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Veselin Asylum

Re: Veselin Asylum

Her struggling turned the pair on Immensely, that was obvious, and Monica was dripping as Liana leaned in to meet her, making her cry out as she gripped her hair, panting and moaning hungrily as she got the tonguing she wanted, the trio enjoying their short time together. And as she opened her mouth to offer another tonguing to Trish, the gag was popped back into her open mouth.

If ONLY we had the time. We'll ask to have you as a victim later. Promise. she said, buckling it back up onto her face and picking up her leash, both girls straightening their uniforms. There was no hiding the sex hair. But the place was automated right?

She finally spotted the pair of collectors version of collars, being a set of heavy anklets that blinked steadily and made entirely of steel. They'd have to lose a leg to remove them.

Opening the van door, Liana would see that the entrance was something of a tunnel, a set of sliding double doors admitting them to a sterile white hospital like lobby, the place entirely empty save for a retina scanner, and another scanner that lined a heavy reinforced titanium door with a single slot window mounted in it. The retina scanners flashed, and the girls started unbuckling her jacket, while the double doors locked loudly behind her.

Peeling it away, the toys came out just after and the girls gave her a hearty grope, before kissing the wide blue ball between her lips and skipping to the door, which flashed before the door slid up into the ceiling and both nekos slipped passed into a hallway, the door immediately slamming back down, while a chipper sounding voice chimed above her. They'd also removed her ankle chains. So apart from her gag, she was unbound. Greetings Patient ID Number 447192, Name Liana, to Veselin Asylum for treatment. Please leave any restraints left on you, in place. We are reading, one 2 inch ballgag. one admittance collar. Do not interfere with these devices until seeing your doctor! Thank you! As you will see, a Restrain bar is being lowered! please place these restraints on yourself, of course your hands being last! Non-Compliance will be punished and your position in the bar forced. We regret any inconvenience but resistance at Veselin Asylum is only encouraged in specific areas! You have been assigned to... Ward 14! Central Complex! Once you have either entered yourself into your restraint bar, or been Entered into it by force, we shall continue with your admittance! the voice said cheerfully, carefully androgynous sounding.

In front of the door a panel had opened in the white steel ceiling, and a bar had been lowered. The bar had a short chain with a ring clip for her collar, the chain only being 6 inches long, two heavy wrist restraints made of leather, with mitts that would ball her hands into fists, and another set of ankle shackles, with a short chain running through a steel eyelet in the bottom of the bar. The bar itself extended from the ceiling, down to about 2 feet from the ground, the mitts placed at waist level on either side of the bar, close together.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Having the gag replaced in her mouth, Liana whined and hung her head a bit, but couldn't really resist of course, and so she was soon gotten out of the van. Once out of the van, Liana looked around, taking in her surroundings, and sighed softly through her nose. It would be obvious to the pair that Liana didn't want to go into this place, but she had no choice in the matter. Being walked in, Liana was shuddering from the pleasure from before, and was also a bit cold, but all in all she was alright, as the pair gave her nice big bubbly ass a grope a piece, before leaving, and unbuckling her jacket and pulling the toys out, giving them a wiggle of her butt to look at before going.

She was about to take the gag out, when the computer like voice chimed up and spoke to her. She looked around and sighed again, leaving the gag in place for now, and listening to the rest of the instructions given by the computer voice. When the bar came down with the new bondage gear on it, Liana took the stuff down, and looked it over, wondering just how she would get her hands into the mitts, even last, because no matter how she looked at it, she didn't think she'd get both of them in, and the things secured, without the use of her mouth.

She put the rest on first for now, and figured that she would cross that bridge when she came to it, though she did wish to have had a slightly longer chain between her ankles, especially if she was expected to walk, so she could do so a bit faster, or at least with less risk of falling over. Once she got to the mitts, she stopped for a moment, and scratched her head, still a little puzzled, but she slid her hands into them and looked around for any straps to secure them in place, wondering how she'd get them there if there were any. After getting everything on, Liana would look around again, as if to ask what was to happen now, waiting patiently for the moment.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Very good Patient 447192! The voice chimed as she moved to do everything herself, confetti shooting from the ceiling in a little burst as she slid her ankles into the heavy leather cuffs, stood up, and clipped her collar to the bar, finding she could only back up that 6 inches before the chains pulled tight and the bar rattled.

