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What do you guys want?

Re: What do you guys want?

Morning/Noon/Night System.
Lewdness-Purity System.
Ingame Sprite based, rather than CGs.
Body Modification/transformation
Visual equipment
Party of 3 with additional optional characters.

A visual equipment system is not that hard to implement as long as you only use the default sprite style. From then on it's only a matter of modifying existing assets found in the RTP.

I'm making a game with everything I already said so here are some links I used that could help you with your project:

Music and sound effects:
Many indie jrpgs use the free music resources found here.

Sprite animations based on VXAce Style:
I ended up creating my own sprites, but this site is a good place to start looking.

Editing sprites or whatever that allows transparency:
If you don't have Game Character Hub or don't like the VXA graphic style, this is a good free alternative (If not better)

Visual Equipment scripts:

This script is the best. It allows to equip "layers" of equipment over the character without the need to make duplicates. The results left me very satisfied.
Re: What do you guys want?

You touch an important part. Since you're paying him for all, you must save money for what is most important. So, don't worry about a lot of different pics with different costumes. Use them, if the case, just in very specific scenes. For her normal portrait and normal scenes, the variation normal clothes/underwear/naked is enough.
Also, like WolfLance said, make these normal scenes in a way which you can reuse them. For example one pic for cowgirl style where she is in the same position, changing just her face and a few attributes like lactation or underwear (insignificant extra work for the artist), and just two generic faceless male bellow, like one normal and other shota. This way, you can easily insert them in the game as you wish for a lot of different NPCs, without spending much money.
Legend of Queen Opala could be soooo improved if Gabe put this in the game :p

This is a really good point... Thanks walla!
Re: What do you guys want?

Please use script events rather then just a pack of fixed CGs.
Please don't use real world pictures.
And please there be BF and support to all enemy.(I hate games that only supporting Boss.)
Re: What do you guys want?

Not nearly enough spankings in H games. That's my fetish I'd love to see more of.
Re: What do you guys want?

It's nice and all to ask other people how you should make a game but doing so makes you sound like a moneygrubbing scammer.

People who make videogames don't ask around how they should do every little detail. They play games they like, they analyse and rip off the things they like and they put them together into a game they themselves would like to play.
Re: What do you guys want?

Not nearly enough spankings in H games. That's my fetish I'd love to see more of.

This is definitely on my to do list!

It's nice and all to ask other people how you should make a game but doing so makes you sound like a moneygrubbing scammer.

People who make videogames don't ask around how they should do every little detail. They play games they like, they analyse and rip off the things they like and they put them together into a game they themselves would like to play.

Well I am sorry if I seem to come off that way, but I was merely asking opinions of what others would like to see so that I can incorporate more things into my game. That way other people will like it as well as me!
Re: What do you guys want?

It's nice and all to ask other people how you should make a game but doing so makes you sound like a moneygrubbing scammer.

People who make videogames don't ask around how they should do every little detail. They play games they like, they analyse and rip off the things they like and they put them together into a game they themselves would like to play.

I don't feel like he was money grubbing at all. He asked what people wanted to see more of and asked what it would take to make people want to support him. Those are perfectly fair and valid questions.

Personally, I would pay huge amounts of money if I could get some of the better Japanese RPGmaker games that I enjoy playing in a native English translation. I wish some of the Japanese creators realized how big the market is for this stuff. Currently I have no real drive to pay for games I can't understand and may or may not work with whatever translation software I can dig up.

So starting a game out in English is a huge bonus for me. Next, I really like systems where the CG/events change based on lewdness vs purity and also based on what clothes are being worn. I've seen some systems where certain events were only available if you unlocked certain clothing and I liked that.

While I like games that use loli/shota, it's not a must. Sometimes sibling involvement is nice in games, but also not a must. I like the idea of pregnancy/birthing. Beast is ok. Pretty much I like everything as long as it's well written/programmed. I tend to get upset when I see bugs in games because I can't stand playing a game that's "released" with bugs.

I also like games that make logical sense. Like it makes sense that a heroine might not do certain things at the start of the game when lewdness is low. But making her unable to do things when lewdness is high sometimes is annoying too. I think I was playing a translated version of Naked Order and while it was fun... certain events were unable to be obtained because I got my lewdness "too high" and then I couldn't complete the quest. That was annoying because then when I went back to replay the game, my lewdness was too low... It took forever to figure out what level of lewdness I had to have to make her "kinda slutty, but not a total whore". Very time consuming and not very fun just to collect one event.

