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What is Lost (Kathy)

Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 31/37

The dark man remains silent as Sable talks, not moving an inch or making even the slightest sound. When she finishes, he suddenly bursts out into loud laughter, his head tilting back and his chest bobbing up and down as the sound carries across the town.

When he finishes, he looks back down at Sable, and says; "You truly don't understand much, do you, little one? If your master was here before this, he is worse than dead. If he came here seeking fortune, he is likely dead, or perhaps taken through the portal to be fed to something. If he's really lucky, they took him and gave him to the succubi, who by now would have torn his soul into so many pieces that he'd be little more than a mindless slave. And this town meant nothing to me, or any of my kind. We, myself included, came for an easy meal. Vultures picking at a corpse while the ants like you rush to beat the maggots to the juiciest parts of the corpse."

The man stands, and it is then that Sable realizes that he is incredibly tall, easily passing eight feet, and continues; "If you would look for your master, you would be best served to search around the portal. Perhaps something there caught him and is toying with him before it drags him to hell."
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable growled softly at him as he spoke, her claws unsheathed and raking through her fur in an angry motion, though her training would never allow her to attack in such a crude way unless she was utterly disarmed.

'No.. shh. calm down...' she told herself, wriggling around enough for her bristled up fur to flatten once more.

"Sir, I do appreciate your honesty, but my master is not a weak individual. And might I ask what, exactly, you are then, that you come to feed off of the weakened ones here?"

The suggestion that there was a portal and not just some deranged wizard corrupting the land opened a lot of new possibilities, but she was not worried for her master yet.

Instead, she was slightly concerned for herself, bleeding off her magical energies to hold spells that were of no immediate use to her. While she spoke with the man, she brought her vines to a final resting place, so that her and her dog could easily scale down them, before releasing the spell, and searched the area once more briskly before dropping her perception as well. It would not do to be caught in a fight at half power, after all.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 31/37

"I have not come for the weak ones, their souls are worth too little. I am here for the bigger prey. Your kind would call me a daemon." The man replies as Sable drops her spells.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

"A daemon hm? And that makes you from the portal? And what makes you different from the demons roaming around that you suggested a moment ago I would need to kill to rescue my master?"

She had a slightly bemused look as she remained kneeling and smiling up at the towering man.

"And do your bold words mean that you would assist an innocent little girl such as myself would I come across a big, bad, nasty evil creature?" She asked in her cutest 'innocent flirt' manner, batting her eyes at him cutely, "After all, if there's something out there big enough that I can't handle it, then wouldn't that be exactly the kind of prey you're looking for? Or am I far too weak to matter too?"
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 31/37

"I am not from the portal, I merely came when it opened to kill the demons that came through it. The demons are living beings, just as you or that dog. I am not." The daemon replies.

"Most of the things too much for a mortal to handle here are what I hunt for, so I suppose theoretically, yes." The daemon continues, apparently not affected by her flirtations.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable gave a slow nod as she stood up and looked the figure over, "An undead, of sorts, I would assume? Or a construct? .. hm, or maybe I just can't comprehend what you're implying. I must admit from my studies of magic, many things are over our heads."

She bowed politely to the figure and smiled, "Regardless. I have a purpose here... and you seem to have a purpose here as well... So perhaps we should... form a truce? Perhaps a partnership? Anything that is too powerful for me to handle might be something you enjoy hunting. So it's a fair trade off... I give you powerful prey, and you get me out of a tight spot if anything truly powerful comes to harass me?"

The catgirl reached her hand out towards him in the gesture of a handshake. "I won't hold it against you if you decline. But it couldn't hurt to use my own search as bait for your prey. Am I wrong?"
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 32/37

"You truly were never taught of my kind were you? A form of undead would be the closest of your guesses, though the form you currently look upon is a construct." The daemon replies. He doesn't move as he speaks, and Sable gets the impression that the mask IS his face, rather than something covering it.

To her offer, the daemon replies; "I am not interested in partnership, though I will give you the same offer I give to most mortals I encounter. All you must do should you encounter any being of great power is say my name, and I will do the rest." The daemon doesn't take her offered hand, his right hand resting on the hilt of his sword while his left hangs limp.
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Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable bows softly once more and smiles, "Sir, you may not consider it thus, but were you to ever assist me in a time of need, I would consider you a hero."

