it was starting to hit her now then she maaaay have just gotten her own daughter drunk...

But when Ria started spilling her story Alex was surprised in a different way. When asked before what Ria was searching for she wouldn't go into even vague specifics due to some NDA with her employer, but now she was letting that out with a rosy flush that only came from a drunken oni's crimson cheeks. And while she would have liked to point that out Alex decided to simply let the woman continue. More information never hurt, and now that it was out in the open there was no point in embarrassing her for her little flub.

When the story was finally finished Alex didn't react all that much. She was busy thinking things over. Ria's response to Akorvick's beating was a bit surprising and possibly a little extreme, but Akorvick's answer was even more so. Her beat her. Soundly. Twice. While taking a couple of bombs in the face. And though that seemed about right considering his strength and how it most likely developed over these years the real surprise came in letting her walk away. It sounded like he was actually restraining himself. That was... Well that was definitely something to think about...

So that's what Alex did once that story had passed. She sat and pondered while she finished her drink, half of her listening to other tales while the other wondered how else her brother may have changed since they'd parted, and it was only when Phyrra finally appeared that Alex was roused from her split thoughts. She rose and accepted the potion, the druid's payment suddenly appearing with a small flourish and a nodded thanks, and with that done they were all finally ready to start making their way toward Ochre. And now that they were finally outside she was free to see how wound her daughter had become. In a flash of feather and grace Angelle took to the sky, and a moment later Aes was soon following to look after the girl. Alex was given a kiss that she answered well enough, and once her family was airborne she looked nearly as jealous as Ria did. But at Ria's prodding Alex concentrated a bit and started picturing the form her inner dragon had taken when it was finally allowed to freely expose itself. And then she started focusing on those wings. They were massive. Thick. Strong. Capable of propelling the much heavier beast within into the air with its own flare for grace. And though Alex herself had never used them before she suddenly felt rather confident that she could keep up with her more naturally adept family as they took to the sky.

It would probably surprise the hell out of Ria when those wings suddenly came to life and lightly beat at the oni's back. It was definitely a surprise for Alex, she'd never once even considered trying to manifest her heritage in such a way, but after looking at the woman then looking back at the sky she seemed ready to pop into the air and leave the oni trying to keep up with the lot of them. She even took a small jump, but before she could gain any air she glided back down in a soft land and gave the giant a small crooked smile. She didn't say a word as her wings relaxed and collapsed back into her body, how they managed to appear through her armor an unconsidered mystery that would likely bother her later, and once that was done she was off.

With the two land bound members of the group huffing it they had some time to themselves, and after a couple of minutes Alex seized the opportunity she was given. "Ria. When we get to Ochre don't even approach that tomb. If that was Akorvick then he wasn't mincing any words when he said he'd kill you. Even if it does sound like he's calmed a bit since I last saw him he's not the kind to give idle threats. He will keep his word."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Logs. Just logs.
"I never thought he wouldn't," Ria replied simply, "it's... Not really much of a choice, to be honest. I already took payment. I've got to get in there sooner or later, but I'll admit that I'm not eager to try again just yet."

"Good." Though not entirely. It sounded like Ria had her own sense of honor regarding payment, and she would try to complete her job at some point no matter what that would cause. And that would lead to only one conclusion. Alex would need to find some way to prevent that... "If you returned your payment and said you couldn't complete this job would your employer accept it?"

"Probably not. I don't like to go back on a job like that this far in anyway. My reputation isn't that great as it is, and getting work when I'm half orc since those idiots from the East started that war hasn't exactly been easy," Ria replied calmly, "besides, it's not like I have the money to give back at this point. And before you offer, no, I wouldn't accept it if you offered."

That wasn't good. While that sense of duty was a virtue it could also put Alex and Ria at odds depending on why Akorvick saw fit to guard that tomb. But that was neither here nor now, so she shelved that thought for the moment and continued on in silence for a bit to try and keep the two angels in view. Once a few minutes had passed, however, her thoughts turned back toward a few other things, and soon enough she slowed to an eventual stop. "One moment." With that she focused on her ring, her own flame once more connecting with the well-spring that was Summer, and there she sent a bit of herself out to search. Since she'd already called him twice she was certain she'd manage to capture Haedrin's attention soon enough, and once she had she tried something different. [Haedrin, are you free?] No way to know if that question would reach him or if he could answer, but giving it a try wouldn't hurt.

