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Veselin Asylum

Re: Veselin Asylum

The only option for hiding that she could immediately see was other Cells, or the one she was already in. But there was also the risk of Felicity coming back to this one so it wasn't any good. The other option was her own cell to catch her breath.

Heading towards her pointy eared frenemy, she had to be careful.

Factoring in the care Liana has shown so far looking around...
6+1 and 8+1 at the current time is a pass. She manages to evade capture in this area.

And she was, taking great care to avoid getting caught this time around. Though at the very end of her journey she had to run, she saw that most of the ward had found... Someone, to occupy their exercise time with in their cells. Many bound with rope or straps, others in chains. Some truly seeming to enjoy their predicament, others seeming resigned. She didn't see any outright Hatred or Denial of it in here. And she had to remind herself, This was a fantasy of her own as well. As her Denial continued to seep through her system along with her arousal, she made it to the cell marked out, seeing the door cracked. The predator Ward C. All the doors were shut and locked save this one, and her... Possible, Friend was inside sitting cross legged patiently, waving at her as he spotted her through the door.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Not wanting to risk going into another person's cell, or possibly by some chance taking a vacant one, and then having someone brought in while she was hiding inside, Liana kept moving. So, she decided to go towards the other "elf's" cell, and eased her way down that ward. Thankfully, most of the others seemed to have found someone else to have fun with, and left her alone, blissfully. Spotting the cracked open door, Liana made her way over to it quickly and peeked inside, and nodded to him when he waved to her, gulping slightly, and looking horny as all hell, but tense, and wary.

"H-Hello there. I, uh... I'm Liana," Liana said her legs a bit wobbly.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Mumbling through her muzzle as she tried to speak, her tongue carressing the phallic gag in her mouth only made her folds burn hotter as she remembered what it was that had been sealed passed her lips for her to continually suckle on, and she blushed hard.

The man stood and stretched, walking to the door. Step inside before someone else snatches you up. I'm not much of a fighter. I'll take that muzzle off so you can talk. He offered, seeing she was a bit skittish. And caught by Felicity on your first day... Rough. Most of the others would have been nicer about it... Some would have been worse. I'm Terrance.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Hearing him speak after mumbling through her gag, Liana nodded and stepped inside, figuring that regardless, being in here was better than wandering the halls like this, so horny she could barely think, and with no way to defend herself. When he came over, Liana was still blushing and as soon as her gag came out, she nodded to him. "I'm Liana, L-Liana Starlight, and yeah, Felicity snatched me up before I could get away," Liana replied softly, trembling more than a little bit, for more than one reason.
Re: Veselin Asylum

He gently pulled her inside his cell and closed the door, before removing the gag and setting it aside, removing the derpy sign and the other toys hanging from it. ... There are things I want... So, i'm not really the forceful type.. he said, his jacket crotchless just like hers and his length hardening swiftly at her blushing and trembling, as well as the slickness of her folds.

Rather then push her down however, he sat against the wall and patted his lap. Take care of That problem while we talk? Questions Imagine. First day is always rough. He said, shrugging. And it's a very pretty name, though only the nurses will call you that. All the Doctors and Traps will probably use your patient number.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana gagged a little as the muzzle was pulled off, and coughed a bit, before introducing herself. "I... I see. That... bitch Felicity, l-left me in her office for t-three hours or more, n-no relief at all. And that AI, t-told me my sentence was seventy two years. I d-don't want to be in here for that long," Liana said, her voice and body both still trembling, as she moved towards Terrance and sat down with him, figuring that at this point, since he hadn't just grabbed her and raped her, that she could trust him, just a tiny bit at least.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Sasha. The AI is named Sasha. So is Felicity, and Sarren, and all the others. Preprogramed false intelligence placed in shells, at least I think that's what they are. Terrance said, seeming to be restraining himself from doing anything untowards.

Though, from what they say, they might be altered intelligences from the original people they belonged to... I imagine Sasha killed them at some point for arguing with her. Or she was afraid they might turn her off, which to an AI would be the same as killing them. Personally I'd be terrified. But that doesn't change the situation does it. As for your sentence.... You didn't really believe that do you? Look, I can't say anything here, like, at all. But, in exchange for you using me to get your relief, I'll give you directions to someone in this ward who can. He's been here 6 years, I imagine he's near the end of his stay. Or he'll never leave. He said, reaching out to... Pat her shoulder gently, and then ruffle her hair a bit.

