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Veselin Asylum

Re: Veselin Asylum

It reacted to her speech playfully, like it always did, wanting her to live the dream instead of just flailing her way into it's wiggly embrace. As she laid down on the bed, it immediately focused on both her breasts, wrapping the thin wires around her nipples and tugging gently every second while several others drifted around the rest of her breasts, tickling them intentionally, another sneaking up along her thigh, which quickly teased out her clit and curled around it, tugging it in time with her nipples.

What was waiting for her, that would spell the end of the game, was perched just at the edge of the bed. She could just barely see it, a writhing set of smaller tendrils each about as wide as her finger, but much longer. She knew it would latch around her face to stop her from crying out for 'Help', and begin the slow and very fun process of binding her in the nano-gel, a clear, stretchy glue like substance that would only fade away with the application of a countergel inside the machine.

Several more had curled around the front of the bed, the thin filaments curling around her other arm while both became more aggressive, forming braided shackles of a sort around her wrists and starting to tug while it teased her body, encouraging her to put up a Bit of a fight by letting a large chamber backed tentacle slide up into view for a split second, the massive chamber full to the brim with eggs, her encouragement being something it had never done before, showing a second one for her rear. It was going to REALLY breed the hell out of her, and those orbs were something different, all brightly colored, not her usual clear aphrodisiac. While she ponders this, it was busy bringing her wrists together and trying to tug her sideways to the edge of the bed in little fits and bursts.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana squirmed about as her breasts were teased by the tentacles, giggling playfully and cooing softly as she lie there. By the time it had snaked up between her legs and latched onto her clit, Liana was putty in the thing's grasp, and for the first time since entering this place, she had the first real feel of joy. Liana wriggled in mock fright, as if trying to desperately get away, which she knew would only urge her friend to continue. "C-Come on buddy, fuck me, f-fuck me silly," Liana cooed to her Midnight Visitor, her hands reaching for some of the thicker tentacles to stroke them and make them happy too.

When the thing had made shackles around her wrists and began tugging her little by little to the edge of the bed, Liana moved with it, though squirming in a mock struggle, while spotting the strangely colored egg looking things in the "breeding" chamber it had. "Mmm, different aphrodisiacs this time buddy? I'll bet they gave you newer and stranger ones to use on me didn't they," Liana asked the Midnight Visitor, caressing the tentacles as much as she could with her hands and feet, urging it to pull her along to start breeding what she thought were just aphrodisiac eggs into her, that would melt and sink into her skin after a while.
Re: Veselin Asylum

As she struggled, she seemed to make her toys day, which was fair, it liked this game as much as she did, and took it's time tugging her along to the edge of the bed where her 'game over' was waiting for her.

Moaning and even begging it to just fuck her, it continued to take it's time, which was fair, she had 10 hours, and this game took about 3 total, or 5, depending on the mood, and it was a Good game, she always came her brains out all over the damned floor.

The sheets on the bed managed to get scrambled and as she got close, several of the thin tendrils started to tickle her all over, stroking and pushing here and there as she saw the 'painters' She had no idea what else to call them.

It lunged forward, it's many tendrils wrapping around her face while the thicker one in the middle, soft and warm, squirmed passed her lips, writhing and thrusting animatedly against her tongue, doing it's job of letting the fantasy sink in. She was pulled more firmly now, her hands and then her head being yanked over the edge of the bed, while her legs were left completely free to kick and struggle as it started covering her in the glue. Her hands were first, sliding into a slick, hot chamber underneath the bed, being dripped on and stroked in the gel, which very quickly stiffened into a nigh unbreakable barrier, the tendril dripping more of it drawing back stiffly, hauling on her arms, pulling her head under the edge of the bed while a thick tendril shot down and thrust deep into her folds hungrily, another close behind it filling her ass while she felt thicker tendrils wrapping around her knees, pulling them up against the edge of the bed.

The thinner ones were twining around her ankles, while under the bed, Liana was forced to swallow a thick, sweet substance that made her blood rush with lust while it vigorously fucked her, trying to pin her ankles against her thighs near her ass, wanting to fold her legs.