She walks closer and leans in curiously, "If that is what you shall do, then I must ask you two things. First, is what name shall I call? And second... why offer such a thing?"
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 32/37

The daemon laughs, and replies; "Matthias. I offer it because you might stumble across the creature that opened the portal. I want to eat it."
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

"Matthias." Sable repeated, bowing lightly, "I offer my name, but I doubt you'd care... I am Sable, regardless. If I should come across whatever has created the portal, I can promise you, I have no desire to eat the thing... and something tells me that after devouring whatever is causing this, you're likely to be on your way in search of something better to do with your time, rather than toying around with this nowhere town anymore than it's already been bothered."

Sable reached out gently and attempted to poke at his chest lightly, still more curiously than actually to make any kind of point with her gesture, she was genuinely interested in what kind of a creature she was dealing with now, "As your intentions seem pure, I promise I will take whatever steps I can to find the source of this for you. As long as it does not interfere with my own goals, of course."
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 32/37

Poking him feels like poking a smooth stone wall, even though his clothes ripple in the wind. "Appreciated, Sable. Indeed, I'll likely be on my way once the portal is gone and the demons are destroyed. Until then, here I will be."
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable gives a happy squeak that he let her touch him, "Well I do hope you'd at least consider visiting afterwards then. Mmh, thanks for the tips though. I'll finish scouting, then head to check near that portal."

She quietly rushed to the edges of the building and continued her scouting, mentally taking in the area once more so she was sure of where she wanted to go while her magical energy recovered.

Once she'd taken the time to fully recover herself, she'd call her dog over and hop into the vines that were there, already prepared for her descent, she climbed down briskly and yelled up one final time before leaving, "Hey Matthias! If you do happen to see any other Su-Ku-Ta... can you just casually mention Sable is looking for her master, and is worried?... It's okay... if you don't... but if you find Master... just tell..." she fidgeted a bit, blushing and looking down, "Just tell that Sable misses her Master... and that I'll be trying to re-open one of the taverns near the center of town... so... that's... where I'll be."

She turned sharply and began to run away, or perhaps not run away, but rather running towards her goal, heading to where she'd seen the portal shimmering at.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

"Very well." The daemon says, and suddenly his eyes flash red, and he says; "There is something I must take care of. Farewell, Sable." And he lowers to a crouch, and then vaults up and away, jumping away and toward another part of the town, though sable notes that it seems to be in the direction of the docks.

Sable has little trouble getting herself and the dog down the vines, and takes off down the road toward where she thought the portal was, the dog by her side. She is brought to a halt, however, before she even gets past the edge of the tavern, as the moving flower she'd seen inside appears right in front of her face.

To-hit: 7 + 30 = 37 vs 34 = hit.
Mind vs Body: 1 + 42 + 3 = 46 vs 11 + 30 = 41 == Sable wins.

The plant sprays a strange pollen into her face before she is able to react, and suddenly Sable finds herself extremely horny, but she has the presence of mind to not become mindlessly so.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Caught offguard after her conversation with Matthias, Sable felt the blast of pollen in her face, growling and bearing her claws as she begins to fumble for her gun, the powerful feeling of the plant starts to almost overwhelm her, and though she keeps her focus, she finds herself moaning as wetness drools between her legs, "oh.. wha..what th..."

Fumbling with her gun while pulling her legs together tightly, she closes her eyes and reaches out with her energy, trying to feel if this was the work of some demon, or just a corrupted plant, hoping that this unfortunate encounter would be simple enough for her to contend with and not something more fearsome.

The only thing she could try to do against the thing that had just attacked her was grab at the flower that just sprayed her, frantically trying to hold it off from spraying her again.

(Attempt to grapple plant while looking for other enemies if possible.)
(What causes corruption?)
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

(Contact with demons, or corruptive energies generated by them. Plants, Beasts, and Fey cause no corruption.)

Perception: Success.

Reaching out with her senses, Sable determines that it is in fact nothing more than a corrupted plant, the source of which is in the tavern. There don't seem to be any other enemies nearby.

Grapple: 9 + 20 + 3 = 32 vs 15 = Success.

Sable is easily able to grab onto the flower of the plant, and the thing wriggles wildly, trying to spew her in the face again.

