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Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

That stone cold silence of his was infuriating by itself, and it only added to the growing ire Alex felt as she vented her anger and frustration in perhaps the most drastic way she possibly could. But there was some sense of self-control. The more she railed against Akorvick the more her fury started to wane, and the slow catharsis let her reign in her emotions by the time she formally introduced herself as one of Summer's knights. That didn't mean that her anger had simply vanished, but even if she couldn't forgive that rather grievous transgression she had the sense to successfully ignore it so she could accomplish what she wanted.

It also left her raising an eyebrow at her brother's response. The somewhat distant reply was rather unsettling, but the fact that he couldn't deny her aid implied something else. "You've seen the force you're facing?" He would only say that if he were pressed to the wall. Hell, any dragon wouldn't admit their weakness unless they were forced, and to see her prideful brother accepting whatever help was ready meant that he needed every bit he could get to face the approaching threat. And if that was true then he had a far greater understanding of the orcish force than Roko had, and with that knowledge Alex could begin planning her own little war against the invaders.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 31/88, Status = Yup, kinda pissed off.

"Yes," Akorvick answered unhelpfully, but after another brief bout of silence (or after Alex pressed for more) would continue; "From the air. They are clansmen backed by clanless shock troops judging by their formations. Some on horseback, or perhaps warboars. I was unable to tell from the height at which I saw them. Their numbers... I'd put at around three hundred, at minimum and not counting scouts, but I didn't have time to take a proper count before two of our fullblooded kin rose from their ranks and attacked me... And one of those below called for Karthus."

Her brother let that bit of dire news settle in for a moment before continuing; "I only just got away by the skin of my teeth, and they did not follow." Alex would notice that he rubbed a small silver ring gleaming on one of his fingers as he said that, perhaps a sign or perhaps simply a reflex, as the minor band had no distinguishing marks to suggest that it was of particular significance. Akorvick had never been one to wear jewelry before, but that might well have changed as well since she'd last seen him. "We have not yet told the denizens of this place what they face, not all of them at least... But it will be upon them in four days time. Maybe less."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Roughly 300 clansmen and clanless. Two fullbloods. One shaman capable of summoning Karthus. And that was only what Akorvick had been able to confirm from the air. There was no count on any of the scouts, and there was no way to tell how many shamans actually marched with that army. Just hearing that was enough to leave Alex as stoic as Akorvick. "How many men do you have?" This was asked to both her brother and to his cohort, but no matter what they answered Alex knew it wouldn't be enough. Ochre was going to need some serious reinforcements if it was going to face that kind of force.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 31/88, Status = Yup, kinda pissed off.

"Us," Akorvick deadpanned simply, as if that was all that actually mattered. "The... Mercenaries that were hired number roughly sixty. The militia is some two hundred more, counting everyone who can hold a weapon, but only a hundred real fighters, and of those... Maybe fifty who could stand up to a real orc warrior," he continued, "there is the wall to the more conventional defender's advantage, but it is made of wood. Our kin will destroy it, and there will be nothing that any of the conventional defenders will be able to do to stop it."

Her brother paused again, and now even Aes and Angelle were giving him their full attention, the young hybrid able to grasp the gravity of the situation despite her relative inexperience. "There are a few siege engines, catapults, but there are none here who are truly able to direct them that aren't worth more on the wall," he continued, and then heaved perhaps the heaviest sigh she'd ever heard him give. "And.... That's not the worst of it. Getting help will be... Complicated. Winter has said no already, and no other court will come into Winter's domain without their permission. Therion is aware of an attack, but were... Not impressed with the gravity of the situation, and moving mortal troops would take longer than we have to spare."

There, the mage stepped forward again and spoke up; "I have twenty of these," she gestured to one of the golems, "but they aren't particularly good fighters. I might be able to make a few more, but... I don't know how useful that's really going to be. And we have another problem... Teleportation, at least of the arcane variety, doesn't work here. The only methods for getting in or out of the valley that don't involve rote movement that I've seen function are shadowmancy and the druidic sort used by faeries being summoned. The former is too short range to be of much use, and no one here can use the latter."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Going strictly by numbers Ochre had more going for it then Alex would have guessed. But war was so much more than sheer numbers. The clanless were tough enough on their own, and the clansmen were so much more than the average militia man could handle. And then there were the problems with the fortifications. Normally that would give the defenders a rather strong and exploitable advantage over their enemies, but dragons tended to turn things like that into ash. Especially when they're made of wood. And then there was that aspect of Karthus to worry about. By all the standards Alex could see Ochre was completely overwhelmed.

So they needed to change that. The silence she'd kept as she thought things through was ended with a simple statement. "If our kin would crush our defense then we'll simply need to crush our kin." That meant three beasts that would need to fall before the wall did, the two dragons and the shaman that would summon Karthus. "If we could isolate one then we should be able to deal with him easily enough. And with one gone we could then target the shaman and hope they don't have another. That could even be our first target if we lure both dragons away from the main force." Though she'd heard of them the dragoness had never actually seen a shaman, so she wouldn't exactly know who to target. But there would be no mistaking the soul of the being that drew upon dragonfire to summon one of the Elders, and if there were no others then one of the most dangerous hurdles would be destroyed.

Of course these were big ifs, and after musing aloud Alex wanted the others take on her little plan of action.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 31/88, Status = Yup, kinda pissed off.

Akorvick nodded slowly, seemingly finding no fault in that plan, or at least no fault in it that could be argued. "That... Might work," he said simply, musing. "I can deal with one of them," Aes offered stoically. The dark angel was scowling severely now, but seemed willing to let what Akorvick had just attempted go for the moment in the face of what Ochre was facing. Her brother's expression ticked again at that offer, but he didn't seem willing to argue it. Instead, he said; "That's three for three then.... As we won't get to the summoner without dealing with Karthus first."

"That still leaves the more conventional orc horde ready to kill us all," the elderly mage reminded them, "and that's also assuming that our enemy will cooperate with letting one of their main assets get led away." That caused Akorvick to twitch again, but then Aes said; "Trying to lure the dragons off is our best option. Even if we had time to ward the wall, that wouldn't stop dragonfire, or one of them from smashing it to bits. And orcs usually aren't stopped by walls nearly as well as one might like."

