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What is Lost (Kathy)

Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

Sable sets off down the road, the dog happily bounding around now that it has found a new friend. When they get near the town, however, the dog stops, and raises its head, as if its seen or heard something. It walks over to Sable and stays next to her, its head lowered and its tail between its legs.

Suddenly, it lets out a growl, and turns its head to their left. Following its gaze, Sable spots something moving in the bushes on the side of the road.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable laughs softly and pets her companion, whispering down at the canine friend, "good find girl, I might've missed that."

She holds her gun at a readied position, though not taking direct aim at the target yet, and calls out in a polite, gentle voice, "Pardon me! You in there. Come on out please, I just want to know if you're friend or foe... or at least neutral. I'd like to talk a bit if you're willing, I'm looking for someone, maybe you've... you know, I don't like talking to the bushes..."
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

The dog only whines louder, and cowers behind Sable as a walking nightmare steps out of the bush. The creature walks on six spindly legs, like a gigantic insect, and its back is covered in tentacles, all of them with different tips. The tentacled horror advances toward her, seemingly oblivious of the gun she had pointed at it.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

"Huh. Well you don't see that everyday." Sable muttered out, her mouth left agape in disbelief at what was approaching her, while she slowly backed away from it, trying not to trip on her canine companion as she did.

Her hands went up and though her gun was drawn, the first thing that came to mind was a spell, "Sho-... no... I don't want to kill the thing before I even know what it is... darnit..."

"Create s... no that's no good... What if I charge my a... shit leather... knew I should've brought the chainmail... Oh how about..." Sable's mind raced and in seconds of self rambling, she had decided, crouching back to cover her companion's eyes.

"Blinding Light" (Light Spell, level 2.)

She envisioned the bolt of raw light to be streaking through the air right past the creature's face, completely harmless in terms of physical injury, but able to leave the creature unable to see, and with any luck on her side, temporarily unable to track her, so she and her canine friend could quietly escape without the need for a fight.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 34/37

Casting: 17 + 21 + 3 = 41 vs 10 = Success.
Mind vs Mind: 3 + 4 = 7 vs 17 + 42 + 3 = 62 == Sable wins.

Sables flash of blinding light takes the creature by surprise, and it emits a howl as its eyes are rendered temporarily useless. The dog doesn't move, so Sable is easily able to prevent it from being blinded by her spell. The creatures tentacles begin to thrash around violently in all directions, seemingly random.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable grins at her pet and strokes her companion a few times as she quietly urges the dog away from the beast. "shhh."

Quietly leading the dog by the scruff of her neck, Sable attempts to get some distance between herself and the thrashing creature, more swiftly, at first, but if she can manage a safe buffer zone, she would slow again. This kind of rare opportunity was not something to be passed up. An unknown creature, likely something from the rift over the town, blinded and easily left for study.

"Sit girl. Stay." She'd try to order her dog in a hushed voice when they were at a safe distance, before starting to examine the creature from afar.

'Tentacled insectoid. Hard external skeletal structure confirms its nature, though those flailing limbs... I've never seen anything like them before... I wonder what it uses them for...'

(Actions: Get out of melee range of the creature, and examine it.

Reasoning: Since this is her first unusual encounter, she's curious about what it is, not to mention those tentacles, as very few land animals have such things. So these are the pieces of information she's focusing on.)
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 34/37

Stealth: Success.

Sable easily leads the dog a safe distance away, though the beast continues to cower. She is allowed a good view of the tentacled horror as it blindly flails its many appendages in various directions.

Every one of the beasts thirty or so tentacles seems to have a different tip, all of them dangerous looking with blades and spikes, with the exception of a few which seem to be just plane tentacles with rounded heads on them. Its skin looks more like a lizards hide than an insects exoskeleton, and its six long legs end in pads rather than claws, suggesting that the thing isn't very mobile. It's tentacles seem to have quite long range, some going up to twenty feet away from the creature.

The creature actually looks more engineered than naturally evolved.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable had seen creatures like this before.... Sort of...

"Corruptive Magics... strange ones. This isn't just a fluke. Someone is causing this..." She pets her companion a few more times and looks at the creature, shaking her head slowly.

"I regret that this was done to you, but you are naught but a creature of evil now. Even should I let you live, you would only attack others."

Sable begins preparing another spell, whispering and chanting her runes of power while the energy builds up. "I hope that this spell is enough to grant you a quick and painless death."