Anyways, good luck to you on making this game. I look forward to the updates.
Re: What do you guys want?

a game with two different moral paths
once where you make choices that puts you in the good path
one where you are a bad guy that put you in the evil path
sex scenes are different depending on what path you choose, and different endings for two paths once game is finished.
some sprite sex, some animation (for important scenes) battle rape, gangbang, if possible.
Re: What do you guys want?

*Multiple END , perhaps 3+ END. Also Virgin END , for those who like to Win
*5-8 , 10 if possible (Costume)
*Not to very grindy
*No futa , I hate futa
Re: What do you guys want?

- Can collect or view all CG in one playthrough
- Different battle system. I play very few rpg maker because 90% of game is boring. All the same just change CG and story :mad:
- Animation/sprite if you can
- H-content in gameplay
- I'm OK to different fetishes but not something weird like Nipple fuck, put hand/arm in vergina, too much ahegao(girl look like nearly dead -*-) see oneoneone game as example. I will go away if I see these scenes.
- Add some Yuri :cool:
Re: What do you guys want?

I will have to thank guywithahat for creating this thread I was going to create a similar one :p

I am also making a rpg game though its a long way off being done so these opinions are quite interesting.

The narrative for mine is simply, you play as a Female Wood Elf who kills a Demon at the edge of the forest and is cursed by the demon with her last breath, this curse means you cant re-enter the forest and so you are exiled into the human kingdom which unfortunately for you is very untrusting of anyone who is not human. (they are afraid of demonic infiltration)

also the curse will activate at Night turning you into a succubus during this period you must feed on people without being caught or accidently killing someone. the amount of feeding or the actions you can take as a succubus is controled by your actions during the day and any statuses you have, it is also possible to suppress the curse with a herb however it is rare and expensive.

So Mechanic wise it will have

3D artwork (i am better at 3d than 2d :p )
Female Mc (only one Playable character ((assuming you dont count the curse form as another character))

Clothing Damage
Sex Attacks in Combat
Battle Loss Rape (Though not gameover Rape due to the whole curse thing, but the curse will get much stronger if you use it this way.)
Multiple Endings (2 bad 2 good at the moment)
A Day Night Cycle (if you spend too long out at night you will fall asleep on the ground which can lead to all sort of unpleasantness ((course if you are in quest area the timer is paused)
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Re: What do you guys want?

The narrative for mine is simply, you play as a Female Wood Elf who kills a Demon at the edge of the forest and is cursed by the demon with her last breath, this curse means you cant re-enter the forest and so you are exiled into the human kingdom which unfortunately for you is very untrusting of anyone who is not human. (they are afraid of demonic infiltration)

also the curse will activate at Night turning you into a succubus during this period you must feed on people without being caught or accidently killing someone. the amount of feeding or the actions you can take as a succubus is controled by your actions during the day and any statuses you have, it is also possible to suppress the curse with a herb however it is rare and expensive.

So Mechanic wise it will have

3D artwork (i am better at 3d than 2d :p )
Female Mc (only one Playable character ((assuming you dont count the curse form as another character))

The premise sounds nice, although I hope you're quite good with that 3d. Not doubting you, but I have hardly ever seen a 3d H game that didn't strike me with uncanny valley. Are you going for more manga style character designs, or are you attempting realistic style with that 3d? (I prefer stylized designs since they don't age as much)
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Re: What do you guys want?

I could say things like a hygiene system or a bladder/wetting system that appeal to my fetishes directly, but I also realize these things probably don't appeal to too large an audience.

Something I have wanted to see more of is player choice dependent permanent debuffs. An example of what I'm talking about would be in Megamei's Samurai game there is a scene were the girl cuts a bamboo stalk for a spear which just so happens to have a perverse (what other kind would there be) spirit in it which ends up possessing her. Which she then has to go to some hidden temple and resist 'temptation' in order to expel it. It essentially acts that anytime she is tempted by pleasure or something, it'll possess her and make her do whatever that is. Like rubbing herself on the spear during battle, or other various scenes that wouldn't happen without it. The 'battle' itself takes the form that she has to resist orgasming for x turns while sitting on a large dildo or some such. If you loose, the spirit (and therefore debuff) is there for the rest of the game, if you win you get a permanent buff/skill to resist temptation/pleasure.

An idea for something like this I had would be the heroine loosing to a slime girl and then the slime girl 'imprints' herself onto the heroine. Where the slime girl is from then on physically worn by the heroine kinda like armor resulting in perhaps strengthened physical defense but weakened sexual defense. But I feel that could be a concept for a game in and by itself.
A girl and her slime travel the world, defeating monsters. Probably each have their own stats reflected by one standing picture. Slime's HP runs out, it receeds up into ... somewhere ... leaving the girl without a shield and vulnerable to the enemy.
Re: What do you guys want?