"Mmmm?" Ria asked curiously as Alex stopped, but made no further inquiries. [Yes. What do you need?] Haedrin replied, the tether that would summon the knight gradually growing stronger. Such conversations had to be quick, as they could only slow the link so much.

[Just wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me some more training on the trip out to Ochre.]

[Sure.] And soon enough the knight appeared before her, once again sans his armor and in loose, comfortable training garb. Ria would give a surprised gasp at the burst of rose petals that came in time with the faerie knight's appearance, but then she broke out into a grin and shot Alex a fairly knowing look. "Ahhh... Shall I continue on and let you catch up then?" she asked innocently, a broad smirk across her face. Haedrin would, for the moment, ignore the oni in favor of fixing Alex with a patient stare and folding his arms behind his back.

"Well met, Sir Haedrin." Alex actually sported a rather friendly grin at his appearance, one that was perhaps a little flushed thanks to the alcohol still sitting in her system, and she most likely didn't notice it since she blushed at the oni's look and nothing else. But at Ria's question she gave it a bit of thought. "Sure..." She could definitely catch up quickly enough, especially now that she knew she could summon her wings... "...but give me another moment." At that she gave out a sharp whistle to catch Aescila and Angelle's attention, and once they returned she would figure out exactly how she was going to manage all the nonsense running through her head.

"Well met, Lady Alistar," Haedrin replied. Ria gave a low chortle at her reply and moved to just be on her way, but Alex's request to stop prompted her to quirk an eyebrow. Catching Aes' attention wasn't hard, and she eventually managed to get Angelle to leave the clouds and get back down to the ground.

"All right..." With everyone gathered it was time to get this all sorted out. "We've all had our fun..." In one way or another, but she wasn't going to say that. "...but now it's time to get down to business. Angelle. You wanted to help me when that mess back in Therion started, and that made me proud." A moment was given to let the girl respond how she wished. "But you panicked." Another moment. "I'm not mad at you for it, but freezing like that can be dangerous. That's why I want you to start getting used to battles. That means you're going to train on this trip. Aes, Ria, I want you both to help her with that. As for me I'll be training separately with Haedrin. He offered as much a couple years ago, and I'd like to continue where we left off."

Everyone offered Alex their attention in their own way as Alex spoke up. Haedrin and Aes looked on impassively, Ria curiously, and Angelle with a look of affectionate awe with which she regularly looked on Alex when she expected a lesson. Her attention was well rewarded, at first, and she beamed at the compliment to her courage only for her expression to plummet when Alex continued. Her following words didn't seem to make her feel too much better, but after a moment she would give a resolute nod. "Ahhhh... Well, that's entirely more innocent than I expected would be happening today," Ria remarked, and gave Angelle an appraising look. "I'll put her through her paces. Never trained anyone before, but maybe I can learn a few things myself, eh?" Aes would simply nod, frowning. She was similarly inexperienced. "As you wish," Haedrin agreed simply, and then Angelle would nod again. "I'll... I'll do my best! I don't want to be a burden anymore."

The frown from Aes was a little unexpected, and Alex focused a little more on that than she did Ria's statement concerning innocence, but with everyone accepting their roll Alex returned the nod she was given. "All right, let's split up and give each other some room." And once they all started Alex immediately started unclasping her armor. She didn't stop until she found a a point where she could carefully place it away from any prying eyes, and once she was down to the rather unremarkable padding she wore she turned toward Haedrin. "I think I'm familiar enough with hand-to-hand to work on technique on my own, so let's start on something different."

Aes, Ria, and Angelle would go off to their own lesson, leaving Alex alone with Haedrin, at least in function. The others weren't so far off that she couldn't perceive them, as that would have been hard for any one of the three. "Very well then. Rather than technique, we will focus on tactics to start," Haedrin said simply, moving slowly and carefully into a clearing at the side of the road. The others had moved farther off, the potential devastation that Angelle could cause not something that they wanted to do by the road. "What will you be trying to prevent by learning this particular branch of hand to hand combat?"

"I fought with Ria back in Therion's arena, and she managed to pick me up and throw me around like a rag doll. Then I faced a werewolf and couldn't stop someone from being mauled by it. I can't help but think that if I had some better grappling technique I could have prevented both from happening."