As for the mitts, they were locked to the bar in their position, and putting her hands inside, not sure what else to do with them, she'd find she didn't need to do anything else. In order to get into them, she had to ball her hands up, and once she had and they were passed her wrists, the cuffs turned against the bar and tightened down all on their own, locking her standing in place to the restraint bar.

You will now be seen to your Cell! The trip will take approximately 41 minutes and 12 seconds to traverse the 13 wards before your own! We will be covering 9 miles! The voice informed her, the bar starting to move forward, forcing her to follow as the door slid open.

Patient 447192 successfully admitted for a minimum recommended sentence based on her increased lifespan, of 51 years, 201 days, 23 hours, and 58 minutes! It said, likely shocking her given the sheer amount of time they'd decided she needed to stay. And she knew full well sentences never changed. Not once in the history of the asylum had the computers estimations ever been questioned.

She was marched through the door into a long narrow hallway, and the floor started to move underneath her, making things easier, while a set of waterjets had opened up ahead of her, and begun spraying powerfully. Cleaning Patient 447192 now!
Re: Veselin Asylum

Seeing the confetti burst from the ceiling, Liana actually felt a bit relieved, though was still confused about the mitts, until she balled her hands into fists, and they locked automatically. "Oh, well this place is rumored to be automated after all for the most part. Figured they would have someone to actually put this stuff on me though, huh," Liana thought to herself.

Liana stumbled as she was pulled along, by the automated things, wishing she could make longer strides. When she heard the next part though, Liana gasped around her gag as her eyes widened. Fifty one years? What in the fuck? Even if she had an increased lifespan, fifty one years was a really fucking long ass time, and she hadn't expected to spend more than a year in here, at most. Besides, she had always thought about having children, she'd just wanted to spend a few more years not having to worry about having to take care of someone else when she wasn't prepared for it. She now really wanted someone to complain to, and for the first time since she'd woken up, she had the urge to stop moving and fight this.

That was before the water jets started hitting her, the force of which nearly knocked the air out of her, because she hadn't been paying attention to them coming up as the floor began moving and wasn't prepared for it. It was painful having the water shot at her like this, like she was... livestock, or worse, and something more than annoyance flashed into her mind, it was anger... no, more like fury. It was mostly from hearing what that fucked up computer had said about her "minimum" recommended sentence, but it was also a mix of everything else since she'd gotten word that she was to be sent into this place.

Liana sighed again, and closed her eyes, counting down from 100, to try and calm back down, because she knew that it paid to try and be of sound mind in times of crisis like this. After she counted to 0, she opened her eyes and looked around, taking in everything her eyes could see, and learning her surroundings, to find any advantages she could.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Patient 447192 shows less then expected reaction to sentencing. Re-evaluating. Prognosis. Patient 447192 is more desensitized to reality then originally concluded. Increasing minimum sentence to 72 years. The computer chimed happily as the water jets were joined by soft bristled scrub brushes, and a good deal of foamy soap. She was in point of fact, being thoroughly cleaned. Her hair was pulled out and brushed, before being ponytailed, and her body was squeaky shiny clean by the time the Waterblasting, rubbing, soaping, and general molestation had finished about 100 feet later.

Patient 447192 is now Clean! Evaluating Voluntary paperwork. Accepted. No consideration shall be given to 447192's consent in any way. Available staff are to be notified that she is to be given access to ward 16 for forceful use by other patients. Staff are also given clearance to use. Consideration changed. Patient to be admitted to Ward 16 with Victim designation. Cell changed to 0148892-H in D Block of Ward 16. The voice continued. Looking around, she could see no seems in this tunnel at all. Though what the walls hid she was unsure as of right now. Available staff currently at this facility... 7. Number of patients. 447,192. Addendum. 447,193. She could just barely hear the automated voice playing for someone else behind her, but a blast door had just dropped in the tunnel as she was conveyed along.

