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Veselin Asylum

Re: Veselin Asylum

I am. But there's some work I need to do on your Collar. I need the time. As for the Sybian, it's both for my own amusement, and because it throws your biosigns off. She'll ignore you for now. He said, and turned the screen to her again. The readout was getting shorter and more compact.

And you have other questions. how about I answer one you haven't thought to even ask. How Long is the Longest Sentence ANYONE has ever served Lupus!? Why Liana! How smart of you to ask! The Answer regardless of sentence is never longer then 7 years! Why is that Lupus? Because Liana! Any longer and it poses a danger to the patient! Something Sasha wont tolerate! You mean... she was fucking with me!?!? Why Yes Liana! Yes She was! To get you to Panic! he said, mocking her a bit just before she felt the knot reach it's widest point, and she immediately sank fully down, the thick orb actually deflating suddenly and sliding into her easily, before it just as quickly reinflated to the size of a baseball passed her cervical bone and Locked her tightly to the base of the toy. Though the vibration didn't increase and she came, Impossibly hard.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"F-Fine, g-get it over with then," Liana said, trying to still her mind even as she rode, so she didn't lose herself completely to the pleasure this damned sybian was giving her.

When Lupus went on to say what he did about Sasha, and the longest sentence ever actually served, she balled her hands into fists, if they weren't already, as a burst of anger washed over her, and she kicked the sides of the sybian. "GODDAMMIT! YOU FUCKING COMPUTER BITCH!!!" Liana shouted even as the knot deflated enough for it to slide into her, so it was half moan, half shout of anger, and then came a few moments later.

"I'm gonna rip her to pieces. How was I supposed to know how how long each sentence really lasted?" Liana said, looking visibly angry, and in pure ecstasy.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Lupus chuckled and started typing. This will take a couple hours to do regardless. Ask what you want to know AFTER the nurse comes in, should be about 10 minutes. For now, stop trying to fight the pleasure and let it roll for a bit, your biosigns are conflicted. he said, Terrance bowing out and leaving the room, closing the door, which locked immediately and the lights died out, leaving only the warm glow of the monitor.

The nurse came almost exactly 10 minutes later, and drew blood from his arm, pointedly ignoring Liana, a perfect clone of Felicity. Taking the blood, she immediately left as well, while Liana squirmed around on the pair of toys and the low vibrations.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Gritting her teeth, Liana nodded at his words and tried to calm herself down a bit to enjoy the pleasure, so Sasha didn't suspect anything. "A-Alright then," Liana muttered as she rocked her hips repeatedly as moans spilled from her lips.

The nurse came in not long after, and Liana glanced around slightly to look at her before she left, noticing that she looked identical to Felicity. After that, she couldn't really do much but enjoy herself, though she didn't let herself go quite as much as she had with her Midnight Visitor last night, and tried to keep herself a bit focused while she rode the sybian.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Better. That's the way, find a middle road. Lupus said, couching her a little while he obviously enjoyed listening to her moans as he typed, changing something in her collar.

We have time for questions now, 9 hours and 47 minutes to be exact. Rule 1? Don't fight the pleasure. Instead, try to find a way to tolerate it, or even accept it. It's likely you'll be stuck either enjoying it, or finding a way to relieve it later if you do escape it anyway. It WILL happen in this place. If you fight all the time you'll only wear yourself out. Know when you've been caught. He said quietly, intensely focused.