"And then there's the shaman," Akorvick added, "we need to kill them.... Before they can summon another aspect. Karthus is favored by the orcs, but he isn't the only Elder that they might call upon."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Aes saying she could handle a dragon went without saying. She had the raw power to deal with just about anything at this point. But the fact that she volunteered revealed something that everyone else was taking as fact. "I was thinking more along the lines of a preemptive strike on their force before they arrived. Reduce some of the more dangerous opposition and demoralize them." But as she remained silent she realized this would give the orcs time to adjust their tactics before they laid siege to Ochre. But even then she still wanted to unsettle them. Perhaps delay that strike to just before they arrived? It would completely route their primary tactic and leave them having to struggle and coordinate a new plan of attack. And if they hesitated even the slightest bit then guerrilla tactics could lessen that force before they had a chance to reorganize.

If anyone asked Alex would explain this, and then she would think a little more before speaking once more. "If we do end up engaging them here then maybe we could have Dingroria sneak in and assassinate the shaman while we have the dragons preoccupied. Magus, could you make her invisible?" That should solve the obvious problem of Ria sticking out like a sore thumb. Hopefully the Mage could manage it. "As for the wall, I know you said Winter already declined to assist, but was that only in terms of troops? Maybe they'd be willing to offer us some support with setting up our defenses without needing to engage in actual combat. I can't imagine they're all too thrilled with the orc presence since I've heard that the clanless don't much care one way or the other what race their slaves are."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Alex's suggestion for a preemptive strike rather than waiting for the orcs to come to them prompted a thoughtful frown to appear on her brother's face, and for a few moments he seemed to think on the idea. That gave Alex the opportunity to question the mage, who looked surprised at the idea and nodded solemnly, "I could do that, yes. And dampen the sound that she makes, which would be as much a problem if you're talking about who I think you're talking about. I'm Melody, by the way. I... Already know who you are, and I'm sorry again! We.... Well, we honestly thought that-" she was cut off before she could finish by a soft grunt from Akorvick, it does not matter why. Let us focus on our present problem over past mistakes."

Her question about acquiring Winter's assistance drew a deep scowl from her brother, and he shook his head. "Winter will not help us," he said with cold finality, but Mirabel's sour scowl told of something more, and she elaborated after heaving a deep sigh; "We asked for that too. Their response was.... How did they put it.... "We care not how many humans, orcs, or dragons kill each other. The Courts will not get involved in this." Or something like that. We offered that line of logic, but.... We ended up getting thrown out after an... Altercation." She glanced meaningfully at Akorvick, who was scowling darkly at the very mention of the incident.

"I wouldn't have been able to strike at them before they arrived on my own, but with three of us.... Maybe. It wouldn't be easy, even then, but it would be.... Possible. They didn't take wing when I initially scouted them, but I am sure they have some of their elites with them, and at least some of them might be able to fly and join the battle in the air. And we'd be well served to keep out of range of their archers and riflemen in the process, at least until our kin are dealt with. The lands around Ochre are flat until they reach the mouth of the canyon leading into the valley. That would be the best place to engage them, methinks."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

The Mage introduced herself, and a moment later she offered another apology. Alex merely turned toward Melody, but Akorvick interrupted her when she tried to explain herself. "Later." The woman seemed intent on offering everything she could to try to mend the mistake she made. If she were truly that determined then Alex would let her, just not right now. "If you're thinking of the giant red woman then you're right. The only question is if she'll be able to return. I'd rather not send her on a suicide mission."

When the woman explained Winter's response in more detail the dragoness tilted her head in annoyed contemplation. Considering Winter's reputation one would have thought they would at least protect their own interests from an unknown force, especially when their people are that very concern. But then Melody mentioned an 'altercation'. A quick glance up let Alex notice the far more intense scowl from her brother, and she immediately let out her own sigh. It seemed he still had a problem with his temper. Some things never changed...

Well, if that was out of the question then that left the surprise attack. Akorvick looked rather intrigued with this plan, and he explained the lay of the land and where they could best attack the invaders. And that brought up a rather pertinent question from Alex. "Would that be considered part of your land, brother? Though she may appear fallen Aescila is still bound by angelic law. She can act in defense of her family, and since I'm acting in defense of your lands she can fight. But she's still restricted in what she can do, and a preemptive assault on the orcs would probably only work once they've entered your domain. Is that correct?" That question was asked of her Mate. Some confirmation would definitely be needed.

Once the finer details of that we're worked out Akex would continue. "I'm not too concerned with their elites giving chase if we can still isolate the full bloods long enough to smite them. We could even strike them down before we regroup and leave their force even more crippled. Given the choice between clanless and clansmen I'd rather have our forces face the clanless. That said I think we should invite Dingroria to join us before we go into any further details."
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

The magus would nod in acceptance, some relief showing on her weathered face as Alex offered to hear a somewhat more in depth explanation later, content to let it wait until after they had finished their planning. Her concern over Ria's safety was noted, but Akorvick got to it first with a simple and deadpanned retort of; "We may all be dead within the next few days. She will have nearly as good a shot getting out as she had getting in, assuming that the spells hold." The mage nodded in agreement, "it won't be easy.... No magic can disguise scent, and they may have something that could detect her that way, but without a mage capable of countering my spells or negating them she should be able to slip away. It'd be up to her though."

While he had shown very little in the way of reaction up until that point, Akorvick would frown flatly at Alex for her sigh following the report of the "altercation" between him and the fey. Apparently he thought there was more to it than that, but didn't offer any explanation at that point, instead answering her question before Aes could do more than nod when turned to. "All of this valley's lands are technically part of Ochre, and thus under my protection," he said, prompting Aes to adopt a look of relief. "That's all I needed," she said, "even with dragons on their side it would be iffy since you're involved, but if it's your lands.... And we are technically family... I can help. Not with the full extent of my powers, perhaps, but enough."

Melody looked relieved at the news, the aid of one as obviously powerful as Aes clearly something of a relief, but for some reason a darkness crept over Akorvick's visage. He stilled, his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched, and though it was a subtle sign she had known her brother at least well enough to recognize how little he liked the sound of those words. Aes seemed to have meant it to be so, as her lips briefly flicked upwards in a smug smile, but neither she nor Akorvick made any issue to press the issue of their relation any further.