She knew she wasn't supposed to just let it, but it was just a matter of time before she screamed in climax, and her legs thrashed wildly against the wires, before her muscles went slack and they were folded, the tendrils dragging her under the bed and out of view, the last sight of her available to anyone watching being both her lower holes clenching around the tendrils driving into her.

Out of sight, her binding had continued, the gel being painted down her arms by small sprayers, like she was being coated in cum, the substance thick and warm against her skin before it hardened. It left her face alone, but continued straight to her chest, continuing down her body while she squirmed, inch by inch, holding her just above the ground to cocoon her in the gel until the only thing she could move at all, was her head.

The gel hardened, she was VERY stuck in the stretchy offwhite coloring, and it turned her to look at the floor while it pulled her up into a large, metal depression hidden in the bed that framed her bound body perfectly, while two thicker, squirming lengths replaced the ones still fucking her, driving deep, and very hard, fucking her furiously into complete obedience through one orgasm into the next, the eggs glowing in their chambers under the bed quivering and pulsing, waiting until she was ready as she felt the tendril hammering into her cunt grinding hard against her cervix at the depth of each drive into her.

it took a half hour before she finally felt it. Thin, whiplike, steel tendrils sliding into her womb. This was the only thing that had ever dared do it to her, and the feeling was incredibly unique and extraordinarily pleasurable as the tendril hooked itself to her cervix using those tiny tentacles, while the one in her ass burrowed a fool foot into her, and they both started to pulse and undulate in perfect unison. It had stopped doing enough to let her cum, and bound in the gel, sucking on the tendril anchored in her mouth, she felt it withdraw from her lips very slowly, spraying the gel into her mouth as it went, a small shield being pushed into her throat to stop her from swallowing it, as it quickly hardened, soon her mouth stretched around a perfectly shaped gag, before it painted the rest of her face in the gel, only her nostrils left uncovered.

It had never done this much before, this was entirely new. But held under the bed in her recess and now completely encased in firm but stretchy gel that looked very much like she'd taken a dip in a tank full of cum, she could only focus on the tendrils inside her. And finally, the first stretching feeling of an egg pushing at her folds and ass.

It stretched her more then usual, torturing her with the slow build up as it worked her lower holes wider until they were finally forced in, the next in line backing up against her holes again as it started to breed her, Liana feeling the eggs grinding hard along her inner walls, her cunny stretching inside to draw them deeper as she clenched around them firmly every few seconds, unconsciously helping them along.

only 3 would fit inside her folds to start, and the first was starting to work it's way into her womb, while no less then 8 had been dropped deep inside her rear, those having no internal barrier to stop them from filling her very full. As the first was finally shoved passed her cervix by the small tendrils already inside her, and came to rest, she came impossibly hard, her gooey prison stretching and flexing around her as she squirmed and arched. Looking at the chambers, she had plenty to go and no way to stop it.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"O-Oh no, please... I d-don't want to lose!" Liana squealed cutely to the tentacles, obviously not serious just from the way her voice came out, and really wanting the Midnight Visitor to pound her silly.

Knowing that her friend would take its time teasing her, building her up for massive orgasms, Liana writhed around and kept moaning up a storm, begging the Midnight Visitor to plow her hungry cunt. When the tickling started, Liana writhed around and laughed aloud, playfully reaching back down to caress the tendrils and urge it onward to fuck her. Liana opened her mouth willingly for the tentacle that came at it to enter, her tongue slurping and swirling around the tip of it, and then the length as it slid down her throat a bit. As she neared the edge of the bed, Liana's legs kicked wildly, as if trying to break free, to urge her beastly friend on, and a smile crept around the tentacle in her mouth, letting it know that she was greatly enjoying this, and didn't mind if it wanted to be even a little rougher.

Feeling her hands and arms sinking into the gel interior of the Midnight Visitor, Liana struggled more wildly, squirming and kicking her legs in mock struggle, giving it a bit of a workout, though not much, as it pulled her deeper into its grasp. When she felt the tentacle plunging into her pussy as she sank over the edge further, Liana's struggles died instantly for a few moments, and then she renewed them, though only halfheartedly at this point, and when the next tentacle dove in and slipped into her ass, Liana's struggles did die the rest of the way, her body submitting to the Midnight Visitor's advances.

Swallowing the substance it gave her, Liana drank it down and felt her body heating up, and she let it fold her legs up however it wished, while it fucked her quite vigorously. It wouldn't be long before she came, squirting around the tentacle inside of her, and squealing out around the one in her mouth as her bindings were fixed up however the thing wished. "Mmm, gods he's always so good to me. Knows all my kinks and favorites," Liana thought to herself as the last bit of her disappeared from sight from the rest of the world for the time being.

She barely had any resistance left at this point, and was just enjoying the pleasure as the tendrils delved deeply into her repeatedly, driving her into ecstatic orgasm after ecstatic orgasm, and after the 5th orgasm, Liana closed her eyes and just savored every second of this. She barely noticed the glowing eggs in the thing's egg chamber, and when the first finally began to push its way into her, Liana was completely obedient to the thing. She was frightened a bit by the fact that it encased her face like it did, and let it know that it scared her a bit as she whimpered pitifully through the gag, though she doubted that it would stop at this point. She was thankful that the tentacles were still inside of her at least, pleasuring her slightly and keeping her relaxed, else she would be panicking at having her face covered like it was.

Then, finally, she felt the eggs pushing into her, and her folds and ass stretched to accommodate the pair of eggs, and she squealed out around the thing. It was almost painfully slow, how the eggs slid into her, but Liana was more than willing to bear with it, just to feel them pop into her completely. Finally, when the first dumped into her womb, Liana came so hard and thrashed about in her goo prison that she actually thought she might tear free on accident, but thankfully she didn't, and she welcomed each egg after that with eagerness, writhing around and cumming as hard as she could as she accepted each egg, noticing that she had plenty more to go after this, and wondering if her body could take them all without rupturing. "Oh gods yes, g-give it to me buddy, f-fuck me stupid!" Liana cried in her head, since she couldn't speak aloud.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Due to Liana's request, her toy has Fucked her stupid. Congrats.

Enjoying her request rather thoroughly, mental or not, the tendrils kept her tightly sealed in her prison, the nano-gel tight and warm, constricting, stretching when she pushed and writhed, but never breaking, never giving her freedom as it pulled her out from under the bed, and set her atop it, pounding into her lower holes with all the force it could muster, rocking her hard back against the padded wall of her cell while it forced egg after egg into both of her lower holes.

There was no escape for her, and no stopping it as Sasha likewise refused to intervene as the toy pumped her full of eggs for 3 hours, and then fucked her for 2 more, making her cum without end until she was nothing more then a tightly vacuum sealed slut writhing on the bed, her folds and ass drooling cum, hers and the tendrils.

Lifting her up one final time, it liberally blasted her with more of the white, cumlike gel, binding her firmly to the wall, so swollen she couldn't move anyway, and hanging her up like a dispenser. She was only now figuring out, that unlike last time, she was actually heavily pregnant, the feeling of being widely stretched and filled making the experience far more satisfying then the aphrodisiac orbs she was used to.

Left squirming and exhausted, she didn't have long to wait to figure out what she'd been filled with either, as a small, translucent, red ooze extended several tendril like pseudopods, and pulled itself free of her, quickly followed by another, and another, all in a variety of colors, the small jelly like slimes bouncing around the room slightly as they explored. And she had about 100 to go. Minimum.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana squirmed in her friend's grasp, the gel keeping her firmly secured inside and unable to escape, and only able to lay there and enjoy the pleasure. As each egg entered her, Liana squealed lewdly and went limp after a few minutes, her body unable to squirm much anymore. "I... I love it, buddy. K-Keep filling me up," Liana mewled through her gag to her Midnight Visitor friend, squirming her hips and urging more eggs into her body.