Subject expresses a wish to be violated and used by others against her will. Changing schedule to suit. No protests will be acknowledged, no safewords will be assigned. If Subject is enslaved by patients of ward 12. Slavery shall be recognized until escape. Or for a 100 day period. the computer continued, as she was carted into an elevator, and it started rushing downwards.
Re: Veselin Asylum


She was glad that she was being cleaned though, as she hadn't got the chance to take a bath before being brought here. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she squirmed around as the sponges tickled her body all over. When the computer began speaking again, and said what it did about her going to ward 16, and wondered what was in it. Also, holy shit, this place had over 400,000 people in here? Liana figured that all were brought in the same way that she was.

"Fuck, what the hell is this computer rambling on about now?" Liana thought to herself, barely listening to the computer, and she also faintly heard it talking to another patient behind her, before the doors slammed shut behind her and she was put into an elevator that went down quite quickly.
Re: Veselin Asylum

NOW she saw the reason for the thick gag.

It wasn't to help her.

Wooshing down the elevator, she was given no idea how far down she was, or whether the elevator Only went up and down. When it opened, the door hissed open and she was marched out by the bar, being led along. She could see through the windows of different cells as she passed at their occupants. The first one she passed she saw a woman tightly strapped down into a chair, her legs in stirrups and locked into place, while a machine had been placed just in front of her spread legs, slowly working a thick dildo in and out of her folds. It was obviously moving too slowly to let her cum at all.

Wrapped in a jacket made of leather instead of canvas like her forced one, hers had rings in it along the shoulders, and was wearing shackles around her wrists and ankles, padlocks being used to keep her in the chair along with the stirrups while she moaned and shouted at her denial through something akin to a muzzle, a large leather gag that wrapped completely around her lower face, her lips seen through it spread around something round while she thrashed, both trying to escape, and thrust herself harder onto the toy. Liana could hear nothing through the door.

Another had a man bound from head to toe against the wall while he was milked steadily, drooling, his eyes glazed, body twitching.

The third showed a woman, hands bound in tight silk rope above her to a hook, while two other patients, both in straightjackets but with their arms free, using strapons to fuck her lower holes hard and deep, watching her struggle while they held her legs themselves, using her. She was marched along through a mazelike series of corridors with more of the same. She saw no doctors, or nurses, or anyone else at all, save the patients in their locked cells, and saw several empty ones.

She was dumped in one that was only 8 foot by 8, padded on every surface, with ring anchors set around it and obvious seams in the walls.

According to collectors, patient has already indulged in tentacles, and in toys and forced use. The voice chimed above her, before the door slammed shut and hissed as it locked, sealing her inside, while several arms lowered from the ceiling, each with 3 wide fingers, and a central line holding white silk rope looped and waiting. They took their time threading the lines around her ankles and wrists, but didn't bind her, instead waiting for the bar to release her and raise into the ceiling. The Moment her hands and ankles were free, the arms that hadn't wrapped line around her limbs, darted forward, starting to tickle her with spinning feathery brushes along her thighs, chest, abs, back, and neck.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Sitting there and waiting patiently as the elevator went downward, Liana lost track of how far she'd gone since she started. She wanted to know where she was, and hoped that her family knew, and also hoped they wouldn't worry themselves overly much about her. When the elevator finally stopped and opened back up, she stumbled out as the bar pulled her along. Glancing from side to side, Liana saw other cells, and the first one made her tremble. She liked denial alright herself, but only to a point, before she had to get her orgasm, else she'd writhe around like a madwoman until she did.