Her palm opens towards the beast and crackles of white energy rebelliously course back across her body, as like a bolt of lightning from the sky, dozens of strands of energy arc out from her hand, seeking anything to assault, to latch onto and release their massive store of energy onto, her control of the energies attempting to send the entire stream all upon the blinded creature at once...

'Lightning' (Lightning Spell, level 4)
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 25/37

Casting: 6 + 21 + 8 + 3 = 38 vs 20 = Success.
To-hit: 12 + 42 + 3 = 57 vs 25 = hit.
Damage: 11 + 2 = 13 x 21 = Lots.

Sables lightning bolt strikes the demon, burning the monster to ashes before it can even release another cry.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable bows her head slightly and approaches the mess, whispering a prayer for the creature before turning and heading towards the city, "Look at me... all this fear for my master is making me soft. I did that poor creature a favor and I still ..." She shook her head again as she called off to her new pet, "Come along. If you're going to stay with me, best keep up and not cause a fuss. At least you've proven yourself of some use."

(Sable continues towards the city.)
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

The dog whimpers and nuzzles against Sable as she muses, and follows her down the road as she continues toward Artmirst.

After another ten minutes or so, Sable finds herself on the edge of the town proper. all of the nearby buildings seem deserted, and she can find no sign of her master in the area. The main road continues on, and she can spot numerous side streets going in various directions.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable looks past deserted streets in every direction and continues past without thinking to stop. She knew she had to find some of the other adventurers that would undoubtedly be drawn here, and started towards the center of town, trying to judge how large the place would be.

"Maybe... if I re-open a local tavern. They might still have some supplies. And I could re-enforce the place for security. Adventurers always want a safe place to bunker down for the night..."

On guard, Sable continues to hold her gun at the ready as she heads deeper into the town, keeping an eye out for buildings that could make defensive positions, as well as any taverns or bars that didn't look like they were too badly ransacked.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

Perception: Success.

Sable walks down the city street, the dog following around at her heels. They walk for a while, passing a few taverns which had all had their doors ripped off. Eventually, she finds one with its door undamaged, right where the road split toward the factory district and heading toward the river. She also spotted something moving in the building, and she distinctly saw that it looked almost like a large flower.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

"This could be something..." Sable said with a faint smile. Though a ripped off door was nothing terrible to worry about, it would be quick and easy enough to replace, but rather the location of this tavern seemed to draw her attention.

"I can see the city's manufacturing area down there. Which means the market can't be more than a stone's throw away. And if the river is right there... often cities like this were built central around the river. I must be almost at the center of town already..." she began to reason to herself. "... no, I cannot make assumptions like that so hastily. There's mines nearby and that changes things... I very well could have passed the town's center. Or it could still be much further off..."

Sable was aware of the flower in the building, but not particularly worried about it since she had no intention of running inside to do battle with living flowers just yet. Instead, her task was a far simpler one.

A few whispered words of another spell is what came to her next. She slowly walked around the tavern and checked what building was the tallest nearby (assumedly the tavern in this case, though if it isn't, she uses the tallest nearby building).

'Entangling Plants' (Nature, level 2)

Standing beside the building, Sable closed her eyes gently and leaned back into the vines that came gently out of the ground, "Here girl. Hop up!" she called at her dog companion with a giggle as the vines began to caress her body, a few of them slipping into her armor and rubbing along her legs and lightly across her back.

(Edit to add OOC: I hope I'm not taking too much leeway with spell buildup during casting. I automatically assume spells effects will try to go off and simply fail if my roll ever dipped too low, such as my lightning crackling out and not striking the plant, or my vines merely stopping moving suddenly after I just barely got them under my control, to cite a couple examples. And in many cases, I don't have a fail chance, at least in theory.)
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Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 34/37

Casting: 13 + 21 + 8 + 3 = 45 vs 10 = Success.

The vines come to the cat girls call, and after some coaxing so does the dog. The nearest tall building is the tavern, and so Sable stands against that as the vines wrap around her securely.

(Disclaimer: Creative use of spells is encouraged. Any descriptions of spellcasting are left entirely up to the caster to provide. Descriptions of spell failure are left entirely up to the GM to provide at time of rape-age.)
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable giggled happily and pet her canine friend, "Up we go. Hold on tight... so to speak."