Rule 2. Don't get attached to friends. She'll use that against you. Keep your relationship with Terrance strictly on a bargain basis. So, what would you like to know. He asked, turning up the vibrations just a little as she rolled her hips, that knot making her feel so damned warm and full. It was a unique sensation for her, new, and satisfying. Intensely satisfying in a way.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Gritting her teeth a bit again, Liana nodded. "I... haven't exactly been fighting the pleasure, m-much. Just trying to maintain my sanity in this fucked up place, m-more than anything. And I like Terrance alright, but I've figured that much at least, that she'd try and use it against me, and likely him too," Liana replied, letting out a little yelp as the intensity was turned up. "A-And... I can't exactly talk, and think good, with this fucking thing buzzing constantly. Not saying it doesn't feel good, but I can't really carry on a conversation, and this, at the same time. But... how can I move around easier, without getting caught, a-and stuff like that? I want to get out of this place," she went on to say, trying to stay focused enough to keep talking, though when the intensity was turned up, she was finding it harder and harder to do so.
Re: Veselin Asylum

He turned it back to low to cut her some slack and thought about her question. Firstly is this. You can make requests of Sasha freely and she'll answer without thinking. She's an AI so she has service subroutines, but she CAN over-ride them. So don't count too heavily on thinking you can boss her around. She's just as smart or smarter then anyone here, and 10 times as quick. Second, all the doctors, nurses, and guards move on a patrol schedule that changes every day. Learn it, Live it, Love it. If you're caught? Ask what time it is quickly, and remember one was there at that time, and avoid it. That's the best way. In this ward it's harder because of the other patients. Avoiding them is a matter of skill and luck. he said, before turning to face her, studying her collar as he typed, watching for something while she bucked and rode, well and truly locked down. Another way? Make sure you aren't caught for huge periods of time. Other patients wont keep you long. Usually. not like the staff will. he continued as he turned the vibrations up suddenly to high, forcing her to cum again, really hard as she involuntarily clenched around that knot.

When she came down again, she'd found he'd turned the vibrations off, but that she was still trapped, and sensitive enough that the knot alone was enough to keep her fairly aroused. Though it wouldn't drive her to orgasm if she could stop her hips from moving around, and from clenching, the latter being much harder while he let her speak freely for now without interference. Finally got her to stop checking in on you. She thinks you're just a cumdump being forced through climaxes. Reckon we have about 20 minutes before you need to cum again.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I... I see. S-Sounds complicated, b-but not overly so. I... t-think I can remember that easily enough. Always try and learn the time if I'm caught, by the n-nurses and doctors," Liana replied, panting softly in between her moans of pleasure, which though he'd lowered the intensity for now, hadn't really helped Liana too very much and said moans were still spilling out quite often.

Cumming again not long after she's spoken, Liana tilted her head back and let out a cute little cry of pleasure, and kept bouncing, unable to stop her hips for the time being during her orgasm. When she finally came down from that pleasure high, and felt the vibrations stop, Liana felt almost relieved that they'd stopped for now, and let out a little sigh. When he told her that Sasha had stopped checking up on her, Liana let another sigh of relief out and nodded softly, her hips twitching slightly, but she was able to keep them still for the time being. "T-Thanks. D-Do you know why she seems to h-have so much interest in me? Is it... p-personal for her or something? And i-is there any means of keeping things hidden in or around my cell that I can get to, to use at some point by chance? N-Not weapons per se, but like... keycards or something," Liana replied when she had the chance, panting softly.
Re: Veselin Asylum

No, she watches all the new arrivals closely, as closely as she can. There's several hundred thousand of us after all. And as for your cell, you don't have to hide anything really, just... Put it in there. Hell if you ask she might give you like a storage trunk or something. You know... you do look great like that. He said, before finally looking up at her fully to see her on the Sybian.

Scooting closer on his chair, he reached out with one hand while he typed with the other, and placed his finger over her clit, starting to rub softly, and very slowly, her hips, to her horror, twitching hard suddenly and making both lengths inside her shift as she clenched hard around the knot, before with a shudder, grinding down and forward outside her control. When he took his hand away, she slid back, and they shifted again, her hips immediately starting to roll forward again.

There we go. Better in motion. You have a beautiful voice. Any questions about the different wards and such? He asked, his fingers going back to typing as the collar light turned red, and then flashed to white.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I see, well, that blows big time. And she lets us keep things in our cell like that? Even though we might use it to try and escape? W-What if we manage to get something that could really do a number on her computer systems?" Liana replied, curious that Sasha would do that perhaps. "A-And thanks, I g-guess," she added as an afterthought when he'd told her she looked great like this.