The second one made her sad, as she figured that poor guy had lost his mind from the looks of him. She hoped that didn't happen to her in here, but after hearing this fucked up computer talking, she didn't like her chances. The third cell, she saw the other two women using strapons and fucking another girl senseless as she hung from a hook. Liana gulped at that sight and kept going, until she was put in her own cell, which was rather small. She watched as the robotic arms put the silken rope around her wrists and ankles, wondering if she was to be bound up too, and when the bar shot up into the ceiling, Liana burst into a fit of giggles and moans, as she was tickled furiously, and all thoughts of anger were lost as her body flushed with arousal at the tickling, her hips wiggling back and forth.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Listed information is accurate! Saving! The computer chimed for her cheerfully as she squirmed, her gag being removed as another was lowered. Identicle to the one she'd seen the first woman wearing. She was too busy wriggling in the tickles to do much as her hands were pulled together in front of her and both arms holding the lines whirred swiftly around her wrists, quickly coiling them in the rope, before rising and dragging her arms with them, tying them off to a hook in the ceiling while she wriggled. This of course opened up more of her body to the tickling, one of the brushes moving to settle directly over her folds, two others settling over her breasts and nipples while she was assaulted further.

Her ankles had been drawn apart slightly, while others were wrapping line around her torso, shoulders. It was quite intricate, soon enough a full shaped karada harness had been pulled around her body, 3 perfect diamonds from her neck, to her clit formed in the rope over her torso, while the lower lines went between her legs, opening her folds slightly while still more were being added behind her.

A sharp jerk on her ankles suddenly brought her weight down into the harness, suspended as her legs were pulled together and back, the rope whirring around her ankles the same as it had her wrists, binding them firmly together, and adding a center rope to cinch them snugly, before drawing them up and back to her thighs, tying them off to her crotchrope.

She was left hanging from her harness, arms stretched above her head, tightly bound, legs folded behind her, knees pointed at the ground, while the arms pulled the lines between her legs together so they dug straight into her wet folds.

Now the gag moved forward, waiting for a good chance to force something into her mouth, before the muzzle was pulled around her lower face and tightly buckled on. What was in her mouth, as her tongue encountered it, felt exactly like a perfect replica of a cock, the head resting against the back of her tongue, her body encouraged to suckle on it as she was still assaulted with the tickling brushes, and each thrash, struggle, and tug, made her swing slightly in the air, tugging her crotchrope firmly against her clit. Doctor Sarren will be with you shortly! Estimated wait time, approximately 4 hours! Your door has been left unlocked now that you have been pacified so other free roaming patients my rape you at their leisure. the computer informed her, her door hissing open again while she hung there, the brushes giving her one last stroke to a climax before all retreating, leaving her hanging there like a piece of meat to be used.
Re: Veselin Asylum

As the tickling continued, Liana hadn't much in the way of any resistance, because being tickled in so many places at once was just too good for her to think of anything else. Her arms pulled in front, and tied off to a similar hook that the women were tied to, Liana then felt another brush start tickling her folds, and she almost instantly came, and let out a high pitched squeal, barely realizing that her gag had been removed.

She could do nothing but writhe around from the tickles as she was tied up by the robotic arms did their work, her laughter and moans filling her room as she was tickled further while being tied up. She didn't know exactly how long the tying up of her body took, but the pleasure from the tickling made her mind kind of blank out a bit as it was being done. "Y-You fucking crazy ass computer... I... I don't want to be in here for no seventy two years," Liana mumbled softly just before the new gag/muzzle was put onto her face, and she instinctively started sucking on the phallic object that was forced into her mouth.

She wriggled around more in her harness she was hanging from, and she noticed that she was swinging ever so slightly with each thrash she made from the tickling, which hadn't ceased yet. The crotch rope dug into her folds every time she swung a bit, and she faintly heard the computer speak one last time, telling her that the doctor would be there to see her in four hours or something, while she was getting her climax finally, and damn was it a good one, Liana thought to herself.