"Mmmm.... Good. Self preservation and protecting others. Exactly as I expected, your intentions are not to be questioned... But that isn't what I meant when I asked that. What are you trying to prevent from happening to yourself when you engage an opponent in such a way?"

"I want to keep them from overpowering and dominating me before I've had a chance to properly fight back."

"And what do you want to do to them?"

"Keep them under my control."

"Very well then... We'll start with that. For training purposes, I am afraid that I can only serve as a humanoid opponent. You might face other... Less savory creatures, but many of the techniques do transfer with a degree of creativity."

That brought up the image of those damned walking tentacle balls from when the Invasion first started, and Alex really didn't want to picture herself wrestling with those things. "I'll just take your word for that..." At that she set herself into a stance. She looked nearly ready to pounce in an instant. "So, who takes the first shot?"

"You do," Haedrin said simply, and then waited with his arms still behind his back.

At that Alex rushed forward, her body held low so she could rise at the last second and try to force Haedrin off his balance.

The knight didn't move an inch, not as Alex rushed and not as she rose. Only as she was about to strike did he move, catching her limbs in his arms and then suddenly flipping her over him. The wind was knocked out of the half-dragon, and in an instant the knight was on top of her, her arms held up and stuck together by one hand while the other gently wrapped around Alex's throat. He was positioned between her legs, preventing her from doing much beyond squeezing with them or doing much with her tail either. It was also quite noticeably putting him in exactly the situation in which she had fantasized about the faerie knight, and with their faces barely more than an inch apart he was already quite close to making good on the second portion of it. "Don't go high when trying to grab unless your opponent is significantly taller than you," he lectured calmly.

Somehow she knew it would happen, but even then she wasn't quite ready for how quickly it would happen. It almost felt like she was throwing herself over his shoulder, and when she landed and lost her breath she found herself able to do little more than try and wrap her legs around his waist and try to squeeze the breath out of him, but with his hand at her throat that really wasn't an option. But then another part spoke up, something that was feeling a little more vocal now that it had some spiked cocoa to keep it company. It said there was something else she could do with those legs, something that would catch him completely off guard, something that they could both enjoy... And look at how close his lips were. You could catch him in more ways then one...

No no no! She could already feel some heat started to bloom along her cheeks, and the more rational side of her started beating back that stray voice before that heat could spread elsewhere. Suppress it! Suppress it! She had to work at it, and hopefully she would manage so she could pass that developing blush off as nothing more than mere embarrassment. "N...noted..."

Haedrin's expression was unreadable, but he would hold her there for a moment more, providing dangerous temptation for her inner voice. When he did release her and gracefully climb back to his feet, the knight would offer her a hand up and then stand back. "Again," he said, and assumed the same position as before.

Look, he's waiting for you. Shut up... He wants you to do something. Shut up. Even if he looks like he's playing hard to get you know what he wants... Shut up!

Thankfully Haedrin finally rose, and at that he helped Alex to her feet before stepping back and readying himself only as he could. The dragoness took a moment to help calm her nerves a bit, forcing herself to focus on how she had been easily thrown and trying to figure out a way to prevent it instead of listening to that voice giggling incessantly in her ear. Another moment later she let her willpower rise and focus, her pride bursting for an instant before settling a little more strongly in her soul. "Had a drink before leaving, it was a little stronger than I first thought." Now that she was set she rushed in once more, her body low and staying low to keep under his center of gravity and hopefully take him off his feet. And she in no way heard that damned inner pixie squealing in delight as she rushed to embrace him once again. Nope, didn't happen.

This time went no better. Rushing forward, Haedrin stepped aside just as suddenly, and suddenly Alex was caught from behind and put onto her front, her arms wrenched over her head and her tail forced up, leaving her finely sculpted rear trapped in the curve of his hips in an extremely suggestive manner. His weight on her back, Haedrin had her legs between his, again leaving all of her limbs trapped and useless, only now his soft, warm breath was against the back of her neck instead of her face. "What did you do wrong that time?" he asked quietly, leaving her to answer him.