While Alex might not be impressed with the threat offered by the orc elites joining the battle in the skies, Akorvick would frown darkly and Mirabel would look aghast. "I would not be so confident," Akorvick answered dourly, "they may be mortal, but they are not weak. Some of those loyal to the orc king have been fighting longer than we have been alive and possess the blood of our kin. If we do not deal with the full bloods quickly, we may be facing warriors nearly as strong as we are as well. We would be better served to try and deal with the threats one at a time."

The suggestion to go and get Dingroria produced no argument, Akorvick simply nodding impatiently and said; "We'll bring in the militia and mercenary commanders as well. If we're going to replan the defense to include you, we might as well make sure everyone knows what's going on." The mechanical man who had opened the door initially, the one in the suit, gestured towards the door and in its unsettlingly cheerful monotone said; "Please, right this way!" It led the way to the door and opened it, allowing Alex and her family to file out while Melody stepped out as well, Akorvick remaining in the tower. "Sorry again!" she said, and then hurried off into the midst of the mercenaries.

The door was shut behind them, and not even a full second later Alex's back was pressed against the wall, both hands pinned as well while her Mate's fingers laced amidst her own and their mouths were entangled. Her lover's head was tilted to the side for a deeper kiss, and though her tongue had often enough left Alex's pinned and helpless in this particular instance Aescila instead started up an intimate dance that allowed Alex's lingual muscle to move in tune with hers in whatever manner she wished. She felt her Mate's soul caressing her own, adding to the intimacy of her lover's embrace, and in that moment Alex felt her lover's worry and fear and stress as deeply as her own while Aes experienced the very same. She felt every moment of Akorvick's ambush, the surprised fear at the sight of her and Angelle being grabbed, the anger at the betrayal both of hospitality and of her Insight's lack of a proper warning, and then the primal terror as she was lifted and slammed against the wall by Akorvick, whom she could never have hoped to beat in any kind of physical contest. That terror only grew as she saw the flames growing in Akorvick's maw, joined by a far more cerebral fear as her rational mind scrambled for an answer that would preserve her from the fire and found nothing at hand do so, nothing that would preserve her from the dragonfire intent on reducing her to charred cinders in the raging half-dragon's hand.

Alex even felt the intense relief as the magus called the disastrous encounter to a stop before it could get any worse, and the jumble of emotions that followed as things eased back down. It was all too familiar to Aes, but in a very deeply unsettling way, an experience of utter helplessness and terror that she hadn't had since the Invasion when she had finally assumed Dina's power with the half-dragon's help. Their cores touched, just the lightest brushing together that allowed Alex to channel her frustrations into Aes just as she was doing to the dragoness, and though she could have fed just like that to restore the energies she had used to destroy one of Melody's golems she held back from doing so unless Alex willingly offered a portion of her essence.

Their deep embrace left Angelle standing beside them awkwardly for the better part of a minute as Aes held Alex pinned, and when they broke her dark angel held eyes only for her for another few moments after. "I hate your family," she remarked dryly, "or at least your brother. If he tries a stunt like that again, and I get half a chance, you'll have to talk to a seer if you want your turn for payback." That was a very solemn promise despite her lover's somewhat flippant tone, and she briefly kissed Alex on the lips again, silencing any argument if she wanted to make one, before slowly releasing her hands and untangling herself. "Can.... We just go and get Ria now?" Angelle squeaked quietly, "I don't... Like it here."

Aescila would simply nod, and unless Alex had anything further to say they would head back to the tavern promptly to find the oni in something of a panic with the bartender standing at her elbow, both scrambling to try and change Anowyn's diaper. They hadn't exactly had the supplies necessary to care for a newborn on hand, but a quick trip back home had let Aes grab what they needed and Ria was now ineptly trying to clean the baby up after she'd soiled herself while the barkeep awkwardly crafted a new diaper out of some soft cloth he'd had on hand.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Well, well, Akorvick frowned. Alex could tell he felt rather affronted by her little assumption, but given his record both as a child and as a host the dragoness couldn't help but see the man at some kind of fault. Especially given the sometimes stringent rules the sidhe used for etiquette. Granted they didn't feel the need to follow them when dealing with other races, Alex had seen as much back within the orchard at Summer's enclave, but she could still all too easily picture him throwing some kind of fit before he started throwing some bodies. That was just the way he was, and unless she was shown differently, and so far she hasn't, then she felt no need to even offer a look of understanding let alone apology.

With the discussion turning towards Ochre's lands Alex merely nodded at the answer, but the look her Mate and her brother shared left her unsettled. She could understand the animosity, at least from Aescila's view, but the way Akorvick seemed nearly disgusted by the angel left Alex mentally scowling herself. She didn't care whether he liked or even tolerated Aes or not, but she couldn't help thinking that his little attack earlier may not have been as innocent a misunderstanding as he wanted it to seem...

But the discussion continued, and Alex soon found herself being admonished for her dismissal of the orc elites. This time he sounded rather genuinely concerned. Whether it was familial obligation, true concern, or something as simple as wanting to preserve a strong body for the true battle really didn't matter, Alex was surprised either way. And as she considered his warning she tilted her head in thought for a moment before actually nodding at her brother. "Noted."

Following that there wasn't much else to add once Alex made her wish to contact Ria known, and as everyone agreed to a more formal strategy meeting everyone went their separate ways to prepare. This left Alex and her family being led out with Melody, and once she parted to round up the Crows' leaders Aes suddenly lunged. It was a surprise assault, one that left Alex offering a little cry of surprise until it was swallowed by Aes's lips, but the embrace that followed left her completely silent. The sheer intimacy of it had her blushing as Aes displayed their affection so publicly, and that alone would have been enough to keep Alex under her lover's thumb. But there was so much more, and as Alex found herself reliving each and every one of her angel's emotions during Akorvick's ambush Alex couldn't even stop herself from sharing her own even if she wanted to. Surprise and incredulity at seeing the behemoth that was her brother changing from seemingly nowhere, anger and indignation once she realized the golems were after her, helplessness and impotence when she was captured and brought to her knees, the fear and horror once Alorvick caught and slammed her Mate against the wall. Even with her thoughts scrambled at that moment the sheer impulse to get up and do something could never be ignored, but her body simply wouldn't listen. Ads was going to be killed. Everything Alex had fought for would be destroyed by her brother, and just like the last time she'd seen him as a child there wasn't a damned thing the dragoness could do.