Grapple: 4 + 30 = 34 vs 5 + 20 + 3 = 28 == Enemy wins.
Mind vs Body: 12 + 42 + 3 = 54 vs 5 + 30 = 35 == Sable wins.

Sable gets another blast of pollen in the face, but she is again able to resist the brunt of its effects.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable lets out a helpless moan as her pussy grows wetter, the second blast causing her to drop her gun entirely as she can barely keep herself from stripping bare and rubbing herself wildly.

"Magic... spell... anything..." she moans out weakly, unable to think, the only spell that came to mind was the last ones she'd just cast, "uuurgh... perception won't help, I've got the fucking plant in my hands..."

'en...ent...oooh gods... entangling plants...' (Nature, Level 2)

She honestly wasn't sure what would happen, casting entangling plants on a plant... would she merely gain control of the creature? Would more roots come out and grapple with the thing to hold it against its seeming will?

Sable didn't care how the spell would affect this creature, as long as it did something to help her situation. It was taking all of her willpower not to strip herself nude on the spot for this thing, and the longer she breathed in that potent pollen, the more she felt like that wouldn't be such a bad idea.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 34/37

Casting: 10 + 21 + 8 + 3 - 4 = 38 vs 10 = Success.
Mind + 4 vs Body: 6 + 42 + 3 = 51 vs 5 + 30 = 35 == Sable wins.

At her command, roots reach up from the ground and wrap around the flower and the tendril connecting it to the main body of the plant, tearing it from Sables grasp. It struggles, but the roots hold it firmly to the ground.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable slumps to the ground after the plant was pinned, moaning hard as she undid her armor, stripping bare as quickly as she could, only barely regaining her senses after she was standing there nude, blinking a few times, she blushed darkly, and turned back to the door, quickly calling her canine friend closer, "c..come here girl... let's... stay in here for a bit... it's...s..safe enough..." she tried to say reassuringly, and closing the door as soon as she could to keep this rather undignified turn of events inside.

"g..go lay down girl... I've got business to attend to..." she whispered to her dog to encourage the animal to remain calm and rest somewhere, while quietly keeping an eye on the plants she'd pinned, using her spell to keep it restrained and at a safe distance.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 33/37

Mind + 4 vs Body: 9 + 42 + 3 = 54 vs 20 + 30 = 50 == Sable wins.

Sables vines hold the flower as she strips naked, her clothing falling around her ankles. Her nipples are stone hard and her pussy is soaking wet, and she can't help but subconsciously touch herself a little as she leads the dog into the tavern. Inside the main room of the tavern, she is surprised to find that a large plant is growing in the center of the room. It almost looks like a large mushroom with a long stamen coming from the top, the stamen coming a foot above the plant and emitting a strange blue fluid. As she breathes in, Sable smells the the sweet liquid, and feels the urge to go over and lick some of it off the plants stamen, though she still retains the presence of mind to resist.

The dog whimpers, though more in confusion than fear. It hesitates, but heads off to a corner and lies down, putting its head on its paws.
Re: What is Lost (Kathy)

Sable closed her eyes as she felt her fingers slipping into her wet folds, nearly falling to her knees. "oh. OOh. oh.." A couple fingers traced up her body, pinching at her nipples lightly, and mating instinct was starting to take over, dropping to all fours and bounding towards the thing's center, she brought her face towards it and sniffed a few times, straining to keep her own vines under control, moving them along with her to keep this strange plant at bay.

Her nose touched to the blue goo as she sniffed at it lightly, and her tongue darted out almost licking at it before she could stop herself, a pleasured moan escaping her lips, "what are you..."

She restrained herself at the last instant, shaking free of her mating haze and panting hard as she threw herself backwards, panting hard, "nh.no..dan..dangerous... pla...plant... I need a spell... something... but... I want to study it... this.. plant.. this... fungus..."

Her mind registered its fungus-like shape, and a spell came to mind...

'Extreme Cold...' her mind whispered, remembering to keep her dog and herself protected. (Cold, Level 3)

'I can force it into hibernation and study it at my leisure...' she thought to herself, purring loudly at her own cleverness... or perhaps at the way her fingers were pumping in and out of her folds... she wasn't entirely sure which anymore.