When she finally came down from her pleasure high, Liana groaned softly, and closed her eyes, feeling the need to rest just a little after all that. Well, it was that, or waste her energy thrashing around some more, and she didn't really think wasting her energy was a wise decision, not when the computer told her it had left her door unlocked for just anyone to come in there and rape her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

While she hung there, she'd find that she was still swinging slightly, so the rope was constantly teasing her. But for the first time in awhile, her luck seemed to hold right where it was. She was undisturbed and able to take a short nap.

Waking up a little groggy, but feeling better physically at least, she found herself looking into startlingly blue eyes. Deep, like ocean pools. Mysterious, Dangerous. They bored into her soul and reminded her how very, Very helpless she was right now.

His hair was a short shaggy blonde and he hadn't shaved in a few days, a cigarette hanging unlit between his lips while he regarded her through his round gold wireframe glasses. Sighing, he lit the cigarette and dragged on it deeply. But he didn't exhale, at least, not smoke. He let his breathe out, and a heady perfume filled the air. Smokers had never given up their habit despite numerous attempts by every government to force it. So instead they fixed the smokes, instead of fixing the smokers.

I'm Doctor Sarren. Myself, and 4 automated versions of myself, and my nurses Felicity and Tailor see to the patients directly. You are 447192. And your stay is unusually long. Doctor Sarren. Her stay is the result of my many various diagnostic protocols. I believe that to be the minimum time needed to stamp out her unnatural desires that do not involve humanity or violation. The computer interrupted, the doctor sighing. So that's why. You're a tough nut to crack. Wont give up your fetishes for anything. Welcome to the Asylum. Your schedule it seems daily is a 4 hour run in this ward. And by run of course I mean fleeing those designated Predator. Or falling into their arms I suppose. Or mine, Or my nurses. an hour meal, an hour spent in Ward 12 on Display. For their benefit and treatment, not yours. And for now, 10 hours of tentacle rape, egg implantation, and birth. Then 8 hours to sleep. Every morning, your cell door will open and a quiet alarm will sound. That's your Cue that your 4 hour exercise period has begun. Awake or not. After those hours you will be returned to your cell, collected, and moved. Any treatment by myself or a nurse. Or our automatons, will of course over-ride your schedule. Is everything Clear 447192? he told her, and then asked her, his hands finally moving to her, inspecting her breasts, before giving her nipples a tug.

Escape attempts aren't discouraged, in fact, they're healthy! but a warning, Punishment for such things when caught varies everywhere from solitary confinement in chastity while under the effects of strong aphrodisiac, all the way to public use. Your collectors have also expressed a strong interest for private moments with you in the Central Exercise Complex. Much like this ward, but with more... options. We'll pencil it in. For now, you can simply nod or shake your head if you understand, I'm not ungagging you because I don't want to listen to you complain. He said, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, trying to get her to rock her hips into her crotchrope, which she knew full well would feel good enough to take her movements out of her control. She wouldn't be able to stop until she came, and likely longer. In your notes, you listed non-consensual interactions as one of your most powerful arousal inducing events. So of course we'll be exposing you to them on a regular basis. Therefore, since you missed your first period, and indeed, Day, you'll be starting now. Sasha. Please outfit 447192 with a crotchless straightjacket, and release her into the ward. But don't announce it, let the others figure her out as fresh prey. Inform the nurses as well. Nurses will confine you to medical rooms with whatever torment they can think of, Myself... Harder to say. depends on my mood. But don't worry 447192, given time, we'll break those unnatural tastes of yours, reset your biology so you wont have aged a day at the end of your 72 years, and you'll be whole, hale, and healthy, ready to have all the children you ever dreamed of to repopulate planet earth. I look forward to seeing you. He said, outlining her stay here as well as her current scheduled day. It seemed her best or even Only times to explore her current ward were during her first 4 hours. After that she'd be under heavy lock and key or in her cell being violated by tendrils.