Thankfully it all came to a more peaceful end, and Alex felt like she was simply going to collapse from exhaustion as the adrenaline started clearing. Her own emotions were a complete and utter mess, but the strongest of them was the anger and frustration at losing almost everything in that one moment. And it still lingered even as their embrace came to an end. Aes offered her own critique of Alex's sibling, and she couldn't help but agree. "I know. Hopefully that'll be the end of it. At least until we've crushed the orcs." After that Alex and Akorvick had some rather dire unfinished business to attend to.

There was little else holding them there, and once Angelle expressed her desire to leave Alex would simply nod before doing just that. As they walked it would be plain enough to see that the half-dragon would relax but by bit with each step taken, and by the time they reached the inn she would look considerably better. And that left her simply watching with curiosity as Ria and innkeeper Dan nearly ran themselves ragged trying to figure out how to change Anowyn's diaper. For a few seconds she held back and slowly grew a smirk as they fretted, but eventually she would clear her throat and make herself known before simply walking forward and taking over. She didn't offer a word, but as she leaned forward to inspect the mess that was her newborn daughter it would be plain that she was about to instruct the baby's father.

And she did so by example. A small rag would be taken to wipe Anowyn's rear if it was needed, and to do so Alex simply grabbed the girl's legs and lifted them up for unfettered access. It made things much simpler since the little dragon couldn't struggle as much, and once that was done she let Anowyn go so the girl could kick her feet as much as she wanted. The makeshift diaper was taken, and after adjusting it so it would actually fit properly Alex demonstrated how to wrap and secure the thing around her child. At that she would take a step back and look toward Ria as if asking for any questions.

Once that was finally dealt with Alex would take a moment to give her daughter some attention, but after a bit she would stand up and frown. "Ria, we're getting ready to hold a strategy meeting. You should join us." Something in Alex's voice said that this was more than just a request, but even then Ria was still free to refuse. If she didn't then Alex would turn to her other daughter. "Will you be okay with your sister by yourself?" It was fairly obvious that Alex wanted her children to remain there instead of getting dragged into a war room, but again she was giving Angelle a chance to refuse. It was unlikely, but if the hybrid really wished to watch then Alex wouldn't flat out deny her.
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Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine


That left them heading towards the tavern, and like Alex Aes's mood seemed to return to some semblance of normal along the way, leaving her able to find as much amusement from the frantic actions of the barkeep and oni as Alex did. Both froze as she cleared her voice from the door and looked far more embarrassed than they likely had any right to, but they also seemed quite grateful for her intervention, and Ria at least managed to pay attention while wringing her hands in mixed frustration and embarrassment. Once it was over and Anowyn was squirming around again the oni and balding barkeep let out mutual sighs of relief.

"Man..... Fuck," Dan said in relief, "I haven't had to do that since I was her age!" He gestured towards Angelle, having not been present for any conversation pertaining to the hybrid's age and likely assuming, as most mortals did, that she roughly matched her apparent physical age of somewhere around eighteen. "Thanks for the assist!" He wandered over to the washbasin behind the counter after delivering his thanks and started cleaning up his hands, tossing some wet rags over to the table to help clean that up as well.

"Oh, alright then" Ria replied simply when Alex told her that it was time she joined in on the planning. When she turned to Angelle, her eldest hesitated a moment before simply nodding, apparently content to not have to go and see her uncle again. She took Anowyn and bounced the half-oni on her hip, prompting the baby to giggle and clutch at her eagerly, and with that settled Alex would be able to take care of anything else before heading right back to the tower.

"So.... How did it go?" Ria asked awkwardly once they were on their way back, "and what's this meeting about exactly? Something to do with the orc horde on the way?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex received the answers she expected, and with nothing else catching her attention it was back out to enter the tower once again.

Then came Ria's question.

It brought an immediate frown to the dragoness, and her eyes took a detour all around to find anyone who may accidentally overhear the answer she really didn't want to give. "He tried to kill Aes." It wasn't that she wanted to keep it a secret. That little incident was just a little too fresh in her mind. "He ambushed us, and the mage helped him. We couldn't stop him, but just before he struck she told him to stop. Apparently they both were convinced that I'd been brainwashed. She tried to break it and was shocked to find nothing. He apologized, but I'm not certain how sincere he was."

For a few more seconds Alex remained silent, but eventually she would turn to the other question that was asked. That started with a simple nod. "Akorvick scouted their party before he was forced to retreat. They have a couple dragons of their own. And a shaman. We're gonna see if we can do something about that before they arrive." At that she stopped and turned toward the giant. "We're gonna ask you to do something very risky. We want you to try to assassinate the shaman while Aes, my brother, and I deal with the dragons." Alex would gauge Ria's reaction, but unless the oni outright refused right then she would turn back and start marching back toward the tower. "We'll explain more once we're inside and not so public. After that we'll be planning the actual defense."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"Whati!?" Ria shouted, drawing the attention of everyone in the street for a brief moment. She didn't bother to lower her voice much as she continued; "And we're going back there!? Into his gods forsaken den with that bitch and her golems to back him up!?" She actively reached back in preparation to draw her club, but a quick glare from Aes and possibly Alex would still that motion and cause her to drop her arm back to her side. "Tell me we're at least going to return the favor at some point," she grumbled under her breath, prompting interest in the odd trio to fade after a few moments.

"No," Aes answered before Alex could, and when Ria opened her mouth to ask the obviously coming why she beat the oni to the punch with an answer that shut her right up; "We need to work together against the orcs. And whether or not he's an asshole, he's still Alex's brother. If anyone is going to make that call, it's her, and only her. Not us."

With Ria settled, at least for now, and Alex would be able to answer the oni's other question. It didn't seem to rile her up any further, at least, but that hardly meant that she liked it. Her scowl was just a bit darker, and her skin had paled a shade when Alex laid out the mission they had planned for her. "You want ME to sneak into the middle of an army while you lot are having a grudge match in the bloody sky over my head and assassinate their leader?" she asked in a deadpan once Alex had finished, having stopped with the dragoness and turned to face her. The oni's expression was unreadable, blank, but when Alex answered affirmatively, with or without detail, she grinned and said; "Sounds like fun. I'm in, assuming I've got a way out after. You have thought of that, yeah?"