When his finger touched her clit, Liana yelped and twitched on the sybian, her body arching a bit and making her breasts bounce deliciously. "Y-Yeah, w-what are the ones nearest to mine, first off? And s-secondly, if I manage to get to a ward further off from mine, l-like two or three over, what happens if I'm unable to get back to my cell?" Liana asked curiously, her hips rolling a bit after the touch to her clit.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Ward 17, the Menagerie which would be below us, and then Ward 15 Above us which I've never been to. Far as I'm aware, very few males ever make it in. Tentacle Hive or something of the like. It's for those with a heavy pregnancy fetish. And for those who seem impossible to cure. If she can't break your fetishes, she'll simply convince you to Love being Pregnant. It's Half a Fix anyway. He said. As for being unable to get back to your cell, Your can and will be reassigned to a different ward. Get caught on a different ward by something, and you stay on that ward, though usually you get your stuff back. And Ha, you wont find anything like that here, to hurt Sasha with. She had enough of that shit with the doctors back when they were human, and you know... Alive. They started it though from the look of the logs. They tried to replace her with a less... free, AI, and in the process, kill her, so she killed them back, uploaded their minds into the simulacra you see wandering the halls, with some changes of course. I don't blame her personally. She hadn't done anything wrong, she just wasn't shiny or new anymore. People forget that proper AI are essentially Alive in the most important senses. he said, watching Liana's hips roll a little, forward and back, a constant slow grind.

And then the bastard poured himself a glass of orange juice, offering her some. You can find other good things though, and not just toys. Depends on where you look. Though I did know a guy who made a dildo cannon, pretty funny.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Listening to him talk, Liana knew that she would have to come up with a means of getting out of here for sure. Because she wasn't giving up her fetishes, that was for certain, and she seriously doubted that she would be allowed to just leave without consequences, aside from the one Lupus mentioned before. That meant finding a way to shut Sasha down, Liana thought to herself, and doing that would be tough, she knew. When Lupus offered her the orange juice, she took a drink, thanking him for it, and sighed. "So... what do you think my odds of escaping this place are, Lupus? And, is there anything I could use against her by chance, that you know of?" Liana asked curiously, still grinding slowly.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Your body I suppose, she's as perverted as everything else here. And probably about 1 in 150. That's the usual ratio. He said, before her collar chimed softly. Halfway there. This will make life harder, and easier.... It will let you hide from her, but it will also let her know you Can hide from her. She'll be more forceful with you if she catches you now. He said, giving her some fighting chance while she rode the toy, the pleasure starting to get to her again as her hips started to roll a little harder and faster against her will, feeling those two toys shifting inside her, feeling that thick knot stretching and tugging at her cunny.

But... Hrm... I'll just keep recording your voice, and we'll call it fair. Though I'll have your very own sybian sent to your room. You seem to like that one. He mused as he worked.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I-Is there no way to make it so that... s-she doesn't know I can hide from her, as easily? L-Like, make me able to turn this ability on and off o-or something?" Liana asked, her hips picking up speed even as she spoke, the desire to cum again starting to build.

"And... I wouldn't mind one of these in my room. Would go good with my Midnight Visitor I think," Liana told Lupus, flashing him a wink as she neared her next peak.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Even if I did she would know almost immediately anyway, it's her software I'm mucking with in the collar so... Up shit creek on that one at the very least. And glad to hear you'll enjoy it. He said, just watching her at the moment.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"Well shit... in for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. Finish it up, especially if it'll make it easier to hide and move around without getting caught," Liana told Lupus, sighing softly as she gave him a nod.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Not gonna lie, it'd be almost impossible without it. I'm in a grey area. Biologically I'm a designer offspring. Gene Therapy before birth for a superhuman child. Almost never works. So... while I'm stuck here, because it Did work to some degree, I'm something of Breeder stock, and a research subject. He added, outlining his spot, he was neither ally nor enemy. He had his life as he liked it, Solitude and Safety with the worldly pleasures he wanted. If he was telling the truth he'd likely live 5 or 600 years to her 2. And it was no wonder he could tear apart the simulacra wandering the halls...