She'd been caught. Again. And she could do nothing. Again. And he was... he was... Don't. Move. That little pixie was wailing in frustration, its intent to get her to grind her ass against him cut short like so many other bad ideas. But dammit, it was frustrating... She could feel that he was flush against her, his weight pressing down on her as he proved quite skilled in dominating her with the least amount of effort, and with her rear pressing against his hips so intimately she just had to hope that the warmth spreading through her would be lost in the heat caused by the use of her pride. "I, uh... I was too low..." She had no idea.

"No. You were too aggressive. That would have worked against an unskilled opponent, but it was too much of a bull rush. Now, try to get free," Haedrin replied calmly, seemingly unaware of the inner struggle going through Alex.

Oh gods... Pixie Alex was practically shrieking in delight. Despite all those attempts she was still going to feel herself rubbing up against Haedrin. And Alex couldn't avoid it. This was part of her training, and she needed to try to get free in order to continue. She didn't know how she was going to manage that without working herself up into a frenzy... And that damned pixie was screaming Just go for broke~ ...screw it... So she did. She rolled her hips, an attempt to get one of her thighs planted on the ground to give her some leverage, and that helped mask the small shiver that ran up her spine as her butt couldn't help but roll against Haedrin. And if she managed to actually get some leverage she would twist the rest of herself to try and roll her torso out from under his weight. And if she managed that far then... then she'd just have to try whatever felt natural.

Luck, or perhaps fate, was not on Alex's side that day. The moments passed, with Alex squirming but Haedrin shifting to stop her efforts before any of them could gather the strength to let her escape. All the while her ass was rubbing against the knight's crotch. Seconds turned to minutes of that, the heat rising higher, and after a moment Alex felt Haedrin's breath grow a little bit harder even though her own exertions had begun to make her pant. "Harder" he grunted, "you can do better."

Oh gods, could I do better~ SHUT UP! Dammit, this was frustration on an entirely new level! She couldn't break free, she couldn't even get a foothold, and her ass kept rubbing against him! It was taking far too much effort to ignore whatever she felt was happening to him due to all that rubbing, but she couldn't stop herself from wallowing in it. Even if it was only that mischievous side she'd been trying to suppress it had every intention of sharing just how wonderful each and everyone one of his muscles felt flexing against her own, the way her curves seemed to fit so naturally against his form, the way he felt so strong and rigid as he kept her completely under his control... And now he wanted her to do more. Gods, what could she do? And before she could answer that pixie ran forward and urged her into motion. Her ass rose in an instant, all sorts of alarms ringing off in Alex's head, and at that she just curled herself tighter in an effort to break his grip on her limbs so she could escape and get some damned breathing room so she could finally relax!

If her last efforts had been a failure that had let her inner pixie push her towards its intended mischief, what happened next was possibly an utter tragedy. Pushing her ass higher, Alex shoved her curves deeper into the perfectly fitting curve of Haedrin's body, but the harder she curled to try and pull away the harder the knight pulled her back into his body. Their bodies were grinding together harder and closer with every passing second, her efforts tiring her and leaving her panting, and Haedrin was starting to breath a little harder, and then.... It had been well hidden, slipped down the leg of his pants, but with a shift Alex felt it. There was no mistaking it. As hard as most of Haedrin's body was with muscle and bone and sinew, she found a part originating from a particular place that was even harder, and when she felt it Haedrin's breath briefly caught in his throat. It was something brief, that he seemed intent on passing off as nothing.

THERE IT IS! <3 That pixie crowed in victory, and though she kept up the struggle for freedom Alex could feel those struggles inching her way closer so she could feel him rubbing closer and closer to the heat that was smoldering between her legs. And once she had him fully trapped, oh the things she was going to-

In a panic Alex threw her head back. Hard. With Haedrin right back there she was bound to crack her head against his face, but she was desperate. She needed to break free. NOW. Before she lost whatever control she had. And if she needed to hurt herself to do it then she would. And if she needed to hurt him as well then so be it. If this went on too long...

The crack back slammed into Haedrin's face, and for once Alex had seemingly caught the man by surprise. Her head smashed painfully against his face, and came away wet with blood, though whose was hard to tell. It caused Haedrin to pull back slightly, and suddenly Alex could squirm both a thigh and a hand free, and the knight quickly hopped off and rolled away. He was on his feet again, standing stock still and in a pose that made it hard to see whether or not she had been right to think that her squirming had gotten him hard. His nose was bleeding, but he wiped it away and smiled. "Good. Improvisation.... Very good."