First I am sorry for my really bad english (since I don't use it often)
then let's get started...
for the games:
- RPG/ARPG (and Have Sims Element (like bledder (so she can wetting herself), energy (so she have to sleep in a safe place), hungry (so her strength will be decreased if got hungry), etc)
- Mind Break
- Rape
- Hypnotis
- Tentacle
- Yuri
- Gangbang
- Guro and Scat (make it optional)
- Pregnancy
- Clothing Damage (clothing have it's own health)
- Vanilla (optional)
- Slavery (but the MC can run away from it)
- Blackmail
- Multiple Ending
- Lose-Rape (and Captured-Rape if the MC slaved)
- Spirite Sex
- Day-Night Cycle (OP Heroine by day and Slave by Night)
- Costume
- Corruption

for the main character if female:
- D-Cup Minimal (H-Cup Max) (can choose flat but can't paizuri)
- High S.P.E.C.I.A.L Ability
- Leader of Something (Empress/Queen/Duchess/Countess(sorry I just playing CK2 so deal with it)/Paladin Marshall/Knight Leader/Spiritual Leader(all religion)/General/Admiral/Knight Grand Master/Pirate Captain etc)
- Have Authority (Police/Teacher)
- Good, Kind, and Loveable Character (Robin Hood like Bandit or a Kind Empress)
- OP when high level (it is good to see an OP character broken)
- Optional Futa
- Rich
- Any Race
- 3D (Optional)
- IF 3D can customized the MC (and her all girls companion)
- hidden masocist

for the main character if male:
- Normal Face Minimal (and please make the MC proporsional to swing a sword)
- Playboy (a must)
- Evil
- Rapist
- Can Transformed into tentacle
- if force transformed into female character... will be raped by everyone
- reverse rape (optional)
- sadist
- if the female character becoming evil... get raped by everyone as bad end

for the story:
- fantasy (female): the MC trying to save the world and kill the Evil Overlord
- fantasy (male): the MC trying to be Genghis Khan
- modern (female): the MC trying to crack down an evil organization
- modern (male): the MC trying to be Genghis Khan
- sci-fi (female): the MC trying to save the universe and kill the Evil Alien
- sci-fi (male): the MC trying to be Genghis Khan

I actually not that care about story as long as the ending have the option to continue playing (so I can destroy the OP Character into Oblivion) or 2nd playthrough

ohh and since I always use the Cheat Engine so I got no problem with OP Character (since in the end they'll get raped)

if the story is a must this is pretty much my story after playing EU4:
one day the MC got knighted by the Emperor (who's son is ur lover) as Holy Paladin of HRE (since it Holy (Sacred or something) Roman (u know they got so many great people) and Empire (much better than Kingdom) ahh and the other Empire are India, China, ASEAN+Australia, North America, South America, Africa, and the Pacific(Japan)). but suddenly an Evil Overlady from North Pole come down and kidnap the Prince. The MC will team-up with another girls to save the Prince
or playing as another girls (who happens to be a Princess and Robin Hood's style bandits or a Marshall)
The Good Ending:
MC save her Prince from Evil Overlady (that will repend), and the Prince will have to choose between MC or her companion (if playing as her companion)
The Bad Ending:
The Prince taking over the world and make the MC his first wife

After that the game is finished and it's up to the player to play for the After Story or not... (in here u can change player as Prince or the choosen MC)

After Story:
A month after The MC saved the Prince, she and all of her companion got kidnapped by the Evil Overlady. and up to Prince to save them
Special Ending:
Prince saved the MC and all of her companion (by outsexing the Evil Overlady), and gloriously build a harem
Really Bad Ending (if u messed up in Special Ending Playthrough):
The MC (if the gamers choose her as Yandere) have enough with the Prince and kill the other girl (including the Evil Overlady) and rape the Prince (until he died), after that the MC rule the World
Re: What do you guys want?

I don't suppose having a hot blonde female elf as one of the main characters would be too much?
Re: What do you guys want?

A Mc with small breasts that isn't considered a loli... :(

oh and sprite sex too.
Re: What do you guys want?

someting like ahegao,pregnancy,bestialyty,tentacle,egglaying,corruption too
with good storyline and characters!
i think about hot sexy big chested cowgirl or foxgirl!
with different talents and story line!
talent trainers too! :3
with mulltiple endings, like bad neutral and true ones
goal will be complete the story and dungeons!how about it? :eek: