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What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?
everything depends on the tool used to make the game.
Rpgmaker and wolf aren't imo suitable to develop a "Sprited" sexgame. Ofc there are many good sprited hrpg out there but the time required to develop them is in years scale.
(eg. every time you need to change a single sprite during combat you have to to check again every single variable hp,sp,damage,status,..shit)
It means that most of the times Act-Adv sprited games are better.
the future of spritesex is unity, and i guess j developers are still learning/perfectioning into unity coding that imo is really a complete tool than gamemaker.
eg. Darkstar
As a programmer, I don't think it's the tools that are the limiting factors. There's that one small made by someone... fuck.. I forgot where I got it. It's made in Wolf and shows that it's not really all that difficult to program.

RPG maker has simple animation tools as well for the overworld anyways... so sprite-sex is actually quite easy in RPG maker w/o knowing ruby.

Also... unity development is a bit of a doozy. Unity plays host to a multitude of libraries and isn't as consolidated as it looks. A lot of the actual "programming" is done in some parts of the interface while other parts are done in text. You also have to do your own memory management and the "level editor" isn't really designed for 2D games in mind. Now I'm not an expert on Unity... I've only made a small personal game in it (3d pong) so I can't say much on it, but I do know that the engine used to program games in general are not limiting factors.

Gamemaker, RPGMaker, and Unity all have their strong and weakpoints but none of them limit animation... the limit there is in the developers and their tastes or work ethic or time constraints.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

I think it makes more sense to show another window over the scene with a higher-res pixel art animation


Like in so many other cases, the answer to "how to do animated h-rpg sex shit right?" boils down to "be Violated Heroine".

As to why the number of games with such stuff is small and decreasing, an actual H-game maker would be better qualified to respond, but it's probably just too much hard work.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

I think it has more to do with a large amount of work for little pay-off. Sprite animation (or classic, 2D animation) is very hard to do. You have to make a new layer of pixels/drawing for each frame, and make sure that they move in an order to make realistic animation. Hentai games are still a niche market with most developers making little income (piracy, lack of poor marketing, limited distribution, etc.). CGs are just as tough to make, but I kind of think these are still easier to develop versus 2D animations.

Although I always wondered why 3D modeling hasn't taken over in this realm. Sure it is a pain to make and rig the paper dolls in 3D, but animation is a cake-walk. Just set some key-frames in a time-slot and move your paper-doll correctly, and you get some pretty fluid animations. Plus some of these animations could be repeated again with different models, so long as they have the same skeleton. But I'm not sure why hentai developers rarely touch into 3D and still stick to 2D CGs/animation. I imagine 2D animation is more expensive and difficult versus 3D animation.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs? Easy, it's demand.

Most Japanese devs who make sprite sex games make them because they themselves either like sprite sex or lack drawing skills. But what about those who don't mind either way and have drawing skills? If an all CG game still manage to make a really good profit, why go through the trouble?

We western players might want it (I too wouldn't mind seeing more) but until Japanese players start asking devs the same question we're not going to see an increase unless the dev themselves like it.

Now western games I would definitely like to see more sprite sex in! but hell, before I get that ambitious.....for now I'll ask that a higher % of them actually get finished (looking at you Warrior's Quest and UrbanxLife!!)
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

didnt even know there were any hentai rpgs with animations at all to begin with Oo
apart from violated heroine that does have sprite but its just pixel on pixel.
well in the sense of traditional japanese style h-rpgs that is, there are a few rpg-action style hentai rpgs I do know, most recently [ねこふぐり]女戦士監禁II which atm is one of the best hentai games I can name, it just needs translation, and well animations could be better but they are well good enough.
there was another one of note that was actually in 3D with a open world MMO style gameplay, tho dont remember the name in english much less japanese >_<

I run from non animated/and or pixelated games like the plague (and when I mean pixlated I dont mean parasite in city which is actually a acceptable kind of pixelated but the 1990's style kind of pixelated).
I see the point in people who are driven by story and or pretty pictures, but for me its just not enough when it comes to pr0n gaming, I need entertaining gameplay that contexts with hot sex.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs? Easy, it's demand.