Despite her question, Ria would nod in acceptance when Alex said to speak more in the tower, and a few moments later that was where they'd be. The camp of Crows was a bit more active now, members of the eclectic mercenary company moving about on various tasks that were likely preparatory, but Alex and her companions were able to get through the bustle without issue and enter the tower once more. "Please, right this way!" the mechanical butler who had grabbed and shocked Alex said in its usual mechanical but oddly cheerful voice, and following it would lead Alex and the two women with her up and to the right on the stairs, into another large, round chamber with a big table in the middle. The scarring of the wood suggested that it had seen a lot of uses besides the one it currently had, but at the moment it was covered in maps, some clearly old originals and others copies with a lot of drawings on them.

Around the table was Akorvick and Mirabel, of course, as well as a thin man in garb similar to but somewhat shabbier than the normal uniform of a Therionian guardsman, and another man in a scalemail vest with a red tabbard over it and dark leather trousers and boots. The former was a stick of a man, fairly pale and dark of hair and of eyes, while the latter was a beast of a man with a shaved head but a long, thick beard that went almost halfway down his chest and had been braided along the sides. Bones and small gems hung from those braids, nothing that looked impressively valuable but still a display of wealth and success, and one that was replicated by the fact that he had at least one ring on each finger, some gaudy and gem encrusted and some simple bands of metal.

They had been speaking quietly, but went quiet when Alex, Aescila, and Dingroria were escorted in by the butler golem, Akorvick and the mercenary leader both folding their arms and waiting impatiently for the trio to join the table while Melody and the man who was probably the militia commander stood fidgeting. Ria glared at Akorvick as she approached, and Alex's brother was happy to glare back, and when they got to the table the oni made sure that Alex was between her and him. Aes simply took her opposite side, and with Akorvick on the left side of the table from the perspective of their entrance that put her Mate directly between her and her brother as well.

"So," Akorvick said calmly once the three were arrayed at the table, "shall you start, or shall we?"
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

There wasn't anything further she felt like adding, not to Akorvick's attack or to Ria's mission, so Alex simply walked along and let out the occasional deep breath as they neared the tower. The Crows were a little more lively, and when it came time to enter she simply couldn't hold back the scowl she gave to the golem. A part of her wanted to smash the damned thing into so much rubble, but despite how satisfying that would feel it would be rather pointless. Maybe even detrimental. The fact that they managed to subdue her showed they had some tactical merit. Alex would somehow put that to use.

When it came time to join the meeting everyone chose to share a glare or two to occupy the sudden silence, and Alex offered her own at the little exchange between Akorvick and Ria. When it finally started to settle a bit the dragoness chose to simply ignore it, but as everyone started to settle around the table she found Aes setting herself along Alex's left. This put her directly beside the Alex's ass of a brother, and should she look she would find her lover giving her a rather meaningful look. Alex certainly had her own reasons for keeping her distance, but of the three women that just entered she had yet to be threatened. At least not recently.

But there wasn't much she could do about it now, so Alex simply turned to her brother as he asked his question. While she could guess who represented whom he still should have offered an introduction to the people she'd be fighting besides, but time and again he proved that etiquette was beyond him. So be it. Whatever answer she had was delayed as she took in all the maps, but she had to eventually. "Go ahead." At that she would split her attention between the others and the maps. She wanted an understanding of whatever defenses and strategy was already in place, but she also wanted a view of the land. The canyon the orcs would enter, the valley and plains that surrounded Ochre, the spread of the forest, she wanted to commit it all to memory. There was more to do than simply plan their preemptive strike, and once she heard their general plan she would start crafting her own.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

"Very well," Akorvick began, "this is Everard, the militia commander of Ochre," he gestured towards the thin pale man, who offered only the slightest of nods toward Alex, "and this is Turoc, the lieutenant commander of the Red Crows." Unlike his more reserved companion, the bearded commander of the Red Crows did not let his introduction follow with a mere nod. He leered across the table at Alex, his lips splitting in a wide grin that showed chipped, yellowing teeth and caused the gaudy ornaments adorning his beard to rattle slightly. "Yeh never said she was a looker!" he grunted slowly, earning a glare not only from Ria and Aes but from Akorvick as well, but even if Alex joined in on those looks the man brashly continued; "Heh, regardless though.... It's a pleasure to die with yeh!"

Once Alex had responded to his comment if she so wished, Akorvick would continue; "This is Alexandra, my sister, and her Mate, Aescila, and.... Dingroria, a mercenary." Akorvick took a noticeable pause when speaking of Ria, swallowing the distaste he'd displayed earlier with noticeable effort but impressive, at least for him, effect. "As you know, the group of orcs is, by our estimation, roughly four days away at their present pace," he continued, getting on to the real subject of their meeting. "Judging by what I was able to see, they are mostly cavalry and heavy infantry, with units of scouts proceeding ahead of them. I was.... Unable to make an accurate count of their numbers, but as I told you earlier, we estimate them at some three hundred strong. Their only war engines that I saw were our kin and the shaman able to summon aspects of our elders, but those in addition to their knights would negate the benefits of most conventional defenses.

"We don't expect much in the way of range support from them to cover an advance, but what they will have will likely be accurate and effective at picking off priority targets. Judging by their numbers and composition, we don't expect them to start with skirmishing or bother with a siege. They will intimidate the town into surrender or, failing that, take it by force in one all out attack." Turoc offered a derisive grunt at that, prompting Everard to briefly shoot a glare at the mercenary leader, but neither man interrupted Akorvick. "They are coming down the road to the East, which has mostly been unused since the war broke out and shut down trade routes going that way," Alex wouldn't miss the flash of cold hatred that appeared briefly on the militia commander's face following that statement, but it too would pass by without comment. "We are outnumbered, but have the advantage of preparation. And now, with you, we might actually have an answer to their siege engines," he continued with a note of finality, but that was not all that the others would have to say.

"We have one hundred trained militia and another hundred levies," Everard said, his voice soft naturally and sounding slightly off when raised, "we have weapons to equip three hundred properly, maybe four if we skimp, but Ochre only has so many bodies to offer that can actually fight. We've also got four catapults, heavy artillery that can fling a stone from here to the other end of the valley, but the man who designed 'em and our only siege engineer died of the fever last winter. We've got folks who know how to work 'em, but no one who can coordinate the crews properly or tell 'em where to make the shots count. If it weren't for that, I'd say we should take our chances and try for an ambush at the mouth of the valley."