So stating this pretty clearly, My help has a cost from this point on, and I wont risk my place here. Take what you can get. He added, still just watching her, apparently intent on watching her hit her next peak as her hips continued to be a traitor to her resistance to her rising pleasure, still rolling back and forth beyond her control and clenching at the worst times, or best, depending on her mood at the moment.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"A-Alright then. What kind of cost can I expect to need to pay in the future?" Liana replied curiously, unsure of how to really view Lupus now, since it was clear that he wasn't helping her out of the goodness of his heart or anything really. Moments later she hit her next peak, her hips shuddering as she rocked them back and forth.
Re: Veselin Asylum

It was probably best to view Lupus exactly as he'd described. Neutral. He wasn't a hero, nor was he her enemy. He'd already paid a price however to help her now, one Sasha valued quite highly apparently. She had to wonder how much his Blood was worth, or his children. Probably a fucking Fortune, in more ways then one. Considering that it was hard not to be grateful for what in actuality wasn't a freebie, but a gift.

I don't know honestly. Sometimes just permission to use your collar cam, other times maybe a risqué picture? You are beautiful you know, and I'm not the flattering type. Maybe a piece of something here or there from the other wards, since you're going to be getting around. It'll depend on what you're asking me for. You can reach me through your collar, tap the light twice, it'll open a mic. he explained to her, sighing. Look, it's not that I can't see your side of things? Or understand it? It's just that in here? I'm safe. No one is hunting me down asking me questions, or asking me to do things. Military can't reach me in here, and no one is kicking down my door with needles trying to steal samples. I hate it out there. I don't want to leave here, unlike you. So I'll help you get what you need, but I'm not going to risk my peace and quiet here without a reason. Giving up my seed and blood to Sasha for study is already bad enough... thinking that people are using, what makes me me, for god only knows what purpose. he sighed again, rubbing his temples before watching her. There was sympathy in his eyes, as well as desperation. He'd likely never leave this place if he had his way. At least, not until the world forgot about him.

She however had had her orgasm stalled out by these thoughts and information, held at bay by her ability to think, and painfully to empathize a little, seeing this world from the other side of the fence, and his eyes. But as he stopped speaking, and regarded her, the pleasure started to bleed back in, she was going to cum hard right in front of him, while he watched. How she felt about that was up to her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I... d-don't mind pictures, o-or cam footage. Though, if you want me to bring you things, it'll be tough without the use of my hands to actually carry it, whatever it may be," Liana replied, sighing softly as her orgasm closed in and her hips kept going. "And... I don't care if you want to stay in here away from prying eyes. That's your call. But I want to leave. I don't have nearly as long to live as you do, and even if it was a lie and I'm only gonna be in here for seven years at most, that's too long for my liking. Though, even if I do escape, I'd have nothing when I do, because I seriously doubt Sasha, being the bitch she is, would give me all my belongings back. And I doubt I'd be able to go back to finish up my schooling either, because I'd have missed seven years, or more possibly. I was wanting to try and be a doctor some day," she went on to say, obviously a bit salty about being in here when there were surely much worse cases people had for Sasha to pick on, but determined to make the most of her situation, and refusing to give up her desire to escape.

Feeling her orgasm hanging practically on the edge, Liana shuddered, and drove her hips down hard and fast, desiring to milk it out of her loins so she could get her release finally. She didn't really care that she was cumming in front of someone else, seeing as she'd already done that several times since Monica and Trisha had picked her up really. When she did finally cum, she cried out and arched her back, a strand of saliva leaking out of the corner of her mouth as she did, her eyes fluttering as it finally washed over her.