Most Japanese devs who make sprite sex games make them because they themselves either like sprite sex or lack drawing skills. But what about those who don't mind either way and have drawing skills? If an all CG game still manage to make a really good profit, why go through the trouble?

We western players might want it (I too wouldn't mind seeing more) but until Japanese players start asking devs the same question we're not going to see an increase unless the dev themselves like it.

Now western games I would definitely like to see more sprite sex in! but hell, before I get that ambitious.....for now I'll ask that a higher % of them actually get finished (looking at you Warrior's Quest and UrbanxLife!!)

it's probably the writing that sells those games in the japanese ones, which would explain how even the shitty custom girl ROR games sold 3k copies
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

the answer to everything is that animation takes a lot longer when you have a small team, and it's even worse if you are a one-man developer.

standard quality cg (average artist):2-4 hours
and you can add text for narrative without bothering the visual

standard quality animation (average animator): 4-6 hours
text becomes less needed since the animation should convey what is happening in scenes

high quality cg:4+hours

high quality animation: don't even bother counting since it's a lot

and as more enemies or scenes you add the bigger the total time spent you must work gets, so overall making cg based games is way less time consuming and as a indie developer time is your biggest resource.

aaand no, speeding an animation isn't the way to do things for animation stages, they always look crappy as hell, like the ones in hounds of the blade or most ACT games... that is not proper animation.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

Make a high quality animation is hard. For CG you can draw everything you like; Body parts, H-pose, hair style, cream effect. But for animation, you have to plan everything before draw. Which body parts will move or bounce. Which pose which angle is easy to make it movement and no need to draw new part(when frame change) for less work. Maybe the hardest parts are girl hair movement and boobs bouncing. Then connect parts like shoulders,elbows,knees. And if you not planned to draw body parts good enough or not enough frames. It will look creepy compare to CG and your long times of work will go in vain :( And for programmer; it can make more coding work and main important is game size. If 1 CG take 1 mb. High animation will take 10 mb+ depend to how many frames you make.
Especially for H-RPG, The text can cover story and movement. And sprite-sex not do much with gameplay. So not enough reason to multiply 3 or more times of work for it. Even some 100-200 pixels h-sprite can take more work than CG.:p
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Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

I've had in mind that the devs got kind of lazy, and I do realise that spriting is very hard work, I've tried it, but I wasted 3 hours doing one god-damn animation. And it turned out terrible.. I actually like Violated Heroine due to the game being fun to play, very interactive, lots of h-events (Sprite-sex, the animated CG overlay and shit), and the game isn't even finished yet. That's why I'm worrying about these kind of games. They shouldn't die just because of poor demand, or something like that. But, reality sucks, and this "genre" will probably fade away. More and more platformer/sidescroller games that feature sprite-sex are coming out, and the chances of survival are pretty vague. But, the good fact is that act games are pretty fun, and arousing too. Due to them being full of animations, even still HQ CGs.

I will hope for the best.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

Like in so many other cases, the answer to "how to do animated h-rpg sex shit right?" boils down to "be Violated Heroine".

I think it had the right idea, but the execution wasn't as good as it could have been. There were only a small number of animations, and while they were decent, they were intentionally generic so that they could be re-used for most scenes. Not because they weren't skilled enough to make unique content for every scene, but because they were still working with viability in mind, and focusing on the scope of the project in it's entirety. (such as alternative scenes based on stats, which was awesome). I think the same format, with some generic close up animations, but also more unique animations (maybe smaller res, fighting game sized sprites instead of pixel art CGs) would be ideal.

*sigh*...I can't wait to make a zelda/VH style game at some point -___-
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Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

*sigh*...I can't wait to make a zelda/VH style game at some point -___-

A Kyrieu Zelda-like?

I am all for that!

As for the lack of sprite-sex RPGs...

Honestly, the style of RPG maker style JRPGs simply lends itself less readily to it than action games and platformers. The sprites tend to be pretty minimalistic to begin with, and make up for it with more detailed portraits and CGs.