He seemed intent on saying more, but Turoc interrupted him with a low chuckle, prompting him to give the other man another glare. "Yeh'd be throwing yer people into a grinder for nothin," the mercenary said coolly, "might as well hand 'em the town and take yer chances with the slavers if ye wanted to try and give 'em a fair fight. More of ye would be alive come the end of the day. Militia aren't gonna stand up to an orc warband man to man. They can't." Mirabel cut in at that point, "isn't that what the ambush is supposed to be for? To even the odds?" Turoc chuckled slowly again, looking at the older woman much like one might look at a child who had just said something profoundly ignorant without realizing it and thus making the mage fume with anger.

"Wouldn't work," he said coldly, "wouldn't help. Ye lot ain't the first I've seen try to ambush an orc warband, thinking they'll run like those clanless runts. Ye wouldn't be the first lot I'd seen slaughtered to a man when they didn't rout either. It's why we're getting our heads handed to us so hard against 'em, we think it's easy to break 'em like it would be if we were fightin each other. How many o' your militia have ever seen a real fight, eh Everard? Not even half I'd wager, and that ain't countin yer levies." Everard scowled, but couldn't seemingly find the heart to contradict him, and Turoc went on; "Orcs, yah see... They fuckin live for fightin! You surround 'em, come at 'em from all sides, they aren't gonna try to run. They're gonna charge. And it's not gonna be no wild scramble neither, bloodthirsty as they are. Most of these lot have been at war since they were old enough to hold a spear, against their neighbors and the wilds and beasts the like o' which we ain't seen down in the lowlands for centuries. War is their prayer, blood and honor their most valued currencies. Unlike you lot, me kin and I've been in the thick of it in the war, and I'll tell you I've never once seen a militia hold ranks when the horde comes roaring at them, shrugging off arrows and javelins like they're fuckin' toothpicks while all them fancy magic what's supposed to stop 'em just gets grounded out by their shield walls. Not after the first four ranks get chopped down like ripe wheat and the greenies ain't lost a step of momentum."

There was definite admiration in the man's voice, prompting Melody and Everard to glare at him while Akorvick looked at him much like he'd looked at Alex several times since their reunion, head slightly cocked to the side as if seeing something that made him curious. "Anyway... Me point is, if we want to try 'an meet that force on the field, you'll be throwing away the only advantage ye've got. Orcs love it when we come out to try and meet 'em on the field. That shit's their bread and butter. We haven't won a fight out in the open with 'em that I've seen yet, not unless we outnumbered 'em damn near five to one, and we ain't got no five to one here. We ain't even got one to one, or one to two if yer countin proper fighters." He pointed to one of the maps showing the Eastern edge of the valley, to the many paths leading down the cliff face to enter Ochre's outermost border, "there's too many points on the outer edge to choke 'em properly anyway, and even if ye did manage to get 'em comin at us one to one it'd just turn into a meat grinder. A meat grinder that they'd win, if their cav didn't run through whoever you set up to try 'an stop 'em from getting down these other paths and outflanking us. That's if their bloody winged knights don't just drop down on top and start threshing.

"Yer best bet is tah try an' sucker punch 'em. Let 'em get in close, send in whoever to try and convince ye to surrender without a fight with promises they won't sell ye off. Hopefully it's an officer or two, unarmed. They've made that mistake a few times, tryin tah hide under the white flag. Talk to 'em a bit, make like yer negotiating proper, and then kill 'em right after ye open up with the war engines and whatever archers ye can manage to scrape together. We've got a counter for the dragons now, and my lads and I can probably deal with their knights when they come to say hello, assuming we can gang up on 'em fast enough. It's as good a chance as yer gonna get. If they fight the way they usually do, they'll send in the clanless first to soak the first wave of fire and then follow up with their real fighters. Probably send the riders on both sides to try 'an get across the river so they can get at the other gate. We've already got that taken care of thanks the Melody 'ere, and once that's dealt with we'll just have to try and hold that wall long enough to kill 'em all. They won't break unless there's no chance at all of winnin, and that means they'll fight damn near to the last man."

The mercenary folded his arms over his chest and fell silent again, and while his suggested strategy certainly lacked honor, Everard and Mirabel both seemed to be considering it. Ria and Aes didn't seem opposed to it either, at least judging by their thoughtful expressions, but Akorvick scowled darkly, obviously not finding the deception to his taste at all. Looking over the maps, Alex wouldn't be able to find anything suggesting that his appraisal of the idea of trying to meet the orcs at the mouth of the valley was wrong. The Eastern cliffs were much less steep than their Western counterparts, and the valley floor was mostly flat in that area. Hiding a large number of men in the woods would be difficult even with the more colorful cover offered by the autumn leaves, and even if they did manage a decent ambush his opinion of orc battle prowess wasn't exactly off either. Every time that the Silver Legion had gone up against orcs, it had turned into a brutal battle of attrition, and the generally preferred tactics involved guerrilla warfare rather than pitched battles. Skirmishing, ambushes, and mobility had always been the key to stopping a warband, but Ochre simply lacked the time and the resources to set up that sort of strategy before the orcs were upon them. A siege was usually better than a fight on the field, however, and at least they had a few established defenses to work with.

"Do you have anything to add?" Akorvick question, turning his attention to Alex and thus giving her the floor, so to speak.

(I am unsure if I like that font very much. I might change it in the future if you also think it's kind of hard to read.)
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex would have simply left things at a respectful nod toward both men as they were introduced, but then Turoc had to open his mouth. Aes and Ria responded with some rather scathing glares, but Alex chose to give him the most deadpan of stares. But even then she was surprised to find Akorvick of all people joining the not-so-subtle judgement of the mercenary leader, and while she didn't react to it she started to wonder what that could possibly mean.