She sent the length of vines up the side of the wall and let several latch on to the firm support at the top, with a few more reinforcing it down at the bottom, just to make sure the thing wouldn't give out as she reached up and began to climb.

The long, thick vines made for easy handholds and footholds, as the ones caressing her thighs and rubbing down her back held firmly enough that even if she were to let go, it would probably hold her entirely on its own, or at very worst lessen any impact of falling to be a harmless tussle in the dirt.

She quickly made short work of scaling the building thanks to her spell, and took a moment to expand the vines across a small area of the roof, making sure it would hold her weight as she briskly hopped up, looking over the area with a wide smile.

"This... is quite the town..." she mused to herself while idly petting her dog.

'Minor Buff, Perception' (Nature, Level 1)

Improving on her already keen eyesight, Sable took the time to quietly scour the city from her vantage point, taking in the sights. The market, the river, how far into the town she was, and anything else she could spot that seemed like a fair landmark or other noteworthy occurance.

Not that she'd be able to remember the whole town, or draw a map with this quick search, but just knowing where a few landmarks are would be helpful in her search for her master, and standing there in the morning sun, with the wind in her face, felt refreshing... Even if there was a strangeness in the sky around her.

(Keep plants active to protect her and her dog from falling, hold buff while searching.)
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 33/37

(The roof is mostly flat. Also, not rolling the cast for a level 1 spell.)

Sable has little trouble reaching the roof with the aid of her magical vines, and finds that the slope of the taverns roof is just enough to let rainwater flow off, and that both she and the dog could easily stand on it without aid.

Looking out with her magically enhanced eyes, Sable is easily able to see the factories off in the distance, along with a strange dark glow from somewhere inside the factory district. She is also able to see the river off to her left, and the lone mountain just past it.

"Quite a view, is it not?" Says a voice from behind her, causing both her and the dog to start.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable whinced inwardly at the voice behind her having caught her offguard, even with her improved senses, though she tried to keep her outward appearance calm, crouching down and petting her canine friend without looking back at whoever was speaking to her yet.

She had to keep her composure, telling herself to remain firm.

"Shh, it's okay girl." she said to her dog, loudly enough the figure would hear, while she turned with a smile to see the source of the voice.

"It is a wonderful view. I'm not quite sure what to make of some of it though. Like that strange glow out that way..." She gave a playful hesitation, canting her head to one side before continuing, "Saaay, you wouldn't happen to have a map of the area, would you? Or maybe have a few contacts out there that could try to find someone I've come looking for, would you?"

Though she was still in control of the vines, she kept them all nearby, not letting them leave her side yet... Nor would she give up her enhanced senses, not making a show of it, but looking around passingly so she could, hopefully, avoid having more figures sneak up on her, while watching the voice.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 31/37

The voice turns out to be a man sitting on the taverns chimney, his legs crossed. His entire form is covered in black, including his face which had a black mask with reflective lenses at the eyes. A sword hangs from his belt in a battered green scabbard, and his hands are covered in black steel gauntlets.

"Surely you can figure out what that glow is, little slave? And there are many mas of this town, scattered around. You need only know where to look. I have no use for them, so I do not have any. And if you came here looking for someone, all I might say is that you will not like what you find. None who were here before the demons came is anything close to what they were before, once the corruption took hold." He replies, his voice hoarse and gravely.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Just seeing the man brought relief to Sable as her forced smile slowly relaxed into a calm, but still guarded expression.

"I would assume the best place to find a map would be at the market. Perhaps the town actually had a full time mapmaker, for new miners? Ah, but I must be boring you with my needs..." She politely took half a step closer and knelt down on the roof, not wanting to be too aggressive, nor too stand-offish for the man, or for her own tastes.

"I've heard of the demons, and the corruption. Sadly, that is why I think I am here... I'm sure you must've seen other would-be adventurers out and about the town by now if you spotted me so quickly. You see... my... oh there's no denying it. My Master is one of those adventuring types. Wonderful really, but very stubborn and loves getting in bad situations without thinking. So I have come to lend what aid I can, as always... Though I am slightly bothered by the eagerness in which my master left, to have not mentioned a destination... but as this is the biggest thing going on in a dozen kingdoms, it wasn't hard to guess my master would be here somewhere."

She bowed from her kneeling position again, "I am deeply sorry for any losses you may have had in this town, as it sounds like you knew the area before... this... happened..."