A way to make it work, might be to have 2d animated sprite work along the lines of what you might see in a game like fairy fighting, used within an animated sprite -based battle presentation like you see in some of those side-view RPG battle systems. Animated battlers is a lot of work though, and it seems few animators with the skill to pull it off well are interested in using those skills to make RPGs.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

Well from what I heard you can only use 1200 sprite art pieces per year, and since it's a new year the quota resets itself, so we should see some more in the coming months. :D
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

It's harder and requires more time. Take a look at how many h "games" there are where the cg in a scene barely differs.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

Weren't they all pretty rare to begin with? All I can think of right now is Marionette of Labyrinth
I dunno about VH and Ryona-RPG; They both focus on the CG on the side which is pixelated, but still just a CG; the minor animation on the screen is not worth of note, to me at least

Well I guess its just that Sprites fit better into platformers/brawlers/younameit because of the perspective. MariLabi handled the perspective pretty well, but is the only instance I can think of where it worked out. Other RPGs that have it implemented only made it look like an afterthought.

Also RPGs are waaaay easier to make than proper platformers, and good animations are waaaay harder to make than good CGs. Maybe theres a correlation?

Also MilQue II is a thing thats coming up
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

Personally, I don't think animation is that important for RPGs. It's actually perfectly fine to just have CG overlays on the screen that meshes with the normal gameplay. I just dislike the concept of cutting to full screen CGs as the main form of H-content delivery. Its not as immersive and it tends to feel "lazy".

Now for platformers and similar action games, animated sprite sex is 100% ideal. If CGs are the main way to show H-content in those types of games, then it's almost always a disappointment.

It's all about having H-content that's well integrated into gameplay. That's always sexier and it makes a better *game*.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

*sigh*...I can't wait to make a zelda/VH style game at some point -___-

Calm down, Kyrieru. Your wanderlust is boiling.

And animations at smaller scales usually allow for reuse of assets. Create the girl's position, and then match the guy's position to it. Vita Great Escape is an example of this. Much of Vita's sprites are reused by different enemies, with minor changes, but the effect is still SUPERB.

CG reuse is generally something along the ways of Princess Sacrifice: you have a base body, and you add the effects (penises) to it, or overlap clothing. Can do the same thing with RPG overworld sprites, you just have to make a larger sprite.

The thing is, everyone wants to use stock RPG maker sprite sizes because it's EASY to turn a quick buck when you don't have to make your own resources. A game like Monster Hunter I & II buck this by making sprite sex using larger sprites. The old RPG Maker XP sprites were much better with what they could do, as evidenced by the guy that made all of the sex animations using the blank character templates, and then they Chinese guy that made Ring of Lust using them.
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

Also RPGs are waaaay easier to make than proper platformers, and good animations are waaaay harder to make than good CGs. Maybe theres a correlation?

And you are waaaay over-generalizing here. The standard platformer has about 6-10 enemies with 1-2 animations and a few levels. I'd say that's on par with the standard RPG using mostly cookie cutter tilesets and sprites, but custom CGs.

A quality RPG is NOT waaaay easier to make than a platformer. If you think it is, then you should make one. I mean, with the lack of English games out there, you could make a good amount of money (it's waaaay easy, remember?).
Re: What happened to sprite sex H-RPGs?

YummyTiger is a good game dev that is way too confrontational. It is all a matter of preference, YT. It is like choosing a piano or a guitar. Some people just handle instruments with varying degrees of ease.

EDIT: That post read in a different tone than I intended. When I said your name, I was facing you, talking to you in an odd third to second person manner. I'm a strange one.

But it still stands, that RPGs are different than Platformers. With RPGs you have a tool that pretty much lays out your programming for you. I have yet to see a free, cheap, or ninja-able method of doing the same for platformers. One has to code collision data before they even think about their pixel art skills. Which, if you don't want to be one of those on DLSite that charges for default stuff, you'll have to consider for RPG's too.
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