Past that the dragoness kept her silence as both Akorvick and Turoc revealed what they knew. Her brother went over what he had seen of the orc's forces before they gave chase, and the merc revealed just how determined and bloodthirsty the green-skins could be. The fact that the militia would start no chance against the clansmen left Everard scowling, and that wouldn't do. "Everard, as bad as it sounds the man is right. I've fought them as well a few years back. Some exiled clansmen captured Creldion, and the Silver Legion was one of the groups contracted to reclaim the town. We outnumbered them four to one, all trained fighters with fire support from Theronian artillery and elves from God's Reach. But the orcs were entrenched. And they were relentless. Everyone suffered heavy losses. The Legion lost half its troops, and another group was completely annihilated. I nearly lost my life a couple of times, and if my commander hadn't stepped in I would probably be another trophy for their leader. We managed to win, but the cost was heavy, and the commanders managed to escape. That entire fiasco was a lesson in brutality, and quite frankly I'd rather face a hoard of the grays." Throughout that her eyes flitted back and forth between the other members of this little cabal, and when she mentioned her involvement with the Legion she made sure to catch Turoc's reaction.

"That said I do have some experience fighting them, and an ambush is our best bet. I'm not saying we commit everything we have to an all-out engagement at the canyon. We simply need to eliminate their major threats. Akorvick stated earlier that the dragons and Karthus pursued him when he left to scout, and there's no reason to think they won't do the same if they see him again. So let's use that against them. Akorvick will reveal himself, and Aes and I will hold pattern at a higher altitude. Once the pursuit begins we'll dive down and eliminate the dragons. At that point we could have a small auxiliary force lay down some covering fire, and hopefully that will keep them distracted long enough for Ria to strike. Melody said she could turn Ria invisible, and that should let her get close enough to the shaman to assassinate them. Once that's done we simply retreat.

"I do know this is risky. The enemy Knights may take to the air, but we should be able to manage our objectives before they can become a problem. The cavalry could pursue the support force, but the forest should slow them down and allow everyone else to escape. The greatest risk lies on our assassin. If they have anything near the shaman that can detect smells then she won't be able to reach her goal. If that happens I could take over, but I'll need time and cover in order to kill the shaman and make it back in one piece.

"If this is successful then we can rely on tried and true guerrilla tactics to pick at the main force before they arrive at Ochre, and we'll be that much more prepared to repel them."
Alex crossed her arms at that point, and it would be obvious that her addition to this meeting was finished. At least as far as the first engagement was concerned. "Thoughts?" Now she just had to see how it stood up to everyone's discretion.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Alex's tale would produce a number of reactions around the table. Everard would look surprised and then angry and then mollified, eventually accepting the simple truth that the orcs would take apart the militia if it came to a straight fight. Akorvick would give Alex that odd look again, the one that suggested he was seeing her in a way that surprised and intrigued him, and Ria actually mirrored that look somewhat. Aes listened intently but her reaction was rather muted, her only real response being to grimace slightly when she mentioned that she had nearly been taken as a prize by the orc leader before he had escaped. Melody simply frowned and listened, her reaction relatively uninteresting. The one whose response she was really looking for, however, was telling. Turoc listened stoically at first, but when she mentioned the company that she had once served with the man grinned.

Only for an instant, and only just, but it was the sort of smile that Alex couldn't help but recognize. Foul men had sometimes worn it when they looked at her and imagined what they might do if they had her at their mercy. It was a smile she had seen on mortal and immortal alike, the smile of a cruel heart knowing the pleasures in which it would indulge... Or in which it had indulged. Turoc knew the name at the very least, and if the glimmer of recognition in his eye was any indication he knew the Silver Legion far better than one who had simply heard of it from his fellows. Towards the end of her recounting she saw the man reach up to his beard, idly toying with one of the bones in the braids of his beard, but he would make no effort to interrupt her.

Nor would anyone else, and so Alex would be able to go on to her suggested course of action, and though it was bold and certainly dangerous, no one dismissed it out of hand. In fact, after a moment Everard would give a slight nod, "that could work... Yes. It'd make our defense feel a little more safe if we didn't need to worry about dragons smashing the wall to kindling!" Akorvick, who had agreed with the plan of luring out the dragons in the first place, simply nodded in turn and gave a soft hum, and though she looked slightly nervous at the idea Mirabel eventually nodded as well. "I can make sure she gets in," the mage said, "and a distraction will definitely improve her chances, though I think we ought to be cautious about it. Anyone who gets bogged down in fighting won't be coming out alive."

Turoc gave a low bark of laughter, "hah, you just let my boys an' I worry about that! Give us whoever you've got as a decent shot and we'll keep the linemen busy while big red over there cuts off their smart head. No promises on gettin 'er out of it, but that's for you lot to worry about."

"What's the plan for getting her out if she can't rely on your illusion to do it?" Aes asked calmly, looking to Mirabel. "I can hold my own," Ria began, but Akorvick interrupted her before she could continue that thought; "Fighting the entire army is suicide. Get in and get out, fight those that get in your way only when you have to. We won't be able to do much to get you out if you get caught, we'll have our own concerns." That was spoken as a simple dire truth, and though Ria frowned at it she eventually nodded in acceptance. "So.... That's the plan then? We deal with the dragons, she deals with the shaman, and if she doesn't make it we finish her job for her? Somehow?" Aes said, not seemingly liking the last portion of it, but gradually everyone around the table nodded.

"She isn't the only one of us likely to die," Akorvick said calmly, to which Everard and Mirabel paled but Turoc grinned. "We might well all be killed or captured if this plan fails," her brother continued, "but it is the best chance that Ochre has to remained free. I will take wing and keep an eye on their progress. When they are within a day's march of the valley's mouth I will return, and the rest of you had best be ready." And with that Akorvick turned and started for the stairs, his wings already stretching in preparation of the coming flight. "Stay safe," Melody said, speaking to his back, but there was more emotion in the old woman's voice than the pragmatic tone she masked it with suggested, and that made Akorvick slow for a half a step or so. He didn't respond, however, and instead simply left unless Alex opted to try and stop him for some purpose of her own.

"I will prepare the militia," Everard said with a sigh, though he would turn to Alex and say; "Thank you.... For aiding in our defense. I know that this is not necessarily your fight, but that you have made it so. Whether we come through this alive or not, the people of Ochre will be in your debt milady." And then he offered a bow to Alex, which he repeated to Dingroria and to Aescila, before he too made to take his leave.