FREEDOM! That bitch of a pixie was left sighing in regret, and Alex didn't care one little bit. The sudden blow allowed her to worm a bit of herself free, and Haedrin took it as a sign to roll away. And though Alex herself thanked him for it that annoying little voice in her head cried now that they broke contact. It tried to steal a glance at him as Alex rolled to her own feet, and his stance kept it from seeing just how much it would have had to work with had Alex been unable to break away.

Now that they were both up Alex felt herself calming significantly, and his praise had her smiling in triumph. "Thank you." A few breaths were taken to let her body calm down, and possibly to let him calm a bit as well, and once she felt a little more under control she took up her stance once again. To tempt fate once more like this was just asking for all sorts of trouble, but... well... he was in charge. She was his student, and it was his call whether they stopped or not.

"Again," he said after a few minutes, and Alex was left to charge again, however she liked. It would be a long, sweaty couple of hours that would leave the dragoness exhausted, and her inner pixie would taunt her and tempt her at every single turn. Haedrin never made that particularly difficult either, though that was something of the nature of the beast when it came to grappling. Eventually, however, he would find her too tired to continue and would put an end to it, suggesting that they continue the next day after Alex had finished her traveling. Angelle, Aes, and Ria would return shortly, and Aes would give her a summary of what had transpired, the two basically having tried to drill some basic battle discipline into Angelle and not finding much success.

The exercise was exhausting. In more ways than one. And Alex was all too happy to call it a day once Haedrin said they were done for now. She quickly plopped to the ground, her body completely flushed from the strain of wrestling for hours, and that proved a god send when she still felt that sexual excitement running through her after rubbing against him in so many ways. Of course that did nothing to hide the two excited points poking through her shirt, but at that point she was too tired to care anymore.

Soon after the others returned, and Aes went over what they'd been through to try and drill some discipline into Angelle. The fact that she hadn't really taken to any of it was disappointing, but Alex simply stared at her daughter. She just heard what they'd all done, but perhaps a different perspective would help on this. "Angelle, tell me everything you went over with Ria and your father."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine, Pregnant

~~~~The First Day of the Journey~~~~​

Angelle would frown worriedly at Alex's tone, and would initially hesitate to respond. A stern look from Aescilla would quickly prompt her to open up, however, and with a sigh she would begin to speak while nervously shifting from foot to foot; "I... We... Well, I was supposed to, uhm, put my... Uhh... Well, use my powers to.... Just a little! I only used a little! Well... I had to... To aim between father and miss Dingroria... And, well... Uhm... I... Kind of.... Missed... A couple of times." Ria and Aes would display burns to prove it, "I didn't try to hit them! I didn't want to hurt anyone! I just... I'm not very.... Accurate. Then, well... We, uhm..."

Angelle would stutter for a moment, and Alex would know that any efforts to get her to have out with it would probably only make her stuttering worse unless she was very vehemently assertive, which in turn would make the girl feel more like she'd done something wrong. A gentle approach would allow her to calm down a little bit, but whether or not Alex wanted to take that tactic was up to her. Regardless, Angelle would continue; "Well... Then, we tried to do... Uhhh, drills, miss Dingroria called them. Where she would come charging at me and I had to try to stop her without causing any more damage... But, I wasn't very good at that either. Daddy wouldn't let me use my white fire! The kind that doesn't hurt anything unless I want it to!"

There was a note of accusation in her voice, and Aescilla would give a sigh of her own and say; "She can't be reliant on that. Sometimes snap decisions will happen, and if she always uses that she'll not only be predictable, but a lot of things will have an advantage when fighting her. Fire doesn't work for everything, and sometimes she'll need to be able to use her other abilities effectively."

~~~~The Second Day of the Journey~~~~​

The next day, when Alex summoned Haedrin for their next lesson, it went fairly similarly to the day before. He appeared, greeted her in his normal polite manner, and then proceeded on to begin teaching her the finer points of grappling. He started off that lesson with brief holds rather than sustained ones, working her through the motions of each, but even then they spent a lot of time in very close physical contact. Should her inner pixie be as annoying as it had been last time, it would find plenty of opportunities to try and tempt her while in the powerful knight's presence, and if it did there would be some pick up on that even if Alex refused to give in as she had the day before.