I can talk about this ward though, i've only been outside it once to Ward 12, that's the slavery ward. Those obsessed or addicted to petplay and the like. It's considered a low threat high security ward because Pets still Breed. He mused looking up at the ceiling.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"Sasha huh... I see," Liana mumbled softly when Terrance told her what the AI's name was.

"W-Well of course I believed it, I mean that is what they told me. Well, first it was like... fifty one or fifty two years, and then the bitch upped it to seventy two. And, alright, I... honestly I really could use some relief right now, after being edged like that for three fucking hours, or more. I... I'd appreciate it though, if afterward, you could take these damned toys and this sign off too, please. I mean, the toys are fun and all, but don't want to be giving anyone more ammunition to use against me, you know, h-heh," Liana said after a few moments, letting out a chuckle even as she started grinding against Terrance a little bit.
Re: Veselin Asylum

I'll get rid of them right now. he said, unclipping everything and tossing it aside. Though, if I catch you another day, I might use some of it, we'll see. he teased, pulling her fully into his lap, reaching between them to nudge himself into her folds, gasping and leaning his head back as he slid straight into her wet heat. He was well endowed as well, filling her just like she needed to be, pulsing inside her while her folds immediately clenched around him hard, making them both shudder.

You've probably had enough of other people doing anything. Take what you need this one time, Call it a First Day freebie, and then I'll give you the directions you need and see you back to your own cell so you don't wind up in someone elses. We'll OOooo shit that feels good... I'll leash you... So no one Mmmm else bothers us. He groaned out, staying perfectly still, letting her decide how hard or fast she wanted him. She had to imagine this was a rare show of kindness from anyone in any of the predator wards. And that she'd been lucky it'd been him that took an interest. Just... Yessss... Try and remember to Try and have fun... during exercise, or you'll just wind up a wreck. he advised, shuddering and looking into her eyes, smiling a little shyly, ruffling her hair again.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I... w-wouldn't mind that, t-to much. You're the first nice person, o-or thing I've met in here, after all, so I feel I should reward you somehow, a-and I guess that'd be a good way to," Liana told Terrance as he unclipped the toys and whatnot.

When he pulled her into him, Liana moaned aloud, and felt her folds parting to take him inside, and finding him quite large, and perfectly filling her just like she wanted, and needed. "N-No, that wouldn't make me feel right. Y-You can take me, however you like. I d-don't mind. B-Besides, I don't have quite as much experience on how to please a man. A-And it's been a while since I last had sex with one, s-so I really wouldn't mind," Liana told him after he told her to take what she needed, looking sincerely at him and smiling as she began rocking her hips instinctively, and squeezing him tightly, even as she blushed shyly and leaned against him, burying her face against his neck and moaning into it, nibbling as well, and almost trying to urge him to take her, as she lost herself in the pleasure.
Re: Veselin Asylum

He chuckled and placed his covered hands on her hips, urging her to move a little further as she rocked, rolling her hips further forward and backwards for a bit, making him slide further out of her, and deeper into her as she moved, before he did something a little surprising and and gathered her hair up into a ponytail while she moved, biting his lip and moaning softly as she kissed and nibbled at his neck, making him shudder underneath her.

Once he'd managed that, he gave it a short little tug, just enough to sting the smallest amount, and then drew her head back. I enjoy, Making my partners Enjoy Me. He said. He was into Mind Games. She'd met a few guys like Terrance before, they were scary in their own way, Smart, Quick. I want you to think about how your bound, and that I have ahold of you like this. he said, giving her long blonde hair another short tug, And I want you to cum as hard, and as often as you can, and want while you do. I want you to Love it. He whispered, leaning in to her ear to give it a slight kiss and a nibble, before leaning in and kissing her properly with a groan, still only barely moving his own hips, letting her instinctive motions pleasure her while he used the smallest measures to control her, namely his grip in her hair, which he accomplished with one hand, and let the pleasure boiling through her hips do the rest as they rolled forward and back in his lap.