"Well then.... I'm afraid I'll be skipping the pleasantries of Mr. Everard," Turoc added somewhat mockingly, a wide grin on his face. "Unless any of you ladies would care for a roll in the hay," he began, and actually paused to give Alex and her two companions a searching look as if his question was actually serious despite the joking tone in which it had been said. "I'll be taking my leave! I've got an ambush to plan!" The thought seemed to make the man giddy, and he took his leave with a spring in his step, but he too could be stopped if Alex had a desire to halt him.

That left her with Melody, Ria, and Aes, and as the latter two would be leaving with her that left the mage as the only one who she might wish to try and consult. Once she was the last member of their war council left in her tower, she turned to Alex and gazed at her searchingly, but if the dragoness opted to take her leave she would make no effort to stop her.
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alex had to bite down. She had to dig her claws into her emotions and drag them into an abyss. Otherwise the sheer fury that was welling within her would break free. And she couldn't let it. She couldn't let on that she finally knew who was responsible for the horror that had been dealt to Roko. She couldn't let the bastard see any sign of recognition as he fondly fondled his little trophy. She still needed him if she was to stand against the orcs, and she couldn't let herself react to the atrocities she was certain Turoc had committed. Not until this was finally finished. Then she could act. Then she could drag his cruelty out into the air, and then she could crush that asshole into the ground and reclaim the keepsake he never should have taken.

It was a struggle to keep herself contained, and even then she wasn't sure if she could keep the look of pure murder out of her eyes, but whether she did or not she continued as if nothing happened. And aside from that realization she was allowed to speak uninterrupted until her entire battle plan was announced. Once it was she waited for any objection, and to her pleasant surprise none were raised. Aes brought up a rather valid question concerning Ria's chances of escape, and though Akorvick had nearly the same answer that Akex herself did there was one little thing that she wouldn't add. If Ria was in danger of being pinned then Alex would create her own distraction. Now that the oni was a part of her extended family she wasn't going to simply abandon the crimson giant. Of course she wouldn't say this out loud, but hopefully the way her tail rose to curl gently around either Aescila's tail or her leg would say enough.

A few moments later everyone left to take their leave. Everard offered his sincere thanks for the dragon's assistance, and Alex would nod her head in acceptance without anything further. Akorvick left without any fanfare, his purpose to keep an eye on the enemy's approach, and though she offered absolutely nothing of her own Alwx found herself slightly curious. Melody was hiding quite a swell of emotion for Alex's brother. Was there more between them than shed first seen?

Turoc was the final person to leave, and he was as crass as he could possibly be Alex simply chose to ignore him. There wasn't much else she could do. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of being even the slightest of reactions, and she didn't need get earlier emotions rising to the surface. This left her standing with Aes and Ria while Melody appeared to be searching Alex for something, and after a bit Alex would give her something. "Lady Mirabel, you said the golems were available for the war effort. I think I have a use for them." A moment was taken to find a map of Ochre with a completed wall. "Even with the dragons dealt with we may still have someone breach the wall some other way. Most likely they'd try to break it at its weak points. That's where the golems come in. If you set up a group of them at those likely points then anything strong enough to get through the wall would then be captured and shocked leaving it completely vulnerable." It was something that came to mind for the actual defense of the town, and if the Magus thought it was worthwhile then she would put those constructs to use.

But there was a little something else that concerned her, and with the relative peace and privacy they'd been given it felt like a good time to bring it up. "You said you wanted to explain why that little ambush happened earlier."
Re: Vengeance or Reconciliation? (Termite)

Alexandra Alistar: HP = 80, PP = 64, EP = 88, Status = Fine

Alex hid her anger at the apparent revelation well, hid the rage she felt and intended to let fall upon the mercenary once the orcs were dealt with, but for some reason his eyes focused on her a moment later. His grin widened, just a tiny bit, but he offered no further clues as to what he might think about her concealed glare.

Then the conversation went on, and as Alex made no effort to stop any of the men from leaving she was left with the mage. "They can do more than just the stun bolts," she said when Alex asked her about using the golems, "I actually had to do some modifications for that to make sure you weren't harmed. They are combat capable, but they also aren't very autonomous. I'd rather have someone commanding them than just leave them to follow instructions, but I know I'm needed more elsewhere. Anyway.... Yes, I was going to put them on the weak points of the wall in case the orcs broke through."

She frowned as the dragoness asked her of a more in depth explanation about why she had joined in when Akorvick had ambushed them, briefly glancing ay Aescila and then looking back to Alex. "Have you ever met another one of the fallen?" she asked delicately. Alex hadn't, as true angels were almost always quick to hunt down and put down their fallen comrades. Even though it would have rid her of her Insight, Dina hadn't even considered letting herself fall, the traumatic process of losing their grace almost always enough to drive the recipient mad, turning an angel's honor and altruism and twisting it into pure malice.

When Alex answered, she would calmly reply; "Well... Your brother has." She let that dire utterance hang in the air for a moment, and Aescila froze beside Alex, hints of understanding coming over her features. "I'm not saying it's an excuse, but.... Her kind are known exclusively for, well... Cruelty. I am sorry, but there was no reason for us to believe that you were any different from the norm. That's actually something I'm curious about." She looked to Aes, and the former demoness simply replied; "It's complicated. I technically never fell, and I wasn't originally an angel. I absorbed the soul of one, and for some reason it never lost its Insight. There were some other complications there, but suffice to say I'm not like a regular angel."

The human woman seemed to ponder that for a moment before simply accepting it, and then she turned to Alex again and continued; "As I have said, I am deeply sorry for what happened and glad that no one was hurt. We couldn't have known whether you'd been under mind control unless I checked thoroughly, as even your kind aren't immune to it. If you were, and I just checked casually, the fight might have spilled out of the tower, so even if we had won it would have been catastrophic. It was underhanded and spat in the face of courtesy, but it was done the way it was to minimize collateral. We didn't want to hurt you or your daughter, and I insisted that we at least check to be sure before he.... Well, you know. He hasn't seen you in years, and even if she wasn't... Nice, I guess, it might simply have been your own choice to mate with a fallen angel rather than something done under duress."

"Thanks for that," Aes said dryly, to which Mirabel would grimace and shrug. "And what if you'd have found something?" Ria asked curiously, "would you have been able to fix it?" The mage seemed surprised by the question but eventually nodded, "yes, but it might have taken some time depending on the nature of it." The oni seemed to accept that, and Aes seemed to have no further comment by that point, leaving Alex to ask further questions if she liked.