At one point, as she was moving in for a quick grab that was meant to end in a throw over her own shoulder, Haedrin countered by sidestepping quite suddenly, hooking a foot under her ankle and sending Alex stumbling. Normally that might have been all, Haedrin setting up for a counter while the dragoness was stumbled that would put Alex on the ground, but this time was oddly different. It required a push against the small of her back, but for some reason his hand ended up traveling lower than was needed and hit her, with an open palm, right on her rump as she stumbled past him. The sound that such issued was about as lewd as one could possibly expect from such a blow, and as she moved away with her rear stinging she would still have that force pushing her forward so that she fell. This time, however, Haedrin would be so stunned by his own actions that he wouldn't immediately pounce on her as normally might have, instead gazing in mild shock at his own hand, giving Alex a moment to get back onto her feet. He would pass it off as nothing, of course, but it would certainly not weaken her inner fire.

They would shortly after that return to proper holds, and again Alex would end up in various contorted positions on the ground, Haedrin expertly holding her down while their two bodies were left to grind together in the necessary exertion of the training. She was showing some improvement, but unless she had managed to suppress her lust for the faerie knight somehow Alex would find herself as distracted as she had been yesterday. As such, she might easily have been surprised when, out of the blue, one of her attacks worked. She had been in a rush to engage him, and again he had moved to step aside, but this time he ended up putting his foot into a dip in the ground that spoiled his balance. Alex successfully managed to push him over and bear him to the ground, the half-dragon falling down right on top of him and ending up straddling him. Again Haedrin was stunned, but this time his gyrations to escape came quickly, and as that put certain parts of him grinding against certain parts of her with only the fairly thin barriers provided by her armor padding and his casual training robes between them, it was not a position that would be free of distractions, particularly when she felt that certain part of him starting to stiffen should she manage to remain on top for too long.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

~~~ The First Day ~~~

Alex didn't react much to Angelle's somewhat hesitant explanation. Her eyebrows did raise a bit when she mentioned she missed the short space between Aes and Ria, more so to the burns the two women sported than the fact that Angelle had actually hurt them, but aside from that she remained mostly impassive as the girl continued. That eyebrow rose once again when Aes was accused of being totally unfair for not letting Angelle use her white fire, and this one was laid solely on the girl as her father explained the reasoning behind it. Alex immediately found herself agreeing with it, and following that her gaze turned back toward her daughter. Angelle was obviously put off by that stipulation, but Alex already knew it was the right call. She just needed to find a way to get Angelle to understand...

"Angelle, sit." Alex motioned toward a spot across from her, and after a slow breath she brought herself up to a more dignified position and regarded her rather naive little hybrid. Time to educate her a bit. "Do you know what a nightmare is?" If she didn't or starting talking about dreams Alex would raise a hand to stop her. "They are a type of demon that I have never seen. Not many have. But I've heard of them. They look like horses. Giant stallions the color of midnight with burning manes born of fire. They are strong, fast, intelligent. And cruel. And they simply ignore fire. They walk through it as if it were nothing. They're said to even create it as they run.

"And that's not all. There have been rumors running around of a new race of dragon. Not much is known of them or if they even truly exist, but they say these dragons were born deep within the heart of a volcano. They're said to bathe in magma, to even have it flowing through their veins. We're not sure how strong they are, or what kind of powers they may possess, but if they do exist then I'm fairly certain that not even the holiest of flames would bring them any pain.

"Now, what would happen if either of those creatures captured me? Or your father? What if you saw them strike either of us down simply to take us hostage just like those fairies did to you? You would need to act. And you won't be able to rely on that white fire of yours. What would you do?"
Alex waited for Angelle to acknowledge that question, and if the girl didn't realize why Aes was trying to teach her some more refined control then Alex would simply spell it out for her right then.

~~~ The Second Day ~~~

With the traveling for the day done Alex took a moment to get herself ready for what would come next, and though a part of her dreaded what may happen an even louder part was completely ecstatic. And it only grew louder once Haedrin appeared in the flourish only he could manage. And with him came the scent of roses and summer and faint trace of virility that instantly had Alex wondering why the hell he smelled so damned good.

Thankfully that thought wouldn't have long to linger. Haedrin began by showing Alex some actual holds and how they were positioned, and though they didn't truly struggle against each other Alex was forced to feel his body brushing up against her time and time again. The touches were fleeing, mostly innocent, even downright clinical at times, but there was no stopping that mischievous little side as it once again squealed in abject delight over feeling that wonderfully powerful man touching and caressing her in oh so many subtle ways...

