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Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"As you wish then. Have a good night, see you in the morning."

There was the sound of gravel being crunched, and then a slight "hmmrph!" noise, and if Roger happened to be looking he'd have seen Chris literally leap a good hundred feet and land well away, then suddenly vanish in a blur of speed.

Minutes later he'd arrived back at the Warehouse, letting himself back in. "Sean, main room again, we have another problem. In a word .... Progenitor."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Despite feeling so tired, Roger sat in thought after Chris left, lost in thought. He silently hoped that no one was reading his thoughts, out in front of Leena's place...

"Africa... Great... Just my luck, that I'd get sent there, of all places... Even out here, I can't shake that inexplicable feeling. Well... It's probably my suspicion about this little favor he wants me to do... And whatever it is, if it's in Africa, it isn't gonna be anything pleasant..." Roger let out a sigh, "Sarah and Dex... Some chick and a dude are gonna be my squad... And Chris really made it seem like they'd be relying on me. Hell, if they're anything like the supernatural shit that's around here, then what use would they get from me? Or... Maybe... Maybe they were just tossed into this crack pot like I was... "

"Who knows..." he thought, before thinking about all of the events that occurred that evening. He remembered the supernatural creature shown in the projection, and started to wonder about it, "Am I gonna have to fight one of those things? Shit... I can kill a man with my bare hands, easy. But, those claws would tear me up, fast... What the hell do these assholes expect me to do?" he wondered, and ended up asking himself the same question over and over, before letting out a loud yawn, and let his head slide along the window of the truck, until ending up resting against the fabric of the seat.

And, before he knew it, he found himself fast asleep...
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean walks into the main room after Chris' call in the middle of a Gaelic rant probably best left untranslated.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris waited until Sean had sat down before continuing.

"Alright, here's the deal. I just received word from one of our contacts in Africa stating the Progenitor artifact's general location has come to light. So I need to head there and snag it, and bring it back here. In the morning I'll need you to conduct the meeting instead, I'll be on the horn acquiring a C-150 and a Night Stalker for this. We'll have to land in Egypt and go by chopper from there. I've read the files already on everyone, and split them into two different teams for now. Chances are I'm going to need the extra people with me, and well ... they do need to gather field experience. RJ already knows things, so don't be shocked if he plays the bored, just move on with it part. Here, this list is what you'll need."

He hands Sean a list of names stating who is going where.

"Lets just pray no one else gets there first."
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Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean fired off an agreement, forgetting to switch back to English. "Tuighte."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Chris raised an eyebrow, but nodded back. "Ok then, off to make the calls I go."

He went deeper into the Warehouse, not to be seen again for the rest of the night.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean's Farnsworth started blaring suddenly, the log showing it was Chris calling, urgent channel.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean turned on the channel, continuing to work on whatever he was already. "Yeah, what?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"We've got problems. We've been here less than an hour and found this."

He turns the Farnsworth so Sean can see the flower chamber, then around to see the Umbrella facility.

"Also have encountered some form of Modified Regis Licker, and get this, a single Hunter ALPHA. Oh and the real kicker, we're twenty miles away from the Nigerian Branch, yet ...."

He shows the schematic to Sean. "Yet we're standing inside of it. It's been added on to, and there's still power here."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

If there were any of Chris' team looking over his shoulder, they'd see Sean blink. It would strike them suddenly that they'd never seen him blink once the previous day.

"Bloody hell..."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Like I said, we have a problem. Oh, and get this, it seems the blasted artifact is beneath the facility, there's a bunch of catacombs below that seem to be the only place to go. Looks like that's our intended destination. Oh, and that Licker we encountered also killed someone near the main entry way, don't know who but obviously someone was here before us. Thing is, I don't see how it got out, so it had to have been placed INSIDE on purpose."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean's eyes were starting to darken to a more normal shade already. "Chris. Move. I'll pull some of Claudia's tricks, if I can, and try to get records from the locals. Get in, get the damn thing, and haul ass."

He paused for a bit, then added, "And I know just as well as you that both programs were eliminated. Let's not find out what more could be down there, shall we?"
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Agreed. Call me back if you find anything out, oh and check to make sure that none of Umbrella's once companions are in the area."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Got it."

Once the call was ended, Sean's eyes began glowing a distinct dark violet, as he quickly worked to check the various sources available to him.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean's Farnsworth began ringing non-stop, paging him until he would answer, noting the call was from Chris.
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

When Sean answered, Chris would note that he was wearing his motorcycle gear. "Make it quick, Chris...I'm kind of busy."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"We're clear and are en route back with the artifact. Sarah seems to think that we may not have been the true target from earlier, that the others may have been. I've been unable to reach Claudia at all, so that can't be a good sign. I'd like for you to check that area and see what's going on there."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean sighed. "Great, so they're already under attack. I picked up four Hunter signatures in their area...And I think they were Alphas."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

"Then that's five Alpha's in one day. Too many to be a coincidence. They've been the target this whole time. HOW? How could anyone outside the organization know .... unless...."

He trailed off then spoke again.

"We may have a mole Sean. I think you may want to deploy. Bring them back alive Sean, I'm not losing any more agents to death."
Re: Warehouse 13 (External and Internal)

Sean snorted. "Already working on that...We'll have to talk later, I really need to get back on the road." With that, he dropped his helmet's visor, and close his Farnsworth.