As time wore on, Liana lost track of time, and when the Midnight Visitor had finished pumping eggs into her and started fucking her again, Liana cried out, her cheeks flushed so red they might burst into flames at any moment. When it was done and sealed her to the wall with its cum, Liana couldn't hold her head up any longer, and closed her eyes to rest a bit, after that amazing "tentacle time" as Felicity had called it earlier. Feeling the eggs in her womb shifting around a bit, Liana finally figured out that they were real eggs, and not the fake aphrodisiac ones that she'd been used to, and she found that... she quite liked the feel of it.

"S-So pregnant, f-feels so good. My belly's all big and round. It... j-just feels so good," Liana mumbled to herself softly, not really caring if Sasha or anyone else could hear her, or understand her if her mouth was sealed.

When the eggs were ready to come out, Liana mewled cutely and pushed instinctively, helping her "children" to come out into the wide world. "O-Oh gods it... f-fucking feels so damn good. C-Come on little ones. L-Look at what mommy's got for you," Liana mumbled incoherently, wanting to feed them her milk as much as they wanted, her motherly instincts kicking in somewhat now as the desire to protect and feed her "children" slowly overcame any desire for more sex and pleasure.
Re: Veselin Asylum

The little slimes didn't seem to need anything else from her, and indeed seemed more curious then anything, nor did the room overfill, instead the smaller ones of the same caller, originally about the size of a base or softball, were glomping and joining with others, soon swelling to about that of a soccerball, or in the case of the blue ones, a beachball or larger. One particularly fat bastard was bright pink, and completely clear. It looked like glass, and stayed in a corner, bubbling happily at everything, a goofy little electronic smile on it's face, like a living emoticon.

Likewise all of them had faces in that vein, and there were about 40 total by the time it was all done, BUT SASHA WAS HAVING NONE OF THAT SHIT!, and slots started to open in the floor, some of them flopping in curiously and making cute little Weeee! sounds on the way down to somewhere else, Sasha reducing the number to about 8 by using their own curiosity. The others seemed pretty attached to Liana and her bed was only just now unsealing her from her gluey prison to let her flop around with her 'children'
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana couldn't really gainsay Sasha's decision as quite a few of her little slimy children disappeared through slots in the floor, with her whining a bit that she didn't even get to say goodbye to them, but feeling that she'd likely meet them again eventually in this place. When she was finally let loose from her sealed area under the bed, Liana flopped out, panting softly as she reached up to caress the tentacles of her Midnight Visitor, kissing one of them, before reaching down to her "children" and scooping the nearest ones up to hold them, feeling a slight sense of satisfaction that she'd given birth to them.

"H-Hey there little ones. I... g-guess I'm your mother. Gosh that's a strange thing to say, b-but I... don't really dislike it honestly," Aria mumbled softly to the little slime things.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Everyone grabbed Liana, cushioning her on their gooey bodies, making little chirping purring sounds as they carried her over to the big clear one, who had a giant "O.O;" on his face, before flopping her onto him, at which point he bounced a little, and made something of a little nest for her, a pseudopod poking out to give her a kiss on the cheek while every cuddlepiled on top, wriggling and being happy. Everything from :3 to >:D to ^w^ was visible on their odd little faces while they all started to hum gently and warm up, gently cleaning her up before rocking her to sleep.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana cooed softly as the softness of the slimes enveloped her, and she giggled playfully as she reached down to pet a few of them. When they carried her over to the bigger one, and she saw its face, Liana gently stroked the top of its... head, she could only assume, and let them squish themselves up against her, and relaxed in their embrace, feeling completely relaxed and all her anger having bled away during tentacle time. Liana closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep in their embrace, not a care left in the world right now.