I'm happiest, when my partner comes back to me on their own, and Asks me to take them. Because of the pleasure they felt the last time... He whispered again, breaking the kiss just to utter those words for her, before pressing his lips to hers again, his other hand sliding down to her ass to keep her moving.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Rocking her hips back and forth, and up and down, Liana worked herself deeper onto his cock, until she was at the hilt of it, her folds squeezing around it tightly, as if it were the last time she'd ever feel it. She listened to his words, and knew that he had his own kinks, obviously, else he wouldn't be in here. But while she thought that he wasn't quite as "nice" as she'd want, she found that at the moment, she didn't really mind all that much. When he tugged her hair though, she did grunt a bit in... not so much displeasure, but annoyance.

She returned the kiss, and kept bouncing, and soon enough she came, finally... blissfully, and started getting the relief she so badly needed. "W-Well, there's a good chance I will in the future. M-More just so I don't get grabbed by someone that's just cruel, and r-rough," Liana replied, before getting smooched again, and never stopping her hips motions.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Plenty of those about. He admitted, releasing her hair to lean her further back, watching her abs work to move her hips while he kissed and bit at her chest, tongue rolling over her nipples.

It's just so hard to ignore you... when you're like that, trembling and pent up... he groaned, starting to roll his hips with her, meeting her as she slid forward to hilt himself inside her while he toyed with her chest.

mmm, tell me what you enjoy while you enjoy me. I want to know. he said, finally doing something and pausing her motions for a bit, to turn her around so she was facing away from him, leaning her back into his chest, changing the angle he was inside her sharply and making it easier for her to hit a second peak, one hand settled in her lap to toy with her clit, the other drifting over her nipples lightly, tickling them as she rode him.
Re: Veselin Asylum

When his tongue and lips touched her nipples, Liana stiffened up further, her back arching a bit as a minigasm washed through her, which would easily let him know that her nipples were sensitive, and that she liked them being stimulated. "I... l-like b-being tickled some, in various places, and I like b-being spanked, t-though not too hard or roughly. A-And I... also like m-my nipples to be t-toyed with, j-just like you're doing now. T-Though if you tickle them, i-it drives me crazy," Liana moaned aloud to him, pouring out some of her hidden kinks to this man as she rode him like a bucking bronco.

Soon enough, she wouldn't be able to hold back her second actual orgasm, and when it rushed through her body she arched her back mightily, clamping down around him and crying out as she came, still not stopping the movements of her hips as she drove herself onward, trying to get the most out of this that she could.
Re: Veselin Asylum

He held her to him as she came and arched, Groaning and cumming with her, his seed filling her core with heat and making her climax all the more satisfying as she continued to ride and he didn't soften up, staying firm and hard inside her, her body crying out for more.

Hearing what she had said, he didn't answer, instead using his hands to deliberately tickle her nipples directly while she rode him, now thrusting up into her hungrily and moaning with her to match, enjoying this as much as she was. By the time they'd both cum a third time, a light chiming sounded through the ward.

Shhhhit. he panted under her, just.... snuggling her in a rather sweet way for a bit, pulsing inside her quivering folds. That's the 10 minute warning. We'd better get you back. he said, holding up her muzzle with a sad and resigned look on his face. No one's gonna buy that I 'caught you' if I don't. Sorry Liana, I really am, I prefer listening to your voice to hearing you mumble. Your cell will take it off when we get there, though I imagine it may put something else there as soon as it does. he said, though, if she stalwartly refused, he didn't have it in him to force her, and instead sighed. No talking in the halls. he whispered to her if she refused the gag, clipping the leash on her asylum collar and leading her back to her cell. When they got there, he'd slip a small piece of paper into her jacket out of sight. it'd be hard to reach, but if she shimmied Juuuust right, she could get it loose and read it later. Wait for the next exercise period to try. he said, petting her head gently before stepping out of her room as nurse Felicity came up behind him, his pointed ears twitching as she did. Why Hello Nurse Felicity! Would you please see me back to my cell? I was just showing our new arrival around, among other things. he said sweetly, turning around and kicking her cell door closed with his foot while the evil nurse leashed him with a chain and held up a thick plug... Poor Terrance.

He winced at her through the viewing window before sighing and stepping out of sight and leaving her in her cell. Which... had grown several robotic arms again, all holding things.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana groaned aloud and milked his cock for all that she could get from it, her orgasm dragging on and on as she kept bouncing like crazy. She kept going, driving herself crazier as time went on, and managed to get one last orgasm for the both of them out, before a warning light chimed on and Terrance spoke again. "W-What's that?" Liana asked as she came down from her orgasm, her entire body trembling now.