For a while they went over theory, but theory meant nothing without putting that theory to the test. And so started practice. It started much the same way it did the previous day, Haedrin instructing Alex to use what she learned and put her skills to the test. And as she was used to by this point nothing she tried truly worked. The knight would simply brush her aside or toss her to the ground, and the dragoness would be told to try again. But something seemed different. Those times he held her felt like they were a little closer than they had been before. And the brushes they shared felt a little more... well... personal... It was anything noticeable or overt, just a sense she felt that had her inner pixie crying out for more and more-


A small but sharp gasp escaped the woman before she lost her balance and ended up crashing against the ground. And for a little bit there she stayed. Her face was all kinds of crimson at that point, the sudden smack to her ass a complete and utter surprise that left her thoughtless. It also left her thighs parting just a tad, enough to help her legs prop her hips a little higher into the air to help Haedrin notice the way Alex's rump was on display or the way her tail appeared to have risen just an inch or two more than usual. Alex herself wasn't quite aware of it, the surprise leaving her a little more flustered as she fought to get her emotions in check, but once she heard her libido silently pleading Haedrin to take the chance he was given come on take-it-take-it-take-it she immediately started scrambling back to her feet. Thankfully she was getting quite good at recovery, and after a small pivot she was ready to try and take his charge. But that proved unnecessary. Haedrin himself seemed just as flabbergasted by his own hand as Alex had been, and though he quickly played it off as nothing Alex couldn't keep herself from wondering what the hell just happened.

She was left to ponder this as they continued, but that all flew out the window once Haedrin started to slip. His sidestep was misplaced, and his balance was thrown off. It would only last for a second at most, but Alex had long since learned to take those precious opportunities whenever they were handed to her. She pounced in an instant, her weight and momentum keeping his balance off until the both fell to the ground, and this time Alex found herself the victor for once. She may have noticed how she was straddling him, but once Haedrin started struggling she suddenly clamped tight against him. Her arms pinned his against his torso before trying to come together behind his back, and her legs locked against his to keep them tight and bound just as he had done to her yesterday.

Once she had him bound against her she felt truly victorious, and her entire being felt perfectly happy as she felt him struggling to break his way to freedom. That in itself seemed a little odd as she continually tried to correct her grip and keep him from escaping. Shouldn't that nasty little voice be crying out to Heaven by now? And that was when she finally felt it. His body writhing beneath her. Every single muscle of his rubbing against her, his chest sliding across her best and forcing their loose clothing to rub against her nipples. She could feel them hardening to fine points, their tips undoubtedly digging his chest and teasing him just as he was teasing her, and that was all nothing to what she felt down below. Haedrin was having trouble keeping himself contained. His length was already starting to harden, and with each struggle it forced it to brush against her thighs and cleft in ways that nearly had the dragon melting. Somehow she managed to keep him under control, and even that was simply guiding him more and more toward her channel. The constant poking and prodding was starting that inner fire of hers to flare in excitement, and as it did Alex soon realized why her inner pixie was refusing to bother her. It was getting everything it ever wanted right that moment, and if things kept going it would get even more...

Alex wasn't sure what to do. A part of her told her to simply let go and back off, but once she did Haedrin would run free. She just couldn't do that. It was a simple fact of her training. She was learning how to properly grapple, and simply letting an opponent go was the worst kind of practice she could ever have. And... And gods dammit, why was it so hard to get her hips to stop shifting? Every time Haedrin tried to squirm to safety Alex found herself shifting to match him, and that brought them rubbing against each other even harder. It was keeping him held, but it was also wearing at what little self-restraint she had. She couldn't even bring herself to look him in the eye, and yet she still struggled to hold her victory. A part of her knew she was setting herself up for embarrassment at the best and something far more lewd at the worst, but she just couldn't keep herself still. It left her turning darker and darker, and unless Haedrin himself stopped Alex simply couldn't. It was only if she managed to keep her hold for a while that she would finally manage something, and that would be a few simply words. "My opponent appears to be caught... What next..." She just had to hope she kept the anxiety and excitement she was feeling out of her voice. If nothing else she wanted to at least sound professional...
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