"Mmm, that was really nice, and that feels good too. Mommy's exhausted, and needed a rest, thank you little ones," Liana cooed softly before falling asleep.
Re: Veselin Asylum

They didn't bother her, and she woke up feeling better, but had to consider if she'd still be enraged at her stay here when she heard the chime for exercise period, and saw the restraint bar lowering with her black straightjacket in hand, remember what Sasha had told her about presenting herself for restraint if she wanted to keep the jacket off of herself when she was in her cell. She had to imagine continued behavior would warrant more freedom given in bits and pieces.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana grumbled when the chiming sounded for exercise period, but after her relaxing time with her Midnight Visitor, and the subsequent birthing of her slime babies, Liana couldn't feel any true anger, or rage. When the bar lowered with her jacket on it, Liana yawned and raised up, still grumbling about having to actually get up, but taking the jacket down and throwing it over her shoulder for a few seconds as she did a few stretches to get her blood flowing and wake her up properly.

After she'd stretched and got her blood flowing, doing a few quick exercises to do so, assuming she was allowed, then Liana took the jacket and willingly put it on. "Hey Sasha, I'm assuming you can hear me. Would you allow me to do some stretches before putting the jacket on when I first wake up? It'd help me get my blood flowing better and keep me from getting cramps early in the morning," Liana asked Sasha curiously as she slipped the jacket on, waiting for the mitts, or whatever sort of hand restraints she was getting today, to be fitted on her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

The arms allowed her to take the jacket, and go through her morning stretches, but they surrounded her to be certain, her slimes all sleeping peacefully with little computer faces mimicking it, including Zzzz's and drool drops in the animations.

Once she was done and slid the jacket on, as before, the sleeves covered her hands and continued for another foot, which the arms took from her and wrapped firmly around her torso, buckling them behind her and seating a padlock in the buckles, before pulling a strap over her arms under her breasts to keep them seated in place wrapped around her waist, and snugged up the straps going around her upper thighs while others handled the collar and backstraps, firmly locking her inside the jacket.

This jacket had a hood on it, which the arms Did not immediately pull on, instead leaving it hanging behind her. She noticed it had a full ring gag on it. 10 minutes to stretch and prepare would not be unreasonable. If you are curious, you are given nutrient injections through various means, which also stalls out other processes like waste excretion. There is no food, or bathroom facilities here at all, nor will you get hungry, or age significantly. Your restraints are secure, Exercise Period begins in 4 minutes. Please move to the door, and remember, it's exercise, not torture. I'm trying to help you Liana, even if you don't think you need it. Sasha said, finishing up the jacket binding before an arm gave her left ass cheek a light smack.

I've gone through your secrets, followed your browser history, even your past lovers. I KNOW you like such activities. It is because you like them too much that you are here. Let me help you, simply... enjoy the ward while I study, so that I can see best how. That is the surest way to reduce your sentence and leave early. It's the only advice I can offer at this time 447192/Liana Starlight. she continued, as the doorlock hissed open and the cell door cracked.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana pet the little slimes heads before the jacket went on, and she let out another yawn as it was worked onto her securely, preventing her escape from it, though she was used to it now, even if she would prefer the use of her hands. She didn't give the hands any cause for doubting her sincerity in putting the jacket on, listening to Sasha telling her something positive, in that she'd allow her 10 minutes to stretch. "I... figured it was something like that, when I didn't see any cafeterias or bathrooms. And thank you, I appreciate being allowed some time to stretch, because if I didn't, I might cramp up during the Other exercises," Liana replied, once her jacket was securely on, moving near the door and stretching her legs with some squats and whatnot to keep them limber.

Liana nodded after Sasha had finished her little speech, inwardly rolling her eyes at the audacity of this AI telling Liana to just let her help her. This, to Liana, wasn't help... well, in some ways it was, because it was all the sex she could ever want really, but it wasn't under her terms. "Well you know so much about me, I feel left out not knowing anything about you," Liana joked to Sasha as the door opened, stepping out and remembering her way to Terrance's cell, and making her way there to see if he could direct her or show her onward to the other person's cell who could help her out more.
Re: Veselin Asylum