When he spoke and told her what it was, and held up the gag, Liana sighed and resigned herself to having the damn thing on again and opened her mouth to take it in, wishing that she didn't have to. She followed Terrance back through the halls to her cell, remembering the path from there to hers as best she could, and when they got to hers, she felt him fiddle with her jacket, and nodded when he told her to try during her next exercise period to read the slip of paper he'd put in there.

When he turned to leave and kicked the door shut as Felicity came up to him, Liana looked apologetically at him, before closing her eyes to rest for a couple of minutes if possible, before "tentacle time" began. Looking around after Terrance was gone, Liana trembled in fright, and anticipation as her cell had many robotic arms, with quite the assortment of toys to play with.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Turning and trembling all aquiver with fright for what dreadful things were to come next, Tentacle time began. It was honestly not what she expected as a bed flipped out from her floor against the far wall, and her own midnight visitor waggled a tendril at her in greeting. It was a machine after all, but damnit, the engineering department was just getting goofy.

For this singular night you shall be allowed the company of your confiscated sex toy. So that I may note and notice all necessary data to maximize your future sessions for this part of your schedule. Sasha said from above. It is of course primed to attack in it's usual manner and for the duration of your cell locks, your jacket is to be removed. This will only continue as an allowance so long as your behavior warrants limited freedom to encourage the benefit of your mental state. She continued, while the many arms LUNGED FORWARD!!! to undo all her restraints and leave her entirely unbound for the first time since she left her dorm.

You will be allowed the next 18 hours to sleep and be made the target of this Model 167 B8C 'MidNight Visitor' With all it's modifications studied and recreated in your cell. You have 30 minutes to reflect on the day and compose yourself. In the morning you will be expected to present yourself willingly for the reaffirmation of your restraints before exercise period begins. Is this understood 447192?
Re: Veselin Asylum

Seeing... her Midnight Visitor, Liana trembled in anticipation, and also anger, because this meant that not only had they essentially kidnapped her, but also stolen her belongings. That thought really pissed her off, but she held her tongue for now and listened to Sasha as Terrance had named her. When the arms lunged at her and began taking off all of her bondage restraints, Liana felt freedom of a sort for the first time since Monica and Trisha had come to collect her. After Sasha had finished talking, once she was restraint free, Liana nodded her acknowledgement that she understood everything Sasha told her. "Y-Yeah, I get the idea," Liana answered as she nodded.

After Sasha had "left", or rather left her alone, Liana would quickly try and peek at the paper Terrance had left her, assuming that her 30 minutes started now. "Well, let's see what Terrance left me here," Liana thought to herself, reading the slip of paper, and petting one of her tentacles on the Midnight Visitor.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Just like his last message, it was all turns from a location, this time his cell number. She'd have to find the nurses office, and then his room, and Then this place in that order, OR try and puzzle out a more direct route. Though it was likely Terrance would take her there for a price of some kind. Likely something similar to what he'd mentioned in his cell, being not only complacent, but eager for his attentions. Still, as far as things in here she'd met, he was the nicest by a mile.

Well, that and the tendril she was petting, which was splitting into wire thin filaments to coil and curl down her arm, several stroking along her breast to tickle her lightly, while another had slid up behind her, tracing it's way along her spine in a sort of rigid bar. She was familiar with this treatment. It was trying to tempt her under the bed where she knew a breeding chamber rested especially made for her. It would tease and tempt, and then if it could get her within range, it would use a kind of nano-gel to bind her up before fucking and breeding her under the bed. It was actually a fun little game because it would take it's time in toying and dragging her under into the shadows of the bed out of sight. It was one of her rape fantasies brought to life in her toy, to be dragged under the bed by the monster that lived under it.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Reading over the note, Liana then stuffed it back into her jacket where it'd been, and went over to the bed and laid down on it. "Mmm, you really know how to make me feel good, don't you buddy," Liana told her Midnight Visitor, petting it gently and stroking it as it coiled up her arm. "Please, fuck me silly my friend. I might never get a chance to again, you know. Breed me, make me your bitch," Liana then whispered to it, wondering it Sasha could hear her, as she spoke, and laying on the bed for it to grab her if it wished.

She stroked a couple of the tentacles in her now freed hands, working it up a bit as she did, and urging her "monster" that lived under her bed to take advantage of her. She wanted... no, she needed it to do this right now, to help her bleed off all of the stress, and anger that had accumulated since she came in here.