At his request, the computer, Sasha, lowered a black leather straightjacket with an open crotch that would leave her exposed, while the robotic arms reappeared to untie her limbs, and tug it onto her body, the doctor walking finally undoing her gag, but holding it in her mouth. Not a sound before I'm gone. or I'll leave you in a room with a machine and edge you for 36 hours. he said, apparently tired of hearing new patients complain, or rage, or beg. If she answered in any way other then a quiet nod, he'd immediately buckle the gag back into place. But if she did as bade, he'd remove it and hand it to the robotic arms who were just now tightening down her jacket. Like before her arms were under her breasts, with a strap going over top of them both. Unlike before, her crotch was entirely open, instead fastened between her thighs with a pair of straps that ran around her upper thighs, and her cleavage was on display through a cutout below the collar lock that wrapped around her neck, neatly fitting over her collar. For the first time since this had started, she wasn't gagged, though she wasn't sure if that was a good thing, probably felt like it was. Doctor Sarren had left quickly, leaving her cell door open while he prowled the halls, and she was made to do the same, being frogmarched out of her cell before the door banged shut loudly behind her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana hung there in her lonely little cell, and closed her eyes to get a little nap in, hoping that she'd be able to get out of here sooner rather than later. Seventy two years? What the hell did she do to deserve that? She'd always been adamant and a bit vocal about having children someday, just not yet.

Either way, she conked out shortly after, and woke up to see a pair of blue eyes staring back at her. She gasped and jerked a bit in fright, which made her swing back and forth a bit, and groan a bit. Liana looked up at the man, and first assumed that he was here to be one of those to rape her as the computer had said. After hearing him speak, and the computer speak as well, Liana squirmed in her bindings. "F-Fuck that computer, I do want to have children. I just didn't want to yet. I don't deserve to be in here for seventy two fucking years," Liana said around her gag, not caring whether or not he understood her.

She heard what he had to say, and now more than ever, felt the desire to destroy this place, and kill the doctors working in here, because in her mind right now, this place was hell. Why should they get to dictate what fetishes she or anyone else had? After he had asked her if everything was clear about her designated daily regimen, she nodded, indicating that she understood what he was saying. When she felt her nipples tugged on, she writhed around, trying to get away from this crazy and sadistic doctor, whom she wanted more than anything to pull a blade out of somewhere and slice his throat with it, more for listening to the stupid computer and seeming to agree about Liana needing to stay in here for 72 years. When he finished talking and told her that they'd reset her biology after she was done in here, she actually started crying. "I don't care about my biology being reset, that isn't the fucking point. What about my family you crazy fucking piece of shit? I didn't do anything to deserve seventy two fucking years. My family might not even be alive by the time I get out of here. And then who'll help me learn how to raise these children you want me to have so bad?" Liana said through her gag as her tears streamed down her cheeks.

After that, when he told her not to make another sound after unlocking her muzzle/gag, Liana stopped trying to shout through her gag, feeling it was useless, and that she didn't want to be punished any more than she already was. She gave him the simple nod he seemed to want from her, before the straight jacket change was made, and she was in the crotchless one now, watching him leave. "Okay Liana, find a way out of this fucked up place, that's the main goal. With a secondary goal of finding a way to kill that fucking bastard of a doctor if you can, because he's no true doctor," Liana thought to herself as she was forced out of her cell, looking around, and searching for any places that looked interesting or potential paths out of this place, and keeping to the shadows as much as possible to avoid any of the other prisoners here.
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Waiting a little bit so of course she didn't run straight into the doctor again, because you know, that'd be reaaally fuckin helpful, Liana slid forward and nudged open her door with her shoulder, looking around at everything. Which was really rather bland at the moment. It was just as she remembered, a Maze of white corridors with white ceilings, and white walls, interspaced with cell doors, some open, some not in every direction.

Her cell was in a dead end hallway, so it either really was a maze, or she was somewhere on the very edge of the ward. Creeping forward, she had almost a full 100 feet to go before she reached the T intersection and the ability to turn left or right. But as she passed the cells, she saw several patients just like her, hanging in a rope harness, quietly whimpering and bucking into the rope splitting their folds. A sign on the wall, so small she missed it the first time explained why. It read simply Prey Block H This little hallway was filled with those who had victim fantasies only.