If you wanted help on Your Terms, mayhaps you should have obeyed the laws in the first place, or sought out help yourself before the obvious consequence you knew existed came for you. Sasha said in answer to her question, rather then revealing anything about herself. Your biosigns tell me a great deal.... including a whole lot about what you're thinking. Getting over your Denial would go a long way, rather then simply Pouting. Sasha quipped, shoving her out of the cell bodily and slamming the door. her hallway was clear, ish. If you counted 4 other people BOLTING for adjacent hallways and into hiding clear. Everyone else had already gotten a very quick start.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"Mmm, well to be fair I didn't think my case would be considered this bad by your standards, since I made it well known I wanted children, just not yet, since I had zero experience in the matter, and wanted to be a good mother to them. And bah, you can't tell everything I'm thinking, despite what my biosigns tell you," Liana replied, sticking her tongue out at... well, everywhere, knowing Sasha would see it, before Liana set off, spotting the others rushing out, and making her way to Terrance's cell, and from there, if he didn't want to, or feel like helping her to the other guy's cell, then she'd go herself, though she inwardly hoped that he would, because she doubted she'd make it alone.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Moving carefully, she was able to avoid just about everyone, the predators she spotted were peaking around corners, Liana remembering that the Doctors and nurses weren't any lighter on them. So to everyone else, she looked like one as the moved carefully. Her luck held for the most part until she was 3 turns away from Terrance's cell, when she caught sight of a Doctor in her way. Sarren was there with a pair of women. One was a neko with bright yellow ears and a tail, mewling into a wide ballgag while he held her leash in his hand, even as she tried to wriggle away from him. The other was what appeared to be a canine morph, an okami or something similar.

She was less interested in struggling, and more in trying to kick him. Which had gotten her nowhere. Liana could already see the leather straps he'd started wrapping around her ankles while she growled at him from behind a wide ring. Bitches need to stay on all 4's. So, let's get you properly suited! Then we can take you to the kennels! how does that sound girl? You're excited I know. He said, starting to force her into a bitchsuit one limb at a time, flipping her over and thrusting into her, fucking her hard as he worked her into the tight leather. She'd have to find another way around and hope she didn't get caught as well. She could already see the assortment of rope and other implements piled around him for the neko.

But she had been spotted as well, by a set of small rolling balls, each bright silver with several ports on the exterior, about 10 in all that beeped softly when they figured out she was there and started rolling towards her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Sneaking along, Liana made her way through the corridors, keeping a close eye out for any predators, or doctors and nurses. When she turned one of the last corners before getting to Terrance's cell, Liana stopped and peeked around at him, and the girls he had. Watching the sight unfolding before her, Liana wanted to go out there and rip his head off, to help those poor girls. But she stopped herself, remembering that she had no weapon, nor the use of her arms with which to use one, if she did have one.

When she spotted the small metal balls rolling towards her, Liana's eyes widened and she turned to run away from them, and Sarren, trying to get away as she made her way around a different path to Terrance's cell, with any luck. "C-Come on Liana, move those legs. Don't get caught, can't get caught," Liana thought to herself.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana managed to find a workaround route pretty fucking quickly, and managed to evade complete capture, though not partial. Moving quickly from area to area, she found the damned orbs wouldn't let up, and soon enough had several shooting out thin silk lines that they used to hurl themselves passed her.

Why became clear quickly as the lines snapped Taught and the pair of orbs worked like a bola, swinging them around her ankles quickly 5 feet shy of Terrance's door, which was open, and he was inside, lounging.

She had to think of how to get him to come to her quickly based on what she knew, which shouldn't be all that hard, because several of the orbs had already rolled up her legs after she'd landed on her front, vibrating powerfully and grinding against her, one pushing between her thighs to settle against her folds, working to get it's vibrations to slicken her enough to get inside her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Running along, Liana managed to avoid the damned little metal balls as they chased her, for a little while at least. Watching the rope like substance squirting out of the things, Liana could only assume that it was meant to trip her up and bind her for any doctors, nurses, and she let out a cute little yelp as she landed just short of Terrance's cell. She squirmed around, and started wriggling towards his cell like a worm, poking her head around the edge of his door, even as the orbs were attaching themselves to her, and making her squirm with pleasure.

"H-Hey Terrance, hon... mind giving a girl a bit of help?" Liana asked the "elven" man in there, hoping to get his help if he noticed her.