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Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

N 8 vs 21
T 16 vs 16
N 7 vs 14
T 1 vs 4
N 10 vs 7

After a moments of struggling, Natalie manages to throw the tentacle off. Meanwhile, a slime girl has appeared from the roadside and is looking at Natalie curiously.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie curses down at the fallen tentacle for several moments, scowling and not immediately noticing the slime girl watching. When she does, her back straightens, and she looks surprised for a moment before she adopts a friendly smile. "Hello!" She calls out, and waves. If the slime doesn't react by attacking or fleeing, she climbs down off of the cart and takes an experimental step toward it. "Can you... Understand me?" She continued, pausing.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The indigo slime girl seems amused and moves closer, though leaving a good few steps between the two. "Hi. Yes, I can understand you. Why are you wearing such clothes? They look...different from most people's."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie is visibly relieved to hear the slime speak back, and lets out a light sigh. Returning the slime's amused look, Natalie "My clothes? Oh, they're just something I made to wear while I was working. My name is Natalie! What's yours?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The slime girl looks suspicious, and it's legs start to melt, making it shorter. "I'm called Indigo."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie looks confused briefly as Indigo seems to shrink herself, but then smiles as she says; "It's nice to meet you Indigo! How are you doing today? You wouldn't happen to be busy, would you? There's something that I think you can help me with. I'd certainly see about rewarding you if you agreed to help me out!"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Indigo doesn't look any less suspicious. "I'm looking for a meal. As for helping you...that depends what you mean by that and what you're offering for a reward."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"A meal? I'm sure I could get something for you... What do slimes eat anyway? All I had to do was bring a slime back to the lab, I'm not actually sure what he wants to do with you, but he said that if I could get one to come willingly it would be best, so I'm sure you won't be hurt at all in the process!" Natalie replies, smiling in a friendly manner. She actually wasn't sure what the doctor had planned for the slime she caught, but she couldn't let Indigo know that if she wanted the slime to agree to coming with her.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Indigo seems somewhat less suspicious. "You don't even know what you're asking for? Hmm. Never mind the meal. I'll come with you if I can try out your clothes. We can talk about the price for what I need to do when I know what it is. Deal?"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"Try... Try out my clothes? What do you mean by that? You mean wear them? I suppose I wouldn't mind that too much, I do have an extra outfit or two lying around back home." Natalie replies, and then pauses a moment before nodding and saying; "Deal!"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Indigo smiled, her shape becoming closer to Natalie's. "Well, take them off."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Taken aback, Natalie sputters in response; "What, right here? But we're in the... We're right out in the open! I can't let you try them on here! When we get back!"
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Indigo tilts her head, looking confused: "Why not? It's a warm day. I don't think you'll get cold, and I only want them for a little while."
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"But.. But... I can't just... Just walk around naked.... People will see!" Natalie replies. She bites her lip and glances around, trying to see if anyone else was around them.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"That...bothers you? You humans are weird. I only want to try them on for a little while. They look so pretty!" Indigo says, moving as if to touch the fabric with almost pleading look in her eyes.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Still biting her lip, Natalie looks back to the slime for a moment and sighs. They seemed to be alone, at least, so it wasn't like anyone else would see her.... Except for the slime, but Natalie wasn't really sure if she ought to care about that. The slime was nude all the time, after all, and she thought the idea of wearing clothes was odd, so.... "Fine... But you have to give them back to me before we go back, okay! I don't get them dirty or anything." She said, and then slowly removed her dress, blushing brightly as she was left in nothing but her underwear.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Indigo watches eagerly as Natalie strips and takes the clothes carefully, then clumsily trying to put them on and not oozing on them at the same time. In the end she succeeded with or without help from Natalie. Looking at herself and moving around for a bit, the slime girl looks quite pleased. Finally she sights and oozes out of the clothes, giving them back to Natalie and helping her put them on. Though they're slightly moist in places, there are no stains. "You've kept your part so far. Let's go." the slime says, climbing onto the cart.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

Natalie helped Indigo try on her dress when the slime seemed to have some trouble with it, and then glances around constantly as Indigo tried the garment out, clutching at herself and waiting for the slime girl to finish. When she did, Natalie accepted the return of her clothing with a sigh of relief, and quickly got dressed again. Feeling the wet spots, she just pursed her lips, glad at least that there weren't any stains on it. "Okay!" She said, and climbed up beside Indigo, quickly turning the horse about and setting off back toward the castle.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

The trip back to the castle is uneventful but slow, and it is already quite late in the afternoon as the pair arrives to the castle. The castle gates are still open, and as the pair drives in, one of the guards comes to take care of the horse and the cart, giving an odd look to Natalie, but without saying anything. "So...what do we do here?" Indigo asks slightly nervously.
Re: Where a god goes, men can follow(natalie/Tassadar)

"We go and see the lord of the castle, of course! He's the one that sent me out to find a slime, after all. C'mon, this way!" Natalie replied, and led Indigo off back to the lab, knocking on the door and then entering immediately, saying; "Doctor, I found a slime! And she came here willingly, so long as we can agree on some sort of payment arrangement."