Reaching the intersection, she could see movement in both directions, and if she peaked out far enough to see, she'd see nothing. Whatever it was she had seen was gone.
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Easing the door open after a minute or two with her shoulder, to make sure the "good" doctor had time to get as far from her as possible. Great, Liana thought to herself, she was at the far end of a dead end hallway, which meant that she'd have an even harder time getting about without being caught or seen. She stumbled every now and then, but was able to make her way to the T intersection of the corridor. She spotted the other "patients" in here that were dressed just like her, and then spotted the small sign that indicated that this was "Prey Block H".

"Huh, I guess it's put in here purposely like this, to keep me from being able to escape easily. Most likely," Liana thought to herself as she just barely peeked around the corners of the corridors to see if she could spot anything, and tried to remember which way she'd come in from, and heading in that direction, but if she couldn't recall right off, she'd go right.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Turning right, Liana had another long, straight hallway to deal with, and spotted several people in cells, locked ones, with several patients in them. People already caught, or waiting, or enjoying some special torment like the first few she'd seen.

Heading to the end of the hallway, she had to duck back behind the corner because she saw something.

It was a woman mewling into a gag tightly hogtied, the doctor crouching over her with the rope. Looking, Liana could hear her moaning and she was writhing pretty animatedly. A steel hook had been slid into her ass and tied to her wrists, which had likewise been tightly bound to her ankles, the entire setup keeping her hips raised while she writhed around.

She couldn't see what else he was doing, but whatever it was her hips were shaking and trying to buck. The other hallway was clear, but a tap on her shoulder told Liana someone had found her. As she turned, a sharp snap sounded as a nurse clipped a leash to her collar. Well hi there! I'm Nurse Felicity! she said happily. She was about Liana's height, a little shorter, with bright red hair and freckles, in a white nurse uniform including a goofy little hat.

Her legs were wrapped in fishnet stockings and heels underneath the short white skirt. You're new! what's your name? she asked happily, holding the end of Liana's leash firmly.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana almost gasped aloud when she got to the end of that corridor, and ducked back quickly when she spotted the doctor with a woman, the latter of whom was hogtied and squirming as she spotted the metal hook that was slid in her ass, basically pinning her in place. At least the poor girl looks to be getting some pleasure out of it, Liana thought to herself, as she watched. She was about to head on down the other hallway, when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Liana bit her tongue to stifle her gasp, and spun around, as her collar had a leash attached to it. "Fuck... caught already. Should have seen this coming," Liana told herself as the nurse spoke.

She gulped, obviously frightened, and quite tense, "L-Liana, Liana Starlight," Liana answered quickly when asked her name, figuring it best to comply with that, and also figuring it best to not complain to the nurses and doctors in here, else she'd likely get punished, or worse.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Wandering around alone like that? You must be bored. We'll fix that. Come on. She said, using the leash to tug Liana in closer, her hand cupping her folds and starting to stroke her very gently and slowly with her middle finger. Liana's a pretty name. Is it your first day Liana? she asked her, just slowly stroking and rubbing her, making sure to grind that single finger over her clit with every rub, sliding into her steadily.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Stumbling forward a bit as her leash was tugged, Liana shuddered as she fell against the nurse, biting her bottom lip. "Y-Yes i-it is my first day. I... was told that my sentence is... s-seventy two years," Liana said, sniffling softly as tears formed in her eyes, while she laid her head against the nurse's shoulder and shuddered again, letting out a soft moan from the gentle hand stroking her folds, as she rubbed her body against Felicity's, and enjoyed the pleasure that hand was giving her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

That is a long one, Ooo, there's a moan, cmon. Felicity answered, still slowly fingering her, encouraging her hips to roll into her as she added another finger, just gently working her folds, focusing on Liana since well, she'd caught her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I d-don't want to be in here f-for that long. O-Oh it's... so nice, a-and gentle," Liana cooed, leaning more against the nurse, enjoying those fingers as they began delving into her, and coaxing Liana's hips into bucking a bit against her hand.